almost 5 years ago - - Direct link

To commemorate the anniversary of the birth of Capsuleers in New Eden and earn goodwill with the independent pilots of the cluster, CONCORD, the Empires and Upwell are preparing a series of gifts for Capsuleers. However, a large-scale attack from the Triglavian Collective against their joint production and research facilities threatens to disrupt the celebration! CONCORD is requesting that Capsuleers seek out these besieged facilities in order to drive away the Triglavian forces and claim extra gifts.

There will be Capsuleer Day Clash event sites available from 7 May to 20 May throughout New Eden, restricted to allow Battlecruisers only, with more advanced sites all over Lowsec, Nullsec and wormhole space. Rewards will include new SKINs, limited time cerebral accelerators, limited time standings boosters and special limited time 10 pilot Needlejack Filaments!