almost 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
almost 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link
In the past week, we have been made aware of several disturbing allegations that have taken place outside of our official channels yet, nonetheless have no place in the EVE Online experience. Some cases have directly violated our Event Code of Conduct[]. We take these allegations seriously and have already taken steps to investigate them, submitting evidence to proper authorities as appropriate.

While New Eden offers you the freedom of expression in the sandbox, we must balance in-game identity and freedom with the long-term health of the EVE player community, ensuring it is a space in which all feel welcome and safe. Any form of harassment, hate speech, intolerance, racism, or abuse taking place as outlined in the Real-Life Harassment and Threats policy[] will not be tolerated.

We wholeheartedly support the players’ courage in speaking up about their experiences. While these are challenging topics to discuss, we encourage you to report any incidents to proper authorities. We are committed to building a safer and stronger EVE community together.

We acknowledge that this is a complex issue that will take time and continued discussion to address in the long term. We would like to invite you to take part in this by opening a dialog[] to identify ways we can help create a safer environment for you and your friends. With your help, we can turn this into a defining moment that will inform the direction we set together.

We are starting the mending process by taking the following actions:
  • Anyone found breaking EVE Online’s Terms of Service may be blocked from applying for the EVE Online Partnership Program, Council of Stellar Management, Interstellar Services Department, or any other program at the discretion of CCP. Further, we will not officially collaborate, support, or allow them to participate in any CCP-led community contests, tournaments, initiatives, or projects.
  • Anyone found breaking the Event Code of Conduct[] or deemed a danger to others will not be allowed to participate in official player gathering events, such as Fanfest. We also will not officially support or attend player events that harbor such individuals and do not abide by the Event Code of Conduct.
The above is only the beginning. We will roll out more initiatives focused on improving the health and safety of all players in the upcoming months.

If you have experienced or witnessed harassment or offensive behavior during a CCP organized player gathering or a CCP supported event, or are concerned about attendee safety at future events, it would be greatly appreciated if you would file a report with CCP via email to [email protected]. Your story is important to us as we work towards taking steps to ensure the safety of all players at CCP events and gatherings.

Fly Safe.