over 5 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s welcome to Yves pulse December is a busy
3s month we have a release this Tuesday
5s let's start this episode by talking
7s about the neutral avian cruisers these
10s beautiful logistics cruisers bring a
12s completely new mechanic to EVE Online
14s something never seen before the longer
16s they keep their repairs on a friend
19s the more they repair so similar to track
21s avian weapons really the Taquan wrote
24s Eva and the tactics are masked are two
26s really cool ships geared towards small
28s gang warfare like a lot of truck Navy on
30s ships they have a lot of cool bonuses
31s and we can't wait to see what you guys
33s do with them and this new capability
34s that they bring
36s we love nothing more than giving gifts
38s to you guys so on the 11th of December
41s we're starting the 13th days of Yves
42s holiday gifting campaign fireworks
46s boosters skins who knows all these
48s things could be yours if you simply log
50s in regularly during the event and of
53s course Oh make us sometimes get bigger
55s packages you know that's just the way it
57s is Tuesday's release our our team is
60s adding or rorrer's two planets because
62s Aurora's are beautiful and just like
64s here in Iceland you have to be a little
65s lucky to catch them so we want you to go
68s find them get screenshots post your best
71s pictures on Twitter with the hashtag
72s Yves is beautiful and that will pick out
75s some winners for some nice prices keep
77s an eye out on Twitter for more news on
78s this contest some more beautiful stuff
82s coming in this release from our art team
84s our tri kayvyun skins so skin for the
87s track avian ships have been asked for a
88s lot by a lot of players and coming next
91s week you will have them in the new Eton
93s store on Thursday the 13th we're gonna
97s livestream the CCP winter Caravan right
99s here from CCP headquarters and we have
101s to get you to join it's gonna be amazing
103s we want all of you there I'm even gonna
105s get help from these two nerds we're
108s gonna bring out all the tabs that can
109s help you rather than pure pcp Karkar
111s we're gonna be there we're gonna have
112s that presence we're gonna blow up
114s spaceships it's gonna be awesome
115s see you there see you there guys some
118s would say that only a keep star is one
120s of the most aspirational goals in EVE
122s Online capsuleer Johnson stroker built a
126s keep star of his own inside his fish
128s tank
129s and depending on how the seeds goes this
131s keep star might soon be sleeping with
134s the fishes
135s the monthly economic report just got
138s released so check it out for all the
140s stats and graphs showing what you've
142s been doing out there in space the long
145s awaited changes to war declarations
147s discussed in the last if post video will
149s be part of Tuesday's release please
151s check out the top blog we released today
153s for all the details
154s this week's twitch clip is from Nobu
157s Tara's who shows us some nifty tricks
159s with the tactical overlay that I'm sure
161s some of you may not know about he's
162s really good at explaining games so go
164s follow him send your new pros his way
165s who hold cues this is what I have the
167s tactical camera if you hold cue you can
172s line up to something and then right now
174s it's horizontal in your horizontal plane
176s that's where you're at if you click
178s again so I can specify 30 kilometers in
180s that direction you click again you can
182s go up and move it another 360 degrees
184s double clicking allows you to go in just
186s one direction another nice thing about q
189s another nice thing about the tactical
190s overlay that most people don't know is
192s you guys will notice there's one thicker
194s line right here than the rest of it so
197s you see there's a thicker line that
199s thicker line is north by the way it's
202s also represented by this little caret
204s down here on your compass so as it moves
207s around your caret points to north
210s something that people do not know that's
212s it for eve pulse but we'll be back next
214s week with more stuff including news of a
217s new live event coming in to semper
218s called permafrost don't miss it
221s subscribe here for more videos and you
223s can watch the last two videos around
226s here so see you next week and don't
229s forget to subscribe
231s [Music]