over 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | foreign |
23s | your source of news from Eve online |
25s | Uprising the new narrative driven |
27s | expansion for Eve is here and live now |
29s | bringing with a brand new Navy |
31s | dreadnoughts and destroyers one of each |
33s | for every Empire boasting fresh |
35s | intimidating visuals and equally |
36s | impressive numbers these instruments of |
39s | Destruction provide more variety for the |
41s | battlefield and are on grid right now |
43s | Uprising also brought a huge update to |
45s | factional Warfare including the |
47s | introduction of new front lines and |
48s | Advantage systems which both influence |
50s | rewards and system capture front lines |
52s | draws Pilots closer to conflict hotspots |
55s | a systems operational State be it |
57s | Frontline Command operations or rear |
59s | guard determine specific system effects |
61s | sight spawning loyalty Point rewards and |
63s | victory Point gains the Advantage system |
66s | allows you to give your chosen faction |
67s | an edge through system ownership plus |
69s | completion of sites and activities in |
71s | the war zone also more restrictions have |
74s | been added to complexes as well as |
75s | changes to site naming for better |
77s | communication of challenges |
79s | following those big changes to factional |
81s | Warfare the uprising continues with the |
83s | introduction of battlefields |
85s | these will spawn across the cluster and |
87s | allow two teams to battle it out over |
88s | specified areas you can join your fellow |
91s | militia members to fight to control |
92s | areas defend bases and battle for score |
95s | through a tug-of-war Point stealing |
97s | mechanic when one Battlefield closes |
99s | another swarms elsewhere meaning there |
101s | will always be more action to chase down |
104s | the heraldry journey in Eve first |
106s | announced that Fan Fest has begun with |
108s | Corporation and Alliance emblems |
109s | representing this first step of |
111s | customization available for over 100 |
113s | ships already |
115s | new in-game Corporation Paragon has |
117s | stations spread across High SEC and low |
119s | SEC complete with new Paragon agents |
122s | completion of paragon agent missions |
124s | will reward capsules with evermarks |
126s | which can then be used to purchase |
127s | emblems at loyalty Point stores once |
130s | purchased emblems can be toggled on or |
132s | off using the new personalization tab in |
134s | the fitting window |
136s | massive enhancements to upwell hangers |
138s | in new Eden have ramped up the audio and |
140s | visual immersion while docking and |
142s | undocking you can also now see other |
144s | ships you have docked at your current |
146s | upwell structure in the enormous new |
147s | Hangar environment and you'll still get |
149s | out into space at a speed that is on par |
152s | with other structures further audio and |
154s | visual improvements that have arrived as |
156s | part of the ongoing Eve evolved |
158s | initiative have helped boost your |
159s | e-frame rate and have allowed for more |
161s | single scene detail with minimal |
163s | performance impact the upwell hangers |
165s | being one of the first examples to take |
167s | advantage of this Tech more refined |
170s | turret sound quality brand new |
171s | soundtracks and factional warfare sites |
173s | and improved shading and rendering for |
175s | increased visual impact are also part of |
177s | this update |
179s | Uprising also introduces a stack of |
181s | quality of life improvements every |
183s | single one of them inspired directly by |
184s | Eve Community feedback |
186s | activation of higher level Abyssal Dead |
188s | Space filaments now requires Pilots to |
191s | be in systems in the security status of |
193s | 0.5 to 0.7 less the income and suspect |
196s | time also Alphas can no longer change |
198s | their safety setting to Red changes have |
201s | also taken place to make high set |
203s | ganking more costly which affects |
205s | decision making when looking for targets |
206s | these include adjustments to the docking |
209s | and tethering rights of characters with |
210s | low security status |
212s | it is now possible to retroactively |
214s | recruit an existing account and still be |
216s | eligible for rewards defined by the |
218s | recruitment program rules recruits will |
221s | receive 1 million skill points and if |
223s | they upgrade to Omega and purchase Plex |
225s | the rewards for the recruiter are free |
227s | Omega and cerebral accelerators |
229s | respectively |
230s | other highlights include alliances |
232s | getting their own version of the |
233s | corporate fittings the doubling of |
235s | personal ship fittings and Corp Alliance |
237s | fittings significantly increasing the |
239s | maximum number of Fleet mates which can |
241s | be added to the watch list window more |
243s | jump clones with the addition of the |
245s | elite infomorph psychology skill book |
247s | and many more be sure to check out the |
249s | patch notes for full details to |
252s | celebrate the release of Uprising and to |
253s | equip you for imminent battle four new |
256s | Empire theme packs are now available in |
258s | the eve store these Uprising packs each |
260s | contain 30 days of Omega new Nomad |
262s | apparel expert systems cerebral |
265s | accelerator and a set of skins that |
267s | include a brand new Nano coating for an |
269s | empire-specific Navy exploration frigate |
271s | you can also purchase the uprising packs |
273s | in Eve online's new Eden store for Plex |
275s | on the subject of unmissable offers you |
278s | have until the 22nd of November to get |
280s | seven days of Omega-3 by visiting the |
282s | new Eden store with the escalating |
284s | tensions between the empires dominating |
286s | the news Alton havery has been reporting |
288s | regularly for the scope for magalente |
291s | invasion of intaki to the decimation |
293s | caused by the Amar Stellar transmitter |
294s | in Turner catch all the latest |
296s | developments across the cluster as they |
298s | unfold |
299s | story new Eden tradition the 18th |
301s | Alliance tournament concludes this |
303s | weekend last weekend saw returning |
305s | Champions showcase incredible individual |
307s | Talent Hartford victories with tens of |
310s | billions in flagships destroyed it's not |
312s | just bragging rights up for grabs the |
314s | top 16 teams will be receiving the |
315s | all-new Minotaur heavy assault Cruiser |
317s | and assault frigate the best LA and Gary |
320s | be sure to tune in to the final weekend |
322s | live on ccptv and flaunt your know-how |
325s | by making predictions in chat to win |
327s | some great prizes if FanFest is |
329s | returning for 2023 in Reykjavik Iceland |
332s | celebrating 20 years of Eve online |
334s | FanFest 2023 will take place between the |
337s | 21st and 23rd of September and early |
339s | bird tickets are available now Eve may |
342s | be forever but it's only going to turn |
343s | 20 once so do not miss out on the 22nd |
346s | of November new Eden will be celebrating |
348s | its Spanish-speaking community and you |
350s | can join the celebrations at Gita and on |
352s | Twitch as well as the Gita fireworks |
355s | gathering on the 22nd there will also be |
357s | a number of Spanish player Corporation |
358s | Fleet streams as well as a special |
360s | themed starter pack featuring a new soct |
363s | ship skin |
364s | Omega Plex character face paint and more |
367s | there will be exclusive deals for Black |
369s | Friday in both the Eve store and the new |
371s | Eden store until the 28th of November |
373s | get 20 off all Omega packs in the eve |
376s | store with select packs featuring free |
378s | Navy battle cruiser and Dremel sariel's |
380s | flame skins you can also grab 50 off hex |
383s | skin bundles and 60 off the red claw |
386s | Sable skin bundle in the new Eden store |
388s | that's all for this episode of the pulse |
390s | thanks again for joining us check out |
391s | the description below for more |
392s | information on the stories that we've |
394s | covered then hit subscribe and the bell |
396s | icon to stay notified when we post a new |
398s | video see you next time |