4 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
33s | [Music] |
54s | [Music] |
77s | [Music] |
80s | good day enjoy my chewing how are you |
83s | guys today yeah not too bad you're so |
84s | good you expected for day four of |
86s | Alliance tournament 20 Where's My Water |
88s | oh I threw it away yeah that's my fault |
91s | yeah you did do that I did do that we |
92s | all make mistakes sometimes all right |
95s | four teams remaining in Al stream in 20 |
97s | just four we started with 32 we are down |
100s | to just four rage quck cancel sub the |
102s | tuskers co truth on the light |
105s | and I forgotten Platinum PL that's the |
108s | one I forgot about them the |
110s | indestructible Mar the indestructible |
112s | Mar Bridges thank you C our first match |
115s | I think it's going to be a doozy um I |
117s | see already there's flagships on field |
119s | mystical m m exciting stuff exciting |
121s | stuff ined |
123s | indeed okay so should we look at the |
125s | band for match one let's do it clap clap |
128s | band let's |
130s | go all right R cancel oh no oh I was so |
133s | excited for a second R qu cancel banning |
135s | at the neros the curs the pilgrim the |
137s | arbitrator and platinum sensitivity |
138s | Banning out the Loki the zaras the |
140s | Armageddon and the Armageddon Navy issue |
142s | mystical might what do you see in these |
143s | bands here yep so no Z zy today we've |
146s | got the cursed Pilgrim and arbitrated |
147s | bands but sensal and crucify still in so |
150s | they can bring some tracking disruptors |
151s | or gance disruptors if they want to uh |
153s | thankfully we're not going to be seeing |
154s | three Armageddon Navy issues my personal |
156s | favorite or least favorite thing um yeah |
158s | I mean pretty standard bands again um I |
160s | don't think there are there's anything |
162s | here that we haven't seen in other days |
163s | so far yep and black bar Pirates your |
165s | thoughts yeah what do you just said |
167s | excellent yeah quality thoughts quality |
169s | thoughts so many of them I am I am |
170s | surrounded by |
171s | thoughts oh no C somewhere not like oh |
176s | oh well that didn't take very long all |
178s | right well I mean let's just get started |
180s | like we have four teams remaining we |
181s | need to whittle that down to just one by |
183s | the end of today this is going to be |
185s | some exciting matches some of the best |
186s | teams remaining in the tournament are |
188s | ready to compete for that number one top |
190s | slot so let's go to the first match of |
192s | the day in the |
195s | arena welcome to the arena guys he |
197s | caught us a little bit too early poor |
199s | fears running back in but welcome to the |
201s | final day and already I'm bloody excited |
203s | because the first ship I saw on fancy UI |
205s | they brought a Vindicator and I'm |
206s | waiting to see is this a flag vindy or a |
208s | regular vindy well their flagship is a |
210s | Vindicator Platinum sensitivities is a |
212s | balore and I expect both these teams to |
215s | have prop Flags so we're checking local |
216s | chat right now they haven't said yet and |
219s | I'm hoping that please if this is vindy |
221s | It's a wild comp vindy double abidon |
222s | comp is very brutal but however the NES |
225s | from the Balor is going to make all |
226s | three ships rather unhappy well that and |
229s | there we go FL both and Mark Bridges the |
232s | indestructible Mark bridges in the Bal |
234s | gor versus uh what's his name debug in a |
236s | Vindicator yeah the uh the captains and |
239s | Flagship Pilots ping it out of course on |
242s | the blue side Platinum sensitivity |
243s | they've brought uh some control double |
245s | Sentinel B gor and Fleet Tempest they |
246s | have a little bit less DPS overall uh |
249s | compared to the red side where could |
251s | cancel sub but they have a little bit |
252s | more control as we see that control bar |
254s | about twice as big and a lot of that is |
257s | uh this carries alongside the double |
259s | Sentinels and of course uh they still |
261s | got quite a bit of DPS in that jogger in |
262s | the fleet Tempest uh they won with this |
264s | comp yesterday um and I believe this is |
268s | similar to previous showing of flagship |
270s | from Rage Quit cancel sub uh don't quote |
272s | me on that I might have the comp |
273s | slightly confused but either way uh |
276s | double crucifier versus double Sentinel |
278s | uh we're about ready to go I'm excited |
281s | oh yeah it's going to be interesting to |
282s | see how this goes there going to be a |
283s | lot of control from both sides as I said |
284s | double crucifier is going to make the B |
286s | tempus unhappy but the double sent is |
287s | going to make all the battleships |
288s | unhappy so we're going to have to see |
290s | how this match starts off as everyone |
291s | just immediately starts getting probably |
293s | track and disrupted too hell yeah it's |
295s | uh web out already in the vind look at |
297s | that immediate web on the vindy you are |
298s | not allowed to move sir track on all |
301s | three battleships they have all been |
302s | disrupted down which is more painful for |
304s | the abdons than the vindicat vindicate |
305s | doesn't really care abdon does like to |
307s | project and being reduced really does |
309s | suck yeah and it's a kite back from |
311s | Platinum sensitivity uh they're kinding |
313s | back with that Bal Gorn trying to get |
315s | everything uh ready and set up because |
317s | you don't want to get under the uh guns |
319s | of that Vindicator uh I mean if you do |
321s | you have two Sentinels so lots of track |
322s | and disruption uh can stop The |
324s | Vindicator from actually shooting and as |
325s | you a battleship at that point there's a |
327s | point where you can Trac up all you want |
329s | their blasters doesn't really matter |
330s | they can just sit at zero |
332s | we there is like a saturation point on |
335s | there's not so so much you can do but |
336s | either way the palor NES can definitely |
338s | help turning off that vindicator's guns |
340s | and keep an eye on the balon's web again |
342s | Vindicator that Bon webs him again slows |
344s | them down they this balun Mark bridg is |
345s | going to play constantly just webbing |
347s | down all three bow ships repeatedly it's |
349s | going to be really really annoying for |
350s | the B pilot but at the moment not seeing |
352s | much in the way of damage yet no we have |
355s | not uh in fact seen much damage at all |
357s | the attack bar pretty anemic terms there |
360s | we go we we're seeing some red in the |
361s | attack bar now so uh some damage being |
363s | put down across both these teams the |
365s | fleet Tempest taking some pot shots |
366s | while one of these Abbas LLY artson has |
368s | been taken some pot shots actually the |
370s | fleet Tempest is web down right now not |
372s | quite sure that's the Vindicator on top |
375s | uh Vindicator also gra that's I think |
377s | that's a grapple from both abdons |
379s | actually okay so longrange grapple not |
381s | going to be nearly as punishing as The |
383s | Vindicator webs as we see debug in The |
384s | Vindicator very far back compared to |
386s | those Abbas who are kind of front |
388s | lighting as debug now burning in trying |
390s | to find his way uh into this fight in an |
392s | effective manner this track and |
393s | disruption and now NES on both these |
395s | Abbas so uh really Platinum sensitivity |
398s | trying to use that control bar to their |
399s | advantage we see it's already about two3 |
401s | full abidon pulling back the abidon of |
403s | Lily Austin is actually pulling back to |
404s | his team and looks like the other abon's |
406s | about to do the same I no he's kind of |
409s | doing that's weird I would expect him to |
410s | keep pushing but they are deciding no no |
412s | Okay this not going to work let's pull |
413s | back interesting yeah honestly actually |
416s | we see Lily arson start to burn in a |
418s | little bit more as well uh this Fleet |
420s | Tempest is really difficult to actually |
422s | get uh much damage onto him at all when |
424s | you're tracking toered by two Sentinels |
426s | we do not know um exactly how these |
428s | Sentinels are fit they could uh just |
430s | have the three tracking disruptions that |
431s | we see but we don't see multiple |
433s | tracking disruptions uh applied to the |
435s | same ship uh with the fancy UI so for |
438s | all we know there could be even more |
439s | trackon disruption and these Abbas might |
440s | not be able to actually hit anything |
442s | even with long range ammo you see this |
443s | Fleet Tempest has been uh pretty much |
445s | untouched in terms of the armor belt |
447s | it's going to be interesting to watch |
448s | like I have double check is there point |
450s | there no okay there's no singular point |
451s | so this could be a match that goes into |
453s | reverse TI unless something rapidly |
455s | changes they tried to shoot a a Punisher |
456s | but pretty tanky ship someone need to |
459s | get like a quick snipe on a frig |
460s | somewhere just just delete something |
461s | small and the moment that happens his |
462s | match changes otherwise it's a slow |
464s | grind as both teams are just being |
466s | absolutely controlled by the opposing |
467s | teams yeah those officer webs really |
469s | just keeping the Val gor at Bay debug |
471s | trying to boat in as fast as he can but |
473s | unfortunately even though it's not the |
475s | same as a Vindicator 90% web it still |
477s | has a long range and you still are |
478s | webbed only going about 300 m/ second |
480s | Vindicator right now the key is that |
481s | you're webbing them and you're not being |
482s | webbed back which means you get all the |
484s | time in the world it brings The |
485s | Vindicator from like, or 12200 to like |
488s | two 300 as you can see he's the man |
490s | can't crack 300 at the moment yeah these |
491s | double crucifiers though got some |
493s | trackon disruption on of the spell Fleet |
494s | Tempest we seeing the dragon disruption |
496s | fall in and out as uh the crucifiers are |
499s | being damped by this carries the plant I |
503s | think actually by the way a potential |
504s | key Point here which I haven't said yet |
506s | the carries the carries at one moment |
508s | could turn off both crucifiers and give |
510s | their ships full tracking for a moment |
512s | and we saw for a moment that the megas |
514s | was getting hit but he's now solidified |
516s | so keep an eye out in the damps that |
517s | carries needs to bounce those DS around |
519s | find the right target at the right time |
520s | but we have a scram on the abdon hold on |
522s | a minute scram web on the Abba in fact |
524s | Arena Ary Platinum sensitivity doesn't |
526s | really have a whole lot of Target too |
527s | from okay all right here we go here's |
529s | the BR then Tempest Fleet is now locked |
530s | down by the abidon the other abon's |
532s | going to be on the way The Vindicator |
533s | will be on the way that Tempest being |
535s | caught maybe it was a plan thing but I |
537s | am worried for that team now cuz that's |
538s | now three close range aggressive Bou |
541s | about to be at zero well the ABBA is |
543s | Being Ned and nosed out |
545s | so the the the pulse lasers uh can |
549s | potentially be turned off this |
550s | Vindicator still uh not quite in the |
552s | fight quite yet we see debug slowly |
554s | slowly burning in but Mark Bridges is |
556s | actually burning into the fight as well |
557s | trying to get his Nudes on these abas |
559s | and maybe free up the Tempest Fleet |
561s | before The Vindicator arrives I had a |
562s | quick check as well that is definitely a |
564s | gun bone as well he has he has guns not |
566s | full n so this is going to be a very |
568s | interesting fight now it's going to be |
569s | almost race to who can rip through the |
570s | other battles while the Punisher burning |
572s | in as well the stalia also burned in |
574s | alongside this crucifier so it's |
576s | devolving into an allout brawl as uh the |
579s | logi and the rest of the squad from rqu |
582s | cancel subber trying to get their reps |
583s | and their eward down we see Lodi on that |
586s | Mages on the crucifier right now Lu as |
588s | well as the Abba and got the NES on the |
590s | Abba The Vindicator still not into this |
592s | fight quite yet he's tracking disrupted |
594s | to all hell and this ABBA is going down |
596s | pretty quickly cuz these thallas they're |
598s | Being Ned out in the meantime and just |
600s | cannot get on top of this uh Abba nearly |
602s | enough but debug in The Vindicator he's |
604s | slowly approaching this fight and once |
606s | he gets on top of one of these Tempest |
608s | Fleet issues or Bal Gorn it's going to |
610s | devolve into an allout brawl Arena arthy |
612s | though in the Abba still staying alive |
613s | got the reactive armor hardener spooling |
615s | as this Maes now is the primary from |
617s | Platinum sensitivity they need to get |
618s | these links off the table if they want |
620s | to snowball this match I'm just waiting |
622s | to see the abidon die this is |
624s | interesting as hell because I'm watching |
626s | the the Bor who can sit whatever range |
627s | he wants Hunter Hughes yeah the Bon has |
630s | moved into the fight as well and I think |
632s | he might be presenting himself as a |
633s | Target as the it looks like temp fleet's |
634s | actually trying to pull away a little |
635s | bit he can't move fast he can move and |
638s | you can see he's trying to like Edge |
639s | away a bit no look at his speed though 2 |
641s | Ms he's not exactly going to be moving |
643s | fast yeah The Vindicator finally into |
645s | this fight getting some damage on the |
646s | sleet Tempest obviously these dual |
648s | Sentinels can stop a Vindicator from |
649s | shooting unless he's right up in your |
651s | face meanwhile Platinum sensitivity |
653s | they've Ned out both of these logi frags |
655s | now getting some damage on an Nexium 2 |
656s | in the Thalia he had some very good |
658s | plays in logi on an Ono earlier in this |
660s | tournament but he's going to go down |
661s | abau also not going to be long for the |
663s | world either as he is completely Ned out |
665s | and they really want to get this Lodi |
666s | down so they can actually kill these |
668s | abadin and maybe go for The Vindicator |
670s | next who is still loved up by this Bal |
671s | Gorn Bal Gorn still not comp meanwhile |
673s | the sleet Tempest dipping ever lower |
675s | into armor V's in Point Blank Range and |
677s | needs a control space and just start |
678s | shooting and look at that Vindicator |
680s | skin as well absolutely horrific I love |
683s | it and yeah Vin is now at zero they've |
685s | lost their logy but he's right at zero |
687s | now this is full damage moment this is |
689s | the chance to maybe break through the |
690s | Tempest Fleet before the abidon goes |
692s | down well this born though not a whole |
694s | lot of damage on a gun Balor for a |
696s | faction B the fleet Tempest though going |
699s | down in this Abba still in armor has not |
701s | hit tall quite yet and the fleet Tempest |
704s | is down the Abba stays alive for the |
705s | time being Arena arthy making good use |
708s | of the reactive armor hardener that |
710s | these guys bring and the Abba stays |
712s | Alive Now dipping into structure but |
714s | still that lead Tempest is a significant |
716s | chunk of the Platinum sensitivity damage |
718s | off the table yep now see what happens |
720s | next they've still got double Sentinels |
721s | as well to provide control and the Bor |
722s | should be able to P range but there's a |
724s | little problem with that there's a |
726s | little guy in a Punisher who survived |
727s | right until about now who's now got the |
729s | Bal Gorn webbed and scrammed so well |
732s | done to uh lus in The Punisher this is |
735s | what the best not logic FR Pilots are |
739s | they didn't die at the start they're |
740s | here when they need to be and what they |
742s | need to be is tackling the important |
743s | ship for the other ship to get on top of |
744s | it importantly though Platinum stivity |
746s | still has their links on this table the |
748s | dger providing those alongs this made |
750s | just in Pawn effects meanwhile the pawn |
751s | effects is down from where to quit |
752s | cancel Subs they have no more links |
754s | after about a minute and a half for |
755s | these battleships one of these paon |
757s | effect is actually webbed up right now |
759s | uh LTL Bazaar as this Punisher still |
762s | unpunished yeah well he's about he's |
765s | about to be punished I'm seeing a big |
766s | old flight of drones all on his face |
768s | right now yep all the drones from the uh |
770s | from his team is now currently just |
771s | destroying the Punisher and |
773s | unfortunately I think that's going to be |
775s | the end for Rage Quit because they do |
777s | have good damage they have a great pair |
778s | of ships for that they can't move |
780s | anymore they have no motion left and |
782s | they can't shoot back but the Vindicator |
784s | I mean he's should be within that 30 km |
786s | range that we get from those officer |
788s | webs under links Grant you the links are |
789s | going to pull off the Bal Gorn is 61 m/ |
793s | second at the moment even with the |
794s | Punisher down we see the web still apply |
796s | to the Bal Gorn so The Vindicator has |
797s | done what they needed to do no |
798s | Vindicator is on the p no never mind |
800s | actually you're right it's grappled by |
802s | the Abba right now so The Vindicator is |
803s | still not slowing down the Bor nearly |
804s | enough V being disted by P effect right |
807s | now which is not good for her he needed |
808s | to get on the big ship I get the |
810s | understanding I do agree getting rid of |
811s | the small chips but he kind of needs to |
813s | get rid of the last bit of damage so |
814s | then his the comp he's got stay alive |
816s | and importantly Platinum sensitivity |
818s | still L their logy and we see uh nebus |
820s | and night cap both keeping this Pawn |
822s | alive they are not under really any sort |
824s | of n threat or any sort of uh web threat |
827s | from the side of Rage Quit cancel sub so |
828s | they're keeping the pawn effects alive |
829s | quite effectively uh vator and ABA don't |
831s | really apply very well uh to those uh uh |
835s | destroyers so Platinum sensitivity |
837s | keeping their links alive the battor |
839s | still under no threat in this Abba now |
840s | and half armor I like Mark Bridges and |
842s | local okay I let the vindy live good |
845s | fight to be fair I think he might |
847s | struggle to kill it in 35 seconds yes 37 |
850s | seconds left Platinum sensitivity only |
852s | loser carries in a fleet Tempest the |
853s | indestructible Mark Bridges staying |
855s | indestructible and moving on to the |
857s | lower bracket finals R quck cancel sub |
859s | end up fourth place in the alliance |
860s | tournament this is a very deep run for |
862s | them I'm excited to see how they do next |
864s | year theyve had a few upsets as far as |
865s | I'm aware in this match they've done |
866s | some very well uh piloting they took out |
868s | both evasive maneuvering as well as |
871s | barcode which I think no one really |
874s | expected this team to do so well played |
876s | to rage quit cancel sub thus far |
877s | unfortunately their run ends here |
879s | Platinum sensitivity though move on to |
880s | the lower bracket finals so we'll see |
882s | them in a best of Series against the |
884s | loser of the next series which work |
885s | casting which is truth honor light |
888s | versus uh versus the tuskers co we will |
892s | be right back after this quick break |
894s | don't go anywhere we'll be right back |
895s | after this |
912s | Rage Quit cancel sub Dro there our first |
915s | victim of the day and now we have our |
917s | top three that was an amazing run for |
919s | Rage Quit cancel sub I believe that's |
921s | their their first run under this name of |
923s | course bunch of experienced people in |
924s | there but getting that far and they |
926s | brought that amazing Flagship Vindicator |
928s | two flagships on there we were kind of |
930s | looking for some Flagship on Flagship |
931s | violence but at least their Flagship |
933s | survive to live and fight another day so |
935s | maybe they can recoup some of the cost |
936s | I'm sure that was a very expensive |
938s | Flagship knowing the people in that team |
940s | I would be pretty certain it's going to |
942s | be pimp AF uh but they'll be happy that |
944s | survived they'll they have to be happy |
946s | with the performance in this tournament |
947s | they knocked out some pretty big teams |
949s | uh so well done but Starfleet how did |
952s | that match go it looked like at one |
953s | point it wasn't going to be as cut and |
954s | dry as it kind of ended up being I mean |
956s | I think the Sentinels uh were the main a |
959s | huge Factor on the match TD and the |
961s | abandons and the vindy and obviously the |
963s | bow gor webbing the vindy back and the |
966s | abandons coming in closer it was we were |
968s | talking weren't we Misty that like is a |
970s | they kind of kiting weren't they with |
971s | the bow go and they're just using its |
973s | NES just to try and get the the cap down |
974s | for the abandon and when they felt it |
976s | was right they went in for the with the |
978s | feet 10 pit to try and get the damage |
979s | down trying to get the aband down yeah I |
981s | mean one of the advantages of a |
982s | Vindicator is web strength you can just |
985s | like you know slow everything down when |
986s | you can tell when someone's got a really |
988s | fancy web on a Vindicator because he he |
990s | presses whatever hotkey his web is on |
992s | and then the ship speed just goes to |
994s | like three um whereas the Balor doesn't |
996s | get the strength bonus but it gets the |
997s | range bonus so the Balor will be able to |
999s | web that Vindicator before it can be |
1001s | webbed itself it was probably like for |
1004s | the vindy pilot frustrating yeah not |
1006s | only are you webbed miles away you |
1008s | probably can only hit what two kilm yeah |
1010s | yeah the Sentinels were just tracking |
1012s | disrupting the vindy down so even when |
1014s | it did get webs on the pon effects |
1015s | towards the end of the match we saw that |
1017s | the ponts was just tanking because the |
1019s | ab's kept out probably and the |
1021s | vindicator's just like swinging away but |
1025s | can't quite really close super close |
1027s | little T-Rex arms yeah little T-Rex |
1029s | vindy vindy blasters yeah not not not |
1031s | quite what you want when you're uh yeah |
1034s | behind already yeah me I think they |
1036s | definitely plaum sensitivity let's be |
1038s | clear they played it very well they |
1040s | controlled the match um you know you |
1042s | pointed out star Fleet they were sort of |
1043s | like positioning waiting until those NES |
1044s | really took effect but I mean that was I |
1047s | think um rage qu really pushed Platinum |
1050s | sensitivity there they couldn't just sit |
1051s | back and relax no they can't just wait |
1053s | it's just for them it's terrible with |
1055s | n's pressure over time it just gets |
1057s | worse and worse and worse and as we're |
1058s | watching Missy said the same thing it's |
1059s | like the longer this goes on the worse |
1060s | it is for rage quit and also let's not |
1062s | forget the carries doing a great job |
1065s | dampening the the crucifiers I I I had |
1068s | joking well not jokingly I was saying oh |
1070s | the carriers are doing the Lord's work |
1072s | damping out the crucifiers and stopping |
1073s | tracking disruptors and then track and |
1075s | disruptors hit the B and I went never |
1076s | mind never mind but he was doing a good |
1078s | job though really well played from the |
1080s | carries pilot um I think the carries |
1082s | also likely had a scram as well cuz at |
1083s | one point it got webbed by The |
1084s | Vindicator and I think it was because |
1086s | the carries was using its long-range SC |
1088s | bonus to hold down one of the |
1089s | battleships again to help separate and |
1092s | Screen um the big damage ships when they |
1093s | were burning in for the the flest and |
1096s | the balone so just great pilot on both |
1098s | sides tough as well because towards the |
1100s | end they were getting up against the |
1102s | arena so you can really kind for so long |
1105s | so you just have to at one point be like |
1106s | okay we got to go in now otherwise we're |
1108s | going to get pushed and push and pushed |
1110s | and you want to try and get that vindy |
1111s | separated as well but that's sorry I was |
1113s | just going to say I wonder what would |
1114s | have happened different if the deacons |
1116s | on the other side died because once |
1118s | those deacons dropped on Rage Quit It |
1120s | was kind of that's when plant could |
1121s | commit and go in because it becomes a |
1123s | DPS race and they have deacons well the |
1125s | thing with the plat comp and I I think I |
1127s | like the uh Platinum sensitivity comp |
1129s | more because it had the Sentinels yeah |
1131s | so we were saying like you know we're |
1132s | focusing on the Bal gor the fact that |
1134s | it's a flagship it has the NES they're |
1135s | going up against cap heavy battleships |
1137s | like the abadin like the vind |
1139s | but what we haven't necessarily focused |
1141s | on too much is the fact that the |
1142s | Sentinels did a great job of getting |
1144s | around the BH brawl getting on those |
1146s | stallers and because you have one |
1148s | Sentinel per Thalia they are basically |
1149s | going to be capped out yeah it's like |
1151s | you get that one I'll get this one bang |
1153s | done they because as soon as they brw in |
1156s | they're like right let's go round and |
1158s | the NES basically landed on both valers |
1159s | at around the same time so the moment |
1161s | that happens they're gone um and then |
1163s | you also have the droger burning around |
1164s | in the back line as well getting rid of |
1166s | those crucifiers and then working way |
1167s | through the support you forget about |
1169s | yeah you're just like you're so fix on |
1171s | like the and goes around the the benefit |
1174s | of Tri frig like the nle um not so much |
1178s | the damic but the nurgle and the draer |
1180s | Not only can they bring links so um |
1182s | there are actually a decent number of |
1183s | Link ships on the Platinum sensitivity |
1185s | side they had the Magus the pun effects |
1186s | but also the draer um which is not what |
1188s | we usually see when we're looking at |
1190s | command desis um but it also spoils so |
1194s | you can essentially just put it on a |
1196s | random ship in the back of the arena and |
1197s | even if it is like a logistics Cruiser |
1199s | it eventually will start doing 800 DPS M |
1202s | constantly just ticking away a lot of |
1204s | DPS and because the comp that we saw |
1207s | from Rage Quit cancel sub was so limited |
1210s | in terms of scope and like how far it |
1212s | could actually shoot out they had |
1213s | nothing that could clear it yeah yep all |
1215s | right let's take a look at the bands for |
1216s | our next match this is going to be the |
1217s | first of a best of three so we're now |
1219s | into the winners bracket uh finals the |
1222s | winner of this match or this best of |
1224s | three match I should say will go into |
1225s | the grand finals the loser will drop |
1226s | down to play um the lower bracket final |
1229s | which is also a best of three so this is |
1230s | a really important one to win because |
1232s | then you get to rest and then go into |
1234s | the finals tusker's Co Banning out the |
1235s | laus the arazu so lots of scrams off the |
1237s | field the EOS and the curse meanwhile |
1240s | truth on a light Banning out the hugan |
1241s | the Rapier the guardian and the onos |
1244s | Starfleet Commander they don't like |
1245s | Recons yeah I mean that I think this is |
1248s | the first time cuz they obviously they |
1250s | just yeah I mean they don't want the |
1251s | webs they don't want long points Lots no |
1252s | scramming no webs and then no armal logy |
1255s | and a bit of EOS occur so obviously all |
1258s | the disruption is TDS and GDs are still |
1260s | open but I I don't know what to make of |
1262s | the the the hug in AR rapia and the |
1264s | thees and the razi do you reckon it's |
1266s | projection I well they we saw yesterday |
1268s | truth on Al light brought um uh like |
1269s | multis scram theis to just kind of keep |
1271s | people away um which was very effective |
1275s | very targeted ban uh I think the same |
1277s | from truth on the light um they they've |
1279s | seen tuskers bring pretty much |
1280s | exclusively armor comp so far usually |
1282s | with an anus or a guardian I think |
1284s | mostly the are neros but they favored |
1285s | like the triple doy comp the EOS comp uh |
1288s | so these are I mean we're into the top |
1290s | teams at this point these These are |
1291s | targeted bands these are not just like |
1292s | random bands yeah this is one of the |
1294s | points where we start seeing ships that |
1295s | we wouldn't usually see getting banned |
1297s | getting taken out like the arazu and the |
1298s | lisus have only been banned against I |
1300s | think truth on a light because they've |
1301s | fied it they've shown what they can do |
1303s | with it and likewise we know tuskers is |
1305s | a very kiting heavy comp or or focused |
1308s | team rather um they've done some wacky |
1310s | stuff like the kiting Guardians with |
1311s | like cfis and like that um so they're |
1315s | just going to be taking the strongest |
1318s | ships that will contribute towards a |
1320s | successful kiing team like the hugan |
1321s | like the rapia and trying to get rid of |
1323s | them so it makes it easier to counter |
1325s | what tuskers might be bringing and |
1326s | likewise for truth online well in terms |
1328s | of what tuskers are bringing I can see |
1329s | they are bringing their Flagship uh to |
1331s | this match so this could be an |
1333s | interesting one is a flagship Bal Gorn |
1335s | so they are bringing armor probably as |
1336s | Zas or maybe a couple of deacons um this |
1338s | we are into Conquest bands I'll explain |
1340s | that after this match because we've got |
1342s | 90 seconds and I think let's just go to |
1343s | the arena and let the commentators talk |
1344s | about |
1347s | it welcome back to the arena my name is |
1349s | name is f joined by Wingnut cross and we |
1350s | are ready to go with game number one of |
1352s | the best of three between tuskers cow |
1354s | and Truth honor light it is the upper |
1355s | bracket finals winner goes on to the |
1357s | Grand finals Loser ends up facing uh |
1360s | Platinum sensitivity in the lower |
1361s | bracket finals what do we have on grid |
1363s | Wingnut tuskers have pulled a tuskers |
1366s | here they've got a full control kiting |
1368s | comp with a cruise typhoon as one of |
1371s | their main damages the Balor has no guns |
1373s | they have a hyena backing up and a |
1375s | bellicose as well this is disgusting in |
1379s | and Tru of the light going we know what |
1381s | works we're going to keep using what |
1382s | works but not only did they do that they |
1384s | warped what works at zero which is |
1386s | usually inadvisably |
1409s | brawl them out with a medium gun spam |
1410s | that said tuskers they've got two webs |
1412s | on the born most likely they've got at |
1414s | least one web if not two in the hyena |
1416s | all those going to be longrange webs |
1417s | they also have paints on the B on the |
1419s | Bell Co right and a purifier to help |
1421s | take advantage of the paints on that |
1423s | Bell Co so we're about to get ready |
1426s | underway let's see how the teams respond |
1429s | tuskers is of course cting back and |
1430s | burning in is truth honor light yeah |
1432s | this is the one team that could |
1434s | potentially beat tusk's wacky zany stuff |
1436s | look all those web though they uh they |
1438s | already going to have half that compy |
1439s | kind stuck they've targeted the cheap T1 |
1441s | Cruisers as well as navy Brooks to slow |
1443s | them down drones are already out the |
1445s | rush has begun on mer and we see drone |
1448s | damage on this molus right now and a |
1450s | little bit of gun damage as well uh |
1451s | painted up by this vigil but the M stays |
1454s | alive and now they swap to the purifier |
1455s | truth onor light trying to take down |
1457s | this low into the tuskar co we see some |
1459s | reps landing on this purifier right now |
1460s | as the mer dips into armor but first |
1463s | Blood goes over to truth honor light as |
1464s | they take down this torpedo boat |
1466s | interesting as well is that the born did |
1468s | not run away the Balor of vld basically |
1470s | kind of either didn't move or burned in |
1472s | a little bit because he just basically |
1474s | was trying to say shoot me please shoot |
1475s | me on the aard too uh we kind of uh |
1478s | didn't mention this but this is not a |
1480s | gun Bal Gard one of these moles Falls |
1482s | but the Bal gor is actually full n fit |
1484s | and or smart bombs yes Andor smart bombs |
1486s | so this is going to be pretty difficult |
1488s | for truth hon light if they get close to |
1490s | this Balor and actually use their guns |
1491s | those Balor news very oppressive they're |
1494s | going for the Orin now and if they get |
1496s | rid of that this King comp going to lose |
1497s | a lot of it stain so this is already |
1499s | looking a little rough for tuskers but |
1502s | truth on the L is not coming out free at |
1503s | the moment they're about to lose a mher |
1505s | merer unfortunately the AUG not able to |
1507s | keep it up even through the HML and |
1510s | cruise damage that tuskers Co have |
1512s | brought this Aug meanwhile Jer Mora very |
1514s | low armor seems to be a buffer fit not |
1516s | really having any sort of active rep on |
1518s | either of these we see more damage on in |
1520s | this other Muller of to ther light nith |
1522s | hin the primary from tus K but they will |
1524s | lose their augura for this indeed this |
1526s | is this is tusk's wackiness man they SP |
1528s | spun the wheel of comps and made this |
1530s | and I'm like this is I tuskers always |
1532s | have like a forehead idea and I'm not |
1534s | entirely sure if this was a good or bad |
1536s | one yet well we will see how that works |
1539s | some damage on this hyena and pawn |
1540s | effects the pawn effects currently being |
1541s | painted something just got deleted it |
1543s | was one of those MERS so do go 22 now |
1546s | look at the webs now nothing can move |
1549s | nothing moving at all in this Pawn |
1551s | effects currently painted up the |
1552s | primaries keep swapping from truth H |
1554s | light they need to kill some of this low |
1555s | and some of the support that truth |
1557s | tuskers have brought they're now on the |
1558s | hyena once again and that is a lot of |
1560s | webs probably three of them off the |
1562s | table and we see three webs drop off and |
1563s | now it's just the two from the Balor |
1565s | unfortunately for tuskers that was the |
1566s | end game they wanted there where they |
1568s | can they can web everything off but |
1569s | having lost all their support and their |
1571s | loggy they can't maintain now so while |
1574s | they've got they got to what they wanted |
1575s | they could not get there fast enough and |
1577s | now they're just going to fall apart I |
1578s | think which is a damn shame well they've |
1580s | got this augo down at the very least so |
1582s | truth Hunter light without their log G |
1583s | tuskers co uh cruises apply very well |
1586s | especially under pains from abelos right |
1588s | so uh tuster is still not quite out of |
1590s | this it's 42 points to 46 but they're |
1592s | going to lose their molus they're going |
1593s | to lose their last bit of control other |
1594s | than the Bal Gorn and Drew ther light |
1596s | seem to be starting to snowball they've |
1598s | got a lot of damage on those Pawn |
1599s | effects they've now got pains on the |
1600s | fleet Cyclone are going to take that out |
1602s | next too yep and basically because |
1604s | they're so many damage ships as well |
1606s | they can't be Ned off as easily even |
1607s | with like a eight n balone it's going to |
1609s | be kind of hard to fully n these ships |
1610s | out which means damage will always be |
1611s | coming and they can't avoid it and |
1614s | they've been playing very well obviously |
1616s | going in for the all out brawl off the |
1617s | start we see the omen the ABS solution |
1619s | and the other Omen pretty close to the |
1620s | cycl flid issue and about to swap to |
1622s | this typhoon and me chief Master Theory |
1624s | crafter for tuskers obviously tuskers |
1626s | this is the best of three so if they |
1628s | lose this match they're not going to be |
1629s | out of it yet and then we get into |
1632s | Conquest bands and Truth honor light |
1633s | will not be able to bring any of these |
1635s | ships in the next match basically |
1636s | they've said we are not allowed to bring |
1638s | um a medium gun spam do you think |
1640s | they're going to bring Shield medium |
1641s | guns spam next time uh perhaps we've |
1643s | actually seen a couple teams have |
1644s | success with Shield medium gun spam |
1645s | especially medium gun spam Mir matchups |
1648s | so truth honor light uh they are doing |
1651s | very well this match they should end up |
1652s | winning as they're under this typhoon |
1653s | now uh didn't even have to kill the |
1655s | links for tuskers Co they just had |
1657s | overwhelming DPS and tuskers |
1659s | unfortunately for them did not have |
1661s | nearly enough in the tank to deal with |
1663s | truth honter light I'm double checking |
1665s | here this does not appear to be a flag B |
1667s | Gorn so uh tuskers are going to no |
1670s | tuskers do have a flag born excuse me |
1672s | flag that is their flag born so Tru |
1675s | bring otherwise there' be no point to |
1677s | bringing it otherwise yeah it's got to |
1678s | be blackorn which is why the webs are so |
1680s | good that's what they're playing on the |
1681s | hyena and the Balor keep everyone away |
1683s | Oro Keeps Us Alive damp them down |
1685s | tracking disrupt and ruin their day and |
1687s | just shoot them with what little DPS |
1688s | they had cuz they had what two and a |
1690s | half DPS ships yeah I mean that's about |
1693s | it really didn't really do it so yeah |
1695s | it's really kind of two but well |
1696s | purifier so and don't forget Bell Co |
1699s | missiles they do exist Bell Co does f |
1702s | missiles on occasion it it does it does |
1704s | but uh vld morome in the born now |
1707s | scrammed up and uh we'll see if if y's |
1710s | as indestructible as the indestructible |
1712s | Mark bridges in that b Gard he's got |
1714s | five minutes to tank I think the answer |
1715s | to that one is likely to be no |
1717s | especially once the links go |
1719s | away we may about to see tuskers lose |
1721s | their flag horn here oh boy I mean we we |
1724s | didn't have a whole lot of flagships |
1725s | lost yesterday and of course that flag |
1727s | indicator survived uh earlier on today |
1730s | if this Balor goes down tusar is going |
1732s | to be pretty upset with that because |
1733s | dwth THL still have their Flagship which |
1735s | I believe is also a BAL Gorn available |
1737s | to them what a surprise |
1739s | V Mor uh still hovering about 2/3 armor |
1742s | right now we've got 4 minutes 42 seconds |
1745s | uh truth onor light they've got four DPS |
1746s | boats into the sporn and we see the |
1748s | attack bar uh just drones from tuskers |
1751s | co uh and some missiles from the Bellos |
1753s | trying to get at least some damage onto |
1755s | this stard day the DRS have got a |
1758s | Vespers and they're |
1760s | hitting I'm just seeing if there's a |
1762s | possibility they can get away with this |
1764s | with that blor I don't think so I think |
1767s | he might be able to survive the four |
1769s | minutes he might be able to do that so |
1771s | but he can't really kill even with five |
1772s | vesas and NES removing as much as he can |
1774s | from resistance I don't think he can get |
1776s | through I don't think he can kill but |
1778s | also like he's fully self tank he has |
1781s | there smart bombs okay he he is a mixed |
1783s | smart bomb n fit so there we go fair |
1784s | enough I have to see that as well smart |
1785s | bombs and NES and obviously you're able |
1787s | to use blue and purple reps up to two of |
1789s | them on uh flagships and those blue and |
1793s | purple reps are better than an nil in |
1794s | terms of ehp per second they rep up so |
1797s | uh this born probably got two purple |
1799s | reps if I had to imagine maybe two blue |
1801s | ones for fitting and thus vld is going |
1803s | to be very difficult to kill with really |
1805s | only four DPSS from truth onor light on |
1807s | the table even if they're all loading |
1809s | their close range ammo receive El really |
1811s | never dipping below half armor he's able |
1813s | to bait tank a little bit and then uses |
1815s | reps and dual rep back up to four now |
1817s | normally Batts have a bit of a worry |
1818s | with cap boosters they can carry about |
1820s | six or seven 300s but there is a special |
1822s | thing from blood Rader ships that |
1824s | allowed him to avoid that issue to a |
1825s | small degree yep he can suck there are |
1828s | not is as we see the NOS actually on a |
1830s | Navy harbringer does not matter how big |
1832s | the cat pool of the enemy ship is it |
1834s | does not need to be bigger than yours |
1836s | you will be able to St their capacitor |
1837s | away from them on any blood Raider ship |
1839s | so the B Gorn having a good time getting |
1842s | this stuff on Navy har they all Point |
1844s | Blank they've all loaded close range |
1845s | ammo they actually might get him now oh |
1848s | no he's in structure oh they're going to |
1851s | get him they're going to get on we're |
1852s | going to see a very shiny born Kil Mill |
1855s | perhaps even the most expensive one of |
1857s | the tournament cuz |
1858s | that thing probably has two Toby web on |
1861s | it and it is down so tusker is not going |
1863s | to be able to bring their Flagship for |
1865s | the rest of the tournament true th light |
1866s | still have their flag born available and |
1869s | with the conquest bands we'll see if |
1871s | they want to bring it against tuskers in |
1872s | this next match that is painful but |
1876s | people one thing about meting gun spam |
1878s | they are meant to be mid-range cops but |
1880s | Javelin does exist as an ammo T you can |
1882s | get real close and personal hits with |
1883s | some good damage and they mean moment |
1885s | they did they won GG well done to Tron |
1887s | alette first matches to them a flagship |
1890s | down let's go back to the studio and see |
1891s | what they think |
1918s | and there you have it so uh the tuskers |
1921s | dropping the first match in this best of |
1923s | three this is the upper bracket final |
1925s | but all they uh lose the first match |
1927s | they also lost their Flagship Bal Gorn |
1929s | so big loss to them right there uh |
1932s | Starfleet Commander where did it all go |
1933s | wrong for the tusers there well actually |
1936s | I thought they had a good chance yeah at |
1937s | the start I was thinking this could work |
1939s | and I thought they just need to cap out |
1941s | PO on the battle Cruisers and probably |
1943s | try I think they're just lacking damage |
1945s | weren't they as soon as the typhoon |
1946s | Fleet isue went down and and the fleet |
1948s | cycle went down there was nothing cuz it |
1950s | was I believe well I don't if we have to |
1951s | kill M but I'm assuming it's a it's a |
1953s | full n it's a full n b yeah looked it |
1955s | towards the end that U maybe had a smart |
1957s | bomb or something but uh I don't think |
1959s | there's any guns on that Bal Gorn um |
1961s | I'll be interested to see if the Kil me |
1962s | does pop up I half expect the tuskers |
1964s | and Truth onite both of be teams that |
1965s | have removed their apis from zkill to |
1968s | protect that dank Intel um but we'll |
1970s | find out if it comes up there's at least |
1971s | another fancy balar and Kil we can look |
1973s | at a little bit later anyway and also |
1974s | for THL at the start they didn't |
1976s | actually break anything at the beginning |
1978s | it was actually usually you get a kill |
1980s | immediately for like the first 10 |
1982s | seconds it's so important for the medum |
1983s | ra guns to get like a kill down but they |
1986s | as soon as they didn't I thought maybe |
1988s | maybe tuskers actually take this but |
1989s | they still got through the TL I feel |
1991s | like tuskers didn't have enough DPS like |
1993s | You' pointed it out um and also blackb |
1995s | pirate pointed out that looked like a a |
1997s | rare piloting error on the side of Truth |
1999s | onite at the start of that match you saw |
2001s | the paints going to one um of the uh |
2004s | molles and then the damage was in the |
2006s | other and then the paints had to be |
2007s | swapped so normally you would expect |
2009s | paints on the one you're shooting but a |
2010s | bit maybe miscommunication or someone |
2011s | clicked the wrong thing but that's what |
2013s | looked like and that's why that Mo |
2015s | mollus first got away mistical M yeah um |
2017s | I wasn't so sure about the targeting |
2019s | choice at the very beginning um with |
2020s | medium gun spam you have a very good |
2022s | chance of being able to clear the lower |
2023s | end of the comp because your guns are |
2025s | going to track frigs really really well |
2026s | especially with a vigil helping out by |
2029s | pointing at it and saying you can now |
2031s | hit this thing um that's essentially |
2032s | what a vigil does um however yeah like |
2035s | you said the vigil managed to paint the |
2037s | wrong one at the very beginning so when |
2039s | they first shot the morus it managed to |
2040s | burn away it makes sense that you would |
2042s | try and Target the morus at the very |
2043s | beginning at least getting rid of one |
2045s | because you are a comp that does damage |
2047s | at range and the mores are very much a |
2049s | case of please don't lock me at this |
2051s | range with my damps and the way that |
2053s | damps work for those who are unaware or |
2055s | or fairly new to the game who haven't |
2056s | experienced the joys of PVP and not |
2058s | being able to lock things yet damps are |
2060s | modules that you can load with either |
2062s | lock range scripts or scan scripts scan |
2066s | resolution is the speed at which you |
2067s | lock other ships and then lock range is |
2070s | how far out you can lock the dampeners |
2072s | when applied to your ship will lower |
2074s | those ranges respectively or that that |
2076s | that scanner is respectively making it |
2078s | either hard for you to lock out to range |
2080s | or making it so it takes really really |
2082s | long time for you to actually lock |
2083s | something so we see various uses for |
2085s | these in the alliance tournament in this |
2087s | particular case the two mores would have |
2089s | been applying their damps to the battle |
2090s | Cruisers the Omens the MERS to stop them |
2093s | from being able to project out which |
2095s | helped both keep them alive but would |
2096s | have also kept things like the purifier |
2097s | alive |
2098s | as well the beginning of the match but |
2100s | we did see that the purifier went down |
2102s | when truth on the light realized they |
2103s | couldn't kill the morus which was I |
2105s | think the correct Choice and then they |
2106s | were able to swap over to the aura |
2108s | because they managed to burn into range |
2110s | even though there was a lot of webs |
2111s | coming out from the tuska's team the |
2113s | hyena and the Balor wouldn't have been |
2115s | able to keep everything away from the |
2116s | Aur and it only takes a few ships |
2118s | getting on top to really do the damage a |
2120s | balance as well you don't to be too |
2122s | close to the B gor it's it's a catch 22 |
2124s | really cuz you're going to have to go |
2125s | close cuz you get damped but if you get |
2127s | to close you saw a lot of the NES going |
2129s | on to all the ships and probably they |
2130s | were having cap issues throughout the |
2132s | whole match the DPS was probably |
2133s | fluctuating a bit so I think I saw tin |
2135s | he actually moved away from the Balor |
2137s | slowly just to get probably cap up again |
2139s | start shooting again so is you know they |
2141s | have to go in and you know try and get |
2144s | the DPS on yep I mean this has got to be |
2146s | a bit of a a morale hit as well for the |
2149s | tuskers so tuskers um competed in |
2151s | Alliance room 19 Grand Final they went |
2153s | up 2-0 against fraternity and then |
2155s | dropped three matches back to back to |
2157s | back and uh by all tents and purposes |
2159s | but they said by the time that last |
2161s | match finished like you know they were |
2162s | all kind of like broken at that point |
2164s | it's a lot of effort a lot of mental |
2166s | pressure and then they just kind of |
2168s | fumbled it at the end uh and of course |
2170s | finished second going into this best of |
2172s | three against truth on a light one of |
2174s | the best teams in the tournament and |
2175s | then not only losing the first match now |
2177s | being down one so the next match is now |
2179s | series point for them um they lost their |
2181s | Flagship star you've been in a similar |
2184s | situation I've been this has been I have |
2187s | yes how how is it like you know the |
2189s | match is over you teleported out of the |
2191s | system you're on comms with the with the |
2193s | guys like what happens here's the thing |
2195s | you have to gamble at some point in this |
2198s | in this tournament especially in the |
2199s | best ofs you have to put your Flagship |
2200s | on there at some point and you have to |
2201s | sort of try and read them and see if you |
2203s | can survive obviously in a previous |
2206s | tournament we did lose our Flagship in |
2207s | the best of um it is a bit of a morale |
2210s | hit but tuskers are experienced and I |
2212s | think they can they can still do really |
2215s | well even without their Flagship |
2216s | obviously there is T show don't have |
2218s | that scare now so they can kind of move |
2221s | forward with disregarding the Bal gun as |
2222s | a core archetype for the for the comps |
2225s | and stuff so but that does remove a lot |
2226s | of comps doesn't it in terms of balone |
2228s | being off the off the table for for |
2231s | tuskers does probably a lot of their |
2232s | pull is gone so THL can kind of now |
2235s | think okay we don't have to worry about |
2237s | anymore and we can sort of focus on new |
2238s | comps or something but obviously this is |
2240s | now Conquest yep isn't it yes so |
2243s | Conquest bans we'll come back to that in |
2244s | in a few minutes I still want to keep on |
2246s | this match for a little bit longer |
2247s | mytical m we saw um truth on light |
2249s | coming in very close to the beacon |
2251s | almost at zero um with their sort of |
2252s | medium gun spam if you could you know |
2255s | clap clap go back in time um and change |
2257s | what the tus are bringing what type of |
2259s | comp do you think would go up against |
2260s | that truth on a light match up there |
2261s | well it's funny I was just thinking when |
2263s | we were talking about the Bal Gorn and |
2264s | the fact that it's kind of essential in |
2266s | some of the archetypes um the Balor |
2268s | Widow comps that we were seeing |
2269s | yesterday especially from truth on the |
2270s | light I think may have fed decently well |
2273s | against the truth on light comp here |
2275s | provided they had enough screening to |
2277s | hold down the ship and keep them at |
2278s | range from the widow um kill you keep |
2281s | talking I'll tell you in a minute I'm |
2282s | going to then get ready to Yap um no but |
2286s | um yeah I I I think that the comp wasn't |
2290s | necessarily bad it's just that when |
2292s | you're bringing so few DPS ships it's |
2294s | very easy for a full DPS team to just |
2297s | kind of break through those few call |
2300s | ships and once you run out I think it |
2302s | was a full new Balon you'll be able to |
2304s | confirm in a moment C be overload yes |
2307s | don't spil oh my that oh um but that |
2311s | yeah once once your ships are dead |
2312s | you're basically sat there Going H it's |
2315s | a nice weather out in this Arena today I |
2317s | hope I don't die I mean shout out to vld |
2320s | like for a while I thought he was |
2321s | actually going to tank and survive in |
2323s | that Bal gor cuz it looked like he was |
2324s | tanking uh he was nting out things that |
2326s | were uh um uh shooting him like quite |
2329s | effectively he was repping and then we |
2331s | were watching it and then I the defense |
2333s | part kind of went I went I said that the |
2336s | uh it looked like a plate burn because |
2338s | he was tanking very very well and then |
2340s | it just dipped straight into the red it |
2342s | was like that's a lot of ehp gun in one |
2345s | hit so looking at the looking at the |
2347s | kill mail so yeah Phil n so uh two |
2349s | medium one heavy two Heavies actually uh |
2352s | and then a NOS couple of smart bombs how |
2355s | many webs how many webs uh we had three |
2357s | webs one fed Navy |
2359s | FBI and then two Tobias web so those |
2362s | Toby webs are about 80 Bill a pop so |
2365s | dropped everything dropped it's 90% |
2368s | hooray let's keep in mind here truth and |
2370s | a light have a flagship Balor yes and |
2372s | they've now just received a 90% Loot |
2374s | drop Flagship Balor so I feel like if |
2377s | your tuskers not only are you sad that |
2378s | you've lost your Balon but any modules |
2381s | that you have dropped on potential |
2382s | upgrades that you would then have to go |
2383s | up against yourself I mean I'm pretty |
2384s | sure truth on light are going to already |
2386s | be pretty much best in slot for |
2387s | everything just adding to the stack but |
2389s | now you see more |
2391s | to more so the more you have the more |
2394s | you're going to win stly how about this |
2395s | then so that balg garm was going down |
2397s | towards the end there was still a Bell |
2399s | Co up so when it's clear that the the |
2402s | bound's going to break do you just like |
2404s | send the um the Bell Co to boundary I |
2406s | know this was going so that the match is |
2407s | over immediately and hope you that could |
2410s | be I heard you should do that I think |
2412s | you should definitely go for the |
2413s | boundary I remember a wise man saying |
2415s | kill the bow gor don't let it boundary |
2417s | this one time things were said oh yeah |
2419s | In the Heat of the Moment In the match |
2421s | yeah and it was against tuskers was it |
2422s | yes it was was it the right call no no |
2425s | maybe not no but we live and we learn |
2427s | yeah that's probably about 220 billion |
2429s | isk Bal Gorn loss there uh so like this |
2432s | little bit into the pockets of Truth on |
2433s | a light so they're C going to be happy |
2435s | about that I'm assuming they time to |
2435s | skip the loot that Bellos was still |
2437s | alive for another like 30 seconds or so |
2439s | yeah yeah I I mean I was that if I was |
2441s | tus I would have told the Bellos to gtf |
2443s | immediately since the BGR was breaking |
2445s | so the match is over and then you really |
2446s | have to be quick to lo you still have a |
2448s | couple of seconds just to be clear but |
2450s | it's not long they don't they don't hold |
2451s | just so you can look they cut buttons at |
2454s | the same rate so match is over |
2456s | brutal is sending you home bang button |
2459s | and then gone so uh that's that's what I |
2461s | would have done deny the loot to the |
2463s | enemies you know I was telling Jason to |
2465s | shoot the wreck I was like come on get |
2467s | in there just suicide your Bell Co and |
2469s | try and shoot the wreck in time probably |
2470s | wouldn't have been able to but you know |
2472s | trying to deny your opponent's loot |
2474s | especially when you have to go up |
2474s | against them in a best of is uh smart |
2477s | tactics yeah now as we mentioned uh |
2480s | these are best of series at this point |
2482s | so uh this is a best of three so um if |
2485s | truth on light wins a second match then |
2487s | it's great the you know series over |
2489s | everyone is happy apart from the tuskers |
2491s | and we move on to the next one which is |
2493s | the lower bracket final which the |
2494s | tuskers would also be in then at that |
2495s | point if the tuskers win this match we |
2497s | go to the third match and uh then it's |
2499s | of course 1-1 and whoever wins that one |
2501s | you know which is what we want which is |
2503s | what we want for competitiveness like |
2504s | it's more fun more PVP now um we also |
2507s | have Conquest bands so what that means |
2510s | is if you win a match at this point um |
2513s | so TR like just one every single ship |
2515s | that they brought banned for them so the |
2518s | other team has only the regular bands uh |
2521s | truth and light have their regular bands |
2522s | as well plus all the bands for what they |
2524s | brought in that first match Mr um |
2526s | obviously truth on light their team is |
2528s | going to be practicing Conquest band |
2529s | systems they're this is not going to |
2530s | phase them yeah it's it gets to the |
2533s | point where you now have to start |
2535s | thinking about your coms in terms of how |
2537s | can we bring duplicate ships to reduce |
2539s | the PO of ships that we are losing out |
2541s | on when we win a match um I think we saw |
2543s | a comp earlier on in the tournament |
2545s | which was basically one of every single |
2546s | type of ship that they could CR in um |
2549s | that's not what you want to be doing in |
2550s | a conquest band situation because that |
2552s | cuts you out of a lot of different comps |
2554s | you want to be bringing your two Omens |
2555s | your two MERS because that way you still |
2557s | have a wider range of ships that you |
2559s | could bring like the Navy Omen for |
2560s | example would still be in in this case |
2562s | you got the vigilance and all that kind |
2564s | of stuff for the lower end Cruiser comps |
2565s | if you wanted to bring that so yeah it's |
2568s | just a matter of if you're going to |
2569s | bring some logi frigs bring two deacons |
2571s | instead of a Decon I think they've done |
2573s | it on purpose bringing medium rail span |
2575s | yeah I think it's quite a standard comp |
2577s | it can deal with most things but they've |
2579s | definitely got other comps in their back |
2580s | pocket so it's like it's not really a |
2582s | bigger deal if if they win perfect they |
2584s | can just bring a new comp obviously |
2585s | tuskers can still bring U the same comp |
2588s | again obviously without the flag the |
2590s | flagship which would be a bit of a bit |
2591s | of a nightmare for them I think I I |
2593s | think TL doing doing this on purpose |
2595s | bring a quite a standard comp see if |
2597s | they can break through obviously it was |
2598s | it paid off they got the flag down |
2600s | absolutely fantastic and one even if |
2602s | they lost I still think it would have |
2603s | been good if they killed the flag and |
2605s | lost with that comp I think it would |
2606s | been worth it yeah I mean as soon as as |
2608s | soon as we went to the arena I looked at |
2610s | it and I was I turned to I think it was |
2611s | you miss I was like this looks like a |
2613s | flagship head shot comp because in best |
2615s | ofs um sometimes you don't mind losing a |
2618s | match if you can remove your opponent's |
2620s | Flagship because now they don't have a |
2621s | flagship and you do and that's a big big |
2624s | difference for the viewers at home all |
2627s | right we we were on the same at team for |
2629s | quite a while um and I do remember a |
2632s | decision against I think it was P at the |
2633s | time or was it Hydra where we we brought |
2636s | a flagship headshot comp and then they |
2637s | didn't bring their Flagship yeah I know |
2640s | that was gam gambles were made you do |
2642s | have to gamble a little bit especially |
2643s | against te yeah that you're that you're |
2645s | not so confident against you gamble a |
2647s | little bit because if you weaken them |
2649s | but you lose your match and you're still |
2651s | in the tournament you drop down into |
2652s | lower bracket it still gives you a great |
2654s | opportunity later on for them best we |
2656s | brought battleships just loads of |
2657s | battleships and bombers yeah we brought |
2659s | battleships and bombers went up against |
2660s | like kite or some medium and then it |
2663s | came ond and it wasn't a flag and we're |
2664s | like ah yeah we |
2667s | about that Gamble and it it is worth a |
2669s | dropping that match sometimes to take |
2670s | away the flagship because now in this |
2672s | particular case right we're in the best |
2674s | of three um both teams had flag Balor |
2677s | now only truth on the light has a flag |
2678s | balone but comps like the Balor Widow |
2681s | I'm now expecting to see some Widow |
2682s | bands coming out right because now |
2684s | tuskers won't be able to effectively |
2685s | field that comp anymore CU they're going |
2687s | to be lacking the extreme level of |
2688s | control that you would want in a comp |
2691s | like that right so I think the ban |
2693s | strategy is going to change we'll |
2694s | probably see the lisus the arazu maybe |
2697s | um and then we'll probably see a widow |
2699s | um and then some for May the zarm that's |
2701s | been very popular logistic ship the zarm |
2703s | maybe but I feel like you can deal with |
2705s | the |
2706s | zarm better or or utilize a arm even |
2709s | without a flagship whereas I feel like |
2711s | the Widow is just something that they're |
2712s | going to have extreme difficulty |
2714s | Fielding now themselves I mean when we |
2715s | saw aasa maneuvering bring that Widow |
2717s | comp first with the flagship The Shack |
2719s | and as armad uh I remember we looked her |
2721s | and we like that looks like an apex comp |
2723s | like one of their best and then we saw I |
2725s | think truth on light also brought a w at |
2726s | one point but it was Widow Bal Gorn |
2728s | instead um lots of heavy control comps |
2731s | like these teams tend to favor control |
2733s | over just raw DPS and then occasionally |
2735s | they'll just come out with a rush um and |
2737s | I'm sort of expecting one of the two |
2738s | teams in this next match just to go for |
2740s | an all out High DPS Shield Rush would |
2742s | you have described that comp that truth |
2744s | on like brought as a gun |
2746s | Rush uh I maybe would describe it as a |
2748s | gun rush but more of a gun kite oh so |
2751s | not gush not gush no |
2753s | gushing okay |
2758s | what were you going to say that I was |
2759s | going somewhere but I will not I will |
2761s | not yes I will see be zealous right now |
2763s | is relieved all right I believe uh we |
2766s | can call for some uh Team graphs they're |
2769s | saying to call for them specifically so |
2770s | let's look at the tuskers co team graph |
2773s | the uh the summary of that team |
2776s | excellent I am so good at my job okay so |
2778s | uh 70 people have flown for the tuskers |
2781s | uh in their many Alliance tournaments of |
2782s | course the they won Alliance tournament |
2784s | 14 uh a way back when now um and you can |
2787s | see here look at the the different um |
2789s | matches in the history on the right you |
2790s | can see the they're rather unfortunate |
2793s | run against fraternity if you're them |
2794s | great if you're fraternity from Alliance |
2796s | tournament 19 last year and then you can |
2798s | see the teams that they've gone through |
2799s | so far in Alliance tournament 20 they |
2802s | beat unspoken Alliance they beat Rage |
2803s | Quit cancel sub they beat deteriorated |
2805s | they beat barcode in a very exciting |
2807s | match yesterday uh with a really |
2809s | expensive Bal Gorn probably around 600 |
2811s | billion uh which was a you know super |
2813s | good match and then this is their first |
2815s | loss of the tournament now cuz they're |
2817s | in the upper bracket final um and they |
2819s | just lost to truth on aite you can see |
2822s | they are quite a winning team in general |
2823s | with a lot of really experienced Pilots |
2826s | uh vld he was the guy in the flagship in |
2827s | that last match we saw him flying there |
2829s | so he's just you know getting into the |
2831s | top five latronicas is an old name one |
2833s | of the best Logistics pilots in the game |
2834s | for a while and of course suan he was |
2836s | the captain back during the alliance |
2838s | tournament 14 winning run so super good |
2841s | maybe we can compare them to truth honor |
2843s | light in this case let's have a look at |
2845s | that |
2846s | one so truth on light smaller team |
2848s | they're basically made up of a lot of |
2850s | people from Hydro reloaded um uh |
2852s | pandemic Legion and a couple of other |
2854s | really really good teams and you can see |
2856s | they've basically renamed uh into truth |
2857s | on a light they wenton under Hydro |
2859s | reloaded um and then changed to truth on |
2861s | a light they win a lot I was just |
2864s | laughing cuz uh you see 22 w three loss |
2866s | and then you look at the veteran pilots |
2867s | and it's 75 rounds it's like well |
2870s | obviously a team that's bounced re |
2872s | renamed themselves a couple times but |
2874s | have people that play a lot yeah I think |
2876s | I think cas is definitely in the top |
2878s | like five of most matches played I think |
2881s | people like anig Gad from Volta um the |
2884s | is up there I know um some of the old PL |
2886s | guys are are super high up there as well |
2888s | which is why Casper is there um you know |
2891s | he's 75 rounds probably half of them |
2893s | within the arena confines which is |
2894s | excellent super high ratio there you can |
2896s | see as well tuskers is what they lost to |
2898s | they lost the tuskers exactly they lost |
2900s | the tuskers last year so they um in this |
2903s | case they came and and read them like a |
2904s | book I guess and in one taken down that |
2907s | Flagship so pretty solid run for them so |
2909s | far but look who they've come through |
2910s | today not today this tournament gone |
2912s | through bright side of death white |
2913s | squall paper numbers and platinum |
2915s | sensitivity before they reached the |
2916s | tuskers those are all super experienced |
2919s | teams um like you know white squalls |
2921s | really good team paper numbers I believe |
2923s | gave them a really good run like they |
2924s | almost lost that one I think that was |
2926s | the Mac one was it Ma and S one I think |
2928s | can't quite remember but numbers I think |
2930s | so yeah but there was I remember being |
2931s | extremely close um and honestly at one |
2934s | point it looked like it was going to be |
2935s | a loss for THL but of course they pulled |
2937s | it through the experience the the the |
2939s | pilots uh managed to take the dub so uh |
2943s | I think we probably have our bands for |
2945s | the next match I'm not sure I'm going to |
2948s | clap and see if bands appear nope no |
2952s | bands TBC TBC this does not seem like |
2955s | this is |
2957s | okay to be confirmed confirmed I'm |
2959s | pretty sure those were the bands for the |
2960s | last one so we'll come back to that one |
2962s | a little bit later um mystical M put |
2965s | yourself in like |
2968s | get in yourself in the zone in the zone |
2970s | you are I'm in the captain of the |
2971s | tuskers okay okay good job you got |
2974s | really far okay okay your mirror you |
2976s | spin the wheel mhm what are you thinking |
2978s | this |
2980s | time |
2982s | that I I think I think those who smoke |
2985s | on the tuskers team definitely got up |
2987s | and went went for a little |
2989s | break um the thing with mirror you know |
2993s | if you'd asked about anyone else it |
2994s | would have been fine the thing with |
2995s | mirror is that you know the brain |
2997s | doesn't work quite the same way right um |
3000s | we've seen some wacky comps from tuskers |
3002s | we've seen the kiting Guardians the |
3004s | kiting CFI as we saw armor CFI in this |
3007s | particular match right they brought a |
3008s | flagship Bal gor with a armor CFI um so |
3013s | it's really hard to predict exactly what |
3015s | mirror is going to be bringing um but I |
3017s | do expect that mirror will have a bunch |
3019s | of other comps in the back pocket that |
3021s | they can reach for and the the |
3022s | interesting thing is tuskers is one of |
3024s | those teams where because they're Theory |
3026s | crafting is so diverse and few teams |
3030s | will actually be practicing against any |
3032s | of the comps that Tusk is going to be |
3033s | bringing um it makes it very hard for |
3036s | truth on the light to predict them as |
3037s | well in this particular case I think |
3040s | first match of the best of three you'll |
3042s | think that tuskers will start strong |
3044s | because then if they win they get banned |
3045s | out of that comp for the rest of the |
3047s | match so they'll probably bring the Bal |
3048s | Gorn they'll probably bring something |
3049s | around the Bal Gorn um that they expect |
3053s | to win with and then the second match is |
3055s | really where |
3056s | they're weirder looser comps are going |
3058s | to be coming in M because they've lost |
3060s | that first match now I'm expecting to |
3062s | see weirder comps again because they |
3064s | don't have the flagship AG on to lean |
3065s | back on but um yeah they might have to F |
3069s | something quite specific and hope that |
3072s | they get a good match up I feel like |
3073s | they're going to if it really depends on |
3075s | the banss right cuz if they're able to |
3077s | ban out things like the Widow then |
3079s | they're not going to have to bring a |
3080s | comp that can deal specifically with |
3081s | projection out to Long ranges um |
3083s | potentially getting around some of the |
3085s | tracking disruptors um or having like |
3087s | local sensor boosters to deal with ECM a |
3089s | bit more right but if they don't ban the |
3090s | Widow then I'd expect that they might fi |
3092s | something like an armor comp that has |
3094s | tracking computers and local sense |
3095s | boosters to allow them to project out to |
3097s | where the Widow is even if they do do |
3100s | start getting track and disrupted or |
3101s | damed I don't think they b day don't you |
3105s | no if they don't then they they'll |
3107s | probably bring a rush or something |
3108s | because they can still yeah they can |
3109s | still do medum rail spam I mean and |
3111s | widows they don't tank at all no they |
3113s | don't we it's literally it's got nothing |
3116s | so like it die quite quickly but the the |
3118s | the problem with the Widow isn't that it |
3120s | tanks or doesn't tank it's that it sits |
3121s | 100K away and then you can't get to it |
3124s | so they they could be inspired by some |
3127s | of the slip KY rushes that we've seen |
3130s | yesterday um and just Tred to rush cuz |
3132s | there's only so much there's only so |
3134s | much screaming you can do with a few |
3135s | ships but if they if truth on the |
3138s | lightfield they Bal Gorn and then an |
3140s | arazu or lus or something then I feel |
3143s | like the Widow would then be in we've |
3145s | seen a lot of teams starting B those |
3147s | arazu lisus now so they clearly are |
3150s | afraid of that comp um so I see that the |
3153s | match is about 3 minutes away um this is |
3155s | the times where it gets really hard for |
3156s | the teams like you've just done a match |
3158s | straight into the next one straight into |
3159s | the next one against some of the best |
3160s | teams in the business I was looking at |
3163s | twitch chat to see how you guys are |
3164s | doing and it's just occurred to me this |
3166s | is not our twitchchat this is the wrong |
3167s | twitch |
3168s | chatus I was reading this I was thinking |
3170s | what is going this is the TT for the |
3172s | charity actually running at this moment |
3174s | in time charity stream uh we see you |
3177s | shout out to you guys sh to you guys I |
3178s | was like why is everyone so generous |
3179s | today they're charity I've just been |
3182s | seeing giveaways going and people saying |
3184s | you guys have been on for ages you must |
3186s | be tied like been like 15 minutes we |
3189s | haven't done anything today we hav not |
3190s | done anything and I had to check I had |
3191s | to pull up twitch chat on this one just |
3193s | to confirm but yeah this is in fact the |
3195s | wrong twitch chat Mr production room uh |
3197s | hello uh if you can get that started at |
3199s | some point um are we ready for bands are |
3202s | we ready for bands I see yay so tusker's |
3205s | cool banning at pontif effect megas I |
3206s | like that good solid bands EOS and Cur |
3208s | so I think they're trying not to get in |
3209s | their own heads here and just ban the |
3211s | things they don't want to see instead of |
3213s | targeted bands uh whether that pays off |
3215s | I don't know we'll figure that out no |
3217s | Lees is Bann truth on light Banning the |
3218s | Rapier the hugan the merher and the |
3220s | augurer I I think it makes sense to not |
3222s | have a lisus or razu ban because um we |
3227s | got a minute because um with the lack of |
3230s | battle Cruisers now that they have like |
3232s | truth on light has fielded AAR abso Navy |
3235s | brck Navy Harbinger right that's for |
3236s | very strong armor battle cruises where |
3238s | you would be getting your links so |
3239s | removing the ponx Magus means that they |
3241s | are very limited on the armor link ship |
3243s | they can bring they really they have the |
3245s | draer they have well they don't have the |
3247s | EOS now they have the damnation um that |
3250s | there is limited ships that they could |
3251s | bring that would be good in this |
3253s | particular matchup so I feel like this |
3255s | is pushing them more towards uh Shield |
3257s | setups so it'll be interesting to see |
3259s | what they bring yeah let's head over to |
3260s | the arena and find out for match two of |
3262s | the tuskers Cole versus truth on a light |
3267s | welcome back to the arena guys and we |
3268s | have a new version of gun spam I like to |
3270s | call this the ABC spam because both |
3271s | teams have brought a significant amount |
3273s | of assault battle Cruisers yeah it's uh |
3275s | it's large guns not medium guns uh for |
3278s | uh tuskers they have brought rail |
3280s | taluses alongside some oracles a Loi for |
3283s | some webs and some more control kitsun |
3285s | and mollus and Carries meanwhile uh |
3289s | Hydra THL have brought what was a shield |
3292s | medium gun spam but they have two large |
3294s | gun chips in real is so uh we'll see how |
3299s | many broad sides of barns these large |
3302s | Long Range Guns can hit but we are now |
3305s | underway control bar already filling up |
3307s | for tuskers as they try to get damps on |
3309s | these nagas and a paint onto this |
3310s | fantasm Navy fck also going to be damped |
3312s | out as the St is the primary once again |
3314s | from each Naga probably has a paint I'm |
3316s | going to double check that for you but |
3318s | yeah I see the paints going out onto the |
3319s | tuska side means there is a paint coming |
3321s | from somewhere and I can't see Bally |
3322s | what ship it is so I'm |
3324s | assuming uh maybe not no Maybe not maybe |
3327s | maybe I'm imagining things but either |
3328s | way this is going to be an absolute |
3330s | Brawl for sure there so much damage on |
3331s | truth on the out side where Tusk is |
3333s | little less damage lot more control and |
3335s | a lot more trouble with tracking |
3336s | normally ABCs are not exactly the most |
3338s | accurate of ships uh I mean I mean you |
3340s | tell that to the average NATO Fleet that |
3342s | comes in your area all right yeah they |
3344s | require warping at 200 hitting it Target |
3346s | hasn't moved I mean yes but look at the |
3349s | carries either way that Carri is tanking |
3352s | up quite a bit actually starting to dip |
3354s | in but he's got Guardian reps so we know |
3355s | all truth on her light uh they have |
3357s | brought nopre so only tech one Cruiser |
3359s | logistics for them obviously mjd's from |
3361s | nagas hold on a second am I saying this |
3363s | correctly are these B nagas where are |
3364s | they going hold on he's going to the |
3366s | beacon behind I think okay okay okay |
3368s | were those off the mjd beacon I didn't |
3370s | quite see and I believe that was a self |
3372s | I believe that was a self fantasm dead |
3374s | Okay so bagas let's go love to see bagas |
3377s | fantasm dead off the bat though tuskers |
3379s | were able to track it and meanwhile TR |
3381s | under light one of the TS ABC's lot of |
3383s | damage less so on the HP compared to uh |
3387s | your typical combat BCS and this TS is |
3390s | absolutely melting right now yeah well |
3391s | they're melting not quite as fast as |
3393s | melted yeah yeah so this is um lots of |
3396s | damage so ABCs are actually well known |
3398s | for high damage big guns not very much |
3400s | tank just consider them an upgraded uh |
3402s | stealth bomber and they're honestly for |
3403s | a while they one of the best ships in |
3405s | Eve they've taken a bit of a backseat |
3406s | nowadays but they still can do a potent |
3409s | amount of dam I mean seeing real tses in |
3411s | the alliance tournament is not something |
3413s | I think anyone expected the tuskers onto |
3416s | this other NAU Naga a verdict so trying |
3418s | to get the other Attack Battle Cruisers |
3420s | down as Mir and the toos receiving |
3422s | Guardian reps right now seems to be |
3424s | tanking up okay but still bleeding armor |
3426s | as this Saga verdict has actually gotten |
3428s | out of range and uh is repping up quite |
3431s | nicely off the S spre just interesting |
3433s | to see where this match is going to go |
3434s | cuz both teams have killed off a few |
3436s | damage ships though yeah lot of the team |
3438s | on truth on the light has been actually |
3440s | held down as well so tuskers do have the |
3442s | mobility here but it's just it's such a |
3444s | weird match but a MOA is about to get |
3446s | deleted there we go and honestly tuskers |
3448s | might actually have this with this wacky |
3450s | comp I love it so much they have a |
3452s | carries and hasn't gotten a whole lot of |
3454s | gems in on the ospre we actually see the |
3455s | ospre not going doing any reps right now |
3458s | but uh still this Tallow is staying |
3460s | alive under the guardian reps truth |
3461s | Hunter light they've lost three of their |
3462s | DPS ships including their Naga which is |
3464s | going to be the highest one of their |
3465s | nagas which is going to be their highest |
3467s | DPS possible we see the Loki of flak |
3469s | Inquisitor also webbed up right now |
3470s | tackled painted but the webs keep |
3473s | turning on and off they're trying to get |
3474s | these damps down and get this lowkey uh |
3477s | out of Dodge into safety because the |
3478s | snaga is GNA hurt real bad into that |
3481s | Loki yep yep yep and I'm just watching |
3482s | other other ships like I think mirror is |
3484s | actually well safe now these ABCs do |
3485s | have good range they can apply good a |
3487s | good distance but as you can see they |
3488s | can apply well enough but it's also they |
3491s | also need a quick changing ammos the |
3493s | Oracle going to be constantly flicking |
3494s | between amamos trying to kill things |
3496s | this is we don't see matches like this |
3498s | this is honestly way different even |
3499s | though it looks pretty much the same |
3501s | bringing ABCs is a different experience |
3502s | yeah that's Naga a verdict already down |
3505s | very low Shield um this carry is trying |
3508s | to get the jam on the off spray so they |
3510s | can finally break through verdict uh |
3512s | that lowkey a significant chunk of the |
3514s | points from tuskers that is uh alongside |
3516s | their Guardian the highest point value |
3517s | ship on their team meanwhile this |
3519s | carries getting armor reps right now the |
3521s | tals also seems to be getting some |
3523s | damage from THL and tuskar aren't |
3525s | breaking through anything right now yeah |
3527s | I'm just kind of like I've been |
3528s | following a few lines having a bit of |
3529s | fun would you like to know where the |
3531s | target painter on the tuskers team |
3533s | currently is like what's doing it the |
3535s | oracle sounds about right for |
3538s | tus like that doesn't probably not the |
3539s | most insane thing but I'm just kind of |
3541s | amused VTO oh very low getting those |
3544s | guardy interupts once again and we see |
3545s | damps onto the Navy ferrox and Naga |
3547s | scram on the Navy Ferro of blue melon as |
3549s | well but tuskers still haven't been able |
3551s | to punch anything through since that |
3553s | first Naga fantasma MOA kill the Naga |
3556s | receiving the Reps the carries very low |
3558s | the paint |
3559s | hitting the low end on tuskers have been |
3561s | doing a lot of work in control here if |
3562s | they lose that carries it's going to be |
3563s | much more Awkward for them |
3566s | there we go look at that there's some |
3569s | and now they should switch back and just |
3570s | delete the Oracle jger Mor is doing the |
3572s | Lord's work in this Guardian right now |
3574s | meanwhile truth onor light they're still |
3576s | getting reps out onto this fantasm uh |
3578s | that the tuskers are primarying it just |
3580s | doesn't seem this Carri is actually |
3581s | Landing any jams onto this ospre in fact |
3583s | isn't even trying to jam out the ospre |
3585s | right now kitsun cars kitsun they both |
3588s | start with a k they're both uh |
3590s | electronic attack ships you don't worry |
3593s | they're both absolute uh nightmares to |
3595s | fight on TQ shall we say car's fully |
3597s | tanked now they need to look at that |
3600s | look at that they realize they couldn't |
3601s | kill the carries switched they went |
3603s | straight for the other Oracle now that's |
3604s | that's good but at the same time this |
3606s | ospray pretty low Lucas Quan about to |
3608s | dip into uh armor as the guardian trying |
3611s | to get the Reps on the Oracle as best |
3612s | they can now they got the web on Ace |
3614s | echo in the Oracle as well uh Guardian |
3617s | trying to split reps right now keep |
3618s | these oracles alive the paint the Reps |
3620s | kill on landing on Ace Echo meanwhile |
3622s | this Osprey has stayed alive for so long |
3624s | Lucas Quan finally in armor but the |
3626s | oracle down yep yep yep oracles usually |
3628s | are one of the first things that die |
3630s | when it comes to when they get brought |
3631s | in comps but this time the oracles have |
3632s | managed to survive to Midway through the |
3633s | match and yeah good Target calling from |
3635s | T THL as well whenever they couldn't |
3637s | kill something they would Swap and hit |
3638s | the next thing and just keep the |
3639s | guardian on his toes and they managed to |
3641s | get away with it that time still a very |
3642s | close match two Attack Battle Cruisers |
3644s | to one the Osprey about to go Lucas Quan |
3646s | in very very low structure just takes |
3649s | one more hit to get that ospray down and |
3652s | there it goes 74 to 78 the points are |
3654s | very close we have about 4 minutes left |
3656s | in this match glassie Vu going to be the |
3658s | primary from truth honor light can the |
3659s | guardian land the Reps in time I don't |
3661s | think so glassie goes down and Truth |
3662s | honor light have taken out all but one |
3664s | remaining attack battle cruiser yes |
3666s | interesting thing as well is that Lucas |
3667s | qu in that ospre he didn't just stay and |
3669s | die he did what good parts do burnt away |
3672s | tried to buy time get out of the range |
3673s | of the good damage ammo and he died |
3676s | about a good 80 90k I think from the |
3678s | actual fight which Probably sounds bad |
3680s | but also means that he was able to |
3681s | survive and maybe come back in later we |
3682s | actually see the shield comp starting to |
3684s | burn in on this tal the Moa and the |
3686s | fantas F Navy all trying to get close |
3689s | range ammo on the TS break through the |
3691s | guardian reps truth Hunter light a |
3692s | massive attack bar right now but they're |
3695s | jammed out they are damped out this Naga |
3698s | a verdict very low doesn't have the logy |
3700s | to save them this time around yep they |
3701s | they just need to over kill the Naga |
3703s | otherwise this team is going to go by by |
3705s | the guardian just needs one two more |
3706s | ships down to be able to save his friend |
3707s | but it's looking rough sa the car sa |
3711s | structure the carry is very low and all |
3712s | the rep are on the TS the carries trying |
3715s | to stay alive morome goes down and this |
3718s | Naga a verdict into low structure can |
3721s | tusers break him before Talos goes down |
3723s | he's now into structure himself goes |
3725s | very low and the Naga ends up falling |
3727s | first but the Talos still very low the |
3729s | guardian trying to get the Reps in Mira |
3732s | about to fall can THL break through look |
3735s | at the rep okay okay I think the |
3737s | guardian maybe might have saved T |
3738s | because they're not switching to the |
3739s | guardian now but I think never mind T's |
3741s | about to go never mind I called that too |
3742s | early my bad and that is all the DPS on |
3745s | tuskers truth light moving on to the |
3747s | Grand finals 20 over the tuskers co and |
3751s | the tuskers are going to have to face |
3753s | Platinum sensitivity in the lower |
3756s | bracket finals uh truth honor light and |
3758s | platin sensitivity they played each |
3759s | other earlier I casted that match in |
3762s | local truth honor light did say to uh |
3765s | Platinum sensitivity we'll see you in |
3767s | finals so truth honor light has some uh |
3771s | faith in Platinum sensitivity versus |
3772s | this tuskers squad as the tuskers still |
3775s | top three but but they've got to play |
3777s | through that lower bracket finals if |
3778s | they want to win the at and I going to |
3780s | say I think and I might be might be |
3781s | exaggerating I think it's probably the |
3782s | hardest fight THL had the entire |
3784s | tournament I think if I remember bring |
3786s | the matches correctly this might have |
3787s | been the hardest one they've had and it |
3789s | is such a wild match as well like big |
3791s | respect to both teams in this one I |
3792s | can't wait to see if Tusk managed to win |
3794s | the next match and come back that'd be |
3796s | great but uh THL well |
3799s | done here's a yep goodbye he's gone |
3802s | Guardian Edge of Glory where's that |
3804s | capsule end up Landing no in enough oh |
3806s | come on I break the record of aour and |
3809s | Argent come on M's down tuskers going to |
3813s | lose their kit soon in stor and we're |
3814s | going to end this match uh what are your |
3816s | final thoughts before we send it to a |
3818s | break welcome to the tuskers a crazy Lan |
3820s | they bring weird comps and uh |
3822s | fortunately THL saw it coming and they |
3824s | beat it also brought I think a weird |
3826s | comp themselves I mean Attack Battle |
3828s | cruises in the at this is really fun to |
3830s | see we're going to take a quick break |
3831s | when we return the dusk is going to |
3832s | break that down and bring us into the |
3834s | lower bracket finals after another break |
3836s | break we'll be right back after |
3852s | this truth on a light taking the series |
3855s | 2-n so they don't drop a match tuskers |
3858s | uh I mean that was close it was close |
3860s | that was really close that tals at the |
3862s | end there he was tanking with this that |
3863s | sliver left and we were watching him |
3865s | like if he tanks this you you were |
3866s | convinced M convinced he tank now yeah |
3869s | that I thought the tals would survive |
3871s | once the N went down it looked like they |
3872s | were swapping to the guardian because |
3873s | they also thought the same thing but the |
3875s | fantasm was super close peted by brain |
3878s | straw we had the mo also burning in to |
3879s | get tackle um I saw that they were both |
3881s | overheating on and off so I saw |
3884s | brainstore going like 1,800 meters a |
3886s | second in the fantasm at one point and |
3888s | then mirror is like no just starts |
3890s | overheating as well to try and stay |
3892s | ahead but yeah just just wasn't enough |
3893s | it was seriously very very close yeah |
3896s | that's one of those matches that like |
3897s | maybe the score line will look look |
3899s | different uh like it basically came down |
3901s | to a couple of seconds of difference |
3903s | here and there like if one extra rep |
3905s | cycle had landed before that Talis had |
3907s | died or like one shot had missed or not |
3908s | done so well he maybe survived I mean I |
3911s | think the major turning point was when |
3913s | the Loki managed to get itself tackled |
3915s | yes in Black in yeah it he got himself |
3918s | killed it was it the fact that Loki went |
3920s | down is seriously where the match began |
3923s | to fall AP apart for the tuskers um I |
3926s | don't see any real reason why the Loki |
3928s | would get tackled by |
3930s | MOA no but I might just be bad I might |
3933s | be the bad one here I mean it's got the |
3935s | ability to keep things at range it's it |
3938s | main it's its main party trick is to be |
3940s | like I see you coming towards me hold |
3943s | yeah it it is I think just a case of |
3947s | there there's so many moving Parts |
3948s | especially in a comp like this where |
3950s | you've got Navy ferox is burning at you |
3951s | you've got naga's burning at you you've |
3953s | got the stalks as well you've got |
3957s | there's so many different things that |
3958s | you need to be trying to control and |
3959s | keep away from the core um that one or |
3963s | two things might slip through you need |
3964s | also the Loki web range is not that |
3966s | great right it's actually about 30 to 32 |
3970s | km I think Tech anyone is the LOI Kil |
3974s | Mill appeared yet I wanted to have a |
3975s | look at it I don't think it has that's |
3976s | unfortunate and also it's quite easy for |
3978s | him to get overwhelmed like you said |
3979s | yeah like he's at some point I mean they |
3981s | were kiting tuskers were kiting away |
3983s | these matches are incredibly stressful |
3986s | like I've been in a bunch of them um in |
3988s | various tournaments over the years and |
3990s | it doesn't matter how many times you do |
3991s | it when you're warping in like you feel |
3993s | the heart rate go up and then like you |
3995s | get why they do it why that's why they |
3997s | play this cuz you don't get that already |
3999s | anywhere else remember back in I think |
4000s | it was Amar championships I went in and |
4004s | then went to because at the time I was |
4006s | like a bit of a click enjoyer and I went |
4008s | to click to overheat my guns just as the |
4010s | match time was about to start like like |
4012s | 1 second ago and I missed it instead of |
4015s | clicking on the overheat I unstacked all |
4017s | my guns and then I panic turned them all |
4019s | on individually and then had to panic |
4022s | overheat each one individually I mean |
4024s | you're committed at that point go for |
4027s | made mistakes in life I must go yeah but |
4030s | yeah so the way this now works uh tusker |
4032s | now Dro to the lower bracket um they |
4034s | these best of Threes uh we don't play |
4036s | the last match uh it would be just |
4038s | unfair to make them play again um |
4041s | because they've already lost the Series |
4043s | we will see them again in about 50 50 |
4044s | minutes or so where they will play play |
4046s | Platinum sensitivity in the lower |
4047s | bracket final so uh truth on the light |
4049s | will advance to the Grand Final we'll |
4051s | see them again later they are now |
4053s | confirmed at least second place and who |
4056s | they play in the Grand Final will depend |
4058s | on who wins between Platinum sensitivity |
4060s | and the tuskers in another best of three |
4062s | so tuskers have got to you know clear |
4064s | the mind get ready they've got time |
4066s | they've got time they've got 40 minutes |
4067s | it's not a huge amount of time not a |
4069s | massive amount of time it's not a mass |
4070s | am of time the B conversation is |
4071s | probably already |
4073s | open stressful but that was another mirr |
4076s | I think that comp armor Tales armor |
4079s | oracles I liked it I think both of those |
4080s | comps like you pointed out Mr G both of |
4082s | those comps were like if you bring a |
4084s | widow we kill the Widow they they were |
4087s | high DPS projection comps that would be |
4090s | hard to account for because we haven't |
4091s | really seen them use much we've seen |
4093s | nagas actually used and Talos is used in |
4095s | the feeders where they did fairly well |
4097s | um and I think with the few piloting |
4098s | changes in those matches that team would |
4100s | have made it into the actual at but yeah |
4102s | it it's um those are both comps where if |
4105s | there is a Widow that's sitting at about |
4107s | 100 km you will be able to shoot it with |
4109s | some of your ships yep I really the |
4112s | carries the kitsun was going to bring it |
4115s | free for tuskers yeah the carries and |
4117s | the there was some amazing individual |
4119s | piloting go on on both sides there like |
4122s | the the carries surviving for for way |
4124s | longer than he had any right to be the |
4126s | uh the logistics on both sides uh were |
4128s | just constantly keeping up with the |
4129s | target swapping moving around positional |
4131s | wise amazing like just to clear like |
4134s | excellent job everybody all around all |
4136s | right so we're going to come back in |
4137s | about 45 minutes or so for uh the Tusk |
4140s | Co versus platinum sensitivity in their |
4141s | best of three but in the meantime we'll |
4143s | throw to a splash screen and then I |
4145s | shall be replaced by CCP tin CCB xtype |
4148s | and CC CCB Mirage to talk about some |
4150s | cool stuff to do with |
4152s | Skinner welcome back folks to the break |
4155s | I am CCP yoten here joined alongside my |
4158s | very good friends CCP marage and once |
4160s | again CCP X Type gentlemen thank you so |
4163s | much for joining me here at the desk uh |
4165s | I appreciate you guys I know you've had |
4167s | family stuff going on this weekend uh |
4169s | you know of course both very busy |
4170s | gentlemen of course You' got lives |
4172s | you've got activities outside of work |
4173s | where did you just come from on the spot |
4176s | yeah I I was at a tango lesson so I was |
4180s | dancing just before that the lives of |
4182s | CCP employees behind the scenes folk you |
4184s | don't get this anywhere else well |
4185s | gentlemen thank you so much for joining |
4187s | me uh we have an exciting uh exciting |
4190s | set of things I want to talk about with |
4192s | you guys because you guys have are are |
4193s | both long ten year CCP employees we |
4195s | talked like last week uh CCP exite |
4198s | you've been here for S and a half years |
4199s | CP Mirage you've been here for eight |
4201s | almost eight I think yeah almost eight |
4203s | eight November so you guys you guys have |
4204s | seen your fair share of stuff I mean |
4207s | you've seen people come and go you've |
4208s | seen you know the game kind of progress |
4210s | you know into uh you know from where it |
4214s | was you know back in the what we would |
4216s | like the houseon days till now or we've |
4218s | kind of you know we're changing |
4220s | adjusting moving forward um and |
4222s | throughout all of this the alliance |
4223s | tournament has kind of stayed consistent |
4225s | I mean it's been the one thing that |
4226s | people just keep coming back to it's |
4228s | changed over time as well but CP Mirage |
4230s | I want to ask you since this is your |
4232s | first time here at the desk you are one |
4235s | of these people who is more forward |
4237s | facing in the company you do all the the |
4239s | pulse uh yeah there we go the merch do |
4244s | all the PSE the voice of new Eden why is |
4247s | something like this so important why is |
4249s | this stuff so so so necessary not just |
4252s | as you know for the gamers The Gamers at |
4255s | home but for our company as well uh at |
4259s | specifically of course well I mean just |
4261s | in the last few minutes just standing |
4262s | here um between the matches watching the |
4265s | commentators watch the matches yeah the |
4268s | the level of PVP PVP prowess on display |
4271s | just in the conversation was astounding |
4273s | like genuine I'm not much of a pvper |
4276s | myself but just listening to them talk |
4278s | and the way they were analyzing the |
4279s | match it just uh I think it's a great |
4281s | opportunity for the members of Staff |
4283s | here to demonstrate how much passion |
4284s | they have for the game |
4286s | and uh we had of course a presentation |
4288s | recently from one of the community team |
4290s | members about the significance of the |
4292s | the alliance tournament through the |
4293s | company to the game to the fans to the |
4295s | players to the alliances and uh it was |
4297s | really touching actually it was um it |
4300s | was a it was a deep cut because you |
4302s | understand just how incredible the |
4304s | players are just how much of a skill |
4306s | level they've reached to be able to |
4307s | compete like this and just also the the |
4310s | reaction to the match for example in the |
4312s | best of three like in that time they've |
4313s | got between match one and match two to |
4315s | spin up another comp and you know take |
4317s | attention of the bands and then go at it |
4319s | full Pelt it's just incredible well and |
4321s | and you mentioned something that I I it |
4323s | feels important to me and CPX we talked |
4326s | about this a little bit last week just I |
4328s | mean seeing you know obviously we have |
4330s | people here from all over the country |
4332s | all the world right now we have folks |
4333s | from the you know the states and from |
4335s | the you elsewhere in Europe and from |
4337s | Australia and all over the place and |
4339s | seeing everybody come here seeing it all |
4340s | just kind of work together and be a |
4342s | functional unit like as a player as |
4345s | somebody who's played the game for as |
4346s | long as you know you have as long as I |
4348s | have like that's got to make you feel |
4350s | something right yeah I mean when you see |
4352s | like all of these people coming here and |
4353s | working basically non-stop throughout |
4355s | the weekend and it's like you know it's |
4356s | just a work of passion right and we're |
4358s | all like super excited to see the |
4359s | matches to see you know like the tension |
4362s | you have especially when we get to these |
4363s | later stages where every match every |
4365s | like ship killed has like a lot of |
4367s | meaning and it's just super cool to see |
4369s | everybody so you know you know excited |
4372s | about it and and still you know as CCP |
4375s | Mirage said like you know the the level |
4376s | of expertise and the like the analysis |
4380s | that goes into all of this stuff is |
4381s | super super impressive I love it well I |
4384s | I obviously absolutely agree uh so I |
4386s | want to talk to you two gentlemen as |
4387s | well about something that is perhaps a |
4389s | little bit closer to your hearts or at |
4391s | least a little bit closer to your day |
4392s | jobs we didn't touch on this last uh |
4395s | last week but we just because of time |
4398s | constraints but uh CCP xtype and CCP |
4401s | Mirage we're going to get to your |
4402s | involvement in this very shortly but CCP |
4404s | X Type you you so you're a developer |
4406s | here yep youve you're an engineer and |
4408s | what have you been working on over the |
4410s | last couple months so uh last couple of |
4412s | months and even last couple of years |
4414s | really like uh I've been working on |
4416s | everything that has to do with like like |
4418s | your identity in the game and |
4419s | personalization so and this journey kind |
4422s | of started with ship emblems and then |
4423s | with like the structure uh you know |
4426s | skins and now we've moved into you know |
4428s | uh Skinner uh and so I've been working |
4431s | on that more like we keep you know like |
4433s | we only started a journey with Skinner |
4435s | right and we're we're we're just at the |
4437s | you know yeah I would even say just the |
4438s | biging still and so we're still working |
4440s | on this adding new features polishing |
4442s | the existing ones so that's my main |
4443s | focus well and so CP Mirage let me let |
4446s | me talk to you for just a moment about |
4447s | the Skinner tool because we so this is |
4449s | the alliance tournament right we're in |
4451s | this kind we're in this this mode we're |
4453s | in this you know it's it's it's like |
4454s | this is our Super Bowl right this is |
4456s | this is the the the event that groups |
4458s | can you know rally around their teams |
4460s | and show their team spirit and you know |
4462s | get out there and win one for the boys |
4464s | we the time Act have to that well I was |
4467s | going to say we got Mariah Carey |
4468s | backstage I don't know if she knows that |
4471s | but so but we're in this we're in this |
4473s | mode where we this is very much a |
4475s | community focused event you know this is |
4477s | not just for the players but also for |
4478s | the people at home watching for the |
4480s | people who are you know maybe who |
4482s | haven't played the game in a long time |
4483s | but have an identity with one of these |
4485s | groups I mean we've seen huge numbers |
4487s | especially when we have one of you know |
4488s | one of the bigger null blocks |
4490s | participating in the contest you can see |
4491s | numbers Spike up in chat when those |
4493s | groups are participating and you know |
4494s | throughout the entire contest we've seen |
4496s | people you know have some affiliation |
4498s | with one group or another what when we |
4500s | talk about the scanner we talk about |
4502s | these identity tools what value is that |
4504s | not just to to you know us as a company |
4507s | like oh you know this is something else |
4508s | that we can sell or whatever but but |
4510s | more for the players like what does what |
4512s | does that offer to them well I'm not |
4515s | actually in an alliance myself or even a |
4517s | corporation but as a as a player as a |
4519s | solo player that's how I play uh there |
4521s | is still a huge amount of value in this |
4523s | for me so while I'm not creating my own |
4526s | skins for representation and kind of |
4528s | like as a uniform to be you know in sync |
4532s | with the with those I fly with sure I |
4534s | just I spend a lot of time creating my |
4535s | own skins yeah and uh and I I show them |
4537s | off on Twitter as well like when I do |
4538s | them and it could be in in deference to |
4541s | a video game I like or a racing team I |
4543s | like or just so for me being able to do |
4545s | this and I and I play a little I think |
4547s | strangely when I play I play zoomed in |
4550s | so I don't have the Tactical camera on I |
4551s | play zoom in so I'm constantly looking |
4553s | at my sh scroll wheel broke some years |
4554s | ago he just not got |
4556s | no I wish I had that excuse so actually |
4558s | the Aesthetics of the game matter hugely |
4560s | to me what what I fly I mean when |
4561s | emblems came in that was fantastic I |
4563s | actually made my own Corp just to be |
4565s | able to fly my own emblem yeah and then |
4567s | as soon as Skinner is in I get to create |
4569s | my own skins so I've spent huge amounts |
4571s | in game on elements Design Elements I |
4574s | made sure I was uh running the Crimson |
4577s | Harvest to a to get the blood spatter at |
4578s | the end cuz and I absolutely wanted to |
4580s | have that on the ship so for me it's |
4582s | huge I understand of course that you |
4584s | know being able to represent your group |
4586s | your organization with one uniform skin |
4588s | and you all to fly into battle looking |
4590s | and you know looking as good as each |
4591s | other that's huge also especially if you |
4593s | match it to your structure as I like |
4594s | that's even better but yeah even |
4596s | personally as a Solo solo player it's |
4598s | it's huge for me I mean it it does feel |
4600s | like you know there has been complaints |
4602s | in the past that Eve is a little sterile |
4604s | now I don't know whether or not I agree |
4605s | with that obviously the aesthetic of Eve |
4607s | was always something that you know |
4608s | appealed to me as a youth but there was |
4610s | a lot of Grays and a lot of dark greens |
4611s | and a lot of dark blues and now we have |
4613s | this this new explosion of identity this |
4615s | new explosion of color and that has come |
4617s | with its benefits and its detriments we |
4620s | saw a certain Vindicator skin over the |
4623s | last couple days CCP X Type now I want |
4626s | to let me ask you a question as a |
4627s | Creator as the father one of the fathers |
4630s | of this |
4632s | tool does it fill your heart with a |
4634s | certain kind |
4636s | of like a dark dark feeling of like oh |
4640s | what have I done when you see something |
4642s | that is just a true abomination |
4645s | appearing in space I think it's fine you |
4647s | don't like have to like art for it to be |
4650s | art you know and I'm color blind so it's |
4653s | a unique for me too you know so I think |
4655s | I think it's fine uh like of course like |
4658s | you're going to see some skins and |
4659s | you're like cringing a bit because it's |
4661s | like oh I couldn't get worse but then |
4663s | like it's all about like letting the |
4664s | players do what they want and if they |
4667s | want to fly a ship that is you know |
4668s | rainbow collor then perfect and that |
4671s | that's great and and I think that's the |
4672s | main thing with with Skinner is like we |
4675s | just let players do what they want and |
4678s | they can show it off to other players |
4680s | and and and like the the kind of the |
4684s | next step in our journey is also to to |
4686s | make it even better for organizations |
4687s | whether it's corporations or Alliance of |
4689s | course to have more unity and like you |
4691s | know like tag this to the next level but |
4693s | even just this first step as CCP Mirage |
4695s | mentioned like even as a solo player you |
4697s | want to play around with this and and |
4699s | express your identity through your skins |
4701s | so yeah so you know you mentioned this a |
4703s | little bit just a second ago but the we |
4706s | would you consider I mean this obviously |
4707s | the SK school is still a a work in |
4709s | progress it is still in development uh |
4711s | obviously we have released a version of |
4712s | it that is fairly robust but still is |
4715s | you know lacking some of the the |
4717s | elements that we're looking forward to |
4718s | and we're still seeing stuff on the |
4720s | horizon then you would say do you feel |
4723s | like there's there's you know anything |
4726s | that you guys have had to sit down you |
4727s | know when we say like oh well we got to |
4728s | give power to the players like is there |
4730s | a fear in there anywhere that you're |
4731s | like ah maybe we've given them too much |
4733s | power uh not really I mean like the the |
4737s | there was like some you know discussions |
4739s | uh mostly with the the artistic |
4741s | Direction okay can we allow any |
4744s | combination and the early version of the |
4747s | Skinner before it was released like |
4748s | early this year like there were more |
4751s | restrictions that we actually pulled |
4753s | before release because they were |
4755s | initially like came coming from our |
4757s | Direction saying okay this and this is |
4758s | just not going to work but then when |
4760s | people started playing with it |
4761s | internally we realized what the hell |
4763s | like just open the flood gate right and |
4766s | and so no I mean it's uh yeah go pink |
4769s | yeah no doubt CCP Mirage I and I want to |
4773s | be very clear here because he's not |
4775s | kidding he absolutely As and we're on |
4776s | that camera over there he's not kidding |
4778s | CP Mirage spends a ton of time in our |
4781s | internal company slack uh sharing |
4783s | designs sharing new things he's been |
4784s | working on and honestly kind of an art |
4786s | Savant uh I'm not even on this kind of |
4788s | team but I'm I'm a constant hassle in |
4790s | that I was goingon to say just just |
4792s | perhaps maybe it's most uh it's most |
4795s | consistent user certainly do you ever |
4797s | feel and I I say this knowing that there |
4799s | are there's more in store for us very |
4801s | shortly as we look forward to the |
4803s | Revenant expansion do you ever feel just |
4805s | Paralyzed by choice when you're looking |
4807s | you know you have a ship you have you |
4808s | know a variety of different designs you |
4810s | have a variety of different colors you |
4811s | have all these different these these |
4813s | you've got the matte things and you've |
4814s | got the the shiny things and you've got |
4817s | all all these different options you ever |
4818s | feel just like a kid at a candy store |
4820s | just you know Paralyzed by how many |
4822s | different things you you you know how |
4823s | many different toys you can get your |
4824s | hands on |
4825s | yeah um I love how much there is |
4828s | available I love the options but also at |
4830s | the same time I'm I really know exactly |
4832s | what I want for example I I know that I |
4835s | would love it available on on all the |
4837s | ships eventually uh and as you've seen |
4839s | in the InFocus series we've got the |
4840s | second pattern coming so that is not |
4842s | just double the options it's like and of |
4844s | course I've played with it yeah with the |
4846s | second pan and I know what's um I know |
4848s | what's possible so I'm I'm just sitting |
4850s | here waiting for the expansion to land |
4851s | so I can go and put those things on my |
4853s | ships because yes obviously I've got the |
4855s | version on test server perhaps so I love |
4857s | that design I can't wait to do that when |
4859s | it's on main server but yeah there's a |
4862s | lot of options available and if there |
4863s | were a lot available before with this |
4865s | update it's going to be loads available |
4868s | but I spend so much time in the tool and |
4870s | when you are familiar with the tool say |
4872s | you add one new pattern or you add uh |
4875s | for example being able to use all the |
4876s | colors on a tech slot sure then you sort |
4879s | of you get into it really quickly it |
4881s | doesn't take long for it to become part |
4882s | of your your routine to to test out how |
4885s | does this look how does that look now |
4886s | what if I switch this around you get |
4888s | into a flow with it and you you almost |
4889s | have this design methodology so every |
4892s | time you get a new pattern or you get a |
4893s | new color kind of go to the same ships I |
4896s | kind of try the same thing I like okay |
4898s | how does this look and then it'll open |
4900s | the Avenue right I think this will work |
4901s | better on that ship and obviously I |
4903s | focus on the ships I fly the most so |
4905s | that's kind of where my attention goes |
4906s | immediately course well and I'm actually |
4908s | glad we brought you in here specifically |
4909s | CP Mirage because there there has been a |
4910s | sentiment you know I read a lot of |
4912s | Reddit probably shouldn't but I do uh |
4914s | there has been a sentiment recently that |
4916s | CCP really only cares if you're in a |
4918s | group you know the game is only designed |
4920s | for people who who want to play in Big |
4921s | Blocks or bigger groups and a lot of |
4923s | these tools that we're pushing |
4924s | especially you know the corporation |
4925s | tools uh or the cor projects tools |
4927s | rather uh and obviously the Skinner tool |
4929s | really only makes sense if you're in a |
4930s | big group with a big old block and blah |
4932s | blah blah blah blah blah but having |
4933s | somebody who's a solo pilot who plays |
4934s | the game in a more intimate way than |
4937s | somebody who like for me for example or |
4939s | I'm sure C CPX type as well who has been |
4941s | you know one of these people who boxes a |
4942s | couple characters and sees Eve as just |
4944s | the dots on his screen scen you do you |
4947s | feel like you get the same kind of value |
4949s | out of this as somebody who is you know |
4952s | they're they're their whole thing is |
4953s | brand identity and trying to make sure |
4954s | everybody's consistent with the you know |
4956s | you've got you know goon directors for |
4958s | example make sure everybody's got you |
4959s | know yellow and black stripes do you |
4961s | feel like you have maybe a a more |
4964s | intimate connection with your your your |
4966s | internal brand than um or rather a a |
4970s | comparable connection to your internal |
4971s | brand is somebody who is trying to make |
4972s | it for their entire Alliance h |
4975s | I can't say that it's more intimate sure |
4978s | but um I have my own head Cannon when I |
4981s | play no no doubt about it and uh when I |
4983s | do design skins for my ships I I have |
4985s | created a skin line for myself so I do |
4987s | kind of in some way try to keep it |
4989s | uniform across my ships but I also like |
4992s | to experiment of course um do I find it |
4996s | more I don't know um I know that I |
4999s | experienced the game differently to to a |
5000s | lot of people but also that helps me in |
5002s | my job because when it comes to maybe |
5005s | creating a a screenshot or doing shots |
5007s | for the pulse I'm really Keen to to show |
5009s | off certain things like I know how I |
5011s | play and I know the ships that I use so |
5013s | you might see them featured a little bit |
5014s | more in a pulse segment or on a recent |
5016s | screenshot for example we had a fleet of |
5018s | kikim moras with with a skin that I had |
5020s | designed against the background that I |
5022s | really liked it wasn't the cord of |
5023s | elements I think it was Pool of Radiance |
5025s | it was it was in the background so it |
5027s | definitely has an impact on on what I do |
5029s | here uh and when we do a pulse episode |
5031s | for example if I'm doing a segment on |
5033s | just recently we were doing a segment on |
5035s | uh the new officers mhm and uh so we |
5038s | wanted to fit a ship to to go out and |
5040s | and film this segment and I was uh |
5042s | fitting up a legion cuz we just put a |
5043s | skin in for a legion certainly and just |
5045s | discovered how have I been without this |
5047s | ship this entire time so everything I'm |
5048s | doing right now in Crimson Harvest |
5049s | racking up the is and getting to the end |
5051s | is in order to afford myself a nice |
5053s | juicy Legion that I can go out and |
5055s | experience so my gameplay sort of feeds |
5058s | itself like I I find a ship I like um if |
5060s | I design a skin or or a skin comes out |
5063s | for a ship I really like that kind of |
5065s | leads my gameplay I want to spend more |
5066s | time in that ship so I'll find out what |
5068s | does that ship do oh yeah is this purely |
5069s | an exploration ship can I do anything |
5071s | Solo in this ship can I now take on |
5073s | content that I couldn't take on before |
5075s | uh CCP Swift actually gifted me a tangu |
5077s | last year called it happy birthday on my |
5079s | birthday and I realized that I can now |
5081s | run um like five out of 10 uh gista five |
5084s | out of 10 in that ship so I started |
5086s | being able to access that content cuz it |
5089s | open that pathway for kind of sucks he |
5090s | hasn't given me [ __ ] uh I to have a talk |
5093s | about this that kind of sucks |
5095s | uh no problem CB Swift I don't want cool |
5098s | Tango it's not a big deal I lost the |
5100s | tangu if it helps it doesn't but I |
5102s | appreciate you saying that um well let's |
5104s | I'm going ask one more question here as |
5106s | we're you know we're obviously we're |
5107s | getting you know through this thing we |
5108s | still got a little bit ways to go in |
5110s | this break so you know everybody will |
5112s | you'll still have time to get up and |
5113s | stretch the legs and get out and get |
5114s | some to drink and all that stuff CCP X |
5116s | type one more thing that's major about |
5119s | this is one of the speaking of the |
5121s | Legion and the Tango there are still |
5122s | ships missing from the the Skinner line |
5124s | lineup obviously and I mean there I hate |
5127s | to say this there are structures missing |
5128s | too Ian there are a whole line of lovely |
5131s | faction forars that just don't have skin |
5135s | options and CCX I guess I you know not |
5138s | to put you on the spot or anything |
5139s | though I am definitely putting you on |
5140s | the spot is that something you know that |
5142s | and like the the the pirate battles or |
5145s | the pirate uh dreadnots and all these |
5147s | other things are those things we might |
5148s | see sometime in the future yeah I mean |
5150s | like most of the things that you can't |
5152s | skin are it's it's not really a gameplay |
5155s | choice in most cases it's it's more like |
5158s | you know technical the tech 3 ships are |
5160s | a great example they're modular uh I |
5163s | mean I'm not going to go into all of the |
5164s | tech stuff and I'm not a graphics |
5165s | engineer so I probably would have did it |
5167s | wrong but like it's it's it's they're |
5169s | much harder to you know fit with the |
5171s | skin system and so like most of the |
5173s | things that are currently excluded it's |
5175s | more okay like we you know we can't do |
5178s | it right now or we would have to you |
5180s | know uh work like put a lot more effort |
5183s | for this so we we'd rather okay maybe |
5185s | it's time you know drops the one that we |
5187s | can just address right now so we focus |
5189s | more on the feature itself but yet this |
5191s | is definitely the plan to you know bring |
5192s | as as much as we can in there um not |
5195s | going to give timelines just going to be |
5196s | a soon TM it's okay soon TM works for me |
5199s | all right gentlemen well listen we're |
5201s | getting here towards the end of this |
5202s | thing I know folks in chat are probably |
5203s | wanting to know why we're not talking |
5205s | more about the alliance tournament |
5207s | friends you have a full day of Alliance |
5209s | tournament trust me you will hear plenty |
5211s | about the alliance tournament we're not |
5212s | going anywhere um and and a lot people |
5215s | talking about somebody named CeCe I'm |
5216s | pretty sure I was I was talking about |
5218s | Mariah Carey earlier that's our half M |
5220s | Now The Cece I don't know who this this |
5222s | person is uh so we're going to ignore |
5224s | hot dog aimu oh hot dog aimu was so good |
5227s | it was and day one too like right out |
5228s | the gate fantastic well listen we got |
5231s | three teams left in the alliance |
5232s | tournament you guys are both Eve players |
5234s | you know things vaguely About Eve we've |
5236s | got Platinum sensitivity we've got the |
5238s | tuskers and we've got truth honor light |
5240s | and again hate to put you guys on the |
5241s | spot but who you got CCP |
5246s | Mirage I'm going to go for platinum |
5247s | sensitivity platinum and the unbreakable |
5250s | Mark Bridges incredible a hell of a pick |
5254s | uh we'll see them actually next uh in |
5256s | the or after we come back from the break |
5258s | we'll see them in the the finals of the |
5259s | losers bracket uh CCP X Type three teams |
5262s | left who do you got I mean tuskar I was |
5264s | in tuskar for four years I with some of |
5267s | them that are flying uh today so I'm |
5268s | just like rooting for them just no |
5270s | questions asked I cannot doubt it I |
5272s | can't listen I man smart money smart |
5275s | money has got to be I think on Truth |
5277s | honor light but I if it's between if I'm |
5279s | speaking to my heart the team of my |
5281s | heart Rage Quit cancel sub is already |
5283s | out so I got to go for my number two in |
5284s | my heart which I think it's got to be |
5286s | tuskers probably not smart money but it |
5288s | is my money and that's how I'm going to |
5289s | spend it folks thank you so much CCB |
5291s | Mirage CCB exite for joining me today at |
5293s | the desk folks we still got about 20 |
5295s | minutes 20ish minutes left before we |
5297s | come back over here so again get up |
5299s | stretch go outside touch grass come back |
5302s | inside close the doors blinds Windows |
5304s | whatever you got to do and we have more |
5306s | spaceship violence coming up for you |
5308s | here soon and day four of the alliance |
5310s | tournament we'll be back in just a |
5311s | little bit hello and welcome back to |
5313s | Alliance tournament 20 we are getting |
5316s | close to the pointy end of the stick |
5318s | here just thinking back to all the |
5320s | matches we've seen so far not only just |
5322s | in this tournament today yesterday and |
5325s | last weekend but also way back to the |
5326s | feeders and everything that's kind of |
5327s | led to where we are now it is an |
5329s | exciting set of matches we got coming up |
5331s | this is our lower bracket final this is |
5333s | another best of three between Platinum |
5336s | sensitivity and the tuskers co tuskers |
5338s | just lost 2N to truth on a light they |
5340s | lost their Flagship as well so they're |
5342s | going to have to get composed and try |
5343s | and come back and take a w here if they |
5346s | want to have another chance to face |
5347s | truth onon aite in the final truth onon |
5349s | aite have locked that place in they will |
5351s | be in the finals we will see them a |
5352s | little bit later today but until then we |
5354s | have some more matches so let's take a |
5356s | look at the bands for this first match |
5357s | between Platinum sensitivity and the |
5360s | tuskers |
5361s | co I keep have to clap for the Bands |
5365s | I've clap louder he says these guys are |
5367s | getting a bit uh come on look Clapp |
5370s | where's my bands oh he doesn't have the |
5372s | Bands |
5373s | A what is this this is okay The Clapper |
5377s | is broken all right so brng not comes to |
5379s | the desk thank you very much good day |
5381s | how are you doing mate I'm looking |
5383s | forward to this is going to be wild |
5384s | Honestly though I'm having a good day if |
5386s | tuskers makes it through it's going to |
5387s | be the worst day ever like what six |
5388s | matches in a row at minimum yeah there's |
5389s | a lot of matches at this point they have |
5391s | to play so let's just say they go 2-0 |
5393s | right now um and get through that means |
5395s | they've already played Four matches |
5397s | before they go into the grand finals |
5398s | where they have to play potentially |
5399s | another five matches it is a lot of |
5401s | matches and they come thick and fast |
5403s | there's only half an hour between the |
5404s | start of each match which means match |
5406s | ends conversation immediately open for |
5408s | bands for the next match and then you |
5410s | also have to do with Conquest bands so |
5411s | there's a lot going on uh at any point |
5414s | going on from now I think um uh we are |
5417s | ready to go to the arena almost in a |
5419s | minute or so so let's go let's go to |
5422s | predictions I'm going to check twitch |
5423s | chat you guys tell me what you think I |
5425s | would wait for him Mr bbp |
5427s | first okay predictions you know I'm just |
5430s | go straight up all right taskers wins |
5432s | this one Platinum sensitivity once next |
5433s | two they're going to Shield Rush each |
5434s | other I mean I think this is going to be |
5436s | Shield rush into Shield Rush as well uh |
5438s | I think you're right there um this so I |
5441s | actually quite enjoy when we see mirror |
5442s | matches like that because they're so |
5443s | fast it comes down to Target calling |
5445s | Target selection and Target priority |
5447s | that's what the two teams might differ |
5449s | we've seen it a couple times this |
5450s | tournament already with uh mirror |
5451s | matches where the target selection has |
5453s | differed w what's your predictions oh it |
5457s | depends on how well the puskus pilots |
5458s | are feeling right now considering the |
5460s | last match are they in the right state |
5462s | of mind and they're going to be able to |
5463s | just get get a clean sweep and start |
5465s | again but platinum's ready to go I think |
5467s | it's going to be interesting to see what |
5468s | they do as well cuz they've they're |
5469s | fresh ready they've watched tuskers |
5470s | they're like okay we got all planned |
5472s | ready to go so it's going to be I think |
5474s | my bets on Plat but I'm hoping for |
5476s | tuskers cuz I do enjoy their comps yeah |
5478s | I think this is going to be a climb out |
5481s | for the tuskers they have lost their |
5482s | Flagship Platinum sensitivity do have |
5483s | theirs they're also more well rested at |
5485s | this point so let's go match one of this |
5488s | best of three between Platinum |
5489s | sensitivity and the |
5493s | tuskers Hello friends and welcome back |
5495s | to the first match of the lower bracket |
5498s | finals I'm CCB and joining alongside my |
5501s | colleague at uh yoten and rs attorneys |
5503s | at law Ali RS Ali what have we got going |
5506s | on here we've got tuskers versus |
5508s | platinum sensitivity tuskers bringing a |
5510s | familiar comp we've seen before already |
5512s | yeah these are those triple Dominic's |
5513s | that got them to this point in the |
5516s | tournament and uh it'll be very |
5518s | interesting to see how they match up |
5519s | against Platinum sensitivity uh who've |
5521s | brought a double Armageddon double |
5523s | arbitrator sort of drone comp it's a |
5526s | little bit unfortunate for those |
5527s | arbitrators there because the only thing |
5529s | they're really going to be able to TD is |
5531s | going to be those Dominics drones by the |
5532s | way these Armageddon these do not have |
5535s | any form of offensive modules in their |
5537s | High slots it is all energy neutralizers |
5540s | and maybe some smart bombs a full drone |
5542s | comp if I've ever seen one we can see |
5543s | them dropping those drones already |
5545s | especially the Dominic is dropping those |
5547s | curators uh and wardens right out the |
5549s | gate if I was going to guess uh and we |
5551s | are off friends damage already going in |
5553s | on the vexter uh a little bit of damage |
5556s | chip damage at least this part uh from |
5559s | um the tusers team looking for a an easy |
5561s | pick we talked a little bit before the |
5562s | match started uh about what the the best |
5564s | Target to go for here because those |
5565s | arbitrators you can basically ignore |
5567s | those for this match yeah those |
5568s | arbitrators they are not really |
5570s | threatening what the tuskers are doing |
5571s | instead the tuskers are taking out |
5573s | things that might be able to lock them |
5574s | down because if you look these tuskers |
5576s | ships are kiting away there's a sentry |
5578s | blob in the middle of the Arena they are |
5580s | leaving it behind they'll have to |
5582s | abandon those drones and launch new ones |
5584s | if they want to uh switch up their drone |
5586s | types but in in the meantime those |
5588s | drones are just happily plinking away at |
5589s | these vexor here yes they are and you |
5591s | can see the tusker team already going up |
5593s | towards this uh the um the the mjd up |
5597s | here the micro jump unit up here in the |
5598s | in the top corner of the map so maybe |
5600s | looking to do a little bit of range |
5602s | kiting around the outside or around the |
5604s | outside of the Arena if they uh uh if |
5606s | they feel like they're getting |
5607s | threatened but again yeah this huge ball |
5608s | of centries right here in the middle but |
5610s | we do see the gons going through with |
5612s | smart bombs that is a Pro Gamer move |
5615s | Alaris okay so if those gons have Smart |
5617s | bombs maybe Platinum sensitivity here |
5621s | are the ones who had the read Because |
5622s | those smart bombs are you drone ships uh |
5625s | the way they work they have a drone Bay |
5627s | oh yeah you fit only so many different |
5629s | reloads of drone drones in your drone |
5630s | Bay these Dominic's uh let me just take |
5632s | a quick look oh there's a jump they they |
5635s | tuskers they're jumping from this Beacon |
5637s | they're going straight back in they're |
5639s | down into the mix now they are well down |
5642s | inside this blob and looks like they are |
5644s | they are immediately dropping uh |
5646s | Berserkers have they abandoned their |
5647s | drones in the middle of the map for in |
5649s | in favor of these heavy drones they are |
5651s | now in the mix this has gone from a |
5652s | kiing brawl comp to or kiing uh drone |
5655s | comp to a brawl in quick succession |
5658s | damage going in now quickly uh on the |
5660s | vexer uh of Stew Miner from tuskers but |
5663s | again TUS tuskers with a a dramatic play |
5666s | here indeed and those Lodi frigs from |
5668s | tuskers those jumped with the happily |
5670s | with the rest of the team they need to |
5671s | be there to give the Reps but uh both of |
5673s | them are now suffering under the NES |
5675s | from the Platinum sensitivity team it's |
5676s | not just smart bombs it's NES too |
5678s | meanwhile the Platinum sensitivity Pon |
5679s | effects low armor dipping into structure |
5682s | that's huge those links they're going to |
5684s | be providing so much sustain to the |
5686s | Platinum sensitivity team and it doesn't |
5688s | look like they're going to trade it out |
5689s | for anything no I mean maybe this |
5691s | Inquisitor from J or Jagger Moritz uh |
5694s | from tuskers you can see a big blob of |
5696s | drones were on him uh but now going back |
5699s | towards the other they're trying to do a |
5700s | little bit of swap traing on these |
5702s | inquisitors trying to put pressure one |
5703s | way or the other uh but oh no the tholly |
5705s | has gone too this is huge wow wow yeah |
5709s | tuskers I mean what a we we were just |
5711s | talking about how you know the Reed from |
5713s | the gons with those smart bombs in the |
5715s | middle of the map the gedon looking like |
5717s | buffoons at this point looking almost |
5719s | silly here just sitting in the middle |
5721s | map smart bombing while the tuskers team |
5722s | is coming in and spreading dis array |
5724s | across their entire back end yeah it |
5726s | looks like Platinum sensitivity they're |
5728s | going for the Lodi trade they've lost |
5729s | their Deacon but they've managed to get |
5730s | down Blackstar and the acquisitor with |
5732s | Blackstar down Jager Moritz doesn't have |
5734s | long to live and once those two ships |
5737s | are are dead uh tuskers they're going to |
5739s | have you know no more reps but uh |
5742s | Platinum sensitivity they've already |
5743s | lost their reps they it's just their |
5744s | buffer and platinum sensitivity they |
5747s | have it's hard to tell with the bars |
5749s | right now the those sort of blue bars at |
5750s | the top of the defense that showing you |
5752s | how much buffer bow side has it looks |
5754s | equal but it's not yeah it's two |
5756s | Armageddon versus three Dominic's the |
5758s | Dominic's they're going to be a bit more |
5760s | tanky oh they're definitely more tanky I |
5761s | mean honestly anybody in this in this |
5764s | tournament so far swapping a single T1 |
5766s | Lodi for both of their T2 lodgy frigs |
5768s | and their links I take that trade every |
5771s | day of the week it doesn't seem like |
5772s | it's a lot of points but it makes so |
5774s | such a huge difference uh because now |
5776s | look at the EOS of Nicks wiro dropping |
5778s | the low armor almost about to drop into |
5781s | into hole and if they lose that EOS |
5783s | every one of these ships that drop is |
5784s | another big chunk of drones they no |
5785s | longer have access to indeed and that |
5787s | AOS is the other source of links for |
5789s | them so Platinum sensitivity no more |
5791s | links no more Buffs no ability to |
5793s | stretch out their buffer even more um |
5796s | they are applying damage and they've got |
5798s | some big damage going to the vexer Navy |
5799s | of uh vus AR noas but uh tuskers they're |
5803s | firmly in the driver seat here yeah I |
5804s | mean even if you lose the vexa Navy at |
5806s | this point or or the ash any of these |
5808s | squishier targets you've now put |
5810s | Platinum sensitivity so far on the back |
5812s | foot uh that they're going to a really |
5814s | hard time coming back from this I mean |
5816s | again you lose the vexer here of LT |
5818s | Bazar sorry LTL Bazar LTL bizar that's |
5821s | right I'm not Lieutenant Bazar he's not |
5823s | in the military LTL Bazar you lose that |
5825s | vexer uh and you know at this point |
5828s | after that again and the arbitrators one |
5830s | of the squishier things on the Platinum |
5832s | sensitivity side left alone there's no |
5834s | need to go after them exactly uh we are |
5836s | in the final day of the alliance |
5838s | tournament every team here is quite good |
5840s | at Evon line the spaceship game and they |
5842s | are doing an excellent job of Target |
5845s | calling so focusing on the links |
5848s | focusing on the logy methodically going |
5850s | through the most important ships first |
5852s | and leaving those arbitrators who don't |
5854s | really matter for last Armageddon you |
5856s | they're they're big but they're not as |
5859s | impactful for the for the hit points as |
5861s | the pawn effects yeah we now see them |
5862s | going on to the indestructible Mark |
5864s | Bridges suddenly finding himself quite |
5866s | destructible without his Thalia or |
5868s | Deacon friend uh there to support him uh |
5870s | and again the play just you know |
5872s | dropping the centuries making it look |
5873s | like it was just to Sentry blob comp |
5875s | they were going to do a little bit of |
5876s | kiting and then for the the Pro Gamer |
5878s | Strat Ali Aris to jump in when drop the |
5881s | Heavies what a move an absolute move |
5884s | from this team uh from tuskers uh again |
5887s | immediately changing up the entire |
5889s | Dynamic of the map this uh genon of Mark |
5891s | Bridges is going to go down and with |
5893s | that that's they have a single |
5895s | Battleship left of DPS I don't know if |
5896s | there's anything else that they can |
5897s | clear indeed I I do want to say it's the |
5899s | indestructible Mark Bridges but I think |
5901s | we can form a hypothesis here as |
5903s | scientists we've seen Mark bridges in a |
5905s | variety of ships throughout the |
5907s | tournament and the mark Bridges Bal Gorn |
5910s | has not died once that is true so so |
5913s | maybe it's not just Mark Bridges the |
5915s | pilot maybe we need Mark bridges in the |
5917s | Balor in order to be able to get get |
5920s | this uh this indestructible Aura going |
5922s | on I am something of a scientist myself |
5924s | and uh I I cannot help but agree with |
5927s | your your logic here uh Mr RS that is |
5930s | quite a Vibe and we see now uh Kint |
5932s | larke in the again uh taking a lot of |
5935s | heat again tackled nuded it does not |
5937s | matter I mean they've just got so much |
5939s | damage I mean you there's a huge blob of |
5941s | Heavies on them right now um you know |
5943s | and they'll they'll be mopping this up |
5944s | in qu pretty quick order a great |
5946s | turnaround for this tuskers team which |
5948s | you know we saw them go 02 against uh |
5951s | THL and the uh the the winner semi-final |
5954s | um you know kind of on the back foot but |
5956s | coming out here honestly with a triple |
5957s | Dominics comp with a bang yeah we've |
5960s | seen this triple Dominics comp before in |
5962s | this tournament it looked it did quite |
5963s | well for them then it did an excellent |
5965s | job with those centuries of dealing with |
5967s | a kiing comp uh here no kiing and it's |
5971s | shown that it's able to brawl just as |
5973s | well as it is anti- kite uh Platinum |
5976s | sensitivity this is their first time |
5978s | here in the top four they will be |
5981s | enjoying Conquest bands for the very |
5983s | first time jusers we've seen this |
5984s | Dominic's comp it's not going to be back |
5986s | next match true they can't bring it |
5988s | again true uh the next match if Platinum |
5991s | sensitivity takes that next match it |
5992s | could come back come out for the final |
5994s | um but yeah tuskers as you say tough |
5996s | loss but they clearly went back |
5998s | regrouped you know took a deep breath |
6000s | did that sort of yoga breathing thing |
6002s | and uh brought their aame and you know |
6004s | it really at this point when you get to |
6006s | this level especially this far in the in |
6008s | the tournament in the final three |
6009s | matches now or the final three teams now |
6011s | the the the the thing that makes teams |
6014s | Elite at this point is not just oh can |
6016s | you fly your ship the best it's who can |
6018s | adapt more quickly in from a moment to |
6020s | moment gameplay point of view and |
6022s | tuskers here at absolutely read this the |
6024s | right way they saw the gons coming in |
6025s | they saw the smart bombs they said okay |
6027s | we have a choice to make we can either |
6028s | try to keep doing what we've been doing |
6029s | or we have this other thing we could do |
6032s | we've been we we prepared ahead of time |
6034s | let's do the other thing and see if that |
6036s | works because eventually if the gons had |
6037s | sat there on top of that Sentry blob for |
6039s | long enough they would have just cleared |
6040s | all the |
6042s | centuries negating that entirely H makes |
6046s | then the Platinum sensitivity team have |
6048s | to adjust and not quite working out for |
6050s | him this time it and we will hear more |
6052s | about that from the desk as the last m |
6053s | Platinum sensitivity has fallen we will |
6056s | see you all for the next match |
6071s | [Music] |
6089s | tuskers Co taking a win there and |
6091s | pushing Platinum sensitivity down to the |
6093s | point where they need to win this next |
6094s | match otherwise they are going home so |
6097s | uh a good performance there from the |
6099s | tuskers interesting sets of comps we saw |
6101s | The Dominics comp yesterday the triple |
6102s | domies and we saw some really good plays |
6104s | from both sides there so first of all |
6106s | tuskers dropped a bunch of sentries and |
6108s | then burned away which is you know what |
6109s | what you do and if you're a a bad team |
6112s | then you just kind of ignore the entries |
6113s | and burn around and get yeated by them |
6115s | but what we saw is we saw Platinum |
6117s | sensitivity burning right in on top of |
6118s | that Sentry blob moving around them and |
6120s | also smart bombing black bar Pirates yes |
6122s | they were uh smart bombing is smart |
6124s | especially Against drones uh both uh as |
6126s | far as we know so the zills have not |
6127s | populated yet as of you know right |
6129s | before we got on here and so I don't |
6130s | want to start like but uh you know |
6133s | incidentally um we're pretty sure that |
6134s | neither of these teams have their Z |
6136s | kills posted right now so uh to hide the |
6138s | indel but we saw that at least uh both |
6141s | uh gons had at least one smart bomb they |
6143s | went on top of the century and started |
6144s | getting rid of them which is what you're |
6146s | supposed to do and also you know they |
6147s | moved a lot of their ships towards it to |
6148s | try and kind of mess with the Sentry |
6150s | tracking um something we haven't seen |
6151s | for honestly years uh centuries have |
6154s | been very underused in many years now um |
6157s | except by by tuskers uh but tuskers uh |
6160s | reacted very quickly to that they were |
6161s | like aha we've got you in our trap mjd |
6165s | their entire fleet directly behind um |
6167s | the Platinum sensitivity Fleet grabbed a |
6169s | paon AIX immediately and explod toied it |
6172s | with heavy drones we're pretty sure it |
6174s | looks like a little combination of both |
6175s | yeah so it's quite likely that um so if |
6177s | you've ever used a drone boat before uh |
6179s | you have a certain capacity in your Bay |
6181s | and of course you have a certain amount |
6182s | of uh bandwidth so you can launch the |
6183s | drones and then you do things with them |
6186s | now sentries of course if you want to |
6187s | pick them up you have to go actually get |
6188s | them now if you have then amgd away from |
6190s | them it's quite common you see this in |
6192s | Alliance tournament people will just |
6193s | abandon a flight of drones and drop the |
6194s | next set rather than trying to scoop |
6196s | them uh and that's basically what |
6197s | happened here those centes would have |
6198s | been abandoned and heavy drones put out |
6201s | wing nut one of the things we saw on the |
6202s | Platinum sensitivity side side in fact n |
6204s | not one two arbitrators we've seen a lot |
6206s | of arbitrator use this Alliance |
6207s | tournament it's been very popular as a |
6209s | ban or bringing it super powerful when |
6211s | it comes to tracking disruption and |
6212s | guidance disruption what comp would two |
6216s | arbitrators making 30 points not do well |
6218s | against oh exactly that comp hly I like |
6220s | to call that comp almost the |
6220s | anti-control comp this year cuz it's |
6222s | like everyone's brought NES everyone's |
6224s | brought track disruption that comp |
6225s | doesn't particularly carry the way it's |
6228s | happy to just sit on grid and whatever |
6229s | even if you damped it they just assist |
6230s | the drones to the next guy and hit you |
6231s | anyway so it's I was kind of weirded out |
6234s | by by yesterday but looking at it now is |
6236s | actually a pretty good comp for what the |
6237s | meta we've been seeing is especially if |
6239s | you deliberately leave arbitrator open |
6241s | like hey you can bring the ship don't |
6242s | worry we we we're not ready for it yeah |
6244s | we've seen a lot of teams Banning as |
6246s | much tracking and Eng disruption as they |
6248s | possibly can sometimes every band |
6250s | devoted to things like arbitrators |
6251s | pilgrims curs crucifier all of them |
6253s | being removed as quickly as possible |
6256s | black bird pirate uh I mean tuskers |
6257s | brought this comp yesterday what do you |
6259s | think Platinum sensitivity was thinking |
6260s | with uh with their bands and then going |
6262s | into this particular setup we thought |
6264s | there was going to be Shield Rush versus |
6265s | Shield Rush once the match started and |
6266s | we saw the bans it became very clear |
6268s | that both teams were actually Banning |
6269s | out Shield Rush yeah actually um so I |
6272s | don't know if we can bring back the |
6273s | bands it's not super important but uh |
6275s | they did ban out I know I saw sner |
6277s | banned out I saw I want to see Loki |
6279s | banned out as well s yeah so clearly |
6282s | like we didn't get to see them right |
6283s | beforehand the matches get kind of |
6285s | little get get a little bit squishy |
6287s | together at this point but um the I |
6290s | think that Platinum sensitivity was |
6292s | probably expecting |
6294s | uh maybe that EOS setup that we saw that |
6296s | kind of like looked like the EOS or |
6298s | maybe even the um the the kind of like |
6301s | the armor Cyclone Fleet issue one I |
6302s | don't think they were expecting the |
6303s | Dominic setup uh I do think the Dominic |
6305s | setup is probably the best comp that |
6306s | tuskers has shown so far um but yeah cuz |
6309s | anything else that uh like if tuskers |
6312s | brought their flag Bal Gorn set up that |
6313s | would have wrecked plam sensitivity um |
6315s | like badly so I think that they were |
6318s | expecting to see I think maybe they were |
6319s | thinking they were going to get the the |
6321s | disrespect of getting the heavy missile |
6323s | k um it's something that we see |
6325s | sometimes teams that think that they're |
6326s | like way better than other teams will be |
6328s | like we're going to bring a kite comp |
6329s | and just small gangu uh I don't think |
6331s | they were ready for that because if they |
6333s | had been ready for that you wouldn't |
6334s | bring an arbitrator or two yeah I mean |
6336s | there a lot of points with the point |
6337s | inflation real now let's speak a little |
6339s | bit about Conquest bands in fact so by |
6341s | bringing two arbitrators there two slots |
6343s | obviously in a lot of points you suffer |
6345s | Point inflation but uh if you win you |
6348s | have one less ship that's Conquest |
6349s | banned out Conquest Bann meaning if you |
6351s | win a match then you cannot bring any of |
6352s | the ships you brought in the last match |
6353s | on top of regular bands so uh you start |
6356s | to try and like you accept a bit of |
6358s | extra points here and there from |
6359s | bringing multiple of the same thing to |
6361s | leave more ships open it's kind of |
6363s | considered a little bit um I guess a |
6366s | mistake to kind of like ban out multiple |
6368s | things yourself which is why when we |
6370s | came back and I was like Bart it's a bit |
6371s | unusual to see um both the pon effects |
6374s | and a Magus being fielded by the tuskers |
6375s | here because now they've just basically |
6377s | self banned out both of the command |
6380s | destroyers for armor yeah so uh if you |
6382s | if you don't know how the conos pans |
6383s | work basically if you fly a ship and you |
6385s | win with a ship you cannot fly the ship |
6387s | for the rest of the series for the these |
6388s | best of three Series so yeah if you |
6390s | bring a Magus and pona effect you can no |
6392s | longer bring a Magus of pona effect |
6393s | which is 2.5 of the three armor links I |
6396s | mean technically joggers are still exist |
6398s | I me we've seen a lot of dger use |
6399s | actually we've seen some insane dger |
6401s | usage today actually we saw a jogger |
6402s | like solo an entire enemy team which is |
6405s | really cool um first match of the day by |
6406s | the way yep you should rewatch it if you |
6408s | haven't it was a good match wng what do |
6410s | you think about this like the fact that |
6411s | tuskers are now essentially um making |
6413s | them more difficult for themselves to |
6414s | bring armor they also have their |
6415s | Flagship at this point so it feels like |
6417s | they're going to push themselves into |
6419s | the uh basically a shield comp for |
6421s | example May gun spam as well like that |
6423s | option is still on the table and it's |
6425s | it's usually the obvious one but this is |
6428s | tuskers they don't do the obvious option |
6430s | they might just bring like a double |
6431s | Drager comp and use them for their links |
6433s | and just call that good they are a weird |
6434s | team |
6436s | so this this is what they do they do the |
6439s | weird stuff that we don't expect so I'm |
6441s | curious to see what they're going to |
6441s | bring it's going to be tuskers let's |
6443s | let's be honest I would expect so the |
6446s | thing that's super open right now is the |
6449s | tuskers Balor Flagship comp well I know |
6452s | there's one problem with this problem |
6453s | with it I was going to get to that the |
6456s | issue is is that I don't think that |
6458s | works without your Bal Gorn you need |
6461s | those fancy webs but what I'm saying is |
6463s | like the thing with the the nice thing |
6464s | about the Bal Gorn is they are many |
6466s | points M and if you know that you can't |
6468s | bring that comp anymore without your Bal |
6470s | Gorn because your Bal Gorn uh I think |
6472s | something happened to it yeah it could |
6474s | explod disassembly uh but I'm saying |
6477s | like they have a setup that they already |
6479s | know how to use um that they could very |
6481s | easily just do a little bit of a you |
6483s | know mirror magic and kind of be like oh |
6485s | well you know look what we can do I I do |
6487s | think that tuskers probably very much |
6489s | did not expect to be in a position where |
6491s | they're in a lower bracket best of three |
6493s | without a flagship yeah no one plan no |
6495s | one really plans I mean you kind of have |
6496s | to in some you you have to assume it'll |
6498s | happen to you at some point but but also |
6500s | hopefully not yeah I mean one other |
6502s | thing before we move on uh I want to |
6503s | talk a little bit about um the previous |
6505s | match with tuskers and Truth on the |
6507s | light we were looking through some of |
6507s | the kill mailes and we spotted something |
6509s | quite interesting there was a pontif |
6510s | effect being flowing by the tuskers H |
6512s | with five different uh links on it two |
6514s | armor two Skirmish and one info and |
6517s | looking in the cargo we saw a whole |
6519s | bunch of different implants the Imperial |
6521s | Navy mind link plus the Skirmish mind |
6522s | link uh unusual bragb bar tell me what |
6526s | they could possibly be doing yeah so you |
6528s | know if if you don't know you can't |
6530s | actually pop all five mind Links at the |
6532s | same time you can't online the game will |
6533s | not let you um you can get at most I |
6535s | believe three on a pawn effects uh so |
6537s | what we're pretty sure was happening was |
6539s | basically um so despite I well despite |
6542s | what twitch chat thinks sometimes cuz |
6543s | they're like why are you guys telling us |
6544s | the comps already we we don't know the |
6546s | comps and the teams that they're uh the |
6548s | teams don't know the comps with their |
6549s | enemies before they go in so you know |
6551s | what you're going to do is like your Pon |
6552s | effects is going to have a bunch of |
6553s | armor mine links probably some info |
6555s | probably some Skirmish well if the other |
6557s | team doesn't have ECM and they're not |
6559s | kiing you probably don't need info links |
6562s | so then you're going to be like okay |
6563s | well you know offline this one do this |
6565s | other one and because you don't know |
6566s | what you're going to need until you |
6568s | actually land on grid you are going to |
6571s | bring your mind links for it right Cu uh |
6573s | as you know mind links are very good uh |
6576s | they make they make your boosts much |
6577s | better and boosts are also very very |
6579s | good boy yeah more more Boosty makes |
6581s | boost more Boosty so I do think it's a |
6583s | little weird so we we were looking at it |
6585s | um they lost like what two billion is |
6587s | worth of Mind links CU they had like six |
6588s | of each one yeah and we're kind of like |
6590s | so I think what their plan was is that |
6592s | if it got really weird and they wanted |
6594s | to like maximize their APM and they had |
6596s | a guardian that they could have like |
6599s | online boosts hit the boosts quickly |
6601s | offline the Boost rip the implants out |
6602s | put the new implants in get cat boost |
6604s | back up Reon line their new Boost and do |
6606s | it so in the match they were basically |
6607s | going to have the ability to potentially |
6609s | have all five links running at once um |
6612s | we don't know the math on it exactly but |
6614s | I think that if you were really really |
6615s | good at timing it you'd basically be |
6617s | able to run almost a four or five link |
6619s | ponix for the entire match it just be |
6622s | very very high effort High effort like |
6624s | perfect timing you need to be need to |
6626s | have a guardian or something you cap |
6628s | yeah and obviously uh it's a lot of |
6630s | money in a p effect effect as well a |
6631s | couple of billion implants so most speak |
6633s | expensive PS the question I have is I |
6634s | wonder next time we're going to see that |
6636s | and maybe in a pseudo Tinker with a nigh |
6637s | Haw trying it yeah that'll be |
6639s | interesting to see like just going I'm |
6640s | just going to Quick cycle Qui burn it |
6641s | off get next one in cycle and just keep |
6643s | doing it and try and get like the |
6644s | tankiest pseudo Tinker they can get cuz |
6645s | also they will provide you capacitor to |
6647s | do it as well yeah I mean it's pretty |
6649s | cool this is the this is the level that |
6650s | we kind of we get to when it gets to |
6651s | this stage in the tournament like every |
6653s | single fraction of a percent matters |
6656s | that's why people will spend 160 billion |
6659s | isk buying two webs because they're just |
6661s | a little bit better than the ones that |
6663s | are a little bit cheaper I say a little |
6664s | bit cheaper they're like half the price |
6665s | like and that 80 billion the difference |
6667s | could be enough that you you web someone |
6670s | just before he gets out of range or you |
6671s | don't and then that's what leads to you |
6673s | to win and then you get more price ships |
6674s | and everything's paid back off almost |
6676s | immediately because these amazing priz |
6678s | ships that's the key there the payback |
6679s | off part like sometimes it's like if I |
6681s | lose my flag here it's bad but it also |
6683s | makes so much more back that hell it's |
6685s | worth it let's go yeah you know yeah so |
6687s | before we before we look at the Pand I |
6688s | want to look at the team makeup of |
6690s | platinum sensitivity and look at some of |
6691s | their matches thus far so let's see if |
6693s | we can pull that chart up right now um |
6695s | on Platinum |
6697s | sensitivity okay so this is the |
6699s | plattinum sensitivity team they've won |
6700s | 15 matches eight lost so pretty decent |
6703s | uh right there and relatively it's a |
6705s | small team with a with a good core of |
6706s | people Mark bridges of course uh the |
6708s | kind of uh flag waving uh flag man I |
6711s | guess of platinum sensitivity |
6713s | I have heard rumors he is indestructible |
6715s | however I've seen twice him being |
6716s | destructed so I'm beginning to think |
6718s | these are uh just rumors and not in fact |
6720s | fact but we will I guess we'll find out |
6722s | some more later but let's look at the |
6723s | last matches here so they just lost the |
6724s | tuskers we saw that but coming through |
6727s | uh this uh tournament they have beaten |
6729s | some pretty good teams so they started |
6732s | off with uh whole control then went |
6733s | against VTA they actually beat Volta |
6735s | last year as well knocking them down to |
6736s | the L bracket so star fleet commander is |
6738s | in shambles somewhere in the building uh |
6740s | tell doomsday as well uh oh another |
6743s | graph interesting uh till doomsday that |
6745s | was a solid match as well till doomsday |
6747s | of course knocking for turny down in the |
6749s | first match of the tournament they then |
6750s | lost the truth on the light Fair team to |
6752s | lose Fair team to lose to truth on the |
6753s | light of course in the Grand Final |
6755s | already this is a very solid team we |
6756s | know that they are going to do pretty |
6758s | well if not win the whole thing at this |
6759s | point they are so strong uh tuskers and |
6762s | um um PL they have both lost to them now |
6765s | so they kind of have to come back from |
6767s | that either team whoever makes it to the |
6769s | final have to come back from already |
6770s | losing to truth on a light they went on |
6772s | to defeat Odin call and rage quit cancel |
6774s | sub in a super exciting match earlier on |
6775s | today and finally just dropped a match |
6777s | to the tuskers co uh wingler any |
6780s | thoughts on this run from them that is a |
6782s | lot of good teams piled up that they've |
6784s | managed to go through and I think |
6786s | Platt's always been one of those like |
6787s | high a mid teams they've always been |
6788s | pretty good but this has been a great |
6790s | year for them like this is for me it's |
6791s | almost a standout year that's I'm |
6793s | actually kind of hoping they win that |
6794s | just to see that but go even further |
6796s | even though I'm a bit of a tuskers |
6797s | fanboy it's interesting to see they get |
6798s | knocked out by the tuskers in Alliance |
6799s | tournament 19 as well so um you |
6803s | maybe lightning strikes twice or maybe |
6804s | they're able to pull it back go the next |
6806s | two matches and take it 2-1 to move into |
6808s | the final against truth on the light but |
6810s | you know that remains to be seen I do |
6812s | like the almost Grudge Match style here |
6813s | whereas either team that either team |
6814s | that wins has to fight the team that |
6816s | beat them ex both of them are stuck and |
6817s | they're like okay we have to go back to |
6819s | climb the same Mountain yeah these are |
6820s | these are teams that now they know each |
6822s | other they've played against each other |
6823s | they've won against each other they've |
6824s | lost to each other this is a uh we're |
6826s | getting I like I said on the point the |
6828s | end of the stick all right this is our |
6829s | match two of our best of three between |
6832s | the tuskers co and Truth not truth on |
6834s | the light that might be coming later we |
6835s | never know and platinum sensitivity |
6837s | let's take a look at the bands and see |
6839s | who the each team is choosing to ban out |
6842s | okay so it looks like we have the Tusk |
6844s | Co Banning out the EOS and the dger so |
6845s | getting that third armor link boat off |
6847s | the field in interesting choice there |
6849s | from them uh and of course they banned |
6851s | the maggus and the pon effects um now |
6854s | this is interesting because they can't |
6855s | bring the maggus ponts with the conquest |
6857s | bands but their opponent Platinum |
6859s | sensitivity still could so they are |
6861s | choosing to use some of their bands to |
6862s | make sure that there's a even playing |
6864s | field in terms of um links ships here |
6867s | command Destroyer links so interesting |
6869s | move from the tuskers co there platinum |
6870s | sensitivity Banning out the hugan and |
6872s | the Rapier the Loki and the Nighthawk in |
6874s | terms of the conquest bans the tuskers |
6876s | have these ships that no one can bring |
6878s | only the tuskers can also not bring The |
6880s | Dominics the ashimmu the vexer Navy ISU |
6883s | the Magus the pontif effect the vexer |
6885s | and the inquisitors so a lot of ships |
6887s | off the field from the tuskers co all |
6890s | armor really armor Lings are basically |
6891s | off the EOS is such a powerful ship uh |
6894s | wng what do you think about these bands |
6895s | there's a lot of potential comes we've |
6896s | seen that are still the entire armor me |
6899s | gun spam is still available that weird |
6901s | ABC armor F fully available and also the |
6904s | shield rush and shield meeting gun fully |
6906s | available but there's also a lot of |
6908s | weird s like King Slayer I think is |
6909s | still fully there with a bit of trouble |
6910s | with links the fact that tuskers are the |
6913s | ones that ban the drag they they |
6914s | forcibly forced the issue here with okay |
6916s | no one gets these yeah which is that is |
6919s | okay let's see what they do with that |
6920s | now that's that's a Tusk thing to do |
6922s | what do you think of these B bar are you |
6923s | surprised to see the tusker spanning out |
6925s | all three um armor command destroyers |
6927s | there and the EOS yeah I think uh not |
6930s | really I think it's it's definitely a |
6931s | choice like I mean that says something |
6933s | so you can bring like you said you can |
6934s | bring armor medium gun spam because |
6936s | theard day and the Absolution BOS open |
6939s | and that's usually what you use your |
6940s | heavy links on that uh thing uh you |
6943s | can't really bring King Slayer or King |
6946s | killer because you usually use the |
6948s | command stage for that um just because |
6950s | you don't have enough points like if |
6950s | you're bring three battleships that eats |
6952s | up a lot of your points so they're |
6954s | basically I feel like tuskers is trying |
6956s | to force uh Platinum sensitivity to |
6959s | either do medium guns with armor or |
6963s | Shield rush or medium guns with Shield |
6965s | cuz it's exactly like Wing said like |
6967s | those are the three kind of like basic |
6968s | is comps that are out there um I don't |
6970s | think you can do armor battleships here |
6972s | you try I think we saw we saw a team um |
6975s | bring you shouldn't one command |
6977s | Destroyer um in a match yesterday and it |
6980s | was a possibly the thing that caused |
6982s | them to lose |
6983s | were links now's a cple things I think |
6987s | if we get something like a double medium |
6990s | gun then mirror matchups I find them |
6992s | quite exciting because it comes down to |
6993s | Target priority and Target uh selection |
6995s | wut like what would you want to try and |
6997s | take off the field first if you see you |
6998s | have an a medium gun spam they have a |
7000s | medium gun spam so I have two ways of |
7001s | looking at it first is kill Lodi that's |
7003s | usually the most simple straightforward |
7005s | any team go okay we need to kill Lodi |
7006s | then we can move on the second one is my |
7008s | which is my thing which is killing the |
7010s | most damage for the least tank so T1 |
7012s | Cruisers like vexes if they got good if |
7014s | they full guns kill them move up but it |
7016s | depends on the comp you're versing cuz |
7018s | if you're versing a very tanky one like |
7019s | the double M version the mher is not the |
7021s | target you want to kill first they are |
7023s | probably one of the tankiest ones for |
7024s | the least damage so it's it's constantly |
7026s | vary which is great it's all I said it's |
7028s | Target calling what do you pick and each |
7030s | team is a different answer really I |
7031s | think B there's a bit of a problem with |
7033s | medum gun spam though because almost all |
7035s | um uh ewar is still available so there's |
7038s | nothing banned out in E War really so uh |
7040s | you bring along like if you think your |
7041s | opponent might be bringing m spam if you |
7043s | bring on like one crucifier suddenly it |
7045s | become really difficult uh to to go up |
7047s | against that yeah it's this is rough |
7049s | like this is really rough we know what |
7051s | you can't bring in theory so this is one |
7053s | of those ones where like I could see |
7056s | someone trying to force the issue and |
7058s | bringing some kind of armor Battleship |
7060s | cuz they could do it they you okay look |
7062s | you could take we see it all the time |
7064s | someone tried like I shall be smart I |
7066s | shall I should bring the thing that they |
7067s | think we cannot bring and then they lose |
7069s | so here's here's the thought what if you |
7070s | bring instead of an EOS you bring a St |
7073s | a it's bad it is bad but it's not that |
7076s | bad but is it worth it no but you could |
7079s | do it I'm just saying like worth it this |
7081s | is the cool thing this is why we love |
7083s | the the best of Threes is because when |
7084s | you get into these like really |
7085s | nitty-gritty Conquest band matches you |
7086s | start seeing people just like you got to |
7088s | see if they actually prepared right |
7090s | because if you didn't prepare for this |
7092s | and somebody bans out your entire set of |
7094s | uh armor links you're screwed y um I do |
7098s | think that like this is the kind of |
7099s | thing where I would expect tuskers to |
7101s | pull out |
7103s | um some kind of like weird Shield kite |
7108s | where they bring like arbitrators that |
7110s | are shield because it's tuskers and they |
7112s | do weird stuff like that um that's a |
7114s | because I think that's like the actual |
7115s | answer here is to do some kind of |
7117s | strange |
7118s | like I I want to say almost like a drone |
7122s | Shield like Florida man with crucifiers |
7124s | or like Florida man with arbitrators if |
7126s | you didn't Florida man was something we |
7127s | saw a bunch in ag 6 I was about to say |
7130s | the number that we're not supposed to |
7131s | say with that one um where |
7133s | basically you did like alligators and |
7134s | heas kiting and using their drones like |
7137s | that might be something that I don't |
7138s | know we're I'm trying to just make crap |
7140s | up at this point but like I feel like |
7141s | that would actually work really well |
7142s | here and wng what about something like a |
7144s | like a Nighthawk ham rush like I feel |
7146s | like that might still also be on the |
7147s | table here yeah but I don't think now is |
7149s | the time to bring one out I feel like |
7151s | with median gun span fully available |
7153s | it's like okay this is just going to die |
7155s | they're going to tackle one thing |
7156s | they're going to Starburst and then |
7157s | we're not going to get anything anymore |
7159s | it's I feel like that's probably the |
7160s | weakest one but there's amazing how many |
7162s | comps still v as we're talking about the |
7163s | more we think the more there is pseudo |
7164s | tank is still there for Christ sake |
7166s | there's so many options that are just |
7167s | fully available ready to go which is |
7169s | scary when you're versing tuskers it's |
7171s | what are they going to bring out of |
7172s | these we Haven seen one pseo Tinker I |
7173s | think this tournament it's not been |
7174s | super popular two two we saw two |
7178s | um I I don't think it was a skill issue |
7180s | on team like legit like it was one of |
7182s | those ones like like you have so much |
7184s | damage and you're not applying it yeah |
7186s | the team that lost cuz they didn't bump |
7187s | and then the team that yeah it's it's a |
7189s | solved comp in my mind and I feel like |
7191s | both these teams should know how how to |
7192s | beat it like should know how to beat it |
7194s | just just pump them um yeah yeah so it |
7197s | looks like we're only a couple minutes |
7198s | away from the match let me just see if |
7199s | the teams are in system uh it looks like |
7203s | not yet they're coming very soon though |
7205s | um so y they're in Warped the Reena |
7207s | Arrow so everyone is in warp the the |
7209s | right of the valkyrie is playing a bunch |
7211s | of people are frantically spamming D |
7213s | scan like like just hardcore clicking |
7216s | that thing over and over again and |
7217s | they're all shouting at what they see uh |
7219s | one team might be very happy one team |
7220s | might be very sad we don't really know |
7222s | what this point uh we I don't see what |
7224s | what they're bringing they could both be |
7225s | really sad they could both be S there's |
7228s | always everyone can be sad everyone can |
7230s | be sad together okay as soon as I see |
7233s | these uh Team Landing in the great I |
7234s | think I'll throw it over so we can start |
7236s | talking about it I see one team coming |
7237s | in let's wait for the second team to |
7239s | land and then we'll head head yep I see |
7241s | it on the screen let's go to the arena |
7243s | for this B match is a second one in this |
7246s | best of three between the tusker school |
7248s | and platinum |
7250s | sensitivity hello and welcome back to |
7252s | the arena for the second round of |
7255s | platinum sensitivity versus tuskers uh |
7257s | tuskers have shown up with a cruise |
7260s | typhoon comp we looked at this we're |
7261s | like ah King slay and then you do the |
7262s | look at and you're like nope that is |
7264s | some tuskers style spice yeah long |
7268s | distance with as my colleague CCP yoten |
7270s | pointed out three different ships with |
7273s | Target painters they will apply what's |
7275s | Platinum sensitivity got yeah Platinum |
7276s | sensitivity going for gun spam lots and |
7279s | lots of gun spam we have uh a bunch of |
7281s | uh battle cruises the Triple merer A a |
7284s | throwback to a comp that we complained |
7286s | about a lot not that long ago uh but |
7288s | this match will start again a lot of gun |
7291s | spam gun spam very good at picking up |
7292s | the back end we should see Platinum |
7294s | sensitivity going after the vigil the |
7296s | fleet vigil in the hyena and immediately |
7297s | going for that hyena getting rid of |
7299s | those immediately especially with cruise |
7301s | typhoons is going to be integral to them |
7303s | winning this match it's not just and |
7304s | there goes the hyena and that's not just |
7306s | the target paints that's also those |
7308s | bonus webs you saw those webs fall on |
7310s | the Platinum sensitivity team and they |
7311s | dropped off the moment that hyena died |
7314s | those long range webs are off the field |
7316s | so it's time to move on to the vigil |
7318s | Fleet issue and the vigil uh meanwhile |
7321s | the Navy brucks of lieuten of LTL Bazaar |
7324s | your good friend your good friend uh is |
7327s | uh suffering a little bit but so far |
7329s | holding yeah I mean here's the problem |
7332s | for tuskers uh is they you know they |
7336s | have a really I mean the the strength of |
7339s | cruise missiles is that you nowhere on |
7341s | the map are you safe they can reach out |
7344s | to anywhere they can give you a good |
7345s | hearty poke uh and and they absolutely |
7348s | will too they do they do a bulk of |
7349s | damage a lot of alpha however they are |
7352s | absolutely especially in this setup |
7354s | susceptible to uh if they lose those |
7358s | Target painters and they lose those webs |
7360s | they are going to be in a for a long |
7361s | match I say that LTL Bazar does drop so |
7364s | they at least have enough of both of |
7366s | those things both webs and Target Banks |
7368s | to take care of one Navy bruix they have |
7371s | a long way to go s to in this match and |
7373s | they're moving on to the omen of uh NY |
7376s | aokc meanwhile it looks like a vld and |
7379s | miraie in those Cruise typhoons they're |
7382s | not mea not kiing anymore tackled uh |
7385s | probably by that Omen let me just take a |
7387s | quick look here yeah yeah I think you're |
7389s | right I mean you know it's it's it is |
7391s | tough too because those deacons are |
7393s | going to have to go in and again the |
7395s | deacons super susceptible to gun spam I |
7397s | mean those those those medium turrets |
7399s | from the aard from the Absolution from |
7401s | that Navy Harvey are going to just rip |
7402s | them apart if they get too close indeed |
7405s | but uh one of those medium gunships down |
7406s | Omen down Navy bricks down so tuskers |
7408s | they're trying to take out the DPS here |
7411s | right cuz Platinum sensitivity they have |
7413s | a huge attack bar it's a big problem it |
7415s | can punch through all these ships thick |
7417s | as hell |
7418s | unfortunately uh you know it's slowly |
7420s | getting chunk through by that Alpha of |
7422s | the cruise typhoons as well as you |
7424s | mentioned that uh the NES going on to |
7425s | the deacons deacons starting to suffer a |
7427s | bit that mer of JN just absolutely |
7431s | getting chunked yeah and and the thing |
7433s | too is especially for for these two |
7435s | Deacon Pilots this is such a hard |
7436s | position to be in right because you need |
7438s | to focus on your primary DPS you need to |
7440s | focus on the typhoons but at the same |
7441s | time these these the vigils absolutely |
7444s | have to last the match if they lose the |
7446s | vigils they can't apply to hardly |
7448s | anything another mer does go down that |
7450s | seeing Mer's die feels good for OD or |
7453s | for uh not Odin's call rather for the |
7455s | tuskers uh but you know again if they |
7458s | Trade A M bruix and an omen for one of |
7460s | these Fleet typhoons and the backend end |
7462s | of this duskers comp that they've got to |
7464s | feel pretty good about that yeah it's |
7466s | tough it's tough and it looks like those |
7467s | deacons are going down uh those Paints |
7469s | the webs they're making so that they can |
7472s | even apply those cruise missiles to the |
7473s | deacons one Deacon just goes out the |
7476s | other one's Ned out and uh honestly |
7478s | tuskers might pull this one out I mean I |
7481s | I like okay I get it Mera like I I |
7486s | understand I know what you're trying to |
7488s | do here but it's such it rides so |
7491s | heavily on them being able to keep up |
7493s | those the the vigils and that hyena |
7495s | obviously losing the hyena sucks but |
7497s | they lose both the deacons got they got |
7499s | clipped by [ __ ] by cruise missiles how |
7501s | is this possible I think it honestly I |
7504s | think it does come down to the fact they |
7505s | still have that vigil Fleet issue they |
7506s | still have that vigil both of those |
7508s | ships their armor ships their mids slots |
7510s | are completely free for those nice juicy |
7513s | Target painters that are clearly doing a |
7514s | ton of work now that NES are going on to |
7516s | the aard and the Absolution uh Platinum |
7518s | sensitivity they just were not able to |
7520s | get through they chose a DPS and |
7522s | honestly I you were talking about the |
7524s | the application and I agree the |
7527s | application was probably where they |
7529s | needed to focus they abandon the fleet |
7530s | vigil they abandoned the vigil because |
7532s | they weren't able to apply to it they |
7534s | weren't able to get it down and they're |
7535s | like oh we'll just screw application who |
7538s | needs application if they don't have DPS |
7540s | unfortunately Platinum sensitivity |
7541s | doesn't have DPS yeah no [ __ ] dude I |
7543s | mean and like here's the thing that the |
7545s | problem that they they have now is you |
7547s | know Platinum sensitivity has gotten rid |
7548s | of me Chief and the fleet typhoon that's |
7550s | big it's a lot of DPS but now have no |
7552s | Lodie left those those cruise missiles |
7555s | can hit them anywhere in the arena it |
7557s | does not matter they can run as far as |
7559s | they want eventually they will get |
7560s | smacked absolutely smacked on the back |
7564s | by the cruise missiles from these Fleet |
7566s | typhoons and they still can't get rid of |
7567s | the vigils so if they get webbed at all |
7569s | or Target painted and they are we see |
7571s | now uh Kent Laris in the aarde uh |
7574s | getting Target painted and absolutely |
7577s | cooked dude cooked by cruise missiles |
7579s | from a fleet typhoon what is what is |
7582s | this match dude this is I mean this is |
7584s | tusker showing the benefits of being an |
7587s | experienced tournament team uh this is |
7590s | not something we've seen before you |
7591s | could call this a mirror Chief Special |
7593s | but we've seen cruise we have seen |
7595s | cruise missile ships in the alliance |
7596s | tournament before we've seen teams bring |
7599s | them but tuskers they have the execution |
7601s | they have the piloting and they have the |
7603s | experience of being in these high press |
7605s | situations Platinum sensitivity they're |
7607s | bringing a comp it's a good it's a gun |
7609s | spam comp it's a good comp you know uh |
7611s | Starfleet probably going to be happy to |
7612s | hear that the triple merer uh or I don't |
7615s | know if it's happy or not but the the |
7616s | triple mer not a success in Alliance |
7619s | tournament 20 true but yeah I mean and |
7622s | you know here's the thing too like this |
7624s | this tusker comp I want to ask you this |
7626s | question too because you know you're a |
7628s | season vet of this you're you're up 1 |
7630s | and a best of three do you feel like |
7632s | that's the kind of time where you can |
7634s | obviously tusker's well known for |
7636s | experimenting with some weird [ __ ] |
7637s | getting some actually breaking out like |
7640s | just coming out from a a smoky closet |
7642s | and be like listen guys we're going to |
7643s | do something crazy today do you feel |
7645s | like that's the time where you can |
7646s | really kind of flex that or do you feel |
7647s | like it's there's just you can break |
7649s | that at at any point honestly at this |
7652s | point there is too much on the line and |
7654s | on and I think that's one of the things |
7656s | that we're seeing tuskers do well here |
7659s | is they maybe they maybe came out of |
7661s | that closet a little bit in the previous |
7663s | best of three and uh and now they've uh |
7666s | they've aired it out they've gone for a |
7667s | walk and they've come back with |
7669s | something it's like no we can we can |
7670s | beat this we can we can do this and you |
7672s | know this has been quite good into the |
7674s | the gun spam comp they have that |
7675s | application that they I think they knew |
7677s | that this was on the table they have the |
7680s | application that they need in order to |
7682s | get this done and in terms of comp |
7684s | design this is one of those things that |
7686s | really separates uh maybe you know |
7689s | people they're first into the tournament |
7690s | like dude I have the best idea ever from |
7693s | the tuskers is when you have the best |
7696s | idea ever you got to make sure that it |
7699s | really fits together and you got to make |
7700s | sure that it doesn't just Auto loose to |
7702s | something like medium gunsan we seen |
7703s | tons of that in this tournament and this |
7705s | doesn't aut lose it has enough Target |
7706s | painters it has redundancy what if they |
7708s | shoot the hyena doesn't matter we'll |
7709s | kill them anyway it does not matter yeah |
7712s | tuskers talking mad [ __ ] after the last |
7714s | loss to THL going 20 here against |
7716s | Platinum sensitivity who could does go |
7718s | out tuskers will go forward to the |
7720s | finals against truth honor light we'll |
7723s | go back to the desk with uh blackmar |
7725s | pirate CCB overload and me here in just |
7728s | a few minutes to talk about this match |
7729s | run fast I'm running |
7743s | [Music] |
7772s | and then there were two that is it so |
7775s | the grand finals of Alliance tournament |
7777s | 20 will be the tuskers co coming in from |
7780s | the losers bracket final without their |
7782s | Flagship against truth honor light who |
7784s | come in through the winners bracket with |
7786s | their Flagship so that will happen in |
7787s | about an hour or so that match uh by the |
7790s | way was awesome um |
7792s | I know I said Mir I apologize I was |
7794s | wrong I said don't do it he did it |
7796s | anyway and you won with it so you know I |
7799s | guess fine I guess do know some stuff uh |
7801s | but that was a a armor Kingler with |
7804s | basically Shield command destroyers |
7805s | running his armor instead and just |
7807s | stacking paints three painting ships in |
7810s | the bottom now I think it was actually |
7813s | really close uh for platinum sensitivity |
7815s | if they had killed that vigil Fleet |
7816s | issue the hyena perfect First Choice |
7818s | bang down bonus paints off the field |
7820s | viil Fleet issue also has bonus uh |
7822s | paints it was almost down and it |
7824s | survived I think if that goes down |
7826s | there's no way those rapid heavy uh |
7828s | battleships can actually kill those |
7829s | deacons and they needed to kill those |
7830s | deacons yeah I think uh I think this was |
7833s | this tusker's madness I think they did |
7835s | the math and they're like so quick |
7837s | history lesson cuz I know we don't have |
7838s | a ton of time here but uh the um King |
7841s | Slayer was originally made to take Lodi |
7843s | ships out that's the entire purpose of |
7844s | the triple rapid heavy battleships was |
7846s | to go and snipe your oses your Guardians |
7847s | your cetars whatever uh when log prets |
7850s | came in a lot harder to hit them cuz |
7852s | heavy missile launcher bad at small ship |
7854s | M I think that they were like what if we |
7856s | make it so the small ship is so much |
7857s | bigger with all of the paints in the |
7859s | entire game that we can still snipe them |
7861s | yep it worked great um I think you're |
7863s | right if the visual Fleet had gone down |
7865s | there wouldn't have been enough paints |
7865s | to actually hit the deacons and things |
7867s | would have gone uh gone a different way |
7869s | but here we are any comments from you |
7870s | wng I see we're being played off right |
7872s | now I wonder how many tanks were in the |
7874s | mids of the Sten bar they had spare mids |
7876s | they even had a vigil backing how many |
7877s | paints did they go for I I couldn't |
7879s | count them how many I bet there's a lot |
7880s | of paints on |
7882s | job mate yeah I mean for Rapid Heavies |
7884s | to hit deacons like that amazing or were |
7886s | the cruise I didn't actually check |
7887s | Rapids I think oh well we'll figure out |
7889s | later all right so stick around because |
7891s | uh we're going to go to a video with |
7892s | ccbb and CB trash Panda now it's an |
7894s | InFocus it's going over a bunch of |
7896s | details of our new expansion including |
7898s | the new ships so let's head over to |
7904s | that hello everyone I'm ccbb and you're |
7907s | tuning into the second INF Focus segment |
7909s | for the Revenant expansion which is set |
7911s | to come the 12th of November today I |
7913s | have a fantastic guest with me CCP trash |
7916s | Panda welcome hi thank you for having me |
7919s | we are going to be talking about |
7920s | something really exciting today we had a |
7922s | Dev block and a video come out this week |
7924s | uh it was called wealth and destruction |
7926s | if I'm not mistaken we're going to talk |
7928s | about in depth the mercenary dens that |
7931s | are coming to the game and the new |
7933s | deathless ships and the new damage |
7936s | overtime weapon system so as I'm Waring |
7939s | over could you in in short tell me what |
7941s | is a mercenary Den yeah sure so the |
7944s | mercenary Den is I would say a |
7946s | clandestine structure that has been uh |
7949s | deployed by the deathless to uh extract |
7953s | the workforce from skyhooks in NC so |
7957s | they're a structure a mobile structure |
7959s | which you can deploy yes that's correct |
7962s | yeah so essentially yeah so essentially |
7966s | they're they're a almost you would |
7969s | consider them almost like a mobile Depot |
7971s | the difference is that they have to be |
7973s | in in orbit around a Skyhook they need |
7975s | to be attached to a Skyhook and |
7977s | specifically skyhooks are around |
7978s | temperate planets because those are the |
7980s | ones that have uh Workforce or |
7982s | population on the planet which we can |
7984s | then exploit uh in the video you |
7987s | explained that um this isn't something |
7989s | that only the S owner themselves could |
7992s | deploy this is something that anyone who |
7995s | finds themselves at a Skyhook that is on |
7997s | a tempered Planet could come in and |
8000s | deploy yes so but it only works in sof |
8003s | NOC where there are sky hooks correct |
8006s | correct yeah so this is actually like |
8008s | one of the key things and I think really |
8010s | cool about the mercenary Dent is that it |
8012s | is it's a personal structure so there's |
8014s | no there's no ACLS for it there's no uh |
8017s | restrictions it's essentially if you |
8019s | have that in your cargo hold and also |
8020s | you have the skills for them because |
8021s | there is a set of skills for deploying |
8023s | mercenary TS you can go to an uh an |
8026s | empty Skyhook and deploy it yourself so |
8028s | that's great for for you the individual |
8031s | uh it could be good for a system or a |
8033s | Sol owner who wants to have their own |
8036s | deployed perfect let's actually dive |
8038s | into some of the the kind of high level |
8039s | overview of what this is um so this is a |
8042s | Deployable structure it can be like we |
8045s | said on tempered planets only it |
8048s | produces encrypted infom morphs and on |
8050s | the 26th of November couple of weeks |
8052s | after the expansion something called |
8054s | Anarchy and development will also go |
8057s | live can you talk to us about those two |
8059s | things first of all what is |
8062s | so when it comes to the Anarchy um this |
8065s | is probably one of the key things |
8066s | because it's it's more of the |
8068s | detrimental traits that the mercenary |
8070s | Den is going to be developing over time |
8073s | which is that if nothing happens this |
8076s | mercenary Den the people inside it just |
8078s | kind of go a bit um I don't don't want |
8082s | to say feral but they can you know they |
8084s | they get disorganized they get you know |
8087s | they increase their Anarchy um and as a |
8090s | result of that it means that it starts |
8091s | having a detrimental effect on the sky |
8093s | hook itself so uh the temperate Sky |
8096s | hooks these are sky hooks that provide |
8098s | Workforce to the system to the sof hop |
8101s | and if you let the Anarchy increase over |
8104s | time that will actually start affecting |
8106s | the amount of Workforce that a Skyhook |
8108s | is producing the other side of that coin |
8110s | is development what what is that so as a |
8113s | result of an increase in development you |
8116s | essentially get an increase of the |
8119s | amount of encrypted infal that are |
8121s | generated from the structure generally |
8124s | speaking you want these to be up and up |
8126s | for for weeks so that it gets more |
8129s | developed and is paying you out uh at a |
8132s | higher rate right correct yes yeah |
8135s | absolutely both of these things Anarchy |
8138s | and development can also be affected uh |
8141s | by something called mercenary tactical |
8143s | oper operations M what are those so the |
8146s | mercenary Den will at a um various |
8150s | levels of of time will provide you with |
8153s | uh a an objective that you will have to |
8156s | do in space uh so that would be the the |
8159s | possibilities are endless we are hoping |
8161s | to launch with at least a few of these |
8164s | um these operations and the idea is is |
8167s | that you complete them and that will |
8170s | have an impact on the Anarchy and the |
8172s | development at the same time so uh |
8175s | essentially what will end up happening |
8177s | is if you've completed one of these |
8178s | objectives you will have a reduction in |
8181s | the amount of Anarchy and you'll have an |
8182s | increase in the amount of development so |
8185s | these these two uh bars will end up |
8187s | going like this if you're thinking |
8189s | Anarchy on this side and development on |
8191s | this side we have a flowchart just to |
8193s | help uh kind of gameplay Loop to to show |
8196s | that for a second as well um just to |
8199s | kind of clear things up for people so |
8200s | you you're going to look for a location |
8202s | for this uh obviously you have to |
8204s | construct the Deployable or purchase it |
8208s | uh you'll deploy it at a location |
8210s | whether it's your own space someone |
8212s | else's space MH uh and then after a Time |
8216s | the development will increase that is |
8218s | something that will naturally increase |
8219s | and cannot decrease over time so the |
8221s | longer it lives the more you get out of |
8222s | this mhm uh Anarchy will start to play |
8226s | in there and you either decide to to do |
8228s | something about that or let it grow uh |
8230s | and there's there's various reasons why |
8232s | you would want to lower the Anarchy if |
8234s | it's not your space so let's say you |
8236s | live in close to someone's area but you |
8239s | don't have access to Sky hooks but you |
8241s | know that they're not really making use |
8242s | of this but you really want the |
8244s | deathless ships and the Damage over time |
8246s | stuff then maybe you want to sneak in |
8248s | there and put up one of these and and |
8250s | see if you can get that to to live for |
8252s | several weeks or maybe just a week to |
8254s | try and get what you can out of it |
8256s | absolutely but you'd want to keep the |
8258s | Anarchy down so that they don't just |
8260s | tear your structure down right yeah |
8262s | precisely I mean the the the way that I |
8264s | look at it is and I mentioned this in |
8267s | the in the InFocus video we did |
8268s | previously but having those options from |
8272s | a from a play style point of view really |
8274s | does make this structure quite |
8275s | interesting because |
8277s | essentially uh when you're playing with |
8280s | with Workforce you're also playing with |
8282s | uh not just the system itself uh as to |
8285s | its output its uh upgrades but because |
8288s | you can transport Workforce to different |
8290s | systems you have the uh the potential to |
8294s | impact multiple systems down the down |
8296s | the road so as a system owner you |
8298s | probably really want to make sure that |
8300s | that anak is quite low because you don't |
8302s | want that Workforce impact however if |
8304s | you are an attacker and you do want to |
8306s | do that it's actually a really clever |
8308s | way of impacting people's uh impacting |
8312s | people's systems but also multiple |
8313s | systems because if they're transferring |
8315s | Workforce to other systems then those |
8317s | systems get affected as well so it's |
8320s | it's really fascinating from that point |
8321s | of view becomes a tool to disrupt Aquino |
8325s | in a certain way on top of linking it to |
8328s | the deathless and and I guess personal |
8330s | gain you could use of tool strategically |
8333s | as well absolutely and I think that's |
8336s | that's one of the I would like to see as |
8338s | one of the use cases for this is is uh a |
8341s | little bit more under the radar |
8344s | disruption gameplay for the uh for the |
8347s | sere tap to go on with the flow chart uh |
8351s | obviously the Anarchy can be decreased |
8353s | but that's only by the owner of the |
8355s | structure right correct yes so you can't |
8358s | just put down a bunch of these and then |
8361s | then tell people hey you're you just |
8363s | deal with them you as the person who put |
8365s | this down has to go and do the mission |
8367s | you have to you're the one responsible |
8369s | for the structure and keeping the |
8371s | Anarchy down uh and and taking out the |
8374s | items and speaking of which if we go |
8376s | back to the |
8377s | ingame |
8379s | um the ingame screen share I put this |
8382s | down yesterday I'm going to access the |
8384s | structure that I have here yeah oh I'm |
8387s | too far away hold on no I was close |
8389s | enough so it's been generating at uh a |
8392s | certain rate here uh and I now have |
8396s | 2,388 encrypted infomorph and it's just |
8400s | slowly generating this it can actually |
8401s | hold uh quite quite a large portion of |
8404s | this so over one day it didn't generate |
8407s | that much obviously there's no |
8408s | development increase on this either mhm |
8411s | um but you can tell that this is a |
8413s | structure that could be here for a week |
8415s | or two or three and and |
8417s | really uh just accumulate a bunch of |
8419s | this am I the only person as the owner |
8421s | that can empty this correct yes you you |
8424s | are the person responsible for for |
8426s | emptying this uh this structure um if |
8429s | someone attacks this and it's reinforced |
8431s | because let's let's go over some of |
8433s | those details this is a structure that |
8435s | reinforces with a 24-hour timer yeah uh |
8438s | kind of like a mobile Depot with I guess |
8439s | that's a two two day thing but it has |
8441s | some Jitter which means that it could |
8443s | come out 18 hours later or 30 hours |
8446s | later or anywhere in between MH um it |
8449s | isn't a particularly hard structure to |
8451s | kill it's just a mobile small structure |
8453s | but it does give the defender uh you |
8455s | know a timer to come and defend this if |
8458s | they want to yes if it is destroyed will |
8461s | these be up for grabs will they |
8462s | disappear with it they they will be up |
8464s | for grabs yes so that is a method of |
8468s | gaining access to these encrypted infs |
8470s | is that you could go hunting for other |
8473s | people's mercenary dens and Destroy them |
8475s | and uh take the take the rewards but as |
8479s | opposed to like most of the that that I |
8481s | see people do nowadays which is |
8483s | filamenting and looking for trouble you |
8485s | kind of have to be local for this |
8486s | because it's generating a timer the day |
8488s | after yes and if you own one of these in |
8491s | in enemy space you you can't hope that |
8493s | the filament the next day will get you |
8495s | to where you need to go you kind of need |
8496s | to be locally there get to know where |
8500s | you can actually establish these uh kind |
8503s | of creating more local conflicts than |
8506s | than random uh filament type conflicts |
8509s | yeah absolutely I mean you could you |
8511s | could if you're filamenting in you could |
8512s | just go and re reinforce the structure |
8515s | for for the giggles but like I mean |
8517s | unless you want to come back you're not |
8519s | really going to get anything out of it |
8520s | other than causing a bit of a nuisance |
8522s | and it'll self repair if no one attacks |
8524s | it in the in the final right yeah yeah |
8527s | exactly and so I mean it could also be |
8529s | that as a result of you just hitting the |
8532s | structure it could force a fight with |
8534s | the with the locals so there is that |
8537s | that um as an aspect of it yeah |
8542s | all right we're going to go hop now into |
8544s | uh into some of the new ships because |
8545s | these infomorph that this is |
8547s | generating uh they are used to acquire |
8550s | the deathless ships the Scarab breacher |
8553s | pods uh which is the damage overtime |
8556s | weapon system uh we want to talk about |
8558s | those things I'm going to hop into the |
8560s | Destroyer first mhm the thos now we have |
8565s | talked about these a little bit but we |
8567s | haven't given people details on like |
8570s | their weapons that are on the ship this |
8573s | will be the first time they actually get |
8574s | to see what these ships really are like |
8578s | exciting these things uh they're kind of |
8581s | DPS monsters so if first of all first of |
8585s | all let's just appreciate how cool the |
8587s | the r team made this look it's like this |
8589s | crazy amalgamation of of calari and |
8592s | minmatar fused together with all these |
8594s | tubes going everywhere and into there |
8596s | and honestly like the r team Nails it |
8599s | every time but but this this went even |
8601s | further than what like whatever I would |
8603s | have expected from minitar calari hybrid |
8606s | it looks like this kind of like cyber |
8609s | Punky like almost like diesel Punk tubes |
8612s | everywhere very industrial looking I |
8615s | think I think they look super cool I'm |
8618s | gonna try something here I'm GNA try to |
8620s | do the ab boarding UND dock oh was too |
8624s | quick here a little Loop to Loop we'll |
8626s | see if we can do it again yeah but um |
8629s | speaking about these ships mhm if we |
8632s | look at the bonuses on them they have a |
8636s | local rep bonus a shield boost amount |
8639s | and yes this is a new window for those |
8641s | who don't don't like new stuff you can |
8643s | make this swall and just look at this |
8644s | stuff but look at how cool it is I |
8647s | believe that uh in the future the plan |
8648s | is to have your skin and your your kill |
8650s | mails and and kill marks displayed on |
8652s | this as well but I dig the bonuses on |
8656s | the ship is calari Destroyer will give |
8660s | this a shield boost amount so a local |
8661s | rep amount whereas the minimat Destroyer |
8665s | will give it a web resistance it's a new |
8667s | bonus isn't it it is a new bonus it's |
8670s | the the first of its kind and it's also |
8673s | like an interesting addition to the |
8676s | mimit Destroyer like DNA essentially um |
8680s | but yeah I mean it's also fascinating |
8682s | because it effectively uh really plugs |
8686s | into the DNA of the deathless ships in |
8689s | the sense that you want to able to get |
8691s | in close and we'll talk a little bit |
8692s | more about the close range of these |
8694s | weapons at a sec but essentially it |
8697s | means that under the effect of a web you |
8699s | are faster than other ships that would |
8702s | be trying to close the |
8703s | distance on top of that you're also a |
8706s | cloaky coverop ships so this is a |
8709s | destroyer that can warp around cloaked |
8711s | it can be bridged by by Black |
8714s | Ops uh it can get in close it gets to |
8716s | choose when it wants to start the |
8718s | engagement and then when you are in |
8721s | Brawl range you have a web resist and a |
8724s | local tank that is basically solving the |
8726s | problem that that Brawlers have it's the |
8728s | fact that they can't close that Gap and |
8731s | I think most solo Pilots are Brawlers at |
8734s | heart but the the environment pushes |
8736s | them to adapt and become kers because |
8739s | they just don't like losing ship so |
8741s | much but this is something that that |
8744s | it's kind of built to let you get into |
8746s | brawl range start that engagement and |
8748s | even like you said if you have a web res |
8751s | and they target doesn't you can always |
8753s | scram web them and P range you can |
8755s | disengage from that type of a fight and |
8757s | then warp away if you want to so it |
8759s | gives you a lot of control once you're |
8761s | in the brawl range yeah and then on top |
8765s | of that with the uh Shield boost bonus |
8768s | you also have quite an effective local |
8771s | tank to kind of hold off that that DPS |
8773s | in that broad range which I think is |
8774s | really cool yes uh one other thing that |
8778s | a brawler needs is needs to kill its |
8780s | Target it before all of their friends |
8782s | arrives uh and that's where actually a |
8784s | couple of different things come in uh it |
8787s | has the ability to launch breacher pods |
8790s | which are the uh the damage over type |
8792s | system the damage system but that's not |
8795s | all this ship uh if we look at the |
8797s | attributes of it actually let's look at |
8799s | the fittings of it it gets two mishal |
8803s | slots and two uh turret hard points as |
8806s | well mhm uh and I've I've cooked up a |
8809s | fit here which I think on honestly might |
8811s | become uh quite usual you see this on |
8814s | something like a uh a ram ja M this is |
8818s | basically a double medium ancillary |
8820s | Shield booster fit it has a cloak it has |
8824s | two rocket launchers two light Auto |
8825s | cannons if we look at the bonuses again |
8827s | you have bonuses to to just pure damage |
8831s | you don't have any range which means |
8833s | your weapons aren't going to reach |
8834s | really far and then coupled on top of |
8837s | the uh the small breacher pod that is |
8840s | also very short range damage overtime |
8842s | weapon system is that correct that is |
8844s | very correct yes so that's one of the |
8847s | things with the with the uh weapon |
8849s | system as well obviously you have the |
8851s | small projectile turret bonus which I |
8853s | mean I guess technically you could fit |
8854s | artillery on but really you're kind of |
8856s | thinking autoc Cannon for that kind of |
8858s | range um but the other thing to note is |
8861s | that it's not um it's not like a missile |
8864s | bonus it's specifically rocket damage |
8866s | bonus yes so that really does reinforce |
8870s | that kind of short range so really for |
8872s | the slos you're not really going to be |
8874s | wanting to engage in less than 10 km |
8877s | like that's that's the kind of ranges |
8878s | that we're talking so really up close |
8881s | and yeah super high damage but the other |
8883s | thing is that because it's multiple |
8885s | weapon systems um bonuses to multiple |
8887s | weapon systems it also requires a lot |
8889s | more skill to to Pilot effectively you |
8892s | know you're going to have to if you want |
8893s | to run those Tech 2 Auto cannons and |
8897s | also those Tech 2 Rockets you're going |
8898s | to have to have those skills for it and |
8900s | the actual skills of managing all those |
8902s | buttons uh when you have suddenly two |
8904s | ancillary Shield boosters you got your |
8906s | local tank and the scram and you're |
8907s | making sure you're or the Target and |
8909s | that your Rockets are firing and you're |
8910s | maybe defanging some drones and yeah and |
8913s | then making sure that the Pod the |
8915s | breacher Pod is actually applying uh and |
8918s | that actually does damage for um I |
8920s | believe 75 seconds that it's taking down |
8923s | damage wise but it has a 10c spool time |
8927s | so you can you can well not spool time U |
8930s | cycle time sh which means that if you're |
8932s | in a brawl you could put the damage over |
8934s | time on one Target and then keep |
8937s | fighting in someone else lands you put |
8938s | the damage on TI on that guy and |
8940s | suddenly two guys are having their their |
8943s | their health take down yes yeah um if I |
8946s | show this off so this ship it also gets |
8948s | drones it gets one light uh well it can |
8951s | carry two but it can put out one light |
8953s | set of drones mm this is quite a lot of |
8955s | damage for a uh for a destroyer |
8958s | especially when you count in the fact |
8961s | that the damage part itself it's taking |
8963s | for 75 seconds you could go in put this |
8967s | on someone and then leave and it'll keep |
8970s | D damaging that person right yes yeah |
8972s | absolutely for 75 seconds unless unless |
8974s | that person docks or or jumps away so |
8978s | you could keep dipping in and out making |
8980s | use of the the web resist to quickly get |
8983s | close enough put the dot on him and then |
8985s | leave and someone else is maybe holding |
8987s | them at range or long pointing them yeah |
8990s | it open up very different way of |
8991s | fighting where you don't have to stay in |
8993s | the thick of it but if you are in the |
8995s | thick of it uh and here we have zero |
8998s | bonuses we haven't we haven't put |
9000s | ballistic controls or anything in the |
9002s | lows M this is uh this is a quite a |
9005s | decent chunk of damage you're putting |
9007s | out |
9008s | 640 it's 440 DPS plus then the the |
9011s | damage over time mhm and it can tank |
9015s | itself quite well uh I think this will |
9017s | be kind of a dirty little brawler of a |
9019s | destroyer |
9020s | absolutely I mean I've I've described it |
9023s | internally as almost evil at times like |
9026s | it's it's beautiful but it's also evil |
9029s | yeah the the dot um we're going to have |
9031s | so many people dying in like weird |
9034s | places that you're GNA have kill mes pop |
9036s | up they go oh he did die like once |
9038s | you're off that grid and you're |
9040s | different looking forward to to to what |
9043s | kind of shenanigans this ends up uh |
9045s | leading to yeah and the other thing is |
9048s | like if you've got the dot effect on you |
9049s | while you're in w |
9051s | you could die and warp yes which is uh |
9054s | the only way currently to die and warp |
9055s | is if you're smart bombed mid warp um |
9058s | yeah but uh the other thing is you don't |
9061s | often get kill males once you're off a |
9064s | grid up to now the way to get a kill |
9067s | Mill is if someone you just almost |
9069s | killed warped to a gate and then rats |
9071s | kill him that'll sometimes still pop up |
9073s | you're like oh he did die um but that's |
9076s | going to become a probably a far more |
9079s | like normal occurrence maybe not normal |
9082s | because the way to counter this is still |
9084s | just local rep we're getting remote |
9085s | reped right yes correct yeah so maybe to |
9088s | just explain the the breacher Pod a |
9090s | little bit more so the the key thing is |
9093s | that um it's still even though the |
9096s | breach pod is uh attacking the internals |
9099s | of the ship it's still going to be uh |
9102s | damaging from the outside in so imagine |
9104s | like the it'll hit shield first then |
9107s | armor armor then H yeah so the idea is |
9109s | is that like the the HP of the ship |
9112s | still matters you're not just focusing |
9113s | in entirely on the whole yeah um so that |
9116s | means that you are you can local rep |
9118s | yourself or you can receive remote reps |
9120s | to kind of counter that effect but |
9122s | obviously is a sustained effect that's |
9124s | going to happen over 75 seconds um but |
9126s | the key thing also to mention is that uh |
9130s | it bypasses all |
9131s | resistance so you are you are attacking |
9136s | directly the the HP not the not even the |
9139s | ehp the HP of the shiping yes so it's |
9142s | directly damaging the the health pool |
9144s | instead of the the the effective hit |
9147s | points like which will increase by |
9149s | resist it doesn't care about resists no |
9152s | no um the way to balance something like |
9155s | this is difficult because you have |
9157s | everything from Tiny frigs up to |
9159s | gigantic battleships Titans like the |
9162s | scale is enormous yeah how have we |
9165s | decided to make the application on this |
9167s | work yeah so um regarding this we |
9171s | basically have two two thresholds that |
9173s | we want to hit um and so for this one is |
9176s | essentially um your either doing 1% of |
9181s | the ship's total HP or you're doing 200 |
9185s | DP like and that's for that's for the uh |
9188s | the breacher Pod the small one now those |
9191s | numbers are like could could change a |
9192s | little bit we still a little bit in the |
9194s | balancing but essentially the idea is is |
9195s | that okay so if you're in a a like a |
9199s | very very large ship with lots and lots |
9201s | of HP like 1% of its health is you know |
9205s | thousands of of HP so we don't we don't |
9208s | want that so essentially in that case |
9210s | when the when the breach pod hits the |
9212s | ship it will then determine okay is is |
9216s | one% more or less than 200 DPS and then |
9220s | it'll pick the lowest one so essentially |
9222s | it means that you can still do damage to |
9224s | things like carriers or dreadnots or |
9226s | whatever but you're not going to be |
9228s | doing 1% of that dreadnots HP every |
9231s | second that would be a ridiculous amount |
9233s | of DPS yeah exactly that was one of the |
9235s | worries that people had like will this |
9237s | just kill certain things like Dread |
9239s | bombs Will T of these show up and just |
9241s | kill all the dreads no uh and local tank |
9244s | and stuff will obviously counter the the |
9246s | type of damage it puts out as well yes |
9249s | but for like beefy Target I don't know |
9251s | let's say a battleship Fleet fighting |
9254s | another Battleship a few of these on one |
9256s | side spreading dots on different targets |
9259s | that could really start to add up over |
9260s | the course of the fight yeah absolutely |
9263s | and and if you just do some like quick |
9265s | math on it essentially um you have 200 |
9268s | DPS coming from the the breacher Pod and |
9271s | you have 75 seconds of um like duration |
9274s | of the of the effect but with a cycle |
9277s | time of less than that you can apply to |
9280s | multiple people and I mean again the |
9282s | cycle time is also still a little bit Up |
9284s | For Debate but even at 10 seconds you |
9286s | could potentially apply to to up to |
9288s | seven people while the while the dot is |
9290s | still on all the others so it the the |
9294s | potential DPS of this ramps up really |
9296s | quickly so the way that I would see this |
9298s | is that I I would think that fleets |
9300s | would probably want to at least have a |
9301s | couple of these in the mix because of |
9304s | just the sheer like raw DPS outut these |
9306s | can put out it does depend on the ranges |
9309s | that they're fighting at of course in |
9311s | today's meta there's very little up |
9313s | close brawling like |
9315s | that but these are cloaky ship that |
9318s | could get into places they could be they |
9321s | could end up being far more prevalent in |
9323s | in wormholes where fights are usually a |
9326s | lot closer and lot more |
9327s | brawly um it's remains to be seen what |
9331s | players end up doing with it if this |
9332s | becomes the solo pvpers Dream Ship uh if |
9336s | it becomes the small gang kind of can we |
9339s | hold targets go in put a dot on them and |
9341s | then leave and then like hold them at |
9343s | range and just slowly see them |
9344s | disintegrate or will this become a tool |
9347s | that the the big groups use blops |
9349s | bridging them around taking wormholes |
9351s | with them we have no idea how they're |
9353s | going to use it but it is for sure an |
9355s | interesting tool yeah absolutely and I |
9358s | think in particular when it comes to |
9359s | blops that they'll definitely be uh very |
9362s | effective because generally in in like |
9365s | when you're actually jumping at a Target |
9367s | if you're hunting a Target you're quite |
9369s | close to them when you you know light |
9371s | your Soo anyway so yeah probably find |
9373s | that these will be quite effective um |
9375s | like |
9376s | Hunters the bigger uh brother of the |
9379s | tholos |
9380s | and the ship that I'm actually a little |
9382s | bit more excited about is the and this |
9385s | is for the first time ever a a Black Ops |
9389s | capable uh battle cruiser yes so if I |
9393s | close all these things this is |
9394s | essentially just a battle a battle |
9397s | cruiser version of The Destroyer here |
9399s | and looking at it again this is just |
9401s | some crazy amalgamation of uh a pherx |
9405s | that has had a a tornado top Wing |
9408s | attached to it mhm it's got tubes |
9411s | everywhere all these things are just |
9412s | like outside tubes going into one spot |
9415s | with it looks crazy cool you can even |
9419s | you can even see on on the right hand |
9421s | side you can see a little bit of |
9422s | hurricane in the in the wing tip there |
9424s | like I the back of them as well like |
9427s | this is very minmatar kind of Thruster |
9429s | placement and just this is such a cool |
9432s | ship yeah um I'm going to do the same |
9435s | before we undock and |
9437s | actually mess around with this a little |
9439s | bit let's let's talk about the bonuses |
9440s | on this ship this also has a local tank |
9444s | bonus it also has a web resist bonus |
9447s | albe it uh maybe a web resist on a |
9450s | smaller Target that can get under guns |
9452s | might be more useful but this still |
9453s | might help you if you're I don't know at |
9456s | like getting grappled uh and holding |
9459s | yourself at like Max grapple range it |
9461s | might affect you less uh yeah you might |
9463s | be able to scram web another battle |
9464s | cruiser and still pool range or another |
9466s | Cruiser all of those same things still |
9469s | apply mhm uh this again gets close range |
9472s | missile damage bonus and |
9475s | projectiles this can use a command burst |
9477s | which now means you could have a blops |
9479s | capable battle cruiser that can spring |
9482s | command burst onto onto a |
9484s | grid uh but this does get an optimal |
9486s | range falloff for projectiles and |
9489s | missiles so this becomes a little bit |
9491s | more blurred where this this can project |
9493s | a little further than Destroyer can yes |
9496s | correct I mean there there's still as as |
9498s | seen there there's still a bonus to |
9500s | heavy assault missiles compared to heavy |
9503s | missiles you obviously you don't want it |
9504s | to be really long range as um some heavy |
9508s | missile Doctrine ships are um based |
9511s | version of the it's not the like the |
9513s | double bonus that some ships get to to |
9515s | range and like you said the bonus is |
9518s | kind of tied to the heavy assaults but |
9520s | you can if you want put heavy missiles |
9522s | on this uh and completely Speck a fleet |
9524s | into that if you wanted to AB this only |
9528s | gets half and half so it's another very |
9530s | interesting setup where he gets three |
9532s | turrets three |
9533s | launchers uh a slot for a cloak and then |
9536s | the medium breacher pod uh does this |
9539s | work exactly like the other one yes ex |
9541s | exactly the same the only difference is |
9543s | slightly larger range and also more DPS |
9546s | so this one can put up to a th000 |
9549s | DPS a th000 DPS that's a lot of damage |
9554s | mhm uh it also reaches to 12 km when |
9557s | fully skilled uh at the base it's it's |
9559s | going to be 8 km that can be quite a big |
9562s | difference if you talk about grapple |
9563s | range and how it applies up close versus |
9565s | further away it could also be dancing on |
9568s | that edge of scram web range where you |
9570s | want to keep someone scram webbed but |
9572s | dip out of them scramming you making use |
9575s | of that web bonus mhm um here I've |
9578s | pushed the ship into uh specking both |
9581s | for damage on autoc cannons and for the |
9583s | heavy assault |
9585s | missiles uh and it's a high number for |
9589s | battle cruiser |
9591s | oh |
9592s | yes so if I turn off the the breacher |
9595s | Pod this gets to have uh a medium set of |
9598s | drones has enough for a couple of lights |
9601s | on top of that as well uh but I mean |
9604s | that's a lot of damage from from turrets |
9606s | missiles and drones combined just that |
9608s | on its own right that is a lot of damage |
9611s | and then you count in the fact that it |
9613s | does have a potentially thousand DPS uh |
9617s | damage over time it'll take for 70 5 |
9620s | Seconds uh this is going to be a bit of |
9623s | a monster mhm I am incredibly excited to |
9627s | see what people do with this thing uh |
9630s | and I can't wait to fly it myself either |
9631s | this uh could finally start brawling |
9634s | again and kill things quick enough |
9636s | hopefully I I'm absolutely the same I |
9639s | cannot wait to FY this ship I mean I I |
9641s | really think the the current specs of |
9643s | this ship like we're we're sort of |
9645s | almost going to be changing the way that |
9647s | at least small gang fights occur |
9650s | and it's like will likely try and push |
9653s | back towards more broadly matter for |
9655s | sure we we'll see how the the small |
9658s | gangers feel about it I'm sure a lot of |
9660s | soloers will feel confident in this yeah |
9663s | i' be terrified to see someone like I |
9665s | Beast or something in the ship like this |
9669s | um I do want to do some tests I want to |
9671s | undock in this I want to go to a place |
9674s | where we actually got CCB convict |
9676s | waiting uh and we want to show the the |
9678s | weapon system actually |
9680s | in in effect we want to shoot him with a |
9683s | couple of breacher |
9685s | PODS uh what is your |
9688s | your what do you think is going to |
9689s | happen here with the the first Target |
9691s | the Kel do you think he stands a chance |
9694s | I mean I I'd say absolutely |
9697s | not I think once the ship gets into |
9700s | close |
9700s | range and it gets Target locked down |
9704s | there isn't much it's going to do so I'm |
9706s | going to scram web him first here so |
9707s | I've caught my target here obviously we |
9710s | could do a lot of damage with our our |
9712s | our weapons but I just want to shoot one |
9714s | breacher pot at |
9716s | him uh as you can tell this is a a |
9718s | missile type that goes to him and now |
9721s | it's going to start ticking for 251 |
9723s | damage that's dependent on the the size |
9727s | well the HP of his ship uh we should see |
9731s | different numbers here when I shoot him |
9733s | in the r snake afterwards is that |
9734s | correct correct yes yeah so so as I |
9737s | mentioned before the the formula has two |
9740s | two different variations so it's it's |
9741s | 1,000 DPS or 1% of the ship's H or one% |
9746s | of the ship's health and it picks the |
9748s | lowest so in this case it's uh two 251 |
9754s | essentially we we don't really wanted to |
9756s | be doing a th000 DPS directly to a ship |
9759s | that only has 7,000 health because then |
9761s | it do that would be a little bit rough |
9764s | it would be yeah exactly so does it take |
9767s | the the health pool of the ship before |
9769s | before or after you've put any modules |
9771s | on it so if you put a bunch of Shield |
9773s | extenders on it would it be taking more |
9775s | damage yes it would take more damage |
9777s | it's it's uh from the moment the |
9779s | breacher Pod hits it then takes the |
9782s | total HP of the ship so you can tell now |
9785s | I've only hit him once and he's now he I |
9788s | believe he was Shield fit this is going |
9790s | to be |
9791s | taking I think it's about to stop now |
9794s | yeah it put him into 25% armor with just |
9798s | one application |
9800s | of a medium breacher pod yeah obviously |
9803s | if I had been shooting him on top of |
9805s | this reiring my breacher pod I mean |
9808s | drones out and all that Shang this is |
9810s | one brutal little brawler not little at |
9813s | all actually no um but there is |
9817s | obviously the the difficulty of being in |
9820s | Brawl range in Eve if you're in braw |
9822s | range that's usually where you end up |
9824s | dying very quickly yourself yes you end |
9826s | up getting caught by whatever backup |
9828s | shows up as well mhm um but if we |
9831s | remember that number 251 if we could ask |
9833s | M conry to hop into the rattlesnake if |
9836s | he boards that we can see what type of |
9838s | damage the breacher Pod would be doing |
9840s | against a much bigger Target and then |
9842s | afterwards to a fly catcher much smaller |
9847s | Target I will so this time around we're |
9851s | going to shoot him and then we're |
9851s | actually going to swap to his POV uh and |
9854s | we're going to only see uh what this |
9856s | looks like on his end we're going to |
9858s | shoot him and see it's now 793 that is |
9862s | taking down and if we swap over to |
9864s | convict's point of view for a second I |
9867s | could now just fly away having done my |
9869s | damage to |
9871s | him um I could have maybe someone else |
9874s | Point him and hold him at range if he's |
9877s | not quick enough I could cloak and just |
9879s | chill next to him but it's still taking |
9882s | down and if he leaves this grid if he |
9884s | warps away uh he will still continue to |
9888s | take 79 damage in this case for 75 |
9892s | seconds without me having to be close |
9895s | and and be in the danger zone so to |
9897s | speak what are the ways to stop the |
9899s | damage from taking |
9901s | down so really at this point once you've |
9904s | been in like hit by the breach pod the |
9907s | way that you would stop it |
9908s | conventionally is you would need to make |
9909s | sure that you have some sort of local |
9911s | rep or or remote rep that can counter |
9913s | the amount of damage that's being been |
9915s | given now obviously um one of the things |
9918s | when it comes to say Logistics is that |
9920s | it's a very sustained amount of damage |
9922s | so it's not like you're being bursted |
9923s | down and so therefore like it could be |
9925s | quite easy for a logistics ship to kind |
9927s | of catch that and and negate that effect |
9930s | um but the other alternative is to to |
9932s | dock uh if you dock there's the the |
9935s | damage goes away um but obviously if |
9937s | you're affected by weapon timer you may |
9939s | be denied entry to the the the structure |
9943s | so you may end up uh like not being able |
9945s | to get to Safety in time so I believe if |
9948s | you leave system as well is the other |
9950s | other way would it be only three Gates |
9952s | or what |
9953s | about so we're still trying to figure |
9956s | out with the worm Hall stuff I mean |
9959s | probably uh likely it would uh be the |
9962s | same but we just need to make sure that |
9963s | we want from a from a balance point of |
9965s | view that that's that's okay so a lot of |
9967s | Wormhole fights happen both sides of a |
9969s | wormhole as well exactly so it could be |
9972s | an interesting way to to juggle it as |
9974s | well because you do end up polarizing |
9976s | yourself at some point and then you're |
9977s | still stuck there with a |
9981s | um so docking up leaving system those |
9984s | are the two ways to to kind of stop the |
9988s | damage completely yes but also if you |
9991s | have to be in the system or on a |
9993s | different grid you can still repair this |
9996s | uh and and the target would in some |
9998s | cases be able to stay alive yeah that's |
10001s | that's right yeah and the other thing is |
10002s | that we when we um looking at the DPS as |
10006s | well one thing that we we from a design |
10008s | design philosophy that we wanted to |
10010s | install is that this this one weapon |
10012s | won't completely destroy the ship so 75 |
10016s | seconds 1% like Health each time uh you |
10020s | know you you'll take a lot of damage but |
10022s | we don't want this to be you press this |
10025s | one button and the person dies like that |
10026s | would just be that would be too broken |
10028s | at least the get go but I mean if I put |
10031s | this weapon on someone who's already |
10033s | heard it can still finish them off right |
10036s | correct yes correct so this isn't some |
10038s | like in in many there ways to do damage |
10040s | over time in some cases it does a lot of |
10042s | damage but never does the killing blow |
10044s | hit this can do the killing blow but the |
10047s | first hit won't just like oh you've won |
10049s | because that would be be ridiculous yeah |
10052s | exactly if we swap uh the Stream Point |
10054s | of View back to to the mine here and we |
10057s | actually lock him |
10059s | up we can actually see what sort of |
10062s | damage we put on him |
10065s | here lock him up real |
10067s | quick okay so he's going done it a |
10069s | little bit of armor damage |
10071s | 78% uh it was taking a lot harder he |
10073s | does have way more |
10075s | buffer if we hit him again here it's |
10077s | just going to continue again it'll start |
10079s | hitting the shields completely ignoring |
10081s | all resists it'll continue doing this |
10083s | damage number throughout the shields as |
10086s | it goes into armor it'll keep doing the |
10088s | same damage number because it's based on |
10090s | the HP total of the ship it's got |
10092s | nothing to do with individual HP levels |
10094s | of The Shield armor and hole MH um |
10099s | yeah there are small explosion effects |
10102s | so you can you can kind of see that |
10103s | there are like it's being blown up from |
10105s | the inside in various places so you can |
10107s | tell if a ship has this effect on it mhm |
10110s | so you C could look at a Target and go |
10113s | hey he's been hit with this thing and in |
10116s | this case it actually just took two |
10117s | breacher pods to finish him |
10120s | off um and goodbye rattlesnake but that |
10122s | is of course uh 75 seconds no Twice |
10127s | sorry yeah um |
10130s | that's a it's a pretty good way to kill |
10131s | a big Target however people probably |
10134s | think well is this the way that to solve |
10136s | dealing with vargar are dealing with |
10138s | local tanks will still tank this up |
10140s | quite well and this was a buffer fit so |
10143s | this thing uh oh I don't actually get |
10144s | kill Ms on the server but this thing was |
10149s | very extender fit kind of Fleet fit in a |
10151s | way um a local tanked ship would be |
10154s | taken less damage and would be able to W |
10156s | that up and fight that damage correct |
10160s | cat boosters would being burned it be it |
10162s | would help you kind of Whittle them down |
10165s | so yeah and just as an extra note you'll |
10170s | notice that when you have fired the |
10171s | preacher pod you will see um in your |
10174s | buff bar at the top of your cap you will |
10178s | see that like that you have affected |
10180s | someone with the breacher but equally |
10182s | the person that is affected by the |
10184s | breacher will have a you are under the |
10186s | effect of uh of the breacher |
10189s | that way um because obviously the the |
10191s | graphics are beautiful but we also have |
10193s | to consider the like how we message that |
10195s | to the the person if they have low |
10198s | graphical settings good point so you |
10201s | can't tell that you've you've hit |
10203s | something if we get conic to hop into a |
10205s | fly catcher this time around actually I |
10207s | can't lock the while he's oh no he was |
10209s | quick enough to board |
10211s | it uh we should see a significantly |
10213s | lower damage than we saw with both of |
10216s | these two yeah so if we hit him |
10219s | it's only doing 101 which is you know |
10222s | it'll Whittle down but it's is not |
10223s | something that'll quickly deal with a |
10225s | fly catcher |
10226s | that but let's say you're being bubbled |
10229s | by several if you're able to put this on |
10231s | different targets every time this is |
10233s | going to whittle them down and then you |
10234s | could obviously finish them off yeah |
10236s | with your normal weapon |
10238s | systems I think this is a very exciting |
10242s | weapon I think these are incredibly |
10243s | exciting ships uh are there any |
10246s | limitations to the dot though you can't |
10249s | as far as I understand put them on on |
10251s | structures is that correct that's |
10253s | correct yes so they're not there go are |
10257s | there any other things that it cannot |
10259s | hit um at at this point no so we we're |
10263s | mostly focused on uh mostly focused on |
10266s | ships um making sure that that you know |
10269s | the damage works well on ships and also |
10272s | the interactions between those um but |
10274s | that that's essentially what we what |
10276s | we've uh targeted this this weapon to be |
10279s | have to |
10280s | shoot so you can use this against NPCs |
10284s | yes sorry yeah I to to mention this is |
10286s | this can be used in PVE as well you can |
10288s | shoot NPCs it's essentially it's if it's |
10291s | a the ship it's a valid Target |
10292s | regardless of whether it's a um an AI or |
10296s | a player using it one interesting uh |
10299s | thing that we've been talking about in |
10300s | the community area is because these are |
10302s | like the whole deathless versus Drifters |
10305s | it' be interesting if uh if people put |
10307s | this on Drifters to negate the the |
10310s | Doomsday that it happens right to like |
10312s | pop this on one and then leave and see |
10313s | if the Drifter keeps taking down it'll |
10315s | be interesting ways to use this PVE wise |
10318s | as well um yeah I'm I'm incredibly |
10322s | excited for the ships I don't know what |
10323s | else to say uh they seem to be working |
10326s | better against bigger targets mhm they |
10330s | you know in some way like maybe you |
10332s | don't want to be that close to a varer |
10334s | that showed up to fight you but if you |
10336s | can pop one of these and then dip and |
10339s | then watch it just slowly Whittle down |
10342s | it could win you some fights that you |
10343s | couldn't possibly win before but we'll |
10345s | uh we'll see do you have anything else |
10348s | to add before we we call it here I was |
10351s | going to say I would be really |
10352s | interested to see like oneone via Vara |
10355s | like how the sener would actually |
10357s | because obviously like such high DPS um |
10361s | you know but obviously varer also has |
10363s | high DPS I'd be interested to see like I |
10366s | don't know if you want to get that close |
10367s | to a varer ever yeah |
10369s | maybe you can dip in close put this on |
10371s | and then use your web resist to get out |
10374s | of range and maybe you'll get out of |
10376s | there we'll see I don't think this is |
10378s | the complete solution to it especially |
10380s | the active tanked ones they'll just W |
10382s | through it but it'll definitely burn a |
10384s | leather capat boosters uh in some cases |
10387s | uh depending on their fit it could it |
10390s | could significantly help in in some |
10391s | situations where you're fighting much |
10393s | bigger targets yes I'm also honestly I'm |
10395s | I'm excited to see what theory Crafters |
10397s | do with this in Fleet set settings in |
10400s | like you can try to over propop these |
10402s | you could H demand these and go into ESS |
10404s | where you have a web resist you could go |
10407s | you know you could do all kinds of crazy |
10409s | things with these that I cannot wait to |
10411s | see people try and try and experiment |
10414s | with absolutely I'm also one thing I'm |
10417s | really fascinated to see is um if Fleet |
10420s | commanders use potentially like wings of |
10423s | these in big Fleet fights because |
10425s | obviously that you wouldn't want this as |
10426s | a Doctrine ship but as a force mod |
10428s | multiplier in a in a fleet engagement |
10431s | this could be really interesting so I'd |
10432s | like to see something like that where |
10435s | it's like oh yeah we take in you know |
10437s | five cats to spread damage across the |
10440s | the fleet that kind of thing to kind of |
10441s | like stress out the logistics or |
10443s | something try and use that sort of Hit |
10445s | and Run tactics feel like how um you |
10448s | know command destroyers are used in in |
10450s | fleets these days where it's like you |
10451s | use the command Destroyer to try and |
10453s | separate portions of the fleet from each |
10455s | other like I'd love to see that kind of |
10457s | that only have to to get into that |
10459s | danger zone for a little while and then |
10462s | they could you know decloak hit a Target |
10465s | burn away and then cloak up again and |
10467s | then and then hope for the best yeah now |
10470s | I've landed my hit and I know this is |
10471s | going ticking and it's going to be |
10474s | interesting to see how people use it and |
10476s | in what situations they think it's most |
10477s | useful mhm um I think we're at the end |
10481s | of our time this is actually a |
10482s | pre-recorded segment like the last one |
10484s | being shown in the the break on the at |
10486s | on the finals I have no idea who is |
10488s | competing next cuz it's not happening |
10490s | yet so whoever is about to compete good |
10493s | luck um thank you so much CCB trash |
10495s | binder for showing up and uh helping me |
10498s | explain the mercenary Den the uh |
10501s | encrypted infom morphs to give a deep |
10504s | dive on the ships themselves and how the |
10506s | damage system works appreciate your time |
10508s | thank you very much for coming |
10521s | welcome back to the Grand finals of |
10523s | Alliance tournament 20 the grand finals |
10526s | mystical M you joined us back in the |
10528s | desk we did it we made it we made it we |
10530s | made it we're here it only took us like |
10532s | 60 odd matches plus the featers of |
10534s | course but we are here and shout out to |
10537s | platinum sensitivity who just went out |
10538s | uh in the uh the last match uh they take |
10541s | third place in L tournament 20 well done |
10544s | they came through feeders tuskers and |
10545s | Truth on the light of course both |
10547s | finished top four last year so got |
10549s | invites to this one they didn't have to |
10550s | go through the gauntlet of feeders plan |
10552s | sensitivity they came through that |
10553s | Gauntlet so they've had to do uh not |
10555s | just this weekend not just last weekend |
10557s | but two other weekends potentially I |
10558s | can't remember how they did in uh the |
10560s | feeders whether they sort of won and |
10562s | went in which I would expect for a team |
10563s | of their caliber but I actually don't |
10565s | remember so um we are 5 minutes away by |
10569s | looking at this screen from the first |
10571s | match in our best of five grand final |
10575s | the tuskers co going up against truth |
10577s | honor light thank so exciting stuff so |
10580s | so many excites so many excites what are |
10582s | we what are we expecting here so truth |
10584s | on a lie they have that Flagship in |
10586s | their back pocket they have not lost |
10587s | their Flagship the tuskers have Mr G |
10589s | that's got to be making a a lot of |
10591s | decision changes in this this matchup |
10594s | I'm just hoping for the funniest thing |
10595s | to happen I think the funniest thing |
10597s | that could happen is you know tuskers |
10599s | win the first two matches oh no and then |
10602s | and then oh no out of nowhere I hope |
10604s | you're not watching tuskers little |
10605s | reverse sweet not again I think it would |
10607s | be hilarious um I'm I'm expecting some |
10610s | some interesting wacky comps again yeah |
10612s | we're not going to be seeing any |
10612s | flagships from tuskers since they lost |
10614s | theirs earlier in the day I do expect to |
10616s | see some truth on the light flagships |
10618s | coming out especially since they have um |
10620s | you know there's there's hopefully going |
10623s | to be five matches yep if if we're if |
10624s | we're lucky we'll get five if we're |
10626s | unlucky we'll get three mhm um it's very |
10630s | difficult to get four very difficult to |
10632s | get four but not impossible is it |
10633s | mathematically impossible no cuz you're |
10635s | three in one we saw four impossible in |
10638s | fact we might get four we could we might |
10640s | get four you know it's really hard to |
10641s | get two two is very difficult yeah very |
10643s | difficult it's not that hard someone has |
10645s | to for it right we can look at the bands |
10647s | though the teams are almost in system so |
10648s | let's take a quick look at the bands |
10649s | before we go over there so the tusker is |
10651s | co again no Conquest bands in effect |
10653s | right now they welome into effect after |
10655s | this first match the tuskers co Banning |
10657s | of the EOS the curse the pilgrim and the |
10659s | Sentinel lot of tracking disruption off |
10660s | the field they've banned that EOS a |
10661s | couple times before so they don't like |
10663s | it uh truth on light Banning out the |
10664s | hugan the Rapier the guardian and the |
10666s | augurer black pirate what are your |
10668s | thoughts on these bans so I'm going to |
10670s | I'm going to look at the truth honor |
10671s | light bands here because if there is a |
10673s | one team who loves using hugan and then |
10675s | we'll use rapers if they can't uh |
10677s | tuskers traditionally and also we've |
10679s | been seeing them use both the guardian |
10681s | and the augur as their primary Lodi |
10683s | ships for the entire tournament in fact |
10685s | some of their strategies basically |
10687s | require you to have a guardian I think |
10688s | because it's you know doing all sorts of |
10689s | Guardian like things like a big bigly |
10692s | reps and cap transfers so yeah this is I |
10695s | mean this is targeted you know you know |
10696s | truth honor light has probably spent the |
10698s | last two hours just like it's time we're |
10701s | ready for this we know what we're doing |
10702s | we're going to Haze them yep I feel like |
10704s | the balar Widow comp is open here yes |
10707s | yeah it is it it's open FL from um yeah |
10713s | I mean we might see I expect we would |
10714s | see that probably like match two or |
10715s | three yeah I I think I agree I think |
10717s | what's likely is both teams going to be |
10719s | kind of feeling each other out I think |
10720s | we're going get some Clowny fast stuff |
10722s | here this could be either a 3 minute |
10724s | match or potentially 10-minute match but |
10725s | I would lean towards the shorter of this |
10727s | one one way or the other I think is |
10728s | going to be fast what do you think uh |
10731s | Bart b from the bti be from the bisti |
10733s | yeah uh this is this is the one that I |
10736s | think like right off the bat you know |
10738s | there there's a little bit of anger I |
10739s | think on at least one of these teams |
10741s | Parts I could see this is the one where |
10742s | they're like uh you know Screw we're |
10743s | going to Shield drush you down or we're |
10745s | going to do some uh Shenanigans we |
10747s | haven't seen tuskers use anything like |
10748s | that so it could be a surprise um I I do |
10751s | think this is going to be a quick one |
10752s | which means it's going to not be because |
10754s | we're always wrong but uh you know I I |
10756s | think it'll be a quicker one at least |
10758s | one of the quicker ones but you know |
10761s | we'll find out let's go find out I see |
10763s | the teams are in system so this is match |
10764s | one of the grand finals here in Alliance |
10767s | tournament |
10769s | 20 hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to |
10773s | the Grand finals of Alliance tournament |
10774s | 20 20 years of tournaments glory honor |
10780s | and Conquest has brought us here to the |
10782s | very first of these matches between |
10783s | truth honor light tuskers bringing their |
10786s | potato composition and ta H deciding to |
10789s | go with navy Armageddon so Tusk is |
10792s | bringing the same comp we've seen a |
10794s | couple of times now and obviously for |
10796s | Tru on the light bringing a Navy Aman |
10798s | and an Aman and aam I mean I don't know |
10800s | about this tuskers comp will this get |
10802s | will this break we were talking about |
10803s | this when they came on grid will the |
10805s | Dominic just break the Z I don't know |
10807s | truly I'm not entirely sure because I |
10809s | mean you look at the attack bar you have |
10811s | to think okay the Armageddon and the |
10813s | Navy Armageddon they're N Boats right |
10815s | the Dominic's also have been fit with |
10817s | NES a lot but one of the issues though |
10819s | is that the Navy Armageddon and the |
10821s | Armageddon can nude out for a little bit |
10823s | uh further naturally than uh the tuskers |
10826s | co the duskers Dominic as they get drone |
10828s | damage bonus they don't get a new Range |
10829s | bonus right Cur is dropped by the uh by |
10832s | Domin right now um looks like they're |
10834s | trying to go for the crucifier but I |
10835s | think this is going to be really hard |
10836s | for switching to the pontif effects now |
10838s | I think it be really hard for tuskers to |
10840s | get through but no damage right now |
10841s | coming from TR light they're going to |
10843s | have to try and get in obviously looks |
10844s | like um Tusk Co kind of burning away and |
10847s | the g are kind of going in yeah it see |
10849s | appears that the entirety of the tuskers |
10850s | team is wanting to burn for one of these |
10852s | micro jump dive beacons and so far it |
10855s | looks like THL is just prepositioning |
10858s | themselves so that they can't get jumped |
10859s | on we see that the genon the Navy |
10861s | armagedon are closing a little bit and |
10863s | from the beacon you know to the center |
10865s | of the Arena it's about 75 kmet there |
10867s | about you just don't want to have all |
10869s | these domies land on you at zero and |
10871s | then completely n you dry THL opting to |
10874s | put their drones on the curators going |
10876s | to going to get rid of the tusker |
10877s | sentries which is which is definitely a |
10878s | good move get them down they never going |
10880s | to come back again yeah we were talking |
10882s | about this when barcode um you know my |
10884s | team got knocked out of the tournament |
10885s | and then when um you know uh the uh |
10889s | Japanese team of Mark Bridges who it |
10891s | turned out was actually destructible in |
10893s | his Flagship right he was they were |
10895s | trying to oh and we have a micro jump |
10897s | drive play going the Dominic's are |
10898s | driving into the backline they are |
10900s | trying to get on top of what looked like |
10903s | the Magus and verdict um it looks like |
10906s | however they have caught Lucius Quan |
10908s | with a web using that shimu it appears |
10912s | have gotten tackle on the armarm so if |
10913s | they can get NES and get a counter on T |
10916s | on top of that zarm they could end the |
10918s | match right here but the zarm is |
10919s | slipping the web now reapplied he's they |
10921s | get this Z down an absolutely incredible |
10923s | play the web just dropped now TP still |
10925s | on him I think Tas is trying to go for |
10927s | the helm area here get the Z down but |
10928s | he's not tackled anymore and he's moving |
10930s | away scram on the do just dropped now |
10932s | shimu is Webb and scrammed I'm I'm |
10934s | expecting THL War they're going for the |
10935s | vexa right now I think I think arm |
10938s | actually hit an mjd himself he wasn't |
10940s | scrammed it looks like he was uh |
10942s | originally around 70 km off I think he |
10944s | might have been jumped when they saw the |
10946s | jump going on him but the ponx is now |
10949s | completely out of range Lucius Quan is |
10951s | very much in Nar and that ponx will go |
10953s | down shortly if that spool can't ramp up |
10955s | quickly trading Ponte for vexa if the |
10957s | well looks like T in the Ponte is about |
10959s | to go down and that's critically that's |
10962s | the armor links right the megas is going |
10963s | to probably be the Skirmish here that |
10965s | vexer I mean I'm going to trade links |
10967s | for a single vex every day of the week |
10970s | definitely vexer is holding on for |
10972s | tusers but I think he is going to go |
10973s | down been another mjd play V mam has |
10976s | jumped onto the backline is getting NES |
10978s | on top of Lucius Quan and that Dominics |
10981s | uh is gotten you know hard NES and |
10983s | paints on top of his arm and now there's |
10985s | an angry flight of drones getting on top |
10988s | of Lucius Quan I mean yes he's going to |
10990s | have a good amount of local tank but |
10991s | you're not going to be able to hold up |
10993s | to that flight of drones Lucas call |
10995s | Public Enemy Number one for the tuskers |
10997s | team right now come he's into half armor |
10999s | Abs if they get him down this is a sure |
11001s | win for tuskers yeah I mean it looks |
11003s | like this uh arm is going to be |
11005s | basically tenament after burning but |
11006s | he's slowing down his cap I mean might |
11008s | be entirely dry cuz he doesn't have any |
11010s | sort of prop mod keeping him up and with |
11012s | that that's going to be the armarm off |
11014s | of the board uh tusker is probably going |
11016s | to look to try to clear out the uh you |
11018s | know the Magus here these vexor and |
11020s | again this is another situation where |
11022s | the celestus and the arbitrator do |
11024s | nothing for you because of the Drone |
11025s | comp you can just assign your drones if |
11027s | you're damped out right you say hey I |
11029s | can't lock but I can give it to my buddy |
11031s | who can lock and that's the power of |
11033s | these comps I mean Vex nav you're going |
11034s | to go go down for tusas but I don't |
11036s | think it matters we just saw the Magus |
11037s | go down as well uh for two light so |
11039s | links off the off the field for THL |
11041s | vexa's next primary down vexa Navy does |
11044s | go down four tuskers but I do think |
11045s | they're such in the lead right now |
11046s | aren't they they got inquisitors they |
11047s | got Lodi and they still got the damage |
11049s | from the DOI I me THL still have you can |
11051s | see the control bar for both teams and |
11053s | for TR lights really really big so they |
11055s | still have some control but I think this |
11057s | is an uphill battle for TL yeah I mean |
11059s | now the vexer is going to go down here |
11061s | and The Inquisitor Tak Jagger over in uh |
11066s | he does go down Jagger does finally go |
11068s | down here so Blackstar his support buddy |
11071s | uh is going to be in kind of a world of |
11072s | heart there's a you know cloud of drones |
11074s | that are angrily angrily chasing after |
11076s | him I mean Tusk is really needs to |
11078s | capitalized on this lead right now cuz |
11079s | they're going to go for the second |
11080s | Inquisitor they get that down they sort |
11081s | of Truth like can I choring their way |
11084s | back into this match but they still have |
11085s | three Dominics to get through so the vas |
11087s | is going to be next Target for Tru from |
11089s | light and I think it's time go for the |
11090s | battleships I think for tuskers yeah so |
11092s | what we see that miraie and vld are |
11095s | doing is they are getting full n |
11097s | pressure onto AIA duck space here and to |
11099s | Blue melon and the idea being okay |
11102s | you're a NBO but I'm also you know a n |
11104s | boat if I'm in range right we were |
11106s | talking about how the Navy Armageddon |
11108s | can you know um nude out further but |
11111s | once you're you know in close you have |
11112s | the same amount of N and I mean it looks |
11114s | like the Dominic is yeah they're being |
11116s | damp but that's celestus I mean battle |
11118s | have very good sensors and if you're |
11119s | that close I mean look at vld he's on |
11122s | top of Med on top right on top of each |
11124s | other and we're seeing there's a bit bit |
11125s | talking going on local right now um read |
11128s | read like a book from from Jager at the |
11131s | moment it's a bit of talking |
11133s | local so he's been known to be um a bit |
11136s | of a character um sometimes his mental |
11139s | is strong sometimes it is weak uh but he |
11142s | is um talking trash right now um and |
11145s | it's understandable right you have to |
11147s | kind of hype yourself up you got swept |
11148s | basically 02 and now you're going to go |
11151s | up in the grand finals 10 right now they |
11154s | still don't have their Flagship though |
11156s | critically again tuskers doesn't have |
11158s | their flag Bal Gorn and Truth on and |
11160s | light they also have a BAL Gorn right |
11162s | that they declared this Navy Armageddon |
11164s | this Armageddon they're just regular you |
11165s | know faction ships um if they go down I |
11169s | mean yeah the cost is irrelevant right |
11171s | what matters is a match point I mean the |
11173s | I mean AIA dark space in the Navy arm |
11175s | will go down the second but not only |
11176s | without F taking a bit of damage maybe |
11178s | going for him just for a bit of a laugh |
11180s | as well but I think tusa's playing this |
11182s | really well I wasn't expecting that the |
11184s | plays all these plays these MGD plays |
11186s | were actually just come out of nowhere |
11187s | and and probably won the game I was |
11189s | going to say at the very beginning right |
11190s | we saw tuskers jump into the backline |
11192s | they got initial tackle on Lucius Quan |
11194s | it looked like Lucius then mjed himself |
11197s | to 100 and then another Battleship |
11199s | decided I'm going to jump back on top of |
11201s | you so you know Mr Lucas qu dodging |
11204s | around yeah I mean you're basically |
11206s | being chased after like Angry potato and |
11208s | instead uh you know the potatoes ended |
11210s | up mashing him so good job it definitely |
11213s | was the right call I think CU we said |
11215s | that at the beginning of the match like |
11216s | how are they going to get their arm down |
11217s | and the Jet the mjd plays was the answer |
11220s | which we didn't even see first B down |
11223s | four T obviously this is now a clean up |
11225s | for tuskers still got inqu to left three |
11228s | dominates left now I'm really interested |
11229s | to see what they're going to bring next |
11230s | match cuz this you know they've played |
11232s | them this is like their fourth their |
11234s | third match and critically actually |
11237s | tusker |
11238s | in the very first match against um |
11241s | Platinum sensitivity they brought this |
11243s | exact comp literally to a ship and |
11245s | crucially what's going to happen is |
11247s | we're going to go into the conquest band |
11249s | So tusker's Co will not be allowed to |
11250s | bring any of the ships that they won |
11252s | with so you can't bring a Dominic an |
11254s | aimo or vexor Navy or megas pontif |
11256s | effect truth ler light can bring any of |
11258s | those ships but critically if your |
11262s | tuskers you don't really care that that |
11264s | much if you can't bring any of these |
11266s | ships until game five except for the |
11268s | megas and the ponteix those are pretty |
11269s | valuable yeah the of it but the rest of |
11272s | it it's like I beat you with kind of |
11274s | almost like a cheese comp and these |
11276s | aren't like kind of like the core meta |
11278s | ships until I mean they beat us with it |
11280s | in barcode they beat Platinum |
11282s | sensitivity with it they yeah they beat |
11285s | truth on in light who knew that potatoes |
11288s | were the key to Victory you have to get |
11289s | your uh get your vegetables and your |
11291s | starch blue melon going down in second |
11294s | Navy neon sorry with one minute I think |
11296s | there'll be a completely clean up here I |
11297s | think they're going to get them all but |
11298s | yeah I mean the who your thought triple |
11300s | Dominics will VOD go down I don't think |
11302s | he will triple Dominic just bring it out |
11304s | in this tournament they've played it a |
11305s | couple of times I'll be interested to |
11307s | see what they do next I think this is |
11308s | the big because once we get past these |
11310s | first matches as you said things start |
11312s | to get harder for for both teams uh you |
11315s | know in terms of like the the lack of |
11316s | ships if you're winning all the time |
11318s | yeah I mean uh we were almost wondering |
11320s | earlier on if a judging by the defense |
11322s | part if these um you know Dominic's were |
11326s | actually whole tanked because that would |
11327s | be the single most mirror brain thing to |
11329s | ever happen right is to bait you into |
11331s | going into you know whole tank dami but |
11334s | um these may very well be armored but I |
11335s | don't think we're going to find out I |
11336s | think V is going to survive find out |
11339s | hang on he's going to hang on just a |
11341s | little bit we see that The Inquisitor of |
11342s | Blackstar who credit to him I mean he |
11345s | survived even after Jagger you know had |
11348s | been killed early on by the angry drone |
11351s | cloud from those vexes of nith and |
11353s | verdict you know getting kind of that |
11355s | secondary tackle so I mean really well |
11358s | played by tuskers really well played by |
11360s | tuskers they've brought three Dominic's |
11362s | and they've won three like very critical |
11365s | like match points with it like must win |
11367s | matches I know you seeing brain St local |
11369s | saying die |
11371s | vld not today I don't think he's going |
11373s | to say the the plays in this match 30 |
11376s | seconds left on the match the plays |
11377s | though the jump drive you know the M jum |
11379s | driving was actually incredible and |
11380s | actually is something in that in that |
11382s | quick succession I haven't seen before |
11384s | in the last tourament I didn't think |
11385s | yeah so vld is going to survive in 12 |
11387s | 12% of his structure um that is going to |
11390s | be a brain star going down and now the |
11392s | crucifier does go down so um with 12 |
11396s | seconds left uh tuskers does finally |
11398s | clean off the grid and clean their |
11401s | pallet with plenty of potato we're going |
11404s | to send it back to the desk after before |
11406s | this break |
11450s | and there you have it tuskers taking the |
11452s | first victory in this best of Five |
11454s | series over truth on Al light so they |
11457s | got over earlier on they got tilted |
11459s | probably they came in they beat platinum |
11461s | in a comfortable 2-n win and now they |
11464s | have one point up over truth honor light |
11466s | now of course again as I mentioned truth |
11468s | on light still have their Flagship so |
11470s | this is you know very much not over |
11472s | there's plenty plenty more to go in this |
11474s | particular tournament uh blackb pirate |
11477s | triple da wins again 3 nil triple Dy |
11480s | yeah actually I think every dy's won |
11483s | right we saw the graph remember one Dy |
11485s | won three domies one we haven't seen two |
11487s | domies yet we don't want to see two |
11488s | domies is the Dominic the Apex ship of |
11491s | allance predor I mean how can I argue |
11493s | against the the facts the stats they |
11495s | speak for themselves they do indeed |
11497s | speak for themselves so that was an |
11499s | interesting matchup because that was |
11500s | essentially um what tuskers brought |
11503s | against in their second match against |
11505s | Platinum sensitivity and interestingly |
11507s | what what truth on a light brought was |
11509s | very similar to what uh Platinum |
11511s | sensitivity brought as well instead of |
11512s | two arbitrators though they had celestus |
11514s | an arbitrator Bart obviously you can |
11516s | track and disrupt drones if you if you |
11518s | feel like it I mean better than doing |
11520s | nothing I guess but that feels like um |
11523s | uh they got red a little bit there yeah |
11525s | possibly even like a book how strange |
11527s | how strange weird so tell tell me what |
11530s | what do you think was going through |
11530s | toite when they landed on gr and saw |
11532s | those three dummies uh so they probably |
11534s | I mean I would expect them to be good |
11536s | enough to know that they were like well |
11537s | this is not really what we want to do |
11540s | but it's not like completely over um I |
11542s | think they had a they had a chance the |
11544s | entire time though obviously you know at |
11546s | least one of your ships like the |
11547s | arbitrator basically useless like yes |
11550s | you can track and disrupt drones but |
11553s | it's not really that useful especially |
11555s | like if they're heavy drones like |
11556s | they're still going to apply damage or |
11557s | they're not going to because the ships |
11559s | that you're shooting at not because of |
11560s | how track and disrupted they are um I do |
11562s | think that like you know the funny thing |
11564s | about this was is that tuskers brought |
11567s | the same con against what was very |
11568s | similar like that what Platinum |
11570s | sensitivity brought they flew it the |
11572s | exact same way with the exact same plan |
11575s | by mjd behind the line and killing links |
11578s | yep so they just repeated it they're |
11579s | like huh well but if we just run the |
11581s | same thing twice yeah Thrice some might |
11583s | even say thce actually yeah well the the |
11584s | first time they did it they didn't need |
11586s | MGD but um you know they did tusker did |
11588s | the same tactic they flew up to the |
11589s | beacon they sat there and they're like |
11591s | okay and you know just a little bit of a |
11594s | uh the meme of the math like doing that |
11596s | and then like okay go and and then they |
11597s | went in and jumped in and finished off |
11599s | so uh I mean look it luas Quan in the uh |
11602s | the zarz he almost got away at one point |
11605s | um he looked like he was getting webbed |
11607s | and then unwebbed and webbed again and I |
11608s | was like are they going to actually |
11609s | catch him and and lock him down and then |
11611s | they were able to swap onto the the |
11613s | links and I'm not sure if maybe like |
11614s | Lucas was just pushed a little bit too |
11616s | far out of position at that point he did |
11617s | come back in he does have those long |
11618s | bonus range armor reps Misty uh and he |
11622s | just about looked like he were going to |
11623s | try and catch the P effect but I think |
11624s | the damage was too too heavy on him at |
11626s | that point and the P effects went down I |
11628s | think I dubbed that moment V's Revenge |
11630s | because vld in The Dominics had managed |
11632s | to get close to Lucas Quan at least |
11634s | close enough to start running the NES um |
11637s | we did see the pon effect catching in |
11639s | about half structure um but then the NES |
11642s | turned off the prop mod turned off on |
11643s | the AR and yeah the P Pon effect fell |
11647s | and then the AR wasn't able to get away |
11648s | from the Dominic's so I do think it was |
11651s | a case of really good positioning and |
11652s | piloting from the Dominic's to be able |
11654s | to get around the grid they didn't stick |
11656s | together but you don't necessarily need |
11657s | to with drone comps because you're able |
11659s | to move around and your damage if you're |
11661s | using heavy drones will move around the |
11662s | grid with you or if you're using sentes |
11664s | then it's a static kind of in placement |
11666s | which would then just kind of blast |
11668s | whatever ship you're you're pointing |
11669s | them at um so yeah I I think Lucas |
11673s | definitely had some issues in that match |
11675s | um it didn't seem like there was much in |
11677s | the way of screening on the truth on the |
11678s | light side they dedicated a lot of their |
11680s | ships towards the E War so the celestus |
11683s | they had the crucifier they had the |
11684s | arbitrator none of these ships are ones |
11686s | that you want to be sending in to go |
11687s | tackle things down um which means that |
11689s | the Dominic has had free re to burn |
11690s | around the arena and we kind of saw how |
11692s | that played out now I will say I don't |
11694s | think that the arbitr is necessarily |
11696s | always wasted even if you're going up |
11697s | against a drone comp because it does |
11699s | have a drone Bay that's reasonably sized |
11701s | yeah they do a decent amount of damage |
11703s | it does decent damage at the end yeah |
11705s | looked like the arbitrator at the end |
11706s | almost was going to kill uh the last |
11708s | remaining last the first Dominic he was |
11710s | very slow uh very slow very low in Hull |
11713s | it's been a long day words are hard |
11715s | words are hard words are hard uh but he |
11717s | uh the doy managed to hold on um a |
11718s | pretty solid uh Victory from the tuskers |
11721s | that's got to be a morale boost like |
11723s | Bart you you've been in teams before you |
11724s | know what it's like especially when |
11725s | you've just been punched down 2N to come |
11727s | back and in the first match take the the |
11730s | win that's really got to make a big |
11731s | morale difference to the team um I would |
11733s | hope so I don't know I seem I don't know |
11736s | if these people have like morale though |
11738s | at this point you know it's I think uh I |
11740s | think it's just it's just pure rage that |
11742s | drives them on and you know like I I |
11744s | think the morale for them is kind of |
11746s | knowing that they yeah if you guys were |
11748s | looking at like tournament General um |
11750s | there's a little bit of talk by the |
11751s | commentators about like what's going on |
11752s | in local chat like there is a there is |
11754s | some [ __ ] posting going on right here so |
11756s | I think the morale boost is more maybe |
11758s | not just like a yeah we're winning now |
11760s | we can take this energy it's like it's |
11761s | like yeah [ __ ] those guys we beat them |
11763s | they were talking crap to us we kicked |
11765s | their you know so yeah I did notice some |
11767s | of the lines that were troed out during |
11769s | the um the winners bracket final uh by |
11772s | one team were trotted out by the other |
11774s | team this time around I shall not be |
11776s | reading out any of those words not |
11777s | reading him at all no okay just just |
11780s | going to keep that one clear um but we |
11783s | have Conquest bands in effect now Mr |
11785s | might welcome back to the desk uh I'd |
11787s | like to you to talk to me about Conquest |
11788s | bands especially uh in this best of five |
11790s | where it starts to really stack up yeah |
11792s | so Conquest bands as a concept are let's |
11795s | say tuskers bring some Dominic's in |
11797s | their first match and they win o fancy |
11800s | spicy that's spicy um they will not be |
11802s | able to F Dominic's in the next set of |
11806s | matches right um the the way that the |
11808s | conquest ban works for e on line |
11809s | specifically is it will be banned for |
11812s | the second third and fourth match if it |
11814s | gets to a fifth match then all of those |
11816s | bands will be cleared they'll be able to |
11817s | bring the ships that they want to again |
11819s | so for the second the third and the |
11821s | potentially fourth match they're going |
11822s | to have to figure out what other ships |
11824s | they can bring to the grid which is why |
11826s | ideally you want to be using duplicate |
11828s | ships at this stage so three Dominic's |
11830s | make sense because now of all the |
11832s | battleships in the game they're only |
11834s | limited by not being able to bring the |
11837s | Dominic |
11838s | um if they had brought a Dominic a meon |
11841s | and a Navy Dominic for example that |
11844s | combination of ships they would be |
11845s | restricted from using all three of those |
11847s | holes alongside the other ships that |
11849s | they've also brought in that comp now I |
11851s | don't exactly remember um whether they |
11854s | had duplicate command desies in that |
11857s | comp or if they had done |
11859s | mag so they won't be able to use magas |
11861s | Bond effects for the next that didn't |
11862s | stop against |
11864s | PL apparently with with a armor King |
11868s | Slayer it was that was an interesting |
11869s | one as well so we've seen before like |
11871s | the the truth on the light some great |
11874s | Theory Crafters if not the best in the |
11876s | game all right just straight up sentence |
11878s | like bang but Mera and some of the other |
11880s | tuskers guys it's not just mea to be |
11881s | clear there's a whole team effort going |
11882s | on here we just say Mir lot cuz he's the |
11884s | captain um but they also are cooking in |
11887s | the back like they're comeing up with |
11888s | some crazy stuff and although they tend |
11890s | to go a little bit off the wall they're |
11891s | off the ball with like I mean it works |
11893s | they're in the grand finals they brought |
11895s | a armor King slay with Shield command |
11897s | destroyers running armor links and they |
11899s | they beat Plum sensitivity you know they |
11901s | are they know what they're doing they're |
11902s | a solid solid team yeah I mean the I |
11905s | think the tuskers in general is one of |
11907s | the more more interesting teams to watch |
11909s | I think it's probably also one of the |
11910s | teams where you probably hate to go up |
11912s | against them the most because they are |
11914s | just going to pull out some random stuff |
11916s | from their back pocket that you haven't |
11918s | practiced against you haven't thr |
11919s | drafted |
11920s | for but that's what makes it interesting |
11922s | for us as analysts and it's what makes |
11924s | it interesting for the viewers at home |
11926s | is you know okay you see |
11928s | some armor stalks hit the grid along |
11929s | with some oracles and tses and you're |
11931s | like this is going to be a game of all |
11932s | time and it turns out to be a really |
11934s | good game of all time um but you don't |
11936s | know which way it's going to go until it |
11937s | actually happens um so such such as life |
11940s | sometimes Mr such as life sometimes but |
11942s | for truth on a light now that they've |
11945s | they've seen the dominance comp I wonder |
11946s | if the tuskers brought the dominance |
11948s | comp because they thought it would be |
11949s | good into something like Flagship bow |
11951s | I'm not sure I don't think so I think |
11954s | that they read DHL and said that okay |
11955s | they're probably not going to bring |
11956s | their Flagship first this is probably |
11958s | going to beir decent against any medium |
11959s | gun spam that they potentially bring so |
11961s | we can we can feel the Dominic's first |
11963s | and still have comps that would be |
11964s | better at dealing with the borns later |
11966s | on MH um so that's kind of what I'm |
11969s | expecting tusco to be thinking but no |
11970s | one really knows what they're thinking |
11971s | apart from Mirror yeah spinning the |
11973s | wheel |
11975s | [ __ ] yeah so you got armor STS yeah yeah |
11979s | all right now I see you in twitch chat |
11980s | by the way I see you clamoring for the |
11982s | Dominic's graph uh I seen at least four |
11985s | people asking for it and I count that as |
11986s | a clamor so let's see if we can throw up |
11988s | this Dominic's graph uh Dominic's usage |
11991s | per year in Alliance tournament uh I see |
11994s | it here on my screen it was declared to |
11996s | ready doy graph doy |
11999s | graph did you do that is this come on |
12003s | don't Alliance tournament the that's not |
12005s | the same graph at all it's our graph uh |
12008s | count one oh yeah this is of course we |
12010s | know the win rate for one and three |
12012s | Dominic's this is Big Brain math all |
12015s | right now I think that means that one |
12017s | Dommy has never won but three domies no |
12020s | one Dommy has won 100% and three dommies |
12022s | has 100% of course and it's come twice |
12024s | yes and never yeah two domies has never |
12027s | shown up and it can for a while at least |
12030s | because of Conquest bans um there is |
12032s | another uh Dominic's graph which I think |
12034s | goes per year uh and shows the usage in |
12036s | every Alliance tournament back to |
12038s | Alliance tournament 7 potentially a more |
12040s | interesting graph here we are okay so |
12041s | look at this Alliance tournament 11 that |
12044s | was the the the century drone era if I |
12046s | remember correctly like triple domies um |
12048s | triple itars that was back when also you |
12051s | could feel either 12 or 14 people I |
12053s | can't remember if it was 12 or 14 it was |
12054s | 12 yeah so there was just a a it was the |
12057s | year of pressing F everyone just warped |
12059s | in went 3 2 1 launch drones F launch |
12062s | drones F and that was the matches uh it |
12064s | was it was something and then L at 14 |
12068s | you know [ __ ] the Dommy who needs it and |
12070s | then now we have had no domies for the |
12072s | last couple of years and we're back |
12073s | atance T 20 that's really surprising |
12076s | that we had |
12077s | no I mean not that I'm just saying I |
12079s | guess that's true yeah oh yeah cuz |
12081s | people would fly domy navies and lose |
12082s | every time which is a different ship it |
12084s | has wonder what the Dommy Navy graph |
12086s | looks like probably isn't one that's not |
12090s | a good one don't want to look at that |
12091s | one the Dommy Navy graph is a graph of a |
12093s | bunch of people going my god look how |
12095s | much DPS it does if I've hit Blaster to |
12096s | my Dominic Navy and losing and then |
12098s | losing it happens every time do you want |
12100s | me to show you how to defeat of |
12101s | Dominic's Navy you're the Dominic's Navy |
12103s | mhm no you can't hit me that's it I win |
12106s | that does work damn wow that's czy |
12110s | that's how you defeat The Dominics Navy |
12111s | don't bring them they're they're not |
12112s | very good unless unless oh no oh no you |
12116s | know what we what Dominic's are |
12120s | banned Dominic Navy is not banned M do |
12123s | you know if it was any other |
12126s | team wait a second but I've already de |
12128s | said that they're not going to bring um |
12130s | King slay cuz they don't have any armor |
12133s | command destroyers left and then they |
12134s | went and done it anyway so uh iest don't |
12136s | really know what to expect at this point |
12138s | what they're going to bring I mean the |
12139s | cool thing is truth on light do still |
12141s | have that Flagship available he's a |
12142s | flagship Bor I am 100% convinced that |
12146s | even though the the stuff that dropped |
12147s | from the tuskers flagship earlier on was |
12149s | great best in slot I'm pretty sure TR |
12153s | already have at best in slot they just |
12154s | have more best-in slots so perhaps they |
12155s | can like stick at one or two little |
12157s | things maybe slightly better I doubt it |
12159s | if there's any team there is maxing out |
12162s | it's them I know we saw barcode as well |
12164s | pretty maxed out Flagship uh their |
12166s | balgar died yesterday |
12167s | salute to it cuz it was incredibly |
12169s | expensive I'm hearing around about 6 to |
12171s | 700 billion there was a scram on that |
12173s | thing uh someone told me there's only |
12175s | like 12 have have dropped in the last |
12177s | like 10 years or something like that |
12178s | they're incredibly rare one of the |
12179s | rarest modules in the game um and one of |
12182s | them was on that uh that Balor |
12185s | thankfully it didn't drop I mean didn't |
12186s | die cuz it was 9% loot or well it would |
12189s | have been kind of cool if it did though |
12189s | if you think about it it would have been |
12190s | kind of cool it sagge very sagge big |
12193s | sagge um s yeah so we have about 8 |
12196s | minutes until our next match so again |
12199s | this is the grand finals in case you |
12200s | were wondering what's happened somebody |
12203s | did ask some was asking is this the |
12205s | grand finals yes this is the grand |
12206s | finals it's a best of five so the first |
12208s | team to get three wins will go home the |
12211s | victors uh and in doing so they get |
12213s | their Alliance logo emblazened on a |
12216s | monument in the system of monarc you can |
12217s | go there and check it out it's super |
12218s | cool it has a a bunch of plinth with |
12221s | each of the previous Alliance tournament |
12223s | winners and uh the alliance Open winners |
12225s | templ is calf um so you can go see that |
12227s | it's pretty cool they also get a ton of |
12229s | ships we'll probably get CCB zealous to |
12231s | come and talk to us at some point |
12232s | because uh the stats have been modified |
12234s | slightly since they were last uh |
12236s | announced so I believe they're slightly |
12238s | better so hopefully we can take a look |
12240s | at those in a little bit um but also um |
12243s | another thing Bart the last team that I |
12246s | can remember doing what we've said |
12248s | before the perfect run so going all the |
12250s | way through every match not losing a |
12251s | single match including the best ofs was |
12253s | in fact templers COV in the alliance |
12255s | open now I think truth on to lie they |
12257s | were they were on the run and I actually |
12259s | kind of thought that it was looking good |
12260s | for them this has now put them in a |
12262s | position I don't think they have planned |
12264s | to lose no one plans to lose how do you |
12266s | think they're feeling right now I mean I |
12268s | hope they're feeling fine like at the |
12270s | end of the day you know you should |
12271s | expect that it's a best of five like you |
12274s | really shouldn't go into that being like |
12275s | yeah we're about to three 0 these idiots |
12277s | this is going to be easy but also |
12279s | knowing a couple of the people on the |
12280s | team they probably were thinking that |
12282s | when you think about it they're probably |
12284s | like ah well this is going to be a |
12285s | really easy sweep you know easy at what |
12288s | can you do it's fine but uh you know |
12290s | we're uh yeah I don't know I think I |
12292s | don't think it's going to adjust their |
12293s | plan too much I think now more it's the |
12295s | only thing that it does is it lets them |
12297s | look at they're like well we don't have |
12298s | to worry about the doy comp anymore |
12300s | except that it's miror and they can kind |
12303s | of just put chips in and I mean like |
12305s | just thinking off the top of my head he |
12306s | literally bring three regular Armageddon |
12309s | and then those silly armor links and |
12311s | it's like oh it's basically the same |
12312s | thing but with even longer n range so |
12314s | yeah I was actually kind of thinking |
12315s | like maybe the dommies aren't actually |
12317s | the Good Ship maybe well we've seen a |
12319s | lot of Armageddon bans in this |
12320s | tournament already including the |
12321s | Armageddon Navy issue so that could be |
12323s | something that truth onite decided |
12324s | actually ban out because they maybe |
12325s | recognize the same thing like hey this |
12327s | comp so far it's 3 and0 yeah against |
12329s | anything it faces and good teams too and |
12331s | good teams including truth on the light |
12334s | true so um maybe they think hm kind of a |
12337s | threat so maybe they ban out the armag |
12339s | again and it is a good ship anyway it's |
12340s | got those those NES it's got the drones |
12342s | it would fit in with another archetype |
12344s | of this of this type so guess that's a |
12346s | possibility now we talked about links a |
12348s | bunch and we can look at a graph about |
12350s | command destroyer and ship usage I'm |
12352s | assum that means Command Ship usage in |
12354s | Alliance tournament 20 so the pontif |
12356s | effects and the Magus they are the |
12357s | number ones uh we're seeing a lot of |
12358s | teams bring quite sort of topheavy comps |
12362s | this year lots of like triple Battleship |
12363s | comps which usually fit a Pon effects |
12364s | and omegas obviously um your EOS it was |
12368s | by by far the favorite of the command |
12371s | battle Cruisers God almost forgot what |
12373s | they were called um but now it's been |
12375s | overtaken by the AAR probably led by the |
12377s | the the rise of the medium gun spam in |
12379s | the last sort of day or so um what else |
12381s | do you see in this blackb pirate I mean |
12384s | we're seeing you know we've seen a lot |
12385s | of magus's um I think we I think he kind |
12386s | of went from ponix to that or I just |
12388s | literally spaced out which is entirely |
12390s | possible because it has been a long day |
12392s | uh yeah know we're seeing a lot of sers |
12394s | um I think the thing too to remember |
12396s | when you're looking at this graph is |
12397s | that this is the number of times these |
12399s | ships are used so while it looks like oh |
12401s | sers are really popular it's because of |
12403s | the like six times people decided to |
12404s | sner rushes makes it look like it's |
12406s | super popular um realistically like you |
12410s | know you're going to see a lot of ponix |
12411s | magus because everybody's bringing we're |
12413s | seeing so many of these uh teams go up |
12415s | against each other uh it is a I I do |
12417s | remember there was the one damnation run |
12419s | M that uh that was kind of cool but yeah |
12421s | other than that I mean it really does |
12422s | seem that armor seems to maybe be the |
12425s | meta this time especially when you |
12426s | consider that sers and Nighthawks |
12428s | usually come with other sers and |
12430s | Nighthawks so yep and at least one |
12432s | instance of the stalk and byr was an an |
12434s | armor also true yeah so even then yeah |
12436s | even more Armory all right we can look |
12438s | at the bands for match two in this Grand |
12440s | Final between truth on light and the |
12442s | tuskers co so the tuskers have all those |
12444s | Conquest bands from their previous match |
12445s | don't forget about those they're also |
12447s | Banning out the EOS the lisus the megas |
12449s | and the pontif effect again it's a solid |
12451s | ban without laus we've seen truth onite |
12453s | use those ships to great effect to |
12455s | screen down a rush comp before uh to the |
12457s | point they just flew around in a circle |
12459s | uh and the other team didn't get on them |
12460s | at all it was kind of funny uh then |
12463s | truth one like Banning out the hugan the |
12464s | Rapier you said it last time Bart |
12466s | classic tuskar bands the guardian the |
12468s | augur so Missy these are the same bands |
12470s | from last time from truth onite what do |
12472s | you think about them I mean it makes |
12474s | sense again I I think just to risk kind |
12478s | of reinforcing the point repeatedly |
12480s | hugan rapia makes sense against tuskers |
12483s | especially when they've shown that they |
12484s | are very comfortable running those |
12485s | cutting comps um that are a bit more |
12487s | off-the-wall and wacky I I think it's |
12489s | interesting and it kind of reinforces |
12490s | the point behind the conquest bands to |
12492s | see the Magus and Pon effect ban from |
12494s | the tuskers coming in they already can't |
12496s | use it so they have nothing to lose by |
12497s | Banning it out but it pushes um truth on |
12500s | the light towards using battle Cruisers |
12503s | or using the drer or using Shield setups |
12505s | so um it's it's going to be interesting |
12507s | to see whether tuskers are bringing |
12508s | something that's very good against |
12509s | medium guns spam again or whether |
12511s | they're hoping for some form of like |
12513s | Shield setup um from truth online well |
12516s | uh we can head over to the arena cuz we |
12518s | are ready to find out reminder this is |
12519s | match two okay so if the tuskers win |
12522s | this match as well they will then hold |
12523s | the championship point one more win and |
12526s | go home as the Champions uh truth on the |
12528s | light they need to try and you know |
12529s | start bring getting some of these |
12530s | victories back they don't win unless |
12532s | they win the matches it's super |
12533s | important so can they do it now or will |
12535s | the tuskers go to a 2-n lead here in |
12537s | Alliance tournament 20 let's head over |
12538s | to the arena and find |
12541s | out ladies and gentlemen welcome back to |
12544s | the arena for match two of the best of |
12546s | five I'm starle Commander here with |
12547s | moderator tuskers bringing a familiar |
12549s | comp aren't they it looks like to be |
12551s | Cruz Fons and what have truth on light |
12553s | got so truth onor light has gone with a |
12556s | kite of their own but they have gone |
12557s | with heavy missiles in those battle |
12559s | Cruisers and uh those lokis so something |
12562s | we were discussing a little bit before |
12564s | we you know through to this match is |
12565s | that usually this kind of a composition |
12567s | is going to favorite tusker simply for |
12569s | the reason that um heavy missile ships |
12572s | want to kite but you know what can also |
12574s | hit the entire Arena and yes they have a |
12576s | crucifier to mitigate that damage but |
12578s | it's going to be really hard for a fleet |
12580s | Cyclone um or a Navy Drake really to |
12582s | hold up and I like the choice of a |
12584s | Squall really as a primary you're just |
12586s | going to be like hey this is probably |
12587s | another heavy missile ship it was when |
12589s | we looked at it you just get it Off the |
12590s | Grid just get like you know the cheap |
12593s | away but so far um truth th light is |
12596s | actually rushing in and I think that's |
12598s | probably the correct call the win |
12601s | condition most likely is that they need |
12603s | to kill the Deacon somehow because if |
12605s | they lose critical damage right you |
12606s | don't have a lot ever in some of these |
12609s | uh you know heavy missile setups so you |
12610s | need to maybe kill a battleship maybe |
12612s | deal with the deacons and the STS I |
12614s | think yeah get the lokis in and get some |
12616s | get the webs on uh get the application |
12618s | going obviously interesting as well |
12619s | stalks two stalks for the tuskers for |
12621s | the links obviously getting off to the |
12624s | bands and and the conquest bands |
12626s | affecting that the first school does go |
12627s | down for T THL tuskers I think going for |
12630s | the other school probably good think or |
12632s | maybe switching to a fleet cyone and |
12633s | just trying to get it down they do the |
12635s | cruise FS do have a lot of damage and |
12636s | the BR is going on critically something |
12638s | other reason you would burn in right is |
12640s | that there's something we call kind of |
12641s | like the Cavalry Ravens from many years |
12643s | ago right if you rush in with all the FY |
12645s | missile ships the missiles kind of stack |
12647s | on top of each other in flight so what's |
12649s | happening is a lot of salvos are landing |
12651s | on cth in the typhoon uh you know before |
12655s | um you know they all kind of tick at the |
12657s | same time but also the Deacon is getting |
12659s | webbed down on BlackStar who is you know |
12662s | talking trash in Russian earlier we see |
12664s | that in the backline it looks like the |
12667s | Deacon the ton of damage it looks like |
12669s | the Loki of nith has gotten onto the |
12671s | back line and if that Deacon goes down |
12673s | which he does uh it looks like the other |
12676s | Deon is going to be another primary and |
12677s | so far blue melon is taking a ton of |
12679s | damage but you know a deacon for a SciFi |
12682s | that's not terrible for tuskers but you |
12684s | need to make sure you get tackle on |
12686s | other things and speaking of tackle |
12687s | they've got hard tackle on the KE now I |
12689s | mean the Blue Mill about to go down and |
12691s | I think a good call to go for the K and |
12693s | potentially get their Lodi FS down |
12694s | they've just lost their first Deacon |
12696s | obviously tuskers about to use their |
12697s | second I think they need get they need |
12699s | to get some Lodi down for THL still the |
12701s | typhoons as well they're going they've |
12703s | got a low HP the control bar is really |
12705s | big for tuskers so even losing logi |
12707s | frigs they still got a bit of time to |
12708s | get some get get back get back in this |
12710s | game so this is a visual Fleet issue of |
12712s | Beacon who has gotten on the backline |
12714s | and landing on top of a tin Baron right |
12717s | the problem though is that these cruise |
12719s | missiles unless you have paints which |
12720s | you know the fleet vigil does actually |
12721s | do well in webs don't apply but however |
12724s | if you web them down really hard and you |
12726s | get paints it turns out that drones and |
12727s | even cruise missiles can apply the |
12729s | Kieran so scalo was Ned down he's |
12731s | completely got to be basically shut out |
12733s | here um getting painted is going to take |
12735s | a ton of d Dage and THL um doesn't have |
12739s | much of an attack bar the control bar |
12741s | from tuskers is just really putting a |
12742s | lot of pressure on the scle and the |
12744s | Cyclone the three Battleship trick from |
12747s | tuskers coming through the second two |
12749s | logi FRS down 4ot HL I mean now that |
12752s | they're in a good composition I think |
12754s | tuskers with three battleships um car is |
12757s | going down into half armor but I think |
12758s | they should probably get the fleet |
12760s | Cyclone down um or maybe try and just go |
12762s | for the lowkey looks like they going for |
12764s | crucifier yeah so the crucifier now Mak |
12766s | makes sense right he's applying tracking |
12768s | guidance disruption rather to the fleet |
12769s | typhoon of v and you know you want to be |
12772s | able to apply full damage all the time |
12774s | and that's part of the problem right is |
12776s | that yeah you can affect the ability of |
12778s | the flight time of the cruise missiles |
12780s | but like one of the things that the STS |
12783s | probably have if I have to imagine is |
12785s | going to be remote sensor boosters and |
12786s | remote guidance because the ponti and me |
12788s | megas were actually banned storks not |
12790s | really known for their um armor tank but |
12792s | they're known for having a ton of mids |
12794s | slots right they're very effective at |
12796s | just being able to be like hey I'm going |
12798s | to have paints I'm going to have remote |
12799s | sensor boosters remote guidance and that |
12801s | will allow these cruise missiles to |
12803s | really apply well and so far they apply |
12805s | through the squalls they apply through |
12806s | that logi FR core cart does go down |
12808s | though so two only two Fleet typhoons |
12811s | left soll about go down as well for |
12813s | truth light I still think there's still |
12815s | a lot of ships that they need to get |
12816s | through I mean THL is still kind of in |
12819s | in the game I think but it's going to be |
12821s | a kiting thing the lokis will definitely |
12822s | lock down looks like to be VOD in the |
12825s | fleet typhoon get the school and I think |
12827s | they might have to start going for low |
12828s | keys and start getting webs down so it |
12830s | looks like the fleet vigil has counter |
12832s | webbed um one of the Lok keys but then |
12834s | nith webs back the fleet vigil Fleet |
12836s | vigil does do okay webs but the lokis |
12838s | you know of course have much further |
12840s | range on them and here's the problem |
12842s | with THL yes you want to kite but |
12845s | anywhere you try to kite these Fleet |
12847s | typhoons can hit the entire at this |
12849s | point right and the Navy Drake is |
12850s | getting absolutely chunked through he's |
12853s | Tak n pressure yeah he might not even be |
12855s | able to really run hardeners too much |
12856s | and I mean look how quickly he's going |
12858s | through Shield the bar on THL dropping |
12861s | faster and receding quicker than my |
12864s | hairline control freak in the N about to |
12867s | go down the cruise missiles the volum on |
12869s | these things really does take a chunk |
12871s | especially at Battle Cruisers I think |
12873s | the fleet Cyclone next of um chinate |
12875s | Tech the character called chinate Tech I |
12877s | think it be next I think they're leaving |
12878s | lokis for last because of the Cruisers I |
12880s | think I me that makes sense yeah just |
12881s | just to get the most damage down I mean |
12883s | tuska is doing a fantastic job in this |
12886s | what happened earlier on today losing 20 |
12889s | to THL and now going to be two up on THL |
12892s | yeah I mean this is kind of the Revenge |
12893s | our basically uh yeah all the anime |
12896s | teams are kind of done but this is kind |
12898s | of the uh the the ril has basically |
12901s | burned off onto a beacon right along |
12904s | with the uh the crew and the other other |
12906s | vigil right so these paint chips have |
12909s | done God's work to live as long as they |
12911s | have right and these you know tiny |
12913s | little ships six points each are hard |
12916s | carrying the match being able to make |
12918s | these missiles from the fleet typhoons |
12920s | apply perfectly uh to these Fleet |
12922s | Cyclones these lokis this Drake and this |
12926s | typhoon of miraie does go down but |
12928s | critically even if he does tuskers is in |
12930s | a commanding point lead right now where |
12933s | even if it's just V and a couple STS |
12935s | they're going to outpoint the low keis |
12936s | if it goes to time I think that they're |
12938s | going to kill look at the lowkey taking |
12939s | the damage it's so much damage from the |
12941s | cruise missiles and you right Beacon |
12943s | Mala in the in the fleet um video |
12946s | fantastic job it's such a difficult job |
12948s | in this match as well to navigate the |
12950s | THL team um we've got some talking local |
12953s | Now read like a book again from vld uh |
12956s | we love a bit of this talking Lo a bit |
12958s | of fun brainstore in the Loki about to |
12960s | go down and now we're going to have what |
12962s | could be the next match could be yeah |
12964s | and then brain straw has been basically |
12966s | getting sat on by these two Fleet |
12968s | typhoons so Mira Chief will go down but |
12971s | critically these lokis unlike the fleet |
12974s | C clones don't have the fitting uh |
12978s | necessarily to fit like an ancel sh |
12980s | booster right and that's one of the |
12981s | problems that you do kind of run into we |
12983s | can see that the fleet typhoon there's a |
12985s | bit of a pink bar and what that means |
12986s | for our viewers at home is active reps |
12988s | right so miraie will be running an |
12990s | ancillary armor repper but I mean brain |
12992s | straw didn't doesn't have any sort of |
12994s | local tank I know yeah Loki the last |
12997s | Loki of nth uh about to go down mirus |
13000s | looks like he's going to be holding on |
13002s | the captain of tuskers holding on in low |
13004s | structure um I'm excited to see we're |
13006s | going to have so many Conquest bands now |
13008s | going forwards yeah I mean the Mira here |
13010s | is got is now pulling back clawing back |
13015s | and he was down into 133% structure |
13017s | before |
13019s | um and I mean we see them nith is |
13021s | beating up maybe getting you injective |
13024s | capacitor but I mean when brain star D |
13026s | died he was at you know 200 me a second |
13028s | he was completely cap dry that means the |
13030s | shield hardeners were completely turned |
13032s | off and I mean that's another you know |
13035s | issue is that we see these vigils and |
13037s | these crew are doing the exact right |
13038s | thing they're sitting on a beacon So |
13039s | eventually when nth tries to get close |
13041s | they just jump away and say you know I'm |
13045s | going to leave and I'm going to live I |
13047s | mean looks like nth taking a chunk down |
13049s | into structure and I think we're going |
13051s | to potentially have a final in our hand |
13054s | maybe we're going to go back to the desk |
13056s | they're going to break it down and we |
13057s | might have the finals of Lance 220 |
13067s | okay |
13078s | [Music] |
13100s | ladies and gentlemen we have a game for |
13103s | sure we are gaming here at Alliance |
13105s | tournament 20 the tuskers co now up 2-0 |
13108s | over truth on the light in this best of |
13110s | five grand final all the liance |
13112s | tournament |
13114s | 20 this is like this is great like I'm |
13118s | excited so either the tuskers goes three |
13121s | now they have Championship point in hand |
13123s | there in hand where where's my where's |
13126s | the trophy Excuse Me CB lagy bro if you |
13128s | don't mind me popping you there they are |
13130s | but one game away careful it's heavy it |
13132s | is heavy oh sorry it's extremely heavy |
13134s | one |
13135s | game away from this solid |
13139s | gold |
13141s | trophy it's exciting stuff honestly to |
13144s | be within touching distance of it it's |
13147s | it's so much so much so you touch it |
13150s | last year now this happened last year |
13153s | mystical M it did it did happen last |
13155s | year |
13157s | ready for the funniest thing to Happ |
13159s | anxious on their behalf at this point um |
13162s | okay so black p that match what happened |
13164s | there we saw the tuskers Apparently just |
13166s | solved the meta and it's armor Shield |
13169s | command destroyers with Cruz missiles |
13172s | and triple domies |
13175s | yeah that's that's the meta what what do |
13177s | you we know that obviously it's the meta |
13180s | like have you have you seen it lose yet |
13181s | no no no exactly it's never lost no um |
13184s | so tusker's uh discovered a secret to EV |
13187s | on line that has only been known to many |
13189s | many thousands of people which is the |
13190s | target painters are good modules and |
13193s | when your ship is larger big Missile hit |
13196s | harder that is factually correct yeah |
13198s | and uh they basically you know again |
13201s | they played it the exact same way that |
13202s | they did versus platinum sensitivity |
13204s | doing the exact same setup uh obviously |
13206s | you know truth on or light bro something |
13208s | it's different than Platinum sensitivity |
13209s | but like we saw the application work |
13211s | fine you can't outrange the cruise |
13213s | missiles um obviously that uh was a |
13215s | crucifier did a pretty good job inating |
13217s | damage for a while but if you target |
13219s | paint the ship enough and you stack as |
13221s | many application things in the mid slots |
13223s | as you possibly can which I'm sure those |
13224s | typhoons and typhoon Fleet issues are |
13226s | just filled with missile guid uh |
13228s | enhancers missile gu computers that one |
13231s | so probably probably not in the low |
13232s | slots um you can actually make your big |
13234s | missiles hit things that are much |
13235s | smaller than it and we saw Kieran just |
13238s | get we saw |
13239s | an just like oh that's okay uh visual |
13243s | Fleet issue actually is really cool yeah |
13245s | it surviv twice now it has survived |
13246s | twice key Lynch pen ship in that like |
13248s | those those bonus paints they didn't |
13250s | have the hyena this time I think I |
13251s | genuinely think that they looked at the |
13253s | fact that hyena got voled last time and |
13255s | they still won and they still killed the |
13256s | deacons they went hey we don't actually |
13258s | need the hyena we can actually go |
13259s | without it yeah yeah no it's a tons of |
13261s | application making big missiles hit |
13263s | things that they're not really supposed |
13264s | to hit uh it worked great um it was a it |
13268s | was pretty close actually I so I did |
13269s | have this moment where I'm kind of |
13270s | looking at it like I feel like truth |
13272s | honor light should have been doing more |
13273s | damage than what they were and so again |
13276s | I would love to see the fits of the |
13278s | typhoon that they killed however unless |
13281s | it has mysteriously populated on Zill I |
13283s | believe neither of these teams have |
13285s | their uh their uh zills uploading right |
13287s | now which is smart because it means they |
13289s | can't get Intel on each other but ALS |
13291s | can look at each other's kills cuz they |
13293s | get the kill meals themselves yeah but |
13295s | we can't get it we can't get them so |
13296s | really all they're doing is depriving |
13298s | you the audience de audience you're |
13300s | being deprived by these teams |
13302s | of you know what you know you guys |
13305s | should start rling about this like what |
13306s | what is wrong with these teams why do |
13308s | they not want you guys to know what is |
13310s | going ring in chat I I want twitch chat |
13312s | riots RI twit do it all right so one of |
13315s | the things that these uh teams are |
13317s | competing for is some of the incredible |
13319s | New Alliance tournament prize ships not |
13321s | only is there a frot not only is there a |
13324s | cruiser but there is a battleship as |
13325s | well um and this is the first time in 20 |
13328s | years we've been giving away a |
13330s | battleship as a prize now some of the |
13332s | stats have been out the pictures are out |
13333s | the videos out they look awesome but |
13335s | they have been slightly modified so I |
13338s | believe if I clap my hands I can summon |
13340s | CCP |
13342s | zealous here |
13344s | is hello come join us C I'm going to |
13347s | hand this off to |
13350s | him St it thank all right keep writing |
13355s | in chat please thank you well well well |
13356s | the ri I'm not trying to incite a right |
13358s | I have incited a write um please tell us |
13361s | cous about the new ships good job in |
13363s | inciting the riot do they really need |
13365s | the help |
13366s | yes oh yes yes they do uh yeah so we've |
13370s | uh we've been listening to a bit of |
13371s | feedback with regards to the the side |
13373s | Winder the Cobra and the uh python uh |
13376s | I'll do a we we've got some of the the |
13380s | the stats were actually posted |
13381s | originally when the prize blog went out |
13383s | uh I think we've got some stats that we |
13384s | can show here starting off with a |
13386s | Sidewinder um so these were the stats |
13388s | just from uh grabbed from the blog uh so |
13390s | these were the original |
13392s | stats there was a little bit of feedback |
13394s | with regards to the cloaking abilities |
13397s | uh so some of the previous Alliance |
13398s | tournament ships had the ability to |
13400s | instantly Target once you decloaked this |
13402s | ship was originally missing it we |
13405s | listened to your feedback and we decided |
13407s | you know what this is like a really |
13408s | great idea so yep the ship now has will |
13411s | be having the ability to uh Target |
13413s | immediately after decloaking uh not only |
13416s | that one of the other things we heard |
13417s | was the uh locking bo uh the Locking |
13419s | distance was also relatively short it |
13421s | was about 40 km but you know what it |
13423s | needs a little bit of a boost compared |
13425s | to some of the old Alliance tournament |
13426s | ships so we're going to make increase a |
13428s | little bit up to 55 km 55 km excuse me |
13432s | I'm Al I'm also emotional it's such a |
13434s | day just it just hits me so hard I mean |
13437s | I consider twitch chat and these team uh |
13440s | my children um and seeing them seeing |
13442s | them do so well and participating it |
13444s | just makes me like a feel like a PR PR |
13446s | father right now so anyway please |
13447s | continue tell us about the ships uh the |
13449s | other thing we changed uh recently was |
13451s | the python I think we again we have the |
13453s | the setat screen for for this one uh |
13455s | unfortunately though it started off with |
13458s | a obscene uh rate of fire on it uh turns |
13462s | out it was in fact a little too high uh |
13464s | and we you know as a bit of yingyang we |
13467s | decided that we had to drop the uh the |
13470s | rate of fire just a little bit it went |
13471s | from 15% and now we've dropped it back |
13473s | to 12 1 12% per level so it still fires |
13477s | super fast just not quite as fast as it |
13479s | did before okay awesome Yep and did uh |
13483s | did the M scientists get in about the |
13485s | the cruiser or the cruiser as before the |
13487s | cruiser remains as before uh the Cobra |
13490s | is perfectly balanced in every way |
13493s | awesome these ships look so cool I |
13495s | really love the design uh I love the |
13497s | fact that we really lent into the uh the |
13499s | lore of the tournament where it was |
13501s | initially sponsored by Concord uh |
13503s | Concord gave us these amazing ships and |
13506s | then the gas came in went [ __ ] you |
13508s | Concord [ __ ] the police let's go yanked |
13510s | them put their own boranes in got a |
13512s | couple of rattle cans out went around |
13514s | and and covered all of they look pretty |
13516s | cool I like them I couldn't see the |
13518s | stats at all because they were on a |
13520s | screen made for ants down there talking |
13521s | about them so I'm just going to use |
13523s | twitch chat to gauge oh they just say |
13526s | Misty looks great I me that's true thank |
13528s | you very much yes so I'm assuming |
13529s | they're they look great I love them |
13531s | anyway um I think we have about 10 |
13533s | minutes until our next match which again |
13534s | to remind you guys tuskers could win it |
13537s | right here like we could be over in 20 |
13539s | minutes or so that could be it um but |
13543s | we're not there yet so I think I'm I I |
13545s | don't know if Blackbird pirate also |
13547s | works on Clapper um but I can certainly |
13549s | try blackb pirate summoning blackb |
13552s | pirate does anyone know where a |
13554s | blackbird pirate is oh he hey is I pass |
13559s | back to you fine sir how many people are |
13561s | back there okay there's a lot of |
13564s | room there's so much room for activities |
13566s | behind I know right who would have |
13568s | thought it behind this how much |
13569s | wonderful stuff is back there did you |
13572s | see all the other things behind the door |
13574s | oh I did incred yeah I saw the road map |
13576s | there's another person behind me there |
13579s | guy oh no we can't talk about it though |
13582s | uh Sor you have to it's it's two claps |
13584s | two claps too many claps doesn't work |
13586s | yeah it was weird I tried and it was it |
13588s | was like it's one clap or three claps |
13591s | this is the rule yeah there's a there's |
13592s | a joke here not saying |
13595s | it PG sh yes I'm staying away is that uh |
13598s | so we have about 10 more minutes so |
13600s | black part yes I'm going to come to you |
13602s | now so where are truth on a light now in |
13604s | this they are now two nil down they have |
13606s | their Flagship do you think that they're |
13608s | going to go all in this is a this is a |
13610s | must-win but how must-win is it are they |
13612s | going to bring their best absolute |
13614s | number one comp or are they going to try |
13616s | and still play a bit you know bit smart |
13619s | and maybe expect a maybe a flagship |
13620s | headshot comp from the tusers and bring |
13622s | something a little bit in the middle |
13623s | what do you think I could just we could |
13624s | get on Discord and ask them right now |
13626s | like yeah what are you guys doing |
13627s | probably wouldn't tell us the real |
13628s | answer though um I don't know cuz |
13631s | like I don't think you bring your you |
13633s | don't bring the flag Widow bar valorn |
13636s | like you just you don't and the reason |
13638s | why is because they it's lost already |
13640s | what almost it almost lost it almost |
13642s | lost already yeah I kind that's a loss |
13643s | in this yeah I I think in this case like |
13646s | I don't think you do that I think that's |
13648s | too easy to like counter um so I think |
13651s | we we either see them bring a belor with |
13653s | something completely different I think |
13654s | the main games are happening with both |
13656s | teams right now there is a there there |
13658s | twin spirals so out there in the world |
13661s | just doing this yeah and it's like where |
13663s | did they stop |
13665s | yeah I I I think they might bring the |
13667s | the flag Bell so what I was saying is |
13670s | flag Bell and Widow they might I don't |
13672s | think so cuz we we've already seen uh |
13674s | tuskers feeli the Widow headshot team it |
13676s | depends entirely on what the bands are |
13677s | if crucifier curse Pilgrim and Co are |
13680s | banned out yeah you know what's really |
13682s | compion about that I found out while I |
13684s | was in the cave of Adventure bands don't |
13686s | look at them yet keep tell us about the |
13688s | cave tell us the cave of Adventure yeah |
13690s | well so I went back there I actually saw |
13693s | this um like multi story high just giant |
13698s | just book open and I turned the page |
13700s | which was really hard it was very heavy |
13701s | and I saw the script for the end of the |
13703s | tournament oh no no spoilers yeah so I'm |
13705s | trying my best not to spoil anything and |
13707s | it's it's really hard Cu uh no yeah it's |
13710s | it's rough all right Band |
13712s | Please |
13714s | excellent the tuskers co choosing to ban |
13717s | out and again to remember they have two |
13720s | rounds of Conquest bands in effect now |
13722s | there's a lot of ships as well I'm not |
13723s | sure if we have a Graphic about that I |
13724s | think there was talk about it but we'll |
13725s | find out uh the tuskers co Banning out |
13727s | the EOS the curse the pontea and the |
13729s | megas and I mean look at this truth on |
13731s | light hugan Rapier again this time the |
13733s | hyena and the crucifier mystical might |
13736s | what do you think about these bands see |
13738s | now here's what I was talking about |
13740s | right it depends entirely on whether |
13741s | these lower end tracking disrupting |
13743s | ships are available because that's what |
13745s | would make the Balor Widow comp work |
13747s | when you've got two tses two oracles on |
13749s | the tusker side if you're able to put |
13751s | your tracking disruptors on them it does |
13753s | limit their range from probably like |
13754s | about 1 25 down to probably about 50ish |
13758s | which is a comfortable webbing range for |
13760s | your Balor right if you got the the |
13762s | Tobias webs the big boys so um the |
13765s | crucify is gone but the Sentinel is |
13767s | still open it still gives them the |
13769s | opportunity to bring some lower end |
13770s | track and disruptors you still got the |
13772s | arbitrators if you really want to but |
13775s | it's just a case of um would truth on |
13777s | the light feel comfortable bringing the |
13780s | um Balor and the Widow without a ponx |
13783s | and Magus as their two link sh we've |
13785s | seen that tuskers is very comfortable |
13787s | running double stalk as in the previous |
13789s | match even though they're armor fit they |
13790s | don't necessarily get bonuses to armor |
13792s | links but it's still something that |
13793s | they've brought because it allows them |
13795s | to still use the comps that depend on |
13797s | command destroyers right now they can't |
13799s | use stalks they can't use the magas they |
13801s | can't use the bond effects the only |
13802s | commandest they have is the dger or the |
13805s | bifrost the bifrost also historically |
13808s | not an armor ship unless you're in |
13809s | tuskers so there's still the potential |
13812s | to see the the bifrost coming out from |
13813s | tuskers in the next match but truth on |
13815s | like have all of those ships available |
13817s | it's just a matter of whether they would |
13818s | feel comfortable going armor stalk along |
13821s | with Flagship Balor which is going to |
13823s | cost a lot of money Y and then a bunch |
13824s | of Lottery folks I think it's a very |
13826s | good point actually um I think these |
13827s | bands from the tuskers are actually very |
13829s | smart bands because they know this |
13831s | Flagship balgar is available and they |
13833s | know that the sheer power of those long |
13835s | range webs plus the NES plus officer |
13838s | just everything basically are just it's |
13840s | going to be so powerful in a match it's |
13842s | going to be like 200 points versus 200 |
13844s | and a flag balgar it's just a humongous |
13846s | difference um by Banning out those two |
13848s | ships there it really does like you |
13850s | pointed out limit the options for truth |
13852s | on the light now Bart you know you know |
13855s | the guys from TR light quite well so are |
13856s | they the type of team to do what we |
13858s | you'll call the tuskers and just sort of |
13860s | force something in anyway with armor |
13862s | stars or do they have something that |
13863s | they would prefer to Pivot to like they |
13865s | don't feel like a team that needs to |
13867s | bring a flagship to me like I feel that |
13869s | they are confident enough in their |
13870s | abilities and the three crafting to take |
13872s | another comp and not feel like they're |
13874s | going to be forced into a flagship right |
13876s | now yeah I I think that they I've never |
13879s | really felt that they've like played |
13880s | around flagships really except for the |
13883s | like the one year where they were doing |
13884s | the um the ECM with the flag Bargas I've |
13887s | never really thought that their best |
13888s | games are with flagships so if if it's a |
13890s | team that you know I don't think any of |
13892s | their strategy had to deal with having |
13894s | the flagship the thing though and this |
13896s | is something I know about that I'm |
13897s | probably going to get added about it on |
13899s | the discords later is that they are a |
13901s | team that will tilt out of control |
13903s | sometimes and that makes me think they |
13905s | might not bring the flagship on the |
13908s | principle of wanting to not lose it |
13912s | because that is something that they that |
13913s | the logic of them could make sense where |
13915s | they're like okay maybe we have a comp |
13918s | we're pretty sure we can win but we |
13919s | don't want to lose our Flagship we don't |
13920s | want to give tuskers the flagship win so |
13921s | that if we get three OED we can at least |
13923s | cope and say well we killed your |
13925s | Flagship and that is something that uh |
13926s | would be very inch character for some of |
13929s | them I feel like though because because |
13932s | because they got the um uh the tuskers |
13935s | Flagship kill and 90% Loot drop event |
13937s | going on in the minute and Eve online |
13938s | they almost certainly scooped um all of |
13941s | the modules from the tuskers and that |
13943s | was also basically best in slot like |
13945s | multiple expensive webs etc etc I feel |
13948s | like you basically have like a flagship |
13950s | in Waiting even if you do lose your |
13952s | other one because of the fact you killed |
13953s | the tuskers already this is how I know |
13955s | you don't have the mind of an elite |
13957s | pvper it's not about it's not about |
13961s | already reped part it's about sending a |
13963s | message which is that we didn't need |
13965s | need it and you didn't get it killed |
13967s | from us and our ZL points look better |
13969s | and our kill ratios look better and it's |
13971s | also like some of these Gamers have |
13973s | flown with them you know it doesn't |
13975s | matter if you're not having fun as long |
13977s | as the other person has less fun right |
13978s | so you know it doesn't matter if you |
13981s | don't bring your Flagship and you lose |
13982s | as long as tuskers don't have their |
13984s | Flagship modules yeah at the end of it |
13986s | right CU that means next year if there |
13987s | is a next year they have to go out and |
13989s | buy these modules again okay now I do |
13992s | have the um the conquest band here and I |
13995s | we'll read them to you till we can |
13996s | refresh our memories I would like the |
13997s | camera to be focused on their face for |
13999s | their reaction so I don't just look like |
14000s | a weirdo reading from a computer all |
14002s | right so H ashimmu crew Deacon Dominics |
14006s | Inquisitor megas pontifax star typhoon |
14010s | typhoon Fleet isue vexer vexer Navy |
14012s | issue vigil Fleet issue and vigil also |
14014s | banned for the match is eos curse |
14016s | ponteix Magus hugan Rapier hyena |
14018s | crucifier that is 2 4 6 8 eight bands |
14022s | from the regular one and then 1 2 3 4 5 |
14024s | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Conquest bands |
14029s | so uh that's a lot of ships that you |
14031s | cannot |
14033s | bring yeah my my there was too many too |
14037s | many ships listed and my brain started |
14039s | going uh around the time you got to the |
14042s | actual band put yourself into the mind |
14044s | of the tuskers right now they have to do |
14046s | that and also pick a comp but yeah the |
14049s | thing is I think tuskers has the just |
14052s | the pool to bring whatever kind of ships |
14054s | they want and squeeze them into any comp |
14056s | that they want and feel fairly |
14057s | comfortable running it you know like the |
14059s | the guardian's not banned now CFI aren't |
14061s | banned right so they could bring the CFI |
14063s | Guardian kiding setup if they wanted to |
14065s | for example um they have lost I believe |
14067s | the vigil the fleet vigil and the crew |
14069s | but they still have the hyena available |
14071s | well they don't but baned |
14074s | so Loki's not banned I |
14077s | guess yeah yeah good luck mirror good |
14080s | luck vld I mean I you know what I will |
14083s | say the uh the series of events that has |
14086s | led us to this point makes this like |
14088s | weird sick twisted logical sense because |
14091s | what does a droger give info and armor |
14094s | links no no it gives some it does no |
14099s | it's not that is it that one it's |
14101s | probably info arm I feel like we |
14102s | probably be the right oh oh oh no we |
14105s | look ourselves now oh no see imagine |
14108s | imagine see how confused we're getting |
14110s | imagine you just come out of a match you |
14112s | still got the know this somebody tell me |
14114s | what it is twitch skirm info skirm info |
14117s | that's not what I thought at all okay |
14118s | this guy says info skirm info skirm oh |
14121s | okay yeah yeah so I was right about once |
14122s | so I was going to say they still have |
14123s | bonus info links that's my point was |
14125s | that they still have bonus info links |
14126s | from mogger they still have bonus |
14127s | Skirmish links which will fit very well |
14129s | into the kiing land I think that we're |
14132s | about to see a very interesting ewar |
14133s | comp like I maybe like a heavy missile |
14135s | ewar setup from uh tuskers uh no IA with |
14138s | Tru th light's going to bring I hope |
14139s | they bring their Flagship if they don't |
14140s | they're cowards and uh yeah real I just |
14144s | so I'm not going to spoil I just saw |
14146s | something coming in did you see a |
14147s | spaceship landing on I saw spaceship |
14149s | Landing uh I'm excited um this I think |
14151s | is going to be a spicy one there is no |
14153s | Flagship being fielded confirmed no flag |
14157s | um but I would |
14159s | like to remind you ladies and gentlemen |
14161s | this is the grand finals of Alliance |
14164s | tournament 20 okay the tuskers have a 2 |
14167s | nil lead it is a best of five all right |
14171s | if the tuskers win this match they are |
14173s | champions after dropping in the finals |
14176s | last year they they might come back they |
14178s | might do it right now they might win |
14180s | truth on a light this is their match now |
14182s | to stay in the tournament they don't win |
14185s | this it's game over they are done they |
14187s | are second |
14188s | place stupid didn't they I made the |
14191s | prediction if if tuskers lose this one |
14193s | they lose the series if they win this |
14196s | one then they win the series and that's |
14197s | that's a stun anal that is also yeah |
14200s | that's mathematically how it goes I |
14201s | don't know I don't want to know what |
14202s | they brought well ladies and gentlemen |
14204s | I'll hand you over to the arena where |
14206s | you will see see the mighty Dominic's |
14208s | Navy issue let's go the last match |
14213s | okay |
14216s | the hello welcome to round three of the |
14220s | grand finals of the alliance tournament |
14222s | Mera Mira on the wall who has got the |
14224s | wrinkliest brain of them all so we're |
14227s | back to Mr Potato Head but with a little |
14229s | bit of a mustach drawn drawn on his face |
14232s | because we have Navy Dominic is an |
14235s | so we talked about this earlier bifrost |
14237s | is the only Shield command ship that's |
14239s | even remaining for tuskers and Truth |
14241s | honor light they're bringing a bit of a |
14243s | more normal cop th just going for the |
14245s | medium rail gun span which we going to |
14246s | see the fight starting a second here and |
14248s | a lot of damage Landing quite quickly oh |
14249s | I love this Shield sin and navy Dominic |
14252s | from tuskers and obviously the Navy |
14253s | domies do get a shield extended boost to |
14256s | hit points in the bonuses of the ship |
14258s | damage be landing hard and fast by force |
14260s | the first Target for THL get that get |
14262s | those links off quickly I think that's a |
14263s | fantastic cool but here is being kept up |
14265s | by the two kierans and obviously the |
14266s | bifrost sorry the a now taking a look |
14269s | Lucas Quan the primary for tuskers |
14271s | obviously we saw the stalks in the last |
14272s | match and that was obviously to avoid |
14274s | the the conquest bands if they won so |
14275s | they brought the B Force this time |
14276s | around orur taking a lot of damage going |
14278s | into low about around half armor sin now |
14281s | the target for THL opting just to go for |
14283s | the battleships yeah so ironically I |
14285s | actually did exactly what tuskers did |
14287s | against pandemic Legion one year and it |
14289s | didn't exactly work out for me so I mean |
14291s | the Met has changed a little bit um |
14293s | battleships have been changed especially |
14295s | the Navy ones but man the augurer he |
14297s | he's so so far away he's 100 km away |
14300s | from anything and just getting chunked |
14302s | by those centuries but that sin Shield |
14304s | sins are not known for their HP Lucas |
14308s | get trying to get away survive as long |
14310s | as possible going potentially into |
14312s | structure here the S of C bouncing back |
14314s | now from The Shield's bait tanked or |
14316s | what structure and Lucas cor for the or |
14318s | he goes down this is huge lorra does go |
14320s | down I think for T massive win for |
14322s | tuskers and now the Kieran does go down |
14324s | as well |
14325s | Quan boundary violated 125 and he got |
14328s | blown up meanwhile Blackstar in the |
14330s | Kieran has died so that's one logi you |
14333s | know for one ly here I mean once a curan |
14335s | of jger goes down which will happen |
14336s | quickly that will be you know all of the |
14339s | remote repair on tuskers down I mean the |
14342s | attack bar for tuskers is literally just |
14345s | the drones right now THL continuing to |
14347s | try to punch through this in and the |
14348s | omen of rones AKA Jordan one of the team |
14352s | captains going down here look at those |
14355s | heavy nudes being applied to everything |
14356s | from those tuskers potatoes yeah they |
14358s | looks like they didn't have any guns the |
14359s | sin does go down for cart THL not out |
14361s | the running yet they still have plenty |
14362s | of damage you can see there potential |
14364s | attack bar on the screen in front of |
14365s | you's massive going to go for the Kier |
14366s | and get those reps off off the grid |
14368s | right now Omen about to go down as well |
14370s | for the th side I think tuskers need to |
14372s | go for the some of the bigger ships here |
14373s | or maybe get rid of the Omens more Omens |
14376s | yeah I mean now the Kieran is down I |
14377s | wouldn't be surprised if we see the Navy |
14379s | Dominic is being targeted meanwhile the |
14381s | um merer or sorry rather The Omen of |
14384s | Jordan finally does go down but I mean |
14386s | the Navy Dominics is already Shield yeah |
14389s | I mean sorry the shield that you |
14391s | know go down so interestingly the Navy |
14394s | Dominic does actually have a rep bonus |
14396s | but it's not to Shield it's actually to |
14399s | armor and these again are shield Navy |
14401s | damy so one of the issues with being |
14403s | Shield tanked is that you can't really |
14405s | get the same amount of you know drone |
14408s | tracking and control because you need |
14409s | those for shield extenders you need it |
14411s | for an asp you need it for tap you know |
14413s | mods and things like going to go down |
14415s | Navy Dominic looking really good for THL |
14418s | avoiding from the the the jaws of the of |
14420s | the Abyss coming back THL come back to |
14423s | maybe do a reverse sweep yeah exactly I |
14425s | mean remember this time last year to the |
14428s | day tuskers was up 2 N against |
14430s | fraternity and then fraternity clawed it |
14433s | back tuskers however they had 22 ships |
14436s | in this match they couldn't bring my |
14438s | head in this camera right now is cutting |
14440s | off all the [ __ ] bands because that is |
14442s | how little tusers can play with right |
14444s | now and this is kind of one of the |
14446s | things that we uh do to try to make it |
14447s | very hard to just have a 3-nil wipe |
14449s | right tsers is basically almost out of |
14452s | like good ships that they can bring |
14454s | because so much has been banned for them |
14456s | and THL continuing to ban out the um you |
14459s | know the hugan and the Rapier really |
14461s | getting at sort of like any Shield kite |
14463s | and tusker's continuing to ban out you |
14465s | know the um Pond effects trying to |
14468s | really you know prevent THL from having |
14470s | to bring their Apex you know Flagship |
14472s | comp but THL just saying hey I can bring |
14474s | a very normal gun Rush yeah tuskers is |
14478s | just you know jumping out and they're |
14480s | saying hey you know I'm done with your |
14482s | gapping we want to have our mental reset |
14484s | so we can try to you know get back in |
14486s | our [ __ ] ships rather and plan for the |
14488s | uh the next uh match um and with that |
14491s | we're going to go back to the go for a |
14492s | break and then we get the desk to break |
14494s | that down |
14507s | truth honor light pulling it back |
14509s | 21 uh against the tusker Co in this best |
14512s | of five grand final we still have more |
14514s | matches to come I believe the phrase is |
14516s | ladies and gentlemen we have a series on |
14517s | our hands uh I mean someone take that |
14521s | man out of the kitchen I don't know what |
14523s | he's cooking in there but that was |
14524s | Shield Navy Dominic's Shield sin mytical |
14527s | might what look it's not often we're |
14532s | right on the desk but we did say |
14535s | we did actually say B Dominic's were |
14537s | still in and also I would like everyone |
14540s | here to know that a random chatter in |
14543s | twitch chat said bring sins yeah way |
14545s | back so you're wrong and also you're |
14548s | wrong Nero okay don't do that again come |
14551s | on no more sins or I mean when they got |
14554s | that augone pretty quick off the bat I |
14556s | was like maybe is this is this how we |
14559s | end Alliance tournament 20 with the the |
14561s | thunderous Applause of sh Shield Navy |
14564s | and it was not to be cuz immediately we |
14566s | just saw the sing |
14568s | go and then they swapped to a Kiran for |
14570s | a bit |
14571s | and choice it was at the time but it |
14573s | didn't feel like it didn't feel like the |
14575s | right choice but it was I kind of feel |
14577s | like that was maybe one of those things |
14578s | where they were trying to we talked |
14580s | about a little bit before they were |
14581s | trying to bait uh TR light into bringing |
14583s | their best comp so it would get banned |
14585s | out by winning with it yeah you know |
14587s | what that would have been really really |
14588s | good against a BAL Gorn Widow they would |
14592s | they would have destroyed them it's like |
14593s | ah my Widow is dying and there's nothing |
14596s | I can do about it well I guess that's it |
14598s | but hey you know what they may have been |
14600s | cowards cuz they didn't bring the Bal |
14601s | Gorn but they're also still in the |
14603s | tournament so I guess you what do we |
14604s | know yeah true enough to predict Navy |
14607s | Dominic that's what we know good job |
14609s | guys |
14611s | H I still can't believe we saw Shield |
14613s | Navy doin is in Alliance Tournament 2 |
14615s | Grand Final you didn't see him for long |
14616s | no it was a very quick match it was one |
14619s | of the faster matches I think we've had |
14620s | in the last weekend yeah wasle there was |
14623s | a couple of boundaries in match as well |
14625s | oh I had a very very happy CCP Swift |
14629s | kind of like come in behind and go you |
14631s | can take the man out of PL but you can't |
14633s | take PL out of a man when Lucas Quan |
14636s | boundaried in the orra but to be fair |
14638s | Lucas was also going to die anyway so y |
14641s | but it's funny it's funny it's funny for |
14643s | stat it's funny at least it's only 125 |
14645s | km that's kind of kind brought the dice |
14647s | and lost yeah I mean sometimes you see |
14650s | this um uh welcome to L stre if you've |
14652s | never watched before by the way uh you J |
14654s | at a great time uh but the arena is a |
14657s | bubble it's 125 km from the center in |
14659s | all directions um and if you put one |
14663s | little toll over that Barry even by a |
14666s | meter uh you just get blown up |
14668s | immediately you do not survive that's it |
14670s | game over um and we see sometimes teams |
14673s | playing where they try and skirt close |
14675s | to the boundary either they're kiting |
14676s | away from something or they're chasing |
14677s | someone down and they turn at just the |
14679s | last minute and like go up to like 124.5 |
14682s | and they come back in other times you |
14683s | see just like drift out a little bit |
14685s | over and then instant death there's no |
14686s | surviving it's no damage over time it's |
14688s | no like Zar acent it's just bang you are |
14690s | dead yeah um and we've seen a couple of |
14692s | matches uh a couple of incredible |
14694s | matches in the last history be decided |
14696s | by an errant boundary violation uh so |
14699s | it's an everpresent danger now if Lucas |
14701s | there he's trying to get away from all |
14702s | those sentries it it's the right move |
14704s | just try and SCP close to the boundar as |
14705s | far away as you possibly can be uh as |
14708s | you say he was going to go down anyway |
14709s | all it did was probably prolong a couple |
14710s | of seconds perhaps but I mean I mean I I |
14713s | was arguing that Lucas probably should |
14715s | have burned in um I heard that sentries |
14717s | were dropped and I was like oh okay so |
14718s | the logical thing for the orur will be |
14720s | to burn towards the Sentry blob at an |
14722s | angle and then just orbit as close to |
14724s | the sentries as possible and hope to |
14725s | prolong your death by having some of the |
14727s | sentries Miss every now and then of |
14729s | course that runs into the issue of you |
14730s | will get new to doing so yeah but I feel |
14733s | like it's still more likely to keep you |
14735s | alive a little bit longer than burning |
14737s | away at a distance because you are going |
14739s | to be hit fairly consistently by the |
14741s | sentries at the range that he was at so |
14744s | it's it's a tough position to be in um |
14746s | I've done a bit of logy piloting work |
14747s | with Lucas before this was more in like |
14749s | the AO um and I found that as a logy |
14752s | pilot you typically die really really |
14754s | early on in the match for some reason |
14756s | teams seem to really dislike you I can't |
14759s | quite put my finger on it um but part of |
14762s | the exercises that we were doing was |
14764s | figuring out the best ways to prolong |
14766s | the death right you want you want a nice |
14768s | long drawn out death of a logistic ship |
14770s | if you die immediately then it's very |
14772s | very sad times for your team but if you |
14774s | can make sure that you die over a course |
14775s | of 65 80 Seconds that's a lot of time |
14778s | for your team to start putting damage |
14780s | inter ships like we saw with the sin um |
14782s | before they swap to the Kieran it allows |
14784s | you to start effectively trading and it |
14785s | puts you in a really good position to |
14787s | carry on um with successful beneficial |
14790s | trades early later on into the match |
14792s | rather mhm so um we can also take a look |
14795s | at an infographic video kind of |
14796s | explaining the actual Arena itself and |
14798s | some of the other things that happen in |
14799s | an alliance tournament match so let's |
14801s | see if we can hit play on that one now |
14802s | and I'll talk you through it so here's |
14804s | the tournament Arena so the teams are |
14805s | teleported into one of these four |
14806s | beacons they get to pick the referee |
14808s | comos them and says A B C or D you get |
14810s | teleported into the system you're way |
14812s | off descan from the arena and from each |
14814s | other you then have to warp to the arena |
14815s | of a range of your choice between 0 and |
14817s | 50 km if you warp in outside of those |
14820s | ranges you will be moved to zero uh |
14822s | because you have to be within 50 of the |
14824s | center Beacon inside the arena there is |
14826s | eight micro jump drive units in a square |
14828s | and a ninth one in the center itself |
14830s | each of those when activated can ping |
14831s | you forward 100 km and of course there's |
14834s | the A4 mentioned kill boundary at 125 km |
14838s | all the way |
14840s | around another round of standing |
14842s | analysis from a lead analyst here you |
14845s | know is he the lead analyst lead analyst |
14848s | yep yeah I'm the host actually yeah you |
14850s | are the host actually just turn it |
14852s | around fine you know what we've never |
14853s | done that before I have an interesting |
14856s | idea here all right on you go all right |
14859s | what's next oh what's next okay well you |
14862s | know we did see a lot of uh very |
14863s | interesting comp |
14864s | but me it the Navy Dominic died so fast |
14871s | they we |
14874s | need please so the nav Dominic's uh |
14876s | great bat lots of damage uh usually fit |
14879s | with armor not common to see with Shield |
14881s | you can fit it with shield and in this |
14882s | instance they died really fast because |
14884s | the damage that was being applied to |
14885s | them by their opponents Tru on a light |
14888s | in fact exceeded both their local tank |
14890s | and the tank from the kierin and thus |
14892s | they died uh see you're like okay I |
14894s | don't want to be next to this I don't |
14896s | want to be next to thism I'm sure you |
14897s | know twitch chat would love it but you |
14899s | know personal boundaries in space you |
14901s | know what we could do next time is just |
14902s | have all three of us right next to just |
14904s | hdle in yeah just kind of huddle in |
14906s | we'll come back to that yeah to that for |
14908s | warmth no it it was a good uh it was a |
14909s | good match though it was a very good |
14911s | match honestly like I I respect the idea |
14913s | of bringing Shield Navy domies in a sin |
14915s | in a lance Tournament final in the first |
14916s | place this is the kind of stuff we |
14917s | talked about with the tuskers and their |
14919s | theat crafting like they're not afraid |
14921s | to go a little bit out of you know out |
14923s | of the norm a lot of people would just |
14925s | almost discard these ships almost |
14926s | immediately but I mean to field it now |
14929s | they had these already like they they |
14930s | had tested this comp to the point that |
14932s | they had these ships available ready to |
14934s | jump into and they you know looked at |
14937s | what they had and thought this could |
14938s | work right now I I think it's also a |
14940s | case of when you're 2N up in the series |
14943s | right it's a best of five you have the |
14945s | flexibility to try and bring some things |
14947s | that you haven't necessarily practiced |
14948s | too much before it may be a concept on a |
14951s | spreadsheet where you're thinking about |
14953s | Conquest band like okay we have these |
14954s | really strong setups if we win with |
14956s | these setups we cannot bring these ships |
14958s | but these ships do similar things maybe |
14961s | not as well but in the right |
14962s | circumstances they can win like if they |
14964s | had brought the Bal Gorn Widow it may |
14966s | have been it may have stood a decent |
14968s | chance right uh I feel like that was a |
14970s | dice roll comp like if if they bring |
14972s | what we think they might bring yeah then |
14973s | we win with this kind of meme comp if |
14975s | not it's okay we've still got two |
14976s | matches in hand exactly and don't they |
14979s | don't run the risk of getting knocked |
14980s | out for doing it right so this is really |
14982s | the time where they will be bringing out |
14984s | things that they're not necessarily that |
14985s | comfortable with and remember if we get |
14987s | to match five all of the Bands disappear |
14989s | right so it would only be the bands that |
14991s | are actually selected prior to the match |
14993s | which means that they can then fall back |
14994s | on the strong comps that they've brought |
14996s | before which they would feel way more |
14997s | comfortable with so y again I'm I'm |
14999s | expecting some wacky stuff for for |
15001s | tuskers yep next match uh do we have any |
15003s | maybe Dominic's |
15004s | fits oh I bet you they're not on zkill |
15007s | but I can I can take a look because |
15008s | remember |
15011s | they yeah nope we have no dominat kills |
15015s | uh so we cannot see what they were fit |
15017s | yeah they I don't think I think they |
15018s | were fit with a lot of tracking mids |
15020s | because I if so the sin actually kind of |
15022s | held for a while like um yeah which was |
15024s | surprising it was boosting I think |
15026s | boosting boosting his little heart out U |
15028s | as obviously as soon as the Kieran went |
15030s | down uh the damage then kind of picked |
15032s | up a little bit and that's kind of one |
15033s | of the issues with Kieran is that they |
15035s | have to be very very close to maximize |
15037s | their repy I studied for this one we |
15039s | talked about it this morning um but yeah |
15042s | I think those Navy Dominic's like as |
15044s | soon as the damage swapped to them they |
15045s | just melted they were gone yeah so I I |
15047s | have a feeling that they were probably |
15048s | not buffer mids I think that they were |
15052s | basically running on the assumption that |
15053s | you would not Target them or they would |
15055s | win before you got the opportunity to |
15057s | Target them so I I I think they |
15059s | basically loaded up their highs with NES |
15060s | as well I think there was a shot where |
15062s | there were four or five Cruisers and |
15064s | battle Cruisers sitting on top of the |
15065s | potato and the potato just had little |
15069s | little sharp lines coming out of it |
15070s | sucking capacitor away so I think they |
15073s | were all gambling on the fact that if |
15074s | they did go up against a medium gun spam |
15076s | they'd be able to shut down DPS coming |
15078s | out of ships for long enough that they |
15079s | would be able to then effectively trade |
15082s | um and unfortunately it just didn't seem |
15083s | to be the case so it's the gamble you |
15085s | take but I have a question for you Bart |
15088s | um let's just theorize that this um goes |
15092s | to match five all right all so Conquest |
15095s | bands just to just to bring you up to |
15097s | speed um tuskers won match one and two |
15099s | all the ships they won with banned uh |
15101s | Tru onite just won match three all those |
15103s | ships are band for them but they only |
15104s | apply to each team uh only the regular |
15107s | bands apply to both teams so uh to truth |
15109s | one light have one set of ships band out |
15111s | tusers of two if we get to match five |
15113s | where it's 22 in the series all Conquest |
15115s | pans are reset and we only have the |
15117s | match bans so we're back to just |
15118s | basically it becomes a best of one for |
15120s | Alliance tournament grand prize all |
15122s | right so black scenario okay we get to |
15126s | the the fifth match right now um does |
15129s | the triple Dommy comp beat a flagship |
15132s | Balor comp from Tron Light the triple |
15136s | domy comp beats a flagship Bor and Widow |
15139s | comp every single time the Triple Balor |
15142s | or triple Dy comp does not necessarily |
15145s | beat a flagship Balor comp but we what |
15148s | about a flagship uh balgar the shack |
15150s | comp cuz we've seen uh that been used |
15152s | before no no no it's not it's not 200 |
15156s | what was it 15 16 it's not 2016 anymore |
15159s | or at16 it's also not 2016 both of these |
15162s | things are correct um no no no that's |
15164s | way too many points uh I think what I |
15166s | what what I would expect is um instead |
15169s | of bringing cuz I don't think truth |
15171s | honor light brings their flag uh flag |
15173s | Bal Gorn Widow I think we've like every |
15175s | single tusker setup they've brought is |
15177s | like this kills the Widow you know like |
15179s | horribly it's you just lose um I do |
15182s | think that a flag Bal Gorn medium gun |
15185s | spam would be really disgustingly |
15188s | difficult to beat and I don't I haven't |
15190s | seen tuskers bring anything that I think |
15192s | would do good against it |
15194s | medium guns I mean there's a lot of ewar |
15196s | still on the table for the tuskers and I |
15197s | think we'll see truth on the light have |
15199s | been Banning um webs in their first two |
15201s | bands the way the bands work is uh you |
15203s | get two blind bands uh each team submits |
15205s | them to the referees the referee then |
15207s | announces what they they are to each |
15208s | team if there's any duplicates you can |
15209s | an extra uh ban or two depending if it's |
15211s | two duplicates then you get the another |
15213s | set of blind bands that's how we get our |
15215s | bands that's why sometimes you see in |
15216s | the middle there are some duplicates or |
15217s | not um so far 20 have been Banning out |
15220s | webs in their first ones yes right so |
15223s | surely if what you're saying was going |
15225s | to happen they would want to ban out um |
15227s | like guidance and tracking disruption |
15228s | there because otherwise there's so many |
15229s | ships available that would perhaps |
15232s | counter that so I normally agree with |
15234s | that um however when you bring a flag |
15236s | Bal Gorn into the consideration and you |
15237s | basically have a 70 km web cuz we know |
15241s | no matter how the truth honor light flag |
15243s | Battleship was fit before then we now |
15245s | know that it has two Toby webs because |
15246s | they got it from the tuskers so they |
15247s | have the the best the best webs in the |
15250s | game uh that's the one thing that you |
15252s | can kind of counter |
15254s | um getting track and disrupted by is if |
15255s | you can actually get on top of them cuz |
15256s | the thing that uh you know we've said it |
15258s | I don't think I've gotten to say it on |
15259s | stream yet so I'm going to say it on |
15260s | stream so I think that I'm sounding very |
15261s | smart um the cool thing about a medium |
15263s | gun spam setup is that it is actually a |
15266s | DPS rush you don't have to play it like |
15269s | a DPS rush but if you want to you can do |
15271s | exactly what truth honor light just did |
15272s | two tuskers and basically Ram in control |
15275s | space your ship load your shortest range |
15276s | Amo and press F1 now obviously tracking |
15279s | disruptors are good modules but at the |
15281s | end of the day you can either make it so |
15283s | that it can't track the ship which can |
15286s | be sort of countered by piloting or you |
15288s | can make it so that you have less range |
15290s | you can't really track and disrupt |
15291s | medium guns down to the point of them |
15293s | being useless unlike uh like blasters |
15295s | from a Vindicator where you can track |
15296s | and disrupt them down to having like 3 |
15298s | km range um so |
15301s | there's I think that a flag Balor and |
15305s | medium gun spam comp everything we've |
15308s | seen from tuskers which we know they |
15309s | have more uh I think they would have a |
15311s | lot of trouble with it I do not think |
15313s | that flag B gor widdow is a good idea |
15315s | because everything we've seen from |
15316s | tuskers would just destroy it mhm I |
15319s | think it would also be tricky to bring a |
15322s | flag Bal with a medium gun spam now mhm |
15326s | since they've just won with medium guns |
15327s | yeah I was thinking how many going to |
15329s | lose so it would have to be match five |
15331s | yeah match five is probably if we're |
15332s | going to see it I think that's when it's |
15333s | going to come that's why I said it yeah |
15334s | cuz you said match five and so I was |
15335s | like so everything's back we can bring |
15337s | all of our spaceships again I mean I |
15339s | wouldn't put it past some sort of like |
15341s | odd truth on the light one with like |
15342s | fantasms and for example because we've |
15345s | seen them use stuff like that before so |
15346s | I wouldn't put it past them to bring |
15348s | another medium gun spam just now with |
15350s | just a different set of ships that fit |
15351s | medium guns yeah they could bring like |
15353s | Navy fero's vultures or like anything |
15355s | like that alongside the fantasms the |
15357s | mowers that they' brought before um that |
15359s | would all work I was just thinking more |
15361s | in line with the flagship and also |
15362s | thinking about arrival when they had |
15363s | their flag varaga when they were doing |
15365s | the medium gun rush but with the vager |
15366s | as well yep um no I'm expecting just |
15370s | another simple setup from truth on the |
15372s | light which is going to be we do lots of |
15373s | damage over many different ships and you |
15375s | can kill a couple but we'll still do a |
15377s | lot of damage and I think that's |
15379s | effectively probably what're going to |
15380s | going to play for there's you bring it |
15382s | it's really it's really hard to shut |
15383s | down um but you know I kind of depends |
15388s | on how the bands go which I don't think |
15389s | we have them yet um because it's |
15391s | actually quite a while to the match |
15392s | still it is it's about 10 minutes |
15393s | actually we can actually look at the |
15394s | conquest band so rather than me reading |
15396s | them out to you dear viewers out in |
15398s | twitch land uh I can actually clap my |
15400s | hands and here they are so this is the |
15402s | conquest bands again just to be clear |
15405s | only the teams to which these Conquest |
15407s | bands apply to cannot bring these ships |
15408s | that means the truth on the light can |
15410s | bring an ashim Mo if they want and uh |
15412s | the tusker co can bring in a starte |
15414s | because they did not have them in their |
15415s | own Conquest bands mystical M what are |
15418s | the like really important ships here for |
15419s | both sides honestly I'm looking at |
15421s | things like the the lower end the vigils |
15423s | I think are very interesting um cuz |
15426s | vigils you can see they're band out on |
15428s | both sides because they're very |
15429s | important ships they have the track uh |
15431s | not the tracking disruptor the target |
15432s | painter both bonus which makes it very |
15435s | easy for you to begin applying your |
15436s | damage to the low render ships but also |
15438s | to track things like the logistics |
15439s | Cruisers and FRS um I'd also say that |
15442s | the magas and pontif effects um are |
15444s | interesting ships to not have access to |
15446s | anymore on the tuska side again because |
15448s | it limits their ability to bring some of |
15450s | the armor setups where you're not |
15451s | necessarily bringing |
15454s | um uh battle Cruisers but you're |
15457s | bringing battleships instead so that |
15459s | only leaves them with the the the uh |
15462s | dger and the bifrost there we go I'm |
15464s | getting there um but from the truth on |
15467s | Light Side this is what I was saying |
15468s | right they've lost the Absolution they |
15469s | lost the they've lost the estar they've |
15471s | lost the brck Navy isue they've lost the |
15473s | harbinger Navy isue they don't really |
15474s | have much of a battle cruiser cord to go |
15477s | with the Balor anymore MH um so I feel |
15479s | like it is pushing them solidly towards |
15482s | Shields and what what would be |
15483s | interesting to see is whether tusers go |
15485s | for some Shield Logistics bands mhm um |
15488s | to really mess with the truth on the |
15489s | light ability to bring anything but I |
15491s | think I would also expect to maybe see a |
15494s | EOS ban perhaps against truth honor |
15496s | light and maybe an armagedon Navy issue |
15499s | all ships that can pa uh relatively well |
15501s | of course we've seen a lot of oses it's |
15503s | probably one of the most ban ship this |
15504s | tournament Yeah by Banning the EOS |
15505s | they're they're effectively stopping |
15506s | truth on the light from bringing a |
15508s | strong drone comp they could still F |
15510s | Dominic of their own if they wanted to |
15512s | they could just take the tuska setups |
15514s | and run them back that's what I was |
15516s | about to say is like but what if they |
15518s | bring three |
15519s | Dominic well I mean it's undefeated yeah |
15522s | I mean that's the thing is like there's |
15524s | no reason not to and um the tuskers have |
15527s | been using it a couple times it's the |
15529s | question is do they have them ready |
15530s | because this is where like if they've |
15532s | just decided now okay let's bring triple |
15534s | domies not only unless they have the |
15536s | those ships ready they have to be buying |
15538s | them all up and draa fitting them up |
15540s | they don't necessarily know how they |
15541s | were fixed I don't think did they kill |
15542s | any of the the domies The Dominics from |
15544s | what I'm I'm pretty sure it has not died |
15547s | yet and we cuz we've speculated on the |
15549s | fit um I have a I have an inkling of |
15552s | what I think it is but I don't know off |
15555s | enough off the top of my head cuz they |
15556s | do seem relatively tanky I thought one |
15558s | died against that's that's what I was |
15560s | trying to remember if one died or not |
15562s | not no one has the Z thing well unless |
15564s | PL sensitivity are willing to share that |
15566s | kill with truth on a light and and then |
15568s | you know this is where start gets |
15569s | complicated yeah yeah they have nothing |
15571s | to lose at this point |
15573s | right those guys kicked us out here you |
15575s | go but I mean you're right you could |
15578s | take something that has been run against |
15580s | you and then bring it against them and |
15582s | and hope to do it but if don't have it |
15583s | already and I mean do we we haven't seen |
15586s | anyone else bring triple Dy and also |
15589s | this armor cruise uh with you know |
15592s | Shield CL destroyers that one I wouldn't |
15594s | I would never ever try and do the armor |
15596s | cruise yep because we don't know how any |
15598s | of the ships are fit like they know how |
15600s | the typhoons fit and that's it and |
15602s | that's one of those things like that is |
15603s | way too dangerous because there could be |
15605s | some like that could be one of those |
15606s | ones that literally Works based off of |
15609s | the implants it could be work based off |
15611s | of like the vigil Fleet issues specific |
15613s | set of webs that that's one that like |
15615s | not only do you need to know exact fits |
15617s | for everything you also need to have |
15618s | practice it a lot I think that the |
15620s | triple Dy is something that truth honter |
15622s | light could probably copy paste and fly |
15624s | pretty well but again like both of those |
15625s | are actually terrible ideas if you've |
15627s | never flown it before because there's |
15628s | little tiny intricacies and all this and |
15630s | like I feel like we've seen it happen |
15632s | before where teams will just copy paste |
15634s | a setup and then just lose horribly with |
15636s | it cuz they have no idea what's going on |
15637s | there was a golden rule when I was on |
15639s | the Hydra team which was if we bring |
15641s | drones we lose that's |
15643s | I think truth on a in general has never |
15645s | really done well with |
15647s | drones um yeah I would recommend against |
15649s | bringing drones it's hard to get your |
15651s | drones to feather for you exactly yeah |
15652s | they just Brawl for some reason and die |
15655s | they just do things and there's nothing |
15656s | you can do to make them not do the thing |
15658s | sometimes they don't do what you want |
15659s | them to do true we can look at the bands |
15661s | the bands are in now so let's let's see |
15663s | the bands all right again all the |
15666s | conquest bands are on top of this but |
15667s | the tusker is Banning out the meas |
15669s | pontif effect the EOS and the dger so |
15671s | that is basically all of the armor |
15673s | command destroyers off the field plus |
15675s | that EOS there as well for the tuskers |
15677s | truth on a light uh as we kind of |
15679s | suspected going for those classic bands |
15681s | again hugan Rapier hyena and also the |
15684s | EOS you don't get any duplicates because |
15686s | uh the EOS bands were both in the second |
15688s | round black bar pirate what do you think |
15689s | about these bands here is this what we |
15691s | expected yeah I think so I think I mean |
15694s | like at this point like it's the teams |
15696s | just trying to like screw with each |
15697s | other as much as possible so they're |
15698s | trying to just hurt each other and |
15700s | that's so toxic why must you hurt each |
15703s | other but um the uh yeah the jogger band |
15705s | that makes sense like so tuskers so for |
15709s | the viewers and hopefully I remember |
15710s | this right tuskers can only bring the |
15712s | bifrost as their command desie if they |
15715s | decide to bring one the entirety of |
15718s | Shield battle Cruisers are open for both |
15720s | sides mhm which is pretty cool so that's |
15723s | something that can be links for you |
15724s | links are very important by the way yeah |
15725s | just trust us on this trust me bro uh I |
15728s | would expect at this point you pretty |
15731s | much have to bring Shield or you have to |
15733s | bring something really wild I the only |
15736s | thing I could see tuskers doing is maybe |
15738s | doing like a heavy missile like of armor |
15741s | comps would be like a weird heavy |
15742s | missile armor kite comp with bifrost |
15744s | links but even then like you don't have |
15746s | vigil you don't have vigil Fleet issue |
15747s | and the H Band all the painting stuff is |
15750s | basically a Golem |
15752s | BOS is still open the mighty BOS or |
15756s | Golem basically the same thing |
15759s | yeah if you ignore the points the size |
15761s | the r yeah |
15763s | yeah they basically look the same too if |
15765s | you're like really zoomed out just |
15767s | bracket classic yeah bracket there yeah |
15770s | I mean we are teams are in system we're |
15772s | just waiting for them to to warp in uh |
15774s | to the arena um this is again this is |
15777s | now um uh still for all the marbles |
15780s | tuskers still have in their in their |
15782s | sweaty little hands they have the |
15785s | championship point the alliance |
15786s | tournament 20 point they are holding it |
15788s | gently and it's very heavy they are so |
15792s | close is what yes they're so close to |
15795s | this thing here you've no idea how heavy |
15796s | this is solid gold um that they just |
15799s | need one more match they need to kill |
15801s | more points than they lose in this next |
15803s | 10 minutes basically and then they will |
15805s | go home Alliance tournament champions |
15807s | twice because they won before in |
15808s | Alliance tournament 14 this will be |
15809s | their second time uh truth on the light |
15811s | also have won in the past as well this |
15813s | will also be their second time if they |
15814s | win so they need to uh get through this |
15817s | match to keep that dream |
15819s | alive but the funniest thing could Happ |
15822s | but if the funniest thing could happen |
15824s | I'm ready I see the teams are landing |
15827s | there so we're literally moments Away |
15829s | Ladies and Gentlemen no matter what |
15830s | happens this has been a very exciting |
15832s | Alliance tournament we have some |
15833s | incredible matches some amazing teams |
15835s | getting to new heights they've never got |
15837s | to before some teams dropping |
15839s | unexpectedly early in the tournament it |
15841s | has been incredible uh I I've enjoyed |
15844s | every moment of this I hope we get a |
15846s | fifth match um because I just I I love |
15849s | seeing matches this is great fun uh but |
15851s | this could be it like again this could |
15854s | be it so I think for maybe the last time |
15858s | we will once again head over to the |
15860s | arena for this match in Alliance |
15862s | tournament |
15865s | 20 ladies and gentlemen welcome to match |
15868s | four of the finals of Lance 220 tuskers |
15870s | and THL and tuskers bringing an armor |
15874s | Loki a tals a Nago an oracle haven't we |
15876s | seen this before modat no I'm getting a |
15878s | sense of deja vu I have felt this |
15880s | feeling before truth honor light is |
15883s | going to try to Tokyo Drift themselves |
15885s | into the backline of tusu Co and use |
15888s | their rail guns while I make puns to |
15892s | make a lot of funds for winning Alliance |
15894s | tournament 13 or sorry not 13 PTSD from |
15898s | when I lost to a similar setup Alliance |
15900s | tournament 20 um we saw this match |
15903s | before like we're saying so how did TS |
15905s | scor lose like what could have they done |
15906s | differently to maybe pull out a w here |
15909s | well I think they're going to have to |
15910s | the thing is we're just talking about |
15911s | the war ping angles actually cuz this |
15913s | unlike the other match they are the |
15915s | angles they come in they've come in at |
15916s | both at 30 or 40 but the way they've |
15918s | come in they're actually right next to |
15919s | each other so I think unlike the last |
15921s | match this match the damage is going to |
15923s | be landing literally immediately on both |
15925s | sides so things that you would want a |
15928s | primary right like the Osprey or the |
15931s | augurer you would understand like |
15932s | wanting to get rid of those but |
15934s | crucially tuskers what they kind of lost |
15937s | last time is that they didn't have any |
15938s | way to tackle or hold down THL THL ships |
15941s | when they got low they ran away and THL |
15943s | I mean they have the fantasms uh which |
15945s | you know might be the uh the fantasm of |
15948s | the Opera that lives inside the mind of |
15951s | tuskers and mea lowkey straight down |
15954s | into armor already already into armor |
15956s | that's the webs that's the only Ship by |
15957s | the way that tuskers still had available |
15959s | for Demps and look at the webs applied |
15961s | punch through the St get rid of the |
15962s | armor links again none of the attack |
15965s | Cruisers can do links so that is the |
15966s | links completely off the board God look |
15969s | at those six links applied they're going |
15971s | to do exactly what they need to if that |
15972s | Loki can burn away fast enough and he is |
15975s | doing a pretty good job at pulling range |
15978s | but I mean the damps are not maybe |
15981s | enough Loki in down into Hull getting |
15984s | reps Al not able to keep him up the Loki |
15988s | does go down meanwhile the Naga of |
15990s | verdict taking significant damage to the |
15992s | lisus doing the damps might be the next |
15994s | primary the attack bar of THL getting |
15998s | you know harassed significantly because |
16000s | again these damps these jams are really |
16001s | shutting out the ability of THL to apply |
16004s | damage but that tasker's defense bar is |
16006s | rather low it's it's really low the Naga |
16008s | does go down on verdict on the THL side |
16010s | but still out the lowkey going down is |
16012s | massive the control trade Osprey is |
16014s | getting rather low he's getting painted |
16016s | he's getting absolutely railed by the TS |
16019s | and the Naga meanwhile the kitsun is |
16021s | taking a ton of damage being tracked and |
16023s | transm the kitsun all the jams are down |
16026s | now the lisus is the only ship being |
16028s | able to mitigate damage getting damps on |
16029s | the Moa and maybe a logic trade augurer |
16032s | of that um Jagger is about to get Jagger |
16035s | bombed out of this match yeah lucasan |
16037s | Jagger going into structure Lucas |
16039s | holding on low Shield jger does go down |
16041s | they all go down for tuskers this could |
16042s | be the win that THL need Lucas Kon still |
16045s | surviving nager goes down control freak |
16046s | down for THL oh the this is backwards |
16049s | and forwards Lees is another primary for |
16051s | for um the the latch is getting caught |
16053s | there's a web on top of him it looks |
16055s | like that is going to be one of these |
16058s | tackle ships specifically it's going to |
16061s | be the Moa of domar longtime tournament |
16064s | veteran using that experience to get on |
16066s | top of the lack and once that's down |
16068s | truth honor light will be free tusar |
16071s | Massive Attack bar but that defense bar |
16073s | they've got nothing left in the tank |
16075s | they've got nothing left th bringing it |
16077s | back from the from the abys might be a |
16080s | reverse 3.0 hands the Oracle going down |
16081s | with glassy Osprey Lucas still holding |
16084s | on like a champ what a match I mean |
16087s | honestly THL fantastic show Lucas St |
16089s | still taking a bit of damage but only |
16091s | the naga's dropping yeah this nag JJ y |
16093s | the armor tank doesn't work yeah no he |
16095s | is completely out and I mean when Jagger |
16097s | of morit you know he died it proved that |
16100s | THL they were the hunters and tuskers |
16103s | were the prey here that Jagger getting |
16105s | taken out of the arena miraie in that |
16107s | tallos trying to pull range and you know |
16109s | project but I mean the oppr of Lucius |
16112s | Quan surviving as long as he did his |
16114s | massive I mean last time we said that |
16116s | you know he did boundary no longer in |
16118s | pandemic Legion sometimes you can't take |
16120s | the legion out of you know the man but |
16122s | you can put this man in the Redemption |
16125s | Arc now because we're going to go to |
16127s | tutu and what that means is |
16131s | tusers might have a little bit of a you |
16134s | know a thousand yard stair because this |
16136s | is exactly what happened to them with |
16138s | fraternity right fraternity was down o0 |
16140s | to2 |
16142s | tuskers doing the same thing now we're |
16144s | going to go 22 however crucially all the |
16147s | conquest bands reset y slate is what |
16149s | completely clean what does that mean for |
16151s | us it means that we could see anything |
16153s | yeah any comps can come back there's |
16156s | nothing apart from the flag the only |
16157s | thing they can't is the the tuska's flag |
16159s | and with that we're going to go back to |
16161s | the last final match but after this |
16163s | break and back to the |
16181s | desk truth honor light taking the second |
16185s | of their victories now and taking the |
16187s | series to |
16188s | 22 there is now confirmed one more match |
16192s | to go in Alliance tournament 20 and it |
16195s | will be quite literally a best of one |
16198s | with everything unlocked again uh the |
16200s | only bands will be the bands uh for that |
16202s | match the only difference between the |
16204s | two teams now is that truth on light |
16206s | have a flagship available blackb pirate |
16208s | though take me through what happened in |
16209s | that match there I did say fantasms I |
16211s | begin to think that perhaps I am |
16213s | big |
16216s | brain no um like look like it's kind of |
16220s | expected right when you're having |
16222s | trouble you go back to the basics and |
16223s | the basics that truth on light is very |
16225s | good at are taking a bunch of medium gum |
16227s | chips and shooting things with them and |
16229s | uh they did a great job of it and um |
16232s | yeah I don't know like it it's a lot of |
16234s | damage it's a lot of damage and there's |
16236s | a lot of uh questionable ship picks on |
16238s | the tusker side which we saw them have a |
16241s | lot of trouble with already once they |
16242s | brought it back they got gunned down by |
16244s | medium guns um it was a little touch and |
16248s | go there for a second I think that the |
16249s | Loki getting rid of that quickly was |
16251s | like I think if it had lived another 20 |
16253s | seconds it would have been over uh |
16254s | because the amount of webs but Cu uh the |
16257s | all the treeon light ships were kind of |
16258s | webbed in like bad spots and then |
16259s | getting damped down by eles and Amala so |
16261s | they couldn't actually lock anything but |
16263s | as soon as that Loki went down you just |
16265s | watched like every single up just |
16266s | disappear and then they rushed in and |
16268s | then they started taking chips down but |
16270s | it was I mean it was a good play really |
16272s | good call it was really touch and go a |
16274s | couple times there yes I feel like if uh |
16276s | if that Loki didn't get caught or if |
16278s | that Loki managed to uh just stay alive |
16280s | you you've said it yourself uh B um a |
16282s | medium gun spam is also a damage Rush |
16285s | comp um a gun Rush some might even say |
16287s | maybe that means no you're not going to |
16289s | not actually I'm going to stop you from |
16291s | saying that say do it the legendary gush |
16296s | comp um so they gushed in um and they |
16301s | they grabbed that l |
16303s | uh and I think that's that's pretty much |
16304s | exactly as you said um normally these |
16306s | comps tend to prefer to sit at range but |
16308s | as soon as that match started we just |
16309s | saw velocity arrows going straight |
16311s | towards the tuskers comp you know truth |
16313s | on the light they're experienced enough |
16314s | they recognize like this is our win |
16317s | condition is get rid of probably at |
16319s | least the Loki and then the lisus um and |
16321s | because this is exactly what truth on a |
16323s | light did with a lisus and it just |
16325s | controlled a rush comp all over the |
16326s | place in this case truth light were able |
16328s | to overpower them and get in there |
16330s | mytical might could that gone differ did |
16332s | you think or was the gush comp always |
16335s | going to catch up with the Loki I think |
16336s | the important thing here is that truth |
16338s | on the light after they killed the Loki |
16340s | they they started shooting the lisus and |
16343s | I went oh no because the lisus has very |
16347s | good natural kin THM resists and |
16350s | basically all of the ships on the truth |
16351s | on the light side were doing kinetic |
16353s | damage and thermal damage due to the |
16355s | fact that they are using rails um there |
16358s | are different damage types in the game |
16360s | um the benefit of missiles is that you |
16362s | can pick which damage type you're going |
16363s | to use so you have explosive kinetic |
16365s | thermal and EM damage um guns are |
16369s | typically locked to a particular type of |
16371s | damage type so for energy guns it's |
16373s | going to be um em and thermal for rail |
16377s | guns it's going to be kinetic and |
16379s | thermal there are other guns like the |
16381s | trig guns which I think are thermal and |
16383s | explosive or kinetic and explosive |
16385s | someone can correct me in twitch chat |
16387s | you're always right but the point is |
16390s | when you're |
16391s | shooting um a ship that has naturally |
16393s | High resists you want to clear the lodgy |
16395s | away because the lodg is going to have a |
16397s | very easy time keeping that ship up when |
16399s | you are shooting it which is what they |
16400s | did they eventually switched to the |
16401s | kitson they got rid of the aura those |
16404s | were the correct choices if they had |
16406s | delayed in making that choice then it |
16408s | was entirely possible that they were |
16409s | actually going to fall apart Slowly by |
16411s | making the classic mistake that other |
16413s | teams have made in the tournament which |
16414s | is just fixating and tunnel visioning on |
16416s | the first Target that they're shooting |
16418s | so I think it was a case of tuskers |
16420s | would have had a really hard time |
16421s | winning |
16422s | but truth on the light would have had a |
16424s | decent time losing their Victory I |
16426s | suppose it was more in their hands to |
16428s | lose than it was for tuskers to win yep |
16429s | I agree all right so um if you've been |
16432s | watching from home uh you see me wearing |
16433s | this rather fetching Alliance tournament |
16435s | hat uh if we can maybe go to this camera |
16437s | and maybe even if we can zoom in on this |
16439s | camera here on on the old uh head |
16441s | covering here this one here we're using |
16443s | apparently let me zoom in there so this |
16445s | uh this amazing Alliance tournament 20 |
16447s | hat signed oh no we are using this |
16450s | one signed by the entire crew um we're |
16454s | going to raffle this off so someone in a |
16457s | in twitch chat land uh you can win this |
16460s | uh this rather fetching hat signed by |
16461s | everyone here uh on the crew uh it's |
16464s | pretty cool so uh CCB convict is going |
16467s | to be starting that raffle up um in chat |
16469s | so make sure you get in there uh and |
16471s | have a chance to win it um someone will |
16474s | send it to you I'm sure head sweat is |
16476s | included you're welcome yes the head |
16477s | sweat is actually what gives it its true |
16479s | value yeah exactly if you just like ring |
16481s | it out you might get if you pay extra |
16482s | I'll run some laps around the |
16485s | building all right so we have 20 minutes |
16487s | 20 minutes until the next match both of |
16490s | you have either been in teams or um or |
16492s | you know been with teams have been in |
16494s | this position before everything is |
16497s | unlocked mystical mate I'll come to you |
16499s | first what is going through each of |
16501s | these teams right now now if I were in |
16503s | their position I would be spiraling uh |
16505s | but I'm a known stressor when it comes |
16507s | to these things which is why I did not |
16509s | typically get involved with the pics and |
16510s | the bands uh cuz whenever did it was not |
16512s | a fun time for me um I think you just |
16516s | kind of have to reset you accept okay |
16518s | we've lost two matches uh in truth |
16520s | honors in truth onor light's mind |
16522s | they've lost the first two matches but |
16524s | they've come back they've kind of |
16526s | settled their nerves I think they've got |
16527s | their confidence back a little bit by |
16529s | winning those as well yeah and the |
16530s | momentum right so now they're like okay |
16533s | we can do this yeah we we've won two |
16536s | matches we just need to win one more we |
16538s | have our full toall kit available to us |
16541s | including the flagship they don't |
16542s | necessarily need to use it but now they |
16544s | do have the ability to bring the bagor |
16546s | and arm a gun rush if they wanted to um |
16549s | if they wanted to utilize it in some |
16552s | way but they're also probably going to |
16554s | be concerned with the fact that tuskers |
16557s | have the Dominic and the Cru typhoons |
16558s | right so I it might change their ban |
16562s | strategy a little bit I'm I'm expecting |
16564s | Rapier hugan but then I might see I |
16567s | expect to see a Dominic span just to |
16569s | push them towards missile g yep um and |
16572s | you know the the disruption that come |
16574s | with it um |
16577s | or also I'm interested to see what |
16579s | happens if this Flagship comes out or |
16581s | not there's like a split opinion whether |
16582s | or not they bring them and I think |
16584s | actually it' be fun CCB convict look at |
16586s | me I'm looking at you now can you make a |
16588s | a poll in twitch chat will truth onor |
16590s | light bring their Flagship Balor for |
16592s | this last match I'd like to see what |
16593s | twitch chat thinks about that uh so we |
16595s | can base our opinions on or are they |
16596s | cowards or are they cowards that is |
16598s | added add a com my mystical mind this is |
16600s | not the opinion obviously I see not |
16603s | anymore I believe I believe you were |
16604s | confidently saying cowards earlier |
16606s | listen this this has can't be clipped I |
16609s | see oh okay you know there's actually a |
16611s | there's already a clip of you saying you |
16613s | know camera look at me getting down here |
16615s | and saying if you don't bring a flagship |
16617s | you're a coward it's yeah but I've |
16619s | changed my mind oh is that allowed yes |
16623s | oh okay I didn't know interesting can do |
16626s | that I can oh so anyway let's continue |
16630s | um what do you guys think about this |
16632s | Flagship or not Bart do you think |
16634s | they're going to bring it do you think I |
16636s | mean I feel like there's two questions |
16637s | question one are truth going to bring |
16639s | their Flagship or not in this next match |
16641s | question two are tuskers going to think |
16643s | that FL children like bring their |
16644s | Flagship or not in this match because |
16646s | those are two different but related |
16648s | questions yeah I think um I don't think |
16651s | tuskers |
16652s | cares that's my actual thing I don't |
16654s | think I hope so I actually think J I was |
16655s | thinking that's ear later on I think |
16657s | tuskers actually might be mentally at |
16659s | least in a better place for not having |
16661s | their flagship because they don't have |
16662s | to make the decision yeah to bring it or |
16665s | not that's that's been made for them I I |
16667s | think all the comps that tuskers have |
16669s | been running would effectively deal with |
16671s | the flagship anyway like they wouldn't |
16672s | suffer too much from being webbed by the |
16673s | Bal Gorn and they don't necessarily need |
16675s | capaca to run their guns for example |
16678s | especially with a lot of the Drone comps |
16679s | that they've been doing I think the only |
16681s | comp that would have struggled a little |
16683s | bit against the Balor was the comp from |
16685s | last match where they had the Loki and |
16686s | the lisus but even then those two ships |
16688s | would do an effective job of pinning |
16690s | down the Balor and allowing the tses and |
16692s | the nagas and the oracles to stay very |
16693s | far away so I mean honestly I think |
16696s | tuskers have kind of just accepted that |
16698s | there will be a Bor that they have to go |
16699s | up against but they are bringing comps |
16701s | that can both beat the Balor but also |
16704s | beat most of the standard comps that |
16705s | we've seen in the tournament so far can |
16707s | they beat meim gun Rush apparently not I |
16710s | mean seriously like we've seen it happen |
16712s | twice they've lost to it both times I |
16714s | they seem to have a lot of trouble with |
16716s | it and I think um that's where I would |
16718s | be worrying about right now so I I'm |
16720s | kind of thinking that if I'm I'm more |
16722s | afraid of medium gun Rush right now than |
16725s | Flagship battle I think a large part of |
16727s | why they're having so much issue is that |
16728s | they're bringing the three battle ships |
16730s | right and that takes up quite a bit of |
16731s | points and then they're typically well |
16733s | not typically sometimes they're running |
16735s | yes by the way that everyone's going to |
16736s | they're going to bring how much |
16738s | 640 oh okay okay so we have some amount |
16741s | of people that may or may not be smart |
16744s | twitch trap is always wrong oh so twitch |
16750s | chat RI against this man almost always |
16752s | wrong almost always wrong maybe this is |
16755s | the time that you're right who knows but |
16757s | what I was saying is um I think the |
16759s | major issue is that they oh now you're |
16762s | rioting oh now this is what you Riot |
16764s | over huh this this is it this was the |
16767s | thing that pushed over the Ed like up |
16769s | until everything was fine but that man |
16771s | just said we are wrong on the internet |
16774s | now they're |
16775s | unified um no what I was going to say is |
16777s | they're bringing the three battleships |
16778s | which takes up a lot of points and it |
16779s | doesn't really leave them much to both |
16781s | do War which they're using to both |
16783s | support and also amplify their damage |
16785s | with things like the vigils the vigil |
16786s | Fleet issues but also arbitrators or |
16788s | crucifiers to to reduce the incoming |
16790s | damage and have a screen right like they |
16794s | don't have assault frigs they're not |
16795s | being used much at all by either team uh |
16797s | we don't have any we haven't seen much |
16799s | in the way of like punishers or any |
16801s | other T1 frigs that have strong tanks |
16803s | that you can just sit on top of a Target |
16805s | and stop it from moving they are really |
16808s | relying on the vi Fleet issue which has |
16810s | fairly low web rate R and is also fairly |
16812s | squishy so it has to be close and it |
16814s | will eventually die and the crew which |
16816s | also suffers from the same thing low web |
16817s | range it has to get close to web which |
16820s | means that it will eventually die so I |
16822s | feel like if they did want to beat the |
16825s | medium gun spam they would need to put |
16827s | more points towards screening and I'm |
16829s | not sure if they've got any comps that |
16831s | could really effectively do that besides |
16833s | maybe the CFI Guardian comp where they |
16835s | would just kite around the edge of the |
16836s | arena and even then they're going to get |
16837s | hit right because the medium gun span |
16839s | one of the benefits is that it has the |
16841s | ability to out to about that 70 80 km |
16843s | Mark and still do decent damage um so |
16846s | it'll be interesting to see whether |
16848s | tuskers have something else in their |
16849s | back pocket that they're prepared to |
16850s | bring to count or if they're just going |
16852s | to go for a mirror match up yeah yeah I |
16854s | mean that is that is the other option if |
16856s | medium gun spams open for one team it is |
16859s | inherently now open for the other team I |
16861s | think it will really depend on what we |
16862s | see in the bands uh when we get those |
16863s | we'll we'll let you guys know we don't |
16865s | have them just yet um but I mean I'm |
16867s | expecting to see megas Ponte coming from |
16869s | uh tuskers maybe also the EOS the to |
16872s | like to ban that and perhaps if they're |
16874s | going for some sort of weird Shield |
16875s | thing they might go for the dger as well |
16877s | I expect not with this Conquest ban |
16879s | unlock I think they'll do something else |
16881s | and then I also would expect us truth on |
16883s | light to be banning the uh the Rapier |
16885s | and the hugan again I'm expecting tusco |
16888s | ban like you said um all of those ships |
16892s | but I think the final one is probably |
16894s | going to be like the lisus and then I |
16896s | think truth on a light stick with the |
16898s | Rapier and the hugan but they probably |
16900s | ban the Dominic and maybe duplicate ban |
16903s | the EOS at the end just to be sure that |
16905s | they're not going to face some other |
16906s | form of drone setup yeah we have seen |
16908s | tuskers bring a pretty potent EOS drone |
16910s | setup ear on in the tournament they won |
16912s | with it I can't remember right now who |
16913s | they beat but I do remember it was was |
16915s | quite dominant uh from from what I |
16917s | recall um so this is the part where |
16920s | there's so long to think about this and |
16922s | the teams now have played each other a |
16923s | bunch of times was it two matches in the |
16925s | in the upper bracket and then now uh |
16927s | four matches so they've played six |
16929s | matches against each other with very ban |
16932s | Theory and execution um flagships no |
16935s | flagships etc etc so all that |
16937s | information is you know spiraling around |
16939s | inside their heads right now and I |
16940s | guarantee you each of these teams uh |
16942s | last night went through and were like |
16944s | prepping for the teams that they were |
16946s | likely to face in the finals there was |
16947s | only four teams left when we came into |
16949s | the tournament this morning so really |
16950s | only has three teams you have to prepare |
16951s | against and you can kind of like make a |
16953s | okay we think this is who's likely to be |
16955s | facing us and you're going to watch all |
16958s | their matches you're going to be looking |
16959s | at what they're banning you're going to |
16960s | have a spreadsheet you're going to be |
16961s | kind of trying to figure out what |
16962s | they're doing with their bands what they |
16964s | don't like Bart like what kind of |
16966s | information can you kind of glean from |
16967s | doing this kind of research I mean |
16969s | honestly like I I kind of slightly |
16972s | disagree I I have a feeling that Treon |
16974s | or light probably only prepped versus |
16976s | tuskers just because of the ego thing um |
16980s | as for the research for it I mean like |
16983s | yeah you can literally just going back |
16985s | and watching the match like for instance |
16986s | you're talking about the EOS you can |
16988s | look at it and see oh these EOS were |
16990s | paper fit um you can go back and look at |
16992s | the Dominic's and you can actually just |
16994s | watch the way that they flew I clearly |
16995s | they didn't pay that much attention |
16996s | because I got M on top of but like you |
16998s | could go back and look at it and be like |
16999s | oh these guys have this plan where you |
17001s | know if we come in close to them they're |
17003s | going to run back to a beacon and then |
17004s | njd into our back line um you can glean |
17006s | a lot from fits even without actually |
17008s | having seeing the fits just by you know |
17011s | replaying something over and over again |
17012s | and seeing things like okay well that |
17013s | chip snck this one and he got Ned and |
17017s | now they're slowing down okay so clearly |
17018s | there's more heavy NES than just one |
17020s | right like you got you you got cat nuked |
17022s | instantly so yeah I mean you know I'm |
17025s | sure they did a lot of work I'm sure |
17026s | there's a lot of uh sleepless nights |
17029s | watching pouring over the replays um the |
17032s | thing is that gets really rough though |
17034s | is for teams going up against ones like |
17036s | truth honor light and tuskers is it's |
17038s | not just this sat that you have to look |
17040s | at mhm you have several years of matches |
17043s | and uh while the points are different |
17046s | that doesn't necessarily mean the comps |
17048s | can be different M um they a lot of |
17050s | ships are fairly changeable uh I mean |
17053s | we're seeing spiky boy fantasms coming |
17055s | out in a medium Shield gun Rush which is |
17057s | you know a lot of people like oh that's |
17058s | kind of weird and it's like well no |
17059s | that's pretty good so you kind of have |
17061s | to look at like their historical play |
17062s | and I would say that like historically |
17065s | um truth honor light is very like for |
17067s | the last couple years has been very into |
17068s | medium gun spam and they've also been |
17070s | very into uh ECM control uh specifically |
17073s | Jam ECM control whereas tuskers |
17076s | historically has been very into weird |
17078s | [ __ ] so that's a little harder like it's |
17081s | it's rougher to prepare against them you |
17083s | just comp sham them yeah I mean it's |
17085s | it's it |
17087s | worked it almost worked worked but now |
17091s | they doing the funniest thing maybe |
17094s | maybe maybe I mean we can look at the |
17095s | bands now I've me told the bands are |
17097s | available so let's take a look at the |
17099s | bands for this final match in allance |
17100s | tournament 20 so the Zoras the EOS the |
17103s | Cur and the pilgrim being banned out by |
17105s | the tuskers co and then truth on Alik |
17107s | banning at the hugan the Rapier The |
17109s | Dominics and the ashim so they Rec ni |
17111s | finally someone has recognized the |
17113s | threat the true threat of the triple Dy |
17116s | uh The Undefeated triple Dy in fact and |
17118s | Truth on the light baring that out so |
17119s | they see that comp and they know it is a |
17122s | threat uh mystical M what else do you |
17124s | see in these bands here I find it |
17126s | interesting that the tuskers at this |
17127s | point have decided that the lisus and |
17129s | the arazu aren't the two ships that |
17130s | they're worried about in terms of Recons |
17132s | but they've gone for the curse and the |
17133s | pilgrim um the rest of it I mean |
17137s | anticipated the Dominic ban just because |
17139s | it's shown to be such a strong and |
17140s | effective from the T |
17142s | and it's not likely that th would want |
17143s | to bring it out out of the blue without |
17145s | having had much practice with it cuz as |
17147s | Bart said there are slight intricacies |
17150s | to both fits and play Styles um and |
17153s | timings in the match that can all Impact |
17155s | how effective the comp is like do you |
17157s | all assign drones or do you all lock the |
17159s | target individually and then shoot or um |
17162s | at what point do you then swap to like a |
17165s | logistics frig or a logistics Cruiser |
17167s | instead of shooting a Mainline DPS ship |
17169s | and also THL have always been really |
17172s | really bad with drones so it's probably |
17174s | for the best that they've banned |
17175s | dominicis here um I think the ashim ban |
17178s | is really the interesting one as we |
17179s | haven't seen I think other Ashu bands |
17181s | from truth on the light or the tuskers |
17183s | so far I might be wrong let me know |
17185s | twitch chat you're already the enemy to |
17188s | Twitch they're going to tell me I'm |
17190s | wrong anyway everyone just like this guy |
17192s | sucks but it it shows again that they |
17195s | want to remove as much screening as |
17196s | possible and it seems like they're |
17198s | comfortable leaving in things like the |
17200s | visual Fleet issue or the ker because |
17202s | even though they do the same thing as |
17204s | the ashamu they do it at about the same |
17206s | range and they tank a lot less so it's a |
17207s | lot easier to clear mhm so just to be |
17210s | clear um all the conquest bands have |
17212s | gone they've been reset this is uh a |
17214s | best of one now basically this is just |
17216s | your regular old Alliance tournament |
17217s | match like you had faing weekend one |
17220s | except it's in the grand finals and uh |
17222s | if you lose it's the end of the |
17224s | tournament and if you win it's also the |
17225s | end of the tournament got you win like |
17226s | this is it there's only 10 minutes left |
17228s | maximum H well 15 if it goes to overtime |
17231s | I guess |
17231s | that would be very funny if we went over |
17233s | time would be very enjoyable um so I |
17236s | mean we're getting very close to this uh |
17237s | another typhoon comp is still available |
17240s | the tuskers as well um part of me is |
17243s | still expecting like you say the sort of |
17245s | medium gun Rush coming from truth on the |
17249s | light like that feels it's been so |
17250s | strong they've defeated tuskers with it |
17252s | multiple times already you know do you |
17255s | pivot away from something that's been |
17256s | proven to work so I think that the the |
17259s | one comp that tuskers has that seem |
17261s | seems to give medium guns a decent |
17262s | amount of trouble is the typhoon setup |
17265s | um and also I kind of like I'm going to |
17267s | try and try and get inside the minds of |
17270s | the people that are Banning here and |
17271s | which will either I'll be super correct |
17273s | and I'll feel really really smart or |
17275s | I'll be completely wrong and I'll still |
17276s | be like well they should have done what |
17277s | I said well that's why they lost or won |
17280s | um but the uh the curs pilgrim ban from |
17284s | the tuskers is a pretty good signal to |
17287s | say look we've opened up your medium gun |
17290s | comp that's kind of how I look at it is |
17292s | it's tusker saying bring this against us |
17295s | um I think it's also hinting towards |
17298s | them bringing well not wanting to see |
17300s | guidance disruptors yeah but you still |
17302s | have Sentinels and you still have |
17304s | crucifiers which also are ships that do |
17306s | that thing yeah and um I personally |
17310s | prediction for this even though we're |
17311s | not there yet I think tuskers brings |
17313s | Dominic's but not doin are |
17316s | ban no please please don't do it they |
17320s | run it back |
17322s | no um I I think that they uh not |
17324s | Dominic's I was I'm spacing Armageddon |
17326s | yes talk about that Navy issues or no no |
17329s | no regular issue we just replace the |
17330s | domies with gons because the doy andon |
17334s | are very oh yes is it though yes yeah |
17337s | Armageddon Armageddon hello sound |
17341s | guy yeah the uh no I think I think a |
17343s | triple geddon is basically the same like |
17346s | the way tuskers have been flying it I |
17348s | think triple geddon is very very similar |
17350s | the the downside is you can't use Sentry |
17352s | sniping yep but the upside big NES yeah |
17356s | so and that's the the lch pin of that |
17358s | tusker Dominic comp has not really like |
17360s | against the bad teams it's been the |
17362s | centuries but against these good teams |
17363s | it's the fact that when you get your |
17364s | three Dominic's into into the brawl into |
17368s | the melee uh you now have so many heavy |
17370s | NES and like what if you didn't even |
17372s | have to get that close I mean also |
17373s | there's a thing we said on the desk a |
17375s | couple of times uh you started uh by |
17377s | saying it um if you can't beat a shield |
17379s | Rush comp with uh whatever you're |
17381s | bringing then you shouldn't be bringing |
17382s | that comp in the first place um and yet |
17386s | some part of me some part of my brain |
17387s | thinks that one of these teams might |
17389s | just try and bring a shield rush and try |
17391s | and just win with it and we saw um the I |
17395s | think the tusos were Banning out the |
17396s | laus and the r other because they were |
17397s | afraid of those uh long range scrams |
17400s | they've left them open which I don't |
17402s | know maybe they're saying bring your uh |
17404s | your kiting uh comp with that lisus that |
17407s | was you you controlled the other team I |
17409s | can't remember who they were at this |
17410s | moment in time but they controlled them |
17411s | so well and kept them at arms length and |
17413s | almost no damage landed truth onon light |
17414s | you're thinking truth onor light might |
17415s | bring the fly killer yes no no you no |
17419s | typhoons are still open the typhoons are |
17421s | just oh come on like yeah I'm trying to |
17423s | talk look at all this t no I'm aware I'm |
17425s | saying imagine these typhoons are |
17428s | blowing up Tenon deacons true that was |
17430s | something like I mean all and all those |
17432s | paints are available y yeah is the Hy |
17436s | available think right sorry I'm I the I |
17438s | believe the Hy is can we see the bands |
17440s | again rap hug Rapier and Ash hug Rapier |
17444s | okay so the hyena the vigil Fleet and |
17445s | the regular vigil all available um we |
17448s | did see the hyen good Alfred basically |
17450s | the start of the last match but still |
17452s | Cruise typhoons were able to apply to |
17454s | tenan deacons which already is is an |
17458s | impressive uh achievement um honestly I |
17461s | think uh Bart you may be right in this |
17463s | uh in that instance uh I think that is |
17465s | what we've seen so far at least from the |
17467s | tusker that might be what I would choose |
17469s | to bring yeah I I I think the tusker set |
17471s | up for them to bring I'm not going to |
17472s | necessarily say it's their Apex comp um |
17475s | cuz that might be the the potato Fleet |
17477s | but uh cuz they're they're both good but |
17478s | I think this a cruise typhoon comp it's |
17480s | undefeated no one's coming even close to |
17482s | it um I think that because the hyena is |
17485s | open uh it gives you so much control um |
17487s | because the issue with the hyena is |
17490s | like I'm trying to I'm literally trying |
17492s | to visualize the point breakdown and I |
17494s | can't because it's too complicated to do |
17496s | in my head right now but I feel like you |
17498s | can bring the triple uh Cruise |
17500s | battleship and a hyena and then throw |
17503s | like two crucifiers in there to keep the |
17504s | hyena alive or something like that and |
17506s | then just use the fact that you have |
17508s | massive damage that applies to literally |
17510s | every ship in the game apparently |
17512s | including tournament deacons even though |
17514s | it shouldn't to win the game there so I |
17517s | mean that's that's kind of what I think |
17518s | tuskers does and the thing with that |
17520s | comp is you know what would be really |
17521s | really good against flag Balor M what |
17523s | about this ashim M BAND from truth on |
17525s | the light though I feel like the other |
17526s | three bands make obvious sense to me um |
17530s | it's the it's the way bab boys and it's |
17532s | the the the dmy boy um ashim seems to |
17535s | sort of not fit in there one hello y I |
17538s | am looking at the chat reading all of |
17540s | your beautiful and wonderful opinions um |
17543s | I think that I mean again it just kind |
17545s | of calls back to the fact that truth on |
17547s | the light don't seem to want to be |
17549s | screened all that much I do feel like um |
17554s | we might see a little Florida man at the |
17557s | end it's entirely possible um I was |
17560s | actually thinking I think I think we |
17562s | might see some alligators um Loki still |
17565s | open I think if I'm Loki still open yes |
17568s | so that that there is still ham Rush on |
17571s | the table neither team has fielded it |
17573s | against the typhoons I feel like ham |
17576s | Rush might do okay the main concern is |
17580s | not being able to get onto the typhoons |
17582s | and we have seen in one of the previous |
17583s | matches that tuskers fly their typhoons |
17586s | very very well where they were basically |
17588s | in three different corners of the Arena |
17589s | so even after you've killed typhoon the |
17591s | other two typhoons are going to be so |
17594s | far away right you're going to spend so |
17596s | much time getting there the key thing |
17598s | for truth on the light and the reason |
17599s | why they may may have Bann the Ashu is |
17601s | that they need to get on top of the |
17603s | typhoons quickly while they're still |
17604s | close together and one of the things |
17606s | that would have stop them is longrange |
17608s | webs right so the only real way that |
17610s | they would be stopped now is vual Fleet |
17613s | issue which means it has to get into a |
17614s | reasonably close range and may get |
17616s | counter webbed or a hyena which has |
17620s | probably the best range of any of the |
17621s | ships left um followed closely by the |
17624s | Loki |
17625s | so I mean I I I do feel like that |
17628s | there's going to be a ham rush just to |
17629s | to end it out hopefully not like a |
17631s | slepner and kriel rush but I could see |
17634s | that yeah yeah I could also that's also |
17636s | these are the two things that are coming |
17637s | to mind right now there's there's so |
17639s | much on the table there's so much open |
17641s | this is a a best of one I've said this |
17643s | already I'll say it again just to |
17644s | highlight the importance of where we are |
17645s | now in this tournament it literally |
17648s | comes down to the decisions that have |
17649s | already been made in terms of banning |
17652s | the decisions that have already been |
17652s | made in terms of Which comp they're |
17654s | going to bring and then now uh they have |
17656s | to decide which ranges they're Waring in |
17657s | both teams are in system and are warping |
17659s | to the arena as we speak so the match is |
17662s | is almost ready we are so close like a |
17665s | minute or two away from the conclusion |
17668s | of Alliance tournament 20 so we had |
17671s | truth on a light okay they came in |
17673s | direct invite from last year uh where |
17675s | they become fourth last year fourth um |
17678s | and they did uh excellent they stormed |
17681s | through the upper bracket making it to |
17683s | the uh the winnner bracket final where |
17686s | they went 2-0 against the tuskers co |
17688s | knocking tuskers down into their uh into |
17691s | the elimination bracket the tuskers also |
17694s | had a great run with a direct invite |
17695s | coming second last year going 23 against |
17699s | uh Fraternity in the Grand Final um and |
17702s | then they came in they went through the |
17703s | upper bracket to the gr to the upper |
17705s | bracket final got knocked down went two |
17707s | and0 against Platinum sensitivity and |
17708s | then came into this Grand Final now |
17710s | going 2-0 against truth on the light |
17712s | truth on the light have now come back 2 |
17714s | to2 and Truth on the light are bringing |
17716s | their Flagship so we are going to see a |
17718s | flagship comp okay on the field so mytic |
17723s | kite black are you guys ready I hope you |
17725s | are all ready out there as well ladies |
17727s | and gentlemen this is it this is the |
17729s | final match of Alliance tournament 20 |
17731s | the winner of this match will be your |
17733s | Champions so for the last time let's |
17736s | head over to the arena |
17740s | hello I am moderator joined by Starfleet |
17743s | Commander for what will be the final |
17745s | match of Alliance tournament 20 truth |
17748s | onor light has brought their Apex Bell |
17750s | Gorn supported by medium guns spam |
17753s | however tusos Co have brought not one or |
17756s | two but three typhoons and hyenas so |
17760s | these Fleet typhoons are they going to |
17762s | sweep away this Bal Gorn is that ball |
17764s | going to be like Winston and Cast Away |
17767s | or will the hyenas pounce on these |
17769s | deacons and take a bite out tror light |
17772s | as I hear some cheering going on from |
17774s | the from this Des at the moment per |
17775s | excit for the match Cruz Fon as we've |
17777s | seen earlier today the damage going be |
17779s | kind of Landing fast from two the light |
17781s | but tuska is going to have a difficult |
17783s | job I think the balor's going to get |
17784s | webs immediately yes Balor came in at 10 |
17786s | kmet off the beacon he's going to be in |
17788s | web range of everything and they're |
17789s | going right for the hes I think that's |
17790s | the perfect call the hes are trying to |
17792s | get away as fast as they can and they do |
17794s | actually for the most part Flack |
17796s | Inquisitor is the only one and the Ty |
17798s | typhoon Fleet issues are running in |
17800s | they're trying to hard commit onto the |
17801s | Navy bruix they're trying to just knock |
17803s | it out using those paints to apply |
17805s | perfectly and that bruix is taking an |
17808s | absolute pounding blue melon going down |
17810s | into half armor NES onto the Navy Omen |
17812s | just trying to turn it off meanwhile all |
17814s | of this CHL core is getting on top of v |
17817s | d and trying to say v d these nuts |
17820s | you're getting out of the Arena on you |
17822s | at zero blue men and about to go down in |
17824s | the butic Navy ISU three highers as well |
17827s | for the Tusa so plenty of application |
17829s | the Cru will be hitting perfectly and |
17831s | the webs are getting on top of that |
17833s | Deacon once that TW that sorry that |
17836s | bruix goes down those deacons are both |
17838s | webbed are they webbed apart from each |
17840s | other one hyena down they still have two |
17842s | left one down the answer to bring for |
17845s | your hyen is bring more highers the blue |
17847s | men does go down the everyy botics next |
17849s | Target is the Deacon as you said Lucas |
17851s | quorn Tepe and webbed as you seen |
17853s | earlier today these things just pop with |
17854s | the and Tin Baron is on top of him at |
17856s | zero which is perfect but tin Baron is |
17858s | taking n pressure Lucas isting web down |
17861s | really hard that's at least like two or |
17863s | three webs on him the hyena one of them |
17865s | is dropping one of them's low help they |
17867s | trade the Deacon they trade the Deacon |
17868s | for the hyena there's Flack left there's |
17871s | still NES onto Tin Tin has gotten webt I |
17874s | mean the typhoon of vld is still |
17876s | surviving I said vld these nuts but vld |
17879s | is turning around and saying hey you're |
17881s | not sweeping me out my typhoon we're |
17883s | going to be the gust of wi that knocks |
17885s | you down as this Deacon of tin Baron |
17887s | goes down and explodes to cruise tin bar |
17890s | going down there's still one more high |
17891s | in the left for the tuskers that's |
17893s | that's why you bring three of them in |
17894s | the first place the typhoon still |
17895s | looking strong looking probably to go |
17897s | for the estar maybe the Balon is still |
17899s | an impressive force and chriso taking a |
17901s | lot of dam damage oner webbed and TP |
17903s | down by THL about to go down this to |
17905s | structure is in structure and he does go |
17907s | down logy 3 is going down for tuskers |
17909s | now yeah I mean that Inquisitor wasn't |
17911s | even caught down by any of these tackle |
17913s | chips it was just the Bal Gorn of a is |
17915s | saying you're caught at 70 km and you |
17918s | going to slow down and die the start |
17920s | ever is taking a massive pounding he has |
17923s | basically not moving at all he's he's |
17925s | either not propping because he doesn't |
17927s | want a signature to bloom and get hit by |
17928s | cruises either earlier or he's just |
17931s | completely Capt right anyway he's about |
17933s | to go down and once he goes down |
17936s | critically vld is getting some uh |
17938s | repairs it looks like that's either |
17940s | active tank or that's going to be logib |
17942s | Bots and it is logib Bots that's going |
17944s | to be the other typhoons supporting him |
17946s | with those heavy and medium drones |
17948s | providing crucial logistic support |
17950s | speaking of support though that pontif |
17952s | effect FX is going down and once that |
17955s | that's down that's the armor links off |
17956s | the last thing that the Bal gor need to |
17958s | survive Navy Omen doesn't have any links |
17961s | it's just some Cruisers left for THL and |
17963s | the Bal Gorn against the world I think |
17965s | an Avage does go down for the tuskers |
17967s | the Reps off for tuskers but the damage |
17968s | as you said is is is lacking on THL I |
17971s | think I don't think they'll be able to |
17972s | get through all the fs at you know in |
17974s | the match VOD the primary for THL might |
17977s | get him down the flag is the Bal gun is |
17979s | a flag remember that so he will have |
17981s | webs he's have lots of NES so he he will |
17983s | be able to get rid of the Reps Omen |
17984s | going down for THL good call from from |
17986s | the tusco side and critically this is a |
17988s | gun bell it's not just this is going to |
17990s | have maximum tier you know or remans you |
17993s | know you know sorry turrets it's going |
17995s | to have that maximum you know meta 17 |
17998s | damage the Bal Gorn you know is losing |
18002s | you know a little bit of support as that |
18004s | omen of Jordan goes down this vld Fleet |
18007s | typhoon has got a cloud of you know |
18009s | heavy B trying to support it but he's |
18011s | down as a 3% armor and he's bleeding |
18013s | some structure now VI hanging on with a |
18016s | threat he needs to hang on for as long |
18018s | as possible because if it comes down to |
18019s | two battleships against Bon the Bon I |
18021s | think he should lose but he'll have much |
18023s | better chance into structure trying to |
18025s | cool back a bit of shield for HP and a |
18027s | bit of armor coming back as well he does |
18029s | go down voodo voo is down yeah |
18031s | critically though mirie and cartof are |
18034s | alive so right now if I'm Flack what I'm |
18036s | trying to do is I'm just trying to get |
18038s | away get away from verdict and you see |
18040s | he's running away on the screen which is |
18043s | perfect you have to play for points |
18044s | right now if you're tuskers you are up a |
18046s | total of 42 points the meus of wex which |
18049s | is going to be the Skirmish links has |
18052s | been caught by again the Bal Gorn which |
18055s | can just web infinitely and we see those |
18056s | drones chasing after him the omen of |
18059s | verdict putting his guns on top of him |
18062s | trying to burn through the remaining |
18063s | armor baring St about to go down to the |
18065s | Moler it might be just down to Amelia |
18067s | dust space I think oh andir and that |
18070s | Magus are sitting on top of that Beacon |
18072s | at zero the ponts of JJ looks like he |
18075s | was trying to spool but I'm not sure if |
18077s | he was able to get it off I don't think |
18079s | so brain about to go down oh he does |
18081s | have the spool effect he's burning down |
18083s | there's a cloud of drones and he gets |
18084s | away at the last minute before he is |
18086s | getting down into lower armor I mean |
18088s | amazing plays from him but at the moment |
18090s | they still got two to go through for THL |
18093s | I don't think they can do it just the |
18094s | Bor and a Navy Omen yeah and that's the |
18096s | thing they would have to kill I mean |
18097s | this Fleet typhoon of Miri just to be |
18100s | you know on points ahead again it's a |
18102s | 30-point differential the M of brain |
18104s | star is trying to play for his life cuz |
18106s | he's 11 points he's not trying to |
18108s | survive to do damage he's trying to |
18110s | survive to continue to live Omen of |
18112s | verdict is trying to close range but the |
18114s | typhoon Fleet issue uh so far is just |
18117s | trying to chill on top of the beacon and |
18119s | again that hyen sorry not not hyena that |
18123s | uh Omen does go down the merer going |
18125s | down here as well so it's a total of 41 |
18129s | points and CR Ally now cartof is not |
18132s | enough they have to kill mea Chief or |
18134s | they'd have to kill a hyena and a |
18135s | pontifex for truth honor like to claw it |
18137s | back with only four minutes left do you |
18139s | think they can do it I don't know |
18141s | there's twoo there's a fleet typhoon and |
18142s | a typhoon both really good pilots and |
18145s | just Amelia really in the B gun and Navy |
18147s | Navy it's going to be a tough one the |
18148s | typhoon is MJ ding he's on the beacon |
18150s | he's trying to get away from verdict Mia |
18152s | duck space initially looked like he's |
18154s | getting webbed with the typhoon of |
18156s | cardar jumping perfectly away from what |
18159s | looks like aelia dust bace trying to use |
18161s | the range and saying yes you have 70 km |
18163s | webs but I have 100 range you know that |
18165s | I can get off these kind of beacons and |
18168s | miraie now getting webbed Again by the |
18172s | side of uh verdict who's on top of him |
18175s | at zero and this Bal Goron is menacingly |
18177s | chasing him after him it looks like Jaws |
18180s | but again mirie is on the beacon and |
18183s | there's no scram Mira can jump away at |
18186s | any time he wants and this is the beauty |
18188s | of these beacons you can use them at the |
18189s | end of the game to try and get around |
18191s | once you get the scrams down and Tackle |
18192s | you can escape if you want to speaking |
18194s | of things that won't Escape Verdi is |
18196s | getting hit and it looks like he is |
18197s | about to be judged by these cruise |
18199s | missiles and with that Amelia Ducks |
18202s | space is the lone remaining Survivor |
18204s | that massive purple bar is going to be |
18206s | two top tier officer reps and tuskers I |
18209s | don't know if they can kill it but with |
18212s | this the Bal Gorn does not have enough |
18214s | time with two minutes left I don't think |
18216s | to kill anything so I'm going to say |
18218s | we're going to attentively say that we |
18219s | might have our new champions for this |
18221s | year but I think will they get the balun |
18223s | down I don't think so but tuskers I |
18225s | think should give it a go I think you |
18227s | absolutely have to and we've seen you |
18228s | know these double web uh fits and |
18231s | sometimes a web and a scram and that's |
18233s | part of the fact is that yeah you don't |
18234s | get a scram bonus but you need to revent |
18236s | people from getting an mjd away from you |
18239s | and often these kind of comps that THL |
18241s | bring they put webs and that's for the |
18243s | simple reason that you need to be able |
18245s | to kill tenen deacons right or you need |
18247s | to be able to kill other uh frigs like |
18250s | the navatos and The Inquisitor that are |
18252s | hard to track and again we see another |
18254s | micro jump up play as it looks like the |
18257s | tyon fleet issue is getting away now and |
18260s | he it does he is spooling right now he's |
18263s | spooling perfectly away and he is 69 a |
18267s | very nice distance away from the center |
18269s | of the arena and you know what else is |
18271s | going to be nice tusers co they looked |
18274s | like they were about to get reverse |
18275s | swept they looked like they were about |
18277s | to get cleaned out and just broomed out |
18280s | but you know what the fleet typhoons the |
18283s | cruise Miss end up winning the |
18286s | tournament I mean who have thought tyoon |
18288s | back again King slay's back absolutely |
18290s | fantastic I mean honestly you know THL |
18293s | almost reverse we both these teams super |
18295s | super season teams not surprised that |
18297s | we're seeing here in the finals and a |
18299s | fantastic run for tuskers going back |
18301s | into losers and going back against speak |
18303s | of some seasoning we are seeing some |
18304s | very very uh I would say salty and spicy |
18307s | chat right now in local understandably I |
18310s | mean truth honor light they've been |
18311s | playing for you know the better part of |
18315s | you know basically with this course six |
18316s | seven years um you know some new members |
18318s | just like uh nith uh unfortunately uh |
18322s | you know losing in this match but again |
18324s | even if they killed this Fleet typhoon |
18326s | it's down 57 points it wouldn't be |
18328s | enough they would have to kill the fleet |
18329s | typhoon and a ponx or hyena and so far |
18332s | the ships are doing an excellent job of |
18334s | just sitting perfectly at a beacon |
18336s | saying chilling I'm just chilling you |
18338s | web me I'm going to go km the other way |
18341s | away from you both these teams though |
18343s | getting a lot of ships for the prizes |
18344s | and they're going to be going home with |
18346s | low trillions of isk in in value so it's |
18349s | you know second place first place it's |
18351s | first place is for the you know I want |
18352s | to go for the win but they're still |
18353s | going to go home with loads of prizes |
18355s | I'm you know tuskers going down to |
18356s | losers keeping the mental and coming |
18359s | back and getting the win even though |
18360s | they almost got reverse weed is |
18362s | absolutely incredible hey I thought that |
18364s | the tuskers they might manage to choke |
18367s | on some of their own you know their own |
18370s | meet here and it looks like they have |
18372s | proved us wrong they have said that the |
18374s | Cru typhoons and their comp mirie has a |
18378s | big big brain the Cru has brought the |
18380s | pain and they are going to gain first |
18383s | place this year in Alliance tournament |
18385s | 20 it is official the clock is done they |
18388s | win by a total of 57 points and they are |
18390s | going to win a total of 40 of these |
18393s | Cruisers 40 frigs and 20 ships they are |
18396s | going to win 100 prize ships and the |
18399s | first time ever they win a best of five |
18401s | against truth honor light we're going to |
18403s | send it back to the desk for myself and |
18405s | Starfleet it has been an absolute |
18406s | pleasure to bring you the grand finals |
18408s | of liance tournament 20 |
18434s | it is the tuskers co the champions of |
18437s | the liance tournament 20 defeating truth |
18439s | honor light in an incredibly exciting uh |
18441s | best of five grand final from starting |
18444s | 2-n up to going down to 22 and then |
18447s | taking on the flagship in the last match |
18450s | probably truth on light's best comp with |
18452s | right there with that Flagship and by |
18455s | God they did it the tuskers co are the |
18457s | champions we saw some incredible plays |
18459s | right at the end there from both me |
18461s | cheve and Amelia dark space Amelia |
18463s | getting in there trying to bump that |
18465s | typhoon as he was micro jump driving |
18467s | away cuz he was trying to play keep away |
18469s | towards the end and I he almost got it |
18471s | there was one bump was successful Mera |
18473s | held his held his nerve the second bump |
18475s | missed and as soon as that happened he |
18477s | was out to there and that was GG |
18480s | incredible final what a match what a |
18482s | match seems to be |
18483s | zealous amazing what an incredible |
18486s | tournament uh months ago we started here |
18489s | we are today the Grand Final and it goes |
18492s | to a best of five again what more can |
18494s | you ask for uh the tuskers the tuskers |
18497s | so they're in our two time Alliance |
18499s | Tournament winning champions the tuskers |
18501s | co congratulations from all of us here |
18503s | um I think I mean not just me and CCB |
18506s | zealous yes there we get some of our |
18507s | friends whole crew of people I invite |
18510s | everybody on it's an old at tradition |
18512s | that everyone that helps with the |
18513s | production come on in come and join us |
18515s | on the desk all these wonderful people |
18517s | that helped make the production what it |
18519s | was was uh small to big uh all enjoy |
18525s | their time here in Iceland couldn't have |
18526s | done it without them eternally grateful |
18529s | from my heart thank you very much |
18531s | everyone and once again to the tuskers |
18533s | congratulations to you yeah |
18534s | congratulations tuskers and I think one |
18536s | last time with some clapping we can |
18538s | activate party mode Let's Go everyone |
18541s | enable the clap there we go thank you |
18543s | for watching Alliance tournament 20 I've |
18545s | been CCP overload this has been the rest |
18547s | of them uh we will see you whenever we |
18549s | see you |
18553s | [Music] |
18580s | [Music] |
18600s | [Music] |