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5s hello i'm moderator joined here by wayne
8s not cross for yet another match um
11s we have kind of an interesting armor
13s core with a lot of abandons uh supported
15s by mahler definitely fraternity going
17s for an amar victor comp meanwhile i
19s literally triggered choosing to go with
21s the more kitty uh orthous scimitar
24s nightmare core here
26s the nightmares definitely interesting
28s but sure
29s obviously they're bringing the typical
30s pancake because everyone needs pancakes
32s rapid heavy bargains today
34s so that's your flavor of pancake for
35s this match
36s not sure what's going on with that magus
38s and pond effects
39s guessing they'll be warped in soon
44s ah there's one of them
45s yeah they apparently had a bit of a miss
48s warp so they're going to get uh gm
49s warped um at zero zero
53s second or so here um
56s that's not too much bad but that's not
59s um great i wouldn't want to be a megas
62s or a pontifex at zero um
65s getting shot at by orthuses and a bar
68s guest here
69s yep luckily being zero didn't really
70s bring him any closer the warp was kind
72s of like perfectly 90 degrees for them so
74s that was not really a problem but yeah
75s those three authors are not going to be
76s fun to fight anyway but the small side
78s of course is going to have trouble
79s surviving but honestly triggered brought
82s a pretty big a pretty good counter to
83s the whole missile spam by bringing
85s nothing but bricks
87s three abaddon bricks three molar bricks
90s yeah kind of the issue though with those
92s abandons and the maulers though is that
94s they're just very very very slow and i
98s mean if there's anything that orthor
99s says and vargas just pancake ships as a
102s whole are known for it's going fast so
104s this is going to be kind of a match uh
106s to see if park bank already taking
108s damage i mean just that team's a whole
111s kite away i like the choice of picking
113s off the o neros
114s we already see a cloud of reptrones
116s going on top of that o'neill's heavy
118s armor maintenance spots trying to keep
120s up um
121s that oh near us
123s meanwhile park bank is stabilizing as
126s he's just getting out of range of what
128s abaddons can reasonably do with scorch
131s yeah every single molar dropped a set of
132s light drones as well to put onto an area
134s they understand an absolute ball of
135s drones and just a quick note as well
137s that bargast on grit is indeed a
139s flagship bug so if that thing goes pop
142s that's going to be a very expensive pot
145s so the nightmare is in a difficult
147s position speaking of difficult positions
149s we already see a jack dog going down um
152s those abandons are just streaming across
153s the field as
155s fast as abandons can go which is not
157s very but it's fast enough um
160s literally triggered realizing that the
161s nightmare only goes about eight hundred
163s or so meters a second we see that chalty
166s is about to get tackled in a second
170s and can't outrun maulers which is kind
172s of weird to say most things have no
173s difficulty with that but
176s isk raider is going to be the primary
178s here as
182s fraternity getting some grapples onto
184s the nightmare of jealousy probably
187s wanting to take down uh that nightmare
190s as your first target
191s makes a lot of sense to me if you're in
193s virginia's position
194s you notice about how that first mole of
196s this grade is now back to full armor and
198s not being shot they're going after
198s doctor one don't forget these are armor
200s ships they've almost definitely i'm
202s pretty sure have got reactive armor
203s hardeners so they have to try and split
205s the damage types or maybe try like force
207s a hard switch on damage to try and break
209s these molars this is a really good uh
211s ship choice for just trying to resist
213s damage don't put out all that much but
215s they can't kill you and if there's a
217s nightmare on grid that can't outrun you
219s this is actually honestly a surprisingly
220s good call
222s so
223s one of the keys to victory for
225s literally triggered is they're probably
227s going to have to clear um those heavy
230s uh rep drones that are on top of um v o
233s nearest we just see a cloud of drones um
235s on top of that ship and until those
237s drones are cleared there's going to be
239s too much logistics output sustaining the
242s o nero so um in the meantime literally
245s triggered is going to have to kite
246s around and not get caught um so far the
249s only thing that's been held down is that
251s nightmare but i mean now that he's being
253s pounded by um those abandons that have
256s finally closed range to um conflict he's
260s going down pretty solidly
262s they have to make a decision here like
263s that that nightmare is going to go down
265s what are they going to try and trade for
266s they have to trade something fast if it
268s goes down for no response this match
270s might be over you see they're going for
271s their nearest again they're going to try
273s it all in that thing it's probably not a
275s terrible cool they can kill it and lose
276s a nightmare it's not too bad but they
278s got to do it this nightmare pops this is
280s this is really not looking good
282s yeah i absolutely agree with you just
285s going back to earlier about the win
286s conditions for
288s um
289s literally triggered um having to kill
291s the owners and he's the neros is
294s dropping a little bit but i don't know
296s if
296s those orthosis will run out of rapid
299s light clips before
301s um the o'neills can get caught up by
303s those reptones um the nurse is probably
305s in range of the nightmare actually now
307s that the nightmare goes down that should
309s be an appreciable amount of damage
311s that's no longer hitting um that one
313s nero's but we see newbie gogo just
315s surviving in just 10 15
318s armor
319s jumping up and down very um just
322s surviving a sliver and if i notice for a
324s moment there there was actually a bunch
326s of reptiles that were not on him i think
328s they might have been actually getting
329s shot off right now so i suspect they
330s were removing rap drones another flight
332s of minions made it to him but he's about
333s to go down he goes down he finally goes
335s down okay for literally triggered now
337s that they've lost the
339s run
340s if you just gotta run it
342s you have to kite away um you still have
344s park bank you still have orthouses so if
346s you're in the position that literally
348s triggered them what do you do you kill
350s the pontifex they're doing this
351s absolutely correctly you kill the
353s pontifex then you kill the magus once
355s you've done that the abandons and the
357s maulers will lose any sort of links they
359s have they'll lose mobility they'll lose
361s tackle range they'll lose speed and you
362s can use that policy down at range
365s and they're just honestly they got this
366s one out
367s at this point now fraternity have to
369s just leroy that burgess i mean from what
371s i can see it's speed is not super crazy
373s i i i'm wondering if molars are just
375s about the same speed or not slightly
377s slower
379s i i'm not sure i think they can be fast
381s i saw them at least 500 before
384s all this all the support wings are dying
385s now once you've removed the lodging the
387s support wing just gets obliterated
389s yeah and gila right now is being
391s primaried but catching reps park doing
393s absolute work here so
395s literally triggered they have flown this
398s composition i've seen them do something
400s similar practice but the ceo ceo is not
402s running his asb not catching reps
404s getting absolutely destroyed here um
407s down into hole let's see if he catches
409s any reps it doesn't appear so and he's
412s going to go down tragically not having
413s been caught maybe not even been locked
415s by park bank
417s yes and i've noticed i think all the rap
419s drones at the moment are all on the
421s magus now so they pull their reptiles
422s onto the maze trying to save that
424s instead of maybe trying to save this
425s mall who could really do with them here
427s we go rep drones are finally appearing
428s onto the mall as i say it
430s never mind yeah but we can see it's only
432s like light drones left i think literally
435s triggered has been spending most of the
436s match just killing having moving spots
439s in medium maintenance spots and i think
441s it's a good call if you're able to do
442s that you can kill the maulers abandons
444s are not going to catch up to an
445s arthritis i i believe i was actually
448s wrong they might look at that bargain
449s speed like gotta say the moors could
450s catch it never mind that vargas is doing
452s 23
453s 2 300 he has a 400 2500
458s that's a fast bug
460s and one of those uh mallards is getting
462s dangerously close to um maddox over here
466s um the scimitar actually of parking
468s tragically has been caught that is going
469s to be a bit of a misplay from uh park
472s bank here um now that park bank has been
474s held down those abandons we can see are
477s now closing to
479s conflict range now
481s maximal damage
482s watch their entire team now try and kill
484s joint bush of everything they have he's
486s the one tackling down that uh scimitar
488s i'm just gonna watch everything try and
490s shoot that guy now all the ecm drones
492s onto him they're doing their best to try
493s and get park bank free i love those
495s moments it's like oh god oh god oh god
499s yeah park bank um
501s it's he's going 1600 he's actually
503s managed to slip the web
505s he's actually managed to slip the web of
506s the mauler there were hornet ec300s on
508s them i think those three
510s jam drones actually managed to drop him
512s for a cycle park bank has managed to get
514s away and he might live to win off of
515s this it was like three flights of ecm
518s drones once again guys ecm victory
521s we've got to roll the dice to win park
523s bank does escape and that muller now
525s can't really catch him and that honestly
527s might be it like that that moment there
529s really does kind of flip it because
530s that's that scimitar keep their entire
531s team alive for the rest of the match
533s okay so we have to talk about points
535s with only two minutes and 30 seconds
537s remaining in the match right now
539s literally triggered is down by four if
540s they kill john bush which they will in a
542s second it will be tied so if you're in
546s the position of literally triggered you
547s cannot kill an abaddon in the next two
550s minutes you have to somehow kill it's
552s greater while keeping your entire
555s court except for piyashki alive you
557s can't i'm gonna say it now
560s i can say it right now they can easily
561s do that it's the mall is the last like
563s quote-unquote fast thing on the grid so
566s they can just keep killing it they'll be
567s fair though look at that bug hold on
570s what are you doing sir you're being shot
572s uh he's being right he's all good
574s yeah that bark though is i want to say
576s about 20 30 kilometers off of those
578s abandons he's going to want to keep
579s pulling range here um meanwhile isk
582s raider um in
584s the smaller is dropping down into hull
586s so with that um
589s literally triggered will be up by
591s four points and they cannot lose any
594s ship other than the vigil or they would
595s be down but
597s really good presence of mine from
598s literally triggered knowing exactly what
600s they had to do
601s getting rid of those rupt drones on top
603s of the owners wants to kill the neros
605s just wiping out the core systematically
608s of those two link
609s command destroyers then taking out the
611s maulers
613s they were a little shaky early on when
614s they had gotten uh tackled but excellent
619s recovery
620s exactly once they realized the nightmare
622s was dead they were like okay cool we're
623s going to lose a nightmare how do we make
625s this work let's kill that logic how do
626s we kill logic kill the rap drones boom
629s and now it's down to the abandons and
630s hold on that button is dying really hold
632s on a minute
634s that's an active abaddon and yeah that's
636s still probably uh it's probably a large
639s ancillary repair um we see on top of
642s that uh abaddon um d mason will
646s manage to survive for the next 50
648s seconds but it is an interesting amount
650s of damage that he is taking so far
652s exactly like he's been he has a resist
654s bonus he's dropped he dropped really
656s hard really quickly
657s i wonder how much resists he fitted to
659s his lows or if he's maybe like all
660s damage or something
664s maybe i i mean
666s if your park bank just stabilize michael
668s arena stabilize piashke um keep your
671s ships um
672s just far away from literally everything
675s the vigil has burned to range um
678s the stork is sitting on top of an mjd
680s beacon just playing safe and somehow
682s they killed that before expires
684s yeah i i want to know where that guy's
686s fitted i swear that could be like
687s minimal resist mods i i i want to see
690s that that kill after but as the time
692s runs out now it looks like triggered
693s we'll come home with the wind well
695s played well executed congratulations
698s yeah i can't help but feel like that
700s abaddon fitting might have been bait i'm
702s sure ezekiel will
704s be able to tell
705s us what exactly happened there with that
707s we'll send it back to the studio