over 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | the details of the disaster following |
8s | the blast from the star of Turner on |
10s | November 2nd are still emerging in its |
13s | aftermath |
14s | closest to the star was the Imperial |
16s | prototype Stellar transmuter understood |
18s | to have destabilized the star through |
20s | its experimental operations |
23s | a skeleton crew of Amar volunteers |
25s | stayed aboard the transmuter and |
27s | attempts to avert catastrophe continued |
29s | until the very last moments as it became |
32s | clear that all hope was lost and the |
34s | terminal phase was imminent martial |
36s | zirkosh addressed the transmuter crew |
39s | thanking them for their devotion and |
41s | service to the Empire before commending |
43s | their souls to God |
45s | at 1700 hours the star of Turner entered |
49s | its so-called terminal phase of |
51s | instability and the transmuters ceased |
54s | to exist the destruction of several |
56s | capsular structures close to the star |
58s | swiftly followed orbiting high above the |
61s | barren planet of Turner 1 is the |
63s | Republic Parliament station which has |
65s | played a crucial role in the combined |
67s | efforts of Empire and capsulear |
69s | corporations to successfully Evacuate |
71s | the population of Turner One |
73s | at the time of the terminal event only a |
76s | handful of crew remained aboard the |
78s | station maintaining docking and traffic |
80s | operations to ensure that the maximum |
82s | number of refugees could Escape ahead of |
85s | the blast the station's spare Shield |
87s | generators and power had been diverted |
89s | to reinforce the structure unfortunately |
92s | the hastily rigged enhancements did not |
94s | deflect all radiation and supercharged |
97s | particles with many systems wrecked in |
100s | secondary explosions and fires breaking |
102s | out regardless the shielding did save |
105s | most of those who sheltered in the core |
107s | of the station which remained |
108s | structurally sound despite the severe |
111s | damage to peripheral superstructures |
113s | the worst Effects by far were felt on |
116s | the surface of Turner one as the planet |
119s | closest to the star it was clear that |
121s | this Barren world would be hit by any |
124s | extreme energy burst making its |
126s | evacuation a top priority industry |
128s | workers in many settlers were lifted off |
130s | to safety with only those refusing help |
132s | remaining on the Planet principle among |
136s | those remaining behind were the nomadic |
138s | minmitar Clans Faithfully following the |
140s | teachings of tanak dufron the absolver |
143s | in a final bizarre broadcast from the |
146s | surface of Turner 1 the absolver |
148s | encouraged his followers to embrace the |
151s | spiritual forces about to transform the |
153s | system |
154s | Turner one has been scorched beyond |
157s | recognition by the effects of the |
159s | intense radiation burst and bombardment |
161s | by a wave of supercharged plasma from |
164s | the Star so far there are no known |
166s | survivors from the surface of the planet |
169s | despite many warnings as to the risks a |
172s | large number of capsuleers placed their |
174s | ships and Crews at serious risk to |
176s | witness what promised to be an |
178s | extraordinary event |
180s | unsurprisingly these ships took heavy |
182s | damage from the radiation burst with |
184s | shields and armor systems collapsing in |
187s | seconds leaving damaged hulls totally |
189s | exposed a number of ships were destroyed |
191s | when rival capsuleers exploited these |
194s | moments of extreme vulnerability to |
196s | wreak destruction on one another |
198s | the chaotic struggle in space added to |
201s | the death toll of this already tragic |
203s | day |
204s | it is now becoming apparent that the |
207s | Turner system has been permanently |
208s | affected by the extreme Stellar event |
210s | the widespread destruction is almost |
213s | superficial on an astronomical scale |
215s | with a local space-time environment |
217s | being profoundly altered leading to very |
220s | high unstable Wormhole activity |
223s | for its part the Amar Empire has |
226s | declared its Stellar transmuter research |
228s | program a success despite the |
230s | extraordinary demise of its Turner |
232s | operations ominously the Empire appears |
236s | confident it has gathered all the data |
238s | required to take their exploitation of |
240s | the technology forward to the next stage |
243s | of development in the aftermath of the |
245s | Turner tragedy attention is turned to |
248s | the Stellar transmuters in egmar and |
250s | vard currently under the control of |
252s | minmotar forces the Urgent question |
254s | remains whether the Republic is willing |
256s | to continue experimental operations or |
259s | attempt to shut them down |
261s | this is Alton havery reporting for the |
264s | scope |