5 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s the upwell Consortium has rolled out a
2s security update to significantly enhance
4s orbital skyhooks as part of their
6s revolutionary Equinox Suite following
8s extensive feedback from Power users
10s certain vulnerabilities to raiding have
12s been addressed and logistical burdens
14s placed on their owners have been reduced
16s upwell believed that the addition of
18s timed raiding windows and adjustments to
20s the Dual storage system of secure and
22s surplus Bay will make Sky Hooks and in
25s turn transitioning to the new Equinox
26s sovereignty system more attractive for
29s the mandatory transition date of the
30s 29th of October upwell will monitor the
33s situation as the firmware normalizes
35s across new Eden