almost 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

o7 Capsuleers who are keen on blowing stuff up in space,

Spectre Fleet is commemorating their 500th Ganked fleet on saturday along with several of the other NPSI Fleet communities including;

  • Redemption Road
  • Bombers Bar
  • Spectre Fleet
  • Red Vs Blue
  • Fun Inc
  • Yarrr
    And more are signing up to attend.

There will be legends FC’ing;

  • Greygal (Redemption Road)
  • Virion Stoneshard (Spectre Fleet)
  • Damian Blackie and Anhees Tsasa (Bombers Bar)
  • Muon Neutrino (Yarrr)
  • Keacte (Fun Inc)

CCP developers, GMs and ISD will also be joining NPSI fleets to fly alongside you so if you want some of that sweet sweet CCP Frozen Corpse be sure to attend!

For details about voice comms, fleet doctrines/ship fittings and any other info you’ll find it all on
Spectre Fleet Discord - Spectre Fleet

Spectre Fleet is supplying 50 billion worth in prizes and explodables, with several organised (and disorganised!) fights planned with good friends from around New Eden.
Everyone is invited to join regardless of skill level, so fleet up and join the celebration!


Pew pew on saturday june 5th at 18:00 UTC.

Spectre fleet’s Website:


Ingame channel: ‘SF Spectre Fleet’


For more info -