over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

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4s so welcome back to the arena guys as
5s discussed we've got rope cappella coming
7s up here against turbo feed or glory i'm
10s the basilisk joined by miz in the arena
12s and let's get this show on the road miss
14s what if turbo feed or glory brought
17s yes i'm seeing another double a
19s the shack setup this time supported by a
22s scorpion so that's like a ton of
25s points being spent on just free
27s heavy battleship and to support them
29s there are two bond effects for links to
32s deacons from pairs to waxes for the
34s utility and the skybreaker for tackle
36s are they up against those roads who
38s brought steeled ears this is one of the
41s things that wrote are really known for
42s springies on
44s conventional things and
46s idc has really
47s strong armor tanking ships but they're
50s brought
50s with a shield set up
52s yeah and the match gets on the way but
53s you're right i am really really excited
54s to see how this rope capel um comp works
57s out with these shield eos this is
58s clearly a drone comp um with the gealers
60s and the eos and they're clearly shields
62s with the scalpel um so yeah i'm i mean
64s eos only four mids i believe so probably
66s not gonna be the sturdiest command ship
68s in the world um but in this drone comp
70s they want to keep range and sort of
71s mitigate by staying
73s as far away as possible from the leisure
75s shacks um so that tank may not be an
77s issue or lack thereof of tank um
80s we're seeing a swarm of drones going for
82s that scorpion
83s i guess drones don't care about ecm and
86s taking out that scorpion actually
88s they're going for the sky breaker like
90s just running for his life with this one
95s yeah and sky break is obviously very
96s very exceptional at killing drones
98s however they are particularly proficient
100s at killing retro and sky breakers
102s absolutely murder rep drones but tank
105s like damage drones from especially
107s health boost bonus damage drones from
109s eos and geela it has a little bit more
110s trouble with so i'm i'm a little bit
112s surprised by their such high concern and
114s such high priority on killing off that
115s sky breaker um but he does finally go
117s down maybe yeah no he goes down
121s yes this is an armor skybreaker so it's
123s normally a shield
125s it doesn't have much shank here when
127s it's armor fit and once the drone was
129s caught up it just melded and seeing a
131s bit just being applied to the shack and
132s to the punch effects as koneco
135s party effects can take a lot of damage
137s from these drones as they have a really
138s good application
141s yeah and i'm by the looks of how this
142s match is progressing already i think
144s this is going to be a really really
145s tough time for turbo feed or glory um i
147s mean these guiller drones are just free
149s to do whatever they want and of course
150s defanging gilas is basically futile
153s they've got each has got five sets of
154s drones you kill two extremely tanky gila
156s drones and another two pop out um so
158s it's basically pointless it's very
159s difficult to mitigate from them um and
161s until
162s these the shacks can manage to get on
163s top of something as their only real
165s damage until these shacks can get on top
166s of something and start killing it um
168s they're gonna have a very very tough
169s time but see the eos and gilas are going
172s to be significantly faster than the
173s shacks as well and there's not really
174s much in the way of support there's no
176s ranged webs they've only got those
177s vexils and the pontifex is really the
179s need to get on top of something but so
180s far they're staying pretty compact and
182s just
183s not really doing that yeah
185s the deacon is taking a lot of time as if
187s they lose that deacon they lose the
188s ability to sustain and looks like they
190s they decided to just stay and then they
192s kill out these uh repair drones like
195s sorry the damage drones if they can kill
197s them might stabilize but they really
200s need to kill some of the ships as well
201s and loosen that deacon that's not good
204s for sure and even even with that
205s strategy even if they can kill the
207s damage drones i mean their main damage
208s is the shacks so i mean the shacks are
211s obviously not ideal for killing drama
212s strains because you kill one and then
214s you've got to start your ramp up again
215s on the next one so the effective damage
217s um applied by the shacks are clearing
218s the dam the damage drones i mean not
220s even but i think
221s it's very very inefficient
223s a big issue is that like we discussed
225s earlier with the double the shake top
227s that they don't have much tackle they
229s can't pin these ships down and even
231s though ears are not known as a really
233s fast chip it does have a lot of low
234s slots they can use for speed
237s modules so you can just see the entire
239s real capital team just hiding around
241s from those shacks so not really
244s taking that much damage and like it
247s might even actually be a
248s local tank i'm uh years ago you haven't
251s really seen them been any threatened so
253s don't know what kind of tank they have
255s on and even though mage raven and healer
257s is taking damage
259s they're not tackled so they can just
260s burn out and then catch reps from these
262s scalpels
264s yeah i think it's it's a tough match-up
265s going into it i'm looking at the two
267s comps for turbo feed or glory but i
269s think there is also a pretty uh sort of
271s i would say a severe misunderstanding in
272s in what to do in this scenario because
274s if their game plan was to stay bunched
276s up stay compact and you know prevent it
278s and they
280s broke cappell don't want to come into
281s them or cappella are just happy to kite
282s around in the eos and slowly pick them
283s apart they don't want to come into them
285s so the onus is on turbo feed or glory to
287s make something happen in the match and
289s just staying compact and trying to kill
290s gheela drones it's not going to work
292s it'll take you more than 10 minutes to
293s kill all of them anyway um and they they
295s need to utilize the vexils and the
297s pontifex's to do something to get the
299s shacks in where they want to be into the
301s action you know shooting ramping up
303s tackle something down start killing it
305s but they they stayed compact and this
306s the shacks are providing very very
307s little and there's no other damage on
309s the team
310s yeah in terms of feet they're just
311s trouble feeding their support ships like
314s both deacons down
316s one point effects and the skybreaker so
318s that they're not really having much left
320s like the only fast chips they have is
321s the vexas and the pontifex and they're
323s just
324s they have no defense
326s now that the lodges are gone and they
328s have this swarm of drone
329s threatening them
331s yeah and of course the longer it goes
333s the harder it gets because um i mean
335s obviously 10 is greater than six but
337s um turbo feed or glory the longer this
339s match goes the more they're losing their
341s support wing and that supporting is
342s their only avenue of getting anything
343s done in this match once these point
345s effects and vexil goes down it's just
346s going to be the tula shacks and the
348s scorpion and they they haven't got
350s chance in hell of getting anywhere close
352s to the eos is all the geelers um so yeah
354s it's it's pretty disastrous for turbo
356s feed or glory um
359s what do you think about the scorpion
361s pick 19 points for an e-wall battleship
364s yeah i was about to mention that they
366s spent so many points on battleships and
367s those battleships haven't really done
368s much in this match like the shacks can't
370s really get into the shooting range and
371s the scorpion can't do much against these
374s drones like you can game the ship but
376s they can just assign it to someone else
378s and then those drones can still attack
379s like the only viable target is the
381s scalpels that you can
383s jam so they can't repair anyone but why
385s does that matter when you can't apply
386s any damage
388s so at this point they just have
392s like a
393s like having almost 70 points out of 100
396s points
397s being dead weight
399s yeah it's it's really not good and i
401s think i would advise turbo food or glory
403s to to go back to the drawing board a
404s little bit after this match and try
406s something different because
408s i mean this
409s it's it's not the way it's not the way
411s you if you come up against something
412s that kites which does seem to be the
413s meta um so far i mean these eos
416s obviously but we've seen all day we've
418s seen all threes we've seen cerberuses
419s we've seen dealers we've seen nighthawks
421s all this sort of stuff um and if you
424s bring tula shacks and you haven't got
425s any kind of control on the field you
427s can't get on top of them and you have no
428s way to actually nail them down and start
430s applying some damage and that's really a
433s critical
434s you know a fatal error of a fatal
436s mistake of this comp is that it just
438s can't deal with this
439s yeah it really highlights the importance
441s of uh having good tackle ships so yeah
443s okay it's something we often talk about
445s on desk
446s having good tiger ships and having your
447s best pilots in these ships because
450s whenever they are vulnerable easy to
452s kill if they're not flown right but they
454s make such a huge difference even though
456s it's like a two or three points you've
458s spent on a frigate and this um vex of
461s zero gravitas is going down so at this
463s point like the only option for the turbo
464s feed or glory pilots is to either turbo
467s feed against a swarm of drones or go
470s further boundary for some
472s glory out there
475s yeah i agree i think in these kind of
477s comps we saw it as well in the tula
478s shack comp field by entropic thunder i
481s think um
482s they need some control and whether
484s that's ranged webs in the form of a loki
486s or a hyena which i mean the hyena can be
487s a little bit iffy sometimes it gets it
489s also gets eaten alive by um rapid-like
491s missiles or you need some sort of fast
494s attack you know something like a
495s vengeance for example that can burn in
496s and hold something down long enough for
498s the shack to get on top of it but
499s spending all these points on a scorpion
501s is is it's not good to be honest i'm i'm
504s quite disappointed um but yeah i mean
507s it's it's a hard comp from the outset as
509s we see this le shack mjding um
512s not gonna go out the arena i don't think
514s um he's but it's just too little too
516s late i think he's trying to reposition
517s himself towards the blob but he's gonna
519s go too far
520s and yeah it's it's not going to be
522s enough
524s yeah i'm just going to take this moment
525s to a shout out to the character lady
528s labia for the name and
530s the
531s pilot behind
533s the character there's a guy i have flown
536s with with camels a good guy and
538s really been there
540s uh he has a history with the road and
542s it's good to see that he's back with
543s road and the kicking ass so
546s awesome job uh mate and uh
550s have fun killing these checks
553s yeah i saw lady labia posting something
554s in discord the other day i don't know
556s which one it was but i think he said he
557s had 220 million skill points on that
559s character which is obviously an awful
561s lot so clearly been around a while
563s clearly an og of the scene um and yeah
566s proving his his absolute or her metal
568s here um
569s with this rather dominant performance
573s yeah i also recognize like some of the
575s other people on the road team like mate
577s raven is also
578s one who have played for the team for a
580s very long time so it's good to see these
583s teams like people with a lot of uh
586s tournament history and uh now i'm just
588s like looking at made ravens uh
590s helix called the fanboy hooters so uh
594s gentile if you're out there and
595s listening this ship is dedicated to you
601s that's great um what do you think about
603s this this combination of the eos and the
606s gealers it's not something we see very
607s often it is sort of in theory kind of a
609s mixed tank i suppose the eos
610s traditionally an armor ship and the gila
612s obviously um a shield ship but then
614s wrote choosing to bring presumably these
616s shield eos what do you make of that
618s well at first like i'm not i was not
620s really convinced but they give like
622s these
623s options that you have these really
624s strong uh
626s as strong as
627s drone ships and
628s the scalpel are really good to have but
630s they are not
632s really that vital for the survival of
633s the ears so
635s as long as ears can just kite then you
637s can have like an ancillary uh armor
639s repair and like some armor resist and uh
642s and keep them alive that way and just
644s have scalpels to top them up but yeah we
645s didn't see them by we didn't see them
647s getting threatened so we don't know
648s exactly how the fits are and the gs in
651s local as the match is over it was a
653s turbo feed
655s and a glory for the
657s federal team let's go back to the studio