almost 6 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | hey I'm sue Tonya I'm joined again by |
7s | intern for this second match in this |
9s | semifinal series yeah and you can you |
12s | can't see it yet because our viewer is |
14s | still locking them up but we have a |
15s | scythe flea issue and cat earned Caldari |
18s | Navy hook bill going up against a |
19s | caracal Navy issue and Caldari Navy hook |
21s | though so we've got another color a Navy |
23s | mirror and you can see here the two hook |
25s | those immediately run after each other |
27s | and engage what's the other two what's |
29s | the other two cruisers just run past |
30s | each other you can see there that how |
32s | that kind of parent works but also the |
35s | caracal Navy issue of a dream of mirrors |
38s | has been pushed off you can see right |
40s | now that that cycle issue is gonna be on |
41s | top of the red caldari Navy hook board |
44s | he's gonna be able to apply a lot of DPS |
46s | with those autocannons and he's probably |
48s | about to kill him off a lot faster |
50s | yeah the hams from this calculus you are |
53s | probably hitting the the blue team hook |
56s | bill and I think it is actually taking |
58s | more damage despite that size being on |
60s | top of it hopefully the scythe can still |
62s | track the the hook bill about his hip |
64s | bill application apply but alters |
66s | probably apply pretty well to it so now |
68s | we've basically got a cruiser vs. |
70s | cruiser standoff both both ships are at |
73s | full HP yeah almost nothing in it just a |
76s | straight-up mirror match here but wow |
78s | you can see the amount of damage that |
80s | the caracal navy issue can do with just |
83s | one hand volley but the cyclic issue |
85s | also has it shield booster so it's gonna |
87s | be able to save a lot of HP here it |
89s | should be able to tank for a decent |
91s | amount of time but the question is can |
93s | it do enough damage to this character |
95s | Navy and perhaps more importantly can I |
97s | get on top of it because auto colors do |
99s | not have good projection and the caracal |
101s | Navy issue is a fast ship yeah issue |
104s | should be about 300 to 400 meters per |
106s | second faster than it so they both know |
110s | both mutually webbed in the both on top |
112s | of each other pretty much now |
114s | so eyeful issue looks like he's used |
116s | about two or three of his charges so far |
118s | or some over ramping there yeah I think |
120s | he's over repping and he's wasting quite |
123s | a lot of hit points by ripping pretty |
125s | aggressively looks like I think he still |
127s | has about four or five charges left in |
129s | that and so the Cal Navy issue is about |
131s | 60% shields right now so |
134s | it's gonna be a very close match I think |
135s | you can see the kind of a Navy aid |
137s | they're pulling off a little bit I think |
139s | the character the safety issue might be |
140s | trying to get his tracking a little |
143s | better that that's what it looks like to |
144s | me but this character Navy is taking a |
147s | lot of damage this could be the first |
149s | character name loss that we see so far |
150s | in this tournament yeah an innocent the |
153s | safe issue safely as she was using |
155s | managing his ex IP charges a bit better |
157s | towards the end they're not sure if he's |
160s | out or not no he's not good because like |
162s | the optimal way he wants to use this is |
165s | he wants to try and keep his shield at |
166s | about 30% so that way he can get the |
168s | maximum amount of passes shield |
170s | regeneration yeah you can see the chunks |
173s | from that cleric or Navy issue he's |
174s | probably worried about getting choked |
176s | through to armor and losing any regen at |
178s | all it looks like the Messiah the issue |
181s | is that of charges now completely unless |
184s | he's abating it looks like he is not |
188s | he's not that both teams are not webbed |
190s | to right now so I'm not really sure what |
191s | happened is the I think the suck water |
193s | safety issue is actually doing he's |
194s | actually gonna end up you do anything |
196s | away from this capital Navy issue and |
199s | try and get a reload off on his ex ASP I |
202s | said the missiles are catching up to him |
203s | but the a ham hock or Navy she only has |
206s | about thirty kilometer optimal range so |
208s | in theory and he's faster so in theory |
211s | he should be able to get away from it |
213s | although it looks like he is kind of not |
216s | doing too well at doing that right now |
218s | yeah it was amazing that they did the |
220s | safely issue even let the caracal get |
222s | out of his range in the first place |
223s | because it seemed like he just stood |
225s | still for a moment probably like I said |
227s | trying to get tracking but yeah the |
229s | ingenious plan of running away and |
231s | trying to come back in for a fight the |
233s | second time did not pan out for him as |
234s | you can see there the caracal Navy still |
236s | in 2/3 shield and winning this match for |
239s | the red team |