As I've found out on sissi, you can have a max of 20.000 Bookmarks in your personal folder.
All bookmarks in container somewhere on a station will be imported until you have 20.000 bookmarks in your personal folder. All other bookmarks over this mark will be DELETED!
So, when you have a lot of Gatespots and tactical spots in EVE like me (more than 60k bookmarks) you only will have 20k of those left. The others are lost and can't be restored!
Also it's not possible anymore to create a "bookmark" item (to sell it in a contract for example). So in future you can't sell your escalations.
Bug Report: EBR-184702
Ok, tested a bit more. Every "personal locations" folder can have up to 20.000 bookmarks after the import, but only 3.000 Bookmarks in total. So when you reached the 3.000 bookmarks, it's not possible anymore to create or copy any bookmark into this folder. BUT you can exceed the 3.000 limit AND the 20.000 limit in your "Personal Location" tab with creating new main folders.
Suggestion for a fix:
- Import all folders of the "Personal Locations" tab into main folders instead of one big Folder named like the character
- import all floating bookmarks into a main folder named like the character
- import bookmarks in container into a main folder named like the container; Bookmarks in Item Hangars could be named after the station
For step 3: It shouldn't matter when there are several containers with the same name. Its already possible to have multiple locations folder (on sissi) with the same name.
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