over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hello everybody and welcome back to the
5s arena i am still the basilisk and i am
7s joined again by black bart pirate um and
9s these two teams clearly their wallets
11s are running low because they both opted
13s to bring comps i believe they brought
14s earlier in the day um so we've got
16s deepwater hooligans bringing this triple
18s map comp we've seen a couple times
19s already with double magus a blackbird
21s two thalias a hyena and a confessor
24s oh
25s yeah we have locals primary bringing
27s their nightmare vultures set up again
29s which is uh i think it's probably the
30s most unique setup we've seen so far
32s today maybe not necessarily for the
33s entire tournament but it's
35s done really really well and i'm i'm
37s actually really interested to see if
39s they're going to be able to pull that
39s same trick because i don't think deep
41s water has that massive amount of
43s tracking disruptors that their last
45s opponent did which they were able to
47s fight straight through so i'm a little
49s worried for deepwater
51s yeah i think localist primary might just
52s be trying to rub it in here they've seen
54s that i'm casting this match and as they
55s defeated my own team with this comp
57s they're trying to rub it in my face a
59s little bit more saying look we can do it
60s again
61s um but yeah these napox i think it's a
63s very different comp to what they to what
65s they faced previously which was a sort
66s of drone focused comp with ish tiles and
68s dominic's having three napoxin at
70s distance is very very different approach
72s and so we have to see how they're going
73s to change their approach in the match
76s yeah we are seeing a lot of damage out
77s onto that blackbird uh i believe that
80s they're
81s it's pulled slightly out of range so
83s it's not really getting hit at full
85s damage but you know going for the
86s blackbird pretty solid call uh he is
88s trying to jam out the vultures and the
90s kirins um i think that this raptor might
92s be a little bit out of position though
94s so they might be about to take that
95s thing down
96s i just want to comment on the drone
98s choice here from um
101s from localist primary because i think
102s we've seen most teams you know if you're
103s fielding a drone comp you use damage
104s drones if you're not feeling a damage
106s trump buying lock down a drone com by
107s and large you use rep drones but here
109s locally primaries dumped all of their
111s damage loans there's like 20 or 30
113s republic fleet warriors sat on that
114s blackbird and of course
116s light drones
117s are a lot more difficult to sort of
118s screen off and prevent dealing damage
120s rather than you know like a like a
122s vulture shooting out if you've all shoot
123s you know you can put up transfer so you
124s can call some distance from these
125s warriors they're going to be shooting
127s him no matter what and if they can't rep
128s then he's gonna die and he is dying
131s yeah the uh the confessor of william lee
133s and mckenzie's actually on top of the
135s blackbird trying to desperately clear
136s these damage drones and i you know if he
139s gets them down maybe things will change
141s but this blackbird is actually dropping
142s into structure now the application of
144s those vultures is crazy like there's no
146s real way to get away from them and
149s i don't know maybe maybe if they take
150s these damage drones down it'll survive
151s it's holding in like 50 structure right
153s here
155s i don't know if holding is the right
156s word bar i mean
158s by the very nature of being in structure
160s yeah in the last two seconds he hasn't
162s but i mean oh there he goes he loses a
164s chunk more he's down to 20 structure now
166s and there's just not much damage being
168s applied back these three napox have good
169s range good tracking but they just don't
171s really seem to be doing a huge amount of
172s the time being
173s zhao yi in the nightmare is
175s seems to be taking some damage but he's
177s just wrapped it back up again from these
178s kirins this blackbird is still as you
180s put it holding
182s a 23 percent hole
184s yeah it's uh i mean as the light drones
186s go down oh there's another i think we're
187s seeing like little wrecking shots pushed
189s through uh we're actually seeing them
190s hard swap and just pop that hyena so
192s real smart con they're taking those webs
194s down means that i doubt this raptor's
196s gonna die and i don't know like there
198s goes the blackbird as well i don't know
200s what these apocs are doing like they're
201s trying to take a raptor down and it's
203s kiting them and now teller and thalia is
205s starting to be hit by these vultures and
206s these watchers having no issues tracking
208s any of these ships
210s yeah i know that you are the resident
212s battleship pilot expert and you always
214s comment on
215s um battleship piloting criticize it what
217s do you think about rigelio in the napoc
219s who was until very just a second ago
221s doing 1100 meters a second in that apoc
223s is that gonna help his tracking do you
224s think
225s i mean so normally you would say yeah
227s that's terrible at with the also the
230s first valley goes down here but i
232s i think it was more of a target calling
234s issue like you're trying to shoot an
235s interceptor with large lasers they
237s finally swap to a jackdaw take it down
239s almost immediately but you know
241s kind of a little late there you're now
242s down both your logic your blackbird and
244s your hyena your entire back line is
246s about to drop and
247s you know locals primary
250s crazy guitar calling they just wiped the
251s lynx magus off deepwater hooligans is
253s like oh crap we should probably shoot
255s things we can actually hit with large
257s guns and uh might be a little late
260s yeah as this confessor of william is
261s going to go down they're going to
262s possibly trade for this jack door and
264s these three napocs are finally set up in
266s this sort of triangle formation where
267s you know you can't really mitigate from
269s all three at the same time but their
270s whole support wing is just gone already
272s the hyenas go on the blackboard it's
273s gone as the confessor goes down as well
275s the reps are gone um and i don't think
277s at this point these three naps are gonna
279s have enough health on just the holes to
280s deal with you know the three vultures
282s and the nightmare in return
284s yeah the the apox have finally like
287s started going after the nightmare which
289s you know i think after the jackdaws the
291s nightmare or the vultures like anything
293s but what they tried to take down was the
295s correct call and rajuli was just melting
297s like
298s you know i think these might be full dps
300s and epochs like they might have like
302s three heatsinks or something vultures
303s don't hit that hard
305s but apparently they're hitting hard
307s enough
308s yeah and
309s we're getting towards the business end
311s of the tournament now you know there's
312s no more
313s no more allowances for for misplays or
316s slacking and i think target calling like
318s this um
319s it's
320s it's needs to be better to get into the
322s next stage of the tournament you know we
323s are in the sort of top 12 approaching
325s the top 12
326s um
327s end of the tournament which you know
328s you've got to be a pretty good team to
329s get towards i mean all credit to
331s deepwater hooligans forgetting this far
333s of course but
334s um yeah the target calling here like you
336s say if they shot the jack door at the
337s start the vultures then i met anything
339s they could hit with these three napox um
341s would have been good but unfortunately
342s the raptor is
343s probably the one thing they have the
345s least chance of hitting
346s yeah i would say a raptor is probably
348s the most difficult ship of every single
350s thing on grid to actually take down
352s especially with turret ships but you
354s know
355s to be fair like this is deep water
356s hooligans going to be out of the
358s tournament but they did still get a top
359s 16. um i believe they still get 480
361s ships so
363s they did pretty good especially for a
364s team that is like kind of a newer one uh
367s local's primary also doing fantastic and
370s we'll be moving on
371s with a pretty convincing hundred to four
374s win here so you know with that we're
377s gonna send it right back to the studio