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Transcript (by Youtube)

5s deep concerns have Arisen across new
7s Eden following the Amar Empire's
9s activation of prototype Stellar
12s transmuters in the Amar occupied
13s minmitar systems of Turner Bard and
16s egmar
17s the constellations these systems belong
19s to have also seen increased Amar Navy
21s and Minotaur Republic Fleet activity in
24s recent months as Imperial forces aimed
27s to capitalize on the strength of the
29s 24th Imperial Crusades occupation of
31s much of the war zone
33s that these apparently experimental
35s Stellar manipulation projects are taking
37s place far from Amar population centers
40s and in occupied territory has fueled
43s rumors that such experiments bear a
45s significant risk of system-wide
46s catastrophes active fighting in and
49s around their locations has only further
51s alarmed the interstellar community
54s the Amar Empire's Captain Marshall
56s sirden zerkosh has dismissed protests at
59s the Amar actions and claims that
61s Imperial law and Interstellar treaties
63s permit infrastructure development and
65s resource extraction in occupied
67s territories Republic ambassador katin
70s Yoon has described the Amar position as
72s delusional arrogance
75s Republic Fleet hetman General confilmer
77s warned of the Grave danger posed by the
80s Imperial Stellar transmuters in systems
82s which are traditionally Republic
83s territory and primarily colonized by
86s minvitar settlers in response the
88s minmatar tribal Liberation Force mounted
91s an offensive that captured both the vard
93s and egmar systems among numerous others
95s by this success the capsuleer fighters
98s of the mimitar militia handed control of
100s the vard and egmar transmuters to the
103s Republic
104s despite the risks the potential for
106s advances in energy and resource
108s collection technology apparently seem
110s high to The Republic as well as to the
112s Empire
113s following the capture of the vard and
115s egmar systems there are no signs that
117s the Minotaur are about to shut down the
120s Stellar transmuters it appears evident
122s that the Republic plans to carry on with
124s testing the technology and intends to
126s develop it for its own use
129s in the face of extraordinary
130s developments in the Amar minitar war
132s zone both sides apparently remain wary
134s of the risks of escalation to full-scale
137s war between the Empire and Republic even
140s so the respective militaries of each
142s Empire are taking further steps to
144s recruit capsuleers to their cause access
146s to new naval ship designs are among the
149s offered incentives for assistance in the
151s Stellar research efforts of the two
152s empires
154s a rapid deterioration in relations
157s between the caldari state and galente
159s Federation is threatening to become
161s critical following a number of recent
163s incidents and escalating conflict in The
165s Border war zone between the two Powers
167s earlier this year a diplomatic crisis
170s followed accusations of galente
172s involvement in a massive spy ring
174s operating deep within the kaldari state
176s the mass defection of spies and
179s particularly The Escape of ringleader
181s and garista's agent esri hakazosu is
184s believed to have caused leaks of
186s advanced technology developed as part of
188s the kaldari Navy Dreadnought upgrade
190s program
191s subsequently the discovery of a derelict
194s edencom Outpost orbiting ethanon 5 and
197s the uncovering of an apparent triglavian
199s facility on the surface of the planet
201s has attracted the attention of both the
203s kaladari state and galente Federation
206s while the exact purpose and nature of
208s the triglavian facility remains unknown
210s to the public it is clear that it
212s contains something of Great Value as
214s caldari and delente Naval squadrons have
217s clashed frequently in the contested
219s system in the midst of the rising
221s conflict the kaldari state has
223s constructed a Stargate in the system of
225s samanuni with the support of culinary
227s capsuleers construction of a connecting
230s gate in the athenon system has also been
232s completed giving the state a valuable
234s advantage in recovering triglavian
235s technology the galente Federation is
238s likewise constructed a Stargate in the
240s amignon system but are still struggling
242s to complete the construction of its
243s counterpart in athenon
245s the undisclosed technology rumored to be
248s found in the triglavian research
249s facility on off and on 5 and Associated
252s triglavian relay sites seems to be of
254s tremendous value as both sides compete
257s in a desperate race to acquire a working
259s understanding of it
261s rapid construction of military
262s infrastructure and signs of Fleet
264s buildups into samanuni and a magnet
267s systems have additionally raised
269s concerns that an all-out war between the
271s two empires is imminent Concord has
275s urged diplomacy on all parties but
277s escalation seems set to continue
280s this is Alton havery reporting for the
283s scope
303s thank you