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CCP Please sync our Tranquility characters to the Singularity Test Server more often... I was hopeful with the Mass Singularity test this week (Sound test on 08/25) that CCP would do a sync... But alas they did not.

I've been re-subbed a few months now and I'd really like to go testing some fits for T5 Abyssals... But alas my Singularity account still shows stuck as an Alpha with no aceess to my skills/ships (beyond T1) for testing.

[EDIT SOLUTION] - Thanks to repliers! Purchasing seeded 100 ISK PLEX on SISI and then purchasing OMEGA with the fake SISI PLEX then enabled me to use the /copyskills and viola I was OMEGA with my Tranq Skills.

CCP Feedback - Add additional FAQ Info to the Test Server Player Commands Page: https://community.eveonline.com/support/test-servers/singularity-player-commands/


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over 2 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Great that you could sort out your problems! There is some guidance also in https://forums.eveonline.com/t/test-server-singularity-faq-and-information/249925, but I'll see if we can improve the info somehow.

The next full sync (mirror) will probably happen in the middle of September.