I'll have to respectfully disagree with every single point you've made in these three paragraphs.
Feel free to dredge up T20 - I was on the other side of the fence as an angry player when that happened. Completely different company now, completely different people. Your point is entirely moot. Correct, it was a sh*tshow, and it was dealt with when it happened way back in the day. You screw around like that at CCP these days, you're out of the door. It's as simple as that. I get accused of being biased on a daily basis, and of being a cheater. One day I'm being accused of being biased toward PL, the next day it's GSF. Life goes on.
On your point about soundbytes - news flash - anyone who knows me knows that I don't pander. If I have something to say, I say it. I don't give a sh*t what "demographic" it plays well with - if I have an opinion on the game as a 17 year veteran of it, I'll be sure to express it, both externally to the community, and internally at CCP. Admittedly that's caused friction internally too at times - even recently when I've been vocal about my views, but that's what makes CCP great - we're encouraged to talk about our products and what we like and dislike about them. Sue me for having an opinion and wanting something that I think is for the betterment of the game. I don't pander - everyone is equal in my eyes and I don't care for politics.
My job as a community manager is to communicate, correct, but it's not to stand by and watch us sit on our balls if I can help prevent that by giving solid feedback from our players. That's my job. Whether that feedback is listened to is at the behest of people above my pay grade, but I make sure that voices are heard - that's what I do. That's what all community managers do. We're the front line support for dealing with player sentiment, regardless of whether we agree with it or not.
On your point about a bitter and twisted rage fest, one of the best quotes I've ever heard from a player was printed in the "Into the second decade" book that we published on the 10th anniversary. It read "Mark my words, this game will be dead in six months.".
That was a quote from 2003, yet here we are. EVE has been "dying" and "declining" since it was conceived in the eyes of everyone who doesn't like the changes that are made to it. People come and go, opinions change, but the people who stick around are those core pillars of our community who realise what the objective is for New Eden.
Sorry mate, but the three step approach of trying to shame me about history - which was set right years ago, trying to tell me how to do my job, then trying to shame the community because they're excited and debating changes that are happening to the game doesn't fly with me.
We'll have to agree to disagree.