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EVE Online
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0s | if we break the tie are we gonna say |
4s | well well ladies and gentlemen this is a |
5s | match after my own heart and i feel like |
7s | we're also going back in time a little |
8s | bit as well we got snuffed up versus |
10s | hard knocks and my favorite ships on |
12s | grid mod please tell me about what we've |
14s | actually brought on both sides |
16s | yeah so we see that hard knocks has |
17s | brought three typhoon fleet issues with |
19s | rapid heavy missiles uh a magus a |
22s | pontifex two deacons a blackbird and |
24s | nahina snuff bringing a very similar |
27s | comp um but instead of typhoon fleet |
29s | issues choosing to go with two tempest |
31s | fleet issues of vindicator um a magus |
33s | pontifex double deacon a vengeance a |
36s | vexer and another vengeance |
38s | i gotta say i love the vindicator bits |
40s | but i also feel like these type of |
41s | fleets have entered like they're like a |
43s | bit late for the last 18 because that |
45s | was very much a common thing but here we |
47s | see triple typhoon fleet versus vindy |
49s | rush with tempest fleets |
51s | yeah and already we can see that hard |
53s | knocks is not wanting to commit |
57s | issues choosing to run away we can see |
58s | that the vindicators are already |
60s | streaming across the field um some heavy |
63s | rep drop uh bots getting deployed for |
66s | hard knocks um onto thinxx erebus being |
69s | the primary meanwhile alex o'mearas is |
71s | taking the brunt of these uh rapid |
73s | heavies but we see that um the |
76s | fleet typhoon of thinks is now being |
78s | held down by literally everything and it |
80s | will be the primary for snuff i mean |
82s | this is probably going to |
84s | go to whether or not alex can survive um |
87s | a full rapid heavy clip and if he's |
90s | interesting part as well |
92s | look at ice amar jamming out targets if |
94s | they can't kill him he's gonna be a |
96s | thorn in the side of this vindy rush |
98s | team at the moment they've obviously |
99s | they've try and go for this uh phoenix |
101s | when he went past him alex is still |
103s | holding on but that can't be he can't do |
105s | that forever there's no way |
107s | yeah i mean yeah you just have to sold |
109s | out for the duration of the rapid heavy |
111s | clip and he might just do that so we saw |
113s | that there were some jam attempts onto |
116s | the battleship core keep in mind those |
119s | jams are just attempts they're not |
120s | necessarily successful um so far it |
123s | looks like alex has survived long enough |
125s | for the clip and thinks is taking um |
128s | damage from |
130s | the vindicator appears his guns are on |
132s | for the moment |
134s | and some autocannon damage from those |
136s | two tempest fleet issues |
138s | yeah the ecm is trying his best knows |
139s | that the support wing as well has pretty |
141s | much been untouched a hyena is currently |
142s | being let's say harassed and a vengeance |
145s | has currently taken some damage but at |
146s | the moment it literally is just a big |
148s | face-to-face brawl typhoon fleet versus |
150s | tempest fleet yeah so nuke michael is |
152s | not firing okay now he is so he nuke |
155s | michael has regained luck let's take a |
157s | look at alex o'mearas um alex is |
161s | is now firing and miss kesha appears to |
164s | be |
165s | also |
166s | uh |
167s | not f actually not firing so blackbird |
171s | doing a pretty good job being able to |
172s | mitigate the damage of the vindicator |
174s | vindicator not able to get alex look at |
176s | alex |
177s | yeah but now alex is going down phoenix |
181s | is going down |
183s | um baby very very even so we also see |
186s | that stuff is getting some damage onto |
188s | the deacons of uh of four side |
190s | um |
192s | alex will go down in a second right have |
194s | to like the position |
196s | alex had like one extra rep cycle at the |
198s | end there he almost like managed to |
199s | survive but nope he's gone but they |
201s | managed to buy a bit of time now what |
203s | are they going for next looks like a |
203s | deacon's being pounded avengers being |
205s | pounded but what else are they going for |
207s | are the other type of fleets nearby i |
209s | think they've moved i think they left |
211s | yeah so i really like what the |
212s | vengeances from snuffed out did they got |
214s | on top of the beacon that was forced to |
216s | come in to save the typhoon fleet issue |
218s | and now snuff is making the absolute |
220s | right target call they are choosing to |
222s | go for the hyena get rid of the paints |
225s | that can apply to any sort of snuff um |
227s | support ships and they're getting their |
229s | vengeances on top of shari um correct |
232s | target calling from snuffed out |
234s | choosing to put the battleships onto |
236s | legion and get rid of the deacon |
240s | and remember once that type once |
243s | pardox has already lost the typhoon |
244s | that's less reptons that can be applied |
246s | to shari or to legion |
249s | joints like mental mass in my head i |
250s | believe the typhoon fleet of bounty ben |
253s | is actually currently tackled away i |
254s | think he's still in range but he's |
256s | pretty close to the edge of his rapid |
257s | heavy range |
258s | they might have to actually like get the |
259s | other one away from him yeah uh typhoon |
261s | ben uh the typhoon of bounty band is |
263s | still definitely within range let's take |
266s | a look back at shari here um shari has |
268s | no |
269s | remote uh rep supporting him being held |
271s | down by a magus and a vengeance uh |
274s | damage drone is now being applied tim |
275s | shari dropped so that's all the logie |
278s | gone for hard knocks i have to like the |
280s | position that you're in if you're |
281s | snuffed out |
282s | and a quick mention well good good |
284s | piloting from the battleships on um |
286s | on snuff's team because they are not |
288s | orbiting with a microphone at zero they |
290s | are getting nearby control spacing and |
292s | just shooting him as hard as they can |
294s | that is how you fly a battleship |
297s | yeah meanwhile we can see that uh behind |
299s | is just being picked apart by some um |
301s | flights of uh small drones he will go |
303s | down eventually but right now legion is |
306s | just being held at zero by those 90 |
309s | vindicator webs and he looks like he's |
311s | going to become 90 percent loot in short |
313s | order as the tempest fluid issue and |
316s | vindicator are just eviscerating him no |
319s | remote bots really |
321s | support him anymore no longer he's going |
323s | to drop rather shortly the hyena drops |
326s | snuff still has their logistics wing |
328s | keeping nuke michael up um just |
331s | better target calling i like the choice |
333s | of the blackbird from hard knocks but |
336s | it got a couple jam cycles but it wasn't |
337s | enough to save the um |
339s | battleship core |
341s | back then honestly i kind of believe |
342s | that the support wing was what won it |
344s | here because these deacons are still |
345s | alive and able to support their tempest |
347s | fleet a typhoon can't do anything and |
349s | that i was honestly like at the start |
351s | i'm actually deacons can't hold ships |
353s | but at the end of a match if they're |
355s | still alive they can absolutely hold a |
357s | ship against a weakened force as this |
358s | type of fleet goes down to no response |
362s | yeah and i mean |
364s | i can't help but feel like you're |
367s | choosing to go with rapid heavies on a |
370s | typhoon fleet issue um it gets the bonus |
372s | to application on cruises you can see |
374s | apple |
375s | application bonus on torpedoes i really |
378s | feel like had hard knocks going for |
380s | either of those two options they would |
382s | have been much better suited |
384s | against the snuffed out |
387s | battleships that they were facing |
389s | once |
390s | those clips ran out alex was able to |
392s | survive and snuff just outraged it as a |
394s | result |
395s | interesting as well is that these tie |
396s | fighters are kind of kitty like they're |
398s | a reason we caught a bakari comp but |
400s | they didn't really have any way of |
401s | staying that way they didn't have any |
403s | real screen besides a single vengeance |
405s | they didn't really have any way of like |
406s | sort of removing opposing screen they |
408s | were kind of just like well we can kite |
410s | but if you catch us we're screwed |
412s | and as you see they've got caught just |
413s | got obliterated they can't do anything |
415s | to stop them |
416s | yeah this was very nearly a mirror match |
419s | in the support we can see both teams |
421s | going again for magus pontifex double |
423s | deacon and vengeance i mean it's a |
426s | pretty |
427s | um standard kind of cookie cutter setup |
430s | but |
431s | it's that for a reason it works it is |
434s | able to keep your ships alive you use |
436s | the vengeances to get on top of whatever |
437s | you want to hit with those relatively |
439s | slow moving battleships in the tempest |
441s | fleet and the vindicator and then once |
443s | you get on top of something you're |
444s | dumping |
445s | well over five nearly 6 000 damage with |
448s | heat and you're going to break things |
450s | and we saw that that happened to hard |
451s | knocks |
453s | yeah i'm loving seeing the old school |
455s | tie fire come back you know it feels |
456s | like we're going back to 1816 here but |
458s | unfortunately it needs to stay in 8016 |
460s | it doesn't have the damage to keep up |
461s | anymore |
464s | yeah i mean this is something that the |
465s | kind of the desk has talked about there |
467s | is |
468s | there is a place for typhoon fleet |
470s | issues but |
471s | they've just gradually kind of been |
473s | pushed out of the scene |
475s | um by ships that just sort of do the |
478s | role |
479s | but better um |
482s | they're just not quite worth it i feel |
484s | in this meta for the full um you know 63 |
488s | points it takes to bring |
490s | those three battleships |
493s | yeah well the blackbird he tried his |
495s | absolute best to be a nuisance but it |
496s | didn't really help unfortunately i think |
498s | he's actually dying slowly |
500s | yeah vengeance is slowly pvp and him up |
502s | there |
503s | never mind not anymore the other guys |
504s | are coming |
506s | yeah you kind of have to laugh at kind |
507s | of the irony of snuffed out of all |
509s | alliances solo pvping you and then you |
512s | know getting solo pvp'ed in a blackbird |
515s | um |
516s | bit of karma for you um that blackbird |
519s | now going down and the typhoon fleet |
521s | issue into fairly low armor um |
525s | well played by snuff i just believe that |
528s | they had a more rounded comp and just |
530s | executed better and that showed in the |
533s | arena um yep well played |
536s | exactly and just let everybody know if |
538s | indicator is the windicator 100 win rate |
540s | always bring it you always win |
542s | as thus proven by this match |
547s | yeah i'm glad that i'm not going to be |
549s | embarrassed uh being in snuffed out at |
551s | least not this round uh they'll manage |
553s | to make themselves um in the round of 32 |
556s | with this victory and with that we'll |
558s | send it back to the studio to break that |
559s | one down for us |