almost 3 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
7s | hello everyone |
9s | hello |
11s | welcome i hope you guys had fun uh at |
13s | the living universe talk i certainly did |
17s | i went way over time so as everyone's |
19s | getting here late that's entirely my |
20s | fault |
22s | i agree i should have had more time |
27s | so |
28s | we're going to do a quick round of |
29s | introductions here i think this yep |
31s | we're good um ccp master plan |
35s | yo uh hi so i'm cc best master plan uh |
38s | senior software engineer on gameplay |
42s | hi i'm cc tobins i'm a software engineer |
46s | on the ecosystem team |
48s | uh you guys relatively know me at this |
50s | point i am ccp aurora uh a game designer |
53s | for the living universe |
56s | i am ccp delegate zero i'm a senior |
59s | narrative |
60s | designer |
62s | hey everyone i'm cece b fazi i'm a |
64s | senior game designer |
66s | hey everyone uh ccp paradox i'm a |
69s | producer in the living universe |
72s | hello csp hike i'm the director of |
74s | economy and systems for eve online |
77s | all right so |
79s | uh it's good to see you all here this |
80s | room is not big enough but if anyone is |
82s | kind of in the back there are a few open |
84s | seats down here if you want to come |
86s | trickle in make use of them all i see |
89s | six |
93s | all right so we don't have anything |
95s | specifically prepared i kind of rambled |
97s | for a good half hour earlier so we're |
101s | basically just going to go straight to |
103s | a proper round table so if you guys have |
106s | uh questions we would ask you to kind of |
108s | make i will i'll select people from the |
111s | audience |
112s | and then we'll have you come up to a mic |
114s | and |
115s | could be maybe slide that mic like over |
117s | here to the center thank you |
122s | all right i saw your hand come up first |
124s | sir |
134s | first of all uh obviously thank you for |
137s | uh addressing uh some of the elephants |
139s | in the room we've been talking about for |
140s | eight years now uh it all looks very |
142s | promising but obviously we don't have |
144s | specific mechanics yet |
147s | it looks still like the plex system is |
149s | going to be one of the key mechanics |
150s | fine |
151s | do you have something to address one of |
153s | the elephants in the room which is |
154s | unfitted afk chips deplexing in space |
159s | yes um so |
160s | the way that i was looking at at afk |
163s | boxing is kind of as a |
165s | systemic issue |
166s | at the moment you have so many faction |
168s | warfare systems that are |
171s | almost like |
173s | you know you can just kind of set a bot |
174s | to go like pick a random faction warfare |
176s | system deplex it go to the next one |
178s | deflex it |
180s | it'll become a lot harder for those |
182s | for that sort of behavior to happen if |
184s | we really focus things so if those rear |
186s | guard systems as we were calling them |
188s | are |
190s | no longer |
193s | very valuable we could we could remove |
195s | the lp entirely the specifics of this |
197s | are like still up to be discussed |
198s | if there are deep concerns about |
200s | removing the lp entirely then we can you |
203s | know take another look at this but we |
205s | don't want we don't want people to be in |
207s | the rear guard systems plexing them and |
210s | earning a ton of lp there may be |
212s | different content there |
213s | but |
215s | anyone else have anything there yeah |
217s | yeah i think um one thing i'll add the |
219s | system as it is |
221s | so i'm one of the people that worked on |
222s | the system that's in place right now |
224s | right that's having this problem |
225s | and the the |
227s | intent was at least to make it better |
229s | than it had been before with the scaling |
231s | uh lp payouts for uh systems that are |
234s | less endangered when you're deplexing |
237s | and also but we put in things like the |
238s | npcs you have to kill so that |
240s | the bots wouldn't be able to use |
242s | unfitted ships for offensive plexi um |
245s | the fact that you can end up with the |
247s | other side's bots like bringing up the |
250s | uh or the or plex or is bringing up the |
253s | um |
254s | contested level of these systems all |
257s | over the war zone uh means that there |
259s | isn't really too many of the systems |
260s | that are so uncontested you make almost |
262s | nothing from d-plexing um that's the |
264s | kind of scaling that the frontline |
266s | system will hopefully really help us uh |
268s | push |
269s | really extremely low paths or even no |
271s | payouts for deplexing the system that's |
273s | off of the front where a bot would be at |
275s | its best |
276s | technically you could still |
278s | do a similar thing with like the front |
280s | lines or the command operation systems |
282s | but the hope is that we concentrate |
284s | people more |
285s | efficiently that we can kind of address |
288s | that |
288s | if we still need to take a look at like |
290s | people just constantly running in unfit |
292s | ships |
293s | maybe we can start taking a look at you |
295s | know you need at least |
297s | you can only have like two empty module |
299s | slots or something who knows we can if |
300s | it really if it remains a problem it's |
303s | always something that we can address but |
304s | at the moment it's not currently on the |
306s | roadmap yeah like we put in the uh the |
309s | code for uh warp core stabs so we do |
311s | have some checks for uh fittings um and |
314s | so yeah that is the kind of thing that |
315s | we could |
316s | uh potentially tweak with more where we |
318s | have some kind of minimum required |
320s | fittings uh potentially on value or |
321s | potentially a number of slots yeah |
324s | all right uh you sir have had your hand |
326s | up for a little while |
330s | uh hey there so there was mention during |
333s | i think some of the presentation that |
335s | pirate factions might be involved there |
338s | uh |
339s | is there any chance that me and |
342s | my uh blood raider homies from npc delve |
344s | could |
345s | maybe roll up and |
347s | do something and fight for them or |
348s | something like that |
350s | the dream is to escape beyond the |
352s | current bounds of faction warfare space |
355s | so faction warfare as it is right now is |
357s | just kind of like this |
359s | this storm in a teacup or whatever that |
360s | phrase is that i'm probably misusing um |
363s | it's it's very limited in scope and it |
365s | doesn't make it's limited in ways that |
367s | don't really make sense uh it kind of |
369s | feels like a its own little universe off |
372s | to the side and it really could be |
373s | something that could reach in more so |
375s | for example the the current bounds of |
378s | faction warfare space might shift |
379s | perhaps it like there are systems that |
382s | become more vulnerable in high security |
383s | space perhaps this spreads into null |
386s | security space it makes a lot of sense |
387s | in particular to get the null sec npc |
390s | factions more involved and have that |
392s | almost become an extension of |
394s | faction warfare space |
396s | this is probably like |
398s | somewhat future music at the moment |
399s | we're probably more likely to look at |
401s | this in terms of |
403s | the four empires at the start but it's |
405s | just the start and we would really love |
407s | to get everybody else involved |
410s | good |
411s | i'd just add that that's |
413s | one of the ways we're approaching this |
415s | is that um |
417s | initially it's |
419s | whatever you want to think about as an |
421s | overhaul revamp expansion extension of |
423s | existing fractional warfare in terms of |
426s | the setup but |
428s | under the hood |
429s | rebuilding elements of it in a way that |
432s | we can change the factions that are |
433s | involved it doesn't need to be the same |
436s | war all the time |
438s | certain wars could come to an end and |
440s | different players come into conflict or |
443s | involve themselves on the side and |
446s | we've all along been saying i think |
448s | everybody we would love to get the |
450s | pirates involved but |
452s | of course |
454s | fractional warfare needs a lot of love |
455s | and we foundationally need to start with |
457s | the big four empires but we're building |
459s | it in such a way that |
461s | that's where we want to head other |
463s | factions involved in the end |
467s | i've taken a couple people from this |
468s | side of the room you've had your hand up |
470s | for a while |
474s | i'll try and pick somewhat randomly |
479s | all right so |
480s | you mentioned |
482s | the scale of faction warfare changing so |
484s | are you looking at |
486s | permanent changes triggvasian style |
489s | system swapping |
491s | and then that being a permanent change |
492s | that affects the the universe from there |
495s | it's not like faction warfare will |
498s | entirely come to an end like we're we're |
500s | looking at the end of this we want to |
502s | have like |
504s | at the end of you know the the initial |
506s | push into faction warfare we want to |
507s | have a system where |
508s | there's still dynamic gameplay happening |
511s | whether that's something like an npc ai |
513s | general who's like this is now our |
515s | target system and like objectives kind |
517s | of naturally occur um that are being |
519s | given to the players um that said if |
522s | there are larger scale events um would |
525s | you like to chime in on this more your |
527s | area there's an important point to make |
529s | here about the word permanent |
531s | i would say in |
534s | the approach really the vision part of |
536s | the vision is nothing is permanent |
538s | anymore is where we want to head towards |
540s | so there may be what i would call |
543s | semi-permanent changes |
544s | systems and constellations even regions |
547s | might fall |
549s | in and out of what happens to be |
551s | factional warfare |
553s | and |
555s | i would i want i wanted to say that |
558s | that some systems now |
560s | that are fractional warfare may not may |
563s | not reflect the warfare in the future |
565s | and some systems that you might not |
567s | imagine would be in fact warfare may |
569s | come into factional warfare i mean we're |
572s | thinking about |
573s | thinking about yeah maybe maybe we're |
575s | thinking about |
578s | we're thinking about i think it's it's |
580s | crossed our minds |
582s | uh we're thinking about |
584s | high sec null sec there's there's many |
587s | ways we can go |
588s | as you know not all of lowsec is an |
590s | infection author so yeah with |
592s | that's an important thing i think um |
595s | it's important for you guys to know |
597s | we're |
598s | kind of working towards that idea of |
601s | it's not just the same old war |
604s | constantly for whatever the hell it is |
606s | 12 years more |
608s | just backwards and forwards |
610s | and that's actually a really important |
612s | aspect of |
615s | you can win it |
617s | and then it shifts to a different kind |
620s | of war potentially or or maybe that war |
622s | comes to an end and another one flares |
624s | up somewhere else |
626s | so that's an important thing because |
627s | this sense of not being able to ever win |
629s | it is because it's just the same old |
631s | systems penduluming backwards and |
633s | forwards |
634s | something that we want to make sure that |
636s | you know as well is that we don't want |
637s | to leave you without content if you're |
639s | if you're a dedicated minmatar pilot |
641s | which i think there's a couple in here |
649s | if one more comes to an end it's not |
650s | like there's no faction warfare to play |
652s | until we start up some other event so |
654s | there will always be content for you to |
656s | participate in um |
660s | you sir i've been waiting to go since |
662s | the start |
668s | yeah a bit of a mean one uh |
670s | time scales what can we expect to see in |
672s | the next few weeks months years yep um |
676s | so the frontline system and like the the |
679s | first arc the first real introduction of |
681s | content is all slated to |
683s | we're hoping to get that all to you this |
685s | year |
686s | um so it's going to take us a little bit |
688s | of time |
688s | uh i wouldn't |
690s | there will be a couple months where |
691s | we'll be really busy in production um |
694s | but hopefully by the end of the year |
695s | we'll have |
696s | everything for you |
700s | all right not everything for you like |
701s | we're not going to have the pirate |
703s | factions oh yeah geez i'm taking riots |
706s | guys |
708s | um well it'll be after summer is |
710s | basically the |
712s | basically the safest thing i can say but |
714s | we are |
715s | basically what we we shot today we've |
717s | been in |
718s | we've been in a lot of discussions i i |
720s | think for me in production i've been |
722s | calculating we've we've had over i think |
724s | it was over 32 hours of chats all of |
727s | these people here have just been in |
729s | several meetings figuring out faction |
730s | wildfires so we have a lot of things |
732s | that extend beyond arc one which is |
734s | basically our starting point |
736s | but this year |
738s | sorry not no dates but |
740s | we'll definitely be coming to you with |
741s | more information |
743s | i don't know during summer but um |
746s | but i mean basically as soon as we know |
748s | uh some of the details |
751s | we're just trying to scope out like |
753s | we've tried to make ourselves a lot more |
755s | free to |
757s | not pre-scope things that sound really |
759s | exciting but sound a bit impossible we |
761s | want to actually really uh explore what |
764s | is possible with some smart solutions so |
766s | that we can bring really amazing stuff |
768s | so |
769s | otherwise we might have just like made |
771s | something too quickly which wasn't that |
773s | great so |
774s | but after summer |
776s | at the moment the company as you've kind |
778s | of noticed is moving away from quadrants |
780s | so we're not really working with the |
782s | quadrant system anymore and the |
783s | quadrants were almost a fairly big |
785s | impact on the development side because |
787s | they kind of like |
788s | boxed the |
790s | the scale of things and so we're hoping |
792s | to get you like slightly |
794s | larger features than the quadrants we're |
796s | offering which means it'll take a little |
797s | bit more time but we're entering |
799s | pre-production this week so a lot of the |
800s | core of what you've heard so far at fan |
803s | fest is slated to come in 2022 just |
806s | might be closer to quarter four |
808s | like we do have like there are bigger |
811s | bigger things in in play but i know |
814s | aurora has been very passionate about |
816s | looking at changes that don't need to |
819s | sit with a really large feature um i |
821s | mean basically if you're familiar with |
822s | talus on our sort of rapid how quickly |
825s | releasing certain balance changes |
827s | we are building up like a backlog of |
829s | those two to like things that don't need |
831s | to be this this gigantic uh sort of |
834s | release but just are really good to get |
836s | out now start to affect the landscape of |
838s | affection welfare before we we do the |
840s | big things such as front lines so |
842s | that's also being built up so it's not |
845s | we're not going to go fully dark for a |
846s | long period of time i think we are |
848s | actually going to release a few things |
850s | um |
851s | yeah there's a lot of the faction |
853s | warfare uh the tlc stuff that i was |
855s | looking at that can come and plus the |
858s | non-faction warfare tlc stuff |
860s | we have you know ideas about uh |
863s | structures that we can take a look at |
865s | and that sort of thing so there will be |
867s | a little bit of content but it won't be |
869s | like a huge amount and then all of a |
871s | sudden like you'll have this whole new |
872s | system to play with like at some point |
875s | uh yeah and one other thing i'll add is |
877s | uh over this time period between now and |
880s | when the like the big like |
883s | collection of uh arc one stuff lands at |
886s | towards the end of the year uh there's |
888s | also going to be uh continuing events |
890s | going on all the time and those will be |
893s | tied into the storyline of this arc one |
897s | we're treating it as essentially this |
898s | prelude to the stuff that's going to be |
900s | happening in the bigger content drop um |
903s | those of you who are familiar with our |
905s | kind of normal schedule of events will |
907s | know that over the summer our events |
909s | tend to be very low and empire focused |
912s | and we're going to be taking advantage |
913s | of that to make sure we're kind of |
915s | seeding |
916s | interesting story lines and |
918s | getting things rolling towards the |
920s | things that will reach a flash point |
922s | towards the end of the year |
924s | i took one from the side of the room uh |
926s | let's go with our csm member over here |
928s | rca |
929s | faction warfare csms this is a very |
931s | fitting fitting panel |
937s | all right first of all thank you for |
939s | announcing my entire platform in the |
940s | keynote |
942s | second of all um you've been the most |
944s | effective csm |
946s | half a term |
948s | all right anyway |
952s | anyway uh right now as faction warfare |
954s | stands the two of each of the empires |
957s | are allied with one another galente with |
959s | minamitar and amar with khaldari um for |
962s | these future evolving wars are those |
965s | going to allegiance is always going to |
967s | be in place or are they going to maybe |
970s | not be in place if like we have kaleli 2 |
973s | electric boogaloo and the minmatargo |
975s | shoot the galente or something i will |
978s | leave this one too |
979s | uh cc delegate zero all right |
987s | right |
988s | killing two electric boogaloo coming |
994s | you gotta tell me to go away again dc um |
997s | i don't rule anything out |
1006s | all right uh corvus you've had your hand |
1008s | up for a while |
1014s | just a question about |
1016s | citadels especially neutral citadels in |
1019s | war zones is there any plans to deal |
1020s | with those and is there any possibility |
1022s | of faction warfare specific structures |
1025s | uh faction warfare specific structures |
1027s | is a sweet idea and i would love to talk |
1030s | about that more at some point we don't |
1031s | have anything specifically slated for |
1033s | faction warfare specific structures but |
1035s | anything's possible |
1038s | in terms of neutral structures um this |
1040s | is a conversation that i would actually |
1042s | love to have with you guys because it's |
1043s | a really important one in the factory |
1046s | ecosystem |
1047s | um right now like players can go and |
1049s | dock in |
1050s | enemy militia stations because they have |
1053s | docking rights |
1054s | um |
1056s | how we approach this is a little bit |
1058s | questionable the the problem is that |
1060s | there's an overlap of people using that |
1062s | space obviously like there's a lot of |
1063s | people who live in that space and don't |
1065s | care about faction warfare |
1067s | and maybe they just put up these free |
1068s | ports because like they make a little |
1070s | tax money and they they don't mind it |
1072s | makes it less likely for people to shoot |
1073s | them because they can use them |
1075s | that sort of thing and so |
1078s | we don't |
1079s | i want to be cautious about totally |
1081s | crushing that |
1082s | um there's a lot of people that live |
1084s | there that would be upset if we if we |
1086s | just kicked them out |
1088s | so |
1090s | yeah |
1091s | so |
1092s | i don't think we're just going to kick |
1093s | you out but |
1095s | it's possible like |
1096s | for example |
1098s | and |
1098s | this is this is purely just tossing |
1101s | something out there the militia of that |
1103s | system that controls it |
1104s | like they basically like storm your |
1106s | station and they're like you can't let |
1108s | these people dock |
1110s | so we could just like apply an acl over |
1113s | top of |
1114s | these stations which if you're in if |
1116s | you're in an enemy militia and |
1118s | they control the system like you just |
1120s | don't get docking in tether |
1122s | and that's kind of the sort of solution |
1123s | that we're looking at |
1125s | um if there are major concerns |
1128s | all right |
1129s | if there are like if if you guys have |
1132s | specific like ecosystem concerns with |
1134s | exactly the impacts of that i'm super |
1136s | happy to talk with you about that |
1138s | a lot of hands went up at this oh boy |
1142s | oh yeah |
1146s | yes cool yeah um this is also where the |
1149s | allegiance mechanics will start to |
1151s | become important um |
1154s | right now with the kind of binary |
1156s | or trinary i guess you're either a |
1158s | defending faction you're an attacking |
1160s | faction or you're neutral and then the |
1162s | structure might be owned by a defending |
1164s | corp or an |
1165s | attacking corp or neutral corp so you've |
1167s | got like so many different combinations |
1168s | of things |
1169s | um so the legion system is is |
1172s | potentially one route to saying |
1175s | we're gonna |
1176s | pledge this structure to it's allegiance |
1179s | five of cup |
1180s | um |
1181s | we've |
1183s | talked about |
1185s | uh |
1186s | yeah we have talked about like faction |
1189s | cause maybe that's the way to do this we |
1192s | might do it in other mechanics we don't |
1193s | know but that's the sort of thing we're |
1195s | thinking so maybe |
1197s | you you put a specific core in and then |
1199s | that's kind of locked in that structure |
1201s | um as a way of kind of solving the oh |
1203s | this week we're going to flip the red |
1204s | side next we're week gonna flip to blue |
1206s | side you know solve that kind of solve |
1207s | it that way |
1212s | ah and go with you yes |
1220s | um the gentleman kind of performing ants |
1223s | kind of asked my question but i just |
1224s | wanted to reiterate i'm i did a story |
1228s | for talking stations |
1230s | about why kind of |
1231s | faction warfare was not really viable |
1233s | anymore and i can talk to like a number |
1235s | of the old veterans and they're one of |
1237s | their consistent uh the same thing they |
1240s | said over and over again was how |
1241s | citadels ruined |
1243s | the importance of having a beachhead and |
1246s | because they they would just like |
1247s | leapfrog these citadels around and was |
1249s | very unimportant so uh i would highly |
1252s | recommend humbly recommend uh taking a |
1255s | look at that because that was pretty |
1256s | important in the research that i did |
1259s | yes i i don't want to go through the |
1261s | year and not have this addressed |
1263s | within 2022 it might require an early |
1266s | draft of the allegiance system we're |
1268s | entering like the pre-production phase |
1270s | next week hopefully |
1272s | and so we'll be we'll be kind of digging |
1274s | into the specifics a little bit more but |
1277s | you know what's especially useful for us |
1279s | for us at this this roundtable is |
1281s | getting a really good idea of like |
1283s | exactly what where do the problems lie |
1286s | um where could |
1288s | it with solutions that you're thinking |
1290s | of like what what pitfalls can we avoid |
1292s | like we don't want to put something in |
1293s | place it's like oh we didn't there's |
1295s | this whole like extra little niche issue |
1297s | which just really happens a lot in eve |
1300s | so something to just watch out for but |
1302s | yes we absolutely want to address |
1304s | structures |
1307s | yes sir |
1309s | hi i have a question and i think the the |
1311s | bee on my back might give it away |
1313s | but how are you going to solve the |
1315s | problem of what if we decide to pour 35 |
1318s | 000 characters into faction warfare and |
1320s | how is that going to be |
1321s | good for the gameplay rather than |
1323s | disastrous |
1324s | yeah it's it's a perfectly good question |
1326s | in some ways i think that the |
1330s | the mechanics of faction warfare space |
1332s | itself are limiting so there's almost |
1334s | like a limit of the number of people |
1336s | that you can really effectively run a |
1339s | system with if you pour in 35 000 people |
1342s | and they just like crush one side of the |
1344s | war zone hey like i'm super happy to see |
1345s | a whole bunch of people in in the war |
1347s | zone but at the same time you're going |
1348s | to get like no lp |
1350s | because there's not enough |
1352s | systems for you so i think that's kind |
1353s | of a major reason that we don't see the |
1355s | null sec alliances kind of pour in |
1357s | already |
1358s | besides the whole having to leave your |
1360s | alliance thing um but it's there's just |
1363s | kind of natural limitations in place uh |
1366s | that if it becomes a problem where like |
1368s | all of a sudden we see a ton of people |
1370s | joining uh |
1371s | then we can kind of look at that but you |
1373s | guys have any other thoughts on this |
1376s | i mean i think that the very basic |
1378s | version of it is the more the merrier um |
1380s | like |
1381s | if a lot of |
1382s | there's there's people |
1384s | big groups of people can join uh not |
1386s | come they don't have to be coming from |
1387s | nelsec right like if people want to get |
1389s | involved in the feature then that's |
1391s | great and this isn't this is a feature |
1393s | that we always need to make sure it's |
1394s | designed to be flexible because we don't |
1397s | enforce even sides and that's true even |
1400s | if we didn't have any |
1402s | other areas of the game that could have |
1404s | people pop in and join |
1406s | so if the if the system is set up in a |
1408s | way that makes the |
1410s | gameplay fun even if these numbers of |
1412s | people on either side is lopsided then |
1415s | that'll also stand true uh even if a |
1418s | whole bunch of games come in |
1421s | i mean i'm just going to sorry i like to |
1424s | say |
1425s | i agree with |
1427s | what fosi just said there very much but |
1429s | also i think there might be an element |
1431s | of turnabout is fair play in the other |
1433s | direction |
1434s | because um |
1436s | the vision this idea of the spillover |
1438s | and spill out into infection of |
1440s | warframes or other areas is important to |
1442s | bear in mind and |
1447s | certainly not initially but we're |
1450s | on a road to in the end some of these |
1454s | factional loyalists may be able to |
1456s | affect |
1457s | the zero zero territorial warfare game |
1461s | so there's there's |
1463s | there would be um a symmetry potentially |
1466s | at the moment like the pouring in |
1469s | your alliance or your coalition that |
1471s | would be kind of an asymmetrical thing |
1474s | but |
1474s | in the end if it's fair for |
1477s | the fractional warfare to spill over |
1479s | then that kind of answers why it's fair |
1480s | for zero zero to spill back in |
1486s | torvald |
1488s | our former csm who also talked about |
1491s | faction warfare |
1492s | i just wanted to ask about corp and |
1494s | alliance income for faction warfare |
1496s | seeing if that was something y'all are |
1497s | going to address sooner because right |
1499s | now it's really hard for corpse and |
1500s | alliances to really have any kind of |
1502s | living in you know low sec unless they |
1504s | have like null sec or |
1505s | some of the moons but |
1508s | not yet |
1509s | thinking about it uh well |
1512s | not in the context of fw for now but uh |
1515s | if you pay the attention to ratati's |
1517s | presentation |
1518s | uh there's something there |
1520s | but for uh |
1522s | you know as far as fw and |
1526s | the main gameplay of ffw we're |
1528s | we have ideas but they're not really |
1530s | coming soon |
1532s | that is it's not a priority but |
1534s | as uh |
1535s | nick said earlier |
1538s | we |
1539s | we try to go towards this |
1541s | leveling of fields between |
1543s | like gameplays and kind of normalize |
1546s | what is happening so a new player |
1548s | doesn't have to learn three different |
1550s | ways of how to conquer a system |
1553s | and i i believe you can see where that |
1555s | that goes but uh yeah |
1559s | i just want to say we're also exploring |
1561s | the the |
1563s | the difference of uh like personal sort |
1565s | of rewards and progression as well as |
1567s | communal or societal kind of rewards and |
1569s | progression |
1570s | which |
1571s | is al also includes like corporation |
1573s | alliance they're part of communities |
1575s | involved in that too |
1579s | and |
1580s | it was uh mentioned in ritali's |
1582s | presentation as well but uh taxing |
1585s | additional things through like a vat tax |
1587s | and an lp tax is a good way to help |
1589s | those low set corporations that don't |
1591s | really have an income stream to generate |
1593s | one |
1596s | fantomite |
1597s | there's a lot of names i recognized here |
1599s | today |
1602s | our other csm i think we've worked our |
1604s | way through the csm initiative |
1607s | right now there's a huge problem in that |
1609s | loads of us who want to fight each other |
1611s | particularly in fleets of all sizes we |
1614s | hang around sitting docks waiting for |
1616s | somebody else to undock first |
1618s | to go and fight them are there going to |
1620s | be any opportunities in faction warfare |
1622s | because like in parchment there's |
1624s | valuable pve that gets fleets there |
1626s | already |
1627s | are there going to be any extra |
1628s | opportunities in faction warfare for |
1630s | fleet pve that requires that they'd be |
1632s | ready for pvp |
1634s | yes |
1634s | uh we're so i had mentioned in the |
1636s | presentation like the the term i had |
1638s | thrown out was like battlefield sites um |
1641s | i don't have a specific design for you |
1643s | yet but the hope is to like generate a |
1646s | pve experience that is a little bit more |
1648s | like |
1650s | whether or not there's another player |
1651s | there it feels like you're kind of in a |
1652s | fleet fight |
1654s | and you can help to kind of push the |
1656s | fashion warfare |
1657s | thing that way |
1659s | we |
1659s | have to play with it a lot because in in |
1662s | faction warfare for the same reason that |
1663s | the current rats do almost no damage |
1667s | we don't want |
1669s | to completely kind of crush out the pve |
1672s | ecosystem in the middle of that so it's |
1673s | kind of it's it's an interesting balance |
1675s | that we have to play with uh |
1677s | but we'll we'll get there we do want to |
1680s | add additional content particularly to |
1682s | those frontline systems |
1686s | you sir |
1693s | currently one of the biggest |
1695s | issues with system contestant is |
1697s | downtime plexi so as soon as server |
1699s | comes up there could be up to ten plexes |
1702s | in the system and if you've got system |
1704s | control at that point you could take |
1705s | seven ten in one go |
1708s | can you slow that spawn down to normal |
1710s | rate so |
1711s | you don't automatically get that massive |
1712s | spawning |
1716s | um |
1717s | yeah we've done some similar things in |
1720s | other places in the past where we we |
1722s | kind of stagger things for say the first |
1724s | 30 minutes um and a very old example was |
1728s | uh office response like the first |
1730s | 30 minutes after every startup you would |
1733s | scan for all the belts i'll there's all |
1734s | the offices and you kind of got a quick |
1736s | and easy reset so we can do similar |
1737s | things like that |
1739s | but something that was also touched on |
1741s | in the presentation was kind of |
1743s | changing the throttles on how quickly |
1746s | you can get lp or you can get |
1748s | like progress moving either way so |
1751s | that's another way we could solve that |
1752s | yeah |
1755s | there's a particularly large tempo |
1757s | challenge in faction warfare um as i've |
1760s | particularly heard several times from |
1762s | talking to you guys with uh kind of the |
1764s | the tension between u.s and eu where eu |
1767s | will kind of raise one thing and then |
1769s | the stronger u.s faction shifts it the |
1771s | other way uh it's not necessarily a |
1773s | terrible thing because in some ways |
1775s | you're indirectly interacting with each |
1777s | other you know we |
1779s | that's that's okay in some ways but at |
1782s | the same time like i can understand it |
1784s | it can be a little bit frustrating to |
1786s | like log in and like ah all our hard |
1788s | work was done while we're not online um |
1790s | that said like we're probably not gonna |
1792s | hit you with like |
1794s | these systems are only active in this |
1796s | time zone sort of thing i think that |
1798s | would be a little bit too harsh |
1800s | do you have anything you guys want to |
1807s | yes if you'd like download come up |
1813s | i'll try to get some more people from |
1814s | the back um in terms of allegiance right |
1817s | uh currently we can sort of look at |
1819s | employment history when recruiting and |
1821s | stuff to at least try and figure out |
1823s | there's a spy |
1825s | so |
1826s | is there going to be any sort of more or |
1828s | less reliable way for us to do a decent |
1830s | betting process with the allegiance |
1832s | thing so someone doesn't just hop sides |
1834s | all the time and especially with the |
1836s | bots jumping sides constantly |
1838s | uh |
1839s | with the allegiance thing i don't know |
1841s | how much it'll give you we |
1844s | do you have thoughts on this |
1852s | uh i mean we've talked a lot about |
1854s | allegiance system and i think it's |
1857s | the |
1858s | the interest there is is to expose um |
1862s | a lot of interesting things there like |
1864s | on the characters it ties a lot into |
1866s | character identity uh for allegiance |
1868s | it's like uh it might be whether you are |
1871s | and |
1872s | you have an allegiance to a particular |
1873s | faction you might want to declare an |
1875s | allegiance to an agent in the future you |
1877s | might say this is my best friend |
1879s | it could be a particular region of space |
1881s | but allegiance could expand more beyond |
1884s | than just the four sort of empire or |
1887s | militias we see it as progressing a bit |
1889s | more |
1890s | and that could add flavor to your |
1892s | particular character you might unlock |
1894s | you might unlock uniforms for example if |
1897s | you declare allegiance to mar or things |
1899s | like that so |
1900s | in terms of |
1901s | finding out more information from a |
1903s | particular person on what allegiances |
1906s | there are we will set uh most likely |
1909s | some type of criteria um and maybe some |
1912s | type of decay or |
1914s | fail conditions if you declare |
1916s | allegiance to mr but you kill a bunch of |
1917s | them that may set you as never being |
1920s | able to |
1921s | lie to them ever again or you might have |
1923s | to really redeem yourself in their eyes |
1926s | but there's going to be some kind of |
1929s | barriers or gates that we might choose |
1931s | some things we might not for particular |
1932s | types of allegiances but |
1934s | i think overall we the way we've talked |
1936s | about it internally is very |
1938s | a very flexible system because our |
1940s | current systems like standings is one of |
1943s | the biggest one is a bit inflexible to |
1946s | give us the kind of um |
1948s | future-proof uh sort of decision-making |
1950s | or or checks that we want to do for for |
1953s | people and characters or corporations so |
1956s | i think allegiance you'll see |
1958s | from the beginning you'll you'll see |
1959s | very factual warfare flavored as as we |
1961s | make our first steps there but overall |
1964s | in the future i think you'll see it |
1966s | evolve into |
1967s | a really sort of identity kind of system |
1970s | where we get to set a lot of this |
1976s | i mean to the |
1978s | i guess the |
1980s | vetting issue |
1982s | so some of you will remember when you |
1985s | could see other people's standings |
1988s | um |
1989s | now |
1991s | the real |
1992s | i if my memory serves me correctly the |
1994s | reason that had to go away was |
1996s | essentially a resource management issue |
1998s | because the server was constantly kind |
2000s | of checking and standings are not quite |
2002s | real time but they're close enough to |
2004s | real time that they're updating so |
2005s | frequently when you have a lot of |
2007s | characters it's similar with some other |
2008s | things that cause lag |
2010s | when you're constantly checking like |
2012s | thousands of characters |
2014s | in the system |
2016s | but with the allegiance system because |
2017s | it would be |
2019s | um |
2020s | a more |
2023s | granular sort of |
2026s | not permanent but semi-permanent choice |
2029s | that would stay around it would not |
2031s | change in real time |
2033s | it would mean we could actually |
2035s | contemplate having an allegiance history |
2038s | and that would be an aid to vetting um |
2040s | so that answers that thing i mean one of |
2043s | the ways i think about this issue of |
2047s | diplomacy with npcs we've had the |
2049s | standing system |
2050s | and we've kind of been getting along |
2052s | with one wing of an npc diplomacy system |
2055s | for nearly 20 years the standing system |
2058s | is a reputation system |
2060s | so we've had the reputation system but |
2062s | we haven't had the |
2064s | declare who you want to belong to part |
2066s | of it the allegiance half of it |
2069s | and it sounds kind of crazy that we |
2071s | haven't had this really except in |
2073s | factional warfare has a rudimentary |
2076s | to to be quite honest a rudimentary |
2078s | version of this through the militia |
2079s | system |
2080s | but what we want to do is we want to |
2083s | build a proper system for declaring |
2085s | allegiances |
2087s | we're going to use fractional warfare as |
2089s | the lever to get that it'll be it will |
2092s | have it'll be a starting |
2094s | point for the allegiance system but |
2096s | we're thinking about it in a way that |
2098s | this can be used |
2099s | throughout the game ultimately um and i |
2102s | think it will be it will provide a big |
2107s | a large number of opportunities for many |
2109s | other aspects of the game outside |
2110s | faction warfare so that's kind of give |
2113s | you a little bit of an insight into how |
2128s | so just on the allegiance point |
2131s | um at the moment |
2133s | faqua is binary so you would need to |
2135s | declare for one side or another and that |
2138s | keeps certain groups like my own out of |
2140s | the uh the gameplay |
2142s | it is possible to declare against a |
2144s | faction without necessarily declaring |
2146s | for their opponents |
2148s | is that something that is possible |
2150s | because it would uh increase conflict |
2152s | with one side without necessarily |
2154s | playing for the other team |
2158s | we we've been talking about this we were |
2160s | just talking about this the other week |
2161s | like it suddenly occurred to a couple of |
2163s | us but we could have a negative |
2165s | allegiance i.e declare against someone |
2167s | without having to |
2169s | so the the example would be i want to |
2171s | fight the galente |
2172s | but i don't want to declare allegiance |
2174s | to the caldari well can we have a |
2176s | version of it |
2178s | i'm not promising this would be in like |
2180s | version one but can we work towards a |
2181s | version of it where you could say i'm |
2184s | just going to declare that i i am an |
2187s | enemy a rival of the um galente rather |
2191s | than having to declare that i'm a friend |
2194s | of the caldari and |
2196s | i don't see why not if we build this |
2198s | system in the flexible way that we're |
2200s | thinking about it |
2202s | uh |
2203s | 10. |
2211s | so right now one of the the factors in |
2214s | participating in faction warfare that |
2216s | comes up a lot |
2217s | or in low-sec pvp in general is your |
2220s | security status |
2222s | which is if you know when you are in a |
2224s | militia it sort of gives you certain |
2227s | permissions but only against certain |
2229s | groups |
2230s | and i guess so i'm sort of wondering how |
2232s | you envision that working with these |
2234s | allegiances either |
2235s | declaring for or declaring against this |
2238s | is going to be the same kind of |
2239s | relationship where if i'm like i'm on |
2241s | this side fighting these guys |
2243s | that doesn't necessarily affect my |
2245s | security status but if i fight anyone |
2246s | else |
2247s | or you know if i declare allegiance to |
2249s | the goristas am i going to be welcome in |
2251s | highsec |
2253s | no is has that relationship been |
2256s | explored at all or |
2258s | i'd say it's still under construction |
2259s | like conversation uh the specifics of |
2262s | this we don't have for you today |
2264s | um nick would you like to elaborate this |
2266s | is very much the the clear thing |
2272s | some building something like an alleged |
2273s | system is has a lot of complexities |
2276s | because |
2277s | it's a very it's a very social system |
2281s | um |
2282s | and and as soon as you get into a highly |
2286s | social system in a game like eve |
2288s | um there are all sorts of little things |
2290s | you need to think about and it's like |
2292s | okay well that would be a pain point for |
2294s | them come do we really want to |
2297s | um |
2299s | construct a trap for players and then if |
2302s | if there is this uh thing that they can |
2305s | get into |
2306s | can we build a path out of that for them |
2308s | because there's things in the standings |
2311s | around the current system you're aware i |
2313s | think a lot there's many hit traps and |
2315s | pitfalls at the standing system and it's |
2317s | really really hard to dig your way out |
2319s | of that |
2320s | that is very much on our minds like |
2323s | let's not build another system that's |
2324s | full of traps |
2326s | yeah we oh sorry |
2329s | we don't want you to participate in |
2330s | faction warfare or |
2333s | i hate the situation where people want |
2335s | to do a thing but they won't because |
2337s | like it would take forever to earn back |
2340s | the kaldari standing and i need to get |
2341s | together |
2343s | it's very much the the sort of thing |
2344s | that's on our mind um there needs to be |
2347s | some |
2348s | like it's for the universe to feel |
2350s | appropriately reactive there needs to be |
2352s | something there |
2354s | there needs to be some sort of |
2356s | response from the universe to the things |
2358s | that you do in it |
2360s | but at the same time it's a game and we |
2362s | don't want it to be completely |
2364s | suffocating so it's something very much |
2367s | on our minds at the moment |
2369s | yeah um dealing with security status |
2372s | issues seems to be like my perennial |
2374s | curse that i'm never going to get away |
2375s | from |
2376s | um |
2377s | if anyone remembers like very old prime |
2379s | watch talks at fan fest |
2381s | if you remember way way back |
2383s | uh security status used to be just a |
2385s | standing to concord the same way as you |
2387s | have standing still liver factions |
2389s | um |
2390s | and one of the things we did was pull |
2393s | pull it out of standing system into a |
2396s | dedicated uh attribute by itself and |
2399s | then we can start to build clearer rules |
2400s | on |
2402s | uh how your sex status goes up and down |
2404s | and tags and all those kind of things |
2406s | um and i feel like the allegiance is |
2408s | kind of like the next |
2410s | evolution almost of that um so we can |
2412s | start to build rules on |
2414s | what it means to be allied with these or |
2417s | maybe allied against these um in terms |
2419s | of |
2420s | who can shoot who when and all those |
2422s | things um |
2425s | so |
2426s | um |
2427s | yes i i think like we were going to |
2429s | build a lot of stuff on that and yeah |
2431s | it's going to go |
2433s | how many of you guys remember having to |
2435s | avoid the sink |
2436s | how many of you are old enough to |
2437s | remember having to avoid the sanctum |
2439s | constellation because you were below you |
2441s | had low security status which was low |
2442s | concord stand-ins and the normal faction |
2444s | police were fine you could slip by them |
2446s | but you go into sanctum and concord will |
2448s | just wreck you |
2449s | yes |
2450s | yeah yeah |
2453s | uh |
2454s | you sir your arms are going to be real |
2455s | exercised after today |
2461s | i'll ask this one because no one's |
2462s | really brought it up yet um |
2465s | what have you looked at for system level |
2468s | so like right now you can dump lp into |
2470s | ihubs to upgrade levels this gives you |
2472s | bonuses for |
2473s | industrial parts |
2475s | um currently those bonuses affect all |
2477s | structures including |
2479s | pirates and people not aligned with the |
2481s | faction which is a really weird mechanic |
2485s | so i wonder can you repeat the question |
2487s | please |
2488s | so |
2490s | system upgrade levels |
2492s | yeah the question was what are we |
2494s | thinking about to do with that yeah what |
2496s | are we thinking about expanding it yeah |
2498s | we're thinking about maybe removing |
2500s | subparts |
2501s | um |
2502s | basically just because no one's really |
2504s | talked about that yet i was just curious |
2506s | yes we haven't |
2507s | but |
2510s | we have talked about it internally yes |
2512s | and uh talking about ihubs uh i gave an |
2515s | answer earlier and these guys thoughts |
2517s | on it about how we're looking at |
2519s | normalizing uh some of the systems that |
2521s | exist in the game you know you have i |
2523s | have not |
2524s | do stuff we have talked about that a lot |
2526s | of updating that system |
2528s | so |
2529s | nothing is hap it's coming |
2532s | but we are |
2533s | thinking about making changes on uh what |
2537s | that could end up being |
2539s | that resembles a better |
2543s | and normalized taste between you know |
2544s | low sec fw and player sovereignty and |
2548s | what those upgrades could do because |
2550s | right now they're very |
2552s | linear |
2553s | and how we can maybe go into a system |
2556s | that you have options and you can't |
2558s | always have |
2560s | all of the upgrades all the time |
2562s | and how we can give you more options |
2564s | from the ones that you have right now |
2565s | and this ties into how we are uh |
2569s | you know thinking about diversifying the |
2571s | solar system so that not all every solar |
2573s | system is the same or not every other |
2574s | system has the same capacity for example |
2578s | for resources |
2580s | or |
2580s | for uh |
2582s | combat sites |
2583s | uh that's the space that we're thinking |
2586s | it's uh it's not a priority right now |
2588s | but we have talked about it a lot uh |
2591s | because of player sovereignty |
2593s | and now we're gonna probably start |
2595s | thinking about |
2596s | fw i hubs how we can upgrade those and |
2598s | how what that would mean into the |
2600s | general ecosystem |
2602s | thank you i think most likely we will |
2604s | see the the new system hit with kind of |
2607s | the the current ihub setup um still kind |
2610s | of working alongside that but it won't |
2612s | be a thing it's still a thing very much |
2614s | on our radar so |
2626s | this is just something we're thinking |
2627s | about as so i think it's interesting |
2630s | opportunity to get you thinking about it |
2632s | and then you have the feedback currently |
2635s | lp in fractional warfare has two |
2638s | functions |
2639s | it's a reward and it's an investment |
2641s | currency |
2642s | and we're wondering if |
2644s | it should have those two functions |
2647s | and we're wondering if should it really |
2650s | stick to being a reward |
2652s | uh currency |
2654s | and should something else be the way you |
2656s | invest |
2657s | because |
2659s | having it do |
2660s | both |
2661s | is |
2663s | it causes problems in balancing the the |
2667s | the economic aspect there so i mean |
2669s | there's no decision made it's just |
2671s | something we've been thinking about and |
2672s | i think |
2673s | it it's it's something that would be |
2676s | viable to get your your guys feedback on |
2678s | it's it it's a very strange place where |
2680s | you like if i don't put anything into |
2682s | the ihub someone else will and then i |
2684s | can still profit off of that and that's |
2686s | not a great paradigm so it's something |
2687s | we're very aware of but we don't have a |
2689s | specific change for you today |
2691s | all right we have time for was this |
2693s | getting over at |
2697s | five minutes yeah five minutes from now |
2699s | okay cool so we have five more minutes |
2701s | uh i'm gonna pick |
2703s | a couple people so that you guys don't |
2704s | get stuck with your hands up here |
2707s | you sir in the brave shirt |
2710s | and then |
2711s | i'm sorry i've already called on you so |
2712s | i'm gonna let you go next |
2715s | and then yourself |
2717s | uh and caprice and we'll do capri slime |
2722s | so um |
2723s | about the |
2725s | goal uh |
2726s | for edge fractions and not only for arcs |
2728s | but the team you talked about like npc |
2731s | general having dynamic goals for |
2732s | functional warfare you talk about it's |
2734s | not going to be just uh capturing a |
2737s | system but it would be like maybe |
2739s | completing an objective delivering stuff |
2741s | or |
2742s | doing hacking and stuff like that |
2744s | i was just wondering uh |
2746s | if you thought like |
2748s | that reminded me of uh the community |
2750s | goal from elite dangerous i don't know |
2752s | if some of you know of these steps uh i |
2754s | was wondering if uh for votes gold we |
2757s | will have |
2758s | a personal reward according to the |
2762s | size that we have contributed to what |
2764s | the goal for example delivering uh stuff |
2766s | ever simplifying as in the dangerous |
2768s | community goal when you deliver a cargo |
2770s | you get paid instantly for a delivery |
2772s | towards the goal and then depending on |
2775s | the completion of the goal and if you |
2776s | succeed or not you get another payout |
2778s | and i was wondering if it was two kinds |
2781s | of periods were |
2782s | also planned for what you had in mind |
2784s | for the gold in for functional warfare |
2786s | on beyond just empire functional warfare |
2789s | obviously it was more toward a |
2792s | community-based pool down less about the |
2795s | personal rewards per contribution so |
2798s | the way that i'm kind of looking at this |
2800s | is like if we're if we're just killing |
2802s | the tier system |
2803s | like i want to get a really |
2806s | i want to get |
2808s | it'll make him really happy too |
2811s | if i want to get a really good idea of |
2812s | just how much lp is being generated from |
2815s | the higher tiers and then we can |
2817s | basically redistribute that through |
2819s | other methods so |
2821s | for something like delivering uh goods |
2824s | to help complete an objective you could |
2826s | deliver things and then you get paid out |
2828s | it's almost like completing a plex |
2830s | elsewhere like you you get your like |
2831s | instant like standard payout and then |
2834s | you're also like on the list for people |
2836s | who helped complete that objective and |
2838s | then |
2839s | if the objective succeeds like you get |
2842s | this reward based on your contribution |
2844s | or like if the objective fails you get |
2846s | this reward based on your contribution |
2849s | so it should be kind of similar so |
2851s | if you win after you donate |
2853s | you still care about whether the |
2855s | objective succeeds |
2857s | but you also also get that that little |
2860s | piece up front as well |
2865s | yeah no more glamorous boosters we won't |
2867s | do that again |
2872s | so during the triglavian invasion uh it |
2875s | was easy for |
2876s | null blocks to |
2878s | insert themselves into something like |
2880s | nyarsha where they |
2881s | cared about burning things down |
2884s | and face very little consequences to |
2886s | themselves they're based out in null the |
2888s | things that are happening in the area |
2890s | space i care about they can come in do |
2893s | whatever they want and then leave |
2895s | one of the things you talked about was |
2898s | the consequences of doing certain |
2900s | actions and how that plays out like oh |
2902s | we don't want to make it so that those |
2904s | poor uh |
2906s | goons can't go to jita anymore but i |
2909s | really actually want to see |
2911s | more consequences for them when they |
2914s | insert themselves into empire activity |
2917s | they should really suffer |
2925s | i think a lot of those people have |
2927s | suffered when they realized they had to |
2929s | make 40 jumps to jita some other day but |
2932s | i understand what you're saying would |
2934s | you like to chime in on this one |
2939s | i mean i i gave a version of an answer |
2941s | to that earlier to our friend from |
2943s | lagoons uh |
2946s | i would just say yes consequences are |
2948s | important in the game |
2950s | but this spillover should be |
2953s | ultimately should be in both directions |
2955s | i think is the answer to that that issue |
2959s | all right we are down to about one |
2961s | minute so if you guys can make your |
2962s | questions quick we'll make our answers |
2964s | snappy uh and then |
2965s | we'll get out of here hopefully on time |
2967s | so i remember from the keynote uh you |
2969s | were talking about factions being more |
2970s | involved with faction warfare giving us |
2972s | objectives to go capture is there a |
2974s | chance we can actually see like in the |
2976s | trailers we see super capital fleets |
2978s | from both factions fighting each other |
2979s | is there possibility in the game of that |
2981s | actually happening where we see like |
2983s | kaldari wanting this system so bad they |
2986s | send their super cap fleet to go help us |
2988s | take it |
2989s | yes |
2996s | so a question that i've seen on those |
2998s | from the discords when the frontline |
3000s | system comes in is there going to be a |
3002s | reset of all of the systems in fact war |
3004s | or is it going to |
3006s | the algorithm chooses which are the the |
3008s | frontline systems at that point yet |
3011s | undecided um it's it's very likely we |
3014s | need to we need to plan for the fact |
3015s | that like |
3016s | one side just doesn't control any space |
3018s | uh kind of the way that we're looking at |
3020s | that right now is a cop-out solution |
3021s | like their high-sec systems also create |
3023s | front lines if you're if you're |
3024s | connected to them so that you don't wind |
3026s | up with nothing um because if every |
3028s | system was a rear guard and you could |
3029s | push nothing that would just be real |
3030s | real bad um |
3033s | the answer is at this point though we |
3034s | don't know um there could be a major in |
3037s | in-game event which occurs which kind of |
3039s | like disrupts the current uh structure |
3042s | and then we start fresh at like a middle |
3044s | ground like you're |
3045s | it's a face off or an icing and hockey |
3047s | like we're dropping the puck here |
3052s | all right thank you everyone |
3076s | you |