about 2 years ago - CCP_Stroopwafel - Direct link

Greetings entomologist capsuleers,

Today (March 6th) we will be doing some maintenance and upgrades on our EBR systems. During this period we will be disabling the in-game bug reporting tool (normally accessible from the F12 menu). Once this work has been completed the in-game bug reporting tool will be enabled again. This will affect reporting bugs from both the Singularity and Tranquility servers.

The bug reports pages on community.eveonline.com will be similarly affected, however we will not be bringing this back online after this maintenance as we are working on improving this system. Stay tuned for more updates on this at a later time.

about 2 years ago - CCP_Stroopwafel - Direct link

Update: 16:45 UTC

Even though we’re still in the process of migrating we’ve decided to bring the in-game bug reporting tool online again so it can be used for the pending mass test.