over 1 year ago - GM_Banquet - Direct link

Greetings, Capsuleers, and welcome to GM Week, our favorite time of the year!

It’s contest time! We’re thrilled to be hosting two contests this year: “The Funniest Kill Mail” and “The Unhelpful Center”, and we are eagerly anticipating the hilarious content you’ll share.

The Funniest Kill Mail Contest:

  • Rules: Secure a kill (final blow) on another player during GM Week.

  • Criteria: We won’t strictly define “funny”. It could be an unexpected solo kill, a themed cargo hold items, or anything unconventional that raises a sensible chuckle. When submitting, we’d like a short sentence describing why you believe it deserves to win.

  • Submission:

  • Post your Zkillboard link in this thread under the character that achieved the final blow.

  • Prizes:

  • 1st place: Three SKINs (1x Capsuleer Elite XIX, 1x Kybernaut Clade, and 1 Ruby Sungrazer of your choice) + 3000 PLEX.

  • 2nd place: Two SKINs (1x Kybernaut Clade and 1x Radioactives Reclamation of your choice) + 1500 PLEX.

  • 3rd place: One SKIN (1x Snowline Bladeracer of your choice) + 1000 PLEX.

The Unhelpful Center Contest:

  • Objective: Select a potentially (un)helpful topic and write a guide for newcomers. To get an idea, check our help center to see our standard format and presentation. Winning entries might exhibit:

  • High meme factor

  • Humor

  • Originality

  • Degree of (un)helpfulness

  • Note: These should definitely err on the side of hilarious and away from anything that could be considered insulting. And don’t worry, we won’t be posting these to our help center

  • Submission: Post your article directly in this thread when it’s ready for review.

  • Prizes:

  • 1st place: Three SKINs (1x Capsuleer Elite XIX, 1x Kybernaut Clade, and 1 Ruby Sungrazer of your choice) + 3000 PLEX.

  • 2nd place: Two SKINs (1x Kybernaut Clade and 1x Radioactives Reclamation of your choice) + 1500 PLEX.

  • 3rd place: One SKIN (1x Snowline Bladeracer of your choice) + 1000 PLEX.

The GM team will first shortlist their favorite kill mails and (un)helpful articles to the top 10 entries. Another round of internal GM voting will follow, narrowing it down to the top 3. These finalists will then be presented to the community for the final vote, determining the ultimate winners!

We will accept submissions for both competitions until GM Week concludes (Sunday, October 29th 23:59 EVE Time).

Good luck, dear Capsuleers, and let the games BEGIN!

over 1 year ago - GM_Banquet - Direct link

Yes, that is perfectly fine!

over 1 year ago - GM_Banquet - Direct link

Hello Capsuleers!

Sadly, we did not get a single submission for our killmail contest so the rewards for that contest will not be paid out. However, the top 3 submissions of the Unhelpful Center have been selected by the GM’s, your job is to choose the best submission listed in this post. The vote ends tomorrow at 13:00 EVE Time.

There is a link below with a straw poll and we will tally the votes tomorrow!

Please see the links below for the articles you are voting for!

Nicen Jehr - Dynamic audio mechanics now in Tranquility

SashaFoxx - Learning Triglavian Lore: A HOW-TO

Hoed Cosmere - Ship Safety Settings Addendum

Let the voting begin and best of luck to the contestants!

over 1 year ago - GM_Banquet - Direct link

Hey everyone!

I hope you had a great week and you are looking forward to the weekend. The results are in and we are here to update you on the poll results from the strawpoll.

The rankings are as follows:

@Hoed_Cosmere was in first place.

@SashaFoxx in was insecond place.

@Nicen_Jehr was in third place.

The winners can pick a SKIN of their choosing following the parameters of the original post and then the character that submitted the Unhelpful Center article will send an in game mail to GM Banquet with their SKIN selection and where they would like them to be delivered.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you everybody for participating.

I hope you enjoyed GM Week, we had a blast and we’ll be looking forward to next year.

-GM Team

over 1 year ago - GM_Banquet - Direct link

Hey again everyone!

Rewards have been paid out to the characters that won the competition! You should find them in the location you mentioned in the EVE Mail you sent me.

Thank you all for taking part in GM Week and I hope to see you again during the next GM Week!