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The Economic Report for the month of February has landed. You can view it in the news article or download the raw data in a form of a .ZIP file here.
You will also notice a few changes that have been made since the last report:
- Sinks and Faucets graph (9a_sinksfaucets.png) now includes more categories.
- Top 10 Sinks and Faucets over time graph (9aaa_top_sinks_faucets_over_time.png) now includes all sinks and faucets as per monthly graph. Bounty Prizes also include ESS Payments.
- Sinks and Faucets over time (sinks_and_faucets_over_time.csv) downloadable CSV file now includes all categories as per monthly Sinks and Faucets graph for the last 3 years.
- Added a new Top 6 Commodity Faucets over time graph (9a1_top_commodity_faucets_over_time.png) showing the top 6 commodity groups sold by NPC buy orders.
- Removed the Monthly Sinks and Faucets (SinksFaucets.csv) downloadable CSV file as the data is included in the Sinks and Faucets over time CSV.