about 3 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

UPDATE: 11:40 - Tranquility is back online and accepting connections. Due to the issues encountered during startup we are not proceeding with today’s experiment. The information in the post below is no longer relevant.

UPDATE: 11:29 - Tranquility is undergoing an unscheduled restart.

UPDATE 11:17 - Slightly longer than scheduled downtime is occurring - TQ should be back up by 11:25 UTC.

Greetings Capsuleers,

Today 14 March we will be doing an experiment following the startup of TQ after downtime. This involves the way in which the database preloads certain things e.g. solar systems and the market.

You might experience some info message popups when logging in today right after downtime, for example when selecting a character it might say that the solar system or the market is still loading etc. In all cases please just wait a few moments and then try again.

This situation will only be temporary and Tranquility should be operating normally within a few hours after downtime.

It would be much appreciated if you could give us your feedback in the thread below and let us know if during the day you experience any stuttering or lag which you don’t normally see.


about 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Won’t be long now. Almost there, stay strong guys!