almost 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
22s your source of news from Eve online
26s the 6th of May will Mark Eve online's
28s Landmark 20th anniversary with a host of
30s activities celebrations and plenty more
33s to follow for the rest of the year
35s join the festivities and share your
37s favorite stories screenshots moments and
39s memories of Eve using the hashtag
41s eveonline20 as the revelry explodes
44s around you the 20th anniversary capsulea
47s day event has begun in-game and will be
49s running until the 30th of May
51s align with the Guri malikim pirate
53s Cooperative or the Society of conscious
55s thought then take on hacking and combat
57s sites across all security space
60s rewards for completing event sites and
62s challenges include new boosters and
64s glamor X boosters new exclusive
66s capsuleer day XX skins and Gina Lucian
69s implants in addition PVP loot drops will
72s increase to 75 percent
74s making capsuleer day even more
76s unmissable are the daily login rewards
78s with Omega Pilots able to claim over
80s half a million skill points thousands of
82s evermarks and awesome boosters on top of
85s the new metamorphosis soct ship as well
88s as four additional existing soct ships
90s plus more exclusive capsuleer day XX
93s skins including a platinum capsule skin
96s the Mosaic image and video celebrating
98s 20 years of capsules is now live thank
101s you to all who participated and have
103s woven themselves into the fabric of new
105s Eden be sure to check out the exact spot
108s where your contribution to new Eden's
110s storied history can be found
112s the worlds within a world Eve Monument
114s in Reykjavik Iceland is expanding and
117s now you have a unique opportunity to
119s permanently carve your legacy into new
121s Eden's history
122s to have your character's name engraved
124s make sure to have an active Omega
126s account on the 6th of May and your
128s character will be immortalized on the
130s monument if you're already on the
132s monument being an active Omega on the
134s 6th of May will see you additionally
136s honored with a prestigious Titan Chevron
138s icon
140s another unmissable event on the 6th of
142s May will be the firework Extravaganza
144s outside g244 at 1900 UTC
148s the 20th anniversary live stream
150s festivities on CCP TV kick off at 1700
153s with prizes and giveaways CCP helmar
157s will join at 1800 to discuss Eve history
159s and will then undock at 1900 to join the
162s due to firework extravaganza at 2000
165s Specter Fleet will take over the CCP TV
167s channel to celebrate their birthday with
169s their 600th Rome
171s in an update to the progress of the
173s empires in the shadow War event the
175s caldari state has reached 100 in their
178s understanding of Stellar transmuter
180s mechanics caldari loyalist capsules then
182s immediately pivoted to harvesting
184s materials from potvin manufacturing
186s novel construction components and
188s delivering them to State construction
189s facilities thanks to these efforts
192s kaldari forces have successfully online
194s their Interstellar shift Caster in their
196s factional Warfare Capital system of
198s onomon powered by a new Stellar
199s transmitter in Illinois
201s capsule is committed to the Minotaur
203s Amar and galente are advised to step up
206s their efforts in the shadow war in order
207s to close the gap to the kaldari and
209s their progress
210s the first of two major expansions for
213s Eve in 2023 e Viridian will launch in
216s June 2023. Viridian will open even more
219s avenues for players to forge new
221s relationships fly and work together for
223s the glory of their Corp you can start
225s getting excited for structure
227s customization new Tech 2 Capital ships
229s Corp goals and content such as the much
232s anticipated loyalty Point tax with more
234s info to come there have been further
237s developments in the ongoing war in
238s nulsek after massive battles in the pure
241s blind region Imperium and B2 forces
243s ramped up their assault on winterco
245s structures removing multiple keep Stars
248s the remaining winterco keep star in
251s x-47ltac-q finally fell on the 10th of
253s April after several successful defenses
256s the final battle was one of the
257s bloodiest in new Eden with over 3 800
260s ships amounting to a trillion isk
263s destroyed
264s winterco successfully anchored a new
266s keep star in its stead signaling no
268s intention of backing down battle reports
270s from recent skirmishes indicate that
272s Logistics teams on both sides need some
274s time to rebuild
276s be sure to check out the upcoming
277s episode of the scope for more insight
279s into the battles
280s a new EVE Online launcher is ready for
283s testing now
284s the new launcher beta puts your
286s character's front and center offering
288s personalized content and improving
290s security and performance
292s be sure to share your thoughts and
293s feedback on the new launcher while the
295s official Eve online Discord and official
297s Forum thread
299s the alliance tournament is a Showcase of
301s strategy skill and teamwork and sign ups
304s are now open for 1819.
306s the mercenary rule is back again this
308s year allowing single Pilots to loan out
311s their services to teams eager to expand
313s their rosters
314s head to the official Eve online Discord
316s to find a team organize skirmishes or
318s just ask questions this year's meeting
321s minutes for the annual CSM Summit in
323s Reykjavik Iceland are now available for
324s everyone to read
326s this is a great opportunity for all
327s capsules to gain some insight into the
329s discussions and decisions made during
331s the summit Additionally the voting
334s process for csm-18 will start later as
337s the results will be revealed live at Fan
339s Fest in September remember your voice
341s matters in shaping the future of Eve
343s online so be prepared to cast your vote
345s when the time comes
347s they're a brand new 20th anniversary
349s packs in the eve store plus skin and
351s apparel bundles in the new Eden store
353s the elite XX packs are available in the
356s eve store until the 15th of May and
358s provide Omega Plex skill points cerebral
361s accelerators exclusive capsular Elite XX
363s skins and character apparel the new Eden
366s store is offering different skin bundles
368s catering for Tech 1 Tech 2 and 3 and
371s Industrial ships as well as an apparel
373s bundle until the 30th of May furthermore
376s in the spirit of capsuleer day you can
378s get 50 000 skill points for free in the
380s new Eden store until the 9th of May
383s that's all for this episode of the pulse
385s thanks again for joining us check the
387s description below for more information
388s on the stories that we've covered then
389s hit subscribe and the bell icon to stay
392s notified when we post new content see
394s you next time
397s foreign