about 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link


Singularity Test Server received a new update, and there are several work in progress changes that will be trickling in throughout the week. We will be communicating on some of them in more detail via news articles, but for now, you can find a quick rundown of some changes expected on Tranquility in the monthly deployment in February (Version 19.01) below:

Fleet Discovery Improvements – a new way to find and create fleets. You can find more information on this in the news article. It is worth mentioning that any existing methods to look for and assemble fleets will continue working as usual for now when this hits live.

New Jump Tunnel Animation – we have been working hard on polishing and optimizing the new jump tunnel animation and are ready to test if everything is working as intended. Please check this forum post for information on how to participate in the Mass Test tomorrow, 26 January at 17:00 UTC.

Home is where the Clone respawns – we want to make it more prominent for Pilots to identify where their home station is in New Eden and make it easier to get items from the Redeem Queue where they need to be:

  • Removed the cost of changing your Home Station
  • Items from the Redeem Queue can now be redeemed directly to your home station – at first, this will only be available as an option on the Character Selection screen, but once it lands on Tranquility next month, you will be able to redeem items from the Redeem Window even when you are in space!
  • Moved the Clone Bay window into the Character Sheet
  • Updated the Home Station icon in the star map
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  • Added a Home Station indicator to the overview

Quality of Life improvements – another batch of little things to make everyone’s time more enjoyable in EVE Online:

  • Added the ability to drag & drop systems, stations & structures from the search result window
  • Made it possible to delete entries from the history of Edit fields – say goodbye to all the mistyped names of ships and items cluttering your history
  • Booster duration is now displayed in human-readable formats
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  • Added information about what is affecting modified attribute for modules to the Info window.
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We are looking forward to seeing your responses, so please join the player discussion below and share your thoughts with fellow Pilots. Further, there are more things in the works from the EVE Development team, so keep your eyes peeled on the website and our Twitter and Facebook social channels to not miss a beat!
