almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hey
7s what one important thing can i get a fly
8s safe
10s fly say
11s yeah okay that'll be going on the
13s internet
15s oh i don't have the controller they
17s never gave me the controller someone
19s will run up in a second but yes uh
22s hi hello i'm scott manley i'm supposed
24s to be giving a presentation and i can't
27s advance the slides because uh
29s logistical problems and that's what we
31s are eve players we know
33s that logistics is what wins wars right
37s yes god bless g-cell
40s so yes uh for those of you
42s who don't know me uh well today we're
45s talking to talk about how eve online
47s made me an internet rocket scientist and
50s i'm a rocket scientist in the same way
52s that you are flying you know spaceships
54s as in internet spaceships right
56s so hello for those of you who don't know
59s me
60s well this is my youtube page right uh
63s scott manley
65s here's a bunch of videos here's me
66s talking about scientists demanding to
68s probe
71s uranus i cover a lot of space and a lot
74s of science uh
76s but i've had a long history in gaming
78s and if you look at the banner at the top
80s you can see some cues as to my
81s background you know right on on the very
83s left hand side you can see a turntable
86s like it was a dj some equations as you
88s go over there's some code
91s and on the right here
93s there's a rifter yes yeah a very
95s recognizable profile and
98s also if you're an eve player you might
99s recognize the backdrop is of course a
101s caldari nebula
103s so eve was kind of instrumental in
106s bringing my channel up to the world and
109s i want to take a look at my most popular
111s videos so these are
113s the videos on my channel
114s sorted based upon the number of views
116s and you can see up the top it's all like
119s disasters everybody loves explosions i
122s mean chernobyl exploding a lot of
124s physics there volcano exploding
126s telescope collapsing yeah uh
130s okay but yeah go further down there's
132s some kerbal and i'll i'll say that you
134s know i i found kerbal because of eve
136s down in the bottom though you see i have
138s some eve stuff right the ex the
140s beginner's guide the 10 things that you
143s need to know
144s to begin playing uh eve online and on
147s the bottom right the fountain war the
149s true story a story for uh
152s non-eve players to be honest
155s so yeah my channel um you know it's sort
158s of my
159s half of my business let's say i get a
161s day job but i still do a lot of this i
163s have thousands of videos on there
166s at last count 480 million video views
169s 1.4 million regular subscribers and yeah
173s i do everything from why rockets fall
176s apart or how yurga gardens flight or
179s ride became uh well a soviet space ball
183s but to understand
186s how i got to that gonna rewind back to
189s the old days back to 1977 when i was
192s four or five years old and i saw star
194s wars and it had
195s a
196s fundamental you know founding imper
198s impression on me right i want to fly
201s spaceships
203s and you know over four year old kid in
205s scotland you'll find spaceships yes
207s that's exactly what i do want to do yeah
209s uh i still want to fly spaceships but
212s i've sort of become more realistic
214s this is my halloween costume from a
216s couple of years ago
217s [Music]
218s that chess plate is like a food
220s container with some cardboard stuck on
221s it the helmet's really good and i hand
223s sewn that vest
225s turns out by the way i live in the same
227s town as george lucas which is really
230s bizarrely uh coincidental
233s but yeah i can't fly spaceships for real
235s i am however flying planes for real i'm
238s learning this right now and uh strange
241s evelink uh
242s when i am
243s i do a lot of listening to air traffic
245s control to learn how to listen to pilots
247s and i'll just put that on in the
248s background
249s but i'll also put on the eve online
251s soundtrack because it's nice and chill
253s and it doesn't get in the way and i'm
255s just continually now learning what pilot
257s speakers
259s but yeah for flying spaceships
261s video games was everything right i was
265s uh
266s elite
266s boy i spent so much time in that and
269s elite is obviously a very um
272s core influence on what eve online is
275s right
276s uh we are
278s you know it's uh it had the idea of the
280s universe where you could do different
282s things you could choose to go out and
283s shoot ships or you could in theory be an
285s asteroid miner but i don't know anybody
287s that really did that
289s and at the other end as time went on the
291s technology got better there's like an
293s x-wing game i spent a lot of time
295s playing those
297s but for the space side of things the
299s real space i didn't need to give that up
301s because i went to university i studied
303s astronomy i couldn't be an astronaut in
305s scotland but i could be an astronomer i
308s got a degree in astronomy and physics
312s uh i then decided that i was terrified
314s of real life and i got another degree in
317s computational physics
319s and then i went to ireland to study more
322s asteroid stuff like this is arma
324s observatory in northern ireland i spent
326s five years desperately trying to not get
329s a real job
330s and not getting a phd out of it
333s but you know i did publish the odd paper
335s uh i ended up turning out that i was
338s much better at writing software than i
340s was doing astronomical research
343s and
344s that sort of led me into the next step
346s where
347s silicon valley came
348s they paid me very well i moved to
351s california i partied a lot more
354s played a lot less games
356s i did meet my wife because i was a dj uh
359s that worked very well
362s once i got the family however you kind
364s of had to give up the dj career
367s this is this is me with my daughter she
369s was about three months old there
372s and she's yeah you'll see a bit more of
374s her later
375s so because i wasn't going to parties
378s i had time to start playing spaceship
380s games again 2008.
382s eve online imperium age i think i'd
386s heard about eve online many times i'd
388s met a guy actually who ended up working
390s for ccp games later he was a dj in san
393s francisco just coincidentally
396s but i joined with my current account
399s in 2008 that was uh
402s the empyrean age release and they had a
405s tv campaign that played some commercials
407s during battlestar galactica and that was
409s it was like right i'm going to do this
411s for real i'm going to learn how this
412s game works and
414s boy did i love this game right there was
418s so much to do right
420s the thing about eve is that it is full
423s of
424s many small and simple systems that
425s interact right and they interact in not
428s necessarily obvious ways
431s um but yeah you know you can just spend
433s your time running missions you can
435s become a pvp or if you that's your thing
437s if you want to just grief people
439s you know ccp will let you do this or you
442s can just be one of those people that
443s shift stuff around
445s does the logistics build the stuff
448s but on top of that
450s there is a dedicated community that
453s really kept me here right once i found
455s all these systems and found that there
457s were people working in all of these uh
459s you know
460s that definitely contributed to sticking
463s uh you're holding me there it had the
464s lore
465s and of course it had the emergent
467s stories
469s and that you wanted to be part of that i
470s wanted to be part of those emergent
472s stories
474s the things that were sort of created
477s by the players uh involving the players
479s no something that the games matt the
481s creators didn't really envisage
483s so yeah games
485s let you be whoever you want
487s except that i actually made a character
489s that's pretty much me
492s i don't know how many of you remember
493s the old game engine the old character
495s generator
496s um on the far right you can see my
498s current version and
500s yeah uh obviously you can tell i've been
502s i played the doctor who thing so i still
503s do log into eve right
507s also sometimes the game has its own
510s ideas of who i am uh this was me and the
513s uh various in the recent triglavian uh
516s what do you call it the
518s in the lore around that i made a whole
520s contribution as manuel scottie
522s astrophysicist
523s it was quite an entertaining time that
525s was when of course uh
527s hisec changed in a radical manner
532s so 2008 what did i do well i was in
535s asteroids you know research so i
537s actually spent a lot of time meaning
538s asteroids not
541s necessarily because i wanted to be an
542s asteroid miner but actually the way my
545s life worked was i had a lot of free
548s time where i was doing other things but
549s i could click on some buttons every few
551s minutes so i was like okay let's make
553s money make money now i can play let's go
555s and
556s burn all that money in lowsec or
558s something like that
561s so yeah my version of eve was
565s not like anyone else i was just sort of
567s mucking around and doing a lot of things
570s so i'm an eve player how do i get
572s started on youtube how does eve figure
574s into this my youtube's channel started
578s when i bought an iphone or rather my
580s wife bought me an iphone she insisted i
582s needed to come up you know to something
583s more modern and the first one i got was
586s an iphone 3gs and it was the first one
588s that let you do video recording and more
590s importantly you could hit a button in
591s there and upload whatever you had
593s recorded to youtube to be seen
596s by
597s half a dozen people if you were lucky
599s right
600s you know of course i did this right i
602s was a proud father
603s first videos i posted was sky climbing
606s the tree in the park
608s and then i followed that up with looking
610s at the park mural and sky being a fairy
613s sky in the box guys my daughter if you
615s haven't heard
617s orion in the box she has a brother yeah
619s sky playing basketball and right down
621s the bottom
622s four-year-old skye playing eve online
626s [Music]
628s yeah this got dark suddenly didn't it
631s right
633s and i i have yeah this is the
635s justification for it you i was in those
637s communities and everyone was always
639s complaining about how difficult eve was
642s for new players
643s and i'm gonna say you know sure there is
646s this chart but i can confirm that eve
648s isn't rocket science if it was i would
651s be better at it
652s right
656s yeah this i actually found the original
658s copy of this video and remastered it
660s into like 1080p awesomeness so for those
663s of you that didn't hear it this is what
665s it sounds like here
668s so she's flying to highsec
670s now we get four gates to go
686s no i didn't have to tell you i didn't
688s have to tell you
691s i'll have to tell you the only thing is
693s the next star system has four space
695s stations and you have to dock at the
696s right space station
699s [Music]
701s well what
703s venus is the brightest planet venus is
706s the brightest it is
710s yeah okay so you get the idea uh
712s you know and that suddenly actually got
714s like
715s a few thousand views people were like
717s sharing it it's like oh yeah you and
719s your titan can't fly but look for your
721s old girl playing eve how hard can it be
724s um
725s about a year later oh actually not even
727s a year later this is like literally a
729s few a few weeks later i was like let's
731s try and get some more views so the
732s dominion trailer came out it was
734s literally the day after i got laid off
736s from a job but uh you know i so i was
738s like oh okay let's post more videos
740s and i showed it to my kids
743s and they love spaceships
748s [Music]
769s bro
772s yeah
773s so look that sort of series continued
775s you know we had skye doing some pvp uh
778s you know defending the ice belts like
780s literally hulk again that's right
783s um i had her flying my jump freighter to
786s null sec
788s and you know what my kids have actually
790s grown up to be reasonably well adjusted
792s kids despite you know potential child
794s abuse abuse issues
796s although i mean you know it wasn't that
798s bad i didn't make them play world of
799s warcraft
803s so i i want to step through like most
806s popular videos so
808s most popular video is the beginner's
810s guide which i totally made as a way to
812s get people into the game through my
814s buddy link so i could get eve time
817s i i'm not afraid to admit it i will
819s admit that it was incredibly difficult
821s to do because i broke windows movie
823s maker the free movie maker and i had to
825s cut it into multiple parts and
826s reassemble it
828s but yeah i made
829s thousands of people joined and i was so
831s glad that i was actually able to give a
834s lot of those plex
835s to keylon dark light who in turn gave me
838s a spaceship but he went and gave it to a
840s plex for good forty thousand dollars
842s which yeah kilo on dark light actually
844s made the donation but i got all the news
846s for it that spacecraft is still sitting
848s in a hangar in lowsec
850s one day i may bring it out however i do
852s notice there's a model out there that's
854s in the silent auction and it does leave
856s the hangar if you you want it's not
858s going to get destroyed my favorite video
860s that i made was my history of the
863s fountain war and that was an association
865s with a kickstarter that uh you know
867s matani and friends were running to try
869s and get a you know fiction book a
871s military fiction book set in the eve
874s universe they prepared all this like
876s guide research material and asked me to
877s make this and
879s like this has been far more successful
881s than the kickstarter campaign was but i
883s i love it i love the fact that people
884s come in and say damn i wish i was part
886s of that story and you can still be part
889s of that story these stories still happen
891s the video that most matches my playstyle
894s is this visualization of two months of
897s eve online
899s what i did was i was just heading up the
901s api hitting all the kill boards
903s collecting all the data and trying to
905s like show where things were active
907s so you can see on the right all the big
909s kills that were happening you can see
910s this sort of pulse down the bottom
913s showing the activity levels
915s i love this
916s but it really what this shows is i was
919s very actively analyzing data in eve
923s and that's why i sort of knew about
926s technician before it really happened uh
928s and this is the video that i made which
930s will probably get me primary at fastest
932s right dangerous universe losing ships is
935s all too easy
936s we at otech understand this whenever you
939s suffer life's little mishaps we'll be
941s there to make sure that your next hulk
943s can be built from genuine otech brand
945s technician that's right genuine otech
948s brand technician
951s and the video i spent most time making
953s was this 360 video showing all the
956s spacecraft in eve online and this was a
959s technical problem i wanted to solve i
961s love doing these vr videos
963s so
964s the thing about vr videos if you don't
966s know they're on youtube
967s and you can actually adjust the camera
969s angle and if you have google cardboard
971s or whatever like you can look around and
973s get the idea of vr so you can be in the
976s middle of eve's spaceships watching them
978s blow each other up
980s you know i uh i love the idea of these
983s things there's not always content that's
986s very easy to express in this manner but
987s eve online has some great graphics so
990s how did i do that how did i make the eve
992s client render all this stuff and i
994s started with eve probe not this one the
998s eve online's graphics test program
1001s called eve probe which no longer works
1003s right now but you can
1005s set up scenes and have them play and
1007s it'll measure the graphics performance
1009s so you can like figure out bugs and the
1011s system whatever
1012s so i was able to set up the same scene
1015s multiple times
1017s from multiple camera angles
1019s so the same scene ran and they would all
1022s be assembled one after the other
1024s synchronized and then you could fold
1026s these into one giant spherical viewpoint
1030s which would be the video that would uh
1032s was what we ultimately saw
1034s so this is what the video looks like
1036s it's stretched it's called a cylindrical
1038s protect projection
1040s where uh you're basically vertical is
1042s your long is your latitude and
1044s horizontal is your longitude
1047s so this is a bunch of minors with
1048s stretched lasers and stuff
1051s so
1053s now
1054s i want to actually just tell a story
1058s i think that at fan fest we often get
1060s people telling stories of you know great
1063s things that happened in eve you know
1064s things that uh appeal to the audiences
1068s and pvp
1070s big wars those are where you know we
1072s really get the meat of these stories i
1074s want to tell a story
1076s of my sort of industrial
1078s general my greatest industrial moment
1080s right and that was surrounding the
1082s noctis right so my important most
1085s important skill was data analysis i
1086s wrote all this code analyzed all this
1088s stuff and when i saw the noctis salvage
1090s ship was going to be introduced
1092s with the incursion update i began
1094s looking at how i could make a killing on
1096s this right i knew that big changes in
1098s the market can make big money for people
1100s that are prepared and understand things
1102s this was a ship
1104s well you know it right it's a salvage
1105s ship and
1107s at that point mission runners were using
1110s uh you know destroyers this would be
1112s better in every single way and you know
1113s what all the blueprints were being
1115s seeded in null sec
1117s so every mission runner wanted one the
1119s blueprints were incredibly short supply
1121s there was going to be a lot of money to
1123s be made right
1124s so
1125s we anticipated this we stocked up on
1128s minerals beforehand we needed to get the
1130s blueprints to hi-sec and that was not
1132s going to be easy because you started out
1133s an outer ring and you had to travel
1135s through syndicate i actually set up like
1137s a tengu with interdiction nullifier and
1140s a cloak and i made insta work bookmarks
1142s and perches on all the gates i had a
1144s special route planned avoided the
1146s obvious choke points like if you just
1148s did you know fastest or safest route you
1151s would go through these systems i found
1153s another way which
1154s the data said was going to be clear and
1157s i logged off in the station next day
1158s ready for the update and sure enough the
1161s next day everybody's logging in in that
1163s station undocking getting hit on undock
1166s they're getting hit like all the way in
1168s the back like some of these kills like
1170s this person had what 11 blueprints on
1173s them your total value 5 billion isc
1176s somebody has this looks like an unfitted
1178s ship i don't know what's going on there
1180s anyway there was rich pickings for
1182s pirates but i made it to high sec and i
1185s had a lot of money there
1187s but of course
1189s i wanted to make money by making things
1192s so yeah started churning out these
1194s things my first noctis i sold for 360
1197s million isk that was fantastic almost
1199s made back the money that i spent on that
1201s blueprint
1203s and i actually wonder you know what
1205s happened to that this person bought it
1207s and
1207s you know it probably just went on to
1209s mission running i wish there was some
1211s way to track like which was the first of
1214s a given ship that was built there's a
1216s there's a gameplay feature we'd like
1217s keep track of the assembly date
1220s but
1222s of course
1223s the market was in had such a great
1225s demand for this spaceship
1228s that the minerals began to run out and
1230s we had anticipated you can see in this
1232s curve here that
1235s when the spacecraft was announced in
1237s september everybody started buying up
1239s minerals and the price of noxiam in
1241s particular which is what the ore outer
1243s ring enterprises ship or excavations
1246s what they need so that price went up and
1248s then when soon as they started building
1250s them the price shot up even more
1253s so we needed sources of materials and
1255s one thing i'd done was set up all these
1257s buy orders for things like smart bombs
1259s which have lots of noxion i could refine
1262s it and by the way
1264s the medium and the large named smart
1266s bombs they have the same materials in
1268s them back in 2010 most people didn't
1270s realize them so you could pick up the
1272s medium size way way way cheaper and get
1274s tons of minerals out of them but even
1277s then that was limited
1279s so i was looking around doing my data
1280s analysis trying to find another source
1283s so i could feed this demand in this
1285s market and then an answer came from a
1288s divine source the pax amariah yes
1293s uh a great you know
1295s what what is a miraculous work a
1297s remarkable book published
1299s basically about the emperor writing
1302s about his hopes and dreams for peace
1303s throughout the galaxy
1306s so yeah it turns out that these were
1307s seeded in npc stations and you could buy
1309s them uh now the problem was they were
1311s only seeded in stacks of 3000 but if you
1313s set up a buy order for the right price
1316s for like a million of them you could get
1317s a million you just had to pay the the
1319s fees for lisp for buying them
1322s so yeah uh once the price gets above
1324s nine
1325s 536 or thereabouts you could start
1327s making a profit if you had the refining
1330s and everything sorted out so here here i
1332s am industrialist and i'm literally
1335s loading up freighters full of holy books
1338s taking them to my refining station
1341s and like yes i'm going to spread the
1342s word of the your
1345s emperor i'm going to spread it to the uh
1348s to the reprocessing plants in my chosen
1350s station and for
1352s months i was burning these these books
1355s and and
1355s [Music]
1357s thankfully everybody got their
1358s spaceships and now i really have to ask
1360s the space pool if i can get forgiveness
1369s mel thank you
1373s so anyway yes uh it was eventually
1375s removed from the game in 2012 but you
1377s know i
1378s it was just fantastic to go through this
1380s data analysis and uh you know find a way
1383s that worked so well for so long and you
1385s know not many people were doing it in
1386s the early days because you could track
1388s this but over time it got known
1392s and now it's a lot less shiny but still
1394s just as holy
1396s i want to skip over now and talk about
1398s some real science so yeah real life
1400s asteroid mining
1401s this is also an early video i created
1404s from my work in astronomy where i wanted
1405s to show asteroids being discovered over
1408s time you know this is all the asteroids
1410s orbiting the sun and the white ones are
1412s where they were when they were found in
1414s bottom right corner you can see the time
1417s um
1418s so over time more and more asteroids are
1420s found since eve has been founded we
1422s found like half a million asteroids in
1425s space it's wild
1427s but for asteroid mining the nearest
1429s thing we've got is asteroid bennu which
1432s has is an asteroid which has been
1434s visited by a spacecraft
1436s called osiris-rex this asteroid is about
1439s 500 meters across it's smaller than most
1441s battleships in eve
1443s and this little spacecraft went out to
1447s sample the surface now you might think
1449s oh you just go up and you sort of vacuum
1450s the surface off an asteroid with your
1452s lasers well no lasers and a vacuum is
1454s very hard in space instead they blow gas
1457s down and the gas circulates around and
1460s captures the material and it worked very
1462s well for them this is what it looks like
1464s the
1465s camera on board coming down onto the
1468s surface of this chondritic asteroid very
1470s primitive asteroid this is for how
1472s they're trying to analyze the early days
1474s of the solar system
1476s and
1477s when you looked at the
1478s sample head they had
1480s lots of material they had so much it was
1482s like leaking out
1484s yes they needed a larger ore hold
1488s that has since been packed up and is
1490s headed back to earth it's going to land
1491s in utah next year
1494s but now i want to talk about again
1497s internet spaceships versus real
1499s spaceships so back in 2003
1502s may 2003 19 years ago today
1506s eve online launched and it had like
1508s about 100 spaceships in it
1510s uh i don't actually know what that one
1512s in the top right is but that's what the
1514s graphics engine looked like back then
1517s it's in the real world however there
1520s were only two spaceships at least
1522s spaceships which carried people
1525s and in fact one of those wasn't even
1527s flying because there had been the
1529s columbia disaster recently so there was
1531s technically only one spaceship flying
1534s when eve online launched
1536s i've got this picture here to show the
1538s comparison between the space shuttle and
1539s the soyuz spacecraft there
1542s yeah it's kind of wild
1545s this is a comparison between the space
1547s shuttle and what a rifter looks like you
1549s may not think of the rifter as a big
1551s ship but i assure you it's the size of a
1553s 747
1556s so yeah let's talk about the soyuz it's
1558s a
1559s very very old spacecraft it was first
1561s flown in 1967
1564s the first flight with a human on board
1566s killed the pile at vladimir komarov
1568s it flies with a crew of two or three
1570s typically it's had hundreds of flights
1573s has no leg room i mean you're like you
1575s know legs right up in your face to fit
1577s inside this tiny little space
1580s and
1581s i thought it would be interesting to
1583s like communicate these real world
1585s spaceships to an eve audience by saying
1587s what is their equivalent in the eve
1589s online universe and for the soyuz well
1591s it's obviously the rifter right it's a
1593s small low-cost ship it's a perennial
1596s favorite that's used for many things and
1598s actually it's had quite a few upgrades
1600s you've got the wolf the jaguar it's
1602s utilitarian in its design
1605s and there's no concessions for comfort
1608s now at the same time 2003
1611s yeah we still have the space shuttle
1612s flying the space shuttle was a
1614s magnificent creation that was way too
1616s expensive they built
1618s five of them they originally only built
1619s four but one of them was destroyed and
1621s had to be replaced
1622s yet they lost two of them to accidents
1625s which killed their crew normally it
1627s would fly with a crew of uh two to seven
1629s flew over about 130 missions and more
1631s people have flown to space on the space
1633s shuttle than any other spacecraft they
1636s were magnificent but they stopped flying
1639s 10 years ago
1641s and i would say that in eve terms it is
1644s a carrier right and i think the the
1645s thanatos is probably the closest thing
1647s about carriers is they were very
1650s versatile spacecraft for a long time you
1651s could do a lot of different applications
1653s it did carry a lot of stuff could take
1655s it places but yeah it was very expensive
1658s for a lot of those jobs you could always
1659s do slightly better if you you just
1661s focused your capabilities
1664s so yes since 2003
1667s the world has had more spaceships
1670s thankfully there's been a sort of
1671s explosion
1672s in spacecraft that are available to
1674s carry humans into space and the first
1676s one came later in in 2003 right shenzhou
1680s five i believe i pronounced that
1681s correctly this is the this is basically
1683s china made their own version of the
1685s soyuz with uh you know help from russia
1688s as shenzhou
1689s is a lot larger thankfully it has less
1691s of the legroom problems it has a bit
1694s more performance it's flown about eight
1696s times it's not nearly as prolific as the
1698s soyuz at this time so i think that
1700s logically that makes it a stabber it's a
1702s bit bigger than a rifter but again it's
1703s like a fast in your face autocannon
1706s platform it still doesn't look
1708s comfortable or pretty by any means
1711s 2004
1712s we had spaceship one winning the x prize
1715s this was a bert rutan special it is a
1717s really cool concept so the ansari x
1720s prize was you had to fly to space land
1722s and then a week later or less than a
1724s week later fly to space again
1726s so this was small it was only designed
1728s to go up and straight back down not into
1730s orbit
1731s and they flew this out of mojave and
1733s southern california
1735s it was dropped from this plane uh do you
1738s see down here the
1739s uh where is it the laser yes there's
1741s your i can't see it
1743s that's that's the white knight carrier
1745s aircraft and that's the
1747s spaceship one and i think in eve terms
1749s this is a zephyr right which you may
1750s remember you might have one of these in
1751s your hanger it was a free ship that was
1753s given out like it uses solar cells to
1755s move around and you can probe stuff in
1757s wormholes and the sleepers won't aggress
1759s you it's cool but generally useless and
1762s will we leave it in the hangar after
1764s like a couple of flights
1766s 2020 was the next time we had a new
1769s spacecraft that carried humans to space
1771s there was a netflix documentary on this
1774s return to space so spacex had been
1776s flying to space for a while with a cargo
1778s spacecraft they made a crew version of
1781s the dragon
1782s uh the crew dragon and the first launch
1784s of it was i believe may and 2020 it had
1787s uh it was called demo two
1790s and since then it's flown seven times in
1792s fact one of the flights literally just
1794s landed a few hours ago
1797s two of them have been with space
1798s tourists five of them have been carrying
1800s uh nasa astronauts or or astronauts for
1803s other countries but this has become sort
1805s of the backbone of u.s flight capability
1808s right now
1809s and i think that makes it a drake
1811s it's cheap it's relatively effective it
1814s does everything it's not quite as
1816s capable as the space shuttle but it'll
1817s do the job
1819s and honestly like whenever you propose
1821s any application in space somebody's like
1823s we can use this dragon we can use spacex
1825s for that right and yeah you can't run an
1827s op and eve without someone saying oh
1828s just going to bring my drake right
1831s we know we've been there right no you
1833s know fleet doctrine doesn't know um yeah
1837s so just an aside by the way the dragon
1840s is launched on a rocket called the
1841s falcon 9. yes we have a
1843s falcon is of course a spaceship in eve
1845s online
1846s and i love this photo i love the thing
1848s about the dragon ball the thing about
1850s the falcon is that it doesn't just go up
1853s on rockets it comes back down on rockets
1855s if you've seen a rocket landing it is a
1857s falcon 9.
1859s and this picture on the right you can
1861s see somebody standing next to that
1862s rocket that is a your 20-story office
1866s building that lands after falling back
1869s from space
1870s we are living in the future
1873s by the way i don't know does anyone have
1874s an idea who would win a falcon 9 or 9
1876s falcons
1880s 2021 we saw uh the sequel to spaceship
1883s one spaceship two
1886s this was uh
1887s uh richard branson and jeff bezos were
1890s racing to see who would get passengers
1891s into space first and richard branson
1894s sort of beat them on a technicality
1896s uh this is a basically another
1898s sub-orbital joyride for space tourists
1901s and i think this is sort of the
1902s equivalent to the apotheosis which is
1903s another rare ship
1905s again taken it by the owner wants to
1907s check it out and spends the rest of his
1909s time in hangers but it does have cool
1910s wings
1913s this is jeff bezos's spaceship right the
1915s new shepherd it's named of course after
1917s alan shepard first american in space who
1919s flew in a rocket that was fueled by well
1921s alcohol
1924s it's a sub-orbital joyride built by jeff
1926s bezos and uh yeah it's actually flown
1928s william shatner to space which is pretty
1930s cool and wally funk
1932s and can anyone guess what eve ship this
1934s is
1935s i i know a lot of you probably say the
1937s thorax right
1938s i mean the thorax is the obvious one
1940s right but i thought about it a bit more
1942s and i think it kind of has that look at
1944s the armageddon
1946s but we're not quite there i think the
1947s balgorn is it right i'll tell you why
1949s because it's not just the looks but if
1951s you're in a balgorn you're going to get
1953s primaries right away your flight is
1955s going to be very short but you're going
1956s to have a lot of fun you're everyone's
1958s going to hate you
1960s plus there's might be some metaphor
1962s about you know bloodsucking and
1963s capitalism
1969s okay we're not quite there because we're
1971s we're about to see some new spaceships
1972s flying soon and again these are
1974s spaceships carrying people if you have
1975s money you can fly in some of these i
1977s don't know if you will but
1979s uh
1980s literally
1981s launching in a few weeks we're going to
1983s have the second test flight of boeing's
1985s starliner
1987s if that works then it will carry crew
1989s later in the year so this will have a
1991s crew of two to five it's doing the same
1992s thing as spacex's dragon but at about 60
1996s percent more cost uh it's
1998s yeah
1999s and literally they were rolling it along
2001s the road to the integration facility and
2004s a bit fell off
2005s like today the first time it launched it
2008s went crazy because its clocks got
2009s mismatched the second time they launched
2011s the valves rusted shut you know
2015s yeah
2016s boeing i don't know
2019s yeah
2020s i think that's a strategic cruiser
2022s mostly because it costs a lot and it's
2025s built in parts that don't always work
2027s together by the sound of things
2031s and then the sls uh well actually
2033s technically it's the round which flies
2035s in the sls and this was originally
2037s developed for a rocket called the aries
2039s back
2040s well actually when eve online started
2042s the the orion was being developed so sls
2045s rolled out to the pad to be checked you
2047s know they wanted to do a full-on dress
2049s rehearsal
2051s and things didn't work so they're now
2053s rolling it back to fix a bunch of things
2055s so it's going to fly soon
2058s and if that works we should see people
2060s on it by about 2024
2063s uh but that will be like
2065s you know 20 years after it was first
2067s proposed so i think that this is like a
2070s pirate capital ship because they're it's
2072s rare like they're gonna fly this maybe
2074s once
2075s every two years
2076s it's incredibly expensive right it is
2079s billions of dollars mostly because
2081s politicians are getting stuff done in
2083s their state
2084s and yeah all that extra money doesn't
2086s buy you much better than what your
2087s spacex is doing
2089s and yeah if you've ever been in like a
2091s cap swarm you'll notice the guys with
2093s the fancy cap faction pirate caps
2097s they're never the first in they're
2098s always turning up late just in case
2100s things don't quite work
2104s but i i did catch this photo yesterday
2106s by the way of the leif erikson statue
2108s sort of looking at the moon sls and
2110s orion they are part of nasa's plan to
2112s return to the moon and hopefully it is
2115s to stay this time so i saw this image
2117s and i thought i should probably put this
2119s in the presentation and then i sort of
2121s realized that well you know
2123s leif erikson you all know he named
2125s greenland so he would probably call the
2126s moon airland
2132s india india have a space program they
2134s don't have astronauts they have well i
2136s think they're calling them vimenots but
2138s if anyone from india wants to disagree
2140s on that you can tell me yeah i don't
2143s have huge details on this but it's a
2145s small three crew thing we're probably
2147s going to see a test launch later this
2148s year
2149s and crew launch maybe a couple years
2152s from now i think that is like a punisher
2154s mostly because it's very similar to the
2155s rifter and design but it's shinier
2159s really that's about it
2161s and since we're in
2163s iceland we have to talk about viking
2165s adjacent stuff and we have copenhagen
2167s sub-orbitals who are a bunch of
2168s crowd-funded awesome people
2171s great videos teaching you rocket science
2174s they are going to fly this thing with a
2176s person inside a parachute back it's
2178s going to be fueled by
2180s alcohol because that is a great rocket
2182s fuel for all sorts of reasons
2185s uh yeah they've done they've got a bunch
2187s of videos uh teaching some basic stuff
2189s but i think
2190s i've looked at the thing that you're
2192s gonna fall back to earth in and i think
2194s that this is like a suicide gank
2196s catalyst right
2199s i mean it's going to be fun for a few
2201s seconds
2202s [Laughter]
2205s but yeah but the real cool future
2209s the shiny future we're all talking about
2211s is spacex's shiny sci-fi stainless steel
2214s starship yes this is made
2217s this is huge right it's 50 meters tall
2220s it's nine meters in diameter it's
2222s thousands of tons the test flights of
2225s just the upper stage have been
2226s spectacular look at the size of this
2228s thing it's going to put 100 tons into
2230s orbit it's going to be taller than the
2231s saturn five it's gonna be five and a
2233s half thousand tons and it's built in a
2235s tent in texas
2237s like this gives you an idea of the size
2239s of this rocket this is them mating it
2241s together for the first time and they put
2243s it in black and white to try and evoke
2245s those images of skyscrapers being
2247s constructed
2248s i want to show you like a portion of the
2251s test flight and we do have audio in this
2253s apparently
2254s it might be a little longer so maybe we
2256s should turn the sound down a little
2258s this is what it looks like rising so
2260s this is a test flight where they wanted
2262s to show that it could descend through
2264s the atmosphere
2265s so it's flying on three engines these
2268s are called raptor engines because spacex
2270s likes to name their engines after birds
2273s these engines produce about 200 tons of
2275s thrust each and as it goes higher
2276s they're cutting out the engines because
2278s what they want to do is bring it up to
2280s about 10 kilometers high
2282s and once it's there they're going to
2283s have it fall back down and use
2285s aerodynamics to glide and i don't mean
2287s glide like the space shuttle i mean sort
2291s of just drop
2292s like a belly flop like a skydiver
2295s again this is something the size of a
2298s building
2299s doing like a free-fall skydive under
2302s control this is one of the most majestic
2304s things that i have ever seen
2307s and the amazing thing is that this has
2309s been sort of largely done out in the
2311s open there's a bunch of fans down there
2313s documenting everything like whenever
2315s something happens down there someone has
2317s photographs of it and there's all sorts
2319s of secret messages to the fans yeah
2321s watch this thing it is falling down the
2324s idea being right this thing wants to be
2326s 100 reusable so it has to return from
2329s orbit and to do that they need to
2331s maximize the drag and they have to have
2333s a heat shield so this is the attitude
2335s that it takes
2336s this is them demonstrating for the first
2338s time this was possible and it was a
2339s perfect descent
2342s right up
2343s until they had low pressure in their
2345s fuel tanks and when they had low
2347s pressure in their fuel tanks it meant
2348s they weren't feeding enough fuel to the
2350s engines
2351s the engines started getting too much
2353s oxygen and they started basically
2355s burning all the copper off the engines
2357s and eating those engines from the inside
2359s that's why
2360s the engine flare here turns green it is
2363s yeah glorious
2365s but yeah it didn't quite work on the
2367s first attempt it didn't work on the
2369s second attempt or the third attempt it
2371s did eventually work and now they're
2373s trying to build the rest of the rocket
2375s it is an avatar as far as i'm concerned
2378s it is big it's shiny it's expensive and
2380s it's a big deal when one of these things
2382s drop the only thing is i think that they
2384s went the opposite of making the front
2386s pointy by the way i think this is
2388s starship in amarion gold i don't know
2390s maybe the color's not quite right
2392s but yeah what happened to the space
2394s planes we're almost done
2396s we have the space shuttle why aren't
2397s there any space planes we do have space
2399s planes we have the boeing x-37b it's
2401s operated by the us department of defense
2403s nobody flies on this it spends months or
2406s years in orbit and it returns to the
2408s runway unannounced
2410s and that makes it a cover ops living and
2412s local right what are they doing
2415s are they going to surprise us with a hot
2416s drop maybe they're a bomber right and
2419s yes foreign militaries do actually say
2421s that the us has set this up as a bomber
2423s that can fly back mostly because they
2425s want money from their governments
2427s there's also the dream chaser which i'm
2429s excited for because it's going to be a
2431s cargo ship to the space station that can
2433s return space station cargo to any runway
2436s in the world and that means it's not
2437s like getting a capsule from the sea
2439s bringing it back unpacking the
2441s experiments this literally lands and you
2442s have door-to-door service for your
2444s science experiments
2446s the only thing is it's not going to
2447s carry humans right now people wanted to
2449s carry humans they wanted to sell nasa on
2452s the idea of putting humans on this but
2454s nasa was like no we
2456s we're done with space planes for now
2458s you know you can carry cargo and that
2459s means that it's a fighter mostly because
2462s everybody well
2463s people keep on asking to fly the
2465s fighters as spacecraft you know
2468s doesn't happen
2470s so anyway that is most of my
2472s presentation i think i just want to come
2473s back and say
2475s i am
2476s i've been thinking about my sort of role
2478s in eve for a while i still do log in uh
2482s but eve was what you know basically
2484s brought me to my current status as a
2486s content producer and they call me a
2488s content producer
2490s i'm not really much of a content
2491s producer i'm more of a
2493s uh a storyteller right i tell the
2495s stories
2497s and in eve
2498s you know developers created eve they
2501s created the lore but most of the stories
2503s from eve come from the people you're the
2505s content creators and i find it i find it
2508s heartening that when i tell these
2510s stories
2511s people think it's cool and their first
2513s reaction is they want to be part of
2515s those stories going forward and there's
2517s very few games out there like that that
2519s have the capacity to allow players
2522s to be part of this creative process
2526s and that's my talk so i'm scott manley
2529s fly safe
2531s [Applause]