almost 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

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The Economic Report for the month of February has landed. You can view it in the news article or download the raw data in a form of a .ZIP file here.

You will also notice a few changes that have been made since the last report:

  1. Sinks and Faucets graph (9a_sinksfaucets.png) now includes more categories.
  2. Top 10 Sinks and Faucets over time graph (9aaa_top_sinks_faucets_over_time.png) now includes all sinks and faucets as per monthly graph. Bounty Prizes also include ESS Payments.
  3. Sinks and Faucets over time (sinks_and_faucets_over_time.csv) downloadable CSV file now includes all categories as per monthly Sinks and Faucets graph for the last 3 years.
  4. Added a new Top 6 Commodity Faucets over time graph (9a1_top_commodity_faucets_over_time.png) showing the top 6 commodity groups sold by NPC buy orders.
  5. Removed the Monthly Sinks and Faucets (SinksFaucets.csv) downloadable CSV file as the data is included in the Sinks and Faucets over time CSV.
almost 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Great question!

The ‘Sinks and Faucets’ is a summary of an entire month while the ‘Top 6 commodities over time’ is a daily breakdown of the commodities. Does that make sense?