about 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Eve vanguard's January play test is now
2s live with Founders access allowing Omega
5s Players to go boots on the ground in
6s this latest event ending January 29th
9s server support is now available in two
11s more regions allowing for more war
13s clones on the ground fixes for bugs that
15s were uncovered in the December event and
17s through player feedback have been
19s introduced and as before corruption
21s generated contributes directly to
23s insurgencies and Eve online dates for
26s the February event will be announced on
28s the 29th of Jan and Rewards such as Plex
31s and AR combined Arisen skins for
33s achievements in this play test can be
34s claimed a little after the event is over
37s you can also use the 14-day Omega offer
40s that's live now to upgrade and jump into
42s the eve Vanguard January play test
44s straight away