over 3 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

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Enduring capsuleers!

Once again we are taking part in a bold experiment to test the technical boundaries of New Eden! During this period of extended uptime we would be interested in hearing from you about any unusual behaviors or performance issues you encounter while playing EVE which you think may be attributable to the No Downtime experiment. Please leave your observations in the thread below.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

This topic was automatically opened after 22 hours.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Please bug report everything that should have respawned or replenished, but didn’t.

Except the regular asteroid belts, we know about that issue and that doesn’t have to be bug-reported.

But we would like to know about all other content that players use regularly and that doesn’t behave today as expected.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

It would be very helpful if you include the EBR numbers in your posts.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Located, thanks.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Can you detail this a bit more, please?

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Thanks, I’ve added these details to the defect for the team to review.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

I read the detailed bug report (thanks!) and in fact this new behaviour is what was always intended. With downtime then the dungeon needs to be respawned and since we don’t store detailed information on the state of the dungeon in the database, then we must respawn it from authored data, including the ore that has been mined. With no downtime, once you have mined the ore, the dungeon is just still there waiting for you to complete it.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

What is the EBR number of the bug report?

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Yep, we already have a few bug reports and have verified what code behaviour is causing this.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Thanks, located.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Thanks, located.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Hello, everyone,

No Downtime is going well so far. Load on the memory and internal tasklets look healthier than the first time we ran this experiment, and no game-breaking issues have been identified thus far. This is all within the expectations set for the No Downtime Vol. 2!

We want to get as much data, sexy graphs, and learnings from this experiment as possible. Therefore, we will be pushing the daily maintenance by a few hours to get some extra time beyond the 48 hours of service that was initially planned. This will be another important step to gather data that will help drive this initiative closer to the future with less frequent downtimes.


From a technical standpoint, this is completely uncharted territory for EVE Online. We are genuinely excited to see how our services and in-game chat will continue to perform and this will generate some great insights. The EVE team is well caffeinated and ready to tackle anything that might crop up!

We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your patience. It is amazing that we can conduct such essential experiments on live services together with encouragement from our fantastic community.

You guys are the best o7

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback; this type of test is impossible to do on the test servers. We don’t get the scale, randomness, and various edge cases in real player behavior there. We deeply appreciate your patience.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

The regular asteroid belts only replenishing during downtime was a known issue going into this test. This is why we decided this morning, after a discussion since last night, to extend the test from 48 hours to 52 hours as we investigate some technical buildup we are seeing, rather than repeating the test later. Downtime is in 2 hours.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Not seeing that in the online population numbers. Dotted line is comparison to last week:

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over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Hey @Daryl_Noban, can you send us a bug report about this issue, please, and post the EBR number here. We want to look at this in more detail.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Indeed, and while unfortunate and we’re sorry that it happened, it exposed that that we can only fix such oversights with a downtime (it’s more specifically processing that only happens during server startup). That’s a valuable observation for us to fix our tools.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

We didn’t want to underestimate how much time we might need. We could have been done in 6 minutes but I jumped between a couple of asteroid belts to make sure all was good, so it took 8 minutes.