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As I've found out on sissi, you can have a max of 20.000 Bookmarks in your personal folder.

All bookmarks in container somewhere on a station will be imported until you have 20.000 bookmarks in your personal folder. All other bookmarks over this mark will be DELETED!

So, when you have a lot of Gatespots and tactical spots in EVE like me (more than 60k bookmarks) you only will have 20k of those left. The others are lost and can't be restored!

Also it's not possible anymore to create a "bookmark" item (to sell it in a contract for example). So in future you can't sell your escalations.

Bug Report: EBR-184702

Ok, tested a bit more. Every "personal locations" folder can have up to 20.000 bookmarks after the import, but only 3.000 Bookmarks in total. So when you reached the 3.000 bookmarks, it's not possible anymore to create or copy any bookmark into this folder. BUT you can exceed the 3.000 limit AND the 20.000 limit in your "Personal Location" tab with creating new main folders.

Suggestion for a fix:

  1. Import all folders of the "Personal Locations" tab into main folders instead of one big Folder named like the character
  2. import all floating bookmarks into a main folder named like the character
  3. import bookmarks in container into a main folder named like the container; Bookmarks in Item Hangars could be named after the station

For step 3: It shouldn't matter when there are several containers with the same name. Its already possible to have multiple locations folder (on sissi) with the same name.

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over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link


As I already explained in the bug report and also mentioned in a different topic here: There is indeed an upper 20k limit, but this limit is only for how many bookmarks are being loaded from the server to the client. As soon as you either delete bookmarks or move bookmarks to a different folder (and then offline this folder) you can get further bookmarks from the server (but you need to either relog or first offline the folder and then online it again, to force refresh it from the server). There is currently a risk here, that you might delete a folder or subfolder, which contains bookmarks on the server, but which you are not seeing yet and I am investigating ways to avoid this. Btw: On TQ there is currently no properly enforced limit, but if you would have too many bookmarks, it will just fail (and we had an open bug about this for a long time).

In my last check there were about 100 players on Tranquility affected by this 20k limit and we are planning to contact them directly about this problem. Btw: How would you prefer to be contacted about such an issue? Per eve-mail? Through a regular email to the email-account, which is registered to your game account?

Just for completeness the full limits in the current version on Singularity:

  • Max 5 online personal folders with 3000 bookmarks each
  • Max 3 online shared folders with 500 bookmarks each

For the case that folders are overfilled due to the migration:

  • Max 20k bookmarks in total can be loaded from the server
  • Max 3k bookmarks can be displayed in a single group (subfolder or directly in the folder) - to avoid client freezes (we have also included several client performance improvements in this area).

Btw: We considered your suggestions for the migration already in the past, but they would have increased the duration of the database migration considerably (our current estimate for the current version of the migration for TQ is about 30-60 minutes. For Singularity the migration took 1h 45 minutes).

Kind Regards, CCP Habakuk

over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by CarlooSR

Out of curiosity: the player with the highest bookmark count; how many does he/she have?

I am not sure, if this is still the case, but in the test on Duality the player with the highest bookmark count had about 350k bookmarks, with quite some distance to the next one. I feel pretty sorry for him, as cleaning up and reorganizing as many bookmarks will be a lot of work.