almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

22s welcome back once again to the pulse in
23s the heart of g24 your source of news
25s from eve online it's been a month since
28s fan fest 2022 gave us the parties
30s adventures news stories announcements
32s and insights about coming changes that
34s will make eve even better powering it
36s towards its third decade
38s check out the links below for details of
39s the new factional warfare system changes
41s to structures the return of expansions
43s in involved form ship and structure
45s customization with the all-new heraldry
47s system the role of new interbus credits
50s significant visual enhancements and
51s quality of life improvements ambitious
53s plans for multi-year narrative arcs and
55s plenty more the full list of candidates
58s for the upcoming council of stellar
59s management 17 has been revealed a total
62s of 45 applicants from a variety of
64s regions and playstyles have already
66s started campaigning for your vote with
68s the voting period running from the 7th
69s to the 14th of june to learn more
72s detailed information about each
73s candidate check out the eve online
75s forums for each candidate's campaign
77s thread and brief interviews live on
79s ccptv and of course don't forget to vote
82s there will also be daily login rewards
84s between the 7th and the 14th of june to
86s celebrate the csm17 elections including
88s a new semiotique sports skin for the
90s council diplomatic shuttle skill points
93s boosters and more in addition there will
95s be temporary csm election voter
98s information station landmark sites
100s spread around highsec during the
102s election with information about the
103s election and candidates
105s the anger games a player run pvp
107s tournament returned for its fifth
109s installment last weekend this 32 team
112s 7v7 tournament pits some of the most
114s talented pvpers in new eden against one
116s another with an inventive rule set tune
119s in live to ccp tv on june 4th 5th 11th
123s and the 12th to watch your favorite
125s teams and win prizes by predicting match
127s outcomes or pick up some tips and tricks
129s that you and your alliance can employ in
131s this year's alliance tournament
133s to celebrate the play around anger games
135s tournament there will be four different
136s 24-hour abyssal proving ground events
139s spread across the next two weekends
141s enjoy intense pvp action with 1v1
144s cruisers on the 4th of june 2v2 cruisers
146s and assault frigates on the 5th of june
148s affordable 2v2 corvettes on the 11th of
151s june and the return of 1v1 battleships
153s on the 12th of june keep your eyes on
155s the singularity test server for a look
157s at compact mode for select windows in
159s the photon ui and a visual update to
161s career agent dungeons in addition there
163s will be an overhaul of the enforcer
165s career agents conversation window and
167s the introduction of visual guidance with
169s tooltips and highlights
171s until the 13th of june you can get free
173s skins with select plex purchases
175s depending on whether you purchase 500
177s 1000 or 1500 plex you'll get free
180s emperor bear skins for the gila tengu
182s and sleipnir that's all for this episode
184s of the pulse thank you again for joining
186s us check the description below for more
188s information on the stories that we've
189s covered and hit subscribe and the bell
191s icon to stay notified of any new videos
193s that we post see you next time
205s you
almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

This week's episode contains details on the following:    
00:00 - Intro
00:26 - Fanfest 2022
00:56 - CSM 17
01:45 - Anger Games 5
02:13 - Abyssal Proving Grounds
02:34 - Career agent dungeon update
02:50 - Free SKINs with PLEX
03:03 - Outro

Fanfest’s Glorious Catch-up []
CSM 17[]
CSM campaign threads[]
Anger Games 5 []
Abyssal proving Grounds[]