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Pioneering capsuleers,

The beta version of the new and improved EVE Online launcher is available to install, ahead of its full release on 7 December 2023. The installation process is very easy, and will seamlessly move all your accounts to the new launcher.

As part of our ongoing mission to secure a bright future for EVE Online, the new launcher provides the fastest, most seamless way to immerse yourself into the world of New Eden. All the current features you’re familiar with remain, but the new launcher now includes many community-requested quality of life improvements.

As well as giving you greater freedom to personalize your experience, the new launcher includes cutting edge security measures, improved performance, and a sleek modern feel that better matches EVE Online’s dark science fiction fantasy.

Here’s a closer look at some of the key features the new launcher provides.

Your characters are in focus

In the new launcher, your characters are placed front and center of the experience. Within each account you’ll see the names and portraits of your pilots - just click and hold your character portrait to launch, or select the character and hit “Play Now” to continue your journey seamlessly.

You can assign specific characters to certain launch groups too, but if you prefer the classic character selection you can always change your preferences in the game client settings.

In short, the new launcher is designed to help you launch EVE, just the way you want to. You can also resize the launcher, whether you prefer a full-screen launcher, or a minimalist single column view.

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Making EVE better together

The new launcher makes it easier for pilots to report bugs. Once logged in, you can make your report directly from the launcher, and all necessary support information will be added to your report automatically. In addition, screenshots can also be uploaded to accompany the bug report. 

With just a click of a button, you can also generate a “Support Payload”, containing all of the essential logs and crash dumps our Customer Support team will need to investigate any problems you’re having with EVE Online.

Improved performance & security

Underneath the hood, the newly-designed launcher also includes some essential security and performance improvements.

Importantly, the new framework enables the quick and effective delivery of crucial security updates. The new launcher automatically downloads updates silently in the background, which you can then either install immediately by restarting the launcher with one button, or simply wait for an automatic install the next time you open the launcher. 

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Both installing and loading the launcher is now faster too, and running it consumes fewer system resources - even while simultaneously providing support for potentially hundreds of characters.

For MacOS capsuleers using Apple silicon, the improved EVE Online launcher now runs in native mode, rather than emulation.

An enhanced EVE Online experience

The new launcher gives us a space to breathe further life into New Eden, even outside of the game.

New players will become acquainted with Aura and the basics of the game, while seasoned lore aficionados will love the news feed which now includes content from all across the New Eden news agencies.

Launcher preview

The new launcher will also serve as the entry point for EVE Vanguard, the new FPS module coming online later this year.

The existing launcher will no longer work after 7 December, but upgrading to the new launcher is super easy! 

You can also check out this help center article for more details on the new launcher.

Thank you to all our beta testers for the crucial feedback they’ve provided while testing the new launcher experience. Together we’ll continue to improve  EVE Online, and ensure a brighter future for every pilot across New Eden!