over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

10s don't
20s stop welcome to not quite the pulse but
23s an undisclosed location in Angel cartel
25s space for your source of news from Eve
28s online the Havoc expansion is now live
30s in Eve Havoc allows you to align with
33s the angel cartel and gist's pirate
35s factions and engage in Pirate
37s insurgencies to spread corruption in
39s Empire War zones you can also suppress
41s criminal activity throughout Insurgency
43s zones as Empire militia and earn a great
46s hall of loyalty points when Victorious
48s for either side as corruption and or
51s suppression rise in a system different
53s effects and sites will be triggered with
55s one side ultimately winning the race to
57s either fully corrupt or suppress systems
59s eventually ending the in Insurgency
61s Havoc also introduces new pirate
63s Insurgent loyalty Point stores where you
65s can get brand new pirate ships such as
67s the krael and alligator battle Cruisers
70s the recently released mechabal and Mamba
72s destroyers and the Epic new Angel Titan
74s the
75s aeriel in addition the new expansion
78s further enhances and strengthens player
80s organizations by adding integrated isk
82s payments for Corporation projects a new
84s project manager role for corpse project
86s cloning plus seven new Corporation
89s project types that include recognition
91s for remote repair contributions and
93s signature scanning the air opportunities
95s portal now surfaces activities sooner
98s for new players who can leave the air NP
100s to experience what Eve has to offer and
102s then return to it and on the topic of
105s air pirate insurgencies have been added
107s to the opportunities window for greater
109s discoverability and air daily goals will
111s be coming to Havoc next month currently
114s insurgencies are spawning corporate
116s Outpost mining Ambush and pirate
118s laundering Center sites very soon an
120s exciting large Fleet oriented site will
122s also be added and can spawn in any
124s Insurgency system at corruption or
126s suppression stage three or higher just
129s as the factional Warfare Battlefield
131s sites followed the release of the
132s uprising expansion these larger
134s fleet-based activities are coming soon
136s to
137s Havoc be sure to check out the recent
139s episode of the scope for more
140s information on how these pirate
142s insurgencies are affecting the cluster
144s and don't forget that you can run the
145s gista and Angel cartel epic arcs between
148s now and the end of the year for an extra
150s boost to your standings with those
151s factions should you wish to enlist with
153s them and join the chaos Eve Vanguard the
156s new FPS module for Eve online will
158s launch its Founders access with a 4-day
160s event starting on the 7th of December
163s named first strike the event will be the
165s first time that players will publicly
167s get their hands on the dynamic and
168s Innovative sandbox shooter currently in
170s early development for a chance to take
173s part and to further contribute to
174s corruption in new Eden's War zones
176s players will have to have omega status
178s during the event ahead of the first
181s strike event there will be another tech
183s test running on the 26th of November
185s check the link in the description below
187s to register for a chance to take part
189s and keep up to dat with all Vanguard
191s News Eve Vanguard is being created in
193s conjunction with the community and your
195s feedback in these early phases is
197s invaluable here's to seeing many of you
199s suiting up and taking these first steps
201s with us on December 7th there's been an
203s update to the sec's position on loyalty
206s point and evermark donations thanks to
208s president of Evermore Alex dukas's
211s successful lobbying of the SEC Corp to
213s Corp and individual to Corp evermark
215s donations have once again been enabled
218s but loyalty Point donations remain
219s suspended the connection between the
222s aanon and suoni star systems has been
224s upgraded to a standard route following
227s petitioning by the Kari state after
229s securing the gate in aanon the Concord
231s assembly have made the connection
232s between the Stargate pair permanent the
235s winter Nexus event returns to new Eden
237s on the 5th of December and runs until
239s the 4th of January the traveling
241s volatile ice storms will once again
243s bring wh storm combat hacking and Mining
245s sites across all security space with
247s special buff effects improving thermal
249s resistances and allowing longer module
252s overheating plus lucrative loot drops
254s including glacial drift and Aurora
256s universalis skins accelerators and more
260s log in Daily during the winter Nexus to
262s receive further rewards such as new
264s Aurora universalis skins for the
266s kikimora and barest among others plus
268s fireworks filament snowballs and up to
271s 650,000 skill points for omegas the
275s seasonal Ule Festival challenges will
277s also offer skins boosters and filaments
279s as rewards throughout speaking of Winter
282s the capsulier organized lumire snowball
284s fight will celebrate its 10th
285s anniversary on the 17th of December keep
288s your eyes on lumire local on that date
290s for competitions Secret gift exchanges
293s fireworks and of course lots of
295s snowballs an incident last week saw
297s goons swarm Federation one of the
299s largest alliances in in new Eden become
301s the victim of a significant Espionage
302s operation the standup cloning Center in
305s the first Imperial Palace the Goon
307s swarms capital keepstar in 1 dq1 Tac a
311s was offlined by a sabur resulting in the
313s destruction of tens of thousands of jump
315s clones many of which may have contained
318s sets of expensive implants it is
320s unconfirmed what other losses may have
322s been incurred but it's possible the
324s perpetrator had access to corporate
326s hangers and wallets containing a large
328s quantity of ships including or even
330s Titans isk and other valuable assets
333s such as blueprints it will be some time
336s before the full extent of the damage is
337s known but between the destruction of the
339s jump clones and the other corporate
341s assets that may have been accessible the
343s loss could run into the trillions of isk
345s and may even viy for the biggest theft
347s of this type in new Eden the new and
350s improved Eve online launcher is now
352s available to install ahead of its full
354s release as well as greater freedom to
356s personalize your experience the new
358s launcher boasts cutting edges security
360s measures improved performance a sleeker
363s design and will also serve as the entry
365s point for Eve Vanguard if you're a new
367s capsulier or looking to recruit new
369s capsules to your Corp check out Eve
370s Academy for the ultimate beginners guide
373s Eve Academy can inform your first steps
375s in new Eden helping you to choose a path
377s between Explorer enforcer industrialist
380s or Soldier of Fortune or all of the
382s above with articles videos and links to
385s essential information celebrating the
387s release of Havoc there are currently a
389s number of offers for you to enjoy in the
391s eve store you can get the new and
393s limited Insurgent initiate and Insurgent
395s Commander packs offering Plex skill
398s points glamor X boosters and new
400s imperian Outlaw skins for gas and Angel
403s ships which display a slick effect on
405s PVP kills plus pirate apparel until the
407s 4th of December in addition you can get
410s new AR combine Arisen skins free with
412s Omega purchases until the 28th of
414s November coinciding with the eve
416s Vanguard First Strike event which only
419s Omega capsu will have a chance of being
420s a part of in the new Eden store there
423s are Black Friday discounts on pirate hex
425s and red cloth Sable skin bundles also
428s until the 28th of November that's all
430s for this episode of the pulse thank you
432s for joining us remember to check the
434s description below for more information
435s on the news that we've covered and hit
437s subscribe and the bell icon to stay
439s informed of any new videos that we post
441s see you next time should be able to get
443s a glass of zit burn in
448s here