almost 5 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

A technical issue may have resulted with disconnections from the server however it should now be possible to reconnect. We are monitoring the situation to make sure further issues do not occur.

Anyone who lost ships due to disconnections can submit a ticket at under the Game Play Support -> Reimbursement -> Lost Ships category and they will be investigated by our hard working Customer Support team.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

This issue was not DDoS related. From our end it looks as though Tranquility was working fine and the issue may have occurred upstream from us with one of our partners. Our team is investigating the cause right now.

Of course for our players the end result is the same regardless of where the fault occurred. Sorry for the disruption!

almost 5 years ago - ISD_Buldath - Direct link

Three posts merged

almost 5 years ago - ISD_Buldath - Direct link

Please see This Post in regards to most recent connection issues.