almost 3 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | hello everyone hi |
7s | [Applause] |
10s | how are we all today |
12s | rough |
13s | not rough |
15s | well i hope your hogwarts are about to |
17s | are manageable at least |
19s | um i'm ccp sledgehammer i'm here with |
22s | ccpa device and ccp calliope uh we're |
25s | all from team odyssey |
27s | um we're also going to be introducing |
29s | team equinox to the stage after this for |
31s | more chat about the character |
32s | progression and career progression |
35s | but we're here to talk to you about how |
36s | we're improving the experience for |
38s | newbies and eve online at the very |
39s | beginning |
41s | so this is team odyssey |
44s | the fine folks you see before you are |
46s | recent and current members of the team |
48s | we're multidisciplinary |
50s | that's part of the academy segment of |
52s | eve online |
54s | alongside team equinox and team |
57s | pathfinder this collection of teams is |
59s | working closely with one another to |
61s | improve the experience of eve online for |
63s | new players |
64s | odyssey was formed in january 2020 |
67s | we're a storyline content team that's |
69s | been tasked with creating a new |
71s | experience for our players coming into |
72s | the game |
75s | so what are we actually doing we're |
77s | creating a character-driven narrative |
79s | experience to introduce players to the |
81s | world of new eden we're heavily heavily |
84s | storyline focused |
85s | and we want to weave the tutorialization |
88s | of eve into the story and narrative |
91s | ultimately we want to provide a space |
93s | for new players to become comfortable in |
94s | new eden and to have the confidence to |
96s | strike out and forge their own path and |
98s | eve online |
99s | and very importantly we're building the |
101s | tools that we need to tell the story so |
103s | we briefly touched on the nodegraph |
104s | editor yesterday we're also working very |
107s | closely with cinematic and art teams to |
109s | create |
110s | new like camera cut scene tech that we |
112s | can insert into experiences and we'll |
114s | get into a little bit more about that |
115s | later |
116s | so what's actually shaped our approach |
118s | what are the design pillars that we set |
120s | out with |
122s | we want to deliver on the sci-fi promise |
123s | of eve online i'm a huge sci-fi nerd and |
126s | i think eve is probably the best |
127s | spaceship game that exists |
129s | the story should be exciting and |
131s | engaging and we want to use the story to |
133s | really showcase what eve has to offer |
136s | all the characters in the story should |
138s | feel human |
139s | we want to breed engagement and promote |
143s | good relationships with these characters |
144s | so we want them to feel human to be well |
147s | fleshed out and clip he's going to touch |
149s | on the process that we use to create |
150s | these after this |
153s | we want to make sure that we validate |
155s | our ideas and our assumptions early so |
157s | what we've done is partnered with player |
159s | research |
160s | to test all of these experiences at very |
162s | very early stages of development we |
164s | threw prototypes together and then put |
165s | it in front of user testing and gained |
167s | so much valuable feedback that the |
170s | quality that you see in the experience |
172s | just wouldn't exist without this process |
175s | and speaking of quality we want to set |
176s | the bar for what content in eve online |
178s | could be |
180s | i'd encourage you all to just play the |
181s | air mpe ultimately at the end of it i |
184s | would love for it to be the case that if |
186s | a veteran decides to spin up an alt they |
188s | can see the benefit of going through the |
190s | new player experience and think yeah i |
192s | want to do this story arc it's fun |
196s | so where did we start in september of |
199s | 2021 we released the first chapter of |
201s | the air mpe and this is the attack on |
204s | the air cloning facility where you've |
206s | just become a new capsuleer |
208s | here you can see the air station |
210s | provided to us by the wonderful dudes |
212s | over in art |
213s | uh it's |
214s | it's stunning check out you can find it |
216s | in any of the newbie systems and eve |
218s | online |
221s | we want to wow the player with visuals |
223s | that really showcase the capabilities of |
225s | our engine so again working very very |
227s | closely with art to create these |
229s | wonderful sci-fi vistas these beautiful |
232s | engaging scenes |
234s | um very importantly we want to limit the |
237s | possibility of the player freaking out |
239s | now |
239s | eve has |
241s | many many windows |
243s | and if we revealed all of these to the |
245s | player at once they would probably just |
246s | close the client go out get some fresh |
248s | air have a drink i don't know |
250s | so what we want to do is gradually |
252s | reveal the ui this is just moments after |
255s | the player has |
257s | entered the scene |
259s | and you can see here that we have a ui |
261s | highlight showing the civilian stereo |
264s | and we have the selected item info panel |
267s | or selected item panel sorry |
270s | as we go through the experience we |
271s | revealed more and more of the ui so that |
273s | the players gradually are introduced to |
277s | all of the interfaces that eve has to |
279s | offer |
281s | we want to hook the player with a |
283s | meaningful and exciting combat |
285s | experience |
286s | so we also have to consider that the |
288s | player doesn't know how to fly a ship at |
290s | this point so step by step we teach them |
293s | how to move |
294s | how to interact with objects in space |
296s | and build this up until they're involved |
298s | in an actual combat experience |
302s | we also really wanted to give them a |
304s | taste of seeing like fleet battles so we |
307s | have npc actors or mpc ships in the |
311s | scene that are battling in the |
312s | background lasers railguns all those |
315s | cool things |
316s | we expose the player to the skill window |
318s | and the fitting window for the first |
320s | time |
321s | you can see here we have a highlight a |
324s | blink on the mining laser upgrade in the |
326s | player's inventory and we have a |
328s | highlight for the free slot that we want |
330s | them to fit it to |
332s | so this is a kind of example of the |
334s | paradigm that we set |
335s | for guidance for new players |
338s | and this is present throughout the |
339s | entire experience |
341s | there's a little bit of a trick to this |
343s | we can't hold their hand |
345s | all the time or for the entire |
347s | experience so we want to be careful |
349s | about paying back the guidance so that |
352s | it doesn't constantly feel like we're |
353s | bashing players over the head with with |
355s | guidance and being too heavy-handed with |
357s | things |
358s | but at least at the beginning we kind of |
360s | have to be heavy-handed |
362s | the other thing that was very important |
364s | for new players to understand is that |
366s | you can die and it's fine like you lose |
369s | maybe some implants you lose your ship |
371s | obviously but death is just the |
373s | beginning of a new adventure for any |
375s | capsuleer |
377s | in march we released the mining mystery |
380s | a mining adventure where you're |
382s | introduced to |
383s | elias peltonin |
385s | and the sort of industrial side of the |
388s | association for interdisciplinary |
389s | research |
391s | what you're about to see is the first |
392s | moments of the player arriving at the |
394s | mining site |
396s | i think this is a wonderful showcase for |
398s | all of the different components that we |
400s | pull together like the cutscene tech the |
402s | node graph to script all of this the |
404s | voice acting conversation windows and |
407s | just quite absolutely stunning dungeon |
410s | so |
411s | here you go |
414s | we're about to go into the cutscene |
417s | and this is you know this is one of the |
419s | few occasions where you'll see something |
421s | like this in eve online |
422s | this is all in engine this isn't |
424s | pre-rendered |
427s | here we have aura explaining to the |
429s | player |
429s | that |
431s | the scale of this operation is quite |
432s | impressive |
435s | for such a new corporation |
437s | got some pretty lasers here |
440s | we'll have to see asteroids getting |
442s | blown up |
444s | we have allies here in his orca |
446s | and then we transition back to |
449s | the interface that you're all familiar |
451s | with |
452s | so |
454s | we want to teach the player that there's |
455s | a low barrier of entry means to make a |
458s | skinny online this is mining we find |
460s | asteroids in space you can mine it you |
462s | get the ore you can sell that ore it's a |
464s | really simple loop to teach the player |
466s | it also gave us the opportunity to |
468s | introduce them to the wallet for them to |
470s | actually sell things on the market and |
472s | appreciate that |
473s | yeah i can make a living here this is |
475s | something that i could do |
478s | also obviously are primarily focused on |
481s | story so we add more mystery to this uh |
485s | encounter by means of the discovery of a |
487s | wreck which bears quite a striking |
489s | similarity to the |
491s | ships that attacked the cloning facility |
492s | in september |
496s | so what are some key takeaways from all |
498s | of our releases |
500s | we're less about being a tutorial team |
502s | we're more about telling a story we are |
504s | a storyline content team we've validated |
507s | all of our experiences with early user |
509s | testing and |
510s | big thanks to our external partners and |
512s | our internal player researchers for this |
515s | we're developing the tools that we need |
517s | instead of relying on older content |
519s | systems and we have a heavy investment |
522s | in creating relatable characters and a |
524s | compelling narrative journey |
526s | players |
527s | like learning but they don't like being |
529s | taught this is true for humans as well |
533s | so why are we doing this i'm going to |
536s | pass this over to ccp callipe and she's |
538s | going to go a little bit more into why |
540s | we're doing this |
542s | thank you |
554s | okay there we go |
556s | hi i am ccp calliope i am the narrative |
558s | designer on team odyssey and i just want |
560s | to give you a little bit of insight into |
562s | why we're making the decisions that |
564s | we're making |
565s | and to go into a little bit more detail |
567s | about the fun story elements that we're |
569s | adding so as we know new eden is big |
572s | it's like really really really big so it |
574s | can be super overwhelming for someone to |
576s | start their journey as a fresh capsuleer |
579s | in this vast space they don't know what |
581s | they're doing they don't know what they |
582s | can do the possibilities seem endless so |
585s | how do we get someone from being a tiny |
587s | baby fresh-faced capsuleer to a seasoned |
590s | veteran the kind of person who would |
592s | love to come to fanfest like all of you |
593s | beautiful people |
594s | um |
595s | the way |
597s | that we wanted to get our hooks into |
599s | people to get them hooked on this game |
601s | is through story |
602s | now eve is a sandbox game so there are |
606s | there is a certain school of thought |
607s | that says that sandbox games defy |
610s | traditional linear narratives but we do |
612s | not accept that |
613s | we think that this injection of a |
616s | storyline campaign into the early player |
618s | experience is critical for building that |
621s | emotional investment for people |
624s | but where do we start our story |
625s | surprisingly we start at the beginning |
628s | as |
629s | ccp sledgehammer discussed we really |
631s | want to ground players in the reality of |
634s | this fiction by starting them day one |
636s | the first day they are reborn as a |
639s | capsuleer |
642s | you wake up in your capsule for the |
643s | first time you see the way that you now |
646s | exist in relation to your ship |
649s | and you are introduced to the air |
651s | capsuleer training program so this is |
655s | really your absolute first moments |
658s | in space |
661s | but we can't just send you out into |
663s | space without any kind of anchor point |
665s | you need you need to have an anchor in |
668s | this vast world with all of its endless |
670s | possibilities |
671s | enter the association for |
673s | interdisciplinary research so we knew |
675s | that we wanted to create an mpc |
677s | corporation that was specifically for |
679s | new players that catered to their needs |
681s | that was there to answer their questions |
684s | and the i in air is probably the most |
686s | important part it stands for |
688s | interdisciplinary and it's |
691s | meant so that it can grow and evolve to |
693s | meet the needs of new players whatever |
694s | they may be |
696s | we want to |
697s | teach them combat we have a department |
699s | for that teach them mining we've got a |
701s | department for that and most importantly |
703s | we have the air capsuleer training |
704s | program which can introduce you to |
706s | careers and ccp nova is going to talk a |
708s | little bit about that |
710s | later |
711s | but what is air you ask |
713s | air is this new corporation that |
715s | positions themselves as a disrupter of |
718s | nudian's texting they want people to |
720s | think they're this bold new voice |
721s | they're breaking barriers and they want |
724s | to democratize the expensive and very |
726s | very risky process of becoming a |
728s | capsuleer |
730s | so this is met with |
732s | mixed opinions in new eden because some |
734s | people see them as this really |
735s | incendiary type of organization they're |
737s | trying to disrupt the status quo |
739s | some people are into that some people |
741s | are not so into that |
743s | and more importantly who is air as |
746s | sledgehammer mentioned we are super keen |
748s | on making this a character-driven story |
750s | so npcs are really going to be the |
752s | beating heart we don't want them to just |
755s | serve a gameplay function we don't just |
756s | want ballen ferris to teach you about |
758s | combat we also want him to be as |
760s | integrated into the story as anything |
762s | else because you can have a clever plot |
764s | but if you don't have characters that |
766s | people care about it's all sort of for |
768s | nothing |
769s | so the first of the air npcs i want to |
771s | introduce you to is a woman named vesper |
773s | kalatrix |
777s | i don't have audio no |
779s | okay |
783s | so vesper is the vice president of |
785s | operations for air she is the |
787s | charismatic ice queen archetype she was |
790s | born in the amar empire but was orphaned |
792s | by a blood raider attack on a ship that |
795s | her family was traveling on she was |
798s | her escape pod traveled outside of a |
800s | mars space and was picked up by the |
803s | sisters of eve where she met the |
805s | air ceo elita balashirian who is |
808s | formerly of soe and she is voiced by the |
811s | inimitable katherine kingsley whose |
813s | voice unfortunately |
815s | you're not hearing today |
817s | we also have ballen ferris he's the |
820s | commander of air security he is the |
822s | first person that you boldly go into |
823s | battle with he rose up through the ranks |
826s | of the minmatar republic fleet before |
828s | being recruited by air he is that |
831s | stalwart gruff but kind military guy |
834s | he's responsible for the organization |
836s | and deployment of air's paramilitary |
838s | wing and he is responsible also for the |
842s | training of all air pilots and he takes |
843s | that responsibility very very seriously |
846s | he's voiced by ben turner who |
848s | brought a really interesting dimension |
850s | to this character |
853s | still no audio um |
855s | but he sort of injected this uh |
859s | sort of london working class edge to his |
861s | accent which pulls that real world |
863s | connotation to into the game to sort of |
865s | give you a sense of what this |
866s | character's background may be like |
869s | and last of the air npcs so far we have |
872s | elias peltenan elias is air's mining |
875s | expert he is the maverick he is |
879s | the kind of guy who loves money he loves |
882s | adventure travel and |
884s | just like air he prizes his independence |
888s | because air is like they're they're not |
890s | affiliated with any empire so they are |
893s | strict very strict about pursuing |
895s | independence and not having um sort of |
898s | tangled relationships with the other |
901s | powers that be in new eden and i think |
904s | of all of the air npcs elias might be |
907s | the most fun to have a beer with and |
909s | he's voiced by the incredible derek |
911s | hagan who really |
913s | once i said that the inspiration for |
915s | elias pelton's character was brendan |
917s | fraser from the mummy he just took that |
918s | and ran |
923s | and last but certainly not least for the |
925s | mpcs in the air npe we have ora she is |
928s | your first friend in space a stalwart |
930s | companion an unfailing ally and as is |
933s | written here you can see that the galaxy |
935s | is dark and full of terrors but you are |
937s | not alone because she is there for you |
939s | at the best of times she's there for you |
941s | with the worst of times um |
943s | and we really wanted to foster that type |
946s | of uh relationship between capsuleer and |
949s | aura as is mentioned in the air mpe |
952s | there are thousands if not millions of |
954s | copies of aura in new eden but she is |
957s | your aura and you are her pilot so |
959s | there's definitely a very strong |
961s | relationship that we wanted to |
963s | um |
965s | to really nurture |
969s | and i won't waste too much time on this |
971s | slide because |
972s | uh ccp sledgehammer went into it but how |
975s | do we introduce capsuleers to a world |
977s | like new eden violently |
997s | you're like this is great i have time to |
999s | acclimatize to what life is a capsule |
1001s | would be like no you don't |
1003s | you are just violently born into space |
1006s | um through this exploding tunnel and all |
1008s | of a sudden you're just a lonely little |
1010s | pod floating in space what's going to |
1012s | happen to me now who's to say |
1016s | so now what we have this grand creative |
1018s | vision we have the pursuit of a mystery |
1022s | that kicks off with the attack on the |
1023s | cloning facility |
1024s | and develops with the mining adventure |
1027s | but how do we pull that off so we needed |
1030s | as a team to be as interdisciplinary as |
1032s | air we needed to involve other teams we |
1034s | needed to loop in art and audio and |
1036s | basically every sensory experience that |
1039s | goes into creating a video game and we |
1042s | needed fun new tools to talk to you a |
1044s | little bit about that i'm going to hand |
1046s | this over to ccp edelweiss |
1049s | [Applause] |
1050s | thanks to civical iop |
1054s | hi fanfest |
1056s | hi nccb |
1058s | i'm cecilia wise uh i'm software |
1061s | engineer at tcp |
1062s | and |
1064s | okay |
1066s | i'm gonna take you through the first |
1068s | moments of eve for a new player |
1070s | unable to identify our attackers but |
1073s | they are not currently targeting our |
1075s | capsule |
1076s | this gives us time to locate a ship |
1079s | at this point they've created a new |
1081s | character |
1082s | they've watched that intro video |
1084s | and so they're in space they're in a |
1087s | capsule there's no ui they've just met |
1090s | ora |
1091s | and she's going to guide them through |
1093s | this story where they see a bit about |
1096s | the game and they learn the basics |
1103s | your pod may be able to fly through |
1105s | space |
1106s | but like all capsules |
1108s | it is unarmed |
1111s | a proper ship comes with proper weaponry |
1115s | the question for us in tech was |
1118s | how do we guide new players in if |
1121s | how do we |
1122s | build an interactive story |
1125s | and |
1126s | the tools that we had back then were not |
1129s | going to cut it |
1130s | they were too linear |
1132s | and we really wanted players to |
1136s | do things on their own to to be able to |
1139s | go off the golden path |
1142s | so what we came up with were these note |
1146s | graphs or noddy for friends |
1149s | um you can see them here below |
1153s | they're somewhat similar to um to the |
1156s | visual programming from |
1158s | game engines like unreal |
1160s | we have actions in blue |
1163s | like show this aura conversation or |
1168s | play that music trigger |
1171s | and we connect them in a timeline to for |
1174s | example events |
1176s | in red |
1177s | where we're using |
1179s | we're waiting for some player input like |
1182s | camera rotated |
1183s | or |
1184s | camera zoomed out |
1187s | and so on so let's see it in action |
1198s | now let's get a better look at our |
1200s | surroundings |
1203s | and now ora is asking the player to zoom |
1206s | out |
1207s | which is that |
1209s | show conversation in blue |
1211s | and we're waiting for the player to |
1213s | actually zoom out |
1215s | which is the event in red camera zoom |
1217s | out |
1219s | um |
1224s | and now |
1225s | they will zoom out |
1228s | ah |
1229s | there is a ships and you see how it |
1231s | advances to the next |
1232s | box a fine shape indeed |
1239s | as you can imagine there are many things |
1241s | that we can do with these boxes |
1243s | like we can use them to reveal parts of |
1246s | the ui |
1247s | we can control the ui pointers |
1251s | we can choose on one path or the other |
1254s | based on a condition or some player |
1256s | input |
1258s | and by now i believe we have about 500 |
1262s | different types of these boxes so there |
1265s | are many options |
1272s | i have highlighted the navigation |
1273s | section of your display |
1275s | use it to approach the ship |
1278s | but the main takeaway is that we've |
1281s | built a powerful framework to script |
1283s | experiences |
1286s | and we're using it not just in the |
1288s | client but also in the server to control |
1290s | dungeon spawning |
1292s | to |
1293s | trigger mpc behaviors |
1295s | to give up items etc |
1300s | and |
1303s | this tool gives us the flexibility |
1306s | to build experiences and content like |
1308s | you haven't seen before |
1312s | and not just for new players |
1315s | we want and we are going to empower |
1319s | other teams within ccp |
1321s | with this note graph technology so they |
1323s | can also build more immersive content |
1328s | our next step in team odyssey |
1330s | is to use career agent missions as a |
1333s | test bed for bringing this technology to |
1336s | missions |
1337s | and to dungeons |
1340s | and i worked in many |
1343s | content systems in if but this one is a |
1346s | big step up so i'm super excited for the |
1349s | future |
1350s | ccp's led hammer what else can we reveal |
1356s | [Applause] |
1360s | thank you very much |
1361s | so the next thing that we're going to |
1363s | work on for the air mpe is the |
1366s | exploration adventure |
1368s | um |
1369s | new players like the idea of exploration |
1370s | coming into the game they've heard tales |
1372s | of a vast living sci-fi universe and |
1375s | they want to uncover it for themselves |
1376s | they want to unravel its mysteries |
1379s | and journey out into its unknowns so we |
1381s | really want to embrace those desires |
1383s | with the exploration chapter |
1385s | we want them to appreciate the vastness |
1386s | of new eden and marvel at celestial |
1389s | sites |
1390s | we want them to discover ancient mystery |
1392s | and history and to be armed with |
1394s | knowledge and skills to strike out on |
1395s | their own |
1397s | we have the opportunity to take them on |
1398s | a journey filled with contextually |
1400s | sensitive information about new eden |
1403s | we will describe how exploration |
1405s | complements the different careers you |
1407s | know you can hack a can get some stuff |
1408s | from it this is used by industry |
1411s | to build or invent |
1413s | and we'll teach them the basic elements |
1415s | of exploration as you all know them so |
1417s | bookmarks hacking scanning |
1419s | and while ensuring that all of this |
1421s | feels like an organic part of the story |
1425s | we're going to look at career agents |
1428s | we're delivering content periodically in |
1429s | both installments of their mpe and we |
1431s | use the career agents as a handoff into |
1434s | need and proper at the moment |
1437s | we're aware that there's quite a |
1439s | difference in quality between our mp |
1441s | experience and the career agents so we |
1444s | want to use as elvis has said |
1447s | our load graph system to introduce a |
1449s | guidance layer to these missions so |
1451s | pointing out which ship is important |
1454s | here or |
1455s | where do i get these prisoners |
1457s | we want to move local text into |
1460s | conversation windows like you've seen |
1461s | with aura and elias and balin and vesper |
1465s | the corp chat window is in focus by |
1467s | default for new players so |
1470s | there's so much in local chat that can |
1471s | be missed in all of these mission chains |
1473s | that we want to surface this and |
1474s | highlight it |
1476s | this is part of like elevating |
1478s | the text so that it's more readable but |
1481s | also in mission change where there's |
1483s | characters we want to like have them in |
1485s | a conversation window so it doesn't feel |
1486s | like some chat bot that's just talking |
1488s | to you |
1489s | um we're going to adjust gameplay we're |
1491s | strictly necessary and i want to be |
1493s | clear that this is just our first |
1495s | iteration on the career agents |
1497s | and we're looking at updating the |
1498s | rewards if necessary |
1500s | this is what odyssey's going to focus |
1502s | alongside art who are in as you saw |
1504s | yesterday in their speech the early |
1505s | stages of a massive visual update update |
1508s | to all of this content |
1512s | this is an example of pathfinder's work |
1514s | on a potential mock-up for |
1517s | iteration on the agent conversation ui |
1519s | for instance |
1521s | we want to better surface and make the |
1523s | rewards clearer we want to show the |
1525s | objectives and |
1527s | there's a discrepancy but currently with |
1530s | the agent conversation window and the |
1532s | read details button some of the |
1534s | information is present in one and not in |
1536s | the other and it's not very glanceable |
1537s | for the player so we want to we want to |
1539s | treat that with an update to the |
1541s | conversation ui |
1543s | i'm going to pass this over to ccp nomad |
1545s | who genuinely got goosebumps when they |
1548s | announced that there was going to be an |
1549s | excel integration with eve |
1553s | so please give up for c speed nomad he's |
1555s | going to talk to you more about the |
1556s | character progression and career |
1558s | progression thank you very much |
1561s | [Applause] |
1573s | thank you team odyssey |
1576s | hello survivors |
1578s | of fun fest day one |
1582s | give yourself a round of applause guys |
1585s | it's nice to see you hero |
1586s | [Applause] |
1590s | okay |
1592s | so that's the topic |
1594s | the factory of capable capsuleers |
1597s | character progression player progression |
1600s | call loop |
1601s | and core competency |
1606s | i'm sick |
1607s | i'm a game designer for team equinox for |
1611s | eve online |
1614s | if deaths do play eve |
1617s | go figure |
1619s | maybe i cannot compare |
1621s | to some of you hotshots in the audience |
1624s | but i do know a thing or two about the |
1626s | game |
1628s | i'm part of this team |
1630s | and we are responsible for player and |
1633s | character progression in iwo night this |
1635s | is a multi-disciplinary team with a mix |
1638s | of veterans and newcomers both to ccp |
1640s | and to eve |
1642s | having such a diverse team |
1644s | is crucial when making content and |
1646s | systems for new players |
1649s | so what is a core loop |
1652s | it is something that you perform |
1654s | repeatedly this is the basis of a game |
1658s | and you progress in the game |
1661s | when you manage to perform |
1662s | this loop faster and faster over time |
1665s | or when you take on more challenging |
1667s | loops inside the game |
1670s | now some |
1672s | well forgot there |
1674s | so first thing you you set yourself a |
1676s | goal |
1677s | you you look what's fun to do in this |
1679s | game what looks interesting to me then |
1682s | you research it a bit is it worth it |
1685s | then finally you pick a task |
1688s | for that particular area of the game |
1690s | then you prepare |
1692s | your ship |
1693s | by getting the ship itself the modules |
1696s | then you train the missiles missing |
1698s | skills if there are any |
1700s | you then go and perform the task |
1703s | you get the reward |
1705s | and then you analyze what happened |
1708s | was it all good or maybe there's |
1710s | something that i can do better next time |
1713s | maybe there's |
1715s | a change in the fitting that would help |
1716s | me |
1717s | in this uh adventure so then you improve |
1722s | the skills |
1723s | if needed to get even better at that |
1726s | and we go back to the start |
1730s | now some of those items here |
1732s | are not like the others |
1736s | we have player progression that's |
1738s | intertwined with the character |
1740s | progression |
1741s | both are source of satisfaction |
1744s | which is part of why games are fun |
1747s | why we are playing games as humans |
1752s | so core competency |
1755s | is when you can perform the core loop of |
1757s | the game unassisted |
1760s | that is one of the things we are aiming |
1761s | for |
1764s | we can show the player progression |
1766s | character progression like this |
1771s | sometimes you are limited |
1773s | by your character you might be lacking |
1775s | skills for example or having bad |
1777s | standings to do some things other times |
1779s | you are limited by your |
1781s | knowledge or lack of experience |
1785s | so while character progression is |
1786s | explicit and measurable in skill points |
1790s | or risk the player progression is much |
1792s | more subtle |
1793s | and cannot be measured easily especially |
1796s | by new players |
1798s | our goal |
1800s | is to make the player progression more |
1801s | explicit and thus easier to comprehend |
1804s | and relate to |
1806s | at the same time |
1807s | we're making the first steps for the |
1809s | character progression path to be more |
1811s | accessible by making the initial |
1814s | player decisions much simpler |
1817s | and skill plans are an example of that |
1822s | so how to engage a new player |
1827s | a story is how humans communicate and |
1829s | we've heard about that from team odyssey |
1831s | from ccp calliope |
1836s | a helpful lesson |
1839s | is something that you |
1840s | a helpful lesson results in acquired |
1842s | knowledge |
1844s | that you can apply to get better at |
1845s | something and the sooner you can apply |
1847s | the knowledge that you have gained the |
1849s | better you retain that knowledge |
1851s | it doesn't go away |
1855s | then about the guidance |
1857s | we use guidance in moments |
1859s | where we know that the player might be |
1861s | lost |
1862s | where we set the available |
1864s | where the set of available choices is |
1867s | too big or where the consequences of |
1869s | such a choice are not clear |
1872s | then we have safe environment |
1874s | and it can can have multiple dimensions |
1877s | for example starting the game in high |
1879s | sec is an example of safe environment |
1881s | but also this applies to communicating |
1883s | to the player |
1885s | that well that whatever |
1887s | choice they make |
1888s | they won't regret it |
1890s | that that is safer environment as well |
1894s | so |
1895s | team odyssey right before me they were |
1897s | talking about the first two items on |
1899s | this list |
1900s | mostly |
1903s | the narrative driven gameplay and the |
1904s | helpful lessons now we are moving to the |
1907s | other two where we engage with the |
1908s | player by providing them with choices |
1910s | and guidance for their decisions |
1914s | so the choice itself how to make it |
1916s | easier |
1918s | the most important thing just limit the |
1920s | number of options if there's too many |
1922s | then explanations won't help really |
1925s | and explain the consequences of the |
1927s | choice provide the player with the |
1928s | information what they will gain by |
1931s | making this choice or what might be at |
1933s | stake what they might be risking by by |
1936s | making this choice |
1938s | and also keep them away from potentially |
1940s | regrettable choices |
1942s | like |
1944s | do not |
1945s | try to keep them away from making a |
1947s | decision that they will regret later and |
1949s | that applies to skills a lot there are |
1951s | many players who regret training into |
1953s | mining because other players told them |
1956s | to do so and they found out that they |
1959s | didn't really like it afterwards |
1962s | we all know this |
1966s | so certified skill plans feature that |
1968s | was introduced introduced in september |
1970s | was the first step on this road instead |
1972s | of expecting the player to pick one of |
1974s | 500 skills to train we present them with |
1977s | a much simpler choice |
1980s | which is who we want to be |
1982s | simple as that |
1984s | and for for that we just give them four |
1986s | options |
1988s | when they select the the career path |
1991s | when they decide who they want to be |
1993s | they can choose a faction they want to |
1995s | follow so this |
1998s | puts an emphasis on the fact that |
2001s | the race of your character does not |
2003s | limit your |
2005s | possibilities you can expand |
2007s | horizontally in skills |
2009s | for any ships or activities no matter |
2011s | what kind of which race your character |
2013s | is |
2015s | and you guys have been asking this for |
2017s | years since before skill plans you use |
2020s | the forums |
2021s | and |
2022s | websites to share the list of skills |
2024s | with each other |
2025s | that was great however |
2028s | anytime the game requires you |
2031s | to get out of it to find some |
2033s | information that increases the friction |
2036s | and breaks the immersion |
2038s | which is not something that we like or |
2040s | you |
2043s | so since september release with skill |
2045s | plans many organizations adopted |
2048s | them to help their recruits |
2050s | this this was a tweet from eve |
2053s | university they've put together a great |
2056s | list of skill plans that are available |
2059s | both to the members of the university |
2062s | but also to all the players |
2064s | outside of it |
2065s | they share it share them with everyone |
2068s | it's really good stuff if you are |
2070s | interested in |
2071s | seeing |
2072s | skill plans prepared for new players |
2074s | that are really well done i recommend |
2076s | you guys to check that out |
2080s | so in each certified skill plan we |
2082s | recommend this suitable ship fitting |
2084s | so that instead of having |
2086s | asking the player to figure that out on |
2088s | their own |
2090s | we give them an example to follow that |
2092s | they can use |
2093s | to modify |
2095s | or to learn |
2096s | what is really |
2098s | the correct fitting so to speak so they |
2101s | don't do dual tank or things like that |
2104s | we have seen that as well on z kill |
2108s | and just recently we have fixed some |
2110s | discrepancies in those fittings the |
2112s | fixes will be released in june |
2114s | and then all of the those fittings that |
2117s | are in the certified skill plans will |
2119s | match one-to-one with the community |
2120s | feelings that you can see in the |
2123s | fitting window |
2125s | just to make things more consistent and |
2127s | easier and avoid confusing the players |
2134s | so |
2135s | also every all certified skill plans try |
2138s | to lead you to content as well they |
2141s | provide a link in the description that |
2143s | opens a particular panel of the agency |
2147s | where you can find the content that |
2149s | we're interested in |
2152s | but skill plans are useful not only for |
2153s | new players |
2154s | i've been meeting with some of you this |
2156s | week |
2157s | asking about skill plans how you like |
2159s | them how you use them the response i got |
2161s | was usually |
2163s | thank you for making it easier to manage |
2164s | my 24 hours training |
2169s | you are welcome |
2170s | it helps me too |
2174s | so going back to the narrative design a |
2176s | bit |
2177s | if you became a capsuleer within the |
2179s | last few months |
2180s | you have been taken care of by air at |
2182s | the very beginning of your journey they |
2184s | have put you on a special program so you |
2186s | could learn about and experience what |
2188s | there is to do |
2189s | for you as a capsuleer unfortunately |
2192s | that endeavor got interrupted by an |
2194s | explosion no less |
2197s | you got thrown into space in your pot |
2199s | without much preparation and then every |
2201s | representative stayed with you |
2203s | and guided you through those |
2204s | circumstances explaining things on the |
2206s | fly and hopefully you have learned |
2208s | something from that |
2209s | now the actual air carrier program can |
2211s | continue can resume |
2213s | and air can introduce you to the |
2214s | available careers and let you learn them |
2217s | by doing |
2220s | so what is the air carrier program |
2224s | it's a system that lets you choose the |
2226s | career |
2227s | in similar way to skill plans |
2230s | that is |
2231s | who i want to be |
2234s | then choose the activity you might be |
2236s | interested in what i want to be doing |
2239s | what i think will be fun for me in the |
2242s | game |
2244s | and then choose that particular goal |
2246s | what i want to do now |
2251s | so this system i described most of it |
2254s | yesterday |
2255s | the system tracks |
2258s | all the actions that every player makes |
2261s | takes |
2262s | and for completing arbitrary goals |
2266s | it |
2267s | rewards the capsuleer for that |
2271s | the rewards |
2272s | are |
2273s | usually |
2274s | relevant to the career the goal is |
2277s | associated with so for example |
2279s | if |
2280s | you fulfill a goal that's related to |
2282s | industry then you may get a skill book |
2286s | for an industrial ship |
2290s | additionally |
2292s | the system provides you with skill |
2293s | points so you can accelerate the |
2294s | training |
2297s | it offers a good visibility into what |
2299s | kind of activities are associated with |
2300s | specific careers |
2302s | you can browse things and and see |
2305s | for each career |
2308s | what kind of |
2310s | actions are associated if i call myself |
2314s | an explorer what does that mean in the |
2316s | game |
2317s | what there's for me to do |
2319s | to then call myself i'm competent |
2322s | explorer competent |
2326s | additionally the system suggests |
2328s | activities that are that are beneficial |
2330s | to new players to fresh capsuleers |
2335s | then for each goal that |
2338s | you look at that that you want to |
2339s | perform |
2340s | it provides you with guidance from aura |
2344s | and that's an interesting thing we think |
2346s | we have run some user |
2348s | research |
2351s | where we presented the players with the |
2352s | prototype of the system |
2355s | and they liked it a lot that the aura is |
2358s | back |
2360s | they they really like her in during the |
2362s | np |
2363s | what |
2364s | has been part of what team odyssey |
2367s | were talking about and they missed her |
2370s | when that npe has finished so they |
2373s | really appreciated seeing her back |
2375s | and helping them go through all of this |
2382s | also if you want to pursue the goals for |
2385s | the sake of rewards which are skill |
2386s | points as the most important reward |
2390s | then you are kind of pushed into all |
2393s | areas of the game |
2395s | where you can experience things that |
2396s | maybe you are not so interested at the |
2398s | beginning but you may find them |
2400s | interesting after getting engaged with |
2402s | with them of course this is not |
2403s | mandatory it's all about your choice |
2408s | it also this system gives you free |
2410s | expert systems |
2412s | that allow you to fly |
2414s | all |
2416s | rookie-friendly ships so frigates and |
2418s | destroyers across all races no matter |
2421s | which character race you are |
2424s | lastly |
2425s | the system creates capable capsuleers |
2428s | who know what to do and how to do it |
2432s | so this is the choice of the career it |
2434s | looks almost the same as in the skill |
2437s | plans |
2438s | but additionally |
2441s | each of those choices will be |
2442s | accompanied with some more information |
2444s | both from aura and in form of a short |
2447s | video explaining what this career is |
2449s | about |
2450s | at the very bottom you can see your |
2452s | progress towards the skill point rewards |
2455s | because for completing every goal |
2458s | besides |
2459s | receiving reward in form of esk or |
2462s | modules or ships or skills or skins |
2465s | you will receive career points |
2467s | which are simply a system of measurement |
2470s | of your progress |
2473s | both inside each of those careers but |
2475s | also overall in the whole career program |
2481s | here you can see activities |
2483s | within the enforcer career |
2486s | the aura recommends you the activity |
2487s | that should benefit you the most of the |
2489s | new capsuleer in this case |
2491s | go and do some career agent missions for |
2494s | start |
2495s | they will teach you something |
2499s | at the bottom you can see the progress |
2501s | towards the graduation moment for this |
2503s | particular career the graduation moment |
2505s | is when you complete |
2507s | 75 of all the goals that are designated |
2511s | for this career |
2512s | and for that you receive more skill |
2515s | points |
2516s | but also skins that are related to to |
2519s | this career |
2523s | after selecting a particular goal goal |
2526s | you get the details of it including the |
2528s | tips from our aura on how to complete it |
2531s | you can see in the bottom right corner |
2533s | this is where our assistance panel |
2536s | resides and it provides you with more |
2538s | information about like how do i do this |
2541s | stuff precisely |
2544s | so a couple of examples this is also |
2546s | something i've shown you yesterday |
2549s | so the rewards section here |
2551s | showed the esk |
2554s | and items that you will receive when you |
2555s | complete the task |
2557s | some goals provide you with the rewards |
2558s | that are outside of your race for |
2560s | example if you are an amar |
2563s | i'm sorry |
2569s | fine |
2572s | if you are an amar you will get mean |
2574s | matar skill books for mid-matter |
2575s | frigates if you're a kaldari you will |
2577s | get gallant skill books for frigates |
2580s | again to make an emphasis on the fact |
2582s | that you can expand horizontally |
2586s | the risk estimation shows you how likely |
2588s | it is for you to lose a ship |
2590s | by doing by trying to attempt to |
2592s | complete this goal and the time |
2594s | estimation shows you how long it may |
2597s | take for this goal for you to complete |
2598s | this goal so when you sit at your |
2600s | computer and you have half an hour |
2603s | you may reconsider which one to pick |
2608s | like mentioned before |
2610s | aircraft program provides place with |
2611s | free expert systems |
2613s | and they are |
2615s | they are the rewards for each of the |
2620s | carrier agent missions |
2622s | when you complete career agent missions |
2624s | for specific career then you get an |
2626s | expert system that allow enables you to |
2628s | fly |
2629s | all the ships that are relevant to that |
2631s | career |
2632s | within frigate and destroyer sizes |
2636s | and there's about one million skill |
2637s | points worth of skills in those expert |
2639s | systems that |
2640s | those are support skills and all weapon |
2642s | system skills so for example if you are |
2645s | on an enforcer path and you get the |
2647s | expert system from the enforcer |
2650s | it will give you skills for frigates for |
2652s | amar minmatar kaldari and galante but |
2654s | also skills for |
2656s | uh hybrid weapons projectiles missiles |
2659s | drones |
2660s | shields armor all that the full set |
2663s | so to expose you to all types of |
2667s | combat all types of tactics so then you |
2669s | can decide what to train |
2673s | this is the list of ships for each of |
2675s | the expert system that will be enabled |
2679s | this should also help |
2681s | the recruiters to inform the play the |
2684s | the recruits |
2686s | about what they can do |
2687s | what they should be trying out or be |
2691s | easier |
2693s | to accommodate in the corporation |
2696s | just finish the career agents you'll get |
2697s | an expert system and you can fly with us |
2700s | immediately because you will have the |
2701s | skills required |
2705s | so there's 188 goals so far grouped into |
2708s | 40 types of activities and those are |
2710s | into four careers that's in total about |
2713s | 70 hours of content so that's like a |
2715s | month of playing two hours every day |
2720s | that should get the players engaged |
2722s | enough |
2723s | to get exposed to all the social aspects |
2726s | of these |
2727s | to interact with you guys |
2729s | and get engaged |
2731s | more into the game |
2735s | so what's next |
2736s | i've shown you |
2738s | interesting slide yesterday |
2745s | about this |
2747s | and i'm sure you will guys have some |
2749s | questions we'll have a run table |
2752s | at one |
2754s | we'll be talking a bit about this if you |
2756s | will be asking about this |
2758s | but to summarize where are we going with |
2760s | this |
2763s | we plan to rebalance all the skills |
2767s | and |
2768s | try to fix some |
2769s | [Music] |
2771s | inconsistencies between them |
2774s | and to reduce the level of complication |
2777s | uh involved in the optimization of |
2779s | training we are removing character |
2781s | attributes |
2782s | and because we are removing character |
2784s | attributes we have to look into implants |
2786s | because they are closely related so |
2788s | we'll be revamping the whole implant |
2790s | gameplay not only about learning |
2792s | implants but all implants |
2794s | and boosters |
2797s | i will say more about that in a couple |
2799s | of slides |
2802s | and finally the skill training will be |
2804s | removed so no more training cue no more |
2808s | training a skill |
2809s | you will be accumulating skill points |
2811s | passively over time at a fixed rate that |
2814s | you will be able to adjust through |
2815s | implants for example |
2817s | and then you will be applying those |
2818s | skill points either to |
2820s | skill plans or to particular skills that |
2822s | you want |
2825s | so the skills for balance will touch all |
2829s | aspects of every skill |
2832s | just to make sure that some of the |
2834s | skills that are 20 years old almost |
2837s | makes sense for the players today and |
2839s | makes sense in the context of all the |
2840s | other skills |
2843s | the character attributes today are |
2845s | complex and complicated |
2847s | but also obscure the game doesn't tell |
2849s | you |
2850s | why one skill trains faster than another |
2854s | some of you know what is the training |
2857s | equation but probably not all of you |
2861s | and we'll just get getting rid of that |
2862s | making the system |
2864s | more simple |
2866s | so no not complicated anymore but it |
2869s | still will be complex for those who want |
2871s | to get deeper into it to optimize it |
2873s | more |
2876s | the implants as i said they rely on |
2879s | character attributes so we have to |
2880s | revise them but that ties to jump clones |
2883s | and today they cover too many subjects |
2885s | at once they are responsible for gearing |
2888s | up the same way you fit modules to ships |
2891s | you also choose particular jump clone |
2894s | with correct implants |
2897s | if you are going into combat or if you |
2899s | are doing pve you just switch them up so |
2901s | that's the gearing aspect of dumplings |
2903s | but also the travel that's another thing |
2905s | that you use jump lungs for and then on |
2907s | top of that we have skill progression |
2909s | which is learning implants so all those |
2911s | three things are involved in jumpclone's |
2914s | gameplay |
2915s | and that's not ideal because because |
2917s | those things are not that related to |
2919s | each other really |
2921s | so we'll be looking into some revisions |
2923s | in this area |
2925s | and the training themselves itself |
2927s | as i mentioned |
2929s | it's difficult to to |
2931s | understand or to explain |
2933s | why some skills are |
2935s | take longer to train than the others |
2938s | how all of it makes sense what are |
2941s | attributes what are attribute remaps why |
2943s | i can do that only once a year |
2945s | this is some crazy stuff |
2948s | who came up with it |
2954s | so |
2955s | if we are removing the training queue |
2960s | that means you will be left with skill |
2962s | plus as the |
2964s | the tool for you to plan your |
2966s | progression |
2967s | and the training key wasn't ideal for |
2969s | that it anyway because it didn't allow |
2973s | you to |
2974s | to plan without commitment |
2976s | when what i mean by that is |
2978s | you had to buy the skill book first to |
2981s | be to inject them |
2983s | and only then you could add them to the |
2985s | training queue to see how long it will |
2987s | take for you to achieve particular skill |
2989s | to be able to fly that ship |
2992s | now skill plans allow you to do that |
2993s | without commitment |
2995s | you can just add the skills and see how |
2997s | long they will train only then you can |
2999s | decide to buy them or not to start |
3001s | training them or not |
3003s | so we had since we'll be removing the |
3006s | training queue we had to give you skill |
3008s | plans first |
3009s | that's when this whole journey started |
3010s | for our team |
3015s | and that is it for now |
3018s | i recommend you all to come to the run |
3020s | table e310 |
3023s | for team odyssey and team |
3025s | equinox it's embracing new citizens in |
3028s | if |
3028s | thank you very much |