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almost 3 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by jask_askari

Improved the speed of loading ship models (both player and NPC), which should improve fps, whenever many ships are being loaded at the same time.

does this mean the game wont lag every time i land on a highsec gate grid

The lag should indeed be reduced (the heaviest part of loading a ship is now about 50% faster), but the lag is not completely gone. The data still has to be loaded and instantiated.

almost 3 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by StepDance2000

question. Would it make sense to have some sort of caching option here if possible that would carry over between sessions and be loaded in when you start a new session at startup? This would probably also reduce those tiny hiccups on the jita undock and other situations. There is an increasing number of people with large amounts of RAM (32 - 64 GB) and VRAM (10GB+). For those configurations it could be very pleasant (as an option) to have more ship and structure models pre-loaded for a smoother ingame experience. (I.e. i rather have a bit longer startup time but without hiccups in / during the game).

There is already some caching in place, but there are always improvements possible, like for example to expose a setting for how much is being cached (we just need to be careful to avoid drowning in settings).

As far as I can remember there is still more time spent with instantiating the ships than with loading, so I am not sure how much it could help. We are working on several related topics, which could bring further improvements (but some changes will also reduce performance a bit for even better graphics at highest settings).