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5s the Turner system's star appears to have
7s been destabilized beyond recovery by the
10s activity of the Prototype Stellar
12s transmuter placed in orbit by the Amar
14s Empire Stellar radiation emitted by the
17s star has been fluctuating at ever
19s shorter intervals seemingly heading
21s towards an imminent Crescendo scientists
24s raised the alarm upon calculating that
26s the interval between radiation spikes
28s has been decreasing in a linear manner
30s indicating that a terminal phase will be
33s reached at around 1700 hours new Eden
36s standard on November 2nd what exactly
39s will happen during this posited terminal
41s phase is debated but the common
43s consensus is that a major Stellar event
45s will take place one leading theory is
48s that a radiation burst in Stellar mass
50s ejection similar to that scene during
52s the Salin incident of yc-111 will take
55s place while the output and scale of
57s extreme Stellar events can vary widely
60s any effects from such a catastrophe are
63s expected to be significant across the
65s system on the orders of Captain Marshall
67s series The Amar Empire crew Manning the
71s Stellar transmuter interner has been
73s drawn down and Engineers are reported to
75s be working on shutdown procedures
78s orbiting closest to the star the planet
80s Turner 1 and the Republic station around
82s it are believed to be at grave risk of
85s catastrophic damage or destruction in
87s the event of a stellar event of similar
89s scale to the Salin incident despite
92s offers to raise wages and give
94s substantial Hazard pay bonuses planetary
97s industry workers on Turner 1 have begun
99s to evacuate from the planet thousands
101s upon thousands of workers and their
103s families are leaving abandoning their
106s equipment and leaving subsurface
108s settlements empty of human life Amar
110s occupation forces have also long since
113s left the planet taking their own support
115s workers and slaves with them the only
117s group willingly remaining behind are
120s those nomadic descendants of the
121s original Minotaur Settlers of Turner One
123s these Nomad Clans lived in isolation for
126s Generations before Interstellar trade
129s and planetary industry began to make
130s their presence felt on the rocky desert
132s world
134s The Nomad Clans have apparently been
136s convinced current events are caused by
138s intervening spiritual forces due to the
141s teachings of a shamanic figure known as
143s tanak gufran the absolver he preaches
146s that the planet and wider system will be
149s purged of the conflict introduced by
151s industry and War leading to a
153s transformation of Turner One the bizarre
156s teachings of the absolver are taken
158s seriously by minmatar traditionalists as
161s the ways of the clans of Turner one and
164s combined with the Amar presence this has
167s stymied efforts to evacuate the sizable
169s yet untallied Nomad population
172s Republic Fleet had been General Kath
174s filmer has hit out at the Amar Empire
177s for its Reckless ambition and monstrous
180s negligence in deploying and operating
182s the Stellar transmuters General filmer
184s also condemned the Amar for hindering
186s evacuation of the population from the
189s system
190s Amar Imperial forces have refused
192s cooperation offers and flatly rejected
195s efforts to broker a truce the Empire's
198s stance has made it impossible for the
200s Republic Fleet to mount a major
201s evacuation operation
203s nevertheless flights and transport ships
206s have infiltrated Turner and are
208s struggling to move people from the
210s Republic Parliament station above Turner
212s One onto other stations further out in
215s the system the desperate hope of
217s Minotaur Rescuers is that a major
219s Stellar event will not Doom the entire
221s system in far-flung stations and planets
224s will provide at least some Shelter From
226s Any cataclysm
227s further complicating efforts to cleanly
230s evacuate threatened populations in
232s Turner is the presence of the blood
233s Raider Covenant and the Order of Saint
236s tetramon
237s in the general celebration of their
239s annual blood harvesting Festival the
242s blood Raiders have taken advantage of
243s the increased chaos and conflict in The
246s War Zone to mount attacks on evacuation
248s and Military flights the heretic Hunters
251s of the Order of Saint egerman seek to
253s oppose them but as a notorious Amar
256s military order are hardly likely to be
258s welcomed by the minutemenists and
260s fighters in the war-torn region
263s this is Alton havery reporting for the
266s scope
276s foreign