The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 21.04). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:
Initial Release Date: 2023-04-25 Last update: 2023-06-07
🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by player's feedback or suggestions.
Patch Notes For 2023-06-07.1
Features & Changes:
Shadow War
The Amarr Empire has completed the research phase of their shadow war effort, and can now begin work on the construction of an Interstellar Shipcaster.
The Empire will reward players who bring Mutadaptive Construction Components to their component deposit yards located in the Imperial Shipcaster Construction Site in Mehatoor, and the Imperial Stellar Construction Site in Ohide.
Patch Notes For 2023-06-06.1
Features & Changes:
Shadow War
Imperial Pochven reconnaissance fleets have started surveying and broadcasting the location of Nesosilicate Rakovene Fields and Vila Allopoiesis Nodes to all capsuleers, in anticipation of the final designs of their interstellar shipcaster being completed very soon.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-30.1
Features & Changes:
The 20th anniversary Capsuleer Day event has concluded, thank you all for participating!
Player Loot drop rates have been reverted back to their original drop rates of 50%.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-24.1
Defect Fixes:
Shadow War boosters now have the correct expiration dates in the description tab in the 'show info' window that aligns with yesterday's update.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-23.1
Features & Changes:
Shadow War
The Gallente Federation's Shadow War research effort is advancing and the Federation has reached a major breakthrough in their understanding and mastery of the transport relay technology thanks to the efforts of loyalist capsuleers. As a result, Gallente Hacking, Courier and Laboratory sites will now contain a small amount of transport relay datacore blueprints and components as loot in addition to the existing stellar transmuter datacore loot.
The Amarr Empire and Minmatar Republic are now awarding personal progression points to pilots enrolled in their shadow war campaigns who seek out and complete Gallente Hacking, Courier and Laboratory sites.
The expiration date for the shadow war reward boosters have been extended until 5 September 2023
Defect Fixes:
Improved the handling of Antialiasing in some special cases, especially for transparent lines while the camera is being moved for example the lines in the undock area of an Upwell structure.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-17.1
Features & Changes:
Added a Cynabal Capsuleer Day XX SKIN to the XX Celebration Daily Login Campaign - Day 18
Patch Notes For 2023-05-16.1
Features & Changes:
The Republic Fleet has completed major construction on their new station in the Minmatar FW headquarters system of Amo. This station is now open to docking by capsuleers and most services are active, however there is some remaining construction work required before the capsuleer corporation office slots and industry facilities come online.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-11.1
Features & Changes:
Shadow War
The Amarr Empire's Shadow War research effort is advancing and the Empire has reached a major breakthrough in their understanding and mastery of the transport relay technology thanks to the efforts of loyalist capsuleers. As a result, Amarr Hacking, Courier and Laboratory sites will now contain a small amount of transport relay datacore blueprints and components as loot in addition to the existing stellar transmuter datacore loot.
The Gallente Federation and Minmatar Republic are now awarding personal progression points to pilots enrolled in their shadow war campaigns who seek out and complete Amarr Hacking, Courier and Laboratory sites.
Defect Fixes:
In-space UI, like the tactical overlay and some UI elements for the ESS, are no longer affected by Anti-aliasing and FSR. This fixes several problems with blurry UI, especially when moving the camera.
The old F10 star map is no longer affected by Anti-aliasing, avoiding blurriness when moving the map.
Mac client: When running on Apple Silicon (M1 etc.), disabling the ship exterior view will now work properly with all settings. It as previously no working as it should with Ambient Occlusion disabled.
Mac client: Temperate planets now have correct graphics when low shader quality is used.
Fixed an issue preventing Pochven markets from being viewed using the market history ESI.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-10.1
Defect Fixes:
Fixed various issues relating to changes made in 2023-05-09.1
Minmatar Shadow War sites should now be dropping the updated loot.
Fixed an issue that would stop the search to function properly.
Fixed issues relating to the Mehatoor station not being dockable.
The reduced effects of clouds in SoCT sites is now properly reduced.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-09.1
Features & Changes:
The Sales Tax Rate has returned to the original value of 8%.
Shadow War
The Minmatar Republic's Shadow War research effort is advancing and the Republic has reached a major breakthrough in their understanding and mastery of the transport relay technology thanks to the efforts of loyalist capsuleers. As a result, Minmatar Hacking, Courier and Laboratory sites will now contain a small amount of Transport Relay Datacore blueprints and components as loot in addition to the existing Stellar Transmuter Datacore loot.
The Amarr Empire and Gallente Federation are now awarding personal progression points to pilots enrolled in their shadow war campaigns who seek out and complete Minmatar Hacking, Courier and Laboratory sites.
Due to the completed construction of the Caldari State's Shipcaster in Onnamon on the 4th of May, YC125, the Caldari are no longer recruiting additional capsuleers for their shadow war effort since they have successfully completed their campaign.
Capsuleer Day
Reduced the effect clouds have on the visibility of SoCT combat sites.
The Imperial Navy has completed major construction on their new station in the Amarr FW headquarters system of Mehatoor. This station is now open to docking by capsuleers and most services are active, however there is some remaining construction work required before the capsuleer corporation office slots and industry facilities come online.
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue that made it impossible to use drones to attack Shipcaster Beacons and Shipcaster Beacons in construction.
It's no longer possible to anchor personal deployable structures, such as mobile depots and CRAB beacons, right next to the Shipcaster beacons, they now have similar restrictions to stargates.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-05.1
Features & Changes:
The Market Sales Tax in-game has been lowered from 8% to 4% for the next 4 days, to celebrate Capsuleer Day! It will return to 8% after downtime on Tuesday, 9 May.
Defect Fixes:
Historic Capsuleer Day Clothing Crates can now be looted from wrecks and containers.
Fixed a text defect on the Gallente Shipcaster.
User Interface:
Non-interactable Fortizar has been removed from the Fitting Window and Market.
Opening the FW map with Shipcaster info will no longer trigger an exception for clients with Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Russian language settings.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-04.1
Features & Changes:
Factional Warfare:
Thanks to the efforts of loyalist Capsuleers, the Caldari State has completed construction of the first Interstellar Shipcaster!
The State Interstellar Shipcaster is located in the Caldari FW HQ system of Onnamon, near planet 3.
To enable the activation of the shipcaster, a new State Stellar Transmuter has been brought online in the nearby Elonaya system.
The Caldari State will begin automatically placing State Shipcaster Beacon Constructors in warzone systems to enable the construction of State Shipcaster Beacons.
To construct the Shipcaster Beacons in the target systems, Capsuleers can deposit Nanotransistors, Smartfab Units, Quantum Microprocessors, and Self-Harmonizing Power Cores to the Beacon Constructors. Capsuleers who deposit construction resources will be rewarded with loyalty points.
The Shipcaster Beacon Constructors and completed State Shipcaster Beacons are both vulnerable to attack by Capsuleers. The completed Shipcaster Beacons have a one hour reinforcement period before they can be completely destroyed to allow time for allied capsuleers to respond in defense.
When at least one Shipcaster Beacon is connected to the Shipcaster, it will become possible for Capsuleers enlisted with the Caldari to jump through the shipcaster.
The Factional Warfare map has been updated to show empire Shipcaster locations, shipcaster beacons and their current progress.
As they have completed their Shipcaster construction project, the Caldari state has stopped sharing sensor data that allowed the Vila Allopoiesis Nexus and Nesosilicate Rakovene Field sites in Pochven to be detected by Capsuleer scanners. Once other empires have reached the point where they can begin their shipcaster construction projects, they will activate their own scanners and the sites will return to Capsuleer scanners.
Added faction names to the beginning of Capsuleer Day XX seasonal challenges on the Info Panel.
Added a new crate - the Historic Capsuleer Day Clothing Crate - to drops from event sites. These crates contains past Capsuleer Day clothing rewards.
Structures & Deployables:
Reduced the maximum broker fee tax a Upwell Citadel can charge from 50% down to 11.5%. All citadels that already had a broker fee tax rate set higher than this have automatically had their broker fee tax lowered to 11.5%. The goal of this change is to address broker fee related scams which were too obfuscated.
Defect Fixes:
Reduced flickering in hangars with both anti-aliasing and depth of field enabled.
User Interface:
Capsuleer Day XX Cerebral Accelerators now appear in the correct Market category.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-03.1
Features & Changes:
Readjusted the loot drop rates of genolution implants in the Capsuleer Day event. They will drop less often from data sites now, but significantly more often from the Combat Sites.
Reduced the volume of all "Overseer's Personal Effects" items in the game from 10m3 to 0.1m3.
Caldari-aligned capsuleers have been making significant progress with the production and delivery of Mutadaptive Construction Components to assist the State Shipcaster and Stellar Transmuter construction projects. Major progress in the construction is now visible at the construction sites in both Onnamon and Elonaya.
Defect Fixes:
Reduced blurriness related to antialiasing during camera movement.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-02.2
Defect Fixes:
Fixed a number of issues with the new Metamorphosis ship.
Fixed a bug that had prevented interaction with the new Caldari station in Onnamon.
Fixed a number of issues which unintentionally increased the difficulty of some of the Capsuleer Day combat sites, and sometimes meant that SoCT easy sites were unable to be completed.
Patch Notes For 2023-05-02.1
Features & Changes:
The Capsuleer Day XX event has begun! Join us in celebrating EVE Online's 20th anniversary from today until downtime on May 30th with a special login and seasonal campaign.
The Guristas and Angel Cartel have teamed up as the Guri Malakim and appear to be focused on obtaining and acquiring ancient Jovian technology. The mysterious Society of Conscious Thought are opposing them in an effort to prevent ancient technology from falling into the hands of criminal organizations.
Capsuleers can choose to assist either the Society of Conscious Thought or the Guri Malakim in this event to earn extra rewards through The Agency reward track.
Guri Malakim Survey Expedition and SoCT Survey Outpost hacking sites can be found all throughout High-security space using scanning probes. A Data Analyzer module will need to be fitted to access the valuable treasures housed within.
More daring capsuleers can find the Guri Malakim Raiding Expeditions and SoCT Retrievals Repository hacking sites in Low-security space, Nullsec, Pochven and Wormhole space for a tougher hacking challenge and higher rewards.
Guri Malakim Survey Base and SoCT Survey Expeditions combat sites are appearing all over high-security space. These sites can be found using your built-in anomaly scanner. The acceleration gates used to enter these sites will only allow access to ships of Battlecruiser size or lower, so it's recommended to bring Combat Battlecruisers to defeat the hostiles inside. Faction Cruisers, Heavy Assault Cruisers, Strategic Cruisers, and Command Ships are also excellent options when available.
Guri Malakim Raider Base and SoCT Retrieval Expeditions can be found in Low-security space, Nullsec, Pochven and Wormhole space. These more difficult combat sites are home to bigger rewards, but a much greater challenge! A very well fitted Command Ship or Tech 3 Cruiser is recommend for these sites, or inviting your friends to the raiding party.
Players who choose to raid Guri Malakim sites can find valuable Smuggler Lockboxes which can be sold to the Empires in NPC stations for rewards, Guri Malakim Boosters, Agency Boosters, SKINs and more, while the SoCT sites contain personal overseer effects, SoCT Boosters and more of the above.
Until 30 May a special set of Capsuleer Day login rewards will be available for players who log on. Rewards include new SKINs, up to 510k skillpoints, limited time combat boosters, a set of Society of Conscious Thought starship hulls: the Apotheosis Shuttle, Sunesis Destroyer, Gnosis Battlecruiser, Praxis Battleship and the brand-new exploration frigate the Metamorphosis!
The loot drop rate for all player ships and POS's has been increased from 50% to 75%.
Make sure you're Omega on 6 May and etch your legacy on the EVE Monument!
The Society of Conscious Thought have introduced a new exploration frigate to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the capsuleer age.

The Caldari Navy has completed major construction on their new station in the Caldari Factional Warfare headquarters system of Onnamon. This station is now open to docking by capsuleers and most services are active, however there is some remaining construction work required before the capsuleer corporation office slots and industry facilities come online.
Patch Notes For 2023-04-27.1
Defect Fixes:
Vila Skarbnik NPCs in the Shadow War Pochven sites should no longer rarely give standing hits to the Triglavian collective.
Patch Notes For 2023-04-26.1
Features & Changes:
The Caldari State has completed the research phase of their shadow war effort, and can now begin work on the construction of an Interstellar Shipcaster.
Mutadaptive Construction Components have been identified as essential materials needed for the construction of an Interstellar Shipcaster. Blueprints for these components are often stored by Triglavian-controlled rogue drones in Vila Allopoiesis Nexus', which can be found throughout Pochven using onboard anomaly scanners. Capsuleers can attempt to access the nodes the rogue drones use as temporary stockpiles with Data Analyzer modules.
Nesosilicate Rakovene ore can be mined in Nesosilicate Rakovene Fields found throughout Pochven and refined for quantities of Neo-Jadarite minerals, which are fundamental to the construction of Mutadaptive Components, small amounts of Neo-Jadarite can also be retrieved from Vila Allopoiesis Nodes.
Capsuleers should be prepared - Vila Skarbnik drones patrol both sites and will attack interlopers, and both sites will broadcast their locations to all ships in the solar system through the overview when a capsuleer warps to the site.
The Caldari State will reward players who bring Mutadaptive Construction Components to their component deposit yards located in the State Shipcaster Construction Site in Onnamon, and the State Stellar Construction Site in Elonaya.
Defect Fixes:
Gallente Shadow War sites will now correctly drop loot.
Patch Notes For 2023-04-25.1
Features & Changes:
The Gallente Federations Shadow War research effort is advancing and the federation has reached a major breakthrough in its understanding and mastery of the Stellar Transmuter technology thanks to the efforts of loyalist capsuleers.
As a result, Gallente Data Sites, Laboratories, and Classified Couriers are now active in lowsec systems controlled by the Gallente Federation in factional warfare, as well as the highsec systems in the Kiartanne and Viriette constellations. These sites will contain stellar transmuter datacore blueprints and materials.
Players who choose to side with the Caldari for their shadow war effort will now earn progression points for entering and completing the Gallente sites.
Anti-aliasing has been upgraded. You will see smoother edges and the elimination of specular aliasing, which eliminates the 'shiny' effect that occurs in some situations.
The shadow system has been entirely overhauled. Previously, there was a limit of 16 shadows in a scene, for casting and receiving. Shadows also look much sharper, and there is now no limit!
The film grain effect has been refactored, reducing the 'grid' pattern that would sometimes be visible.
Defect Fixes:
Overlapping music related to various combat sites is no longer resumed upon entering additional combat sites.
The station hangar should no longer turn green when displaying a specific advert. The rave is over.
Fixed a client crash, which could be triggered by the graphical effects of Vorton Projectors.
Mac client: Fixed a rare client crash.