almost 3 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | so a riddle seems like a good place to |
3s | start |
4s | seeing as i plan on confusing you for |
6s | the entire talk i might as well start |
8s | with the riddle |
9s | now the sphinx's riddle in case you |
12s | don't have a classical education was |
14s | uh what walks on four legs in the |
17s | morning |
18s | on two legs in the afternoon and on |
20s | three legs in the evening |
23s | and |
24s | i'll get to the answer if you don't know |
26s | that one it's so old and classic it's |
28s | been used a thousand times but i got a |
30s | new one for you what's full of bugs in |
32s | the morning |
34s | sand and salt at noon and empty in the |
36s | evening |
41s | being a forum warrior if i don't put a |
43s | definition up i lose my membership card |
46s | in the forum so i had to put up what |
48s | longevity is |
50s | longevity has a couple of meanings but |
52s | mainly |
53s | i'm going to be flashing between them |
55s | i'm not consistent |
57s | i'm redundant and repetitive but not |
59s | consistent so |
61s | knowing what |
63s | longevity is when you're talking about a |
65s | living thing is it's lifespan |
68s | on the other hand when you're talking |
70s | about |
71s | something like a game |
73s | it's also lifespan but it's not an alive |
75s | thing it's just how long does it last |
82s | so living things have quite a lifespan |
84s | and it really spans through uh depending |
87s | on what species you are |
89s | it has numbers there there's people |
91s | there somewhere |
92s | where are they |
95s | 80. yeah that's |
98s | the thing is it's not a set lifespan |
102s | you know i mean that it's you don't come |
105s | with you are going to live exactly 80 |
108s | years |
109s | that would make for really interesting |
111s | gaming hey bob i'd love to come to |
113s | structure bash next week but i'm going |
114s | to be dead |
116s | you know |
117s | we don't know when our expiry date is |
120s | i'm pretty sure i have a best before |
122s | date and i'm past that |
125s | but not an expiry date |
130s | so |
131s | some species |
133s | it's not locked down to a set number |
137s | that is an ocean quahog |
139s | it was found off the coast of the island |
141s | we happen to be on right now |
144s | they now normally they can last up to |
146s | 400 years the one they found was |
149s | 507 years old |
152s | they found that out by killing it |
155s | and then counting the rings |
157s | so if they hadn't discovered it it might |
159s | have made 508 years old |
163s | but they found it and want to know how |
165s | old it is and the easiest way to find |
166s | out how old some things it's like trees |
168s | or me my students used to ask how old |
171s | are you miss mr dawn i'd say well that's |
173s | easy you're going to have to cut me in |
175s | half and count the rings |
177s | they didn't get that one |
181s | so you've got this thing that has lasted |
183s | forever |
184s | on the floor of the ocean |
187s | just sitting there hard shells set in |
190s | its ways probably complains about crabs |
192s | null sec |
198s | then you got a mayfly |
200s | 24-hour life span |
204s | it's kind of like wake up grow up have |
208s | wings |
209s | fly around maybe get swatted maybe make |
211s | it your full 24 hours this is a rookie |
215s | because we have people who start playing |
217s | this game and die |
219s | or quit |
221s | or are disappointed and find it wasn't |
223s | what they expected because they want to |
225s | know how do i win and will it take |
227s | longer than then this afternoon |
231s | and they don't get the fact that this is |
233s | a really long game |
235s | we're this guy |
237s | not this guy |
240s | so the life expectancy of the game seems |
243s | to have two different uh versions |
245s | we have the people who are in it for the |
248s | long term |
250s | and then we have the mayflies who come |
252s | flapping in |
253s | and |
254s | ccp does the stats i found yesterday in |
258s | the opening |
260s | ceremony the scariest stat that they |
262s | gave i don't know you guys saw the |
264s | opening ceremony was that 57 |
267s | percent stat do you remember that one |
271s | 57 percent of the players right now |
274s | weren't playing four years ago |
278s | i mean i feel like i'm only middle-aged |
281s | in the game and i'm 13 years in |
285s | balls and i'm finding out i'm methuselah |
288s | yeah |
289s | wow mister you've been playing longer |
292s | than this week |
294s | oh god child go away |
300s | they make me feel old but then i are old |
304s | so |
306s | we want to try to bridge these guys to |
308s | these guys |
311s | and in a game |
313s | when you're playing a computer game |
315s | these guys uh the modern generations |
318s | raised with that fortnight you start |
320s | playing and you're done 15 minutes later |
322s | whenever that damn zone gets to zero |
324s | where everybody else dies |
326s | they're used to games that are on a very |
328s | very short time scale |
330s | and it's hard for an eve player to |
333s | explain to them |
334s | what the long time scale is what we're |
337s | playing it's like we're playing two |
339s | different life spans |
341s | so when we talk about longevity |
344s | sometimes we're just trying to turn |
345s | these people into the quahog |
348s | you know we're trying to get them to |
350s | realize that you have a much longer play |
352s | in this game and it's not win all the |
354s | things today |
356s | you won't |
360s | but mike you might say |
363s | if you knew who i was |
366s | almost everybody introduces themselves |
367s | at the middle i usually like to get |
369s | started and then do the introduction so |
371s | i should tell you who i am |
373s | i'm mike azaria |
375s | i drive operation magic school bus i'll |
377s | explain that in a second and i've served |
379s | five terms on the csm oh don't get too |
382s | close to the mic |
389s | the joke i did last time i was in csm |
392s | eight nine and ten later acknowledged at |
394s | some of the worst csm's ever but now |
396s | i've served in 14 and 15 where we had no |
399s | summits whatsoever so these were the |
401s | lesser ones of those |
403s | i have seen how the sausages are made |
407s | i have survived and it's funny if you |
409s | take a look at the history of the csm a |
411s | lot of people serve and then leave the |
413s | game |
415s | never to return |
417s | you know it's kind of like |
420s | longevity-wise |
421s | this is where you're picking out the |
422s | tombstone |
424s | i got to be on the csm |
426s | gone |
429s | so uh |
430s | i there are a few of us who are really |
432s | really stubborn steve ronikin i don't |
434s | know if he's here but if he is he's even |
437s | more fireproof than i am |
440s | you know |
440s | me we're the sphinxes |
443s | we stand around say things that nobody |
445s | understands and hope that that works |
447s | magic school bus one of the ways i keep |
449s | playing is i don't play eve the way a |
452s | lot of you do i wish i could and |
454s | occasionally i do go out i was just |
455s | talking about running abyssal space and |
457s | uh |
458s | you know |
459s | occasionally i do like to fly with |
461s | people like bombers bar when i can |
463s | but mainly i'm known for being a care |
465s | bearer |
467s | and i'm okay with that |
470s | operation magic school bus i set up |
472s | seven years ago |
474s | what i do is i fly to the career systems |
477s | all of them and hand out free fitted |
480s | ships to the new bros less than 30 days |
482s | old |
483s | and when i say fitted ships i don't mean |
485s | teaching them how to hit the get your |
487s | corvette button |
489s | if they're between zero and seven days i |
490s | give them a fitted frigate appropriate |
492s | to the region so if we're in a mars |
494s | space i give him a punisher if we're in |
496s | caldery it's a kestrel |
499s | you follow |
500s | if they're between seven and 20 days i |
503s | give him a fitted destroyer |
505s | same rules appropriate to the area and |
508s | between 20 and 30 days i give a fitted |
510s | cruiser |
512s | all they have to do is speak up and |
514s | local when the bus is in in the system |
518s | and i will stay there for about five |
520s | minutes |
521s | post in local post in rookie help chat |
524s | see who speaks up and it is amazing a |
526s | the number of people there can be 80 |
528s | people and local not a single person |
530s | speaks up |
532s | then you'll get one person at the four |
533s | minute mark |
535s | what's the scam |
538s | ah |
540s | i see you're a person of distinction who |
542s | understands what eve is |
545s | i would like to explain to you that i'm |
546s | not a scam the problem is a scammer |
549s | would say that |
552s | so i ask them tell me what words that i |
554s | could use to convince you that i'm not a |
556s | scam |
557s | if a scammer can say the same damn thing |
561s | they go don't know must be a scam |
565s | okay |
566s | well maybe if you talk up and i give you |
568s | a ship and you try to figure out where |
570s | i'm taking something from you no it's |
572s | probably a trap |
576s | what kind of trap you're going to shoot |
577s | me |
579s | what's stopping me from shooting you |
580s | right now |
582s | you're not docked |
584s | and i can find you |
587s | the only safe place in this system is |
589s | where i am |
590s | don't make me come and find you |
594s | so they um eventually some doc and i do |
597s | do that and i've had a lot of feedback |
599s | the |
599s | best thing i get is when somebody tells |
602s | me |
603s | i got a ship from you five years ago and |
606s | i still have it |
608s | yeah |
609s | you've got one |
612s | or or also i get people who bring their |
615s | alts in and they're trying to figure out |
617s | what the scam is so they'll pretend that |
619s | they're newbies i can tell half the time |
621s | because the first thing they do is they |
623s | get the ship and uh 15 seconds later |
625s | nice fit |
627s | a newbie would not say that man they'd |
630s | go wow the guns are there but they're |
633s | not loaded it's in the hold |
637s | you know |
638s | you have ammo i gave you ammo actually |
640s | gave you faction ammo |
644s | not a lot but enough for them to get out |
646s | they need all the help they can get |
648s | you know before they have their skills |
650s | up you're looking at a frigate that's |
652s | doing 60 to 65 dps |
656s | great for a level one but anything else |
658s | so i give them faction ammo a couple |
660s | hundred rounds you know it's not that |
662s | big a thing |
664s | i also rigged the ships |
667s | to blow up |
668s | no i rig them so they're less apt to |
671s | sell them |
672s | and then think that they've won |
675s | you know because when they go to sell it |
676s | they have to strip it and then it says |
678s | if you strip it you'll be destroying |
680s | valuable modules well i don't want to do |
682s | that i guess i'll just have to keep it |
686s | i give them the ship um to show them a |
688s | you should be talking to people this is |
690s | an mmo there's lots of people in the |
691s | game talk to them |
694s | eve sucks as a solo game |
698s | you know you can do it and the horrible |
700s | thing is i say that |
702s | i'm in scope |
704s | i've been an npc |
707s | and a solo player for over seven years |
709s | because part of being and i get |
711s | recruitment from people and i go no i |
712s | can't join you |
714s | because doing the bus means i have to |
716s | come across as |
718s | neutral |
720s | you know i mean i can't have a favor i |
722s | can't say by the way now that you've got |
724s | a free ship join my beautiful alliance |
729s | which also makes this amazing |
731s | i'm one of the few csms who got elected |
734s | without any backing from any of the null |
736s | sec organizations |
738s | you |
743s | know so that's who i is |
746s | i even got my i like this shot that |
749s | actually is the bus the bus in case you |
750s | didn't know is a bow head |
752s | because i have to be able to move the |
754s | bloody ships to the various stops |
756s | sometimes i fly something smaller faster |
758s | i love the leopard |
759s | it's expensive and i'm always worried |
762s | about losing it but man when i just want |
764s | to stop at all the systems real fast and |
766s | give something out it's nice to be doing |
767s | 20 a.u a second |
770s | you know on the jump |
773s | so |
773s | because i'm old and because i'm talking |
775s | to lifespan that sort of thing i have a |
777s | hospital story for you |
779s | and it will connect in but just put up |
782s | with an old man telling you about his |
784s | time in the hospital okay |
786s | humor the old man |
789s | so um |
791s | a couple years ago in the middle of |
792s | covid |
794s | i got my second diagnosis of cancer went |
796s | through uh chemotherapy |
799s | came out the other side |
801s | lovely having your immunosystem |
803s | compromised completely during a pandemic |
806s | but that's not the hospital story |
808s | afterwards i start having a blood clots |
810s | because of the chemotherapy but that's |
812s | also not where this is going what's |
814s | going is i was really weak from the |
816s | chemotherapy so i started trying to do |
818s | exercise just doing walking going out |
820s | and mowing the lawn that sort of thing i |
823s | found that when i did that my left arm |
825s | started aching |
827s | i thought another bloody blood clot oh |
830s | man |
831s | so i call my doctor my doctor says left |
833s | arm yeah he says yeah i'm going to make |
836s | some calls and i'm going to get you to |
838s | see some a specialist real fast real |
840s | fast for him was within three days |
844s | i saw a cardiologist cardiologist booked |
846s | me and put me on the treadmill i started |
848s | walking i was told treadmill takes about |
850s | half an hour two minutes you off |
852s | sit over there quietly i thought it was |
855s | going to take a half hour not for you |
858s | this was on a monday he said i hope you |
860s | don't have a lot of plans for this week |
861s | you're going to be busy |
863s | by friday i was in the hospital again to |
866s | get my heart worked on |
868s | turns out it wasn't blood clots it was |
870s | my heart was given out |
875s | expiry date |
877s | so |
878s | the thing is with heart surgery is |
881s | they put you in but they don't tell you |
883s | what time the surgery is going to be |
886s | so it's just checking in the morning at |
888s | eight o'clock in the morning no food |
890s | you've done all sorts of nasty things to |
892s | your body the day before to be ready for |
894s | surgery you're starving wait in this bed |
897s | with the curtains drawn around you so |
899s | you can take your mask off |
901s | and we'll come and get you |
903s | fine |
905s | and i'm texting to my wife |
908s | and the phone batteries dying faster |
911s | than i am and so |
916s | and so |
917s | all of a sudden i'm dozing in between |
919s | that stress trying to kill time |
922s | should i use that phrase |
925s | anyways i'm lying there and all sudden i |
927s | hear mike mike look at me mike mike |
931s | i'm going |
933s | there's nobody around me |
935s | and i hear the voice going i think he's |
937s | crashing get the cart |
939s | have you called the doctor gam stat get |
941s | him stat mike mike mike can you hear us |
944s | yes i know you're in pain mike mike stay |
946s | with us |
949s | and this is beginning to freak me out |
952s | because it occurs to me that you always |
954s | hear about these people dying and having |
957s | this out of body experience where it's |
958s | happening to somebody else |
961s | and they're just floating above watching |
963s | this |
964s | and i'm going am i supposed to be |
965s | fighting to answer |
968s | and i'm lying there and it takes about |
971s | 60 seconds for me to realize there's |
973s | another guy named mike in the bloody war |
978s | [Applause] |
981s | so you try to lie there |
984s | listening them to them yelling your name |
986s | over and over and talking about you |
988s | dying |
990s | not using the last name just mike |
993s | mike is crashing mike is bleeding into |
995s | his own heart mike is not doing well |
997s | mike mike stay with me mike mike oh god |
1001s | i'm |
1002s | this is not fun |
1005s | i text to my wife and i said it is time |
1007s | for me to go to my happy place |
1011s | i can disassociate myself which |
1014s | in retrospect is probably not the best |
1016s | thing to do when you're already worried |
1018s | about having an out-of-body experience |
1020s | i'm now going to leave my body |
1023s | mike but i kind of went i'm just going |
1026s | to shut off all the external i'm going |
1028s | to start ignoring people yelling mike |
1031s | and i'm just going to stay here |
1035s | and |
1036s | i zone out that's fine a few minutes |
1038s | later or half an hour later an hour |
1040s | later i have no idea someone says mr |
1042s | dawe it's time to go |
1045s | i'm looking for the light |
1048s | no it's just a little guy with a |
1050s | wheelchair going it's my turn for the |
1052s | surgery |
1053s | so off i went i never found out what |
1055s | happened to mike |
1057s | but my real name is mike by the way but |
1060s | um |
1062s | the concept of you're dying but you |
1065s | don't know it is a really scary one |
1068s | to a certain extent we're all mortal we |
1069s | are all dying |
1071s | but in longevity terms we don't have |
1073s | that expiry date |
1076s | do you ever are you guys old enough to |
1078s | worry about i could be dead and just |
1080s | haven't figured it out yet |
1085s | but mike when do you get to eve |
1089s | i just did |
1092s | games funny things games have life spans |
1095s | there's some that have lasted a long |
1097s | time |
1098s | that chess set uh comes from the 12th |
1101s | century |
1102s | it's in a museum in england |
1105s | it uh |
1107s | chess has lasted a long time you could |
1108s | probably go back 500 years or 400 years |
1111s | and play a game of chess with somebody |
1113s | and still agree on the rules |
1115s | that game has lasted |
1118s | you know there's other games i did |
1119s | research i was going to go off on a |
1121s | weird tangent i managed to hold myself |
1123s | back from that but think about board |
1125s | games that you played when you were a |
1126s | kid that don't even exist anymore i mean |
1129s | yes hungry hungry hippo exists and |
1131s | monopoly for some reason still exists |
1135s | but there are other board games that |
1137s | lasted you know for a very short period |
1140s | of time and they're now collector's |
1141s | items if you actually have all the |
1143s | pieces |
1144s | there's also games that you can play |
1146s | that lasted |
1149s | in a weird way only as until you solved |
1151s | them like how many of you have played |
1153s | tic-tac-toe |
1154s | recently |
1157s | i mean we know |
1158s | don't go you know where to start where |
1161s | not to start how to and if you have two |
1163s | people know how to play tic-tac-toe this |
1165s | is just a way to scribble lines on a |
1167s | piece of paper nobody's gonna win unless |
1169s | one of you is really really drunk |
1174s | so um what makes a game |
1177s | last |
1178s | what gives a game its lifespan its |
1181s | longevity |
1182s | now if i actually had a definitive |
1184s | answer for that |
1186s | i would be charging for this talk and |
1188s | ccp would be paying it |
1190s | you know so would a lot of other gaming |
1192s | companies |
1194s | because if you can actually boil down |
1196s | what makes a game last what gives it |
1198s | lifespan that would be phenomenal in the |
1201s | gaming industry |
1203s | but i don't have a definitive answer i |
1205s | don't have the right answer |
1207s | what i have is a few ideas so one of |
1209s | them's replayability |
1212s | like what if the game finishes or you |
1214s | play it do you want to play it again |
1216s | my daughter's notorious for that we do a |
1218s | lot of board games at home over the |
1220s | pandemic what else are you going to do |
1222s | so there are games we'd finish a |
1224s | two-hour game i want to play again |
1226s | we actually had rules so we played like |
1228s | pandemic legacy just so you only played |
1230s | once or twice a month but we played it |
1232s | for an entire year fun game |
1236s | so um but when you're playing or |
1239s | continuity of play |
1241s | how many of you played a computer game |
1243s | and also i'm looked out the window and |
1244s | realized that the sun is coming up and |
1246s | the birds are singing |
1249s | sieve |
1251s | god |
1254s | that one one more turn one more turn one |
1256s | more tweet tweet tweet oh |
1262s | uh challenge does the game engage you is |
1264s | it something that you actually feel like |
1266s | you're a part of that you get caught up |
1268s | in |
1270s | do do your choices matter |
1272s | i mean if you play a game like um |
1275s | just snakes and ladders |
1278s | you know it's roll the dice move the |
1280s | piece but there's absolutely no |
1282s | control that you have on the game that's |
1284s | going to make a difference it is just |
1286s | happening |
1288s | you could write a computer program to |
1290s | play monopoly it wouldn't be that hard |
1292s | you know it's buy all the property and |
1294s | charge every you know just what the best |
1296s | progress is and after that it's a pure |
1298s | luck game you might as well just roll |
1300s | 2d6 i rolled an 8. you rolled 12. you |
1303s | win okay |
1305s | what are we going to play now |
1306s | because it comes down to pure luck it's |
1308s | just stretching it out over way too much |
1310s | time so you can have a nice fight in |
1312s | your family |
1315s | it's nice to know that choice you makes |
1317s | makes a difference |
1319s | in eve the choices that we make do make |
1321s | a difference |
1322s | unless you're talking about fighting off |
1324s | the triglavians |
1328s | i was not happy with that okay just |
1331s | letting you know putting it out there |
1333s | that i don't like when if they tell me |
1336s | this is an event and it's going to |
1337s | happen and that wasn't the first time |
1339s | the first time was when they brought out |
1341s | dust 514 |
1343s | and they had the bite battle over the |
1346s | uh home system with the titan crashing |
1348s | into the planet and it was already |
1350s | preset but they didn't tell us that we |
1352s | thought we could stop this |
1355s | and then to find out that they actually |
1357s | released the graphic |
1358s | before the event even happened |
1361s | and it's like why are we fighting a |
1363s | battle when we know how it ends |
1366s | you know that was really frustrating |
1368s | because that's not eve |
1370s | eve has always been you make a bad |
1372s | choice |
1374s | you're going home in a pod or death |
1375s | express |
1376s | you make a good choice you may still go |
1378s | home in a pod but least wise you got |
1380s | somebody else with it |
1383s | you know the choices we make in the game |
1385s | make a difference who you trust who you |
1386s | play with |
1388s | who you fly with who you fly against all |
1389s | of these choices this game is complex |
1392s | because we have so many choices and the |
1394s | newbies the mayflies |
1396s | they have no concept of what they're |
1398s | getting into |
1400s | because they just want to find their |
1402s | version fortnite is your choices are |
1404s | which gun do you want and am i going to |
1407s | build a tower just try to hide and shoot |
1409s | everybody the choices are really |
1411s | binary and limited |
1413s | you give them a game like this and they |
1415s | got no concept of what's going on |
1418s | so choices do your choices matter |
1422s | now i wish there was a way to move the |
1424s | screen down because my notes go on so |
1426s | i'm going to skip a quote |
1428s | and later i'll have other quotes |
1431s | there are people who've been analyzing |
1433s | game choices for a long time and the |
1435s | funny thing is eve |
1439s | is uh this is the original box in case |
1441s | you don't know |
1444s | congratulations that's impressive |
1447s | this came out in 2003 |
1450s | ccp actually found a publisher |
1453s | uh simon and schuster interactive |
1456s | to publish her game and to market it |
1459s | unfortunately simon and schuster |
1461s | interactive closed about six months |
1463s | later |
1464s | so ccp had to promptly buy back their |
1467s | own ip intellectual property |
1470s | and um |
1472s | and go it alone |
1475s | which |
1476s | you gotta understand this was 2003. |
1481s | so they had mixed success 2003 everquest |
1485s | had been running for a year |
1487s | and it was doing pretty good uh our |
1490s | nickname for it was evercrack |
1493s | the birds are singing |
1498s | i've been i've killed flippy dark paw |
1501s | way too often okay |
1503s | if you've played everquest you know i'm |
1505s | talking about the rest of you just |
1506s | assume it's uh one of those uh |
1509s | things that you don't need to know |
1512s | but everquest was going strong but could |
1514s | you compete with it could sci-fi compete |
1516s | with fantasy |
1518s | was the market big enough to actually |
1520s | support more than one mmo wow hadn't had |
1524s | another year before it came out |
1526s | so eve was actually breaking new ground |
1529s | in a lot of ways trying for a 3d space |
1532s | game |
1533s | which pretty much didn't have a tutorial |
1535s | and it didn't |
1538s | like here's a spaceship good |
1540s | luck off you go |
1545s | so |
1546s | they mainly depended on the massive |
1548s | support of their players |
1551s | 2003 eve is dying |
1558s | [Applause] |
1564s | this was the first person to say it i |
1566s | actually did a search on this |
1569s | june of 2003 remember the game started |
1572s | uh may what was yesterday the |
1575s | 6th |
1576s | may 6th of 2003 in june it was declared |
1579s | to be dying |
1582s | wow |
1584s | i really want to know |
1586s | where that player went |
1588s | i wish i knew i did a check on eve |
1591s | killing that sort of thing |
1593s | no activity |
1596s | but you know |
1598s | i want to know how long they played |
1599s | after they declared the game was dead |
1602s | did they play with the corpse |
1605s | eve didn't die that year or the year |
1607s | after or quite a few years after we're |
1609s | standing i'm standing here you're |
1611s | sitting here celebrating the fact that |
1613s | we're not dead yet |
1616s | yet |
1619s | eve eve |
1621s | mike mike |
1624s | just in case you don't get the reference |
1627s | but i do want to know did that person |
1629s | find a game |
1632s | are they playing something else are they |
1634s | having fun |
1636s | or were they just one of those people |
1637s | who likes to hate everything and has |
1639s | have been since drifting from game to |
1641s | game hating each one declaring it dead |
1643s | and going on to the next one |
1647s | yeah |
1647s | may and that would be the mayfly rather |
1649s | than the quahog it's it's |
1652s | what did they find or were they just |
1654s | there are some people have you tried to |
1656s | introduce eve to some people and it |
1657s | doesn't take at all |
1660s | like they find it boring like i do not |
1663s | find this game boring but there are tons |
1664s | of people go this is a boring game and |
1666s | if they saw yesterday's keynote we're |
1668s | now totally associated with microsoft |
1671s | excel i'm going |
1680s | way to sell the game to the masses yes |
1682s | spread seats in space and now we just |
1684s | make it part of the keynote |
1686s | yay |
1692s | we've gone through sometimes |
1695s | i put that together a little while ago |
1697s | eve has had its ups and downs |
1700s | it's had some fantastic days and some |
1702s | days we wish just didn't happen or |
1704s | decisions that didn't happen massive |
1706s | crashes huge wars good decisions bad |
1709s | ones over 19 years you kind of expect |
1712s | that to happen |
1715s | trial and error means sometimes there's |
1717s | got to be air there are people who can |
1718s | probably look at this graph and say |
1720s | exactly what happened on that peak or on |
1724s | that valley they can say right there |
1726s | that was blackout |
1729s | right there that was m2 right there that |
1732s | was uh this is eve video man did that |
1735s | cause an influx of players |
1737s | i don't remember what happened when we |
1739s | set the |
1740s | mass of most people logged on the 65k |
1745s | or whatever i don't remember why we all |
1747s | logged on that day i just know we did |
1750s | i'm not one |
1752s | my memory is more may fly than quahog |
1757s | but i'm really impressed with the people |
1759s | who can look at this graph and say i |
1761s | know that i |
1762s | remember that i was there |
1765s | or i was there or if you just started |
1767s | you're somewhere over here that's okay |
1771s | but there are people who look at this |
1772s | graph and say there was a peak and ever |
1774s | since we've been going down eve is dying |
1779s | i wonder if they were surprised by the |
1780s | second peak of kovit |
1784s | too soon |
1787s | you know because i've seen graphs |
1789s | recently over the last couple years go |
1790s | up go down yay it's over |
1793s | nope yay it's over |
1797s | yay it's i'm just getting tired of this |
1804s | so |
1808s | eve has a weird tradition |
1810s | if you actually work for the company for |
1812s | 10 years they get a sword custom made |
1815s | for you |
1818s | that's all the employees that have |
1820s | stayed with the game company for 10 |
1821s | years |
1823s | if you stay 20 |
1825s | you have an option |
1827s | of getting a two-hander hilmar got one a |
1829s | little while what about five years ago |
1831s | there boats uh he gave he said option in |
1834s | that the company said you've been with |
1836s | us 20 years we'll get you a gift what |
1838s | would you like one of the other guys |
1839s | asked for a shotgun and one said i'll |
1841s | take a trip to italy |
1844s | he went with the sword funny thing |
1846s | in iceland you can't own a sword |
1851s | too much viking going on i suppose |
1853s | but |
1855s | they don't trust you so to actually have |
1858s | the swords at uh at their office |
1862s | they had to |
1864s | the only way you can own a sword is if |
1866s | you're a museum |
1868s | so it's out and under plexiglas so that |
1871s | they can say it's an exhibit and they |
1872s | have qualified their office their front |
1874s | office is a museum of sorts of the |
1878s | employees of the office |
1882s | but you can't take it home because if |
1883s | you're walking down the street they |
1884s | would come and arrest you for carrying |
1887s | an illegal blade |
1889s | and they would especially go after |
1890s | hillmar with that big bastard |
1893s | actually it's a two-hander not a bastard |
1895s | sword sorry d d |
1899s | but the thing is about that wall is that |
1902s | says that the life span is still there |
1904s | and that they're lasting game companies |
1907s | are notorious for head hunting and |
1910s | flipping companies at the drop of a hat |
1912s | you know you get hired by one two years |
1914s | later you're working for that company |
1916s | three years later you're working for |
1917s | that company devs flit and move around |
1921s | and yet they have a wall of swords of |
1922s | people who've stayed with this game with |
1924s | this game company for 10 years |
1927s | that's kind of cool |
1930s | it also means but |
1932s | again with the 57 percent i told you |
1934s | about |
1936s | told you about before |
1938s | they also said 60 or 63 i can't remember |
1942s | that number positively percent of the |
1944s | employees |
1945s | are new enough that they weren't here |
1947s | for the last fan fest there's a lot of |
1949s | devs who are new to the system and |
1951s | that's partially |
1952s | got to do with flipping but a lot with |
1954s | just they've been doing a lot of hiring |
1956s | lately |
1959s | which if eve is dying that's a really |
1961s | dumb way to go is we're dying let's get |
1963s | more employees |
1968s | i like this graph it's got way too much |
1970s | information on it it breaks all the |
1971s | rules of slides you're not supposed to |
1973s | do this many words on a on a slide but i |
1975s | don't care uh we play a game |
1978s | science fiction but please do not ask me |
1981s | if this game has any physics in it |
1984s | because it doesn't |
1986s | we're basically flying submarines in |
1988s | space you know not spaceships there's no |
1990s | momentum no orbital mechanics gravity is |
1994s | just a suggestion and more than one of |
1996s | you have flown through the sun without |
1997s | getting warm |
2000s | but the backdrop is there we've got |
2002s | astronomy we've got geoscience we've got |
2005s | pi mining the planets so we're playing |
2007s | that |
2009s | made with this |
2011s | computer sciences |
2012s | i mean the graphics of this game are |
2015s | gorgeous |
2017s | and they're all zeros and ones |
2020s | like do you think that through that what |
2022s | you're looking at is a series of binary |
2024s | code |
2025s | in motion in action everything is zeros |
2028s | and ones when you get down to the bottom |
2029s | of it and they manage to make something |
2031s | that's engaged me for 13 years and you |
2033s | for however long |
2035s | and they study it with the social |
2037s | sciences |
2039s | now that's funny |
2041s | there are universities who have sent |
2043s | people to do their phds on eve and eve |
2046s | players |
2048s | economists study our economy as a |
2050s | runaway economy with no |
2053s | normal checks and balances there's no |
2054s | fcc to make sure that you're doing the |
2056s | trades legally |
2058s | matter of fact the only people who |
2060s | really get watched to uh make sure that |
2062s | they're not doing real scams and |
2064s | cheating are the csm |
2067s | they watch me |
2069s | because heaven forbid that i i just |
2071s | don't do trading when i'm serving on the |
2073s | csm and one or two have and they've been |
2076s | caught |
2077s | and removed from the csm had characters |
2080s | banned like they are very serious about |
2081s | making sure that we don't take unfair |
2083s | advantage of what we do some of you are |
2085s | still positive probably that csm cheats |
2088s | uses inside trader information you're |
2089s | welcome to that i |
2091s | at the last fan fest i made tinfoil hats |
2093s | for people |
2097s | but the funny thing is you notice when i |
2099s | started this talk the branch of science |
2101s | i went wasn't formal mathematics wasn't |
2104s | physics or geosciences |
2107s | wasn't social sciences i started with |
2109s | life sciences biology |
2111s | because i'm talking about longevity and |
2113s | living |
2114s | and to a certain extent i really really |
2117s | wish |
2119s | that um |
2121s | ccp would hire a biologist |
2124s | we actually have a channel the csm with |
2126s | ccp called the ecosystem |
2129s | so they're acknowledging that this is an |
2131s | ecosystem we have predators we have prey |
2135s | we have uh |
2136s | all of these interim actions and |
2138s | dynamics and we're trying to find a |
2140s | balance between them |
2141s | we don't want to encourage one light |
2143s | game style over another too much or else |
2145s | we'll drive players out of the game we |
2147s | want it to be a balance |
2148s | it's kind of like the forest full of |
2150s | wolves and deer if you encourage the |
2152s | wolves too much all the deer get killed |
2153s | but then the wolves all starve to death |
2155s | afterwards |
2157s | if you kill off all the wolves the deer |
2158s | population will bloom |
2160s | and then disease will run through it and |
2162s | it'll die off as well |
2164s | so we are an ecosystem |
2168s | in a weird way and i think it would be |
2169s | really neat if they data mined this and |
2171s | handed it to |
2172s | a biologist who studies that sort of |
2175s | dynamic balance and see what they had to |
2177s | say about the game |
2179s | they actually have i met a few ccp devs |
2182s | yesterday who are pure data miners |
2185s | like what they do is build the data and |
2187s | collect the data and present it to the |
2188s | devs to say this is what's happening in |
2190s | the game i told them and they said you |
2192s | know that's kind of a neat idea |
2195s | so i'm done for my uh csm span |
2199s | so that's why i started with biology is |
2202s | um i |
2203s | i'm retired now but i was a science and |
2205s | math teacher high school |
2208s | and so when i look at something i look |
2209s | at it from whatever lens of whatever |
2211s | subject i'm thinking about at the time |
2214s | you know some days i look at something |
2215s | and i'm doing the math of it other days |
2217s | it'll be the biology the physics and |
2220s | because all of this is so interconnected |
2222s | that's what you do is you try to explain |
2224s | things in a way that it makes sense to |
2226s | everybody but not all of us speak the |
2229s | same bloody language or think in the |
2230s | same direction |
2232s | so as a teacher you try to connect one |
2234s | of the phrases that used to go around |
2236s | was grow or die |
2240s | there we go |
2243s | that little pithy saying has been pretty |
2246s | much debunked |
2248s | but people are looking at the eve curve |
2251s | of the population i had a few slides |
2252s | back and saying we're not growing |
2254s | therefore we are dying we were dying |
2256s | even when we were growing |
2258s | everything has a lifespan it's just how |
2260s | long |
2262s | but i like this one better |
2265s | improve or die |
2267s | darwin liked that one |
2269s | too it was kind of like adapt |
2272s | but he also admitted that adaptability |
2275s | wasn't all that was shook up to be it's |
2277s | not like the entire species found the |
2279s | perfect path and followed it it's they |
2281s | spread out all over the place and one of |
2284s | them probably found the right idea and |
2285s | the rest of them died off |
2288s | so eve has been fighting a competition |
2291s | doing this |
2292s | finding its way through a minefield by |
2294s | trial and error and hitting the |
2296s | occasional mine |
2297s | and doing something stupid black hope |
2305s | sorry |
2308s | so |
2310s | being adaptive is important being |
2312s | adaptable is really important being able |
2314s | to pick your path |
2315s | but the thing is with the gaming company |
2317s | is if you go down the wrong path can you |
2319s | back up and go in a different direction |
2322s | or are you going to lock in damn it i |
2324s | don't care the players are wrong we're |
2325s | going that way |
2329s | please no |
2331s | i'm sure some of you can think of |
2332s | occasional times when eve has made a |
2334s | mistake |
2337s | i'm sure some of you can think of times |
2339s | when you've made mistakes |
2341s | but you're still here |
2344s | i'm sure you've lost a ship or two that |
2345s | you really wish you didn't take that |
2347s | ship out that day |
2349s | or that you checked your implants before |
2350s | you undocked |
2356s | been there done that or for the older |
2358s | ones |
2359s | remember to update your clone |
2368s | been there done that drank the water |
2371s | did not enjoy it |
2373s | it's okay to make mistakes because there |
2375s | is no road map |
2376s | okay wrong phrase |
2380s | there is no road map |
2381s | there is no manual that tells you this |
2384s | is the way that you're supposed to run a |
2385s | gaming company |
2386s | the funny thing is other gaming |
2388s | companies kind of consider eve |
2390s | a very unique thing |
2394s | because we break all the rules and |
2396s | somehow still live |
2398s | we still have players showing up after |
2400s | 19 years playing the game |
2403s | we monetize different |
2406s | don't get me started okay |
2409s | not going to go further than just saying |
2410s | that phrase |
2412s | but |
2413s | to a certain extent eve goes people say |
2415s | this is how game companies work then |
2417s | there's ccp |
2419s | they work but we don't know why we don't |
2420s | know how they just do okay |
2425s | i think one of the key features that eve |
2427s | has |
2428s | that other game companies have but they |
2430s | have in a different way |
2432s | is you guys |
2435s | a loyal fan base and man some of us are |
2438s | fanatically loyal |
2440s | i mean how many of you brought swag for |
2442s | other people you know out of your own |
2444s | pocket made things coasters pins how |
2448s | many of you have a ton of pins on your |
2450s | lanyard already from meeting those |
2452s | people who did do the stuff there are |
2454s | people who've had specialty shirts made |
2456s | flags made you know we are a bunch of |
2459s | fanatics probably scary to the normal |
2461s | gaming companies no okay but they get |
2464s | their fanatics too but |
2467s | the thing that gets me is eve is way |
2469s | bigger than the game and one of the |
2470s | other things i was talking about is |
2473s | when you stop playing the game remember |
2475s | i was saying the things that make a game |
2476s | last |
2477s | is when you stop playing do you still |
2479s | play it in your head |
2481s | are you thinking about it in your off |
2483s | time you're not at the computer but |
2485s | you're going you know i think i got a |
2486s | good fit |
2488s | or i know how we can catch that damn spy |
2492s | or |
2493s | they'll never see this coming |
2497s | they did |
2501s | that shots for me vegas but the thing is |
2504s | um |
2505s | you guys are what make the game last and |
2507s | probably the game companies would love |
2509s | to have you become fanatics for their |
2511s | game but no you can't have them |
2515s | almost done what am i doing for time |
2520s | what's that |
2521s | oh excellent i'm almost right on path |
2525s | so here we are one last thought on |
2527s | longevity then i'll let you go or ask |
2529s | questions or whatever i will accept |
2531s | drinks except brennevan's meh for me |
2536s | there's a group called the long now |
2540s | they want to make a clock that will run |
2542s | for the next 10 000 years |
2545s | seriously i think they're insane |
2549s | but they actually are trying to figure |
2550s | out the engineering and the best place |
2552s | on the planet to make a mechanical |
2555s | device that will run for 10 |
2558s | 000 years and keep accurate time |
2562s | and they're going to have a group of |
2563s | people who wind the clock or you know |
2567s | keep the power running to it because it |
2569s | doesn't run off the grid it's gotta run |
2570s | off a mechanical process |
2573s | me um because i taught physics and a |
2576s | bunch of other things i'm going i can't |
2578s | think of any mechanical device that |
2580s | stands a chance of lasting you know |
2582s | metal lasting 10 000 years |
2585s | there's corrosion there's all sorts of |
2586s | things i think it's a fantastic idea |
2589s | it's somebody who's willing to dream |
2590s | really big |
2593s | but they're going for a static form of |
2596s | longevity |
2597s | 10 000 years that's a big thing |
2601s | there's a poem |
2603s | i'm only going to quote i put all of it |
2604s | up mainly because they gave me that |
2606s | backdrop |
2609s | now if you read through i'll get to the |
2610s | line that sticks with me |
2615s | look on my work she mighty and despair |
2618s | nothing beside remains around the decay |
2621s | of the colossal wreck boundless and bare |
2624s | lone and level sand stretch away |
2628s | but it starts with |
2630s | two vast trunkless legs of stone the |
2632s | only part of that statue not there is |
2633s | the legs |
2636s | so i just found that weird that the poem |
2638s | was the reverse of the image that i had |
2640s | to use |
2641s | but it's the idea of building something |
2642s | that will last forever and brag that |
2645s | it's there i left my footprints on the |
2647s | sands of time but the problem is the |
2649s | sands of time are right next to the |
2651s | ocean of time and the ocean is going to |
2652s | wash that sand and erase you |
2656s | you get your longevity |
2658s | for a period of time you may last the |
2660s | time after |
2662s | in the memory of family and that sort of |
2664s | thing but |
2665s | 10 000 years from now nobody is going to |
2667s | remember you |
2669s | me |
2670s | the game |
2672s | maybe |
2674s | this is the other type of oops i'm going |
2676s | to trip on that one these times this is |
2677s | the other type of longevity this is |
2679s | athens |
2681s | just in case you don't recognize the |
2682s | architecture |
2684s | is one of the oldest continuous cities |
2687s | on the planet |
2688s | not the old it's just one of them |
2690s | because there's arguments about when |
2691s | they started |
2693s | uh athens has been |
2695s | there according to recorded history for |
2697s | 3400 years |
2700s | but archaeologists are pretty sure |
2702s | that |
2704s | human presence has been there from the |
2706s | 11th to |
2707s | 11th to 7th century bc |
2710s | so that puts it more like 13 000 years |
2713s | there's been people living there |
2716s | but unlike the long now's clock they |
2718s | didn't build the city say this is |
2720s | exactly how it's going to stay forever |
2724s | it has had its ups and downs it's |
2726s | disastrous it's been bombed it's been |
2728s | burned it has grown |
2730s | it's had technology change under it over |
2732s | it all the way around it |
2734s | it got plumbing |
2737s | and but it's still there so to a certain |
2740s | extent it has |
2742s | a permanence it has longevity as a city |
2745s | because it didn't try to be a static |
2747s | longevity it went with a dynamic balance |
2751s | and eve is doing the same thing |
2754s | eve doesn't try to be the same game it |
2755s | was 19 years ago we probably wouldn't |
2758s | play that well no i take that back some |
2760s | of you would |
2763s | but the game has grown changed it's |
2765s | always growing and changing they've got |
2767s | new things coming that you guys that i |
2770s | know about that you don't need |
2776s | it's okay i'm not running next term so |
2778s | you can't vote you can't not vote for me |
2782s | he made fun of us we're not going to |
2784s | vote for him |
2786s | that'll teach him no i'm not running |
2787s | that taught you |
2793s | dynamic balance we've grown we've |
2795s | changed but the thing is the foundations |
2797s | just like the parthenons there |
2800s | there's still legacy code |
2801s | there's still bits and pieces of old eve |
2804s | hiding there scaring the devs in the |
2806s | dark of night |
2808s | they will not touch pauses pause code is |
2811s | dead |
2812s | they will not touch the billboards they |
2814s | tried that once it shut down all the |
2816s | gates |
2822s | so they're afraid of their own code |
2825s | and it's worse because a lot of the |
2827s | original coders are long gone and they |
2829s | didn't um hilmar was quoted once as |
2832s | saying when they made eve they were |
2834s | hoping for it to last five years |
2839s | so we're 14 years past the best before |
2842s | date |
2844s | no wonder it's a little stale |
2847s | is this eve taste off to you |
2854s | back to the swings |
2858s | so what's full of bugs in the morning |
2859s | sand and salt at noon and empty in the |
2861s | evening |
2863s | a video game |
2864s | just in case you didn't get that |
2867s | far as i'm concerned when i play i still |
2869s | see a lot of salt |
2872s | the game is still there i think we're |
2873s | still in our afternoon occasionally some |
2875s | of you can convince me it might be |
2877s | getting close to late afternoon |
2879s | if you're looking at the graph |
2882s | but seeing as i did one poem you didn't |
2885s | expect this to be a poetry reading did |
2886s | you ha |
2887s | i didn't mention that in the outline |
2890s | uh quote and most of you will know this |
2892s | quote from a movie i enjoyed but do not |
2895s | go gentle into the good night |
2897s | old age should burn and rave at the |
2899s | close of day |
2901s | rage rage against the dying of the light |
2904s | though wise men at their end no dark is |
2907s | right |
2908s | because their words have fork no |
2909s | lightning they do not go gently into |
2912s | that good night dylan thomas |
2918s | eve may go down eventually but i think |
2919s | it's going to go down with us kicking |
2921s | and screaming |
2922s | there are some people who you know the |
2924s | running joke is i won't be there when |
2926s | they turn the lights out you know some |
2928s | of us have that loyalty that the only |
2931s | way i won't be here when they turn the |
2932s | lights out is probably my lights will |
2934s | get turned out first |
2938s | here's a weird one for you for the older |
2940s | people in the game i actually have |
2942s | arranged with ccp for the bus assets to |
2945s | be passed back into the game as opposed |
2948s | to lost if i pass away i've got my |
2950s | daughter has the communication |
2953s | to i've made a game will |
2957s | because the game assets are important to |
2959s | me |
2960s | they're not a real thing they're pixels |
2963s | and we sign a eula that says they're not |
2965s | even your pixels |
2967s | you know technically you don't own |
2969s | anything in eve you got a nice badge |
2972s | this is real and it's mine |
2975s | but you don't own any of the pixels but |
2977s | i actually want to make sure that the |
2979s | bus that the material goes back any plex |
2982s | that i have at the time i want donated |
2984s | to the next plex for good |
2986s | if there's another charity organization |
2988s | running at that time i want the risk |
2990s | pass there or just bought biplex on that |
2992s | day and donate that to plex for good i |
2994s | have written an eve will |
2998s | sorry didn't mean to depress you |
3003s | i like that image |
3007s | can you figure out where you are and |
3008s | where ccp is |
3015s | four legs in the morning two legs in the |
3017s | afternoon and three legs in the evening |
3018s | the answer man |
3020s | in the morning he crawls like a baby in |
3022s | the daytime |
3023s | he walks on two legs in the evening we |
3026s | all |
3026s | i actually brought a cane and i was |
3028s | going to do a little magic trick and |
3029s | make the cane appear unfortunately they |
3032s | suddenly said it's 10 o'clock |
3034s | so |
3036s | magicians should never tell somebody |
3037s | that there's about to be a trick but i |
3039s | don't really care |
3045s | sorry |
3046s | i knew that would happen |
3050s | [Music] |
3053s | that is the end of the talk except for |
3054s | the stupid magic trick |
3058s | i was happy with this i really wanted to |
3060s | do this |
3061s | so i'm going to do it whether it looks |
3063s | good or not |
3066s | so |
3067s | i am in my twilight |
3069s | i have my cane |
3072s | are there any questions |
3075s | any comments if you want stuff about the |
3077s | csm we don't have a csm round table this |
3079s | fan fest so if you want to ask some csm |
3081s | questions you're welcome |
3083s | you might assume i pay attention |
3088s | but |
3090s | that's it |
3106s | are there any questions comments |
3109s | unfortunately they haven't given you any |
3110s | tomatoes to throw |
3113s | no well there are some lovely talk |
3115s | people talking to you that probably know |
3117s | a lot more than i do i know i'm looking |
3119s | forward to seeing some of the other |
3120s | speakers today |
3122s | so i hope to see some of you out in the |
3124s | hallway between and i am glad that you |
3126s | all came all the way to iceland i'm glad |
3128s | i came all the way to iceland i'm from |
3130s | west coast canada |
3132s | so |
3133s | it's a long flight and i i'm built on |
3136s | the large economy size i don't fit |
3138s | airplanes |
3143s | but my family's here they're having a |
3144s | grand time |
3146s | i get to drive the golden circle |
3148s | tomorrow |
3149s | and have a bit of fun |
3151s | thank you very much you've been both of |
3153s | you have been very patient |
3157s | [Applause] |
3170s | you |