over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s hello i am moderator joined by my
5s co-caster here brett thomas thomas for
7s what should be an explosive uh series to
10s determine who good goes to the winners
12s final
13s hydro loaded has brought a tiding comp
15s with dexter axio in the bar guest
17s flagship that will be a rapid heavy fit
21s supported by a pair of drake navy issues
23s also
24s in heavy missiles
26s rapid light arthritis stormbringer and
28s some lightness jackdaws jackdaws walking
30s through waffles
31s waffles have brought double leshack as
34s their top end with a guardian to support
36s they've got magus and pontifex for links
38s with two sentinels for disruption a
40s confessor and two tackle maulers so
43s they've got a lot of heavy armored
45s tackle in that low end
48s so i have to say that hydra doing the
50s classic you know hydra warping in at 50
54s we do see that there are two sentinels
56s for waffles and those are going to be
59s pretty key ships for their side um
62s having that tracking disruption against
65s what should be
66s uh you know those heavy and light
68s missiles however they may have picked
70s incorrectly because we see no missile
72s guidance disruption going on to any of
75s the hydra ships so
77s um they may have entirely wasted those
79s points
80s speaking of things getting wasted we
82s already see uh sarah swine's guardian
84s taking a significant amount of damage as
87s the reptones already stream across the
89s field to try to support him
91s yeah he's got a lot of rep drones on him
93s and he's trying to move away and just
95s reduce the amount of damage he's taking
97s we are seeing pot shots go out we lost
100s we just lost mikael in the sentinel he
102s just completely headshot there
105s yeah that's going to be those rapid
107s light missile clips and light missiles
108s coming from the jackdaws hitting across
111s the arena um unsurprising that you know
114s sentinel not having uh you know the
116s greatest of a resistor hp makes sense if
118s you're hydrated you kind of want to get
120s rid of any sort of neuting um right now
122s we see that the um
125s waffles court is in effectually trying
127s to go across the arena and mauler's not
130s exactly known for their mobility right
132s now hydra is just
134s very
135s you know carefully burning around and
137s just staying out of range they nearly uh
139s destroyed gamasol with pontifex for
142s links but um
144s it looks like they uh may be running out
145s of clips as sarah is maintaining him
148s just barely in a sliver of armor
151s yeah you're now seeing johnny verbo in
154s the mahler get right on top
157s or get right between the enemy teams
159s they're looking to bend downwards
161s underneath and he's just sitting there
163s propping them off to make sure that if
165s they want to bend straight for that
167s guardian and try and headshot the
168s logistics again they're going to have to
170s go through this relatively slow mauler
174s yeah however um you know this is
175s something that hydra is very very
178s practiced against they're just going to
180s you know burn below him you can see that
182s hydra is just moving together as a
184s cohesive unit um going below nothing is
188s really um under threat of getting caught
191s by any of these smallers and sarah does
193s finally get popped by those light
195s missiles and um
196s heavy missile damage dark rye
199s burns a little bit close to the sun but
201s is getting uh wrapped up um i have to
204s say it just feels like um waffles more
206s or less lost its match on the draft
210s yeah i believe those two sentinels
212s without any missile deciding
215s missile guidance disruptors are really
217s struggling here because they aren't able
220s to reduce the amount of missile guidance
222s the missiles coming in they're just
224s taking so much damage at such a long
226s range
228s yeah we can see this confessor is and
230s this muller are trying to burn straight
231s in to the hydrocore but um it's not
235s working um they're trying to get tackle
237s on something we see a very brief you
239s know web on to a navy drake of nick
241s domar but that's going to you know go
243s down in a second as the confessor drops
246s um we do actually see a secondary um web
249s onto
250s nick it looks like maybe one of the
253s maulers might have caught up but even if
255s one ship does get caught at this point
257s it's not going to matter videra or
260s hydra
261s not the same team at all by the way
263s is uh definitely uh you know picking
265s apart this uh
267s this core of waffles even if you know
270s the sentinels had been
271s missile uh guidance disrupting um
274s waffles never really had anything to uh
277s really run across the field and get on
279s top of hydra and unfortunately you just
282s really can't leave a kiting comp uh like
284s this open against hydra
287s yeah we're seeing the last of the small
289s stuff go down to it's just the two
291s leshacks left they are gonna break
294s through the drake navy issue eventually
297s but that might be one ship for the
299s entire team
302s yeah that wouldn't be too uh entirely
303s surprising um you know we do see uh nick
306s domar
307s uh getting grappled he's at just about
310s the same speed maybe a little bit faster
312s um slowing down a little bit we see nude
315s effects either
316s the grapples getting a little bit more
318s effective and i think he may be uh
320s slightly capped out at this point from
322s the utility heights of that le shack but
325s um
325s somehow still even being wrapped up
327s actually um
329s it looks like cis is actually dropping
331s here
332s and probably before nick this is looking
334s like a clean hundred to nothing sweet
337s yeah we are seeing a horde of ec drones
339s on those two left shacks just stopping
341s them spooling up really quickly they're
344s just getting shut down before they can
346s do any real amount of damage
350s yeah um i
352s it's kind of sad to see this happen to
355s uh you know waffles but um you have to
358s be prepared and expect something like
359s this from hydra especially uh you know
362s in a winter semi-final bracket um just
364s kind of looking at the band's waffles um
367s trying to you know ban against uh
370s argus loki not wanting to deal with any
373s sort of uh you know shield control comp
375s um instead they fell
377s fell to a shield kite comp um
381s really well played by hydra just
382s unfortunate you know just straight hard
384s counter
385s that waffles brought
387s against them and 100 nothing sweet will
390s send it back to the studio