almost 6 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | hello glorious and this week very |
2s | artistically inclined capture leaders of |
4s | New Eden welcome to another edition of |
6s | Eve pulse this time around we're going |
9s | to give more details on what's coming up |
10s | for Eve online the latest news and |
12s | information from the dev team and a |
14s | little bit more detail about what's |
15s | going on in and outside of New Eden the |
18s | first thing I'd like to talk about today |
20s | is the recent balance dev blog which was |
22s | just released this Wednesday |
24s | our main balance focus for the spring |
26s | will be capital balance and this blog |
28s | focuses on a wide range of community |
30s | concerns including capital and super |
32s | capital balance as well as some |
34s | much-needed tweaks to a few sub capital |
36s | weapons in halls two highlights of these |
38s | changes which are coming over the course |
40s | of the next few releases include |
41s | addressing concerns around the |
42s | incredible power of forks auxilary holes |
45s | they'll also include capital damage |
47s | application projection which has having |
49s | a detrimental effect on sub Cap |
51s | viability across New Eden as part of |
53s | changes to force auxiliaries will be |
55s | looking to introduce diminishing returns |
56s | on all remote repair and capacitor |
58s | transfer modules this is to help curb |
60s | the infinite scalability of applying |
62s | remote repair modules we feel that apply |
65s | and remote repair to a fleet Mir should |
67s | be more tactical decision rather than a |
68s | simple target splash by every Logistics |
70s | vessel in your fleet so the diminishing |
72s | returns are going to assist in making |
74s | that a reality in addition to these |
76s | changes will also be taken a look at |
78s | high angle weapons with a view to |
80s | balancing the damage against smaller |
81s | holes especially when they're fitted to |
83s | Titans this change will involve reducing |
86s | the damage multiplier for all high angle |
88s | weapons by half while given a |
90s | corresponding 100% increase to these |
92s | weapons from siege mode this will allow |
94s | dreadnaughts to continue to take |
96s | advantage of them while balancing the |
98s | damage application while affinity Titans |
99s | this set of changes will also have an |
102s | impact on carrier and super carrier |
104s | combat we're going to see some tweaks to |
106s | explosion radius and explosion velocity |
108s | for all fighter attacks so this is going |
111s | to reduce damage application to smaller |
113s | holes changes are also inbound to some |
115s | sub capital hulls and weapons as well |
117s | including the Harbinger Abaddon cyclone |
120s | caracal Navy issue |
122s | Vexin a V issue Couric's HeLa ferox as |
125s | well as tweaks to medium beam laser |
127s | optimal range after this will then take |
129s | a look at the raw |
130s | with some tweaks to the effectiveness of |
132s | both the industrial core and excavator |
134s | mine and drawers towards the summer our |
137s | focus will end shift to introducing some |
139s | long-anticipated implant sets as well as |
141s | getting back on truck with module tear |
143s | aside which has been on the backburner |
145s | for some time now the feedback on this |
148s | blog so far has been both varied and |
149s | great so keep it coming we love to hear |
152s | your thoughts and we want to make sure |
153s | that the community has a voice when it |
155s | comes to changes like these speaking of |
158s | the community's voice the CSM minutes |
160s | for the last summit between CSM 13 and |
162s | the dev team are going to be available |
164s | in the next few years keep an eye out |
166s | for a dev blog or news item regarding |
169s | this and you'll be able to have a look |
170s | at the in-depth discussion between the |
172s | CSM and the dev team while we're here in |
174s | Iceland similar eagle-eyed pilots will |
177s | notice the one or more of the characters |
178s | have an extra 500,000 unallocated skill |
181s | points in their pool a couple of months |
183s | back we released a blog update in the |
185s | community on the status of the chat |
186s | system covering issues that had occurred |
188s | since the switch to a new XMPP back-end |
191s | in March 2018 we also made mention of |
194s | compensation for issues that arose from |
196s | this switch and as searched the highest |
198s | skill point character on every account |
199s | that held on mega status on March 20th |
201s | 2018 has received half a million skill |
203s | points this date was chosen as this was |
206s | the day that the new chat backend was |
208s | released in 2018 and it saw |
210s | substantially downtime and interruption |
212s | to service on Tranquility because of |
214s | start-up issues next we have an update |
216s | on the eve world tour |
217s | if you haven't seen it already go and |
220s | check out the eve Saddam mega blog as |
222s | this has details of the scheduled |
224s | activities and more information about |
226s | what's coming at Easter Dom which is the |
228s | first venue on the world tour where |
229s | we'll kick off celebrations the blog |
232s | also contains links to the World Tour |
233s | tournament series that will be hosting |
235s | across the globe this year also a quick |
238s | reminder that tickets are still on sale |
240s | for Eve Saddam Eve North in Toronto as |
242s | well as Eve Russia in Saint Petersburg |
244s | and Eve down under in Sydney Australia |
246s | you can find out more information on |
249s | which devs are going to each of these |
250s | events in the previous edition of Eve |
253s | pulse and there's also a couple of links |
255s | down there where you can find out how to |
256s | get a hold of tickets for events on the |
258s | world tour and now of course we want to |
261s | give a huge shout out to a pilot who's |
263s | achieved the unachievable |
265s | katia sea of signal cartel has managed |
268s | to visit every single system that a |
270s | player can access in New Eden this has |
273s | been a nine-year long journey that |
275s | covers 7805 systems in New Eden the |
280s | journey began on December the 1st 2009 |
282s | and she had completed the full |
285s | exploration of Empire space by July 4th |
287s | 2014 by November the 26th 2015 |
291s | Katya had explored the entirety of known |
294s | space and on November 1st 2018 signal |
298s | cartel started to assist Katya in |
300s | locating the final 600 wormhole systems |
302s | needed to complete a quest the journey |
305s | was finally completed on March 9 2019 |
308s | and more than 50,000 images chopped the |
310s | nine-year voyage on her blog you should |
313s | check it out if you're really into Eve |
314s | travel and seeing the sights in New Eden |
316s | huge congratulations to Katya and to |
320s | signal cartel for something that's |
321s | absolutely unprecedented and finally a |
324s | little message straight from here over |
326s | the last couple of weeks since we |
328s | announced the collaboration between CCP |
330s | and Hadean on evita Wars we've seen an |
333s | unbelievable reception from the |
335s | community you guys are an incredible |
337s | force for good but we've been blown away |
339s | by the fact that more than 12,000 of you |
342s | have signed up to be part of the Evie |
344s | Thor Wars test huge thanks this boards |
347s | really well for the future of EVE Online |
349s | and we hope these tests are going to |
350s | shine some light on how we can make even |
352s | more scalable in the future |
354s | massive props to the EVE community for |
356s | being a part of something so |
357s | groundbreaking and so fantastic that's |
360s | all we've got time for in this edition |
362s | of Eve pulse but be sure to subscribe |
364s | down there and make sure that you tune |
366s | in next time around for more information |
368s | on EVE Online and what's going on in you |
370s | Eden see you in space |
374s | [Music] |
380s | I've got I know how I can do this right |
390s | because it takes haha ready just got a |
398s | burp first it's always important |