almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

9s first time
26s cool
34s hello everybody thank you so much for
37s joining us on this panel
39s uh this is team security q a and this is
41s the first time the team our team is in
44s presentation like this so we're very
46s excited to share with you what we have
48s been working with like
50s maybe give you some insights of some of
52s our job parts and
54s take your questions
56s all right so this is how it's going to
58s work
60s um
61s i would like to introduce the team first
63s uh these are my colleagues this is gremi
66s he is our billing specialist he mostly
69s specializes in the fraud payments
72s in
73s very tough investigations he has been
75s since ccp
77s since 2003 that's pretty a lot
80s and yeah and he handles all of the rmt
83s payments
85s uh this is huge
87s he's the senior game master
89s he usually restores hacked accounts he
92s handles the most complicated hacking
94s cases that you can imagine
96s uh massive rabbit holes massive
98s corporations
99s and that's him
101s i'm ashling
103s i'm a bit of both i do a bit of rmt
106s investigations a bit of
108s hacked accounts
109s some of the botting basically whenever
111s the help is needed
113s that's me and finally this is tinger uh
116s he is our
119s bot master well not the bot master but
120s the master who is who's handling the
122s bots uh he is the wizard of all the data
127s um and yeah he is a very valued member
129s of the team although he has just joined
133s okay
135s so this is how it's going to work
139s i'm going to introduce the team which i
140s already did we're going to be talking of
143s botting of rmt
145s of the hacked accounts we will show you
147s some graphs some statistics
149s and hopefully we'll be able to
152s spark your interest in what we're doing
155s and then we will
157s get your questions
158s so whatever you have
160s please ask us
162s all right
164s and this is stinger
167s [Applause]
173s hello i'm ccp stinger yeah sorry about
176s the presenter monitor but all the screen
179s real estate went to the main stage
181s but okay i'm gonna be talking about bots
185s in if online
187s how we're handling them
188s and when we speak about
190s bots we speak about automation in event
192s line and specifically everything that a
195s player can do
196s without interaction with the game client
200s and the downside is
202s well
203s it's just one search away you just
205s simply type in in google and you get
207s multiple results and it's even easier
209s than searching for a recipe of a
211s shepherd spy
214s they are not hidden the bots for if
216s online they're even being advertised
218s even to such an extent that they offer a
221s subscription service
223s their own store
225s where you can just simply click select
227s where we like to run
229s and that is it
231s but the problem is
233s all the gaming industries are fighting
234s against cheating
236s i mean aimbots wallhacks
239s and other cheats that are out there it's
241s not just us it's the whole gaming
243s industry
244s and it goes hand in hand with credit
247s card fraud
248s with hacking
250s and with real money trade because that
252s is what everything being fueled by
255s to such an extent that this is a
257s malicious software
258s if you install it
260s you don't know what it is right if you
262s install our launcher and our game client
264s you know for sure okay ccp games they
266s won't be installing anything bad right
270s just kidding but
272s those programs
274s could be used to steal your data banking
276s details hack your accounts or even just
278s simply mine crypto on your computer and
281s you don't want that right
283s so this is what we're up against to show
287s a little bit more
288s to give you a little bit more insight
290s i'm going to be speaking about
292s a very sophisticated
294s organizations that are running bot farms
296s 24 7 in eve online
299s and they are very sophisticated they
301s create accounts with a single click like
303s 10 15 accounts per day that they just
306s simply put away
308s for three weeks four weeks because out
310s there in new eden there is already a
312s batch running 24 7
314s generating the risk
316s to be sold on a black market
318s and when we
320s and it's to such an extent that they are
323s trying to hide themselves from us
325s using single use machines that means one
328s account uses one specific computer
331s and that machine will not appear again
333s but we're still able
335s to find them we're still able to remove
337s them from the game even to such an
339s extent that we identify the patterns how
341s the accounts are created
343s and we ban those
346s and that is nearly and that is our daily
348s task that we perform we are literally
350s farming the bot farms
354s now
355s that is the problem that is our constant
357s struggle
358s and that is a never stopping
361s never stopping battle
363s it's our fight against the hydra we cut
365s one head off and two will appear in its
367s place
371s now
373s to illustrate a little bit more about
375s learning and development
376s botting front is a prime example
380s how our team
381s changed in the last year
385s we did a small restructuring in the team
387s we also took a look at the tools that we
389s have in our inventory we requested
392s changes to those tools we started to use
395s new tools
396s that makes the life a little bit easier
398s that makes us
401s that makes
402s allows us to process bigger data
405s and that means we can identify the bots
408s in eve the patterns much faster and this
410s is very important much more precise
412s because you don't want to ban players
415s right that's bad
417s for business
420s um
423s just a second i lost i lost
426s my fault
428s there we go
429s but it's not only us who changes there's
433s multiple bots out there there's mutual
435s patterns out there and i'll
437s show you in the graphic form what it
439s means
440s the bots also adapt they release updates
443s sometimes those updates are even
444s corresponding to the major if online
447s updates
449s and yeah this is
451s our struggle at this point i would like
453s to give a big thank you and a shout out
456s to our programmers who are now part of
458s the customer support tools team
460s who make all our wishes come true
462s but unfortunately there is still not a
465s workable solution for just one big red
468s button that you press
470s and that will make all the bots
472s disappear from new eden however that's
475s what we're aiming for we're also aiming
477s for to be noticed
480s by you by players
482s not by this security panel not by the
485s dev block not by the numbers
488s in graph form but you in the game
491s because boating
494s maybe you don't know but it affects you
496s too as a normal player
498s for example you're roaming around with
500s your corpmates with your alliance mates
502s right
503s try to find
505s interesting good fights
507s good targets you jump into the local
510s you jump into a solar system you appear
512s in the local
513s and those bots are already scattering
514s away to their safe spots you cannot beat
517s the reaction time of a machine
520s maybe
521s if i
522s am able to connect your thoughts to the
524s keynote that we had if we take the
526s approach of mining
528s right
529s just imagine a new player who just
531s started his journey in new eden we all
533s know how complicated it is right we all
536s been there
538s and he heard that to get a starting
540s capital to advance his career in the
542s game
544s it's good to start mining and then he
546s warps into esther at belt just to
549s discover what
551s that all ore is gone
553s because those guys
555s are there their boating and e if we
558s allow boating to go unchecked in new
560s eden
561s that is not going to be a great
563s experience no matter the age of a
565s capsuleer in new eden
568s now yes of course i would like to show
571s you some
572s graphs and numbers now of course they're
574s not so
577s so good compared to the eve keynote but
580s still
583s yeah this is the numbers for january for
585s the whole year of 2021 and the first
587s couple of months of 2022
589s and you can see there's a huge dip
591s in march right and that is exactly when
594s our team went under some restructuring
596s that's where we took a look at the tools
597s that we have
598s that's where we requested the
600s improvements that's where we started to
602s use new tools and immediately after that
605s the numbers go up
608s now those numbers
609s are shown are the permanent suspension
612s and temporary
613s those bot forms that i was speaking
615s about 24 7 right
617s if we uncover them they're gone forever
620s like immediately
622s no questions asked okay we see what
624s you're doing goodbye the temporary ones
627s is where we actually see that those
629s accounts have a player interaction
632s normal player interaction but when the
633s player goes to work or goes to bed or
636s has other activities why would he
638s because if online is there
641s he turns on the bot
643s now we don't want to remove him
644s immediately forever from the game but we
647s do want to send him a message like we
650s see
650s there's a temporary ban first offense
653s stop it
654s and in most cases that actually works
658s they stop botting they don't try it
660s again and that's it however in some
662s cases
664s they wait
665s four five six weeks and then turn it on
668s again and that's where we come and say
670s okay you didn't get the message bye bye
672s you're gone forever
674s now at the end of the year
676s you see like december january at the
678s turn of the year there is another dip in
680s the numbers
682s and this is where we actually uncovered
684s that there was a pattern change that
686s there was a change in behavior in pots
689s and that is what i was talking about our
691s constant battle
692s we ban
694s they change when cover we ban again
697s that was their reaction
699s to our
701s numbers of bands issued they changed we
704s realized
706s we adapted
707s and we're going up again
711s now
712s of course i would like to
715s finish my part
717s with the top five ships used in botting
720s right
721s number five
723s it's a battleship
726s does somebody in audience have an idea
728s what yes
731s nope
736s okay
738s number four is used for mining
743s huh
747s cheap and easy accessible right very
750s good for the boat farms for the
752s organized boat farms number three is a
754s frigate
757s nope close
760s nope
761s what was that
765s number two
767s is a drone
768s boat
769s cruiser class
776s and number one just a second
778s unfortunately i stopped drinking beer
782s well maybe not unfortunately i save a
783s lot of money here in iceland
785s so i have this beer token
787s and i would like to give it to the
789s player
791s who'll guess the number one ship
796s first
798s come here pick up your token
803s gila very tanky
805s very sophisticated drone damage and as
808s you can see from this all
810s it seems that drones
812s are an easy way to bot
814s that is me that is forbotting and now
817s i'll give the microphone back to my
819s colleague ccp ashling thank you
822s [Applause]
828s right thank you singer
829s uh i was that was great i had no idea of
832s some of this stuff
834s live and learn
836s all right rmt uh
838s this is a huge topic um
841s it was really tough to find something
843s that uh would be interesting to talk
845s about and maybe would be interesting for
847s you guys to hear so
849s mt is always associated with the illegal
852s activity this is like this is always a
854s vicious circle
855s they come from hacked accounts they go
856s to seller they sponsor the bot farms um
860s they go to all the other activities then
861s they come to the esk buyer and that is
863s buyer by purchasing more items
866s they're just sponsoring more empty so as
868s you see it never never ever ends
877s buying and selling isk even despite all
880s of the all of the risks people are still
882s doing it and it's not it's not just our
885s game problem it's the problem in every
886s game why is that
889s for sellers it seems very
891s straightforward
892s working while you're playing quick and
895s easy
896s and working against the system so i'm
898s fighting against the capitalism i'm a
899s good guy
902s for buyers they are getting quickly
904s they're getting items without any risk
906s or so it seems they have an illusion of
909s supporting
910s smaller
911s businesses
913s and yeah and that's it but the reality
915s of rmt is extremely different
918s uh there are huge risks associated with
921s it not just getting banned not just
923s losing the accounts not just
926s getting cut off access you know from the
928s favorite game but also getting
930s chargebacks getting scammed
933s and this is actually extremely
936s extremely popular
940s okay
941s so these are some numbers these are rmt
943s bands for 2021 and 2022.
947s as you can see as my colleague has
948s mentioned there's a dip in march and
950s then it's steady goes up up up up
954s sometimes you know some
956s numbers getting low
958s but it's in no way an indication of
961s our activity it's just sometimes they're
963s harder to catch
969s and this is the total number of banter
971s empty accounts
972s 10 000. that's a lot
975s that's what we've been doing
978s okay what i would like to talk about
980s about the individual sellers and the
982s organizations
984s they're very different but
986s essentially we get to all of them
989s individuals they start very quick they
991s get cash quickly as well
994s they are limited just by one person
996s maybe just one or two accounts
998s they can't get camped and they are
1000s getting scammed
1002s they take some time to identify
1004s and some of them wish to retrieve the
1006s accounts for example if they sell the
1007s accounts to player auctions there's a
1009s high chance that someday they will come
1010s back asking for the account back
1013s but unfortunately the account is gone
1015s so
1016s rmt organizations they're a bit more
1018s different they take some time to
1020s establish the network you can't just
1022s create an account and start rmt this is
1024s a bit more sophisticated process under
1027s it
1028s uh they do not run individual it's never
1030s uh they are always
1032s associated with the bot farms they
1033s always need to get their profit
1035s from somewhere and they actually need to
1037s uh need a big profit you know to sell as
1039s much risk as possible like it's a it's a
1041s big generation
1043s all right all of the assets from the big
1046s guarantee organizations they are
1047s obtained through hacked accounts fraud
1049s and voting and there is no exception to
1051s that trust me on this i've been doing
1053s this for a couple of years already and
1055s it's just always the same story
1059s when they are banned they are banned for
1060s good
1063s all right
1068s before uh yeah before that i just wanted
1071s to give a very quick example of um
1074s like how it can happen for example let's
1075s say player a he wants to sell his
1077s accounts he wants a bit of the quick
1079s cash so they go to the player auctions
1081s they sell their character and they think
1083s that the character went um
1086s into the good hands and while they're
1088s not playing the game the character will
1089s still be there
1091s however
1093s the player a in a week finds out that
1095s his character has been extracted all of
1097s his items have been sold and all of the
1099s items like all of the money that were
1101s gained through the skill injectors and
1102s the skill structures are being moved
1104s into the vicious rmt circle
1107s and this is it uh and to top this off in
1110s a week player a
1111s gets the notification from his bank that
1114s there's a chargeback
1117s this is very common this is much more
1118s common than um than you think
1121s and then player a obviously
1123s asks us to help but there's not much we
1125s can do there's just there's just nothing
1129s okay how can
1130s all of you help and how we ask players
1133s to
1135s help players reports
1138s i'm going to talk about two type of
1140s reports uh bot reports and just ticket
1143s reports so something about the bot
1145s reports
1146s we received a lot last year and we have
1148s yes you have been the one submitting
1150s them
1152s thank you thank you so much this is this
1154s is fantastic
1157s really
1158s okay
1165s okay yeah that was me
1167s that was yeah
1168s that was probably my mail that's yours
1170s if it's automated but um yeah fun fact
1173s they are all getting looked at all of
1175s them are being investigated uh sometimes
1177s we are getting a bit overflown with them
1179s and why is that
1181s uh because they usually are taken as all
1183s sorts of tool
1185s like players spamming the you know the
1188s the local i'm gonna report him through
1190s the water boards i don't like this guy
1191s i'm going to report him he must be a bot
1193s you know this is not a valid reason like
1195s if you don't like someone if they're
1197s someone lost a fight not a valid reason
1200s please don't
1202s um
1203s yeah
1204s and also the tickets tickets are also
1206s getting looked at always always always
1209s if you suspect someone of rmt behavior
1211s please write to us and we will 100 have
1214s a look at this
1216s all right
1218s and with that
1220s i'm going to give the mic
1222s to my colleague
1224s ccp hogan
1243s so
1245s as you can see on this slide
1247s these are the statistics
1249s for accounts reported to us or detected
1252s by us as hacked since january 1st
1255s 2021
1257s it's worth keeping in mind though that
1258s even though there are band is hacked
1260s these numbers may include accounts
1262s which were shared or sold
1265s as well as those of pilots liquidated if
1268s the profits were used for rmt
1272s yes for preventive measures
1275s members of the player experience teams
1278s are monitoring all technical detection
1280s tools available to us 24 7
1283s and intervening in them immediately is
1285s there any signs to indicate that
1287s accounts are being hacked
1288s used for fraudulent payments or real
1291s money trading
1292s but it's also worth keeping in mind that
1294s this is also in the hands of players so
1297s should by all means consider using a
1300s password manager
1302s or a strong password a complex one
1306s and of course to
1307s activate two-factor authentication that
1309s is
1310s a really good tool
1312s to secure your accounts
1318s because this is what happens when
1320s accounts are hacked there
1322s nowadays they're nuked
1328s so just yeah
1329s keep this in mind
1331s anyway but you also of course rely on
1334s players to to report to us contact us
1337s immediately if they suspect that their
1339s own accounts or those of friends or
1341s court members or whatever are being
1343s hacked and also if they notice some
1346s weird activity
1348s for example in the contract system to
1350s indicate that there are
1352s there are people who are either using
1354s the contract system to for rmt
1356s or for fire sales so-called but i'll get
1358s to that later
1361s anyway to put this into a
1363s historical perspective
1366s these are the
1368s numbers of compromised accounts handled
1369s since 2014.
1374s uh the hacking incidents and patented
1376s tower changed dramatically in early
1378s 2016.
1380s first of all when you notice that the
1381s security of vast numbers of email
1383s addresses had been compromised and
1385s tracing that back
1387s we found
1388s i believe the earliest signs of that
1390s in from july august of 2015 but they
1394s didn't start using this
1397s energetically
1399s until
1400s sometime later
1407s and what happened is
1409s in late 2016 and early 2017 and
1412s throughout the year 2017
1415s rmt operatives started making use of
1417s compromised email addresses
1419s to hack and liquidate player accounts in
1421s the most hurtful manner to the community
1424s because
1426s as much as players welcome the chance to
1429s extract skill points as of march 2016
1433s whether to redistribute them for their
1435s own pilots or salary injectors
1438s to finance their in-game activity
1440s and as much as the players also welcomed
1443s the transition
1444s to free to play in november of that year
1448s the imt operatives turned this
1451s to their nefarious advantage using
1454s emails to hack accounts and instead of
1456s liquidating assets only as they had done
1458s before
1459s started stripping pilots of their entire
1460s skill points
1462s and selling off the profits for real
1463s money
1466s not yet
1469s this is clearly reflected in the graph
1470s and explains the immense increase
1473s since 2017
1475s and this main
1478s especially in 2017 year but for the
1480s decrease since 2017
1482s this may in part be the result of
1484s improved detection tools which we have
1486s now but also the constant monitoring and
1488s the awareness
1490s both in the community and
1492s on our behalf of this this
1495s problem
1500s but there is also
1501s an intensified focus
1503s uh since 2017
1506s in the money trails and the
1507s identification of entire rnt networks
1511s uh
1512s which i which are using
1514s all kinds of memes and especially the
1515s hacked accounts because that is of
1517s course the
1518s the
1519s worst problem for the player
1523s and
1525s related to this one must also keep in
1527s mind that professional r t operatives
1529s are extremely organized
1531s they work fast and are ready to adapt to
1534s any interference on our part
1536s where they choose to extract skill
1538s points
1540s or
1541s started
1544s selling entire accounts on third-party
1545s websites for real money they sell the
1547s pilots on the character bazaar for risk
1549s using fraudulent payments to actually
1551s transfer them to new owners
1553s or they use them for character sales
1555s scams
1557s and then move the profits to distributor
1560s accounts
1561s where they dispose of them very fast
1565s and
1566s to
1568s mention a very
1570s nasty scenario
1571s not only are individual pilots at risk
1574s if they hold high positions such as ceo
1576s or director
1577s or accountant roles and in an active
1580s multi-member and wealthy corporation the
1583s hackers will turn this to their
1584s extremist
1585s advantage indeed
1587s transferring isk and assets from all
1588s corporate wallet and hangar divisions
1590s within a matter of minutes selling for
1592s severely reduced or so-called fire sale
1594s prices
1595s before disposing of the entire profits
1598s an operation like this regardless as to
1600s the volume of the assets will take them
1603s 30 to 45 minutes at most
1606s so to conclude
1608s i wish to stress the point once again
1611s to use
1612s passive manager
1613s strong passwords
1615s and two-factor authentication
1617s to really stop this
1619s and to the hackers and rmt operatives
1630s yeah to use this to to secure accounts
1633s just to name a recent example
1636s accounts of a player had been hacked
1638s through the email address
1640s but
1641s one of the accounts had two-factor
1643s authentication active and escaped this
1646s fit
1647s but the others were liquidated
1650s very fast
1651s i guess if it's a
1653s account on the pilot they're liquidating
1656s it will take them 10 to 15 minutes
1658s with corporations a little longer
1661s but yeah so secure your accounts by all
1664s means and
1665s to the sellers and hackers
1667s only
1668s wish to say this
1680s all right i'm grimy i'm here to tell you
1683s about fraud
1685s not a lot of nice things to say about
1687s that really
1688s it's a
1690s it's a crime
1691s and
1692s it's a problem for everyone in in
1694s e-commerce across the globe
1696s whether it's an airline or people
1698s selling socks
1700s everybody has to deal with this
1703s so taylor's all this time is a
1706s sad fact of life that a lot of people
1708s who are perfectly happy to steal and
1709s cheat to get their way
1712s there are no robin hoods they steal from
1714s the poor and sell to the rich
1717s and
1718s these are also very organized into
1721s groups of people doing this and have
1723s been doing this for years we've had
1724s problems with fraud since day one when
1726s you've started in 2003.
1729s so this is nothing new
1731s and
1732s it's you know they find the
1734s way of least resistance basically
1737s it's always a cat and mouse game
1739s we're chasing them and they're chasing
1741s us you know sometimes we're the cats
1743s sometimes we are the mouse
1745s but
1746s we are
1748s always the cheese
1750s we make the offers we make all the
1753s packages that are on sale so you know we
1755s can
1756s try and make them less
1759s accessible for frosters
1764s some numbers these are um accounted
1767s in band in relation with fraud
1770s in the period of january last year
1775s this tends to be a bit seasonal for
1777s fraud because there's a lot of scams
1780s around
1780s the holidays black friday and all this
1785s all these
1786s christmas and all that most of you
1788s probably have seen something like this
1790s it's very very prevalent
1793s during this these um later months in the
1796s year
1797s and
1798s it just you know we get to feel it a lot
1803s uh
1804s moving from fraud specifically
1806s these are numbers for all
1809s types of bands
1810s for all you know all accounts that we
1812s banned in the last
1814s year and uh so far this year
1818s config confiscate disk this is the isk
1820s in wallets on the characters on these
1822s accounts
1824s and
1826s this is a lot
1830s so anyone want to take a guess
1832s on how much we have on that graph
1845s so
1846s these are these are trillions
1850s this is rmt this is this is players
1853s who've been busted for rmt for botting
1855s all this all the good stuff
1858s uh added to this we can you know there
1861s are
1862s wallets of corporations that have been
1864s banned you know entire entire
1866s corporations
1868s so we can probably you know add
1870s 50
1872s to this number and then there's plex and
1874s ships and other assets
1876s so it's a it's a lot more these are just
1878s you know easy to get numbers on on the
1880s wallets
1884s 93 000 accounts banned during the period
1887s for all all offenses
1889s permanently banned for offenses
1893s to put this in perspective if we
1896s if we turn this amount into fully fitted
1898s titans
1902s well you know the i went with i went
1905s with 125 billions
1909s so
1910s anyone
1911s quick at calculating this
1919s 166.
1920s just with a isk in the wallet probably
1924s well over
1925s 250 total with all valuables on the
1928s account or like your plaques and and
1930s other items
1932s so it's it's pretty big
1935s as such you know it's
1937s i'd like to have 166 fully fitted titans
1942s yeah
1943s so that's it for us
1946s and we'll turn it over to you for some
1947s questions
1956s are there any questions
1966s if you want to address the question you
1968s can just point us or
1970s or be a general
1976s hello
1978s is it on it's on
1980s i have a question that's not directly
1981s related to this topic but on the topic
1983s of security
1987s i was wondering whether the ccp security
1990s team could assist in solving what i
1993s think is one of the most interesting
1995s conspiracy theories i know from eve
1998s to be fair my background i played from
2000s 2004 to 2011 and then we started in
2004s kohit
2006s so i want to ask how far
2009s back do the logs go on cc
2013s on cc
2019s well that is a question that not as um
2022s towards this team
2024s um
2025s further than we usually look you know i
2027s guess you can probably go pretty far
2029s back but you speak about cc yes i would
2033s think so as yes the test sir because i'm
2035s interested in events that occurred in
2037s 2008 to 2010
2043s no chance we actually have in the
2045s audience a person who is responsible for
2047s the test server okay
2050s no
2052s well if anyone wants to hear the
2053s conspiracy theory
2055s uh
2056s i did post this originally on the
2058s e-forms back in the day in 2010
2061s ccp quickly locked the threat
2064s and it has to do with
2068s well the best way to earn trillions in
2070s eve pandemic legions
2073s three-time alliance tournament win
2075s in the period that exactly coincided
2078s with
2078s uh the monkey spheres confirmed hacking
2081s of transmissions to the eve server to
2083s not be seen in local
2086s so i was wondering whether the team
2088s could
2089s try and look at logs from cc to confirm
2091s whether
2092s there had been
2094s buying on teams without appearing in
2096s local
2098s in the run-up to each of these
2100s tournaments because
2101s after he was banned
2103s they did not do as well in the
2105s tournament
2106s actually i can answer this question
2108s right now
2109s so there's a small little thing there's
2111s a like little kitty who looks a bit
2113s upset
2115s unfortunately we cannot really answer
2117s about individuals
2119s so if
2120s if it's about any band player or any
2122s corporation or any alliance we probably
2125s will not be able to answer it since it's
2127s the
2128s i mean
2130s you know gdpr and everything and privacy
2132s policy uh but i mean if it's general
2134s logs
2136s not that far
2137s no
2139s but yeah i'm sorry about the players we
2141s cannot we cannot really answer
2143s but thank you so much
2148s i have
2150s two
2150s questions one is fairly short currently
2153s you receive a code in your email for
2156s two-factor authentication it works
2159s but it's rather impractical to
2162s deal with if you have to open your email
2164s client i have to do my code on my email
2166s client get the email cut and paste the
2168s code i would much rather use my google
2170s authenticator
2173s would that be something that we can
2174s implement
2175s so i can just have all those codes for
2177s all those accounts and i have quite a
2178s few of them in one spot
2182s you can really
2185s okay here's the pool
2188s well i guess the room answers your
2190s question uh the second question is more
2192s etherical um
2194s eve is a multiplayer multi-account
2197s thing many people play with many many
2200s accounts
2202s in the past there have been bots and
2203s it's good that they've been banned
2206s but where's the limitation
2210s okay i was thinking you were going into
2212s one specific direction that was always
2214s being brought up and we are prepared
2219s we are prepared
2220s um yes
2222s many of you just don't have one account
2224s or one character
2227s probably 10 15 20 35.
2232s closer
2233s uh
2234s you can play eve on as many accounts
2237s as you want in the same time if you have
2241s the human
2242s resources to actually control them
2245s without using a special software because
2247s using a special software is what
2251s thank you so yes
2254s um if they're all omega
2257s you can launch them at the same time you
2258s can play them at the same time and that
2260s is fine
2262s if they're not omega and you by
2264s bypassing the alpha limitation right
2268s that is bad
2270s and yes when it comes to input
2271s broadcasting is boxer
2274s that's the i mean it's slowly slowly and
2277s slowly gets not more like
2280s it fades out because we have now
2283s multiple launch of the accounts via the
2285s launcher right you have another tool
2288s that can arrange your windows
2289s like evo preview for example so each
2292s boxer is slowly fading away
2295s that offered that functionality but even
2298s more so yes if you have for example 15
2301s accounts and you're just doing mining
2303s right but you control each and every
2304s window every client inter like client
2308s instance that is fine but if you control
2311s via one input
2313s all the clients
2315s that is input broadcasting and that is a
2317s violation against the euler
2321s what i also want to add to that uh like
2323s with all third party programs there's a
2325s huge huge risk when using them uh why
2328s because
2329s the development can be taken anywhere
2331s you know like uh something as innocent
2334s um as i don't know like
2336s oh i will show you a couple of three
2337s pictures or three gifts while you're
2339s playing you know eve online
2341s as innocent as that can be turned into
2343s something extremely extremely hurtful
2345s the you know the next week and there's
2347s no way for us to control it there's no
2349s way for you to control it um
2351s and yeah it will result in a very
2353s unfortunate accident
2355s yeah
2356s all right
2361s is there any um
2362s prioritization
2364s between different kinds of botting and
2366s like their effects like you go after
2370s i assume you go after like sort of these
2372s perpetuating groups more aggressively
2374s than like
2376s john's first mining experiment
2378s um
2379s but do you do any
2383s do does botting that affects i guess i
2385s would say gameplay for other players
2387s like like faction warfare botting can
2390s affect the the result of the faction
2392s warfare system outcomes
2395s versus like someone running a bot mining
2398s and or doing anomalies in null sec
2401s while it is botting is not you know that
2403s is not directly
2405s affecting another player's gameplay that
2407s day if that makes sense is does it
2409s prioritize like that or is it just we go
2411s after everything all the time
2414s now um yeah
2416s we try to go after everything all the
2418s time but
2420s since i'm doing this task of voting my
2423s main main
2426s goal because i'm coming from customer
2429s support
2430s my main goal is not to deal with tickets
2433s [Laughter]
2436s not to generate tickets okay for the
2439s gm's to handle i mean team security
2441s handles the tickets when it comes to
2442s the bans we issue the ban would take
2444s care of that and yeah i'm a little bit
2446s lazy on that front so i try not to
2448s generate tickets and that means
2450s i'm trying when i'm issue a ban
2453s i try to be 100 sure that that ban is
2455s deserved
2456s right
2458s and with faction warfare yes uh it
2460s affects as i mentioned in my
2462s presentation botting does affect to some
2465s degree everyone in eve and we do go
2468s after faction warfare especially because
2470s those are
2471s sometimes ruining
2473s not but it's not many actually from
2475s faction woofer there are not many bots
2477s out there but you're right there are
2480s some bots that are running that try to
2482s you know
2484s isolate themselves in space and one of
2486s those things is for example um abyssal
2489s dead space that's where the warm
2491s frigates are roaming that's where the
2493s gilas are roaming and it's very popular
2495s because it just simply removes the human
2497s factor the human factor that the bot
2499s needs to deal with if it would be mining
2502s uh dungeons in
2503s nulsack or low security space
2514s might sound like a
2516s mean question but it isn't meant that
2518s way um you're the police right
2521s so every police has an internal affairs
2524s department who is monitoring your work
2527s is there for example the csm involved
2533s well
2534s i'm also a part of internal affairs so
2536s i'm
2539s i'm the judge i'm the jury i'm the
2542s executioner no
2544s to answer your question that task is
2546s being split between multiple people and
2549s uh they operate uh
2551s they operate on their own
2553s so it's not like uh is we try to you
2556s know
2557s there's this famous saying trust but
2559s verify
2560s right sorry i'm pulling this out of
2562s chernobyl series from hbo trust but
2565s verify and this is how we try to operate
2567s with internal affairs that there are
2568s multiple people who are doing just
2570s generic tasks you know like adding omega
2573s game time here they're converting
2575s accounts but when it comes to
2577s investigation that those people
2579s independently investigate and then
2580s present results to a team lead to team
2584s internal affairs lead and then he can
2586s place it together and see if there is
2588s something needs to be
2590s brought up or not and to answer the csm
2593s question no we don't but maybe
2596s this is uh actually a good idea
2600s i'll write it down and
2603s share it with our team to see that maybe
2605s at some point you're right we should
2607s bring another source from outside just
2610s simply to take a look at this
2614s so what i also want to add uh is that
2616s every time there is a big investigation
2618s that involves like multiple people and
2620s not just like a single bot farm uh it's
2623s always four of us who make the decision
2625s we always
2626s have like a special page you know we we
2628s all share the evidence we all you know
2630s communicate like i assure that this is
2632s happening i'm sure like i was 100 sure
2635s so no there's
2636s no bonds that are done on a whim you
2639s know only because
2640s someone feels like it no they're all
2642s being
2643s extremely carefully checked
2646s because we don't want to deal with
2647s tickets
2649s that's exactly yeah yeah i mean as i
2651s said it wasn't meant as a mean question
2653s no no no absolutely not it's a really
2655s good question yeah and i understand
2657s where it comes from you know they're
2658s always trust issues especially
2661s us handling such
2662s you know complicated cases that affect
2665s all of you and multiple accounts
2667s we just we have to be sure what we're
2669s doing
2673s all right thank you for the question
2685s when i report
2686s a
2687s player xyz one to 150
2691s in local is that something that actually
2693s helps you or
2696s rather not
2698s yes reports always help uh
2701s however like don't be disencouraged if
2703s certain action is not taken
2705s every report is looked at um rmt report
2708s bot report it's just it's just how it is
2711s uh some reports are actually very easy
2712s to investigate and it takes like a
2714s couple of minutes to just like is this
2715s guy botting is this this is this
2717s happening nope then you know then it's
2719s just not
2721s i understand that sometimes it can be
2722s really suspicious but uh for example if
2725s um let's say if you see in the local
2728s chat
2729s players named like
2732s one two three four five you know but you
2734s actually would be surprised there are so
2736s many corporations well not so many but
2737s there are some corporations that have
2739s actual members with these names and
2741s there there's actual human inputs you
2743s know under these names so just don't
2746s judge by the name sometimes does it help
2748s when you look at the implement data of
2750s the first clones
2751s within minutes 10 20 clones have the
2754s same birthing dates is that also
2757s something that you see
2759s more or less or
2762s well um as i mentioned there are
2764s organizations out there like
2766s specifically that are doing botting and
2768s they can create the accounts because you
2770s just see the characters right
2773s we see the accounts they can create
2776s accounts with a single click just simply
2779s you know incremental id and then it
2781s skips two ids because some human
2783s actually created an account
2785s uh when it comes to those characters
2787s it's not against the rules actually to
2789s create
2791s mass characters i guess with a single
2793s click
2795s maybe at some point we're going to
2796s change our stance on that but right now
2799s i mean there is no rule that says you're
2802s not allowed you need to be
2804s humanly
2805s present to create
2808s there is a method actually to create
2811s even the same portrait
2813s exactly the same
2814s i don't know about it but yeah so to
2817s answer your question um
2819s yes it's shady
2821s but it's fine
2834s hi by the way
2835s uh her personal idea is that blackout
2838s was rolled back because
2840s both seeing software wasn't prepared
2844s that it's like it's not a real question
2845s question is uh did you see any evidence
2848s like voting behavior changing during
2850s blackout
2851s because i i do believe you have some
2853s like not exact proof but like voting
2856s behavior changed
2864s well uh the blackout that you're
2866s referring from the graphs from the
2868s keynote right uh it doesn't correspond
2870s to the
2871s this team's activity uh it was first
2875s part was a joke
2877s okay sorry so actual question like did
2879s you did you see any boss activity
2881s changing during this blackout
2883s or
2884s you refer to the blackout period right
2886s back out when uh new sec had no local
2890s yeah
2891s yes okay to the period yeah exactly
2894s uh
2895s that is unfortunately before my time on
2897s this team so i always succeed i will not
2900s my way through this i would
2902s just say sorry that was before my time i
2904s don't know
2906s okay maybe someone else
2908s uh can't remember specifically but this
2911s constantly changes and we're always you
2914s know looking at new things and you know
2916s this
2917s i don't have details on this specific
2919s situation maybe try next time but
2923s but to uh to give you a little bit of
2925s understanding how those bots work right
2928s if you're mining in a big ship
2932s how long does it take an orca to warp
2933s away
2934s instantly
2937s yeah but the thing depending on the
2939s fitting i guess but
2941s if there is no local some bots are
2943s stopping operating right because they
2945s don't have the input it was my point
2948s i know where you're coming from but i
2950s don't have the data sorry it's before my
2951s time as a
2953s member of this team but
2955s potentially just simply not having a
2957s local would solve a lot of issues for us
2960s i guess
2962s but i don't think it's a
2964s valuable game design
2966s solution
2967s sad
2968s thank you
2978s thank you
2979s um i had one discussion with some people
2982s about the rules for playing
2985s alpha or just multiple accounts within
2987s one household
2988s there are of course the guys who say
2990s well you just have to use a second
2991s laptop and you can do so i'm not want to
2993s go in that direction because it's
2994s clearly against the rules
2996s but there are also people coming up
2997s regularly on reddit or somewhere oh i
2999s have been banned my child was playing on
3001s an alpha account
3003s and um
3005s that meant that we were banned and i'm
3007s not getting support by the
3010s official support and everything
3011s my question to this i'm not sure if you
3013s can answer is
3014s how do you track these all these special
3016s cases like sharing your account with
3018s their child
3019s and as you think you are allowed to do
3021s that with one and also if because people
3024s say well just use a vpn if maybe that
3027s actually reflects you as someone you
3029s shouldn't be playing this way
3031s i'm not i'm just interested in how it
3033s runs because everyone just was just
3034s totally speculating about it and yeah
3037s all right to answer your question first
3040s about account sharing uh like this is
3042s well this is not allowed uh this is
3045s against the eula and there are many
3047s complicated cases when you know a child
3049s logs into the account you know extracts
3051s the character and then sells it on the
3052s market you know like a toddler so it's
3054s very common um
3056s for sharing one account yeah but i mean
3059s still you know sharing accounts come
3061s with lots and lots of difficulties um
3065s it's not allowed people still do it um
3068s unfortunately like for you know for
3070s obvious reasons we cannot police this
3072s like we cannot check every single
3074s account you know to be shared but when
3076s this comes up if this comes up um
3079s they're usually you know all hell breaks
3081s loose
3083s yeah does this
3085s uh
3087s sharing accounts in itself i mean is is
3090s not maybe such a serious
3092s problem and especially not if it's
3094s within a family or something like that
3096s but it can
3098s it can also create problems for example
3101s if let's say one of the family members
3103s suddenly does not live with the family
3105s anymore but has the login details
3109s ex-wife for someone for example
3111s there have been examples of that
3113s and uh there is also i mean there is
3116s sometimes
3118s yeah the the the the interest of that
3120s person in let's say getting some money
3123s back or something like that
3124s or or ruining the account out of spite
3127s whatever you know so if something like
3128s that happens when you share an account
3130s there's always a risk
3132s involved in that
3134s if you decide then to to report it let's
3137s say as hacked
3139s we can
3140s quite
3142s easily or or let's say for very soon
3145s where solid evidence most of the time uh
3148s to to differentiate between shared
3150s accounts let's say sold accounts and
3152s hacked accounts
3154s and our policy
3156s at this point is is very strict in that
3159s in that we are not repairing damages to
3162s to
3163s to shared or or sold accounts you know
3165s if if you want to want them back at some
3168s point but but with hacked accounts we
3170s are ready to to make some exceptions
3173s if we can verify this situation
3175s and we try to do our best to to repair
3178s it in as far as we can under the
3179s circumstances
3180s but like i say i mean it's not always
3182s possible if there is no evidence
3185s to support that
3187s and it was a third party
3189s to answer about the alpha omega
3192s limitation
3193s nobody is gonna
3195s ban you if you are able to launch
3198s two alpha accounts in the same time or
3200s free there is a limitation in place but
3202s we do know it is possible to
3205s even sometimes without
3213s yeah i mean it's it's um there is a
3215s limitation this limitation sometimes
3217s doesn't work
3218s so if you are sharing
3221s an alpha account i mean if you're
3222s sharing the same machine to lunch and
3224s omega and alpha it's totally fine you
3226s will be not banned
3227s however if you abuse this
3230s and we do
3231s look at the abusers and we do track them
3234s then of course they are gone and
3237s yeah i mean
3239s it's a gray line
3240s nobody gonna get you banned but if you
3242s start abusing you are forcing us to
3244s react
3247s and i wanna add to that uh
3249s like we always well not always but
3251s sometimes you know people claim to get
3254s hacked and everything but uh we see a
3256s lot we have uh so much information and
3258s it's not just information that we see we
3260s can interpret it you know uh
3263s and yeah it's very very visible when the
3265s account has been shared or has been
3267s hacked you know
3269s so there's that
3270s thank you for the question
3271s we're just a second we're nearly done uh
3274s we need to have this room um so last but
3278s one last question
3279s it's not a new question it's more about
3281s extension on previous one because we
3283s were talking about a sharing account and
3286s like
3287s half hour ago there was a dude who
3290s filming how his daughter playing eve and
3292s it's literally sharing account which is
3295s breaking illa and he's supposed to be
3297s banned
3298s to your words but this is the this as
3301s far as i get this is this inclusion
3303s exclusion if it's not for any bad thing
3306s like rmt or
3309s some bad stuff then you like okay just
3312s just don't do the bad stuff isn't it
3315s i mean
3316s i mean there is pure evidence i mean you
3318s need to in yes but you need to
3320s understand one thing
3323s that we have the eula and the toss that
3326s says clearly right
3328s what you're doing with your accounts is
3330s just your business
3332s if it becomes our business because you
3335s failed to follow the rules
3338s fair
3339s yep
3340s yep and we don't want it to become our
3342s business so like please you know just
3345s just abide the eula you know be nice and
3347s everything
3350s guys thank you very much it was so great
3354s to have you here please enjoy a fun fest
3356s enjoy pub crawl
3358s thank you guys