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EVE Online
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3s | hello i'm moderator joined by btt we've |
6s | got another exciting match in the lower |
8s | bracket here so x is choosing to bring |
11s | triple fleet typhoon double navy auger |
13s | magus blackbird for jams double thalius |
15s | skybreaker |
18s | what does odin cole have gone with |
20s | double lush armageddon double magus |
22s | double deacon double vaccine skybreaker |
25s | so it looks like exodus is going more |
27s | for rapid heavy kaity with the typhoons |
29s | where odin's call are doing this double |
32s | lifeshack armageddon we saw earlier with |
34s | the heavy set of newts in the highest |
36s | with the double new vexes in the lows as |
39s | well |
40s | yeah of note the armageddon and the |
42s | vectors are all full newt so no guns i'm |
44s | just going you know full utility trying |
47s | to uh shut things off maybe you know |
49s | turning off valio reps um you know |
51s | making it harder for say typhoons to |
54s | actually um you know inject and run |
57s | their boosters um of note though is that |
59s | blackbird that will be trying to get um |
62s | you know jams to break those little |
64s | shacks already we see that verdict is |
66s | going to be the primary from those uh |
67s | rapid heavies just clipping into them |
69s | auger navy's from xs streaming across |
72s | the field trying to run interference and |
74s | screen |
76s | yeah by the looks of it it looks like |
79s | exodus are trying to headshot the vexes |
81s | they see that they can kite out most of |
84s | everything else so they know if they |
86s | shoot this tackle that has those heavy |
87s | mutes they can lock everything down and |
89s | kite the rest of this much away |
92s | um i don't know if i like this from same |
94s | guy he's gone super deep and is really |
96s | separated from the rest of his team he |
98s | is not going to be getting any reps from |
100s | those thalias and we can already see |
102s | that the lashex have noticed he's out of |
104s | position and are pouncing on top of him |
107s | yeah he's just went a little bit too |
109s | deep he's held down now and everybody's |
111s | pouncing it looks like the rest of |
114s | exodus is pushing forward just to get in |
116s | range and try and pound damage on at |
117s | least something in that team |
120s | yeah so we can see that exodus is |
122s | choosing to go after the vexers we can |
124s | see a cloud of um replots on top of |
127s | hodor as bots are you know streaming |
129s | across to try to repair him same guy |
132s | might have even been a little bit of a |
134s | bait brick tank we can see that um he is |
136s | now holding as the folly is close to |
138s | range to repair and you know vexers just |
141s | don't have the same kind of armor buffer |
143s | as the auger navy |
146s | yet and they are going down it is |
148s | important thing to notice that uh exodus |
151s | are gambling on this navy augra they're |
154s | keeping all of their returns on the |
156s | blackbed they do not want anything to |
158s | headshot this blackbird because the |
160s | blackbed jamming the leshack stops the |
163s | spool and shuts down so much damage yeah |
165s | interesting though we can see that that |
167s | spool has not been broken and what is |
169s | broken the same guy as those le shacks |
171s | fully spool up meanwhile holder survives |
174s | into a sliver of structure though as he |
176s | just burned away and is comfortably |
178s | sitting with a cloud of rep drones um on |
180s | top of him exodus is going to want to |
182s | have to do something about that |
184s | eventually typhoon fleet issue is known |
187s | for having |
188s | utility high slots and they're using um |
190s | those high slots right now to nude out |
192s | uh a vexer of uh yoken yotsuba |
197s | hodor just stabilizing right now |
199s | meanwhile the magus of uh danny is |
203s | currently being primaried um |
205s | went going in a little deep |
207s | getting um tackled by the specter of |
210s | yokan |
211s | yeah exodus is just getting too |
213s | distracted by this vex said they need to |
216s | stop and pump their rapid heavy clip |
218s | into something else either shooting one |
219s | of the lesshax or the armageddon because |
221s | they're slowly starting to lose stuff |
224s | yeah i understand wanting to use um you |
226s | know your support core to get tackle and |
228s | run interference on things but exodus |
230s | has lost all of their links now that |
232s | that magus goes down and that's not a |
235s | good position they do finally drop that |
237s | vector that was in a sliver of armor but |
239s | verdict is now the primary and we see |
242s | that the shacks are both being able to |
244s | target him not being jammed at all |
247s | yeah it just looks like it's a matter of |
249s | time these thalias aren't going to keep |
251s | la shacks up |
253s | what do you think the typhoon fleet |
254s | issues are going to shoot next |
256s | yeah we can see that the typhoon fleet |
258s | issues are now deciding to you know |
260s | close to range and trying to make sure |
263s | that their heavy newts are getting on |
264s | things we see newts onto both of the |
266s | deacons um that would be vitonian double |
269s | newt uh typhoon fleet issue but verdict |
271s | is already so deep uh just being pinned |
273s | down by the auger is all gonna be |
276s | getting pinned down and |
278s | blackbird's just getting no jams at all |
281s | yeah it looks like they're getting mutes |
283s | onto these deacons to reduce the amount |
285s | of reps and then shoot something else i |
286s | really think in this situation you have |
288s | to go for the battleships because if you |
290s | manage to out dps race this while the |
293s | logistics are still alive you can win |
295s | this match by just having the larger |
297s | ships |
298s | i don't know though if exodus has enough |
300s | damage to break a shack at this point uh |
302s | without working through some of those |
303s | rupt drones or um dealing with the |
306s | deacons um they're trying to move things |
308s | out but sabotage um is taking an |
310s | appreciable amount of damage just |
312s | getting chunked i don't think he had |
314s | much in the way of uh buffer uh we can |
316s | see how just quickly he dropped i mean |
318s | the shacks aren't even spooled yet and |
320s | he's already getting just volleyed |
323s | yeah typhoon flite issues traditionally |
326s | are the kittier versions of this ship |
329s | they say if you want to go with the more |
331s | damage you go with something like uh |
333s | navy scorpions |
336s | so i don't know why they're brawling |
337s | with these |
339s | yeah and |
340s | i mean he just immediately drops that's |
342s | going to be a significant amount of |
343s | damage i mean we can see that the contr |
345s | the attack bars are roughly about even |
347s | but look at the defense bar for odin's |
349s | call it's just so much larger so much |
351s | girthier they just have so much more |
352s | buffer now um exo is choosing to try to |
355s | go for melinda uh but i mean there's |
357s | just a swarm of heavy drones on top of |
359s | him that are trying to be shot by mr |
361s | falcon's skybreaker but they're just not |
363s | clearing fast enough it's one frigate |
367s | yeah especially since they they lost a |
370s | lot of their low end with the navy ogres |
372s | could be used |
374s | to |
375s | um clear all these drones they could |
378s | stay at range not get close to the lash |
379s | axe and clear a lot of the small drones |
381s | but they went too deep they yellowed in |
384s | in a kite composition and i don't think |
386s | that was what was optimal |
389s | i mean they thought they needed to play |
390s | we can see that some heavy um armor bots |
392s | are down into whole but um so is the |
394s | rexel knight blade and axis is just not |
397s | effectively trading they went for |
398s | melinda but you're not going to break |
400s | through the amount of erections that |
402s | they have not with deacon still up i |
404s | mean they've been trying to new deacons |
405s | but i mean the cycle on heavy nudes is |
408s | just such that deacons don't have |
410s | difficulty injecting and then just |
412s | continuing to apply their reps onto |
413s | things |
416s | yeah it takes two to three heavy mutes |
418s | to really shut down a deacon that way if |
421s | you can stagger the uh newt correctly a |
424s | deacon can only rep about 20 of the time |
426s | but it looks like um |
428s | there's damage starting to go a little |
430s | bit everywhere we're seeing the |
431s | blackbird of archer now start to take |
433s | damage as one of the leshag starts |
436s | pumping a little bit of damage towards |
437s | him |
438s | yeah so archer to vane has been uh |
441s | pinned down by the support uh you know |
443s | yokans on top of them the folios are you |
446s | know trying to get on top of um the |
448s | blackbird to you know get some reps but |
450s | the shacks are just um closing and it's |
453s | only going to be a matter of time |
454s | seconds before that blackbird drops he |
457s | now pops and exodus just had has no |
460s | answer for um you know this |
463s | will shack horror |
466s | yeah |
468s | it just looks like they don't have any |
469s | more damage left it seems like the two |
472s | deacons are keeping everything up |
474s | especially with rapid heavy clips |
476s | they're just not able to apply it that |
478s | well |
479s | yeah i'm not sure if the le shacks you |
481s | know had a lot of remote eccn being |
483s | applied to them if the um |
486s | blackbird just got unlucky with jams but |
488s | we saw like |
490s | no jams being applied to break those |
492s | spools like ever and the typhoon fleet |
494s | issues were suffering throughout the |
496s | match for it um |
499s | i just feel like odin's call just |
502s | mechanically flew this just way better |
504s | than exodus exodus being a team that's |
506s | known for um pilot skill but |
510s | i mean |
511s | the way that those navy augers just i |
513s | mean frankly fed in the beginning of the |
515s | match |
516s | leaves me kind of questioning um what |
518s | their game plan was for this set |
521s | yeah odin's call did not make any |
523s | mistakes here they flow quite |
525s | confidently they realized the mistake |
527s | exodus was making and they capitalized |
530s | it really shows the advantage of |
533s | practice they have that they can see an |
536s | obvious mistake of augurers coming |
538s | straight in and realize that's our route |
541s | to victory locking them down and getting |
543s | two navy auguras which is their tackle |
546s | for free |
547s | yeah it kind of felt like once the auger |
549s | is you know fully committed because |
551s | exodus did want to kill the vexers to |
552s | get rid of um the drone utility that the |
555s | vexers were bringing in those uh you |
558s | know that bandwidth that they can apply |
560s | um support to um other ships as far as |
563s | rep drones and be like a mini guardian |
566s | uh with you know that drone ball |
568s | um |
568s | exodus kind of yellowed uh their auger |
571s | navy issues and |
573s | forced their battleships to you know |
574s | make a play that they weren't ready for |
577s | and i mean just odin's call felt like |
579s | they were um just |
581s | much |
582s | superior team in this match however uh |
584s | we won't steal too much thunder from the |
586s | desk as they break this one down |