almost 6 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s a growing number of capsuleers have
7s reported encountering some unusual
9s activity in a Bissel dead space the
12s scope received these images showing a
14s ship or structure that is apparently
17s under construction in a previously
19s undiscovered pocket
20s this type of pocket seems to be some
23s sort of anomaly as capsuleers state that
25s it is encountered when using abyssal
27s filaments for tier five dead space more
30s intriguing still is their telemetry
32s showing that the gate leading out of the
34s pocket is active upon arrival the
37s heavily defended construction site is
40s located deep within the pocket and
42s capsuleers interviewed by the scope
44s claimed that any attempts to fight the
46s formidable try glaive e'en patrols would
49s be futile a few capsuleers have made
52s daring hit and runs at the bio adaptive
54s caches located next to the construction
56s site and managed to escape the pocket
59s with some spoils items recovered include
62s at least three variants of tri Glaceon
64s semiosis conduction consoles these seem
67s to be a communication device of some
69s kind with it being reported that what
72s appeared to be internal try glaive Ian
74s data fragments have been received by
76s some capsuleers owning the devices
78s concorde has urged those in possession
81s of these devices to hand them over to
83s concorde for their own safety for our
85s part the scope urges capsuleers to
88s resist concorde secrecy and report their
91s findings the people of new eden have the
94s right to know what is going on in other
97s news catchy assay of the signal cartel
100s exploration group is being celebrated as
102s the first human to travel to all
104s accessible star systems of New Eden both
107s in known space and wormhole space the
110s journey through 7805 systems took 9
115s years to complete remark
117s katia lost no ships during this
119s extraordinary voyage to commemorate this
122s achievement by one of their people the
125s Icarus stargazer society are
127s commissioning a statue to be built in
129s Katya stays home system of se Co the
133s memorial statue will be raised near the
135s Abigail gate where the first jump of the
138s journey was made by Katya over nine
140s years ago this is Lina Ambre reporting
143s for the scope
157s [Music]