over 3 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

To all of our third party developers,

Please note that version 4 of the character/{character_id} route on ESI was removed last Monday (25 October). Any applications which were written using v4 of the character route need to be updated to v5.

The ESI changelog can be found at esi-issues/changelog.md at master · esi/esi-issues · GitHub where you can find the official documentation of changes made to ESI.

Related to this, we are currently seeing an increase in traffic to eve.character.skill endpoints since v4 character route was removed, possibly indicating applications which have started behaving poorly since this change.

If you maintain any applications which use the v4 character endpoint please ensure that they are updated to v5 as soon as possible, and help us make sure that your alliance IT teams and fellow third party developers are aware of this update.

Please also take this chance to inspect your usage of the various eve.character.skill endpoints both related and unrelated to this change.

If you have any questions about this then please point them to this thread and we will do our best to assist you.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Haha, no worries! We’re just happy to hear people are noticing and updating.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Hey @Kalbuir_Skirate: Can you confirm that you are still fetching this data? And if so, can you let us know when you are done?

Internally we got alerts on

  • SkillHandler.GetAllSkills_External
  • SkillHandler.GetSkillPoints_External
  • SkillHandler.GetFreeSkillPoints_External
  • SkillHandler.GetAttributes_External
  • SkillHandler.GetImplants_External
  • SkillHandler.GetRespecInfo_External
  • charMgr.GetClones_External

and it looks like the corresponding external calls are

  • eve.character.skill.GetLearnedSkillsRequest
  • eve.character.skill.GetCharacterAttributesRequest
  • eve.character.implant.GetActiveImplantsByCharacterRequest
  • eve.character.clone.GetClonesByCharacterRequest

and it looks like this:

image image1289×397 232 KB

Starts on Monday 25 Oct at approximately 14 o’clock UTC.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Yes, you can do this - but when updates are made your program may simply stop working until you update it and then you’d have to go fix it anyway, so that’s not really the way we recommend doing it.