over 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

We’re investigating a node death which has resulted in markets and contracts becoming inoperable in game.

The issue is being worked on and we let you know here and on the EVE Status twitter account as more information becomes available.

Update 12:04: ESI is being disabled while we troubleshoot this issue.

Update 12:25: Tranquility Server is being shut down with a 30 minute timer as we roll back changes made to the server during today’s downtime. While not the cause, this rollback will revert the Griffin Navy fix and the Black Market Tax Haven updates from today’s patch notes until this issue is resolved.

Update 12:55: Tranquility is offline for rollback. This process may take 15 minutes before Tranquility is accessible again.

Update 13:06: Tranquility is now accepting connections.

over 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

We gave it a 30 minute timer so people could get safe before things go offline - hopefully won’t be down too long as we revert (may take 15 minutes).

Trust me, we don’t want to have to shut it down any more than you guys :cold_sweat:

over 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

The rollback just refers to the game build, you will not have lost any progress. The only things being reverted are the griffin navy defect fix and the tax haven event updates that went in today (along with some back end changes).