about 1 month ago - EVE Online Team - Direct link

Visionary capsuleers,

2024 was a year of bold moves, monumental clashes, and unrelenting creativity, and the foundations that have been laid will continue to be built upon in 2025 and beyond.

2025 director stream timeline

In the first EVE Online Directors’ Chat of 2025 CCP Burger, CCP Okami and CCP Rattati talk to CCP Swift about some of the astounding things that players achieved in 2024, give a little insight into what can be expected in the two expansions coming in 2025, and discuss what an expansion means for EVE Online. The chat also touches on some changes and activities that players can expect to see in the game soon, a path to healthy projection, and much more.

We thank you for a fantastic 2024 and are thrilled to cast our eyes towards what is coming in what we hope will be an even more exciting time in New Eden for you, our amazing EVE community.

Grab a Quafe, watch the recording, and uncover what expansion-flavour crystals and T.O.I.S.F.A.F.S could possibly mean.

Fly safe.


about 1 month ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s hello everyone I am CCB Swift join with
8s some amazing guests to chat with you a
10s little bit about what you can expect in
12s 2025 from EV online uh let's get started
16s I joined by cisb Okami in the middle
18s here our game design director cisb Rari
21s of course our game director and cisb
23s burger our creative director how you
24s guys doing awesome man yeah really good
27s thanks for having us yeah course welcome
29s to my corner of the pulse barar or
31s wherever we are yeah in space in space
34s in Sp don't worry we're safe everyone um
38s but yeah we just wanted to kind of look
39s forward to a little bit about what we
41s can expect in 2025 uh it's been a while
43s since we chatted with you actually since
45s the Revenant expansion so tell us like
48s what has happened a little bit since
49s since uh we last chatted well
52s the you all have been quite busy
55s shooting each other in the face uh lot
58s of explosions lot of lot of uh beautiful
61s ships being built and and space claimed
64s and space lost and massive migration
67s resets I mean yeah yeah you name it uh I
70s think we've been really busy since the
73s expansion actually with follow-up
74s releases which is something that we kind
76s of talked about uh in the beginning of
80s the expansion phase was like we were
82s going to roll it out in kind of a couple
84s of releases for example Sky hooks uh
88s iterations and then we we've basically
89s been following going more up on quality
91s of life and stuff like that we that we
93s didn't plan but kind of kept in our back
96s pocket if it if it kind of happened to
99s happen uh so there's been a lot of
101s unexpected unplanned for and and un kind
104s of uh released we didn't talk about
107s these things before the pi upgrade Etc
110s like they were they were just kind of on
111s a backlog and and waiting for the right
113s opportunity to strike so we've been kind
116s of seeing that way more than we expected
118s kind of in this expansion era
121s so that's kind of drying up now as we
123s enter planning for the next expansion
125s but it's been hell of a ride yeah and
127s since we last spoke uh we've seen a lot
129s more narrative events as well uh in in
132s Revenant uh uh leading up to the the
134s launch and uh even Beyond so a few more
138s in-game events uh and other live things
141s like that as well on top of all the game
143s balancing and content updates we've done
146s yeah yeah it's been like a really active
148s year uh really active back half the year
151s yeah U you mentioned the the pi
153s templates the team that was responsible
156s for it wants to make sure that you guys
157s know it wasn't only because of the
159s Reddit threads they were actually
160s working on that the memes were pretty
162s good yeah but the memes the memes gave
164s them a little bit fuel to kind of get
166s over the edge a little bit uh dread
167s insurance was another one that that
169s popped up um this is something that you
171s know people who like Dread BS are really
174s enjoying uh metox mood drills give them
176s a great venue to do this stuff and I
179s think in the last like 3 years Years and
180s we're just looking at some data the
182s number of dreads that have been killed
183s both in like isk value and just sheer
186s number uh is that like a really big high
188s point for
189s 2024 it's exciting to see what players
192s might do in uh in 2025 with those yeah
195s yeah dread fights are always fun and I
198s think yeah it's been really amazing to
200s see how the metox has kind of How It's
202s entered new Eden and and how it's kind
205s of changed up how players uh or
208s capsuleers actually
210s claim space and and hold space and and
213s yeah attack stuff so it's been a very
215s healthy change and and we but we keep on
217s you know we're still like looking at it
220s and and focusing at it and seeing what
222s what all the things we can learn from it
224s and and improve and the size and sort of
226s like a rate and Cadence of those
228s conflicts as well yeah um not just epic
231s Grand scale battles in you know solv
234s space but smaller more like intense and
237s uh interesting battles as well and just
240s real value you can see that like uh
243s there's a reason to put them into space
245s people really want to be able to kind of
247s generate this value uh and and are
249s willing to commit the resources and and
251s risk them but we also have I think a
254s better balance in the sky hooks now they
257s were all in the same timer in the
259s beginning but now they've kind of slowly
261s being kind of uh spread out so there's
264s way more opportunities for people to to
266s to find something if they go in a Rome
268s if it's Sky hooks if it's a methano Etc
270s so mer yeah y mto's yeah exactly BL up
275s mer yep yeah my little group that I've
278s flying with recently every time we just
280s film it somewhere in space there's
282s always something within five or 10 jumps
284s we rarely make it more than five jumps
286s before we meet our ultimate demise uh
289s and the community team also have a
290s stream every Friday uh we barely make
293s get one jump most of the time that's
295s because people are they're out for
296s looking for corpses the corpse trade uh
299s and we should actually you guys on
300s pretty soon so we can get some s corpses
304s rare I'm sure nobody has my corpse yet
306s so oh so good put that out there who's
309s going to be first yeah my my corpse is
311s devalued completely the the floor is
313s falling out uh we also had the alliance
315s tournament the 20th Alliance tournament
318s which was pretty crazy to see uh people
321s like compete all out for them had
324s tournament battleships For The First
325s Time in Forever in the python uh so
329s python got killed
330s yeah uh yeah yeah I'm happy to see that
333s that uh our community is is doing an
336s amazing job at killing python I mean
338s we're trying to you know slowly upgrade
341s our python but but this is yeah one way
343s of doing it python Z yay NS
347s nerds and see T you had mentioned that
350s you've been kind of watching Alliance
351s touring priz ships and you've been like
353s really surprised that how many of them
355s were dying the last cou there was a
357s there was a a calling of of the heard
361s yeah I remember a couple of months ago
362s just like just one after another after
364s another don't know what it was if it was
367s a a failed deployment or like uh someone
369s moving but like I love I love seeing
372s people use their ships and get them in
374s space get that risk out there yeah it's
376s been really nice since we brought the
378s Alli morning back we actually up the
379s amount of price ships that players get
381s and that's really we've seen them being
383s like they've been less like sitting in
385s the hanger collecting dust more like
388s I'll take it out for a real let's just
389s see what happens happens and a lot of
391s times what happens is like some insanely
394s motivated person sets a trap for them
397s and kills them which is always
399s fun all right but that was 2024 uh a lot
402s of stuff towards the back half of the
403s Year let's look forward to to 2025 what
406s can players kind of expect for like the
408s year just high level stuff so uh yeah 25
414s it's going to be a huge year for us uh
416s we're planning two expansions a summer
417s expansion and the Venture expansion so
420s so and we've already started uh I mean
423s we've laid down the lines for for the
425s whole year and the team is in
426s pre-production for for the summer
429s expansion so very very very busy time at
432s CCP right now uh lot of back and forth
435s and we have the CSM in this week so so
438s it's a it's the best time of the year
441s actually to to come in and and have uh
444s they both have the opportunity to to
446s look at you know what we're doing for
448s for the summer but they also can help us
450s kind of shape how winter will look like
454s and kind of what the big you know big
456s talking points for winter will be um and
459s you know what we what we bring into
461s FanFest because it's a FanFest here yes
465s FanFest returns to harpa this year yeah
467s and we were talking about just before
469s it's the first time we've returned to
470s harpa since 2018 which is mind-blowing
473s to us I remember it like so vividly as a
475s player uh and it's going to be nice to
477s see all the player flags hanging down
479s and harpa and just uh just the whole
482s vibe that it brings I can't believe it
484s since 2018 like
486s we're yeah yeah it'll be my
489s first first FanFest amazing so you see
492s first FanFest are you going to be like
493s on stage doing stuff are you going to be
494s blending in the I don't know yet to be
496s honest we'll we'll find out we'll find
497s out nice yeah my favorite part about
500s FanFest here in ranky is just because
502s rank's so small when the players come in
505s to visit you can notice them everywhere
507s yeah like every restaurant every bar
509s just every street you just be like hey
511s is that is that guy talking about eeve
513s yeah I think he is like I've heard that
516s voice before I wonder what that guy
517s looks like uh and it's it's so much fun
520s yeah 2018 I had the best thing like
521s random street not even in downtown R
524s like I player walked up to me on a
526s Sunday like I'm sorry I don't want to
528s bother you but are you CB burger and my
531s my son was with me and he thought it was
534s the coolest thing ever he couldn't
536s believe how cool this was he was like
538s there was a random like rontom Foreigner
540s that came to my dad and he knew who he
542s was nice yep I'm I'm famous for one
546s weekend nice yeah I my kids don't even
549s like bother anymore they're just jaded
552s they're like hey kids I'm on the stream
554s like U I guess I'll go troll you
557s or yeah yeah twist stret is going to
560s be who's this guyet
564s yeah it's the kids it's my kids yeah but
568s looking forward for for 20 the summer of
570s 2025 I know we were talking about like
573s uh the expansions not really just like a
575s moment in time but kind of like a
576s Continuum just before there's going to
578s be stuff just after there's going to be
580s stuff kind of building on major themes
583s um and I know it seems to be
584s you were mentioning that um in previous
587s expansions there were kind of like a lot
589s more of laying foundations uh and then
592s this one is going to be a little bit
593s more building on top of those
595s foundations yeah so uh we have since we
598s started expansions there's kind of been
600s a through line is about organized goals
603s trying to help players organize
605s themselves and and like core projects
607s and all that that's kind of a big Lane
609s and we keep investing in it uh and we'll
611s continue we call it Strategic investment
613s we're basically saying like this is
615s something we're like we think is core of
617s the game so we're going to invest and
619s invest and invest and iterate and
620s iterate so we basically gone through
622s multiple iterations multiple expansions
624s on that topic um we have another Lane
629s which is based basically a lot about
630s like uh sovereignty how does sovereignty
633s work how do the Rules of Engagement work
636s how does dynamic security work like all
639s of those things kind of are in that
641s future of War how do people fight over
643s things and own things so like each
645s expansion is chipping away at that MH
648s and now we're seeing like an iteration
650s further on that and primarily on top of
653s Equinox of because that like a lot of
655s work went into a lot of thought went
657s into making it really robust really
660s scalable and really allowing people to
662s express both what they want to fight for
665s the resources they want to and
666s ultimately customize their own space uh
669s like their colors what they stand for
672s really so we will continue on that we
676s are going to iterate a lot on eono of
678s this year uh listen to a lot of feedback
681s like what people want Dynamic resources
684s etc etc uh and we'll see more way more
688s uh as as as we get Clos closer to we're
690s actually in the mid of pre-production at
692s the moment so we don't have all the
693s answers but we're definitely 100%
696s investing a lot in that and then
697s freelance projects which we've talked
699s about before a bit Yeah and these are
702s these are really big changes and and we
705s realize that you know big Changs like
707s these they need time to to uh to
711s percolate and they need time to
713s basically kind of live up to to you know
716s what we hope they they will kind of
718s become um so we don't want to we don't
721s want to rush these things it's better to
723s take kind of small steps really monitor
726s listen to feedback you know we're in
728s very active conversation with the CSM
730s and and with thought leaders in the
732s community um and and basically allow it
735s to kind of build up slowly and we've
737s seen this I mean this was very
740s successful when we did Photon for
741s instance like just kind of yeah be quite
745s arate about about kind of forward
747s momentum but never never jump too far
750s hats yeah yeah it's a really good like
752s uh really good way to kind of get the
753s changes that are really big that you
755s guys were Bing there's no way in a
757s single expansion passion would be able
759s to solve every problem build every
761s system so just building just having
763s things that we can build on top of Y uh
765s is you know really methodical it's going
768s to be exciting I know players are excit
770s are going to be excited to see like what
772s what that even looks like when we build
774s on top of
775s things and it's it's it's also great to
778s to be able to kind of
780s go back a year or so and and take a look
782s at the feature set and you know how how
784s the community has actually taken these
785s tools and how they've made these tools
788s their own in a way um and even if we say
791s that we're iterating on and building on
793s Foundation we've already laid there's
796s plenty of opportunity for for innovation
799s in there and there's plenty of
800s opportunity for new it's not just
802s tweaking numbers or you know changing
804s the shade of green that we're using for
806s something but yeah know there's a lot of
808s opportunity to to build new there's been
811s a lot of investment in also we're
813s learning how to use quazar and this Tech
816s also behind the scenes uh and a lot of
819s it is also about like okay we did a we
822s did this last year and it's almost like
824s we need to kind of update a little bit
826s because we're like we're on cutting edge
828s of how we work with this um a lot of it
831s uh is also learning about just adding
833s content to like the contribution methods
835s for example it sounds trivial to say
838s like okay we add like why can't we just
840s add more of these contribution methods
842s it's because learning how to to just
844s work with them uh but we're also trying
846s to facilitate game designers to be able
849s to like figure out the code where we can
851s just like add 10 20 instead of one or
854s two a year so we're also trying to
856s unlock that design power um and we're
859s like making good progress there's a kind
862s of there's a lot of momentum in this Y
864s and it's it's a balancing act for us too
866s like it's always about us trying to find
868s something new that we can kind
869s introduced while we're trying to finish
871s something or really take something to
873s the next level that we started and maybe
875s dig into the wayb back machine and say
876s like ah it's kind of not working so all
879s of these things are kind of like we're
880s balancing at the same time M nice yeah
883s it's really cool to see how this works
885s in progress uh and you know I think I
888s was talking to see be trash Panda about
889s the mercenary dens and the mercenary
892s tactical operations like the little
893s dungeons that spawn because of them he
896s was so excited because like in the
897s future he knows that this Tech could
899s could be used for a number of things
901s like I could have someone make their own
903s missions with this thing now it unlocks
906s so many future doors uh to look at down
908s the future but yeah and if you if you
910s look at them in in uh like if you look
913s at them next to Corporation projects
914s like there's a lot of interesting olap
916s that starts to happen there and and this
918s is ultimately like I mean we've been
920s talking about this for years now uh
922s we're always trying to give more
924s controls to capsu like we want come we
928s want we want to give you know the power
930s to the to the player and allow them to
932s you know if it's customizing you know
935s the the visuals of their space or their
937s ship or their structure or you know
940s build content for their members or you
943s know set an agenda for for what you know
946s whatever you want to do um so these are
948s all kind of steps in that direction like
950s how can we give you more control yeah I
952s know a lot of especially for Corporation
954s projects a lot of it's actually inspired
956s what why players by what they've built
958s to exist out of the game as well so like
960s they're feeling a need and we're
962s recognizing that and just kind of giving
964s them a little bit more tools to unleash
966s their creativity yeah we love we love
968s player tools but anytime we can look at
970s those patterns and like find a way to
971s just bring those things in game where it
974s makes sense too like that's that's
975s always another thing that we're trying
977s to balance is is like what what's a need
979s that people are trying to fulfill
981s outside of the game that we haven't
982s provided yet yeah and kind of you know
984s and then in in some way kind of lower
986s the barrier of Entry because you know
989s having to open up a third party tool and
991s log in and get into all the nitty-gritty
992s and you know form an IT department uh in
995s your corporation to to fully connect
997s things like if we can cre create an
999s intermediary stat between you know
1002s between you starting the game and having
1003s to do that like I mean we're not
1007s yeah these third party tools are super
1009s powerful but but you know there's a time
1012s in place you know for when you to jump
1014s into them yeah it's kind of like the
1015s that's like the PHD program it's your
1018s your and in like inherently also a bit
1021s unfair like the halves and have knots
1024s are kind of like you don't have it any
1027s don't you're not aware that other people
1029s have them until you realize and then
1030s you're like okay how how how would I how
1033s how could I even been able to C catch up
1036s with with others yeah uh we are actually
1038s monitoring core projects uh based on
1041s just like uh you know tiny Corporation
1043s mid corporation like small like just we
1045s have like a whole uh monitoring Suite of
1048s like just
1049s adoption mhm like how many sub five
1052s character corporations are using them
1054s Etc and we're we're actively trying to
1057s make sure that that like all the the the
1060s the directors are aware that these exist
1062s first of all and then just trying to
1064s understand their needs like what do 10
1068s man corporations need the most like is
1071s it donation centers or like is it is a
1073s different thing or are we kind of blind
1075s and they they're missing like a key
1077s component so they can start using it but
1079s we're trying to cover our basis and we
1082s listen to the CSM a lot so I think we're
1084s we're we're aiming for like full
1087s adoption of these for I would say mid to
1090s like up to large and then eventually
1093s large and and bigger will have third
1095s party alliances Etc we won't ever cover
1098s everything that big alliances are going
1099s to do but we really want to be like
1101s keeping an eye out for the the little
1103s man in this I think what you're saying
1106s is cor projects are awesome and if you
1108s haven't tried them yet you should go
1109s yeah exactly exactly it's always
1112s exciting to to read like a story that
1114s someone will put out on like a blog or
1115s even on Twitter somethingone like oh my
1117s Corp finally built this astr house and
1120s we were able to do that because we had
1121s these cor projects working for it and
1124s like everyone in different time zones
1125s were able to contributing and love I
1127s always love those those are so much fun
1128s so I mean just just to like take this
1131s for a second like it's a it's a very
1133s cool thing not a lot of games have this
1135s sort of a system in them right like I
1137s don't know if any other game where you
1139s has anything this for a bust where you
1140s can effectively create jobs and missions
1143s for players around you to to go do um
1146s it's a very Eve it's very cool yeah it
1149s is very much an eve
1151s thing to make other people do work for
1153s you and probably scam them in the
1155s process like I can't wait for free form
1158s contracts where or people can just do a
1160s little bit more of like hey you should
1162s give me all of the tritanium you have
1164s and in return I'll give you like a
1167s thumbs up yeah
1170s now the analogy of a Merc then that's
1172s authored by a player isn't like that far
1174s off like uh freelance projects are
1176s really
1177s about uh reaching outside of your
1180s corporation like how do you extend kind
1182s of an imitation how do you like like
1184s kind of Matchmaker so like theoretically
1188s you should you could as a new player be
1189s flying in heac and and come upon a
1192s mercenary Den that someone deployed but
1195s in fact that the operations inside are
1197s are are someone corporations just
1200s decided to drop this down and just uh
1203s and then then you realize you're working
1205s for a player Corporation and not an NPC
1207s Corporation and then you have like a
1208s handshake moment uh it's kind of like an
1211s ice breaker in that sense they're like
1213s oh okay it is a player it's not just an
1216s NPC and then hopefully there's a
1218s recruitment that happens because we're
1220s basically all our onboarding uh efforts
1223s have been a round not tutorial liing but
1227s just Quicken
1230s the recruitment just as fast as we can
1232s get you into a player proration that's
1234s our model yeah so when we think forward
1236s freelance projects really it's it's a
1238s lot of it's not only about creating an
1240s ecosystem for our existing players but
1243s but like you said kind of Shifting that
1245s to uh the sense of building a
1247s relationship between corporations and
1248s new players as well and being able to
1250s help them kind of reach out and create a
1253s handshake and and an introduction uh
1255s that helps bring new people into those
1257s corporations and into Eve into the
1259s ecosystem in a in a more friendly way
1262s yeah there's there's no guide that we
1263s can write that's going to replace no
1265s exactly you know a player running into
1267s another player and then being like
1269s here's what you need to know no new
1270s player experience nothing no tutorial
1272s that will teach you no missions or no
1275s level three missions or four like it's
1277s it's never going to be sustainable we
1279s want people to just help each other
1281s complete the first 20 30 hours together
1285s that's the fastest possible and and I
1287s mean there are multiple layers to this
1288s as well like it's it's yeah we want to
1290s get players into player new capsuls into
1293s player corporations as soon as possible
1295s but there are like steps you know
1297s towards that point and you know the
1299s sooner you get into a fleet I mean have
1301s to have to give uh the npsi fleet SAR
1304s out I mean they do an amazing job of of
1307s getting new players into fleets for the
1309s first time and we see when they when
1310s they join a fleet and they have this
1313s human interaction for the first time in
1315s in in Eve it's incredibly valuable and
1319s and yeah it's all about the social
1321s freelance projects even like we talk a
1323s lot about it because it's really
1325s important to us it's kind of like the
1326s culmination it's the like we've gone
1328s through Corporation projects that's like
1330s what happens in and then like extending
1332s it we need to kind of figure out new
1334s rules like how do you you you you don't
1337s just listen to the like the directors
1340s and they can you do like approve things
1342s this is more like an opin system but
1344s from a nulc perspective or low
1346s perspective you're also working kind of
1348s you don't have have to organize all the
1350s alliance stuff you can just create
1351s freelance projects and your kind of
1353s affiliation corporations or kind of like
1356s Loosely for like you can still chip into
1359s an alliance Project without being an
1360s alliance project it just like here's
1362s stuff that here's useful stuff to do
1364s yeah and everyone's just like flying
1366s around and doing stuff so it's it's
1367s really powerful that and it also like it
1370s also helps a lot with the freeler
1371s fantasy like being able to just you know
1373s fly around doing random jobs for random
1376s corporations without you having to be a
1377s part of tment mhm it's way cooler doing
1380s stuff for player corporations or CP
1382s authoring them yeah or authoring them
1384s yeah and I mean as a New York player
1386s like like just being able to log in and
1387s and like look at work I can do for other
1389s people that makes me feel like I'm
1391s contributing to something meaningful is
1393s is also really powerful yeah you might
1394s not be in that big battle but hey I I I
1397s remember I recognized that name they had
1400s me built a stiletto oh that stiletto got
1402s tackle like ah you can kind of trace it
1404s back all the way to you yeah and
1407s also the these projects I mean they
1411s self-balance because they are not
1412s generating new new isk into the
1415s ecosystem it's just movement of is that
1418s already exists so it doesn't really
1421s matter if a corporation decides to pay
1423s you know one trillion per unit or one
1426s isk per unit like that's just down to
1429s the players if you want to participate
1430s or not but if if an NPC project pays 1
1434s trillion like the balance of the
1436s universe will will uh yeah yeah shift
1439s it'll definitely affect the Mia yeah
1442s it's a great Point uh okay but looking
1445s looking a little bit more deeper at 2025
1447s we got the two expansions that you were
1448s chatting about we also have some uh
1451s events that players can kind of look
1453s forward to expecting uh C were kind of
1456s talking about capsu day yeah a little
1457s bit before tell me a little bit about
1459s sure any any any tips or tricks or hits
1462s well so I think capsu day has become a
1465s staple for us now like we're seeing it
1467s happen pretty regularly
1469s um and you can expect it again this year
1472s uh but there's going to be some
1473s differences I don't want to really spoil
1475s what those are at this point um but
1477s we're looking at at making some updates
1479s to it uh and maybe integrating it into
1483s parts of what Revenant
1485s is nice nice so we've been talking a lot
1487s about what like players have been up to
1490s but the the new Eden has been doing some
1492s some stuff as well like if if people
1495s have't been paying too much attention C
1497s burger what what's been going on what
1498s have The Drifters been up to what's
1501s what's the deaths doing yeah there's
1503s been some some uh quite a lot of
1506s activity from yeah in 2024 and and uh
1511s it's been interesting to follow
1512s especially the what uh Mr deathless has
1515s been up to and he's been been uh
1518s wreaking havoc as he as he claimed that
1520s he would he would do and uh been very
1523s active in developing a new type of work
1525s clones the vanard work clones uh and
1528s those uh they've actually been been
1530s testing that technology it's reported
1532s that they've been testing that uh
1534s technology and on on the surfaces of of
1537s planets in new Eden and and uh in some
1540s cases actually Shifting the the uh
1542s balance of power with uh contributing to
1546s to insurgencies and and uh yeah so
1549s that's been very exciting uh that is
1553s also kind
1554s of kicked an old enemy uh uh back into
1559s gear so we saw we saw The Drifters uh
1562s take quite an offense to to the
1564s deathless uh late last year and uh yeah
1569s by Yeah by they managed to be yeah
1572s deathless managed to kind of kick them
1574s out of of uh sarak with the help with
1576s the capsu the help with the capsu and uh
1579s but but it's I think it's quite obvious
1582s that they haven't they haven't the last
1585s work yeah well I think some cool things
1587s we've learned a little bit for the L
1588s nerds who have been digging uh more
1590s about the identity of the deathless in
1592s this expansion in Revenant uh and uh
1596s with s speaking of zarak uh the
1598s deathless were sitting on top of some
1599s interesting technology that they weren't
1601s even aware of until Revenant kicked off
1604s which was the warden so the structure
1606s that's appeared there where you can go
1607s kind of trade in your infomorph for
1610s mercenary dens and other andless ships
1613s uh and rewards like that um so this has
1616s clearly built a tension between the The
1618s Drifters and the deathless uh that
1621s continues to perpetuate not only
1624s throughout the sort of buildup and sort
1625s of inception of revenant but throughout
1628s and so uh I hope that very soon you you
1631s might see a little bit more of that
1632s coming as well but it's it's I mean
1635s there there must be a reason why why The
1637s Drifters are interested in this in in
1639s sarak and I think it's quite obvious
1642s that we only scratch the surface of of
1645s yeah what
1647s sarak kep
1649s I think that while the the tension and
1652s the conflict is very visible sort of the
1655s uh kind underlying mystery of it is is
1658s yet to unfold nice well hopefully we can
1660s learn a little bit more about that uh
1662s and yeah we we shed a lot about caps Le
1664s day uh Crimson Harvest winter Nexus but
1667s there are kind of like these events that
1669s pop out that are related to the story a
1671s little bit where people can get involved
1672s so we really should kind of just keep an
1674s eye out for that maybe it'll be soon who
1676s knows yeah who knows maybe you can help
1677s write the story of of uh you know what
1680s the deaths are getting up to or maybe
1682s you'll be supporting The Drifters uh I
1684s know we can never figure out what
1685s players are going to do we've given up
1687s trying to like do understand what
1689s they'll do and just like say anything
1691s Happ
1693s yeah but yeah between now and the summer
1696s there's also a couple things that we're
1697s kind of keeping an eye on very actively
1700s uh projection of course is one of those
1701s topics uh last year we chatted a lot
1704s about projection uh made a few changes
1706s you know Equinox of saw the number of of
1708s black J Bridges be reduced just by
1711s virtue of how they are uh zarak the gate
1713s polarization that the death was put in
1715s place made that less of a super highway
1718s more of just like a place where you can
1720s go and then hop to the front lines um
1723s but you know kind of what do we have in
1726s plan for projection in the
1729s future yeah so I I mean maybe we can
1732s start talking about what healthy
1734s projection looks like first and then how
1736s we want to get there I think for us uh
1738s Health projection is really about
1740s looking at player Mobility capsular
1742s mobility in the game as a whole uh and
1745s saying like there's a concept of local
1747s traversal so I can travel within my you
1751s know owned Sol space do the work do the
1754s regular things I like to do but when it
1756s comes to bigger battles and response
1759s times that sort of like feeling of a
1760s super highway where I can just get to
1761s the other side of the the Galaxy right
1764s now feels it's it's a little bit too
1766s easy to do that it's too easy to be
1768s responsive and so that that really
1770s creates a a sense of like too high risk
1773s for people to want to mobilize and other
1775s things so uh we really want to look at
1777s that sort of long range projection uh
1780s and sort of make the the healthier sort
1782s of um shorter term home space traversal
1787s uh still feel accessible to to people so
1789s that I think that's what we're working
1790s towards in terms of healthy projection
1794s um this really isn't a problem that you
1796s just take a hammer to though and that's
1798s something we've learned um I think when
1800s it comes to trying to solve this one
1802s it's something that we have to take
1803s small steps towards so we're constantly
1806s doing that we're constantly looking at
1807s things like uh who can who can travel
1811s through Gates um in the future maybe
1814s types of gates that you can have
1815s different different styles um the
1818s positions of gates and where they're at
1820s and and how that impacts the overall
1821s travel time uh and so I think you can
1824s expect to see some of those changes kind
1826s of coming up in the near future as we
1828s iterate towards solving this this sticky
1831s tangly problem without without making it
1833s worse for everybody mhm like the the the
1836s right sacrifices so like the economics
1839s of of the old uh Fuel and isk basically
1843s were like almost reduced to isk isn't
1846s enough to to balance a system like this
1848s so that's where Workforce and and those
1851s planetary uh resources come into play
1853s where we can actually play with like
1854s okay if you want that kind of Mobility
1857s you're going to have to cough up a lot
1860s of like uh resources to do so um and
1863s we've been testing that those things
1865s with the methano for example just like
1867s tuning a little bit the fuel cost and
1869s this and here so we are uh taking baby
1872s steps probably frustratingly small baby
1874s steps at the moment like certainly for
1877s me like I've been hoping to kind of get
1880s more traction on this uh this has been
1882s an ongoing concern for a pretty long
1884s time but you know smaller steps are
1887s better and we have been kind of trimming
1888s it will continue to trim probably it's
1891s going to be it's it's mostly about
1894s trimming projection at the moment until
1897s we find the right balance of like but if
1899s you want to more it's going to cost this
1902s and this and this you're going have to
1903s trade these things space topiary yes
1905s there's a little bit of so I think uh I
1908s think that's healthy and I I feel that
1911s the community and the CSM are kind of
1913s all in agreement it was too much we need
1916s to cut it a bit down until we're kind of
1918s in a in a better place but I think we
1920s recognize that it's it's it's a thing
1923s that
1924s we and every every time we take an
1926s iteration every time we release we're
1929s looking at at taking a step towards M
1931s better yeah and I mean we're not trying
1934s to lie to ourselves that there is a
1936s silver bullet to solve it it is it will
1938s be solved through work and iterations
1941s okay yeah it's really nice to to hear
1945s from you guys what you think a good
1947s system looks like like and kind of what
1949s we're working towards rather than like
1951s oh we're going to do this one thing uh
1953s and then you know in 5 years we'll look
1955s at it again like no no we got to get
1956s there it's going to take a while yeah uh
1959s another thing that you know players if
1960s you've checked out the me or you're like
1964s anywhere where people discuss the
1965s economy one thing that players are kind
1967s of concerned about that you guys also
1969s look at pretty regularly is things like
1971s the mineral price index uh the cost of
1974s Plex uh the state of the economy in
1976s general in terms of sinks and faucets uh
1978s like what does that kind of look like to
1980s when for your
1982s day-to-day I think to to start maybe I
1984s got get a little philosophical here and
1986s then we can get into the practicals of
1988s it um The Challenge we have with
1991s balancing a game like Eve is that Eve is
1995s is both a simulation and a game right
1998s and so I think when you have when you're
2000s simulating a robust economy like this uh
2003s part of part of what you want to do is
2005s to preserve that simulation so if
2007s something starts to grow or Spike you
2009s need to rely on the fact that there is
2010s this robust player driven economy that
2013s can self-balance however it's also a
2016s game and at some point you have to look
2018s at like well is this actually good or
2019s fun or interesting or is it is it making
2022s people frustrated and driving them away
2024s and so there's this careful balance that
2025s we always take as we're as we're seeing
2027s these things happen about not just
2029s taking a big swing and a big Axe and
2031s just just like having something or
2033s doubling something and saying like well
2035s what is the real impact of this and
2037s what's the real ution because sometimes
2039s it's not just changing a number
2041s sometimes it's taking the time to make
2042s more content around that thing there
2044s something too uh so definitely like like
2047s on a day-to-day basis like we're looking
2049s at the uh you know the M as often as it
2052s comes out um you know we're always in
2055s DMS together chatting about it it's it's
2057s it's a real thing um and just trying to
2061s figure out discussing what the the CSM
2063s to and you what the real solutions are
2067s to to some of these challenges es yeah
2069s just identifying this is it an issue
2072s noise isn't an issue but noise can be
2075s definitely an issue um and I think we
2078s could go back in time and and and kind
2080s of talk about things that we were trying
2083s to address for example isogen or cost of
2085s battle battles shift Etc so there have
2088s been movements behind the scenes of like
2090s okay we have targets that we're trying
2091s to kind of at least facilitate these
2094s things um we don't have like a
2097s battleship must cost X like we don't
2099s have those kinds of things but we kind
2101s of are thinking like what's the healthy
2103s like threshold when do people keep
2106s become frustrated because it is a game
2108s versus like uh whatever like battleships
2111s are 1 trillion like the market will
2113s solve itself uh we don't want that we
2115s want to have like there are design
2117s philosophies and principle where we're
2119s like yeah but we also just want to have
2121s fun in battleships or threats so we are
2124s always looking out for a thing uh we are
2127s keeping an eye out for uh mineral prices
2130s right now but we're also looking at the
2131s CPI and thinking okay there's some
2134s there's a discrepancy between those what
2135s does that mean reality uh isogen is
2138s dropping Mor fight is going up sure is
2141s it a shortterm midterm long-term thing
2144s we have to see uh is it a real problem
2147s is it stopping things that people really
2149s want to do like Capital Construction um
2153s so we're we're basically we're sensing
2155s this and we're looking at data uh every
2157s day not just the me and we were debating
2160s these and like is there something
2162s missing is there a hidden cost whatever
2164s so and looking for those right Solutions
2166s yes we just not pumping something in
2169s just for the sake of it uh so we are
2171s monitoring 100% and we're debating it uh
2174s all day
2175s long um and we are also have been
2179s iterating more than we have been in the
2181s last couple of years the last couple of
2182s months I think y just before the
2184s expansion we were dropping like both uh
2187s econom changes for poch Bend for
2189s wormholes before that uh it changes in
2194s anomalies
2195s distributions uh rates coold Downs like
2198s all of these things are kind of being
2201s like we're using the tools uh we're
2203s using what we have and and uh I think
2206s we'll just continue doing that yeah
2208s that's that's been a huge shift in the
2210s way we think about things and and kind
2212s of approach them is not necessarily just
2214s waiting for those huge expansion beats
2216s but just making sure that we're con play
2218s like dripping in like and tending to
2220s things that need to be tended to and um
2223s I feel like it's been a really good
2225s strategy for us as a game and and I
2227s think that like I hope everybody feels
2228s it too um and we just want to kind of
2231s continue that sort of cadence and flow
2233s of just building a reliable and stable
2235s sort of cadence of of smaller changes to
2238s the game that that you guys can just
2239s feel and and maybe impact uh not just
2243s the main focus area of like let's say
2244s we're working on Sal but you can notice
2246s something in poshan or in a one Hol or
2248s something too but it's a lot about
2250s defining defining what the problem is
2253s that we're trying to solve rather than
2255s just doing random stuff you know it's
2257s it's it
2259s it's it's easy to get like thousand
2262s ideas but but you know it it's really it
2265s can be really challenging to to kind of
2268s break down the issue at hand and finding
2270s what the the core of the problems are
2272s and that's kind of where we've been
2274s spending a lot of time yeah you guys we
2276s actually just kind of touching on this a
2278s little bit like um you know in some
2280s games you have like an expansion moment
2282s and then like you don't hear anything
2284s for six months then there's another one
2286s you guys were kind of talking about like
2287s doing stuff between expansions like how
2290s it's a bit more of a a Continuum than
2292s just like this fixed point in time um
2295s what does like an expansion mean for Eve
2297s online well there's been I I think a
2299s little shift over the past year as well
2302s uh and how we're thinking about
2303s expansions it's not just being that
2305s moment in time like you said uh I think
2308s in the past we've tended to build up and
2310s you've seen that in both like terms of
2311s narrative and events and things
2313s happening in the game and then the
2315s lights come on and there's there's
2316s there's a bunch of new content and
2318s features and then we wait until the next
2321s one and maybe there's some events like
2323s like capsulator skate in between but the
2325s way we're we're really thinking about
2326s expansions now is uh it's a period in
2329s time it's it's from like one point to
2331s the next point and then the next
2333s expansion starts so all those releases
2335s that you're getting all the little
2336s tuning updates and and all those sort of
2339s narrative beats and moments uh they're
2341s all part of the expansion now we're
2342s really thinking of uh creating creating
2345s a build up to that moment where we turn
2347s the lights on and we release new
2349s features new ships new things like that
2351s uh and then little beats along the way
2353s that kind of keep you enticed and
2354s involved in a story uh and participating
2357s in How the Universe might unfold and
2359s change and even how some of them the
2362s future expansions might even happen as
2363s well so uh really it's it's it's a you
2366s know a full duration and not just that
2368s just that point is what I'm trying to
2369s get it I think it's uh we tried this
2372s this time around we put in a a a release
2377s uh before the expansion which was about
2380s kind of shi balancing there was like a
2382s little bit tuning and little
2383s improvements because he kind of wanted
2384s to have a a clean slate for the
2387s expansion because then then he dro the
2389s new things the new shifts Etc so we kind
2391s of tried to pre-b balance before the
2393s expansion the expansion kind of
2396s innovates something brand new where we
2398s move the game forward um and then in the
2401s followup we have quality of life and we
2403s balance iteration Etc and I think that's
2406s the a really good healthy way to do it
2409s so we're really uh aiming for a kind of
2414s scheduled balance meta changes but we've
2417s also learned before that like constantly
2419s sing the pot is not good but not
2422s necessarily on on top of the expansion
2425s so maybe this is kind of like a small
2427s beat expansion small bit expansion kind
2428s of cin that we and then the story line
2431s The Narrative kind of just like gently
2433s is on top to make everything a bit more
2436s kind of new something to do every day um
2439s I think that's the lesson we went like
2440s hardcore into everything in the
2443s expansion needs to be like biggest patch
2445s notes ever like everything in it they
2448s make it super beefy but it's probably
2451s not the healthiest way so we're there's
2453s something like in between we're for in
2457s that you know V we recognize that a lot
2459s of Eve players tend you know they play a
2461s lot over the course of the the the
2462s totality of that expansion and so while
2465s it's exciting to get that day that that
2467s present you unw wrap it's also nice to
2468s get little you know bursts of other
2470s content and uh events and narrative
2473s moments and fixes along the way as well
2476s and I think that just keeps everything
2478s feeling sort of healthy like I call it
2480s hygiene kind of like as tending to
2482s everything as as we need to as well and
2484s like cleaning and healthy menting the
2487s fences with mending Fen that's way
2489s better than what first came to my mind
2491s which was expansion flavor
2494s crystals yeah mending the fenes there
2496s you go that's I don't know I kind of
2497s like Flav let's just's go with that I'm
2501s sorry if that catches on it's weird
2502s thing okay but yeah so that's like the
2504s overall thought of that for um expansion
2507s that's really cool uh excited for it we
2510s already talked about a little bit of of
2512s the things that we're kind of looking at
2514s in the leadup to the summer um but like
2516s what does this kind of look like like
2518s for the summer I guess like don't want
2520s every single n-g gred detail got to save
2523s some stuff for fan pest some stuff for
2525s uh the lead up to it some surprises like
2527s generally we talked about court projects
2529s uh we talked about like Equinox of and
2532s just what do summer look like a little
2534s bit more closer to
2537s home so way more agency in in Equinox
2541s off like there's uh different upgrades
2544s more upgrades more
2545s freedom um a lot of uh kind of our
2550s takeaway was there's a lot of space
2552s that's like uh considered unusable or
2555s trash space or whatever we going of want
2556s to give like that that space a bit of a
2559s second life like what can you do with
2561s that uh true Sack or like security and
2564s how it impacts the value of systems is
2567s something that that we were all about I
2570s think there's can be very interesting
2572s things about like what you do and how
2575s you maintain control your own soft space
2577s so kind of like defensibility usability
2579s of that so there's like I would think of
2582s it as a batch of really good upgrades
2585s for equinox off um and some trade-offs
2588s because I I I I think the consensus was
2591s okay it's a really good system
2594s hypothetically but we really just have
2596s one best choice for every system so
2598s we're trying to introduce we made a
2600s Christmas tree now we're giving you
2602s decorations so so I'm I'm hoping
2605s everyone in old sex should be able to
2607s kind of customize iterate on their space
2611s a bit more and kind of make it feel a
2613s bit more home and just more full of life
2615s and
2616s resources nice that's really exciting I
2618s like I know a lot of groups that are
2620s getting like amped about like what this
2622s is going to look like for the future
2624s Every Time We Touch NOC it seems like
2626s something big will happen afterwards but
2628s you know takes some adjusting takes as
2631s you were saying CB Burger it takes a
2632s little bit time to cook and get used to
2634s things and figure out what is like what
2637s is a a need that needs to be filled uh
2640s and what is like an area that the
2641s players have like figured things out
2643s that they don't need stuff for yeah and
2645s then uh yeah then of course like we
2649s talked about earlier uh we're uh doing a
2652s big push on on freelance projects and uh
2655s so we can see like a lot of the threats
2657s that we've been kind of weaving for the
2660s last couple of years are started to come
2661s together and and you can you know it's
2663s becoming kind of a a holistic packets uh
2667s so that's going to be super cool and
2669s there's some really exciting stuff on
2670s the horizon around yeah projects and
2675s things coming together yeah I kind of
2678s the identity of a corporation is also
2680s something that we want to strengthen
2681s even further just uh we talking about
2684s the freelance projects so if you role
2687s play as a new player someone's saying
2689s like hey do this for me I'm like who are
2691s you we really want to make that kind of
2694s just like that pretty impressive like
2697s that corporations can show you who they
2699s are like you know improve the Corp
2703s finder aspect of it like who are these
2705s guys what what do they stand for U and
2708s kind of just like get into the the
2710s notion that like the NPCs they're just
2712s kind of fixed and kind of normal but
2715s what does it mean when a player
2716s corporation like shows up and and you
2719s start interacting with them like there
2720s there's something interesting a lot of
2722s times people don't understand the
2724s difference between those so I really
2726s want to highlight them as early as we
2728s can and kind of allow uh players to to
2732s to customize or like kind of make those
2734s things stand out for themselves yeah the
2737s I mean there's so
2738s much kind of the idea of a corporation
2741s Eve like there's so much cool stuff
2744s around the corporation and alliances
2745s like there there are you know Discord
2747s servers and a lot of chatter and and you
2751s know they you know people go out fly
2754s together blow stuff up and and but a lot
2757s of these things they only manifest kind
2759s of outside the client and and this is
2762s kind of been a topic for for quite some
2764s time here and and a big topic that we
2766s want to talk about at Fest and we really
2767s want to kind of have this conversation
2769s with the community on how can we start
2771s to bring some of these stuff that's only
2773s outside the client how can you kind of
2774s bring it more into the client and how
2776s can we kind of allow it to
2779s to kind of paint the experience you come
2783s into a space and you can just feel that
2784s this is you know controlled by a major
2786s power
2787s um and this is going to be kind of you
2789s know maybe not the summer expansion but
2791s more something that we will start to
2792s look at more kind of when we get close
2794s to winter but this is definitely going
2796s to be a huge topic uh at FanFest and I
2799s can see plenty of one beer two beer and
2802s three beer conversations at FanFest so
2804s make sure to to uh yeah yeah those are
2807s always kind of like the the highlights
2809s of my FanFest experience as a player
2811s we're just like bumping into a Dev being
2814s like get your beer all this one thing I
2816s really want to talk these sport Dev have
2818s heard so many horrible pitches from me
2822s about like game design stuff uh but it
2824s is still like really fun to chat with
2826s players hear what motivates them hear
2828s like what stories they're making with
2830s the tools that we gave them yeah that's
2832s always the the most exciting part I
2834s cannot wait for horrible
2836s pitches they're funny yeah right on and
2840s also you know we were talking about I
2841s think seems be you were
2843s mentioning what the future of War looks
2845s like in 2024 it was adding a lot of I
2849s forget the term he used tactical
2851s objectives in space for all Fleet sizes
2854s there you go it's so catchy yeah um
2858s t-shirts yeah uh yeah and so like what
2861s that looks like uh being like oh maybe I
2864s want to fight over a citadel I'm going
2865s to need me and my closest 500 friends uh
2868s but maybe if I'm fighting over a Skyhook
2871s or a mercenary danage just me and three
2873s or four people and kind of what more of
2875s that looks like building on top of that
2877s as an idea going into like
2880s 2025 yeah I think the methanes were a
2883s great and mercenary Dance Like These are
2886s you can do some damage just like with a
2888s tiny tiny Fleet uh or at least die
2891s trying and I think uh we were missing
2894s that we didn't have anything really to
2896s kind of tackle and I think we had heard
2898s a lot of like ah but I can't defend all
2900s these things well sometimes like just
2903s don't build you're just going to accept
2906s that you're going to get bitten by by uh
2910s mosquitoes and you're not going to be
2912s able to just like never have mosquitoes
2914s like you're going to have them and I
2916s think that's fine because these these
2918s Investments are making money in the in
2921s the long term for sure sky sky Hooks and
2924s Mer Dan and methanes are for sure like
2927s making more money than they're losing
2929s based on and and I mean like part of
2931s that's the way we balance these things
2932s in terms of cost right like a mer really
2935s not that expensive to get going and I
2937s know some people have made some pretty
2939s good cash on those as well so like the
2942s economy is really healthy uh the
2944s ecosystem's good and like yeah they're
2947s going to get destroyed but they're not
2948s you know a they've probably made you
2950s some cash and they're not super
2951s expensive to to get started up and go
2954s yeah we're talking to a few players who
2956s created some uh diplomatic incidents by
2959s dropping too many mercenary dens I think
2962s this is the the first part or the first
2964s time period where players were just
2965s looking at the types of planets that
2967s were in this space they're like oh shoot
2969s there there're not many of these this
2971s guy woke up at downtime and put down
2973s five oh that can't be uh good enough
2975s complain to their leadership now the
2977s leadership have a new set of problems
2979s they have to deal with uh and allies
2981s have to shoot up uh some other ones
2983s because they're creating Anarchy it's
2984s actually such a neat little ecosystem
2986s that that comes out of there yeah and
2988s then on top of that we have uh I mean we
2991s we have the The Great Migration happened
2993s last year and we have the big stunting
2995s reset uh January 1st this here so I
2998s think it's I think we have a very
3000s fertile ground for for uh people
3002s shooting each other in the face yeah
3004s shooting each other in the face endorsed
3006s by the CP directors endorsed endorsed
3009s officially uh but when it comes to these
3011s like ideas that we're talking about
3013s especially some of the the quality of
3014s life ones that you were mentioning C
3016s beat um and even chip balance stuff um
3019s where do we kind of source that
3021s information
3023s from that when we want to make balance
3025s changes small
3030s bre it's a methodical quasi methodical U
3034s kind of approach we basically have uh we
3038s collect them from devs collect them from
3042s ourselves uh uh I go through u a lot of
3046s historical documents a lot of old ideas
3049s are still valid so like even the old
3051s lists of like CSM lists of of of days
3054s gone are still relevant um
3057s a lot of just social commentary CSM is
3061s probably like the the strongest filter
3063s for these ideas uh but our favorite uh
3067s aside from those are just well
3070s articulated things on on social media
3073s and and uh these kind of manifestos
3076s communities come together is basically
3079s like if you all agreed enough to do this
3082s list it's probably worth taking a look
3085s at and this has this has been great
3088s because we can't play test or kind of
3090s foresee every single thing or an aspect
3092s of a thing because we we just need all
3095s the experts to come together and like
3097s okay is this is this good or bad we kind
3099s of had this conversation with uh CSM 18
3102s or even before about Force projection
3104s like don't we all kind of agree that
3106s this is a problem that was the first
3108s hurdle yeah then we'll figure out some
3110s solutions but do we kind of all agree
3112s that this is a problem and I think
3114s that's that's where we get the kind of
3116s the the best momentum and motivation to
3118s fix things if like okay they're all
3120s behind it let's let's get there yeah
3122s there's there's like a a rigor and a
3124s thoughtfulness behind some of these as
3125s well that we really appreciate and they
3127s don't always uh prescribe like how to
3130s fix something but they identify what the
3132s problems are and I think those are
3133s always the best for us because there
3135s might be multiple paths we can take
3137s right maybe even things that people
3138s don't realize we can do in terms of
3140s building features so it's always great
3142s to know like this is our our primary
3144s this is our biggest problem and this is
3146s why it's problem album and have that
3148s really well sort of like methodically
3150s articulated and documented for us has
3153s like been tremendously helpful and we've
3154s seen those for like poshan and worm
3156s holes um and so definitely really
3158s appreciated and like a conduit through
3160s our CSM um so that's been fantastic yeah
3163s but I I we too often share just like a
3167s snippet from forums of like that's
3170s actually a decent like that's pretty
3172s decent that's I I didn't think of this
3174s kind of thing and we basically just kind
3176s of share them in a slack Channel or
3178s something and say like okay is this
3180s worth pursuing then we go through like a
3183s lot of rigor of like okay we go we have
3185s a brift team team meeting where we go
3188s through opportunities we we rate them
3190s and and this is hard easy Etc so this is
3194s just like uh what we do all all day long
3197s yep or with like Pi templat sometimes it
3200s good meme helps yeah but we also
3204s like there you know sometimes we find
3206s you know we have these amazing things
3209s that come up but it's not necessarily
3211s the right time to do them or or you know
3213s there are five other steps that need to
3215s happen before this this feature happens
3217s or or this change happen so it is it is
3220s it is a t and it's an interesting puzzle
3223s to kind of and there isn't really a
3225s single single answer so when we get kind
3228s of the the problem statements
3231s clearly written or or articulated that
3234s really helps us um yeah
3237s yeah and of course right now the CSM are
3239s here y we've got them trapped for a full
3241s week chatting with us about stuff that's
3244s happening in the summer uh just all of
3246s 2025 and uh it's all locked in a room
3249s and I have the key in my pocket so no
3251s worries over there we we will free them
3254s soon don't worry you'll get your CSM
3255s back uh but yeah we have the the list of
3258s topics that we have uh as well so you
3261s know we'll uh we'll we'll let you guys
3263s know exactly what's going on and very
3265s soon after the summit we C CSM minutes
3267s as well so you can hear about stuff we
3269s chatted about a little bit stuff will be
3272s redacted so there are some surprises
3274s you'll still get the broad Strokes of
3276s everything and yeah like you mentioned
3278s it's always great when player
3279s communities come up together but yeah we
3281s hate each other in the game but uh we
3283s both agree that this is a problem that
3285s needs to be addressed uh and they kind
3287s of make this really cool document for us
3289s either give it to us directly or through
3290s the CSM or through any other means and
3293s it's just so helpful there are so many
3295s things that I've seen you guys reference
3297s from years ago that players have given
3299s us if it wasn't the right time as you
3301s had mentioned C burger like sometimes
3303s you have to wait for the right moment MH
3305s that reminds me of the CSM presentations
3307s also yeah yeah absolutely well they they
3310s really kind of present the specific
3312s thing that they're either interested in
3315s or their or their their kind of uh their
3318s group that they're lobbying for is like
3320s okay these These are usually like the
3322s highlights of the of the visit to kind
3325s of see these and they're just like
3326s really tangible they're really good and
3328s they they have a a depth of knowledge
3330s that that uh is really important it's
3332s not just like we should have three mid
3334s slots on it's way more than that yeah
3337s yeah and often times like the days like
3340s usually all the presentations are in the
3342s same date on the last day and I mean
3343s it's like a master class day you just
3345s you get to go really deep on specific
3349s topics yeah and we keep them recorded as
3351s well and I've seen like every once in a
3353s while it'll be like oh you have to
3354s refresh this one and if I don't refresh
3356s it for like a day or two someone's like
3358s hey I need this one refresh it quick uh
3361s and so they'll just like kind of often
3363s like site these presentations that the
3365s CSN give about just like the areas of
3368s space problems they run into and yeah
3370s it's it's super helpful for
3372s us um couple other things that you know
3375s players are going to be interested in of
3376s course ESI and Tech stuff is always
3379s something that you know is is on top of
3381s players Minds uh anything you can share
3383s about that yeah I mean uh we're actually
3386s planning a series of of uh Dev blocks
3388s and streams um in February so stay tuned
3392s for that uh yeah addressing everything
3394s from from ESI to to quar to other some
3399s other nice stuff that we have have in
3400s store um so yeah keep on eye on that
3404s nice and we've actually got a mass test
3406s this weekend to test uh the local quazar
3410s uh Tech mumbo jumbo so be sure to hop on
3413s the singularity uh and try and break
3415s stuff and just uh show up
3417s we'll get some good data from it and
3418s it'll help us like move the eve cluster
3421s forward yeah super important it's a it's
3424s a it's a big one yep I know uh I think s
3428s Chim changa has some like cool uh stuff
3431s uh in store that he wants to share uh
3433s both uh in in those February chats and
3435s at FanFest yeah uh and you know it's
3437s always fun to hear from them yeah I I
3439s mostly just want to show like really big
3441s numbers you know these m test like you
3443s know we had millions of some things and
3445s billions of something things and
3447s trillions of something so yeah make sure
3449s to show up so we can so we can really
3451s fulfill that trillion hope that I have
3454s yeah trillion trillion of something tril
3456s we'll get there uh but really that's it
3459s uh 2025 it's going to be a great year
3462s FanFest we're going to hear so much
3464s stuff about what's happening in the
3465s summer and Beyond uh any any last words
3469s final words not last
3471s words this is
3473s it yeah I mean I'm just super excited to
3475s see everyone FanFest uh it's going to be
3478s a wild one it's going to be a crazy one
3481s um I've already I've I've I'm still
3485s debating what the PB craw my PB craw
3487s team is going to be called but usually
3489s we we win that is our that's my role for
3493s the pep is to is to first time I hear
3496s this you won that I won prep C every
3500s year that's why home wind wind
3503s conditions are very unclear to me
3506s so what is
3508s winning uh I'm I'm just always in the
3511s like I I want to see what's next so I'm
3513s like right now we we we we're packaging
3516s the goods yeah but I really just want to
3518s like start like I live I live in the
3522s life I really want to see what's in the
3523s next patch like what of the resources
3525s that what we looking at next um but I
3529s can't wait because these are these are
3530s perly
3531s Monumental uh kind of and I would say
3534s like they they're wrapping up a bit of
3537s an era like they're really getting
3538s things into kind of a next to final
3541s State freelance project is the end of
3543s like how we were thinking about this and
3545s econom S is kind of like okay we really
3547s want to get it nail it here and then
3550s just like add stuff to it just cherries
3552s on top but these are kind of a really
3554s important beats but also full of all
3557s kinds of like crazy stuff that we're not
3559s talking about but these are the
3560s fundamentals Y and for me really just
3563s stay tuned there's more coming Revenant
3565s like I said we're in that period it's
3567s not done yet so there's there's more
3569s interesting and exciting things like
3571s about to happen and then we we're going
3573s to start to enter a new era there so uh
3575s be patient but keep keep an eye out
3578s because there's there's some pretty cool
3579s things about to happen great on well
3581s thanks for sitting down with us chatting
3583s I really look forward to to what the
3584s summer holds look forward to seeing you
3586s all at FanFest as well and I'm zby Swift
3589s take care
about 1 month ago - EVE Online - Direct link
Visionary capsuleers,

2024 was a year of bold moves, monumental clashes, and unrelenting creativity, and the foundations that have been laid will continue to be built upon in 2025 and beyond.

In the first EVE Online Directors’ Chat of 2025 CCP Burger, CCP Okami and CCP Rattati talk to CCP Swift about some of the astounding things that players achieved in 2024, give a little insight into what can be expected in the two expansions coming in 2025, and discuss what an expansion means for EVE Online. The chat also touches on some changes and activities that players can expect to see in the game soon, a path to healthy projection, and much more.

We thank you for a fantastic 2024 and are thrilled to cast our eyes towards what is coming in what we hope will be an even more exciting time in New Eden for you, our amazing EVE community.
Grab a quafe, watch the recording, and uncover what expansion-flavour crystals and T.O.I.S.F.A.F.S could possibly mean.

Fly safe.
