over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s welcome ladies and gentlemen to hydra v
5s video we have a crazy pancake mirror
7s match going on here the mirror is also a
9s bit reflective we have shield versus
11s armor both sides have brought strong
12s bringers there's six pancakes on the
14s field i'm wingner of course joined by
15s miz and this is going to be a very
17s very interesting match
20s yeah this is probably one of the most
21s hyped up matches of today and already
23s looking at the setups like this is a lot
25s of things we've not seen before even
26s though both teams brought free vargas
29s so it is as you said the armor was just
31s shield so we're going to see the uh the
33s vita team having the advantage of having
35s a lot of equal while the hydra team is
37s having the extra low slots for dps and
39s the countdown is going down is reaching
41s zero in just a moment and there we go
44s and there's a lot of weird things about
45s this whole thing like both teams have
46s brought storm bringers because the sky
48s breakers were both banned so everything
49s about this is utter chaos and absolutely
51s loving it
52s i believe i have to double check before
54s i say it just to make sure
56s i believe both sides but rapid heavy
58s bargains just need to double check that
59s for you guys yeah they're both rapid
61s heavy and uh yeah the vitro team is
63s having an armor stormbreaker i think the
64s first time i've seen that a casper 24
67s injector is taking a heavy amount of
68s damage looks like he might actually go
70s down before he boundaries
72s yeah i'm gonna say like why you
73s shouldn't casper man he's gonna go a
75s boundary on his own there's no worries
76s there you see a gama of tosetta mz being
78s hit as well same as jim rayner so
80s there's a lot of damage being spread on
82s the low end here at the moment the big
83s stuff isn't really being touched nor any
85s of the medium-sized ships we'll see a
86s storm brain actually being shot so never
88s quite mine there
91s both situations uh oh panties and the
93s bag is just taking damage like he is
95s it's an armored baggage so the shield
96s damage is not that much of a big deal
98s but looks like they're going for the big
99s thing
100s yeah i'm not sure about that like i know
103s a nurse is going to tank it well enough
104s that it will should hopefully survive
106s the clip and then repair it back up you
108s see the gum actually said it just gets
109s obliterated
111s shield gum is just armagama sorry don't
113s do too well it seems we also see osprey
115s navy of ferox being hit as well so
117s damage is going absolutely everywhere
118s these teams are testing each other out
120s again this is this is a it's like a
122s morphed mirror match everything is so
124s much the same but so different
127s yeah the vitra team having the uh
129s misclass for tracking and guidance
131s disruption it is forcing a hydra to go
133s in as we saw usually hydra likes to to
135s sit back and then make for a play
137s but they're really good in this region
139s they have to burn in and it looks like
141s ferrox in the austrian navy issue might
143s be going down he's taking a heavy amount
144s of damage not that much reps
147s yeah if if he goes down it'll be a tray
148s of two guards for osprey navy which to
150s be fair is not a bad trade for uh vidra
153s but actually it looks like they might
154s have actually run out of rapid heavies i
156s think that's their clip
158s yeah the dps on both sides is slowing
160s down a bit uh
161s so we think like both sides are going to
164s recover the ships while we're waiting
166s if you do have a
168s casper 2400 ejector still can be able to
171s shoot and likewise the
173s uh stone bringers can shoot but at this
175s point it's just chilling a bit while
178s waiting for for the next kindness to
180s break out
182s exactly see these kieran's trying to rip
183s this oxford navy back up as hard as they
184s can that way he's ready for the next
185s volley season you start taking a little
187s bit of damage here and there from drones
188s also looks like the uh on euros of
190s carnival is now taking a absolute
192s punishing amount of firepower and that's
194s whatever does it get deleted does get
195s finished off they're gonna go for the
196s second osprey navy that goes for
198s different things
199s is actually detected by the uh the stark
201s of blue melon
203s oh my blue melon with a great tackle
205s from the stalk casper took off he does
207s go down he sacrificed himself for the
209s onions and i think that's a pretty good
211s trade even though it's the only links
214s blue melon it's a long time hydro pile
215s it's great to see him uh still he does
218s trade it for the oneeros that is crazy
220s oh so i think he got shot by rapid
222s heavies like three rapid heavy volleys
223s hit him at once and just deleted him so
224s that's crazy but they did trade that for
227s a really strong lodging ship as casper
229s also goes down
230s this is this is just going in every
232s direction
233s yeah for the uh team they are not having
235s any repairs anymore aside from a lot to
238s drown so these ships can get picked off
240s now and pantheon device is taking a lot
242s of damage if they can get that one down
243s they're in a massive lead
246s exactly that if that bar goes down they
247s are absolutely in the lead there
250s see this bug is trying his absolute best
251s to survive
253s this is just that's a chaos now um hydra
256s still have that osprey navy so they have
258s a lot more like uh firepower against
260s smaller ships so they can do some damage
261s you see omega say you're taking a lot of
263s punishment from this guy
265s so that that might tip the favors there
266s to be honest just having osprey navy
268s alone
270s as i've mentioned in the previous match
271s having a lottie when you start to get
273s into a later game is a big advantage
275s with the ripper just keep like adding up
278s in value so they can sustain much better
280s that being said darkrai in the austrian
282s navy issue is uh taking a lot of damage
283s and i think he kills a bit out of range
285s so he needs to get in fast and save him
288s yeah i think even then he's still going
289s to struggle that's three bargains worth
291s of damage that are gonna be ripping into
292s him he does go down really quickly so
294s now they've got heaviest left where do
296s they shoot next they're going to try and
297s shoot a ship before pandy goes down or
299s they're going to try and go for the
300s reload
301s i think no matter what pain is about to
303s pop there he goes
304s i think at this point they're really not
306s any good targets for the evitra team to
308s shoot they just don't bring a super
309s tankier so it's the battleships and the
311s kierans they'll be hard to apply to with
313s the heavy missiles
315s yeah i guess you have to go for a
316s bargain some prey there's not much
317s option other options you have here at
319s the moment however killing the alps baby
321s did save the maguses so they're still on
323s the field they'll probably try and go
324s for these carrots if they can
327s i'm seeing having a look around yep
329s one vegas is a mile away the other one's
331s a little bit closer
333s yeah killing the kieran's is still the
335s best chance to to kill anything but they
338s are hard to reply to
340s uh but atrophy is actually taking a lot
343s of damage
344s oh yeah he's being utterly swarmed with
347s light drones like there are like three
348s or four flights and just a gone ripped
350s to shreds but honestly even with that
354s happening i still think i favor vajra
356s after hydra way more than vajra here oh
358s these names don't drive me crazy
360s yeah having free
362s burgers with full hp is a big advantage
364s for me they're about to get the kneecap
366s down in he's uh biggest nikki has the
369s long time captain of the
371s vittler team and
374s removing this
375s second of the virus is removing a lot of
377s dps from the
378s vitra
380s yeah they're trying to remove the
381s support as quickly as they can but i
382s think it's a little too little too late
384s at the moment these bugs are still
386s effectively untouched meanwhile their
387s bargain nika has just been brought down
390s to damn near no tank at all so
393s very much not looking good for vajra
394s here they're going to need a miracle
397s device is pinned down by a cadets
399s priestess in the stormbringer so they're
402s still where for the bikes to go and
404s just accept his faith as he uh goes
407s down such a crazy match though like
409s again it's effect it was like a really
411s effect uh warped mirror there arma
413s version but effectively the same sort of
415s ship and idea it's so crazy i absolutely
418s love this
420s yeah one thing with the hydra and bits
422s are facing off each other like the teams
423s that know each other really build up
425s practice a lot together so they're
427s always trying to outplay each other
429s getting this
430s upper hand that looks like this time
431s it's just hydra who who got the upper
433s hand in the setup
436s oh yeah shield burgers are superior to
438s armor burgers after all in all respects
441s don't we talking about
444s yes it looks like uh they're going for
446s nick in the
448s uh
449s he's a long time tournament player as
450s well i've known him for a long time cool
452s guy and
453s he is taking a heavy amount of damage
455s but he does have an asb and he could see
457s that he's rapping at the same time there
459s like chipping into his low armor of a
461s scoff
463s scooper
466s this is the last real dps chip from
468s vitro going down
469s i also like that no one bothered to
471s shoot either of the storm bringers in
472s this match it's just like they're too
474s tanky it's not worth it all they're
476s really doing is killing drones we don't
477s really care
478s but both sides brought them seeing the
480s use as a drone clearer
483s yeah we're seeing uh
485s dfs and local and casper said the ceo in
487s the finals hoping to
489s face vitra again like they've been doing
492s a couple of times so uh
494s do you have
496s he's open for a round two he didn't get
499s chance to boundary so i'd want a round
500s two as well
505s this is just yeah at this point though
507s we have to watch three bargains or rapid
508s heavies attempt to apply to a small
510s stuff so this this may be a slight
512s struggle for them
515s yeah it looks like the little team are
517s just going for the boundary they're
518s going
519s uh actually they did manage to kill one
521s of them
522s [Music]
524s but the rest of them are just burning
525s out the uh accepting uh the fate and
527s they
528s are going to prepare to face the task as
530s a tough matchup is waiting for them
533s absolutely we'll see if any of these
534s guys can try and break the uh the
535s boundary record here but i suspect this
537s will not be the case
538s i mean with casper watching too he's
540s currently the record holder so he maybe
542s he wants no one else to do it by
547s him let's see if this magus of
549s headquarters is going for it he's
551s sitting another damn beacon come on
552s buddy i believe in you
556s okay maybe not
568s there we go they're all slowly popping
572s don't bring us the taste
575s it's not really going that fast
581s is i guess that's an a b stone burger
587s yeah it might be
592s yeah i think it's not the benefit so
594s he's not going particularly fast so
595s he'll just slow boat at the arena if he
597s doesn't die first which i think he will
599s so again bravo to hydra here like
601s absolutely crazy match vajra
603s unfortunately we're going to lose his
605s bracket and i think facing tuscans which
606s is another brutal match to go through
609s as this stormbreaker is still just
611s slowly pointing to the edge ah there we
613s go
614s and with that we'll send it back to the
615s studio