over 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | hello ladies and gentlemen my name is |
5s | brett thomas thomas i'm here with |
6s | moderator and you're watching waffles |
8s | versus localist primary |
10s | waffles have brought their flagship |
12s | bargast to artyslepnia's three three |
15s | bucket-like gilas hyena jackdaw and two |
17s | bestest logistics why don't you |
19s | introduce us to us what localist primary |
21s | has brought mod |
22s | yes the locals primary has chosen to |
24s | bring a gun belgorn a zhanzad uh |
27s | choosing to go with the triglavian uh |
29s | reps absolution um beam auger navy |
32s | issues double magus and double vengeance |
34s | in um that tackle wing i'm gonna be kind |
37s | of interesting to see how this sort of a |
39s | kite comp um that the waffles has |
42s | brought will fare against um vengeances |
44s | and belgorn that's very good at pinning |
47s | things down if it can get in range of |
49s | the bonus range webs it has already |
51s | we're seeing that the auger navy issues |
53s | are streaming across the field straight |
55s | into those artillery slapners |
57s | gorsky carr will be the initial primary |
60s | um as he turns back and burns uh into |
63s | his team not wanting to get hit by those |
65s | valkyries that are hitting him from the |
67s | gila |
70s | yeah we're seeing stan massen is the |
71s | only orga remaining that's rushing in |
74s | maybe waffles are going to swap to them |
76s | we are seeing damage pop onto mikhail in |
79s | the hyena occasionally while the rest of |
82s | local is tr primary try and push forward |
84s | and actually get within range |
86s | yeah so i'm liking the way that um local |
89s | is primary is sending their augers in |
92s | and then out and not over committing to |
94s | them just trying to kind of test um you |
97s | know sort of the |
99s | range and kind of the tank of those |
101s | ships and then uh using kind of the |
103s | triglavian rep to then eventually spool |
106s | onto sten as he goes back into the |
109s | safety of his wing we do see that the |
112s | absolution and the auger navy issues are |
114s | actually doing a pretty good job of |
116s | cutting off the uh waffles team and |
118s | already |
119s | the burst is getting uh picked off as |
121s | auger navy issues and the absolution |
123s | that weren't being primary do close and |
125s | kill him |
126s | yeah we just saw a huge amount of drones |
129s | take a lot of that damage as well they |
131s | push forward far enough to be able to do |
133s | a lot of that damage that the other best |
135s | of jeremy vapor just couldn't keep him |
136s | alive |
138s | yeah so we have balgorn uh webs that are |
140s | on top of the gila of |
142s | mao and kura and the other burst just |
144s | gets popped by these beams uh that can't |
146s | keep up uh you know |
149s | we did see projection |
151s | we did see that second best go down with |
154s | a boundary he did not get shot he did |
157s | ride into the edge of glory |
159s | yeah excuse me i did miss that um i was |
161s | surprised because the boundary is a good |
163s | 40 kilometers off from this fight right |
165s | now |
166s | a little bit of a miss play there as |
168s | hiekio goes down into armor and now uh |
171s | hulk here it seems like they're trying |
173s | to swap off now to the zarm who's taking |
176s | artillery fire and uh we don't see any |
179s | sort of uh reps being |
181s | put onto that zarm from any sort of |
183s | drones but a gamma being caught by you |
186s | know these bonused webs um |
189s | and now being held down by the gila |
191s | the balgorn |
193s | um |
194s | just you know neuting that completely |
196s | dry and |
198s | fissa being caught in his slept near by |
201s | what appears to be the vengeance of |
203s | striker urakar uh not a good start for |
205s | this kind of uh kiting artillery comp |
208s | yeah we are seeing ec drones on the |
210s | vengeance so you might see those uh |
212s | tackle drop off while the slept near |
214s | tries to get free but we are seeing |
216s | damage on tim barron in the zamasu but |
219s | he's just not locked down he's only got |
221s | a web on him now from that hyena but |
223s | there is a horde of drones hitting that |
225s | hyena at the moment so it's down to |
227s | whether that here you know can survive |
229s | long enough them to break the zamasu |
232s | yeah um even if he does at this point i |
235s | can't help but feel like things are |
237s | increasingly over for waffles having you |
240s | know one of their slap mirrors being |
241s | held down |
243s | at this point of note um this is the um |
247s | flag bar guest of waffles uh locals |
249s | primary does not have a flagship um |
252s | at this point any longer the slept near |
255s | um |
256s | just finally being sat on by three auger |
258s | navy issues and cloud of drones um |
262s | does have decent resist against that em |
264s | therm damage that this ammar victor team |
267s | is doing but he's down into armor and |
269s | will be dropping shortly |
273s | yeah we're losing sis in the slept near |
275s | and tim baron in the summers just isn't |
278s | dying at all he's just about managed to |
280s | mitigate enough damage now that the |
281s | hyena is down and can't web him anymore |
284s | they've just got that little bit of |
286s | extra range and they're just staying |
287s | alive |
288s | yeah so tim baron has some sort of a |
290s | local tank on top of that's arms ad he's |
292s | had no support drones on him and we can |
295s | just see him slowly just you know |
296s | wrapping up uh comfortably i mean |
300s | man i am just not liking artillery slept |
302s | near at all as a pick in this uh |
305s | tournament um especially against kind of |
308s | the composition that localist primary |
310s | has been running you know that they've |
312s | been running augur navy issues that are |
314s | very fast very good at getting on top of |
317s | kite comps |
319s | um |
320s | feels like a bit of a miss uh pick given |
322s | the bands that came out |
326s | yeah and we're now starting to see |
328s | damage going to annalise in that vargas |
330s | that is that flag barges so hopefully it |
333s | can manage to stay alive or at least |
334s | boundary |
336s | uh but we're seeing it drop into low |
338s | shields and we're also seeing damage go |
341s | on to to yin heki in the slapnia |
344s | yeah that bar guest isn't going to be |
345s | bounding anytime soon he has two |
347s | vengeances and two agar navy issues |
349s | sitting on top of him um |
351s | 80 kilometers uh nowhere near the |
353s | boundary just getting uh |
355s | pounded into uh showing the flagship |
358s | tank but eventually the balgorn um is |
361s | inching closer and we are seeing those |
363s | uh you know bonus newts will be shutting |
365s | off that active tank rather shortly um |
368s | good fights in local striker eric are |
370s | saying that another buy order has been |
372s | filled |
373s | um |
375s | you know and another bar guest does go |
377s | down it seems like uh you know these |
379s | flagships |
381s | have been finally eating um |
383s | dirt and uh |
386s | local is primary you know dirt and |
388s | glitter it makes a lot of sense |
390s | you know putting another team at six |
392s | feet under |
393s | um really well played by them i'm not |
396s | gonna be ending um the position of dirt |
399s | and glitter going up against vibra in |
402s | the next match but they've flown this |
404s | excellently and they will be taking |
406s | their position in the top four not |
408s | something i had expected |
410s | you |
412s | um i really thought they weren't going |
413s | to do as good when they dropped down |
415s | initially but it looks like the last |
416s | slept near has went down so we'll pass |
418s | it back to the studio |