over 4 years ago - GM_Goat - Direct link

Greetings my Lovelies!

Write a short story inspired by EVE Online, either in-universe or out!

For this years GM week we invite you to put your EVE Online connected experiences and feelings on paper (or in a text document). Nothing is off limits: a serious retelling of an exciting venture or a humorous tale from some fleet operation, the most memorable propaganda or something that came from EVE Online, dramatized in-character stories and informal recounts of heroism/strategy/betrayal/friendship. We want to read something made by you, the players.

Submissions are open now, and will be open until 23:59 on Thursday the 17th of September. Write down anything and everything you can think of in the form of a text document and send to us at [email protected]. Subject of the email should be Short Story, and remember to detail your user name and character name.

You can also publish the story right here in this forum thread,

The maximum words of the story should be in the vicinity of 2000 words. Winners will be announced on Friday the 18th of September, chosen by our expert panel of experts!

The prizes for top submissions are as follows:
1st place: 3 SKINs (1x Eden’s Hunters SKIN of your choice, 1x Helmatt’s Harriers SKIN of your choice & 1x Oasis of Faith SKIN of your choice) and 1500 PLEX.
2nd place: 2 SKINs (1x Kybernaut Clade SKIN of your choice. 1x Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN of your choice) and 1000 PLEX.
3rd place: 1 SKINs (1x Helmatt’s Harriers SKIN of your choice.) and 500 PLEX.

Additionally, all winners will receive a bundle of collectible items associated with GM Week.