almost 2 years ago - EVE Online Team - Direct link

Legendary capsuleers of New Eden,

EVE Online has turned 20, and the celebrations have begun in earnest! The Jita 4-4 Capsuleer Day firework extravaganza was an occasion to remember, and the 20th anniversary mosaic is live, so you can locate your character on it now.


There’s also still time to join EVE’s 20th anniversary Capsuleer Day event that ends on 30 May and claim all the gifts including exclusive Capsuleer Day XX SKINs for logging in daily! Omega pilots are able to claim a new SOCT ship – the Metamorphosis - as well existing ones, over half a million Skill Points, thousands of EverMarks which will come in handy for structure customization when EVE Online: Viridian launches, and awesome boosters on top of the Alpha rewards, which include special boosters, Capsuleer Day XX fireworks, plus more special Capsuleer Day XX SKINs. If you upgrade to Omega you can retroactively claim the previous Omega rewards.

The in-game event is also brimming with challenges and great rewards such as anniversary-themed items, exclusive Capsuleer Day XX SKINs, and more! Align with the Guri Malakim pirate cooperative, or the Society of Conscious Thought (SoCT), then take on hacking and combat sites across all security space. The sites can reward you with new boosters, Glamourex boosters, new Capsuleer Day XX SKINs on Guristas, Angel Cartel, and SoCT ships, as well as Genolution implants. In addition, PvP loot drops have increased from 50% to 75% for the duration of the event!



You can also still grab brand-new 20th Anniversary packs in the EVE Store, plus SKIN & apparel bundles in the New Eden Store!

Elite pack landing page

The Elite XX Legends Pack and Elite XX Immortals Pack provide Omega, PLEX, Skill Points, cerebral accelerators, as well as Capsuleer Elite XX SKINs, and men & women’s character apparel. Both packs are only available until 23:59 UTC on 15 May in the EVE Store and can only be purchased once per account!

NES Logo with Black Background

At the same time, the New Eden Store is offering three different SKIN bundles, catering for Tech I, Tech II & III, and industrialist ships, as well as an apparel bundle, all until 30 May.

There is also 20th anniversary-themed merchandise available now in the EVE Merch Store, so you can continue celebrating 20 years in space wherever you are!

EVE will only turn 20 once, so do not miss out on the activities and celebrations going on right now, leading to EVE Fanfest 2023 in September and beyond. Join the festivities and set course for a third decade of interstellar greatness.

Get into the spirit and share your favorite stories, screenshots, moments, and memories of EVE Online using the hashtag #eveonline20 as the revelry explodes around you!
