almost 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s I've always loved sci-fi
4s and the idea of being right on the edge of discovery
7s and the frontiers of space
10s and doing exploration in EVE allows me to do all of that stuff.
15s You get to use cloaking devices,
17s probes to scan down unknown parts of space.
22s You get to go to places in space,
24s which are dangerous and unknown
26s and discover valuable ancient relics from
29s long, dead civilizations.
33s You could even go into wormholes
35s which take you into unknown parts of space.
40s You could see a pulsar or a magnetar putting out waves,
44s furious black hole with a massive glowing red event horizon around it
49s And it really reminds you of where you are in space and how far away you are
54s from the recognizable surroundings of your, of your home system.
58s It's an incredible feeling.
60s and you just feel like you're living on the edge of space, right on the frontier.
66s And there's always the threat of being discovered by another player.
70s who might be out hunting explorers
73s and even if you do get discovered,
75s even if you are spotted
77s that feeling of achievement and the feeling of narrowly
79s missing a sticky end is unbelievable.
83s That threat is what makes it a challenge.
89s A lot of what I have done in EVE is just following content that presents itself
93s because of what I've chosen to do.
97s It's all part of exploration,
100s it’s not knowing what kind of profession it’s going to lead me to
104s or what kind of activity it’s going to inspire me to follow.
108s It's perfect, to give you a taste of what EVE’s got to offer.
113s Explore the wonders of EVE Online
116s Play free now