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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | from the deepest data mines of new Eden |
3s | please put your hands together for CCP |
6s | Bjorn and CCP estimate |
46s | hello hello hello hello |
51s | yeah the front right hello |
53s | hello |
56s | is it working |
57s | okay so good good morning everyone |
59s | welcome to fun fact |
60s | I am yeah yeah that's where we're going |
62s | now imcb estimate data scientist here at |
65s | tgb I've been uh and a part of the |
68s | analytics Department the analytics |
71s | department has been part of CHP ever |
72s | since cgp hired a doctor and |
76s | economics to monitor the health of the |
79s | economy |
80s | and the Crown Jewel of the data |
83s | department has always been the economic |
85s | report so I'm going to take you through |
86s | a brief history of the report |
89s | the origin of the report dates back to |
92s | 2007 when we released the quarterly |
94s | economic newsletters |
96s | which are a few page reports with |
98s | detailed descriptions on the state of |
100s | the economy I'm not sure how many of you |
102s | remember this port but we in the data |
105s | Department we are lucky to have CCP |
107s | recurved still with us who keeps printed |
110s | versions of these reports as a task |
113s | these reports they showed |
117s | they showed the development of the |
119s | economy some graphs showing for example |
121s | the value distribution the mineral price |
124s | indexes |
127s | the type 2 module prices and differences |
130s | in in prices between regions |
132s | we however start releasing these reports |
135s | in 2010 after releasing about 14 of |
138s | those because it took so long to create |
141s | one of these reports it wasn't until |
143s | five years later we created something |
146s | similar which was in evacus where we |
148s | introduced the monthly economic report |
150s | uh the report was written in our using |
155s | ggplot2 to create the visualizations and |
157s | over the next four years it got more and |
159s | more difficult to maintain these reports |
161s | as you can see on the on this chart the |
164s | average release date of the reports went |
166s | from fourth of the month all the way to |
168s | 12th of the month in 2019. |
172s | for seeing the difficulty of running the |
174s | reports we decided in 2020 to start a |
177s | full rewrite of the report we wanted to |
180s | replace r with python and Align data |
184s | sources with the new data pipelines that |
185s | were being built the first three python |
188s | generated charts were introduced in 2021 |
192s | and |
194s | the final transformation was completed |
196s | in 2022. |
198s | during the process we removed 12 graphs |
200s | and update eight mining graphs which we |
203s | thought was a better indicator of the |
204s | health of the economy |
206s | as you can see there was a significant |
208s | Improvement in the release of the Emir |
211s | after we finish the transformation and |
213s | now we plan to release this report |
216s | uh in the first few days of the month |
218s | similar to what what it was back in |
220s | 2016. |
223s | uh |
224s | the latest additions to the mer have |
226s | been Darth Maul charge warmer statistics |
229s | LP by region |
231s | battle statistics and ESS numbers |
233s | and today we have released more than 2 |
236s | 900 graphs through the mer |
239s | this figure shows all of those charts |
242s | the blue ones represent python are |
244s | generated graphs while the yellow ones |
246s | represent python generated graphs and |
248s | occasionally |
250s | graphs didn't make it to the release and |
252s | those are represented as empty boxes |
255s | some have stayed in the mer the whole |
257s | time and one of which is the production |
260s | destruction Minecraft |
261s | which we can see here on the animation |
263s | how it has evolved over the years we |
266s | have changed the coloring a bit we |
268s | changed some Minor Details In the graph |
270s | and added some annotations then in 2022 |
274s | when you finished the python |
275s | transformation |
277s | we added dark mode versions and then |
280s | some details on security band |
284s | the latest additions as I said earlier |
286s | were mining charts is particles and |
288s | warmers and to create one of these |
290s | graphs in the mer we are using the |
293s | plotly graphing Library |
295s | and it it is quite the iteration of |
297s | going through and iterating and trying |
300s | to get the design to look up to the |
302s | standards required for uh to be released |
305s | this animation is playing on screen it's |
307s | showing one of those iterations where we |
309s | are creating the wormhole |
312s | flowchart where we wanted to visualize |
314s | how items move through warmer space |
318s | but even though I think this |
320s | visualization looks great at the end |
322s | some CSI members thought this could be |
325s | summarized with a pie chart |
329s | oh |
330s | we we had to fix this I wonder if |
334s | if the CSI member was just getting |
336s | trying to get me to put one of these |
338s | summarization charts it was at least a |
340s | yeah |
343s | but the mayor has changed quite a bit |
345s | over the years but by no means is it |
347s | perfect item pricing for example is one |
350s | thing that we need that we need to work |
353s | on |
354s | there are multiple sources of Truth or |
356s | pricing an item in Eve you can use cgb |
358s | kill mail pricing you can use set kill |
360s | board pricing you can use manufacturing |
362s | costs and average market prices and |
365s | various charts in the Army are used |
366s | different prices so we want to we want |
369s | to fix that |
370s | uh with growing significance of |
372s | factional warfare we want to add some |
373s | more details on Faction Warrior so you |
375s | can see how many loyalty points are |
377s | being generated |
378s | ultimately we would like other people to |
380s | be able to recreate the crafts that we |
383s | are creating in the mer so we would want |
385s | to improve the data sources and perhaps |
388s | open source some of the code that is |
390s | used to generate the graphs |
391s | ultimately or of course we just want to |
394s | add more charts to the ml we want to add |
396s | something that keeps the monthly |
398s | economic report interesting and keeps |
401s | the conversation going around the |
402s | economy |
405s | in the past we have added some extra |
408s | charts to the Emer that were not meant |
410s | to be permanent but more thought of an |
412s | awesome |
414s | good at good addition every now and then |
417s | and one of those charts is the |
420s | cumulative valid distribution |
423s | and every time we post one of these we |
425s | get questions what defines space rich |
429s | what what is needed to be part of the |
431s | one percent in evil land |
434s | and when I was reading through 2007 |
437s | quarterly economic newsletters I noticed |
439s | that we actually we showed this data |
441s | back then so I looked in a database and |
444s | believe it or not we have nearly 20 |
447s | years of wealth distribution data |
450s | so on the screen is the value |
453s | distribution E1 line all wallet disk so |
456s | only is isk balance |
458s | pair account and back in 2004 the |
462s | average or mean account had about 35 |
465s | million Skinner wallets and the top one |
467s | percent had 43 billion |
470s | this change quite a bit over the years |
471s | in 2010 it was about 200 million and in |
475s | 2023 today is about 630 millionisk the |
480s | top one first hour is holding about 123 |
484s | billion Skinner wallets |
486s | and as you can see in this one we're |
488s | visualizing the top one percent you can |
490s | see that the top one percent their |
492s | wealth increased or their wallet is |
494s | toppled between 2014 and 2018 from 60 |
498s | billion to 120 billion |
501s | but I know what they're all asking now |
502s | this is only isk balance what about |
505s | total wealth |
506s | well this figure shows the distribution |
509s | of total wealth |
510s | for all where we include Ishq items and |
514s | Plex |
516s | and to keep the consistency we're still |
518s | only looking at accounts so after three |
521s | quarters the meanwhile is about |
527s | 4.4.9 billion and the top one percent is |
530s | sitting at 100 billion worth of assets |
532s | but we can do better than that we know |
535s | that most Eve players they have more |
537s | than one account |
538s | so let's look at the voltage vision for |
541s | all Eve players accumulation of all |
543s | their accounts |
545s | all players |
547s | so here things change quite a bit the |
550s | mean |
551s | account |
552s | mean if Carter or e-player has about 9 |
556s | billion worth of assets while the |
557s | average is about 42 billion |
560s | the top five percent has a net worth of |
563s | 168 billion |
565s | the top one percent |
567s | has a little little below one half a |
570s | trillion worth of assets |
572s | the top 0.1 percent has a staggering 1.9 |
576s | trillion |
579s | and the top 0.01 has at least 6.5 |
583s | trillion worth of assets but keep in |
586s | mind |
587s | the average age of these accounts is 12 |
589s | years |
590s | so now I'm going to hand the mic over to |
593s | CCB burn who's going to continue with |
595s | these interesting statistics on all of |
596s | you |
600s | there you go |
602s | thank you |
604s | thank you CCP estimate hello everyone |
607s | and welcome to Fan Fest uh now let's |
610s | dive straight back into some more |
613s | numbers |
614s | 25 million 969 |
618s | 962 any castes to what this number |
621s | uh refers to |
625s | you're very close total number of |
627s | accounts are heard this is a total |
628s | number of characters created since May 6 |
631s | 2003. |
633s | uh every character ever created |
636s | now this is roughly equivalent to the |
638s | current population of Australia uh which |
641s | is good |
643s | and this comes down to roughly 1.2 |
645s | million characters created every year |
648s | uh 3500 characters created every day |
652s | and |
655s | that equates to the birth rate of Turkey |
658s | that's good |
660s | uh and 2.36 characters added to the meat |
664s | grinder every minute of every day |
667s | which is a staggeringly high number even |
670s | though it's small |
671s | now this is the total split between the |
674s | empires or the races as you can see |
676s | caltari comes out on top with 33 percent |
678s | of all characters created uh galante in |
681s | second place and Minar namara are fairly |
683s | even with roughly 18 percent |
686s | now this is the split between the blood |
688s | clients and interestingly galante |
689s | galante comes out on top as the most |
691s | preferred bloodline out of all of them |
695s | uh however it's probably better to |
697s | visualize this throughout time and even |
700s | though this tells you something it's |
701s | even better to see it if you contrast it |
704s | next to one another and overlay it |
706s | and what's interesting here for instance |
707s | is that you can see that kaltari used to |
709s | be the uh the most popular up until 2011 |
713s | roughly 2010 then up until 2018 calente |
718s | took over as the favorite you can see |
720s | the huge spike in the picture there is |
722s | when Eve went three to play but yeah |
725s | then in 2018 kaltari took over again uh |
728s | while Omar and minimotar have been |
730s | relatively similar throughout the entire |
732s | period |
734s | now this is the 20-year anniversary of |
735s | Eve online so we in the data team |
737s | naturally thought to ourselves uh how |
739s | much 20 year old data do we have or |
742s | better yet what data exists without gaps |
745s | from 2003 May 2003. |
748s | now there isn't a lot but there is still |
751s | some uh we have character Creations we |
754s | have user account Creations Corporation |
756s | membership records Alliance membership |
758s | Records Office rentals |
761s | formal work declarations roles granted |
764s | to Corporation members online player |
766s | count cumulative law conservation for |
768s | users and sales data |
771s | and one of the like there is of course |
774s | more but this is probably the most |
775s | shareable and interesting data points |
777s | and one of the data points that really |
778s | piqued my interest when I was looking |
780s | into this was date of birth |
782s | now it's something that we've been |
784s | collecting since 2003 uh it used to be a |
788s | registration requirement all the way up |
790s | to 2016 when we pulled it out to |
793s | streamline the registration process |
795s | uh and then up until this year we |
798s | allowed it as an optional entry point on |
800s | the account management page when we |
802s | removed it entirely because it wasn't |
804s | really that used and the reason why it's |
807s | not that much used is of course because |
810s | it's it's player entered it's prone to |
812s | error you can just submit whatever you |
814s | want and there's no way for us to |
816s | validate if the date of birth you enter |
817s | is actually correct but still a very |
820s | common question we get in analytics is |
822s | how old is the or how what's the average |
824s | age of an eve player and it's also a fun |
827s | way to uh see how analytics work |
831s | and now usually when you start or often |
834s | when you start plotting data it looks |
835s | like this |
837s | like absolute trash |
839s | and thank you for for this uh |
842s | but uh yeah we have a date range from |
844s | 1750 all the way to today the most |
847s | recent birth date we have in our system |
849s | is September 11 2023 so 11 days ago |
855s | so something is very wrong here uh and |
857s | we can just if you know nothing about |
859s | the issue you can just start by saying |
860s | okay the oldest player was probably not |
863s | more than a hundred when the game was |
865s | released so you can limit the access to |
867s | 1903 |
868s | still something very wrong there's like |
870s | one day there that triumphs all the rest |
873s | and if you knew nothing it would be hard |
875s | to analyze this data because the date is |
877s | January 1st 1978. so you're just like |
880s | why is that happening so you have to |
883s | know something you have to speak to some |
885s | people at TCP some gurus that know |
886s | something and it turns out that January |
889s | 1st 1978 was the default date in the |
893s | date of birth field so if you just |
894s | entered press submit that was the date |
896s | of birth you got not the best default |
899s | value if you think about it but uh there |
902s | you go so we remove that and you start |
904s | to get something going on in the picture |
906s | still it's kind of wrong uh so you might |
910s | see like what what's happening with all |
912s | these Peaks why are there these days |
914s | that kind of pop up uh way over the rest |
917s | and it turns out these are all January |
919s | 1st so like if people were even bothered |
921s | to edit anything in the date of birth |
923s | field they just edited the year they |
925s | didn't bother changing the the date |
927s | so just to kind of see better what's |
930s | going on we can remove these |
932s | but it's still kind of shitty uh so we |
935s | can just try to look at the distribution |
938s | from like where it roughly starts and |
939s | where it roughly ends so we can filter |
941s | the period down to 1953 to 2010. uh |
945s | still not great we can check out some of |
947s | these kind of Peaks see what's happening |
949s | February 2nd there's also a super |
950s | popular date so like if you edit the |
952s | date you added it to two and two from |
955s | one and one uh and the first five days |
958s | in a month are also very kind of |
960s | disproportionately popular given that |
962s | date of birth should randomly distribute |
965s | uh but perhaps not enough to remove them |
967s | as outliers so we just keep them uh like |
971s | if you're if you have issues with |
973s | individual dates the best way to fix |
975s | that is probably just to group by month |
977s | that's a great way to fix kind of the |
978s | errors that bring that you have on |
980s | individual dates and here we're starting |
982s | to see something something that's |
984s | starting to look like a probability |
985s | distribution you can probably work with |
987s | a little you can also tell yourself like |
989s | you're not really interested in uh which |
992s | month you're born in you might be |
994s | interested in a year so you can just |
995s | Group by that instead and you can see an |
997s | even clearer picture of what's Happening |
999s | and then you can also tell yourself like |
1001s | I'm not really interested if a player is |
1002s | like 23 24 25 but I'm interested in if |
1006s | it's in his 20s or 30s or 40s 50s so you |
1009s | can Group by age groups instead so you |
1011s | have like a decade long age group thing |
1013s | happening now this is probably to come |
1015s | complex for people to read so you |
1017s | simplify it into nice bars you slap some |
1019s | percentages on top and there you have |
1021s | the eve player 8 distribution 50 between |
1025s | 30 and 40 25 between 540 and 50 and the |
1029s | rest is distributed between the other |
1031s | buckets now it's very likely that we |
1033s | have some error here because we removed |
1035s | this field as a registration requirement |
1037s | in 2016 and we no longer provide the |
1040s | option to add it anywhere so you can |
1042s | always argue that the most recent |
1044s | players are probably younger on average |
1046s | but there you go |
1048s | uh another fun data point you get from |
1050s | user account creation is the country |
1052s | that the account was registered in now |
1054s | personally I don't think this is the |
1056s | most interesting data point because uh |
1060s | the the United States makes up 25 of our |
1063s | active player base so they just they |
1065s | always try and in every statistic where |
1067s | you look at countries but what is |
1069s | interesting is that the US was not |
1072s | always on top for two days like the |
1075s | first day Eve came out and the second |
1077s | day it came out the UK was number one |
1079s | even I'm a round of applause |
1083s | and perhaps more interestingly Iceland |
1086s | was number two |
1088s | for a day |
1089s | probably our greatest achievement after |
1091s | coming in second at the team handpol in |
1094s | the Beijing Olympics in 2008 |
1097s | and here you can see uh their trajectory |
1100s | what's happening |
1101s | it starts up slowly you can see Iceland |
1103s | trickling down the list |
1106s | but also a massive achievement we stayed |
1109s | in the top 20 up until |
1111s | 20078. lovely |
1114s | and then it just goes up pretty fast you |
1116s | can see the other countries kind of |
1117s | taken over |
1121s | and there you go now the top top 20 |
1124s | countries to me at least are not that |
1126s | interesting but the bottom 20. that's |
1129s | interesting shout out to the two users |
1132s | created in Saint Helena Ascension and |
1134s | Tristan tekuna |
1136s | I don't even barely know where there is |
1138s | but there you go |
1142s | um also very interesting about this is |
1144s | that Antarctica doesn't even make the |
1146s | bottom 20. |
1148s | 438 user accounts have been created in |
1151s | Antarctica |
1153s | uh uh which is crazy |
1157s | but what declarations uh the first |
1159s | formal formal word Declaration was |
1162s | declared on May 16th at seven o'clock in |
1165s | 2003. |
1167s | the there have been 732 000 Wars |
1170s | declared in total 208 of them are |
1173s | currently active and the longest |
1175s | standing war in Eve's history was |
1177s | between the bad garistas Corporation and |
1179s | the head hunters it was declared on May |
1182s | 23 2005 and retracted on February 13 |
1186s | 2019. |
1188s | which comes down to 13 years and 268 |
1192s | days |
1194s | yes sir |
1200s | now these are all the wars that have |
1202s | been declared to new online uh grouped |
1204s | by month and colored by year |
1205s | however these are all awards that |
1208s | included active kills |
1211s | so |
1213s | I don't know if you can really call them |
1214s | Wars but you know uh we didn't start |
1217s | linking Wars to PVP kills until 2011 so |
1221s | that's why you don't see anything before |
1222s | that time |
1223s | but this obviously is not a big part of |
1225s | the daily PVP activity only 589 kills on |
1229s | average per day are linked to Wars |
1231s | formally declared Wars that is Which is |
1234s | less than three percent of total daily |
1236s | PVP kills |
1239s | office rentals uh there are 69 currently |
1243s | active office rentals yes yes it's a |
1245s | great number great number |
1247s | that are 20 plus years old more |
1251s | interestingly 45 percent of these belong |
1254s | to the Playboy Enterprises of the Dark |
1256s | Taboo Alliance |
1259s | I couldn't make this up if I wanted to |
1262s | uh |
1265s | so yeah there are 122 000 roughly |
1268s | currently active office rentals |
1270s | the highest current office rental price |
1273s | is perhaps not surprisingly in GTA 4 4. |
1276s | at around 20 billion Ishq per month |
1280s | so uh if you want to impress the in-laws |
1283s | you know where to rent an office |
1286s | uh these are the top three stations by |
1289s | currently active office rental |
1290s | agreements |
1291s | the top three systems |
1294s | the top three corporations |
1296s | the top three alliances |
1299s | and the count by security band |
1302s | well there you go |
1304s | another huge number |
1307s | four billion roughly this time any any |
1309s | guesses |
1311s | kills yeah not a bad guess but no this |
1315s | is the total hours of cumulative log on |
1318s | time for every user account |
1320s | ever in Eve |
1324s | oh |
1325s | this comes down to 460 |
1328s | 000 years of log on time |
1332s | that is |
1333s | quite something give yourself a round of |
1336s | applause |
1339s | uh |
1341s | much smaller number but related to the |
1343s | one we saw earlier |
1346s | oh average I heard yes this is the |
1348s | average for every user can take all |
1351s | accounts their total uh log on duration |
1353s | and average it this might not seem like |
1355s | much but this is super high this |
1358s | includes every account that has no lock |
1360s | on time zero |
1361s | which there are some uh Believe It or |
1364s | Not of course your average everyone in |
1367s | this room in their accounts is a lot |
1369s | higher |
1370s | a lot |
1373s | again |
1374s | this is an average |
1377s | is or skewed so this is insanely High |
1383s | a very small number 18 any guesses |
1387s | per day no |
1392s | I was waiting for some obscenities while |
1395s | asking for suggestions on this but I'll |
1397s | give you a hint 18 420. |
1401s | 20 years maybe you know |
1406s | another hand two are here at FanFest |
1414s | I heard it |
1416s | I heard it in the audience |
1418s | 18 user accounts |
1420s | have been continuously subscribed |
1422s | without the day's break for more than 20 |
1425s | years and two of the account owners are |
1428s | at Pinterest |
1435s | and Karsten the fourth and 13th longest |
1439s | running Subs currently 20.4 and 20.3 |
1443s | years without a day's break |
1446s | well today like |
1448s | the poor people at like went on vacation |
1451s | for a few days they're not on the list |
1453s | because uh just no breaks and the |
1455s | special shelter to heavy hauler and also |
1458s | at Fan Fest uh he is at 19.8 years with |
1461s | the 21st sorry |
1464s | okay some error in the data apparently |
1467s | but you know |
1468s | but yeah here are the 18 subbed 420 Plus |
1472s | Round of Applause to these guys this is |
1474s | amazing |
1478s | are amazing |
1483s | 384 anybody familiar |
1486s | flyable ships any one line |
1488s | uh |
1490s | and here you have all of them |
1492s | bars indicating total quantity of active |
1495s | characters in a snapshot taken on |
1496s | September 9th last |
1498s | uh it's on a logarithmic scale so you |
1500s | better visualize the quantities |
1502s | otherwise it looks like this and you can |
1503s | barely see any differences between |
1505s | anything |
1507s | so again like active characters having a |
1510s | login Pro 30 days prior to the September |
1512s | 9th |
1513s | uh that's the total quantity in the bars |
1515s | and the coloring is an activity index |
1517s | It's a combination of activation shift |
1520s | activations on logon shift changed into |
1522s | events and gate jumps so the dark green |
1525s | much used ships dark orange barely no |
1529s | usage and white this somewhere in |
1530s | between and here you can see some |
1532s | examples |
1533s | hope you can read it |
1536s | I can see the letters are a little small |
1538s | now they were huge on my screen |
1540s | uh |
1542s | uh there you go you can see the Campion |
1543s | for instance at the at the lower right |
1545s | corner 12 items in total quantity of |
1548s | active characters no activations no |
1551s | changed into events and no kitchens |
1553s | perhaps not surprisingly |
1554s | uh here you can see a few interesting |
1557s | shapes now these uh there are kind of |
1560s | relatively a lot of but they're not used |
1562s | a lot relative to their neighbors so for |
1565s | instance you can see the miasmos quave |
1566s | ultra Edition there are thousands of |
1568s | those or 1000 sorry uh on active |
1572s | characters but no activation event on |
1574s | that day on September 9th so it's not |
1576s | used at all with a thousand active ships |
1579s | in use kind of |
1581s | uh while you can see the Bantam for |
1584s | instance It's relatively much used of |
1586s | course there are 2200 or 220 000 items |
1589s | but it's used more than its nearest |
1592s | Neighbors in terms of quantity |
1595s | here you can see the opposite so these |
1596s | are shapes that are kind of rare |
1599s | relative to their neighbors produce a |
1601s | lot |
1602s | if that makes sense so the Revenant for |
1604s | instance there are 110 of these for |
1606s | active players on September 9th but they |
1609s | still have 28 activations on lock on |
1613s | which is kind of high |
1615s | now these are the top tens for total |
1618s | quantity on active characters |
1622s | and these are the bottom 10. |
1625s | you see the Armageddon Imperial issue |
1627s | and the megathron Federation issue only |
1629s | one active uh shape on active characters |
1632s | on September 9th now these were not the |
1634s | only ships in evil line there are shapes |
1636s | that uh I wouldn't say are rarer than |
1638s | these but still you could maybe have a |
1641s | total item quantity within the game not |
1643s | just on active accounts that only goes |
1645s | down to one or two |
1646s | so there are some items laying on |
1648s | torment accounts but I thought it was |
1649s | more interesting to show you the active |
1650s | inventory |
1652s | now as you may have noticed the Venture |
1655s | top the list as the most uh or the |
1658s | highest quantity ship in the game for |
1659s | active accounts but it also takes the |
1662s | cake when you look at the entire history |
1664s | of item or inventory accounting all the |
1667s | way back to September 2013. if you take |
1670s | every day some month the entire |
1672s | inventory quantity for every day it |
1674s | comes out on top but this is not the |
1676s | only magic that it uh that it wins in |
1680s | it's also the highest in Market quantity |
1683s | all the way through history |
1685s | also the highest in stack quantity so |
1688s | like stacks and ships within them |
1690s | also the highest in Singleton quantity |
1692s | which meaning like non-stacked ships |
1695s | it's also the highest in shape |
1697s | activations on logon |
1699s | also the highest in shape changed into |
1701s | events |
1703s | and also highest in traded quantity |
1707s | however when it comes to traded value it |
1710s | falls off the list and is replaced by |
1712s | some Big Boys costing a little more |
1714s | Orca coming in at one |
1717s | now if you look at gate jumps the Estero |
1720s | is number one |
1721s | followed by The Venture |
1723s | and Tango |
1725s | ships produce the trusty rifter is |
1727s | number one all-time Productions of ships |
1731s | mind quantity the retriever |
1739s | apocalypse those people do people mine |
1741s | in this or |
1743s | someone ah |
1746s | characters distinct character count of |
1749s | characters using ships for PVE The Gila |
1752s | takes number one Ishita number two and |
1755s | they swap rolls when it comes to NPC |
1757s | kills in total |
1762s | and for PVE bounties earned the Ishtar |
1765s | stays and number one |
1768s | uh for but for player placed bounties |
1770s | earned uh the picture is very different |
1772s | the low-key text top one voltage follows |
1776s | LP earned from PvP kills The Thrasher is |
1779s | number one and then the Federation Navy |
1781s | comet |
1784s | total PVP Damage Done goes to the |
1786s | revelation |
1789s | so big soap ship |
1791s | uh but damage is not only important so |
1794s | is healing so uh for remote Hull |
1797s | repairing the archon is number one |
1801s | and remote armor repairing goes to the |
1803s | Nestor |
1805s | and remote Shield repairing goes to the |
1807s | scimitar |
1810s | for shift damage taken |
1813s | the Drake is number one |
1818s | that's a lot to carry |
1821s | uh |
1822s | but for shift that's ironically the |
1825s | Drake falls down into 13th Place and is |
1827s | replaced by The Catalyst I wonder why |
1830s | that ish |
1833s | uh |
1836s | for PVP kill assists the munin is number |
1838s | one Drake number two |
1840s | PVP final blows say press number one |
1844s | I preferred kills in total the Drake |
1847s | comes back on top so not only the most |
1850s | damage taken but also the most amount of |
1853s | kills collectively both assists and |
1855s | final blows |
1856s | ship is closed while flying in a ship |
1859s | goes to the Gila seconded by the tanku |
1863s | but most Ishq lost or is is gloss cost |
1867s | in PvP |
1869s | goes to the tornado all the way back to |
1871s | 2012. |
1873s | and to include it in one statistic the |
1876s | coolest looking shape in evil line I dug |
1879s | up the most Wormhole collapses cost goes |
1882s | to the megathron |
1887s | thank you |
1889s | but that's it for me there will be more |
1891s | data at Fan Fest we will have a booth in |
1894s | the tray top we'll be selling Concord |
1897s | capsule profiles customized Concord |
1899s | capsular profiles for uh for a little |
1901s | bit of money to support charity uh we |
1904s | will have a data panel today at 12 in |
1907s | the panel room on the second floor and |
1909s | we will have a live data AMA live data |
1913s | analytics with CCP lyric and CCP |
1914s | estimate tomorrow at 10 30 on the second |
1918s | stage do not miss that |
1920s | uh but that's it for me I have one video |
1923s | that I'm going to share in the end which |
1925s | I hope is fully self-explanatory if not |
1928s | you can try to find me the data Booth or |
1929s | around FanFest and ask me questions |
1931s | that's it thank you so much thank you |
1933s | for your attention enjoy FanFest |
1961s | thank you |
2011s | foreign |
2085s | foreign |